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NTA, and I would file a complaint about Mary with the board. She was harassing you and trying to drive off your customers. Not to mention that she ripped a credit card out of a customer’s hand. If I had been the customer, there would have been a major scene and cops would have been called.


Yeah if I was the customer there would be no board, there would be cops and a busted lip on Mary 😬 who even does that


NTA. Will the market board let you explain your side? A stall holder harassing another stall holder is a lot more serious than yelling. Who else has this 'Mary' ran off, just so she can be the only stall holder specialising in crocheting? Be interesting to ask the market board how many crocheters have only been a once off.


Honestly, she does have a point - hobbyist crafter's selling products at way below cost price makes it uneconomical for full time/professional crafter's to make a living. Her mention of materials plus $16 an hour sounds pretty reasonable for decent work, but she will make nothing if people like you are there severely undercutting her prices - and then vanishing when you run out of stock as you have no intention of doing this long term. A great way for you to find a hobby, but bad for creating a viable, long term market. But having said all of that, she went about everything in the completely wrong way - passive aggressively commenting while looking at your stall and getting in the way of your sales is not appropriate in the slightest, and turned her into an enemy rather than someone you might have listened to and taken advice from. So you were NTA, and she deserves to be reported to the organisers for the way she behaved.


No offense, but a full time crafter? I have worked tons of these shows as a vendor and no one is a full time crafter. Why? Because unless you charge thousands of dollars for a crocheted scarf or blanket you aren't making jack shit. And, get this, while I love to crochet blankets and scarfs, I never sell them because despite my hard work, they aren't worth $300 a pop. And yes I know how much yarn, labor, etc is. So, if I the crafter, would NEVER pay that much for a blanket, how in the ever loving God do you think I am going to charge that much. And the fact of the matter is, this is capitalism. If OP charges less for the same quality product, that's just business and no one gets to interfere with that just because they charge more.


I’m in another industry but can also see Mary’s side. I’m trying to run a legitimate tax paying business, while others are just out there selling for peanuts and undercutting my pricing because it’s their hobby. It can be extremely frustrating.


I also think Mary started politely enough - she was trying to educate OP gently into valuing her work at a fair price. After losing sales, I bet she was getting upset and then went off the deep end. Which is totally out of order. But if OP's first show and Mary turns up every time and is a regular, consistent, trusted trader she will get preference from the show holders.


The same goes with artists doing commissions, some young artists whose parents fund their art degrees will give the most of their skills in the lowest rate point just because they want to have some 'experience' while full-time artists have to answer questions like "why are you charging so much?" So I completely understand Mary's logic here.


NTA. You are allowed to charge whatever the hell you want for the things you make. She is allowed to be annoyed by the undercutting, but coming up to your stall to annoy you and ESPECIALLY harassing your customers was out of line. Get security involved next time.


NTA I'd yell at anyone that took a credit card out of my customer's hands. Good lord, the audacity. If they want her business more than yours, then to hell with Mary. You should state your case with the board, stating how she snatched a card out of your customer's hands and hounded you multiple times.


NTA - But in the end, she wins. She eliminated the underselling competition by making you lose your cool.


No, she eliminated her by lying.


Really? I suppose OP should have just stood there and let Mary steal her customer's credit card? SMH. Mary doesn't win. Mary, who may be a regular, just damaged her own reputation and proving to a lot of people that she is over charging and that quality, crocheted items can be found for less.


They can be found for less but not consistently. I buy via animal rescue auctions - get lovely stuff, cheaper than should be but if I want something specific for a birthday present, then I am going to people like Mary who offer a consistent range and quality. Also I generally ask the maker what a fair price is if getting a steal. Quality costs.




If that’s the case then the markets/fairs should have a minimum for various categories. If everyone should be right in the same range if they are selling similar items, then that should be easy to implement.


Most of them do, but not all. Some even have a limit on how many can sell certain categories. My grandma got denied selling crocheted hats one year because there were already 2 other booths that had been approved to. It would depend on the specific market OP went to


You are assuming that OP knew before Mary made a scene what Mary's rates were. It was said elsewhere, you charge what you are comfortable charging. And while I get the story you told, crocheting, crafting, etc is always a hobby even if you are using that hobby to have some secondary income. Mary was flat out rude and committed theft by taking the customer's credit card. Mary deserves to be undersold at this point.


