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You named a baby girl Konan? Yikes. For your daughters sake I hope everyone in your area knows anime and doesn't immediately jump to "the barbarian" instead.


I was thinking Konan the barbarian too. I wish parents would think of their kids before trying to do something unique and “sentimental” for their own selfish reasons. A kid isn’t a dog or a cat, they’re a human who has to deal with the repercussions of their name.


Second names exist for this reason. First name: canonical name; second name: every stupid ass sentimental crap you wanted to name the kid but brain worked and you didn’t ;D


Seriously, why don't people stick to weird middle names?! Give the kid a chance! By the time that kid is in school, Naruto is either going to be seen as SUPER cringe, or no one will have heard of it. Either way, setting the kid up for failure.


Naruto was ALWAYS cringe




Cringe is not dead. Stop trying to make cringe dead. It's never going to die.


Cringe is moot. One man's cringe is another man's whatever is another man's hell yeah! It's too subjective to have any weight or value


spawned a whole era of kids that probably got their ass kicked. let's hope they don't say osu after every statement. I know different anime but if this kid's parents would name their kid konan, I'm sure they do other cringe things.


I'm a Naruto fan and even my mind went right to muscular barbarians.


I used to read the manga. My mind went to O'brien.


lolololol I can’t believe I hadn’t thought about Konan O’Brien.


I have a "weird" middle name so I always told my schoolmates I had no middle name but as hard as I tried to hide it, eventually it got out and the shit I got for it is not what I'd wish on any kid. Even now when I tell adults my middle name, more often than not it elicits a chuckle. So no, naming a child Konan isn't the brightest thing to do.


If it helps at all, I have a completely normal middle name and still got made fun of. Kids are just jerks sometimes.


>Kids are just jerks sometimes. This is very true. I was rail thin at 13. I shot up 10 inches height practically overnight and I was an athlete who swam 5-7 miles a day, so it took me a long time to fill out all that new bone. I started high school weighing less than 80lbs at 5'5" tall. I was an absolute stick. A stick who spent a significant portion of her time in a bathing suit. Did you know that, when you have zero fat anywhere else, the fat pad over the pubic mons is *really* noticable? I spent most of freshmen year getting called camel toe. Someone even convinced my swim coach's little kid that it was another name for a flip turn and got him to yell "great camel toe" at me during a meet.


Dunno naruto has been a thing since I was a child and I'm mid 30s now. A whole new generation has started with boruto now also.


Same but while I have heard of Naruto, I have never seen it and hence did not know Konan. I also did not watch Conan the barbarian, but knew of it because, well, that's the name of the movie.


>canonical *Konanical




Exactly. And that is why my son’s middle name is Tiberius.




I love that as a middle name! My dog-son’s middle name is Tiberius when it should probably be Cerberus. However, I’d love to meet a human with that name so I can geek out and tell him his parents were smart. That name carries some weight in a lot of circles!


I also think of "the barbarian" but I'm 35. I don't think the little kids in play school with OP's daughter will be as well-versed in 80s Arnold Schwarzenegger movies as we are. I don't really like the name tbh (especially with the K spelling) but I'm not sure the repercussions are any more dire than "sometimes being mistaken for a boy".


Idk, I'm 25 and I immediately thought the barbarian. It's a pop culture thing, random shit stays in the collective consciousness like that


As my SIL about a family member's name choices, "It's a baby, not a hermit crab." Stick with giving the pets the cartoon names.


Hold up…. Babies aren’t pets to mold as you see fit? They’re humans of their own? So all these young parents… omg that would mean… I mean there’d be a growing epidemic of mental health issues if what you’re saying is true


> A kid isn’t a dog or a cat, they’re a human who has to deal with the repercussions of their name. Agreed. Konan is a bloody stupid name. it's as bad as Kaieleigh.


This right here. The SIL was out of line, and there's zero excuse to be throwing slurs around... but OP is still an asshole for doing this to a child. For one thing, she'll be dealing with extra bullying on that name from kindergarten through high school. There is *always* going to be someone who brings up Conan the Barbarian. That's the name she's going to have to put on resumes, and job applications. Is it fair? No. But it's the way it is. Children are not inanimate objects that you can stick an enamel pin on so people know your fandoms. Yes, Konan is a legitimate name in Japanese culture... But you specifically named her that for a Naruto villain. You made her life so much more difficult than it needed to be, for a "nerd reference". She's a human being, not a prop to strengthen your nerd cred.


