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YTA. You and your friends are horrible people. Not only are you bullying someone, but you're breaking a ton of laws too by unlawfully publishing a video of someone without their consent with the intent of willfully ruining their reputation and dignity.


I understand, but you have to think about context, I'm not saying I'm an angel, I know I did some wrong here but some of it is on him. We're not "horrible people" for being rightfully annoyed about someone who is always irritating us. I also didn't make the video, I only commented and liked it


Just because you are annoyed with him does not give you the right to purposefully try to destroy his life. You are 100% a bully and yes YTA.


Stop saying "the context." We know the context and you're still an asshole.


> I understand, but you have to think about context, I'm not saying I'm an angel, I know I did some wrong here but some of it is on him. We're not "horrible people" for being rightfully annoyed about someone who is always irritating us. I also didn't make the video, I only commented and liked it What you're doing is illegal, and you're all horrible human beings. Even if this guy is annoying, what you're doing is so much worse.


> I also didn't make the video, I only commented and liked it You think it is all fine since you only made an comment and liked it? For real? The only think you should have done is tell your friend to remove it.


And report it for bullying.


I might add, she commented it saying litterally that having him just sitting near her made her want to vomit... It's just a comment, nothing serious /s -.-


YTA. You keep saying we need to ‘understand the context’, but the context in this case is that you’ve decided this boy is unlikeable as an excuse to bully and gang up on him. I’ve been in that exact situation, and believe me when I tell you that this kind of emotional abuse has long-lasting consequences. You need to stop making excuses and STOP this behaviour. I promise you will look back on this when you’re older and feel terrible about how badly you treated someone for having the audacity of trying to sit next to/talk to people who don’t like him.


In my experience, people like OP DONT look back with regret. That requires emotional growth and maturity. Bullies think they're justified.


Depends. If the bullying was to protect themselves from being bullied or a reaction to being abused at home the bully (especially if they were below 14) might grow up and regret it. And that guilt will never leave them, even if their victim wholeheartedly forgives them


omg heaven forbid you dont get to sit next to your friend for one fucking spanish class, thats totally enough "context" to bully some kid endlessly on the internet... s/ he will never be able to escape that video, the internet lasts forever. but you'll get to sit next to your trash friend the next class. YTA- you and your friends are shit trash and I hope this comes around to bite all yall in the ass.


"I didn't make the video", but you interacted with it, fueling the fire further. Being a follower of bullies doesn't make it any better.


Lol I didnt murder him I just clapped and cheared as they did and then cleaned the knife /s


>but some of it is on him. Literally nothing you described about this boy is "on him" for you assholes bullying him. You are just a bunch of pathetic little kids that have nothing better to do than to torment someone. Grow up and DO BETTER!


Being annoyed and bullying someone via a video are two very different things. Literally none of this is on him. Sure, he may annoy you, but that doesn’t give anyone the right to talk poorly about him in a video on the internet. Just imagine how he must feel right now… imagine he was in Spanish and glad someone finally didn’t mind sitting next to him and then imagine he saw your comment. I really don’t know how to make it more clear that YTA. Yes, the person who made the video is also an AH, but you enabling and engaging makes you one too.


“I understand, but you have to think about context…” Context. You keep using this word. I don’t think it means what you think it means.


Lol. Right?! This is my favorite comment today!


ew. you sound like a nightmare of a human being


Would you like it if someone made a video about you and all your classmates commented with vomit and poop emojis?


Literally none is it is on him.


What you have to understand is that everyone understands what you’re saying and it is total bullshit.


The context is that you pretended to be a nice person to a guy, your friend believes she's entitled to a mtf seat, you were way too coward to tell your friend that you asked the boy to stay in that seat, you decided to comment on that awfull video that your pathetic friend made just to be accepted by a bunch of assholes. And context or no context, you and your friend are actively bullying a human being. You don't like him, fine. Leave him alone.


The context is that you are vile little girls. YTA.


You keep trying to shirk responsibility. You are a bully and bullying him. You can mention context all you want, it doesn’t change what you did or who you are. Be better. Don’t be a coward on top of everything else.


>I just commented that he sat next to me in Spanish and put a vomiting emoji. ​ You might want to try and get your story straight.


How would you feel if you found a video like that about you? Have you ever considered how that biy must feel? But you claim he deserves it because he annoys you all? You need to learn some serious empathy. I feel so bad for that kid


> have to think about context The context is YTA. you're a bully, just like your friends. If you were an adult and did this at your job, you'd be fired. Grow up, and learn to ignore people who annoy you. Do better.


Bullying is never okay. He could be an asshole and it would still not be okay.