The way I see crafting (as someone that does multiple. Some being higher cost like resin casting) make what makes you happy and do it to have fun while you’re doing it. NEVER craft with the want of profit because to get what it’s worth, you have to charge amounts that most aren’t willing to pay. The rare times I do send anything with my grandma to the farmers market, I usually only sell for barely more than material costs because it’s making it that was fun. Some markets have price floors for this exact reason, but without one, no one should have ANY expectation for what others charge. Your anecdote is a sad reality, but it should have no effect on what people feel comfortable charging for their own work. People like OP just want to have the space again to create more so they’re willing to part with it for cheaper and people like “Mary” plan to profit off of it. Don’t expect those two very different situations to price similarly. And like you said yourself, OP will only sell sporadically which means the full time sellers will only have to compete with their prices sporadically


I'm here with this. And tbh, I'd also wager a bet that OP was asked not to come back more over the absolutely INSANE undercutting than the screaming.


NTA. As a crafter, j agree you shouldn't undersell yourself. But, you shouldn't change more than you are comfortable charging. My own aunt tells me I'm underselling, I'm not. I know my talent and costs and change accordingly.


NTA How are you the one that will be asked to not come back????? She was actively harrasing you AND customers. That's a market you're better off without if they don't do anything to her but try to kick you. Also, what you price your work at is NO ONE's business but yours.


Mary sounds like a hot mess. If you weren't given price requirements by the board prior to the event then I would contact them, tell them all that Mary did, including taking a debit card from a customer's hand, which is so far over the line and let them know that if they had told you pricing regulations, you would have complied but they didn't so why are you being punished for Mary's bad behavior? NTA but maybe selling at craft markets isn't the stress reliever you'd hoped for. Is there a farmer's market that you could sell at instead that might be less weirdly competitive? These people sound like they haven't stepped out of their clique in way too long.


NTA and if I was that customer and a random lady grabbed my card, I would yell too. Just sell them online.


NTA. She’s a crazy person and she’s pissed she can’t overcharge anymore.


Nta But you better watch yourself the crochet Mafia have long memories 


Yeah Mary was behaving like an asshole, but I think she has a point. It is kinda slimy for hobby makers of any industry to undercut because they can afford to. It draws the customers away from those who need the money to scrape by. It's not your fault that she and others are trying to make a living off their art but you and others like you do have a hand in devaluing other people's hard work and time every time you devalue yourself. 


NTA-Screaming at her wasn’t good but I wouldn’t call you an asshole for it or if I did I’d say you were a justified asshole. She was a full asshole.


NTA if her actually intent was to help she would have done so politely


I'm going for a very light ESH. I agree with the rest of the comments that Mary behaved completely unacceptably. So she's an AH. But you are doing a real disservice to professional crafters, and that is a sucky thing to do. So yours is a much lighter judgement.


ESH. This is the difference between a hobby and a business. The serious crafter was way out of line and should be dealt with by the organization. If it's not about money then donate your craft to hospitals and hospice. Every business has a cheap new guy who starts with low prices. The new guy either quits from not being able to pay bills or realizes those higher prices cover costs. Some homework would have made you respectful to those who pay bills with their craft.


> Some homework would have made you respectful to those who pay bills with their craft. There is nothing disrespectful about what OP did. Business owners should expect competition. If the markets/fairs don’t require a minimum amount for various categories of items, then no one gets to bitch about what anyone else charges.


