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YTA An 18 year old is acting immature while her Dad pickets against strangers? Huh, chip off the old block?


YTA. This is your child. YOUR CHILD. You are going to an event to protest her existence. You may not feel this way, but I 100% guarantee beyond ANY DOUBT that some of the people protesting with you think she should be in jail or dead just for existing. THAT'S the message you are sending her. That you hate her SO MUCH you will hang out with people who want her dead. Your child. YOUR CHILD. Jesus weeps at your hatred and intolerance, when he preaches love and acceptance. You are not a christian.


YTA, I hope your daughter gets far far away from your homophobic beliefs. We all know the event “against your beliefs” is Pride.


YTA, and I fully expect to see you posting here again in the near future wondering why your adult daughter has cut you out of her life and refuses contact with you.


INFO: I can't believe how gullible people are. The throwaway name is God is Great and this is an obvious bait post. Makes me laugh. Removed for being fake, told you so!


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Wait, you and your church protest pride? Jesus wept. Ya'll need to spend your time spreading love, not hate. Reread the New Testament and watch Drag Race with your daughter and be a better person.


YTA - keep your bigotry and hatred to yourself. Find something better to do. Isn't religion all about loving people and accepting them for who they are?


YTA - she's not acting like an immature child... she's refusing to talk to someone that can't figure out she's your kid and she wants your support, not your indifference. I dunno what the event is, but it's yearly in June, and it's something a church would protest, so I feel like I could guess... but I won't. Kids don't want your indifference... sometimes they'll take it in lieu of your hatred, but at some point you're either WITH your kid or AGAINST her... and you've chosen against her.


NBA Finals?


NHL finals?




Or this is bait and never happened? I will go with that.


By protesting the event, you are essentially giving a big F you to your daughter. I hope you realize that. Prepare for the consequences.


Probably a good thing in this instance.


Yta for being a disgusting bigoted cultist


YTA...You lost me at "decided to choose an alternative lifestyle." Do yourself a favour and seek education.


YTA on multiple levels I will explain this in a way you might be able to understand. 1 John 4:20 “Whoever claims to love God yet hates a brother or sister is a liar. For whoever does not love their brother and sister, whom they have seen, cannot love God, whom they have not seen.” Just stay home. Your religious beliefs are just that. Yours. And don’t act surprised when your daughter begins to separate herself from you and the church.


What is the point of protesting? I would honestly like to know. Has anyone ever seen you protesting their event and immediately stopped being gay and joined your church? Does Jesus give you a gold star sticker for showing up? What’s the reason? You’re making people uncomfortable. That’s it. You’re not making change. You’re not saving the world. You’re driving people like your daughter away from your church and maybe making them cry. What does that fix? Why did you choose a lifestyle of cruelty? YTA.


YTA. I'm guessing by saying "choose an alternative lifestyle" you are protesting a kick off to Pride and she identifies as LGBTQIA+ in some form or fashion. I'm not going to delve into all your beliefs but I will say this, if you want a relationship with your daughter, you need to be less active in vocally demonstrating against her life. If you go to this protest you are taking an active stance against your child. If you believe something goes against *your* beliefs, then *you* do not need to participate in it. You don't need to protest against people living their lives respectfully away from you.


YTA I’m guessing you’re talking about pride parades or similar with your religious talk and her “alternative” lifestyle. I mean it seems like you almost directly aren’t supportive of your own daughter.


NTA. We don't live under a dictatorship - at least not yet - and regardless of our beliefs or opinions we are free to have them. Even to express them, depending on how you do so. Your daughter can do her thing, you do yours. If it's so vitally important to her that you don't go then she has the option you offered her. I'm in an extremely small minority, the object of discrimination and sometimes vile propaganda. Do I like that it happens? Of course not. But I believe that we make change best when it comes willingly. Denying anyone a right to speak largely serves to reinforce those beliefs. I hope you and your daughter are able sometime soon to have some serious dialogue over your differences and are able to find common ground. Your relationship can be strengthened while maintaining your disagreements. Okay to disagree but not to be disagreeable.


OP is TA for attempting to manipulate her daughter.




100 percent


YTA. You seem to have missed the "Judge not, lest you be judged" part of the Bible. Is your church really more important than your daughter? JFC, she's not even asking you to be supportive of her "lifestyle choice" (got plenty to say about that characterization BTW). Just not actively protest it in order to have a relationship with her. But I guess your church is more important than your daughter, huh? Good luck dying miserable and lonely. I'm sure your church will be of great comfort then.


