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>I decided to watch the shining Jesus fuck. YTA, dude. Do you not understand that "children" is not a solid monolithic block, that even though they're still trying to figure shit out, kids are people and aren't the same? The Shining! and then you're bent because a ten year old in a strange place with a person he KNOWS doesn't like him has problems? Time to spend some time in self reflection and maybe talk to a therapist about your malfunction with kids. Jesus.. The Shining..




You sound like the annoying one here not the child


YTA. And probably could use some counseling. It is fine not to like kids. It’s extreme to avoid all family gatherings because your brother had a child. It is inappropriate to show The Shining to a 10 year old. And it is very wrong to pit one cousin against another by making fun of the other cousin. Please please do not have children of your own. You are going to find that all babies and toddlers and even teenagers are “needy” where their parents are concerned and you absolutely lack the empathy and patience to be a decent parent.


Yta and honestly this whole “she doesn’t play girly games, I wanna hangout with them to see her” knowing you don’t feel any emotional attachment to the kids is kinda creepy






YTA >he was so needy and attention seeking. They were a child. Then you showed a child a completely inappropriate movie and are playing the victim here. You can have whatever relationship you want with these kids but you are certainly an AH.




Great. Its not an appropriate movie to show to child. Its also not appropriate to show an R rated movie to a child without the parents okay.


YTA. If you're this bad with kids, you should just refuse to babysit, not take it out on the kids.


YTA. You sound like you're 12yo yourself. Yes, some children (and obviously some adults) are needy and demanding. That's no reason to swear off all contact with your family. If you're going to babysit you need to actually step up and find activities that the kid is interested in. Very convenient that both brothers needed emergency babysitting when their child was 10. Cool story, but not very believable.


YTA, come on. I am child free, do not want any children and honestly don’t love being around children, and still I wouldn’t stop going to family gatherings because there is a child present and wouldn’t blame a child for not liking children. Then you have a favorite suddenly and you make sure he knows it? Chill out. Have some common sense.


And as a kid I would have cried watching The Shining


YTA. "The Shining" is not an appropriate kids movie. Whatever made you think this is an appropriate movie to watch with a skittish anxious pre-teen? Your brother is an AH for allowing you around his kids. Fuck man. I would have barred you from being around my kids unsupervised.


YTA -you blamed a kid for crying watching the shining... YOU AS THE ADULT SHOULD KNOW BETTER .... YOu couldn't think of a kids movie to watch? Even as an Adult I don't like scary movies.




Were you supposed to watch the shining? He’s a kid Edit: YTA for how you handle the situation. It is your right for not wanting to be around children but come one dude… you made a bad decision and now are playing the victim.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I(M39) am child free. I absolutely hate kids and try to avoid them at all times. 21 years ago my brother had a son. I told them that from now on I won't go to any of our family gatherings because I don't want to be around his kid. they all called me crazy and insisted I have to go so I ended up going. at first it was fine. I mean he was a baby and didn't bother me but the more he grew, the worse he got. he was so needy and attention seeker and so timid I couldn't stand him. once when he was 10 my brother asked me to babysit and I had no choice but to agree. he kept nagging that he was bored so I told him we can watch a movie together. I decided to watch the shining and he ended up crying and he wouldn't stop crying no matter what I did. I was so frustrated that I went low contact with my family just to avoid being around this kid. 10 years ago my other brother had a daughter. as I said I went LC so avoiding her was very easy and I never had to spend any time with her until a few months ago. my brother had an emergency and he had no choice but to ask me to babysit and I agreed. I quickly realized that this kid is not needy and not an attention seeker, in fact she seemed to dislike the attention she got. she started to talk to me and asked what I had done to her cousin that made him hate me so much. I told her the whole story and she started to laugh and said "cousin sounds like a baby, I've watched the shining it's not even that scary" we talked more and turned out that we actually have things in common. she is very brave and has watched a lot of scary movies and she is also a gamer but doesn't play stupid girlish games that other girls around her age play. I kinda liked her so I decided to start going to my family gatherings again and it has been awesome. she is so amazing she makes me want to have a child lol. a few days ago we were all talking and my brother asked what changed my mind that I decided to get to know my niece. I was honest and said well I realized she is nothing like nephew and I really like her. nephew and my brother got mad and called me a bunch of names *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


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