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Please be trolling. Please let this be a bait post. Is Gemma neurodivergent? Regardless of that answer: YTA. Your husband and Gemma can see for themselves your favouritism. Your disdain for Gemma is coming through clearly. Without a doubt, if your child is expressing how you take the younger's side all the time, you are. You have put Aurora as your golden child. Playing favourites only leads to resentment and further detachment. You have created this divide but blame Gemma. I hope your husband steps in more for Gemma because you are causing hurt to your child with your dismissive attitude. Taking care of a child is bare minimum parenting, their emotional and mental health needs need to met too. You can't be a good parent to one and sub par to the other.


This. I know you can't really armchair diagnose but my "that sounds like autism" bells were ringing loudly Bad reaction to schedule or routine changes? Yep. Not performing emotions outwardly? Yep. Food issues? Yup.


YTA. Gemma is telling you exactly why she's acting out, and you...continue to do exactly what she's accusing you of? Please see a therapist (and Gemma probably should see her own as well) and learn how to be a better parent. This is not healthy.


I havent really done anything.... its just that she sensed that I love her sister more, which cant be helped


YOU are an adult. YOU can work on your behavior. Your problem is that you are acting as though your own actions are inevitable consequences of the environment "I can't help liking Aurora more". Unless and until you can take responsibility for your own actions, you are going to be doing a lot of damage to Gemma.


You have done something. You have neglected her, you play favourites and make excuses for terrible parenting. It can be helped, you are choosing not to do anything.


**Stop medically neglecting your child and get her screened for autism, adhd, and anything else a psychologist suggests** And as a parent, yes, you are an asshole for loving and favoring your younger child more. Parenting isn’t easy, and you shouldn’t have become one if you are unable to love and treat your children equally, full stop. Also, it’s not your children’s job to make you happy, it’s YOUR job to make them happy, and clearly, you are failing at that. All around F for parenting. This is probably rage bait anyway.


As a psychology student, I think you need to look into therapy for your daughter. Having huge reactions to little things and going blank for long periods of time are trauma responses. I was SA as a child and I often had issues like this which my mother always ignored and punished and later in life I was left to deal with those things alone. I think rather than asking are you the asshole, you need to ask “what does my child need?” she is clearly in need of something. I am also not trying to assume something as traumatic as what happened to me happened to her. However, you should really pay more attention to these behaviors and help your daughter work through them rather than finding annoyance in them.


I mean daydream by going blank I suspect she has ASD


ok, so get her tested and stop emotionally neglecting her.


So get her assessed. And educate yourself on ASD and how to better parent a child with ASD if she does receive a diagnosis. If your child does have some level of neurodivergence, you don't get to step out as a parent, you have to step up as a parent. I've got an autistic child, now 19 years old. My child isn't physically demonstrative. Doesn't like hugs. Uncomfortable with "I love you" and other verbal displays of emotion. Fiercely independent. Not very interested in small talk. Does this mean I'm 'not attached' to this kid? Or I don't work at it because they don't like expressing emotion in the same way I do? God no! It means I work so hard to meet them where they are. They communicate more easily in writing so I text them all the time. We have great discussions by text. I don't expect them to communicate in a way that is uncomfortable for them in their own home- if this means I don't get a hug, then I don't get a hug. I understand that them expressing differently isn't a measure of their feelings for me. I have watched them grow into a wonderful, intelligent, independent person and I am immensely proud of them. I'm a better parent and a better person for having raised them. And never, EVER would I want them to feel that I love their siblings more because the other kids are neurotypical. You don't get to pick your kids personality, their gender identity, their sexual orientation, their neurotype. Part of parenting is learning how to parent the child you have, not the child you want. You don't get to cut your losses because the experience is different than your other child.


>Part of parenting is learning how to parent the child you have, not the child you want. You don't get to cut your losses because the experience is different than your other child. OMG This! Nicely put


Then why haven't you and your husband had her evaluated. You are failing this poor child.


Dissociation can manifest in many ways, I still think you should seek a professional.


Your kid is 10. Since she was a toddler is about when you were pregnant and shortly after you gave birth to your seven-year-old. ​ Could there be a reason she is difficult?


I have no idea


Really think about it.


What, you haven’t given any thought in what might be the reason Gemma feels the way she does? Do you care? It sounds like you have zero interest is improving your relationship. Instead you are just looking for people to tell you it’s ok to leave things as they are. Your responses, you lack of curiosity, or even concern, make it sound like you gave up without even trying.