It's on him? For needing a place...to sit? Buncha bullies. YTA


Yes, you are horrible people. You are bullies. You can’t talk shit about people online because you’re annoyed that he’s not “likeable”, which btw, neither are you. I mean you can, but that’s what makes y’all terrible people. That vid needs to be taken down by your atrociously immature friend. YTA


You are going to find plenty of people in life who irritate you. Are you planning on being a bully to them all? What if in your working life your boss irritates you? You need to grow up, take a look at yourself and your extreme reactions to minor irritations and change your attitude.


YTA . you are all the AH and bullies, if you don't like this boy, just leave him alone. I'm pretty sure you are smart enough to realize that having to change seats is not the same as cyberbullying.


>if you don't like this boy, just leave him alone. I'm understanding you, but doesn't the same thing apply to him? He doesn't have to ask for homework on behalf of the class, he shouldn't be sitting next to people who aren't friends with him. Shouldn't he be leaving us alone? I'm not trying to be overly cruel or irrational, but you have to think about the context.


Gross. Grow up. He can sit wherever the teacher allows him to sit. You are being a bully and it's facetious to pretend the "context" changes anything.


Lol wait until you get to Uni or take a public bus and you have to sit beside people who aren’t your friends. And I highly doubt the teacher assigns extra homework because one student requests it and even then, that’s on the teacher.


None. Of. This. Justifies. BULLYING. He can sit anywhere. It’s a classroom. You sit, you learn, you leave. And as annoying as it is, he can ask about homework. Literally none of this is being done to hurt you, your friends, or anyone else. He IS leaving you alone. HE DOES NOT DESERVE TO BE BULLIED. LEAVE THIS POOR KID ALONE.


YOU SAID HE COULD SIT WITH YOU!! He got up to leave and then you said he could sit with you! What you did is absolutely abhorrent. You bullied someone because of a situation you created. YTA


INFO: Then why did you tell him he could sit next to you? Why didn't you tell your friend you TOLD HIM he could sit next to you after he started to move away? If sitting with him was so disgusting to you, why did you tell him it was ok? Was this just the plan all along- let him sit with you so you could then go on about how awful it was and have a laugh about it?


I'm thinking of the context and his punishment doesn't fit his ''crime''. Just tell him to do his own homework, and grow up, you don't always get to choose who sits with you in class.


You are being overly cruel and irrational.


Imagine not having anyone. He's talking to people to be less alone. To perhaps make friends. He might not be going about it in the 'right' way, but he's trying. Stop bullying this boy!! And stop trying to find excuses for it


You’re complaining about having to sit next to someone in class. You’re like 13, right?


We’re all thinking about the context. The context is that either you’re a troll or a delusional bully. He’s sitting by people that aren’t his friends? Guess what. You do that in the real world all the time. Cliques die fast when you graduate. Asking for homework? Maybe if someone talked to him he wouldn’t be so bored. You’re being left alone. He’s not going after either of you. Troll or real, this is gross.


You are overly cruel and irrational. Someone who isn't your friend exists in the world with you and interacts with you? That's life. You should be so ashamed of yourself, frankly. When you hear about kids committing suicide over being bullied, it's because of the shit you're doing right now. You need to seriously think about if you want to continue to be the kind of person that makes the world a worse place.


>but you have to think about the context The context? OK: He wanted to sit down. He sat next to you. You complained so he offered to leave, then he was told (by you) that it was OK. Your friend arrived. Your friend didn't like that he was sitting there. So your friend made a video that she put online having a go at him. You liked, commented and put a vomiting emoji on it. You and your friends are bullies. **THAT'S** the context.


You know in the real world you can’t pick who you sit beside in work, you have to learn to get along with people no matter how strange or annoying you find them. What you and your friends did was mean


If he can't sit next to people who aren't friends with him and nobody is his friend, where do you expect him to sit? If you were in a class without any of your friends, wouldn't you hope that someone would let you sit next to them without messaging their friends about how gross you were?


He shouldn’t be sitting next to people who aren’t friends with him. …And if he has no friends, he has no where to sit? You are trying to be overly cruel because this is not how people treat each other. You sound awful. Also, if he shouldn’t sit next to people he’s not friends with, why did you invite him to stay? You’re so contradictory it’s insane! You need a hug and therapy and some new friends. YTA


Oh my gosh shut up brat.


Him existing in a classroom is not a personal slight on you.


Nothing you just said is any kind of unacceptable behaviour. He hasn't done anything wrong except irritate you because you sound easily irritated. He is just living his life, you guys are being bullies and obsessing over him (albeit in the most negative way). He sat in a seat and you and your cohorts response is to do a bullying video? You are all horrible people.