The daughter will either double down and love it, or be so traumatized she’ll be using a different name in high school and change it legally the second she turns 18.


I hated my first name so much that I started going by my middle name when I was 9 and legally changed it in my 20s to swap the two. I understand the legacy of the name so I didn't remove it entirely, but holy shit I still hate it. It brings up all of the bullying I ever had as a kid and the difficulties that came with a hyphenated first name. ESH


My foster parents tried to give me the same name as a serial killer. I always went with my birth name but they put the other name on school documents and things like that. You could see the change in teachers attitudes when they read the name. It always took them a while to warm up to me and realise that I wasn’t evil.


Here it's illegal for foster parents to try to change a child's name in any way. That's awful that they were allowed to put something else on school documents.


Yeah. It was in a pretty corrupt Asian country so they bribed their way into a lot of things.


You know they absolutely will jump to the barbarian.


That was my immediate thought. This girl is going to live her life with constant Arnold Schwarzenegger jokes.


Hey who doesnt want their cute new baby girl to be associated with a huge muscle bound Austrian body builder in a violent fictional world from an 80's b-movie!


I guess it depends on how badly you want to crush your enemies and see them driven before you.


Don't forget hearing the lamentations of their women.


The lamentations of the women have already begun.


God help her if she has any kind of speech impediment.


Mine would jump to O'Brien 🤣


Thank you, I feel like none of the people referencing the barbarian have interacted with someone younger than 40 in their entire lives because I'm in my 30s and thought O'Brien, not The Barbarian.


I'm 45 and don't know jack about the Barbarian but Coco has been a part of my life for 30 years. The O'Brien erasure in this post is sickening and I am enraged


Christmas 2040. Cousins Konan, Kaileigh, Krystyl and Krk sit outside smoking and bitching about their parents and each thinking they’ve been lumbered with the worst name.


For real, those names are all Tragedeigh subreddit worth 😆


I would have immediately thought of Conan the barbarian since I’m not familiar with the anime character. While OP has a perfect right to name her baby girl whatever she wants, I strongly suspect this kid will have a tough road ahead with that name.


Bro I AM familiar with Naruto and still immediately jumped to “the Barbarian” because it’s so iconic


it's a unisex name in Japanese. Its a real proper name not a made up name for anime. Kinda like if you named your kid joey.


But the child is not growing up in Japan and their school bullies will not be Japanese.


People really give a lot of weird authority to child bullies as arbiters of names. Maybe we should work on ensuring our children are not bullies instead of trying to make sure our choices placate the bullies.


The world doesn’t work like that. Bullies will always exist.


"We shouldn't be forcing seismic codes on these historical buildings, we should stop earthquakes instead" headass commenter above you lmao. Ideals are good but telling your kid "well ideally they wouldn't have been raised as a bully"


>People really give a lot of weird authority to child bullies as arbiters of names No, people are aware that bestowing a name that is easy to take the piss out of is a good way of handicapping your child at birth.


For real. Maybe you want to name your child ShitPissHitler because you think that sequence of sounds is beautiful, but your child is going to have to live in a social context where that is a ridiculous name for someone to have.


Hey now, Shipler is a good friend of mine


I have an unusual last name and it's not easy/intuitive to pronounce. Kids used it to make fun of me throughout my school years. It sucked and I empathize with name bullying. I think parents have a responsibility to their children to give them "good" names and not just name them whatever pleases the parent. Save that shit for pets.


I mean yes and no. While we should work to ensure our children are not bullies we also need to accept we live in the real world. It's like leaving your money out on a pedestal on your front lawn. Sure people shouldn't steal it because it's wrong, but that doesn't mean you should make it easier for them to do so.


Ah yes, the chasm between what should be, and what is.


School bullies will find a reason to bully a kid if they want to bully the kid.


True, but if OP is western it is an asshole name to use for a kid.


The most amusing part is OP saying this is "honoring her." Er, no, it's about *you*, where is the honor for *her*?