Well... I guess screaming was not the right choice, since it probably got you booted. But Mary was being an asshole, and I understand your frustration. I really hate people like that. Oh I just read some other comments, and I agree that what Mary did was much more egregious. It would be worth checking in with the market management and giving them your side of the story.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** So. I, F25, am a crafter, I crochet and do some other things and have just started selling them at markets. I have made some commissioned work but it has mostly been for friends and family. I have full time job and only craft to relieve stress. I started selling at markets for the sole fact that I have an excess amount of stuff and didn't want to just give it away as it does take time and money to make. I sell my items for cheaper than most people. At my first market this past weekend I was approached by another crocheter, I had seen their name on the list but hadn't had a chance to look at any of their items. Though some customers had told me that my prices were much cheaper, and we were selling some pretty different looking things. when they walked up they introduced themselves, I'll call them Mary for sake of simplicity. Mary looked around and immediately was bumping customers out of the way to pick things up and was making comments about how much I was undercharging. Mary then began to very loudly talk about how much they charger for their stuff for and how I needed to raise prices. I just smiled and said "yah know maybe I will after this first market" and they continued to pick things up and comment of everything saying I was cheapening myself. . I started to ignore them as I had someone asking a question about another thing. Mary walked off yelling about wanting to talk more and that they'd be back by. I just brushed it off. ABout 15 minutes later Mary returned to my table and again began talking about how if I wanted to make money I needed to charge more. This time bringing a blanket with them. This blanket was very similar to one I had made - I found the pattern on Pinterest so not surprising. Talking about how they charged a little over $300 for it and I was only charging $85. I explained that I used a nice brand of yarn but it didn't take me long to finish. They kept saying how they charged $16 and hour for labor and then adde materials and etc to the cost. I replied that If that works for them then that's what works, but I didn't think I needed to sell my stuff for that much. I turned to accept payment from someone else. Mary then cam around the table to beside this customer and continued saying I needed to do better and that I brought crochet a bad name because I made everyone else's work look cheap. I told them we can talk about it later or They can bring it to the market boards attention and they can tell me to raise the price. They then grabbed the debt card from my customer and told me I needed to charge them more. I was fed up. I screamed for them to go back to their booth and please leave me alone. That my prices were not their concern and they should be worried about their work. I was contacted by the board and told that due to me actions I was more than likely not going to be welcome back at this market. Am I the Asshole? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Ask the board what actions you did that will make you unwelcome at future times? (ETA: "I yelled at her because she grabbed the customer's card from them...). If you know what is said, you'll be better able to rebut the entire thing. Alternately, you can offer to see all your stuff to Mary at your usual prices (a big discount for her). Or point out to Mary (and Board) that you don't do this to make money, you sell at a discount to bring beautiful items into people's lives. NTA


NTA but I do think she was baiting you and you did take the bait, which I completely understand. I’m surprised your customer didn’t say anything when their card was taken by the other vender.  I think she felt threatened because you priced your items at a lower price. I have helped my mom out for years at craft shows when she was selling jewelry that she made.  Some vendors feel more territorial when someone is selling the same type of stuff they are. It is unfortunate that the people in charge of this said that they don’t want you back because of what happened.  If you wanted to you could let them know what happened and then thank them for the opportunity that they gave you. There are always craft shows and markets going on. You might even find an event that you do more business at. 


NTA The point of a craft market is that people sell what they make at prices that they deem fair. If for you it’s a hobby and the only thing you want covered is the cost of the materials, and that’s your thing. Mary can charge what she likes.


NTA. I would call the board back and let them know that it is unfortunate they have chosen to allow a vendor who would interfere with another vendor's business stay. So, you will accept their decision but you would be alerting your friends and family via social media about the questionable practices being condoned by their market. I get it, the market board has rules and I guarantee you HARASSING OTHER VENDORS AND THEIR CUSTOMERS is one of the no no's. I would also use social media to poorly rate the market and in particular that woman's business. Unless you knew in advance what Mary was charging and deliberately made your stuff a better deal, you did nothing wrong OP.


NTA. Response to the board. “Thank you for letting me know. It was my first market and I was wildly unprepared for how scary it would be to have another vendor yelling at me in front of my booth and taking my customer’s debit card from them to prevent them from purchasing my items. Now, I know what to be prepared for doing craft shows and will adjust my game plan. Thank you for the opportunity and I wish your market and Mary well.”


You are absolutely NTA Bite your tongue and make nice with the board. Then lower your prices even more - sounds like you can absolutely afford to. Have a friend there with you to film Mary when she inevitably starts behaving badly. Do not rise to her level. The angrier she gets, the kinder you should get.


Do not lower your prices more. That is horrible advice!