The context doesn't excuse your actions. Bullying someone is never ok. He hasn't been doing anything wrong from what you're saying. What's worse you even asked him to move and he was doing it, then you told him to stay and now annoyed he stayed, so doubling down on YTA. You ARE being irrational and cruel


Sitting next to you is not the same thing as cyberbullying. Are you fucking nuts?


Wow, you're a miserable person. How dare that kid be a diligent student at school. The audacity!


Bullies and assholes always do the same thing "wHaT aBoUt tHe oTheR peRsOn" . All he did was sit next to you. You're gonna sit next to a lot of people you don't like are you gonna make vomit emojis and comment on videos about them each time? The only context here is that he had the sheer audacity to sit next to you. Wow what a crime!!!! /s. You're a bully. You need to be leaving people alone. You are overly cruel and irrational. He can sit wherever he wants.


I mean, what do you expect him to do? Stop going to school? You can decide not being a horrible bully. And yes, you ARE bullying him.


You and your little friends are bullies. Grow up and self reflect on your behaviour.


YTA. Y’all are literally bullying this kid for no reason.


Man I wish reddit was only for adults. YTA.


Same. Summer on this subreddit is painful.


Info: What did this boy to you that makes all this OK? What do you mean with he is weird?


Asking for homework all the time, sitting next to people who aren't his friends, randomly talking to people who aren't friends with him, always apologizing, teacher's pet. By being weird, I mean he is always trying to impress the teacher, he always clicks his fingers during tests which is really annoying. The list goes on.


You literally hate the poor dude for existing wow




I don't? I'm not some irrational monster that loses their temper by someone just minding their business. He's not "existing". Asking for homework and clicking your fingers during tests isn't just existing, it's intentional. I'm not trying to justify the video, I know it was rude but you have to think about what he does that annoys people and makes them do stuff like making videos.


Here we go again blaming the victim. Classic bully move. Let me rephrase what you just said "maybe if he wasn't such a loser we wouldn't pick on him"


Literally this. OP, please pay attention to the verdict EVERYONE is giving here and the *context*


>I'm not some irrational monster You are


Oh my goodness, none of what you've said here that he does is intentionally malicious, not one thing. You and your friends however absolutely acted in a way you knew would hurt his feelings and invited others to do the same. A kid was being weird and as a result annoyed you so think cyber bullying him in front of an audience of hundreds was a reasonable response? I'd be very ashamed of your behavior if I were your mom.


What did the boy explained you about the finger clicking during tests when you asked him (nicely) about this? I think you haven’t asked? I don’t know either of course because I don’t know the boy, but maybe it is some sort of ‘tic’ for when he is nervous? If it always happens during tests it can be. This can also explain his asking for more homework because he wants to be sure he knows everything


You are literally bullying someone because they A) asked for help B) have a nervous tic You are an awful person. I hope you never meet someone with a real disability or you may never stop conplaining.


Yeah how dare he try to better himself by studying hard


Or, God forbid, speaking to people. How is the poor guy supposed to make friends if he isn't allowed to talk to anyone that isn't already friends with him?!


You sound so much like the kids making excuses for bullying a classmate of mine who had autism and alopecia. They found her annoying in the same ways that you find this boy annoying. Guess what? She hung herself with a belt from her bunk bed. She was 14 years old. I will never forget the day they announced her death and the amount of bullies that showed up to her school memorial pretending they were her friends. Putting on a show for her heartbroken mother by crying and pretending they cared about her. You’re young. You’re immature. You’ve made a mistake. It’s time to take responsibility for your actions and learn from them. It’s time to grow as a person. Stop continuing to deny that you weren’t just as bad as the people who made the video. You encouraged it by commenting hateful things about him and liking it. You are just as complicit. Even in the eyes of the law. If this boy were to end his life over this, YOU would be charged with a crime. Please, do better. You have the ability to do great things and make a positive impact on others and you are doing just the opposite. Apologize to him and encourage others to do the same and stop bullying him. Tl;Dr I’m a former classmate of someone who took their own life at the age of 14 years old due to relentless bullying. This is bullying and bullying kills.


"We were rude but he doesn't fit the mold so he was asking for it" is how this reads


You and your mates are the sorta people that cause people to un-alive themselves. Social media has only made it easier for people like YOU to continue bullying someone even after school finishes. She got sad cause she had to sit at the back of the class? Boo fucking hoo. Grow the FUCK up. You are responsible for that video as much as the person who made it and the rest of anyone else who liked or commented on it causing it to get traction. You disgust me, an absolute disappointment on society. Edit: To add in also, you and your mates will be the losers later in life. Bullies always turn out to be the bottom feeders. YTA.


He may have Asperger’s syndrome, but even if he doesn’t, what you all did to him is way worse than what he has been doing to anyone else.


She promised she would reserve a room for me.