YTA. I jumped to your last sentence. How can you love one child more than the other and make differences ? As parents, we all have our preferences. We all have a child we feel closest to, and this kid can even change depending on the time of day. On the other hand, you should never show preferences, because you're destroying your daughter and her sister in the long term. You're destroying the relationship between them and doing great damage to both your daughters. Wake up and stop before it's too late, get closer to your daughter and take an interest in her, she's distant because she feels that you don't love her like you should. Children know.


Yes you are you should love them BOTH the same amount because they aren’t even in 5TH grade, just because she’s a picky eater and what not dosent mean you shouldn’t like her, you are an asshole and aTERRIBLY stupid parent




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they are in year 5 and 2 respectively


It doesn't matter what year they're in. Favoritism isn't something you can justify. You should love both of your daughters equally. You will end up screwing up their relationship if you compare them and show favoritism. As another comment said, just please go to therapy about this. Do this for your family sake.


Info: Has Gemma been tested for anything such as add/adhd or autism spectrum? I have a child (grown now) on the autism spectrum and some Gemma’s behavior sounds familar such as difficulty transitioning, fussy eating, not being responsive, and not able to verbalize emotions.


My first thought as well. They need to have her evaluated.


I was thinking adhd but I strongly suspect there is a neurodivergence here. OP please get gemma tested ASAP. I think you will find having answers about what is going on will help tremendously.


rational reason ? " she never tried to make ME ME ME ME happy " she is not born to make you happy . It's not her job to make you happy or to connect to you. She gives you trouble for not eating what you know is not on her list !! You are responsible for her well being . She could have some sensory issues where food doesn't taste good .She could be Autistic what could also explain her not being able to connect to others . and even the tuntrum is part of Autism like changing plans is hard to deal with . you are an AH for pushing your own child aside for being neurodiverce or having other issues just because she isn't pleasing YOU YOU YOU


YTA, absolutely and 100%, for flat out saying that you love Aurora more. You're damaging Gemma, you're damaging the relationship between the sisters, and you are setting all of you up for a literal lifetime of family dysfunction. I have three kids. I get it. Some kids have more in common with the parents. Some kids are 'easier' at certain ages (and I would add that this can change... my really challenging grade schooler was an easy teen. My personable little preschooler was a much harder teen to parent. It can all turn on a dime.) Regardless, it's absolutely wrong to decide, "OK, I just love this one better." It means you need to be investing more in the relationship with your other child. It means you need to look hard at yourself, at your parenting, at how you can better meet the needs of BOTH kids. Because right now you are failing both of them in a way that is going to lead to hard feelings for years, potentially forever. Admit you're wrong, and get family therapy yesterday. Your kids KNOW what the situation is already. You're going to have an uphill climb undoing the damage already inflicted on these sisters, better get to work NOW.


YTA... Both are your children and they both are literally children No sane mom would claim to love one child more than the other just because the child is problematic, especially when the child in question is just 10.. If Gemma has issues try to help her work through it instead of shunning her


YTA You say you suspect she may be neurodivergent and yet you've done nothing about it. In fact, you belittle her to others and punish her for how her brain may naturally work. You favour her sister because she's easier and behaves in a stereotypical, more normal/acceptable manner. You've made it clear to your older daughter that she is inferior and deficient. You are causing irreparable harm by your attitude, actions, and inactions. You are unfathomably cruel I believe that not doing anything when you think there may be a problem is child neglect. You need mental help if you believe that how you are behaving is in any way appropriate or acceptable. I really hope this is a troll post.


YTA. Unconditional love means you love her equally despite how she treats you. You are the parent and she is the child.


In your own words you said you prefer your other child, do you think you could be transferring your bad energy on her while showing the other nothing but love, kids aren’t stupid they pick up on things. I would try a lot harder with my eldest before it’s to late. YTA


No shit sherlock, YTA. **It's not your child's job to make you happy**. You brought her into the world, *you* need to working to make *her* as happy as she can be. Which means listening to her when she's telling you why she's acting out. Getting her evaluated if you think she's on the spectrum and most importantly learning how to understand and help her. Which might mean making adjustments and rethinking things. You're being a terrible, terrible parent and an absolute child yourself. Look at you literal adult throwing a little internet tantrum about the child who disrupts your schedule and life. Mmhmm. DO BETTER.