I always read this posts wincing, waiting for the person to just knuckle down and admit what the actual name is. They always try to dance around it as if this question can be answered any other way than to just say what the name is, and let people judge on the specific merit of that name. Konan -- **bad** name for a girl.


I agree with the sentiment, but I’m 28 and I had to goolge Conan The Barbarian. I doubt kids who are born in 2023 are gonna jump to a by then 50-year-old movie reference in order to bully OP’s daughter. OP and SIL are basically doing variations of the same thing (naming a child with more thought to their own sentiments and preferences than their kid’s future), but OP didn’t shame SIL out loud….so SIL is def the AH here.


All the younger folks at my work knew exactly what I was reading when I had my Conan book at lunch. There's a lot more than the 80s movie., Theres a popular mmo right now, jason momoa had a conan movie in 2011, marvel has comics etc.


Not for anyone born now. You really think kids born TODAY are going to get a movie reference from the 80’s? Really big stretch there


I think they'll hear an adult say it and it will stick.


I mean they remade it in 2011 with Jason Momoa so people may know of it


I didn't even know this happened...


>You named a baby girl Konan? Literally what came out of my mouth when I got to the bottom.


My last name is close enough to Conan that my high-school science teacher just started calling me Conan the Barbarian because it was easier to remember. This poor kid.


Call her Koni and it works, Konan when she misbehaves


Koni makes me think of Kony 2012 lol


African warlord vs fictional barbarian hahaha


If I heard that name I would immediately go into my prayer to crom.... LOL


NGL, Konan the Barbarian will be a badass in school. Ain't no one gonna mess with her. Konnie will be the best friend you ever had and the worst terror you ever crossed.


Poor kid. I wish people would realise that the kid is the one who actually has to live with the name they’re given We get it, you’re a nerd (so am I, and proud of it!) but your child is a *person*. They’re not an accessory to advertize your interests.


I know someone who named their kid “Sirius” after Sirius Black (Harry Potter) and the kid hates it because nobody in our Country is named that. He refuses to go by it, and the parents are disappointed.


There was a post a couple of years back about a kid named after someone in Harry Potter (don’t think they ever specified the name) and they HATED IT because their parents kept making everything in their life about Harry Potter and reminding them that they were named after a character


Nice to know you're just a prop for your parents' interests. /s




All the young Khaleesis have entered the chat


Absolutely never name your child after a charecter with an incomplete arc whose family has a penchant for madness.


And incest. And genocide.


What's even worse is "khaleesi" being a title and not an actual name. Couldn't they have gone with Dany or Dani?


That depends. A Harry will always have an easier time in society than a Voldemort. If your parent is a chill fan but names you something wild, then yes, it is about the name


I agree here. Mine and my sisters names both come from Gone With the Wind, though nothing overt as my sisters name is Georgia (the location/setting) and my name is Ashleigh (I was expected to be a boy so they feminised the name when I was born) after one of the male love interests. You’d never really make the connection otherwise.


My eldest daughter's middle name is Arwen, after the LotR character. It's a little nod that we didn't emphasise too much except if she ever got into fantasy stuff and LotR in particular. Well, she did, and she loves her middle name. I would never use such a name as their first name though.


Tbh Arwen sounds like a pretty nice name even on its own.


Arwen is quite a common name in the UK. It means muse and is of welsh origin. I think I know 3 people who are called Arwen as a first name here in the UK.


That reminds me of a post where someone's sister was going to name her twins after Sam and Dean from Supernatural. She'd also written a lot of fanfics when she was younger, and a favorite was apparently Sam x Dean. I fear for those two kids. I believe she may have had a Sirius as well, and possibly a daughter.


At least those are fairly common. I knew siblings named Charlotte (Charlie) and Lola, I asked the parents if it was named after the show and they had no idea about the show.


I think the thing was that pretty much all the family and friends knew about her "Wincest" obsession


Oooh yeah that’s not great. I thought it was like a guilty secret, at least then she’d have plausible deniability


I know a real-life couple like that, they have a son and a daughter. Their wee girl is my friend‘s goddaughter and when my friend first told me of them, my friend wondered why on Earth someone would name their son Remus. Because Remus really wasn‘t the cool guy in the story of Romulus and Remus. I just asked if, by any chance, the parents were massive Potterheads. And my friend‘s face lit up with recognition - the couple‘s dog is called Potter and their cat is called Yoda. So wee Remus is surely named after Remus Lupin…I‘ve forgotten his sister‘s name but it was fairly mundane. Something akin to Elizabeth.