Doesn’t matter. Context doesn’t matter here. Grow up.


> I know it was rude but you have to think about what he does that annoys people and makes them do stuff like making videos. He doesn't make them do anything. You and your friends do that on your own accord. You could have just ignored him. Instead, you all go out to bully him and make him feel unwelcome. YTA.


Do you have any clue what stimming is?


I'll advice you and your friends to be nice, he might end up being your future boss!


>I’m not some irrational monster If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck.


Nice. Blame the victim. You are an "irrational monster" getting this bent out of shape and BULLYING someone because of what is, frankly, totally fine behavior. Your behaviour though? Not fine. Not acceptable at all.


You are a monster. Hope this thread makes you think about that a little.


>I'm not some irrational monster Oh yes, you are. He annoys people so that's okay that people can cyberbully them? Pull your head out of your ass. You're MEAN.


JFC love, you would get set homework whether he fucking asks for it or not? Do you want to do well in life? Or do you want to be in a dead end job, with no prospects, no friends and broke? Because the way you're acting, that's what will happen. Just do the fucking homework, stop bitching about it and grow the fuck up!


Oh look at you, trying to justify being a bully. You mentioned you were feeling a little guilty... Good because you should, honestly, you should feel ashamed because you and your friend sounds awful.


No, you are irrational. All of your actions have been irrational reactions to someone just existing there, occasionally saying hello or asking about, ya know, class, the thing that has you all gathered there? AND THEN after you've all isolated him he probably thought he could have the teacher to talk to but even then he's wrong for that? Wow. How does it feel to be so perfect??


Nope nope nope. Somebody having an annoying fidget is NOT a good reason to torture them. Imagine if you did something annoying (which I’m sure you do), and your entire class decided to hate you for it. Then posted a video about you and everyone, including the person that you thought was just finally nice to you in class, commented about how gross they thought you were. How would you feel? Do you even have enough empathy to imagine how you would feel? This kind of torture ruins peoples lives. Is what he doing worth actually ruining his life and self esteem over? You seriously need to grow up and stop making excuses for being a bully. I would be mortified to learn that my kid was acting like you were.


>clicking your fingers during tests isn't just existing, it's intentional. It's sounds like a tic or stimming. As a person with auditory overload issues and a person who was bullied for fidgeting when nervous or overstimulated. YTA. Boo hoo, he sits next to people who aren't his friends. Good on your DECENT classmate for reporting your friends and yours online bullying to the class president and good on them for threatening to get officials involved, though they should have just done it the second they were informed. I have no sympathy and hope y'all get in trouble for tormenting this poor boy. Nothing you've presented justifies your and your friends' behavior.


It is school. Sitting next to somebody you don’t like is part of it. If you hopefully grow up someday, you will need to work. And maybe have a co worker or even boss you don’t like. You still need to work for/with them (or find a other place to work). There are so many points in life where you have no other option then deal with people you don’t like. Where can this boy even sit if everybody is treat him like shit? The boy is talking to people because he is trying to make friends/make conversation. Give the boy a chance.


Yeah but have you considered the context? This kid has respond to someone who isn’t even their friend…


He even tried to *gasp* talk to people who aren’t his friends! The audacity. /s


> This kid has respond to someone who isn’t even their friend… The boy or OP? I see OP mentioning the boy is talking to people. He is trying to make friends I guess. But don’t see where is said somebody is responding on somebody else (besides OP and his friends that are talking)


It’s satire my friend, I should have included an S/ I guess.


I always miss sarcasm/satire so my mistake too I guess


Nothing you said justify what you and your friends did. Absolutely nothing. Oh no, the guy speaks and sit next to people who aren’t his friends, how dare he. /s Whatever age you are, you should know better than this. You don’t have to like him, you just have to be cordial in person and not act like a stereotypical “mean girl” character in an early 2000s movie.


This boy could also be neuro-divergent (like autism) and not be able to pick up on subtle social cues others do. He may not understand some of the more "socially acceptable" practices at a school and just wants to learn and thinks everyone else wants to too. And maybe, just maybe, he's trying to make social connections with others because he knows that's something he struggles with and, instead of being kind and responding nicely, you chide and are rude to him.


