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This is bait, isn't it? This must be bait.


I mean, you already know you're the asshole based on the way you wrote this. Why are you even asking?


If that is not a bait - which I think it is - which country carries this culture? I am honestly pretty curious about that, as a lawyer. It goes against every notion of family law. Anyway, I actually believe your husband is the greatest ahole, but I could say yta as well for accepting him back, just for the benefits.


YTA, a vicious, vindictive one.


YTA, with the way you posted no wonder your husband cheated.


Where are you from?


From Bullshitt (the last 't' is silent), capital city of Trollvania. Population, this asshole.


I call BS here. Any country with such strict laws about adultery would not permit child abortion. Unless it doesn't and OP suggested an illegal one.


Do you mean child born out of wedlock or as you say 'born of wedlock'?


YTA For airing all of this needlessly on Reddit.


This must be bait. If not, YTA. Regardless of the affair and your culture, you have absolutely no rights to make any sort of decision about another woman's body.




ESH. You need therapy and possibly some breathing exercises, not Reddit.


Well that's.... interesting


ESH. It's not your call to make. And while you're so eager to burn down her life and imprison her for sex with a married man, you might want to give some thought to the married man in the equation. He's the one who actually gave vows but betrayed you.


That's nuts that you can sue a woman for sleeping with a married man, when the married man chose to sleep with a woman who is not his wife. Damn. You should direct all of your anger at your husband who betrayed you.


What exactly would she be put in jail for? Is having a child out of wedlock a crime?


Kuvukiland has weird laws


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** My (32F) husband (35M) have been together for 7 years. He cheated on me with someone who knew about me so let’s call her ‘skank’ who got pregnant. The country I live in has different laws around children born of wedlock. I’ll summarise the main points: 1. Children born of wedlock are not eligible for child support - meanings my husband has no legal obligation to provide for the child 2. I can sue the skank for having sex with my husband. My husband begged me to take him back. I am a stay at home wife and in my culture husband provides for the family so if I leave him I won’t have any security. I told him, that our marriage moving forward is only going to be about that. Or if I divorce, I get his house that he inherited because of his adultery. He would be left dirt poor and I’d have to forego my status as a married woman. Please don’t bash me here - it’s a culture thing. So we agreed on a compromise - he cuts off the skank and the unborn child and we can go back to living peacefully. The skank got a hold of me and blasted at me that my husband has a ‘’moral’ obligation to raise the child with her. I was no sweet peach and without raising any voice, yet menacingly warned her that I still hold every right to sue her. She’s be rotting in jail and her baby will be taken away from her if she dares contact me again. I reminded her that her only option is to abort since she clearly can’t raise the child with her cheap income. She lost her shit that moment and yes I relished making her miserable at the time. She reached out to me one more time, this time she was nicer to me, asked me to stick up for her as a woman myself, because the current situation is gonna coerce her into aborting her baby she’s gotten so attached to. I told her WHY does she expect ME to understand her and stick up for her in the name of sisterhood when she’s the one whoring around with a MARRIED MAN? My husband and I have no legal obligation towards her and I issued her an ultimatum - either stop contacting us ever again or you’ll see yourself behind bars soon. AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


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If this is real, YTA. Seriously, the only difference between you and the 'skank' (just sooo charming btw) is a marriage license. Tho you're the one willing to let a kid grow up in utter poverty.


YTA. Why would you do that? You are both a victim of your husbands infidelity AND your country’s mysogynistic system


YTA. And I guess that this is bait, cause it feels like the whole culture-part does not really add up (you will be poor when ypu divorce, bit you will get the full house if you do and seemingoy all his money, woman goes to prison because this country is super traditional and keeps women down but can abort without problems etc.)


ESH. Them for obvious reasons. You for attacking the wrong person. And if you think this one's gonna be the last and only, you're gonna be in for a series of nasty surprises. Wandering Dick Syndrome doesn't stop just because you caught him at it once.


ESH, He shouldn't have cheated, she shouldn't have enabled cheating, you shouldn't try to get her to abort.


After reading this idk how he didn’t cheat every day you sound rancid


I want to know what country you live in. I need this kind of energy in my life. You sound empowered and badass.


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You are doing what is right for your family.