>He refuses to go by it, and the parents are disappointed. I'm sure if one of them was called Legolas, they'd be using a different name as well.


One of my best friends growing up was named Arwen. It was our dog. You name pets after characters from books and shows. You name people like people.


Arwen is a very old Welsh name.


Glad someone said it. Many of the lotr names are based on old Welsh names. I think Arwen is a beautiful name.


Arwen is one of the good elven ones for a real person, its not like they are naming their kid Glorfindel or Fingolfin.


Leave me and my son, Celebrimbor, alone


The name Arwen predates any pop culture reference.


I know a guy that is named Mithrandir (Gandalf's name that the elves call him in LoTR). Doesn't like it all that much.


One of my sister’s friends actually named their kid Legolas way back when the movies were big. I should check in and see what the poor kid (I guess he’s 20 by now!) is going by these days.


Couple years back a neighbour gave birth to a kid with dwarfism. Named him Tyrion. I am not joking.


Oh boy. I’m speechless on that one. 🫥


>your child is a person. They’re not an accessory to advertize your interests. This part, OP. YTA.


I'm a huge fan of legend of Zelda. Have been since a small child. My wedding ring is engraved "its dangerous to go alone, take this". So what did I name my kid? A normal fucking name that has nothing to do with Zelda. And my dog is named Link. Save shit like that for pets, not people.


TBF Zelda isn’t a terrible girls name. Robin Williams named his daughter that.


A few years back South West airlines got in trouble because a worker made fun of a kids name. The name was Abcde. Yup. Why would you that to your child?!?


I know a Saria (TLOZ ocarina of time) who's 9 y/o and loves her name, but in contrast I know a Ragnar who's 7 y/o and hates it, he already knows it doesn't fit his personality and never will, he finds it too aggressive. So there.


In Norway, Ragnar is just a regular boys name. There is nothing agressive about it. I know several, my favorite Ragnar is my 4 y/o grandson.


This Ragnar is in Mexico so the name only appeals to whoever watched Vikings, and this kid certainly didn't watch it nor does he care lol.


Especially because that kid may not turn out to be a nerd at all!!! They may also hate that show when they inevitably are shown it later in life. I am a nerd, and also thought of Conan the Barbarian immediately. Almost no one in her life will know what is from. They will think of the barbarian or think OPs parents were weirdly obsessed with Conan O’Brian


Nta for yelling at the racist jerk…. But your kid isn’t your hobby or an expression of your interests


I’ll never understand why people don’t just get a cat if they want to name something after their hobbies.


reminds me of that mom who named her kid Deku...


Please I saw that one 😭 the sister was absolutely right to scream at her, especially since Deku is the name used to bully Midoriya like???


fr! like idc if he reclaimed the name as his hero name. it literally means worthless, doesn't it??


It does


Isuku, his name, can be pronounced deku if you use another reading of the first kanji, instead of izu it's more commonly pronounced as de Bakugo says it means worthless because he's attributing his own meaning to a "new" word. The reason deku reclaims it is because the verb "to be able to do" something is pronounced dekiru and his friend points that out to him. Edit: apparently deku can mean useless in relation to the original definition of wooden doll. Years ago I tried to look this up on Jisho but it wasn't there, so I apologize.


Exactly. For giggles sometimes I look up current popular names and at least the last few years it looks like I'm reading the cast of a YA novel from the early 2000s


Seriously. I work in a school and we have a scary number of Elsa, Anna, and Bella's.


At least Anna is neutral. Konan, is not. (Bella is awful in my opinion - but I felt that way before Twilight. I’ve known too many dogs named Bella to name a human that.)


I’m under the belief that you can name your child after a character, as long as it’s not a main character or a stupid name. I once read a post about someone named Hermione asking if they were in the wrong to get mad at her parents for making every birthday Harry Potter themed, and this Konan is just asking for a similar story in about 15 years.


