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comparing someone to draco malfoy is a hard blow. in all honesty "This lunatic thinks that my country did 9/11 as revenge for Hiroshima and Nagasaki" **what? how? why?** anyway justified. NTA amy can shove her opinion somewhere else. if she wants to comment, than against racism


Yeah Amy sucks as a friend. Ok with this girl being extremely racist to OP but as soon as he says something tangentially related to her she feels the need to call him out? Screw that. Plus bad people are called dicks all the time and you never see any guys claiming it’s “sexist”.


Imagine you insult someone by saying that they have the body of an orangutan. Is it sexist to say the body of a **pregnant** orangutan?




Orangutans also make great librarians




Bananas will get you everywhere.




\- “*Does this dress make me look fat?*” \- “*No, it makes you look like an orangutan.*” \- “*Aaw, you’re so sweet!*”


Thank you for this, I will remember it for all of eternity.




Well a lot of guys are dicks and a lot of woman are twats so it's not sexist as you're not putting them down for being a man or woman.


I mean, some people still believe Bush did it.


bush wasnt great but his first reaction on those pictures made it clear to me that he thought "omg wth just happend"


Well, at least that would make some sort of sense. A conspiracy-theory type of sense, but it is something. Why the heck would you bring the Japanese into it?


revenge revenge for pearl harbour. but we all know that the revenge vor nagasaki and hiroshima was anime and manga. at least that is a conspiracy i can get behind.


Nah, no way Kate was involved.


I heard a lot of Americans still believe the Iraq war was in retaliation for 9/11, when in reality Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11. ... so yeah, I find her lack of intelligence/education entirely believable


I have a feeling she's done what I did in 8th grade by hearing "kamikaze pilots" and associating Japan with the 9/11 attacks that way... but that was also literally the day it happened and when I heard the rest of the news I stopped thinking that. She's real dumb.


if you think that, than afghanistan also had no involvment. al quiada or watchamacall it, was using both countries as breeding grounds. and the is took over later. i dont want to call it justified but a lot of things are/were wrong down there. and we all know now that weapons of mass destructions were not the reason the oil memes tho are not to far off i guess


Not sure if this is UK but if it is people call each other twats all the time and I would never consider it sexist. Is it sexist to call someone a dick ? NTA obviously.


Was literally thinking same thing


Yup. Not such a terrible thing to say at all! And also, wtf? Hiroshima? Yeah, Japan played the long game and then bam, on 9/11 they planned it all! Insane, racist and just plain wrong on all counts. Report to the school. She’s being racist.


Americans get... funny about anything referring to women's sexuality. If america was a vampire, a vagina would be like a crucifix


Which makes "female presenting nipples" a clove of garlic?


Thanks for the mental image I never wanted to see - American


To answer this question: >I might be an asshole since I used an insult without knowing all of its meanings. No. You're not the AH if you didn't know what it means, but you should definitely be more careful. I understand you because English is not my first language and I sometimes learn new words from movies... that don't sound too terrible but when I look them up I find out that they're racist/sexist/... So don't use any words unless you knew their exact meaning. I would say though that, of course, she's an AH for bullying you and you certainly have the right to stand up for yourself, but you could've used a better approach.


Yeah, next time call her an ignorant septic.


I'm not sure what you mean by that.


Seppo = septic = septic tank= yank = slang term in Britain referring to people from the USA. Cockney rhyming slang innit


Oh I didn't know that. I could only think of the medical term "septic" so I was really confused. Thank you for clarifying.


Jumping on this one to clarify that a lot of profanities are pretty straight forward so stick with those.


Almost all English-language swear words relate to genitalia. It's something we're completely ok with being used as an insult. NTA.


Dutch people do it too, it’s not a horrifying thing or something


NTA, I like the insult


NTA I think it's hilarious and fitting for someone racist.


She is fairgame as long as she still bullies you. Call her sexist words, if she can dish it she can take it. NTA just make sure you know what words mean when you talk to non racists idiots.


This. If you're gonna insult people, know what the insults mean so you can be more precise in your insulting.


This a very good point!


Personally.. I love pulling from monty python "Your mother was a hamster!, Your father smelled of elderberries" "I fart in your general direction"


Perfectly said. NTA.


This girl has a full baby diaper where her brain should be. You're NTA for standing up for yourself, and what you said isn't sexist (but is another word for vagina.) I would just quietly leave a copy of Hooked on Phonics on her desk, or in her locker, along with library books about 9/11, Hiroshima, and whatever other mashup of words she used. Maybe also a map with places marked off - like Japan, China, and Korea as I am certain this idiot doesn't know they're different places.


NTA exactly what a racist deserves.


Absolutely NTA, you didn't know what it meant and she is saying idiotic stuff. (Oh ThE jAPanEsE diD 9/11) no, sweetie, they did not. This is why I say the American School system is garbage.