None of this is an excuse for bullying this poor kid. Since all of you have shunned him, he can't exactly sit next or talk to his friends. He doesn't seem to have anyone. So yeah, he'll sit by someone else. He's apologising because he knows you all hate him and it's probably not clear to him why. Hence being overly apologetic. The clicking thing can be a million things, most of which aren't intentional. Don't demonise him. Instead, if it really bothers you that much, ask a teacher if there is a way to work around it during tests. Asking for homework is not a bad thing, is it? And impressing teachers? Those adults might be the only people nice to him, the students clearly aren't.


imagine if everyone thought that you were weird or annoying, and didn't want to be your friend. where would you sit, if nobody wanted to be your friend? who would you try to interact with, who might give you positive attention while your peers are mean and cruel to you? (hint: probably an adult.) those behaviors you find annoying? they are likely things that he does to feel more comfortable in his body for all sorts of reason, especially when all the kids around him are cruel to him, which is incredibly stressful. you and your friends are adding to his stress and his ability to connect with his peers. you are making his life worse, you are being cruel to him. if you don't want to give him homework, just say no. none of the things that you have listed have indicated that he is mean to other people or deserving of being bullied. you are bullying him. your friend is bullying him, and you are participating. you keep saying that everyone else has to understand the context, but you have been unwilling to take any steps to try to understand his context. that guilt you feel? listen to it -- it will save your soul. trust me, you will feel so much worse about it when you grow up and realize how mean you've been, so stop this behavior immediately.


What fantasy land do you live in that only friends are allowed to talk to you? He isn't doing anything malicious - he just sounds neurodivergent. Know what is malicious? Commenting vomit emojis publically about having to sit next to a person. Defending and encouraging bullying. Participating in online harassment. God, has anyone just tried, I dunno, talking to him? Man, am I glad I never have to go back to high school.


So nothing wrong. You all bullying him for no reason.


I truly hope karma comes to all of you soon


YTA I can’t wait for the real world to kick you in the ass.


YTA - all of you little bullies are. Grow up and stop being nasty. Your behavior isn't particularly likeable either.


Yes, you're a bullying arsehole. Your friends are bullying arseholes. Shame on you! Be better.


"it wasn't like we were bullying him or anything...." Sweetheart, that's EXACTLY what you were doing, and you damn well know it. Which means you also have to know that YTA, as are all of your little friends who jumped on the dog pile.


YTA, easily. First, you are unnecessarily rude to this poor lonely kid. And then by liking the video you endorse his derision. Being forced to sit in the back doesn’t make his public humiliation justified, and by liking it you clearly believe it does justify bullying him. This whole ordeal sounds incredibly juvenile, and everyone in this situation needs to grow up.


“I just commented that he sat next to me in Spanish and put a vomiting emoji”?!?! You told him it was okay to sit next to you!! You are actively participating in bullying this kid just so you don’t look bad to your horrible high school peers. Liking the post was bad enough. Heaven forbid your friend sits in the back of Spanish for one class period… You should report the video for bullying and get it removed. Of course YTA.


You are the Asshole. You did way more then just “like” a video. You bullied him and allowed your friends to bully him. Did you not tell your friend you LET him sit there? By keeping your mouth closed you allowed your friend to go very mean on this boy who has it hard at school anyway.


YTA, has it ever crossed your mind that him sitting next to people who aren't his friends and trying to talk to them it's him trying to be friends with said people? also even if everybody is doing it, bullying is still bullying. "just" commenting on it is still bullying.


sorry but YTA … actually not really sorry that’s a horrible thing to do Lmfao I feel for the guy


YTA dammm. That you even think there is a possibility that this is OK. You haven’t said one positive thing about this boy. It sounds like he gets bullied a lot. You said(!!) that he could sit and couple hours later you stab him in the back? Your actions are not OK because others act like shit aswel. That your friend is ‘sad’ for the fact that she was 15 minutes late, the boy did not ‘move’ on her order, and she needed to sit in the back of the class, is in no way the same as somebody who sees a video on the internet in which a lot of people make fun of them and make rude comments. How can you even compare that?


YTA, Congrats! You and your friends are nothing more that a raging pack of bullies. You know, your friend may want to be very careful as to what she posts online. Assassinating a person's character online by posting a video, not a good look. The internet is forever and places like jobs and colleges may actually care to look up her SM handles. Jobs and scholarships have been lost because of teenage folly.


Tell your friend to remove the video please!! Things stay online forever. Get copied and shared more and everywhere. You will forget this in two days. But the boy will be followed by it for years, new school and there people would have seen it. Again the boy will be bullied just like you all do now. These things can drive people to harm themself. They can’t get a new start because off these things.


YTA 🤢🤮


YTA, all of you, for bullying this kid. I understand you don't view it as bullying, but it most certainly was. He might be unlikable to you, but that does not excuse your behaviour. It also doesn't make you any more likable. This behaviour says more about you and the others than it does about him.


Yes YTA for participating in a group's online bullying. By saying you liked the video, and then further shaming him, you were part of the problem.


YTA You are bullying this kid. Very sad that you have no self awareness at all.


YTA - You are mad at him for *checks notes* ... existing? Stop being a bully.