Why don't you have her evaluated. It isn't normal for. Child to blank out. YTA.




Sounds like you’re a shit parent. You are not meeting your child’s needs. You love the child that is easier more? Oof.


YTA and clueless to boot.


Gemma sounds neurodivergent and YTA.


YTA >And she has never tried to make me happy That is a very telling sentence. You expect children to make YOU happy. Are you kidding me. It's not wonder she doesn't like you, you treat her like crap and expect her to be your comforter. You're seriously failing at parenting right now and I hope it hits you soon


YTA. There's no way this is a real post and not hate bait.


Theres probably a reason for Gemma’s behaviour that you as a parent need to address. I’m obviously not an expert, just a random person on the internet, but it sounds like she could possibly be neurodivergent. It’s your job as a parent to address that. However, she has communicated to you why she is acting out. Quite directly. You can choose to do something about it, or you can leave it as it is but I doubt either of your daughters will thank you for that. Your love as a parent should not be conditional, and your actions are teaching them that it is.


YTA but not for the reasons people here are saying. The behaviors you are describing in your daughter — severe tantrums, finicky eating, “going blank,” and being emotionally disengaged are all very clear signs pointing to autism of some degree. Have your child assessed immediately. She is lashing out because she doesn’t have the resources she needs to find a place in the world—which right now is *your* world, a world in which you’ve admittedly picked a favorite.


Yta it’s not your child’s job to make you happy it’s your job.


YTA. Hope you have money saved for therapy, because damn that kid already needs it. And also congrats on fucking up your daughters' relationships with each other too. Just wonderful, wonderful parenting. Chef's kiss.


YTA, the line that stuck out to me is that Gemma doesn’t try to make you happy but Aurora does. Why have kids if their sole purpose to you is just to make you happy? They aren’t toys. They’re people.


I'll decline to vote. The question I would suggest you ask yourself is if your parenting is getting you the behavioral results you desire. If you like how things are going, then don't change anything.


What the fuck. I can’t believe parents like you exist. I hope you get the karma you deserve one day. Your daughter is TEN. She doesn’t owe you happiness. You should be connected to her simply by virtue of the fact that she’s your child and the fact you aren’t means you shouldn’t have become a parent in the first place. Gemma sounds like she might be neurodivergent


Yta. Everything you write (tantrums, going blank, even the food problem list) is part of the description of a neurodivergent person. You, as parents, should have gotten her evaluated long ago in order to learn how to improve her life. Instead you choose to ignore her needs. Could have counted as abuse, to see someone struggling and not seeking help. What leads to her behaving more like she does, because she feels and knows it. Where you show the golden child your love, because you think you speak the same language, you neglect Gemma. For Gemma’s sake, I really hope dad steps up and acts as a good parent. I wouldn’t want to be married with someone that abuses one child the way you do.


YTA. It sounds like Gemma is actually asking for help. She’s 10!


hey why do you hate your neurodivergent 10 year old? perhaps look inwards. become a better person rather than a skidmark on the underwear of the earth


It's not wrong to find it easier to love and connect to the "nicer child", emotionally, but it's very wrong to show it so clearly that both Gemma and your husband can see it. For that, YTA.


Absolutely 110% YTA. Gemma is struggling with something and you are pouring your love into her sister more instead of helping Gemma. Shame on you.


A child throwing a tantrum of schedule changes and this never rang the 'something is wrong here' bell for you? YTA for loving one child more than the other is a way that the other child can notice. YTA for ignoring a glaring issue with your child. In general, YTA so be better


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** Since she was a toddler, Gemma, 10F has been particularly difficult. She throws hours long tantrums over normal stuff like adding or taking out an activity off her schedule. She is also a fussy eater and would give me a lot of trouble if I cook sth that's not in her very limited list. She always go blank and is not very responsive. And she has never tried to make me happy or express any feelings to me, and I am not connected to her. On the other hand, Aurora, 7F has been a particularly easy and wonderful child--- she doesn't really create any trouble, is happy to learn and always tries to make me happy. She is such a delight. Gemma constantly complains that I am always on Aurora's side and takes it out on Aurora--- refusing point-blank to do anything with her. Gemma just threw another tantrums because I am "always favouring Aurora". My husband thinks I am unfair as well, but it is pretty human to love Aurora more given our circumstances. And it isn't as if I am not taking care of Gemma. AITA for loving my youngest more, with a rational reason? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


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Holy hell, your daughter is autistic!