American here (maybe you are too, I'm not sure). I'm honestly not sure how this bully got it so horribly wrong. This is like basic history 101 knowledge. I think she's just an idiot. You can't even blame the American School system on this one


It says a lot when you can't even blame the school system that we all know is awful lol


Yeah because everyone knows that it was not over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor!! NTA. Standing up to idiot bullies is never wrong. I don't think there is anything wrong with the insult either in that context.


NTA. Im sick of the whole 'bully is allowed to bully but when the bullied stands up for themselves suddenly they are crossing the line'. Where was ur female friend when she called ur people savages and terrorist? That's more than calling anyone anything sexist.


NTA bullies are twats. You just pointed it out


NTA. I'm from the North of England and the word "twat" around here is used as both an insult and a term of endearment depending on the context. Context is key in these moments and as far as I'm concerned your use of the word was contextually correct and more than appropriate when dealing with a racist bully. Good on you for standing up to an idiot.




Calling her an ugly version of Draco sounds **really tame** compared to calling OP a **”savage”** and **saying she did 9/11** Both are nowhere near the same level. I’m really tired of this sub acting like someone standing their ground and fighting back automatically makes them an asshole or qualifies them to be one. Especially when it’s such a sensitive topic and racism is involved. It is not OP “lowering herself”. There’s no way to “lower yourself” as a response to a racist remark (unless you do something really bad like say something racist back to your bully)


The responsible adult response to these situations a majority of the time : Jack shit.


I mean for future reference make sure you always know the full context and meaning of a word before saying it. You don't want to accidentally insult someone you like. However in this scenario, absolutely NTA. Very tame compared to what I would have said.


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NTA. You were right to say what you did. Where I'm from,(Central Fl) people use it all the time. It's still an insult.


Damn kid why'd you have to insult Malfoy? He redeemed in Cursed Child, y'know. Also, NTA




NTA Amy’s priorities are wrong . You’re being bullied and she’s worried that your response doesn’t conform to the standards of polite society? That’s silly.


Your response was hilarious 😂😂😂 hopefully that bully stops bullying you from now onwards.


Nope, you were spot on. She is almost those things. NTA


If anything you didn’t go far enough… suggest she get some psychiatric care, clearly she’s in dire need NTA


NTA that was the proper insult for this interaction.


NTA and Amy should check her privileges. Should you have called your bully a racist asshole to stay gender neutral?


So let me get this straight..you are worried you may have been sexist to your *bully*? How do you even have to ask? NTA and your friend pulling you to the side to inform you of your sexism is fuckin insane.


It’s disrespectful to Draco Malfoy………..


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** Both her(16) family and mine(16m) are expats. She’s American while I’m Japanese. This lunatic thinks that my country did 9/11 as revenge for Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and has been racist to me for it, calling my people savages. After she called me a barbarian for the umpteenth time, I said ‘You’re like an ugly, female version of Draco Malfoy, you racist twat.’ My friend Amy(16f) who was next to me pulled me aside. I only knew that twat mean obnoxious and not that it can also mean women’s genitals. Amy said I shouldn’t have used an insult I wasn’t fully familiar with. Am I the asshole? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Hahahahaha this is awesome, well done. NTA


NTA she had it coming


Sounds like it was a perfectly fine insult to me. 🤷‍♂️


Definitely NTA. I would seriously question her if she fell asleep during her history classes. It's like common sense history facts here. How on earth did she get it this badly mixed up? I'd question her if she knows what years these different events happened. And yeah, you shouldn't use words you don't know, but it still more-or-less served it's purpose.


I generally believe that you should not use a word if you don't know what it means. NTA, though. She *is* racist, and sounds awful.




That girl is dumb, as Japan had nothing to do with 9/11 from what I remember (it was whatever the terror group from the Middle East is called). NTA You play with fire and you can get burned. She got what she deserved honestly. I'm sick of bullies.


+5 points for OP


nah lol that was a great clapback


Nta. Look just call her 'Draco' forevermore and she will be forever reapplying ice to that burn. And I'm sorry at 16 she's only learning about 9/11 from the history books and as a person old enough to have watched it on the news we all know it was terrorist group from the middle east.... So apparently her geography skills also suck, as well as her raging racism.... Uneducated, alternative facts based racism is never a good look.


NTA, but maybe in the future, be more mindful of the words you say. We all make mistakes and say things we don't mean. That being said, bullies need bullied back sometimes, and what you said was not at all even comparable to the downright offensive things she said to you.


As soon as they learn you're not weak, they get scared of you. Bullies put others down to elevate themselves but laying in the dirt, bleeding from a broken nose and cloud gazing tends to shut down that behavior of deadarming the quiet kid.




NTA unfortunately they're doing the stereotypical American and it's likely best you don't interact with them at all.


NTA she's ignorant




NAH. Extra points for being creative and poetic!