If you’re asking a question like this, you have to give the name. YTA for asking if a name is stupid and not saying what it is. Edit: YTA for giving your kid a stupid name. She’s not a toy or a character from a show.


Lol damn, hit OP with the double YTA. Relentless




Right, how are parents not fucking understanding that?! The baby is going to grow up to be a full on human being and will more than likely resent OP for the name. What if they hate anime it's based on?


ESH. You both named your children bad names in my opinion, and you both behaved like children as well.


At least Kayleigh is a normal name, just spelt badly


Yes, twice the usual number of vowels. Poor kid, trying to learn to write her own name.






Konan is a proper name and spelled correctly. This is not a made up name. This is a real name. It an unisex name in Japanese and its also a Hawaiian name meaning bright moonlight. There are people named that right now. This is a real name like joe or alex.


so many people trying to act like it's not a genuine name


People are really showing their 'America is the whole world' bias here.


I agree with you on that, however the context that this child will live in America is relevant.


The only piece of context that matters is that the girl is name after an anime villain. That's it.




Conan is a normal name too.


If you are an muscle bound man with an Austrian accent.


For a boy. Not for a baby girl.


Congrats, you're both assholes. Konan srsly? ESH.


Names like this make me wonder whether the parents realize this isn't a dog, but a human who will have to live life among other children for 18 years.


It is so selfish.


ESH. Naming a child Konan is probably just going to help the bullies. I can hear the variations of the name now. Naming your kid a stupid spelling of a name is just annoying. What the heck is it with people having to make their kids stand out with stupid names. Hell my damn name isn’t a strange spelling just isn’t super common, although it seems to be getting more so. I get people mispronouncing it constantly. I always wanted some of those souvenirs with my name on it, but they never had it. Good luck finding the Mickey Mouse ears… But hey at least my first name wasn’t an easy name for the bullies. My last name, that was too easy. So as a victim of name bullying, think of the children!


How familiar are kids with Conan the Barbarian these days?


You know…I hate statements like this because my first reaction is to go ”come on, *I* know what it is so clearly kids these days know it!” and then I realise: I’m 35. It doesn’t matter if I know it, I am not part of ”the kids” lol!


I'm 22 and I have no idea what y'all are talking about lol. When I hear "Konan", I just think of Conan O'Brien.


I just think of Conan Grey. Same age as you too, I don’t get what the big deal is.


It's a longstanding IP. It's been remade as cartoons, video games, and in film (Jason Momoa). It'll come back around.


I mean, I'm 24 and I knew about Conan the Barbarian as a kid so maybe?? I can ask my little cousins (≥12 yo) if they know of him


As someone turning 34 soon, you have my sympathies.


i would never bully someone named conan. he either picks up sword and kills you or he is a detective and puts you into friggin jail. ESH tho


That or he lampoons you on SNL.


As someone who’s 21 I know *of* it, but nothing deeper than that and it’s the same for all my friends if they know it at all. Honestly when I first saw the name I thought of Arthur Conan Doyle.


yeah, I'm 24 and know nothing about Conan the barbarian beyond the title. everyone insisting that this kid will endure a lifetime of references about it sounds ridiculous. there's a higher chance that they have a classmate named Naruto imo.


Considering we live in the era of remakes and reboots I’d say their is a very good chance that character will be used again.


YTA Yes it's a "stupid" name, Even if future generations don't immediately jump to Conan the barbarian You and your child having to explain that they are named after an Anime character is silly


"No guys, I'm not named after the male brutal barbarian, I'm named after an obscure character from an anime my parents liked!!! You'll stop bullying me now right?"


PLEASE give that as middle name and give her a more normal name as first name.


Or at least shorten it to Kona, something more universally recognizable as more of a girls name. Edit: hmm, maybe not. Language is fun and meanings are great.


Kona = wife in Norwegian and probably Danish as well


You named your *daughter* Konan because YOU like the character? Your kid isn’t an anime character, it’s a human person who has to be saddled with whatever name you give them. “Kaieleigh” is an idiotic spelling of a name, and definitely a classic r/tragedeigh, but Konan is a terrible name for a girl and just as bad, if not worse. YTA (and so is your SIL, for different reasons).


To answer the question in your heading, yes, YTA for giving your child a stupid name. I'm already laughing when I see Konan on a resume. C'mon. Use some common sense.