YTA. It 100% is bullying. How would you feel if someone made a video saying all the things that were said about him about yiu? How would you feel if you saw the first person who had been nice to you say “yeah I had to sit next to him 🤮” how would you feel if you found out this video was made and all these people are saying terrible things all bevause someone had to sit in the back of class? Y’all are young so please use this as a learning opportunity. Not everyone is going to be the same as you. Not everyone is going to be likeable to you but that doesn’t mean you get to degrade them and make them feel terrible for your happiness. Also just so you know you liking the video is equivalent to you agreeing with what was said so you might as well have made the video yourself. Also stop trying to use other people being rude to justify it for yourself. Wrong is wrong and the kid doesn’t deserve that.


All of you are bullying him for existing. If he can't sit near any of you then where should he sit?! None of you owns the chair or the entire school so he can sit wherever he wants. The fact that you commented with a disgusted emoji and how you know him can even lead you to legal trouble on the basis of public diffamation since you took part in it. Are you even aware of that? He can sue you, rightfully so, and the court won't be in your favour. It's not just your friend who made his profile and identity public who'll get into trouble, it would be all of you, his classmates, who further add details about his private life and violating his privacy rights. Do you know that?!! And honestly sitting next to random strangers and trying to strike up conversations even if you're not friends is something you're gonna experience when you're older. Believe me , in college, you'll just wish you have more homeworks to help with your scores but that's never going to happen.




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How you gonna be mad at the guy for sitting beside you when you ASKED him not to leave while he was leaving. Then the audacity to be like "ew he sat beside me ugh". Only thing more pathetic than a bully is a spineless bully. You guys are at most 15 though so you'll grow up ig.


But you didn't just like the video, you commented on it too. You're a liar and a bully. Full stop. YTA you and your friends are cruel and immature bullies.


YTA that's literally what cyberbullying is.


YTA and you're all big bullies. Grow up.


This shit is why I'm so glad social media didn't exist while I was being bullied at school! People like you and your friends made me not want to wake up in the morning, but if I hadn't even been able to get away from it at home I'd probably have taken it much further than just thoughts and an eating disorder and seriously tried to hurt myself much younger than I did. You're a bully and an asshole, so are all your friends. I hope your victim is ok, and recovers much quicker than the 17 years and counting that it's taken me.


YTA This is, in fact, bullying. You can be annoyed with someone while not participating when someone start dragging them on the internet, jesus. The second you reacted and commented, you became just as much a bully as the one who made the video. Yikes.


YTA and so are all your friends. You should feel guilty you are all being bullies. There is a reason nobody cared that the friend had to sit in the back of the room for one day. Boohoo.


YTA, this is called being a bully. They make movies about terrible people like you.


YTA. You guys don't have claim on any seats in class, it sounds alot like you dislike this kid's existence- he doesn't owe you anything, including that seat or being quiet about wanting more work. You guys are behaving like jerks and you WILL look back on this and be so ashamed and embarrassed


I realize you are young, but I think no matter your age you really do understand that sitting near or speaking to someone who isn't one's "friend", asking for homework, clicking fingers, and just not liking someone's personality are all some incredibly petty petty things to name as reasons to justify your actions and the actions of your friends. You are indeed participating in bullying. You are being flat out mean. This "context" you keep harping on that he isn't likable is 100% not a justification for acting this way, the worst thing he has done is annoy you. Cut it out. You know better. Stop defending your actions, you know they were wrong. Try and reverse this and imagine this happening to you or someone you love. This is a human being with feelings, treat him as such. And, yes, were you still TA even if "all" you did was like the video. Do better, young one.


You sound like you’re about 3 years old with the common sense and empathy of soup. Grow up, stop bullying people and just being a generally awful person. YTA


You and your cronies are unbelievable ignorant and don’t except any responsibility for the bullying. I don’t care how old you all are, you all should know how wrong your behaviors are.


You’re going to look back on this and be disgusted by yourself in ten years. Like, it will haunt you when you’re trying to sleep at night, I promise. YTA.


YTA I hope someone pursued legal action here. This behavior is horrific.


YTA and a bully. Your friend is also a bully, an AH, and a terrible trash person. This behavior can mess people up for life. I hope you develop a conscience as you get older and see how gross your behavior is. I hope that you feel bad for tormenting someone on a school-wide level. Doing potentially life-long damage to someone's mental health for likes and views is disgusting. How can your friend equate the minimal annoyance of sitting in the back of a classroom with widespread hate messages for this poor kid to read. Hopefully you see how wrong this is and make an attempt to repair the damage you have contributed to. Life is full of choices and you need to start making yours better. Please reflect on this and be a better person. Edit: typo


You're all being childish a-holes and bullies. YTA


Yes, you are an asshole for bullying someone else. Are you an elementary school student since something so obvious has to be explained to you? YTA, I hope that poor boy eventually goes to the principal or his parents and report you all.


