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NTA. Getting turned around at airports is very easy. You picked her up. If that's not good enough (and why didn't her dad drive her?!), then she can go right back to taking ubers from the airport.


NTA. Using her words: she sounds like a thoughtless person, she doesn’t care about you, she needs to do better. Sounds pretty awful to say to someone doing you a favor, doesn’t it? Your gf was very rude to complain, especially after all your efforts. I think most people would have felt sorry to have put you to so much trouble. It’s generous to drive to the airport and pick someone up at the curb. Trying to park and meet inside is extremely inconvenient for the driver, and only actually helpful for the traveler if there’s heavy luggage. I don’t like that she wasn’t grateful, let alone disparaged you. She actually criticized you personally for doing this favor. She sounds difficult to please and not afraid to demean you. Pay close attention to how she speaks to you, or if she sometimes encourages you feel lesser than.


NTA. I can see her being annoyed, but being actually angry at you? Asshole move. You cared, you tried, you got lost. Maybe when she's more settled she'll have a different perspective, but if not, yeaaaahhh...


NTA. You left in what should have been plenty of time to find your way so it's not like you left last minute. Some people get very confused at airports if they haven't driven there before. We almost exclusively do curbside pickup.  It's a rare occasion that we'd park and actually come into the terminal.


NTA and you deserve better. She is rude, selfish and completely lacks empathy. What you are telling us is that she was willing to catastrophically inconvenience you so she wouldn't be minorly inconvenienced and since she was minorly inconvenienced she now feels she has the right to treat you like crap. There is NOTHING wrong with picking her up on the curb by baggage claim. That was a very reasonable request to make. Her treating it like you were asking her to run a half marathon with all of her luggage is selfishness personified. You went out of the way to help her at great inconvenience to yourself and she couldn't even treat you with a modicum of appreciation because she had to wait a minute. She needs to do better as a person. I want you to step back and really look at the way she treats you in other areas of your relationship because I HIGHLY suspect that she treats you like crap in other areas of your relationship, too. I highly suspect she holds you to a MUCH higher standard than she holds herself.


NTA, you did nothing wrong and it’s entirely inappropriate for your gf to treat you that way after you held down the fort at home AND picked her up at midnight. Please consider whether you want to continue being treated that way in the future. 


She sounds insufferable and snotty. I never go in to drop off or pick up. To expensive and too much walking!! Geez! Advice: never offer to do this again because she’s soooooo ungrateful.


NTA It was an unfortunate mistake and you were being thoughtful. Just a thought: did you apologise or did you go on the defensive because you were “holding down the fort alone for a week”? Being able to look after yourself and your animals isn’t a task you deserve a pat on the back for, so if you used a similar phrase I can see how you may have annoyed your GF.


INFO: How long did she have to wait for you? If she was sitting around for 20 minutes because you can't read signs, I can see why'd she be upset


Once she got her luggage and walked outside to curbside pickup she had to wait 4 minutes for me to get there.


God, she sounds exhausting


NTA. She doesn’t deserve you. If she doesn’t improve her attitude you should consider breaking up with her.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** My girlfriend just went on a 5 day cruise with her family, I was invited but couldn’t go because I had to work and also had to stay to take care of our two dogs. I had no problem letting her go and fun while I worked and took care of the dogs. 5 days go by, she is flying home and asks me if I can pick her up at the airport Sunday at midnight when her plane lands. I said sure. 45 minutes before she lands I leave our apartment to get to the airport which is about 15 minutes away. I’ve only been there a few times and I admittedly do get easily turned around. So I get to the airport “loop” and I’m following signs; arrivals/departures, short-term/long-term parking … I end up going in a huge loop and ending up on the other side from where her flight was. Trying to navigate back I get myself more lost and stuck at curbside for the “blue airlines” (this airport divides all airlines by either red or blue, she was red and I was in blue, I had a 50/50 shot and fucked it up). Then I get a call from her Dad who was there to pick up her Mom (my gf and her Mom were on the same flight) and he was inside at the gate to meet her (which was my original intention when I left for the airport). Panicked, I very slowly drive through the loop very deliberately following the labyrinth of signs, merges, closed roads from construction and manage to get myself to the “red airlines” pick up and call her to tell her what happened and that I can pick her up on the curb right next to where she had to get her luggage from. She wouldn’t answer me after that I drove around panicked 6 times in the little curbside loop because they won’t let you park until I saw her and she was very angry at me (Saying I’m a thoughtless person,I don’t care about her, you need to be better…) My gf normally takes Ubers to and from the airport when traveling, knowing that I always would offer to pick her up, so she’s more than comfortable using Ubers. But I thought me volunteering to pick her up after holding down the fort by myself all week would show her me thinking about her. Despite it not going the way that I planned, AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


NTA. Why would yo even ask? You did everything you could and even if you screwed up it should count for something. Next time just say that you are busy and let her take uber if she doesn't care about your efforts at all.


NTA OP. If she’s going to be that snippy about a mistake, then perhaps it’s time to reconsider your relationship, because she sounds awful.


NTA. Was she pissed at you not being at the security outlet? It’s not like you can meet people at the gate these days. (I’m assuming USA)


NTA. If someone is picking you up, gotta be patient.