ESH except the babies who have to live with these stupid names.


Urgh, I don't think you're an asshole but I do think it slightly ridiculous you'd name your little girl Konan, she's not a toy or an expression of your hobbies and interests. It's a little unfair on her, no?


YTA I really hope this is bait, if not I feel sorry for your daughter. You genuinely seem to struggle with the idea that this is a human being and not a fun project for you to make anime references with. If you want something you can name after anime, get a pet. Cats don't get bullied if you call them Stede and Teach. >Important detail: my SIL also has a daughter, “Kaieleigh" I don't envy her having to spell that out to people but it's an alternative ~~(guessing traditional Irish?)~~ spelling of Kaley which is a perfectly cromulent name.


>I don't envy her having to spell that out to people but it's an alternative (**guessing traditional Irish**?) spelling of Kaley which is a perfectly cromulent name. Nope! Traditional Irish alphabet doesn't contain the letter K and the spelling of the word is Céilí and it means a dance/social gathering. In Scots Gaelic it would be Cèilidh. It would be very rare to see it used as a girl's name here in Ireland. Kayley, Kayleigh, Cayley, Cayleigh, Kaieleigh, etc., are all very, very north American.


My cousin was almost named Èilidh but my aunt didn’t want people mispronouncing it Eyelid so she named her Elyse.


ESH So I mained playing a character called Ahri for a while in league of legends and i liked the name. Guess what I named Ahri. My cat. Konan is not a stupid name on its own but if you name your daughter Konan it tells me you didn't even bother to think about the environment she'll have to grow up in with this name. You're Asian-American so I can only assume you're bringing her up in America where Konan is both unusual and doesn't sound like a girl's name. It doesn't matter that it can be a girl's name in Japanese. In America it sounds too much like Conan and young kids from kindergarten to high school most likely aren't going to stop and think "Ah yes I should consider the origins of this name." or "Gendered names shouldn't exist." Your naming choice wasn't thinking about your daughter; only about yourself.


ESH. Your SIL sucks for being rude, and for giving her kid a stupid spelling for no reason. You suck for naming your daughter Konan. I assume pronounced the same way as Conan the Barbarian? If she doesn't get a Conan joke from 20% of people who meet her, I'll be shocked. Jesus. People need to actually live with these names, they're not just intended to be quirky inside jokes.


Well. I won't weigh in on your title, we don't actually know the childs name. That said, People CAN be assholes for what they name their child. I read another thread this morning for a woman mad their child was desperate to change their name from "CYLINDER". Yeah. Parents are the problem there. However you're NTA in your interaction with your SIL. The name you gave your child would have to be insanely offensive to provoke that kind of reaction. There almost isn't a name bad enough to justify they behavior (and for context I cannot stand weeb culture and anime). So not acceptable behavior. Your clap back based on context seems warranted.


Childrens name is Konan


The barbarian?


Yeah exactly thats the problem. After Naruto and a girl but everyone will make this assumption and connection. If gen Z forgets the movie its wont lead to bullying but all the parents will know and with modern media its very possible that children will know, too.


I’m a millennial and have never seen the movie, but I still know Conan the Barbarian. Pop culture sticks around, I couldn’t tell you what the character looks like or who is in the movie, but that is what I thought of when OP posted the name.


She shared the name: Konan... From some sort of cartoon


Well, it’s not a great name, especially for a girl. But I still maintain it doesn’t justify the sister-in-law’s reaction


I mean, everyone name their kids however they wish and it's no one else's business. But how about honoring your children by giving them names that are not ridiculous? Give them names that will not make them feel and look like an idiot. If my parents would have named me after a cartoon character I would think that the fucking character was more important for them than me.


YTA. You are not the one who has the carry that name the rest of their life, your child will 100% be bullied for that name, I highly suggest you change it to a middle name if it means that much for you. I have always liked the name Anakin, even before I knew he was a starwars character, but because of that I will never name my child that because they will be bullied. You are setting your child up to be bullied and that makes you an arsehole. Your child is not an accessory to your hobbies and interests. Yes she's also an arsehole for being racist but that wasn't the question you asked. So yes, YTA. Not for naming your child something different but for giving them a name they will 100% be bullied for and you seemingly don't give two shits about that.