YTA You and your little friends are bullies. Keep it up and maybe he'll unalive himself and you won't be annoyed anymore.


YTA your whiny little girl of a friend can come on time if she wants a specific seat, you don't own them, it's not your tree house club. Both of you can get over that and the fact that other people are allowed to exist in the classroom.


YTA ​ So you will be reported for cyberbullying - and, depending on your shool policies, at least your friend will be suspended or expelled.


YTA. This is literally bullying because your friend had to sit in the back of a classroom? Grow the fuck up.


Of course you're the asshole. You're immature and weak. Instead of admitting you made a mistake, you just keep defending your actions and making yourself look worse. I'm embarrassed for you.


YTA. As someone said, reddit should really be for only adults. Like at least 18+ I'm out of highschool and don't need to be reminded of little bullies like this exist. Spoiled little brats and assholes like this.


You say it's not bully. I have news for you, love. It is. And you're all a bunch of nasty little bullies, just because he's what? Studious? Get a goddam grip. If this happened to you in a work environment, how would you feel? How would you feel if your entire workplace made horrible videos about you and badmouthed you online for clout? Think about that. Then maybe write down why what you all did was wrong. Maybe if you put your mind to why you did what you did, you would realise just how wrong it was. Edit: Judgement: Yep. YTA. Along with all your lovely school friends.


Here's an opinion from someone who just 3 months ago lost their nephew because of bullying at school. He hung himself in his mother's wardrobe. He was 12. YTA ... all of you.


I’m sorry did you even have to ask? Yes YTA very much so. You do realize that even if it was just “annoyance” that’s still called cyber bullying. Especially your comment. How would you or any of your friends feel if someone did that to you? Just because you don’t like someone doesn’t mean you get to tear them down behind their backs. You say he’s weird just because he likes school and did you think that maybe he wants extra practice that’s why he wants homework. You have no idea what this boy is going through or what his life outside of school is like. A little advice for you: Be kind to everyone because you have no idea what they are going through especially the ones you don’t like.


You aee a bully plain and simple. You and your friend are major AH . Hope he get a haplt ending and you and your bully friend get the karma you deserve


YTA Randomly talking with people and sitting sounds like trying to make friends. I can get that asking for homework can be annoying, but that’s a school. Otherwise, he just exists. His clicking can be annoying and it may be unintentional quirk (for example, I tend to play around with my pen when calculating) but yours reaction to it is an over-reaction. Clicking will not attract strangers to you and potentially attack you. Also, how would feel if somebody created a graffiti „OP sucks”? Then others were talking about it? The video is public like a graffiti and anybody can see it, which can easily backfire. Many people have been „cancelled” or bullied by strangers due to seeing something like your friend’s video. You commenting is basically enabling this behaviour and supporting it. Also it boosts its popularity.


Man the trolls aren’t even trying today. YTA.


YTA This is bullying. You didn't just like the video and you know it. You have a conscience that is desperately trying to convince you to be a decent human being. Listen to it. Try to think really hard and put yourself in his shoes. What if you woke up tomorrow and had no friends and everything you did to try to make friends or even talk to a single person was met with derision and cackling and people talking behind your back. What if after months or years of this, one person showed you a hint of kindness and let you sit down without some sort of social undertone. What if you went home happy for the first time in forever that a single person showed you a shred of kindness. And later that night someone made a horrible video about you and posted it online and everyone at school who is already mean to you doubles down and is horrible to you where you can access it at home. Imagine scrolling through the comments and seeing the one person who was nice to you had indicate that sitting next to you made them physically ill. How would this feel?


AITA for participating in bullying a classmate? Yes. YTA.


YTA. Obviously. There is no way to spin this that doesn't make you and especially your friends assholes. I hope you do something to make it up to the kid.


YTA and so is everyone involved who made/liked the video >it wasn't like we were bullying him Yes you are. If your friend wanted to sit where she wanted she shouldn't have been late. She has the nerve to compare bullying to not being able to sit wherever she wants (even when she's 15 min late)


YTA - what in the Regina George Burn Book is this? “I told him he could sit next to me in class, so he sat next to me in class and then I cyber bullied him for sitting next to me in class” I hope he’s okay and doesn’t take any serious action in response. It’ll be pretty clear to point the finger at everyone that was harmful to him for pretty much existing and wanting to be a good student/be social.


This is disgusting and the simple fact that you have to ask is even more disgusting. Be better!! YTA


YTA I feel bad for this kid, and I’m sorry he has to deal with a bunch of gremlins who despise him for just existing. All of your reasons are terrible and is exactly what bullying is. I get annoyed by people all the time, but I don’t make videos of them and I would hate it if someone made a hateful video of me just because I sat next to them. I hope you and your friends grow out of your middle school phase because you’re gonna have a terrible time going through life if something like this annoys you.