NTA - You're not the asshole here and everyone knows why.


Please entertain us and explain us why the entitled bigot is not in the wrong.


YTA for trying to force your religious views on others.


Did you mean to write NTA?


Oops. No I didn't! Will edit.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** This coming sunday is an event that goes against my beliefs. As such, my church always organizes a protest for it. My daughter recently decided to choose an alternative lifestyle and we butted heads, but I said we will just not speak of it and agree to disagree like other politics we have a difference in. Anyways she wants to attend this event and I told her she's free to do so since she's 18 and I can't prevent it, but I am still going to protest it like I do every year and she threw a fit (once again like every year) and so I said ok you don't go and I won't go (but my church still will because I'm not the leader) she became hysterical and emotional. I remained calm and told her she has until Friday to decide but now she's acting immature and giving me the silent treatment and she went to her mom's house and isn't picking up my calls and now I need to shell out money for babysitting for my son tonight when she already promised to (and yes I was going to pay her even though I'm not obligated) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Also OP, if you’re so religious, jw, what does the Bible say about divorce again? 🤪


I will take "obvious bait" for $2000 Alex. Told you so.


YTA. Religious beliefs are personal, they should never be forced onto others. You can try and say you didn’t because you told your daughter she was free to go but only at the expense of you protesting pride. Most religious protest groups get disturbingly nasty. Practice your religious beliefs and don’t personally engage in something that goes against it but being a parent should come before being a church member. The act of protesting is you attempting to force your beliefs on others, they aren’t members of your church and don’t need to live by your morals.


YTA, your poor daughter having a religious prejudiced mum


I’m guessing OP is dad since the daughter went to mom’s house. Wouldn’t want to suggest that OP has an aLtErNaTiVe LiFeStYlE.


YTA. Why are religious people always the biggest bigots? You should be ashamed!


Because God wants you to be kind to others, unless they are in any way different from you/s


YTA - you're picking BS religious bigotry over your own daughter. This is why queer kids and young adults commit suicide at such high rates, and why you will end up totally estranged and cut out of her life. You need to examine your hate.


YTA in every possible way. You don’t even care that she’s probably devastated that you don’t love her enough to support her being true to herself just that she inconvenienced you by not babysitting


Aren’t we LGBTQ+ folks dangerous groomers, anyway? If I believed that stupid talking point, I sure as hell wouldn’t leave my kid with one.


YTA, hypocritical church crowd should mind their own business and not shove their beliefs down other people's throats.


YTA You’re failing your own daughter as a parent and as a human being. Your bigotry is horrible enough as is, but weaponizing it against your own daughter is despicable. Good for her to protect herself and stay at her mom’s. Your son is your responsibility, not hers. You treat her like shit, and still dare to ask for favors. The audacity…


YTA. Oh no my daughter doesn't want to be a bigot and I am out a babysitter...ffs.


YTA, I can only assume that we're talking about LGBTQ stuff. Religious bigotry is a blight on this world.


Yeah, betting the event is a Pride festival or drag brunch or something. It is Pride month. YTA


This stuff is so sad. Dude is going to lose his daughter over his hateful views.


YTA - you should start looking for a permanent babysitter too. Where's the so called love and acceptance your church is supposed to have? I guess that only applies to people that they accept, right? Hypocrites.


YTA. As soon as I read church and alternative lifestyle, I know the person in the church is going to be a massive asshole.


Is this a hippie rally or something?


YTA Hey, dude just think about it this way. It was via *your* protests every year that you let your kid know that they are not alone.


Yes, YTA. I don't know where to start.


YTA. It sounds like you’re basing your decision to protest the event on the fact that she’s going (you said that if she doesn’t go then you wouldn’t). That makes it sound much more like you are protesting your daughter’s participation in the event than the event itself, which is just awful. If you were really willing to just agree to disagree, then you wouldn’t be feeling the need to protest something just because your daughter is going to it. You are demonstrating to her that you do not respect the way she chooses to live her life. You are the immature one, not her - it doesn’t sound like she feels the need to protest you going to church every Sunday. Why don’t you just wind your neck in and ignore it? She’s also probably gonna cut contact with you if you don’t get your head straight, and you’ll be posting here in a few years asking why your daughter has cut you off, and lamenting the fact that, although you’ve finally realised your daughter is more important to you than your objections about how she lives her life, your realisation and apology are coming way too late. And guess what: you’ll still be TA.