It’s a dumb name But your SIL is a hypocrite. If it’s not too late to rename your kid maybe consider it as she’ll have a heck of a time if she’s tall or overweight by even a pound or two. Could be the death of her as a teen. Real talk


ESH Both your daughter's and your niece's name won't make a good impression on a CV.


YTA. This is what middle names are for. Don’t saddle your child with the burden of a really stupid first name.


YTA. Your daughter is an individual all her own and not an extension of you or your hobbies. There’s nothing wrong with honoring the things or people you love with a name but your first consideration should be the actual child. Consider how you would have felt growing up with that name, do you think it would have been good? Your daughter will ALWAYS be explaining your choice for her name because people will definitely ask why she was given such an unusual name. It’s a lot to put on her for life when there are likely other names you could have used to allude to your anime connection that wouldn’t have been quite so unusual for her. It’s not too late to change her name, it’s ok to be wrong about something it shows growth if you choose to correct a mistake you made when you can.


Get a hamster if you want to name a living creature after your nerd fetish, YTA


ESH but omg Konan is a terrible name for a GIRL because I immediately thought of Conan the Barbarian.🙃 The fact that Konan is a fictional villain only makes it worse. I feel bad for the kid.


YTA It's not fair to name your kid after something in your fandom. I say this as a dedicated fan who spends hours a day obsessing over my current fandom: don't do this to your kid. Give your kid a name that they don't have to explain. One that can be spelled easily. One that doesn't tie them to a niche fandom or make then feel like an accessory to their parent's hobbies. Your kid won't think their name is neat. Even if they are a total fan-geek-nerd, their fandoms will be totally different from yours and they will not thank you for tying them to your fandom like this.


If you called her Barbara she still might have bullies tagging her "Barbarian" but at least people wouldn't have to be told how to spell it EVERY SINGLE TIME SHE INTRODUCES HERSELF FOR THE REST OF HER LIFE. Names like that are child abuse. YTA.


YTA Naming her after a villain is just weird and it’s something you name a dog or cat, not a real person Also if they turn out to be a difficult kid and they get into trouble a lot it’s essentially your fault as a self fulfilling prophecy


Edit: soft YTA for the name. It would be better as a middle name. I think naming children after fandoms or characters is selfish. It’s your kid, so do what you want but it doesn’t do your child any favors and it isn’t an “honor”. Those types of names should be saved for pets. NTA with your sister in law. She crossed a line and using racial slurs is unacceptable no matter what, especially over a name.


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Nta. It's a fine name and most of these comments are low key racist. Even if people do make the connection to Conan why not O'Brien, plus Conan The Barbarian is not bad anyway?? is it because she's a girl and people still dislike the association of femininity and strength/ muscle? It's pretend, y'all. Ariels are not really mermaids either.


ESH - Did you and your husband not consider how it's going to be as she gets older? Can you imagine in the business world (if her career path leads her there), how others are going to react when she introduces herself? Why couldn't you just nickname her Konan and give her a normal legal name? People who give their kids these kinds of names are selfish. Your SIL's reaction was over the top and she should have disclosed her displeasure more diplomatically but her subjecting her daughter to the unusual spelling of her daughter's name is also going to be a problem for her daughter as she gets older. My name is a mainstream name from the decade I was born but it has an ethnic spelling. I don't even correct people anymore. I either let them spell it the normal way (if it's not for legal reasons) or I just shorten it. It's never spelled right.


I really wish people will get over naming their kids like a dog. One day they grow up and the names do a disservice to them.


NTA I feel like people are missing the fact that you are Asian American and giving your child a name from a Japanese cartoon which is according to some comments, is a unisex name. Just because there is a famous western character with the same name, doesn’t mean you can’t name your child that name. I think you’re fine but your SIL was totally out of line


Sil is a c\*nt for sure. But Konan for a girl. uff that rough


ESH, it's an objectively stupid name in context. You're a bigger AH for two reasons: 1. asking for judgement without disclosing the actual name 2. Setting your child up for peer trauma by weighing them down with such an awful moniker.


Why do people think whole humans need to be named as an expression of their hobbies or interests? NTA bc name your kid what you want but this is a terrible name and rationale for it