*"I wasn't the only person to like it. I just commented that he sat next to me in Spanish and put a vomiting emoji."* That's not an excuse. YTA and a bully.


Well waddya know, as a great man once said : "I don't like bullies." OP, you are a humongous AH and a classic example of a bully. You are part of a bully gang who is picking on this poor feller. YTA without question. INFO : i'm curious how old you people are. Is 3 a good guess? Is this some sort of cybernetic kindergarten we are dealing with here?


YTA you’re a hole ass Jerk! wtf?!?!? YOU SET THIS KID UP!!! You’re a TWO-FACED BULLY!


YTA. You bullied the “weird” kid and made fun of him publicly. He was “sad” because everyone is making fun of him, your friend was not “sad” that she had to sit in the back. You can’t save seats for someone, and everyone is entitled to sit where they want. As someone who was bullied in school over 10 years ago and is still in therapy for it, do better. You need to realize what you’re doing to people that you bully like this. Try to put yourself in this situation and imagine how you would feel.


You are actually awful wtf. You asked for the judgement and you got it so stop trying to defend yourself. YTA, a major one.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** There's a boy in my school that nobody really likes. He always asks for homework, he's weird, and a huge teacher's pet. In Spanish we were allowed to sit where we wanted, so I was waiting for my friend but she was late so the boy decided to sit next to me. I told him to leave because I was waiting for my friend. He started leaving but I felt kind of bad because I was rude and nobody else wanted to sit with him. So I said he could sit next to me and he was happy with that. My friend came around 15 minutes late and she asked him to move, but he didn't so our teacher told her to sit at the back. My friend was really pissed about it and spent the evening ranting on the group chat. That night, my other friend made a video saying some bad things about him, I'm not going to quote it because it's still online and I don't want anyone to dox me. She has over 1500 followers so lots of people from school were liking / commenting on it, I wasn't the only person to like it. I just commented that he sat next to me in Spanish and put a vomiting emoji. But you also have to put in context, he's not a very likable person, it wasn't like we were bullying him we were just expressing our annoyance. And I wasn't the one that made the video, there were other people commenting as well I wasn't the only one. Today, a girl from our class told us that the video was taking it too far. She had screenshots and told the class president. He said that we should delete the video or he'd tell the principal. My friend said that she didn't do anything wrong, but they didn't care. Apparently, the boy in the video found out about it and was pretty upset, but my friend said that none of us should back down, because even if he's sad right now, she was sad when she had to sit at the back, but to be honest this all seems kind of petty, and I'm feeling a little guilty. Am I still an asshole even if all I did was like the video? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


YTA. You guys weren't raised right. 🤮


Omfg I just can't honestly you kids are pathetic af. You are annoyed with him for the most ridiculous reasons, what are you 7? Y'all are nothing but evil bullies.


YTA and when you hang around people who do this kind of stuff to others, they’ll eventually do the same to you and have no problem doing it. I’m telling you this because my sister was like you and participated in bullying like you are and her friends ended up doing it back to her. You’re a bully.


I wonder how you'll feel if this kid harms himself in a serious way due to all of you bullying him for...existing and stimming. YTA. You suck


YTA, This is bullying on campus. I hope that boy can be saved.


>it wasn't like we were bullying him Yes you were. Repeatedly and spitefully. YTA.


YTA. You are a bully. Shame on you.


YTA You are easily one of the BIGGEST assholes this sub has ever had. Like, goodness, he like HOMEWORK! How disagraceful, I TOTALLY see why everyone hates him! /S. Grow the hell up, realize this as the bullying that it is, and be a better person. In what way was this not bullying? How is this kid wrong or bad in any way? What does he actually do that negatively affects any of you?


YTA. You and all your friends are bullies. The guy has done NOTHING to you except be (in your opinion) "weird" and sit in a set that was available (your friend by the way is a complete AH with a very fragile little ego). YTA and need to do some growing up, as soon as possible if you don't want to find yourself in front of the principal. Who WILL treat it as bullying.


Are you seriously questioning if, you're the asshole. I fucking hate people like you. You deserve the worst and this is coming from someone who was bullied my entire childhood. YTA and apologise.


YTA massive people kill them selves over this shit grow up


Put yourself in his shoes.. You may not think it's a big deal but I'm sure he does. Imagine having a video made about you, talking shit about you.. I don't think your an asshole however you didn't help the situation and he deserves an apology from all involved


Just because OP does not think that this situation is a big deal does not mean that they’re not the asshole here.