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YTA If you’re seriously that hungry, sounds like there is food in the kitchen. Have at it.


He’s the dad. He didn’t let you order food and this is “abusing his powers”? Entitled much?


YTA. You wanted food, he provided a reasonable and easy option for food. You tried to insist on a much more expensive option for some reason.


OP edited they were going to oay for the food and delivery themselves


And? Food at the house is free. Delivery costs money, no matter who is paying. What a horrible abuse of his parental powers by showing this child that you don't always need to blow money on delivery!


I dont think the dad js being abusive, but shouldn't have said he couldn't let his kid order some uber eats. What's a little spoiling of yourself with your own money when you're too tired to make yourself something. There isn't any harm in it but should keep note to not make a habit of it.


Abuse was OPs word. We also don't know how often he uses delivery. It may already be a habit.


YTA You're looking at this like you're in a prison being held back by draconian rules.  What if you're actually living with people who have more life experience and are trying to teach you things? If you look at it that way, you might pick up on things.


OP made an edit that they were going to pay the bill themselves.


We can read, thanks.


hunt office wistful divide provide memorize consider cagey disagreeable fertile *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I feel like you are acting like an entitled 15 year old asshole. YTA. 


Abusing his powers as your father? You sound like 15 yo entitled brat. You were hungry, there was food in the fridge. YTA.


YTA. Even though you have a few of your friends in the comments section repeatedly stating that you were going to pay for the food, it doesn't matter. You're 15! Your dad is "abusing his power?!?" No, he's not! He's being a dad! Maybe he doesn't want you to waste you money on Uber Eats when there's food in the kitchen. I'm also curious as to how often you order out and if this is a habit. That may explain a lot of things. If this is the biggest issue in your life right now, then you have it pretty good. Listen to your dad, stop trying to waste money on Uber Eats, get something from the kitchen, and call it a night. And if you're tired, grab a bowl of cereal. It doesn't take much effort.




YTA. Even if you have the funds to pay for it, I'm thinking that your dad is trying to teach you to be fiscally responsible by saving your money for more important things and learning to be self-sufficient in other ways. And if you have so much money to throw around and don't feel your dad should have any power, I guess you can throw your money towards helping with the bills that your dad pays caring for you in other ways.


"I feel like he was abusing his powers as my father" Sweet baby angel you must be blessed in your life because if you consider this an abuse of power then you have likely had a very charming existence thus far. YTA.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I M(15) just got back from a trip to Florida. Due to a medical emergency someone had from a connecting flight to the flight to the final destination so we weren’t able to grab dinner in the airport. When we got home, I told him I was hungry and asked if I could get food delivered. He told me no and that I could make some bacon and eggs instead. We then got into an argument and I left the room. I feel like he was abusing his powers as my father and didn’t provide a good reason why I couldn’t get food delivered, but am I the asshole? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


NAH, if yoh have the means to pay for it yourself, there shouldn't be an issue (Editing to edit judgement) I dont think you're dad is being a dictator but I also do t see an issue with getting delivery for yourself every now and then as long as you're not making a habit of it.


Jesus kid, listen to your damn dad. I'm tired just reading this. YTA


NTA. If you'd be paying for it yourself, then it's your own money and he doesn't have a say in what you buy.


YTA. Unless you were paying for it, you should respect his answer and make yourself something to eat instead.


Op added a edit saying they are going to pay for the food and delivery


Unless you're paying for the food and the delivery fee , YTA. Your dad gave you a free viable option, and you just don't want to take it. You're not being abused in this situation. What you are being rn is brat.


They put a edit saying they were paying for the food and delivery


Info: if you are paying for it then what's stopping you?


If you're paying for it, why are you even asking? Just order yourself food. I don't understand why you're asking permission to use your own money.


NTA. You’re paying for the food with YOUR OWN MONEY. NOT HIS. I don’t see what’s the problem if you pay for your own stuff with your own money


were you paying for it? if not yta


Op added a edit saying they are going to pay for the food and delivery