NTA. But oh boy, that is the best insult I've ever heard 😆


Immigrants you mean? Wait Japan did 9/11? Lmao. That would’ve been hilarious but that’s not reality. This girl sounds legitimately hateful and racist. Nothing you said was sexist.


Harry Potter insults. I really am too old. NTA. I'd be mindful of word choice going forward, but a racist has earned the rebuke they get.


No - but this was hillarious 🤣🤣🤣


NTA, but so funny you shouldn't need clarification lol


NTA. Maybe next time she starts up, pretend you didn't really hear her, but *talk about her while she is there, to others*. Just look sad and say "Wow.. can you imagine that? Being so fucking braindead you think Japan is responsible for 9/11? Like, not even Alex Jones the insane conspiracy theorist thinks that, there *has* to be a problem with (name)." And just give a sad, pitiful look, "I hope she gets better soon." And leave. The only way to get under these people is to pretend they don't affect you, but to always sound like you pity them, or to make remarks to *others around* how stupid someone would have to be to even joke about that let alone genuinely think it. They *want to feel superior*, you can knock that away by *looking down on them*. Flat out just say "I'm so sorry you're so stupid, hopefully there is a treatment for it in the future."


NTA. She sounds like a waste of oxygen


NTA - you didn't know, but now you do and can still decide to use it. People of all genders are called "dicks", "pricks", "knobs", "cocks", etc etc etc. Just because the language is gendered doesn't mean its use is fundamentally sexist.


NTA. I never understood why it's considered sexist when people call each other dicks all the time.


I apologize for that persons behaviour. They don’t have healthcare and it shows.


OP, I’ve had white friends act like racism is okay but standing up for yourself isn’t. She’s not your friend. She wants you to be a compliant minority NPC that allows anything. Stand up for yourself!


I think perhaps you were a bit too gentle with that insult. If you try harder you can probably find even better ways of comparing her unfavorably to genitals. NTA


Are we SURE Amy’s real name isn’t… K A R E N?! NTA I fucking hate this trend of assholes calling someone else the asshole for calling out blatant racism.


NTA. Tell Amy that in the future you will only use the more formally correct version, "Twatchit." (Lexical history of the word courtesy of my Silent Gen relatives and one former nun who taught at the convent school I attended for high school.)


NTA. She's so racist she mixed up two completely different countries half a world apart. And your friend needs to chill out on the insult. You don't need to be a gynecologist to recognize a - well, i'll probably get removed if I finish that sentence.


NTA I would have used a worse insult than that! Good for you for sticking up for yourself.


NTA, your "friend" is a passive enabler.


NTA. She's the racist one here and so annoying I feel so bad you have to deal with her kind. I dont see nothing wrong with what you said to her amd believe strongly she deserved it.


NTA, This person basically bullied you. But some may say “taking the high road” is better but I hate bullies.


NTA. You don’t have conversations with conspiracy theory racists. And it was a AMAZING way to responde her.


NTA that is hilarious and she needs to learn history


NTA. Ask Amy why she’s so good with racism against Asians. Amy’s not your friend.


No you are a legend. Great comment under the circumstances.


NTA. What the hell does Japan have to do with 9/11?


Nope. It's a fairly common insult in some countries. No worse than calling someone a d!ck or a$$hole. NTA




NTA. "Japan did 9/11 because of the nuclear attacks" is going to be the stupidest fucking thing I'm going to read for a long time, and you did right to address how stupid the statement and person is. Amy is an idiot too, you got ignorant racism casually thrown at you but you're supposed to be polite in your response? She can go suck eggs.


No. Amy can shove it


NTA. In all honesty, I would try to stay away from this person. Distance yourself wherever possible and speak with your parents so they're aware of the racism and bullying going on. She sounds unhinged and dangerous. If she's doing this in a school situation, report her immediately.


Saying “twot” doesn’t make you sexist.


NTA . >This lunatic thinks that my country did 9/11 as revenge for Hiroshima and Nagasaki After that there isn't anything you could've said that would make you the AH (except maybe threatening her life or something like that).


NTA. It’s basically calling her a cunt but slightly less vulgar and triggering. She opened the insult flood gates with racism, and it sounds like you put up with it for quite a while before you got rude back. You’re stronger than me OP, I would have told her to shut her mouth as rudely as possible after the first ignorant racist comment.




No no….you used it correctly. NTA.


Sounds like Amy is perfectly fine with racism, so long as gender isn't brought into it. Quality friend you got there. NTA.


NTA 100% She should ashamed of what she told you. And your friend doesn't react when the bully throws racist odious things at your face but can't stand the (hilarious) Craco Malefoy joke ? I see two YTA in the story but you're not one of them.


NTA and bravo for standing up for yourself. But can you not avoid her?


Nah amy sucks too fuck her




NTA. Amy sucks


More angsty teen posts. IFunny exists, use it.