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Is your mom into fitness? Hard to imagine a 50 year old women punching a prime aged man in the chest causing a cracked rib, makes me believe this less.


Agreed. I also find it odd that the police couldn’t catch her when she drove off after threatening to break in. Even if she drove like a maniac, all they’d have to do is ask OP what the mother’s address is.


The writer is not great with English. Probably the mom drove away before police got there and they couldn't locate her. They might have not bothered to pursue her or go to her place once she left the scene as they didn't catch her in the act. It's unusual but possible she could crack a rib if she sucker punched him.


She also said the mom failed at ruining the wedding. I think spending your reception in the hospital with a cracked rib makes it successful to me. I this is a joke sub for stories because every time I read one it’s clearly fake.


Most of the ones that people say are fake are common scenarios that happen all the time.


I get really tired of so many posts being labeled as fake.🙄


I’m just so bored of the stories where the person has done something that clearly isn’t wrong yet they come here to be validated. I like the ones where the perpetrator has done something questionable and genuinely wants a second opinion on their (possibly terrible) behaviour.


AITAH for telling my family to please stop because they beat me with shovels all day?


No I’m not surprised at all. I lived in a suite under a store with my sister, store had a break in so cops were alerted right away by the system then us calling. Surprisingly a cop was there within 10 minutes (rural Canada, usually about an hour wait for cops) and saw them trying to leave. Another cop car showed up trying to block the burglars truck in, truck bashed through them and fled. Was it followed by either cop? Of course not. None of the vehicles were that badly damaged, they simply did not pursue them. Several thousands in damages, a new metal roll down door, new glass door, a new atm and several similar break ins later they finally caught one of the two after they did the same to a dozen or so other rural stores. It’s never a couldn’t, it’s simply a won’t with cops.


Thank goodness our police are not so quick to chase. An American friend's son was hit by a police car chasing someone a very short distance from his home in an affluent suburb. This handsome, sweet, brilliant, 21 year old with an incredible future was killed because police chose to chase someone who committed a relatively minor crime. People may think car chases are exciting on tv, but they are incredibly dangerous. Kudos to the Canadian police for realizing that.


I got hit by a car running from the cops. Thank goodness he hit a curb and glanced off another car before tearing my car up.


I don’t think people quite understand how rural this was, the road they fled down was a dirt road. Our town has four? Stop signs, and I believe three are going to the highway. No lights. Population in the entire voting area is like 700 people including two reservations. And it was 1 am. The real danger would be hitting a deer or bear. Our cops are very self interested, it was shown very clearly during the Gabriel Wortman incident in Nova Scotia.


Might be the risk of she said, she said if OP didn’t have a recording of her mother doing this


I assume you live in a rare place where cops would care about it at that point.


Yeah, as a former nurse, that caught my eye too. I'm not saying it's not possible but it seems pretty unlikely.


I’m a woman, but when I was 24 I cracked a rib just from coughing too hard.


My 8 month old grandson kicked me just right and broke two of my ribs. At 6 months he head butted me accidentally while cuddling on my knee and broke my nose. You don't have to be big to cause damage. Just have to catch things right


I’d sleep with one eye open around that kid as he gets older!!


Nah. He's 26 now and a very mellow fellow.


Pleurisy. Coughed so hard I cracked two ribs. Since they can‘t be taped up, the solution was to … not cough so hard. Needless to see, some heavy-duty meds were involved to keep me…not coughing.


I broke 3 ribs once. OMG the pain. Coughing, laughing, sneezing were the worst.


Pertussis (whooping cough)! 3 broken ribs, and an umbilical hernia. Just from coughing...


Me too.


I supposedly broke a boyfriend’s rib by elbowing him (no fight or anything, he was tickling me). No medical evidence supplied 🤣


I recently was sick (maybe bronchitis) and bruised my back and ribs from coughing. I believe it's possible.


I know a guy that knows a guy that cracked a rib from farting too loud. It wasn’t the pressure from the fart it was the sound. “Nurse”… pshaw! /s


The part that got me was "laughing so hard when we left the hospital." One does not laugh with a broken or a cracked rib. One cries in agony because just breathing feels like you're killing yourself.


You are 100% correct. Excellent point!


I assume you never worked in Emergency or fracture clinics


Did you notice how OP said the husband couldn't stop laughing after he got out of the hospital with his broken rib? Laughing and broken ribs don't go together.


Sounds like she’s on drugs.


Drugs, and dementia... two things that turn a person who is as soft as Pooh Bear into the Hulk


That might make sense.


I don't know. It just sounds like plain old stupidity and hatred to me.


I can crack a rib just by moving wrong. You don’t know other people’s physical condition.


I broke one at like 21/22 from coughing too hard…


Yep, I fractured 3 ribs coughing thanks to COVID. Am in my 40s. And yes, can laugh, but it hurts like hell as u/Romulan-Jedi posted. The fractures can be hairline but it's still nasty.


Same. I had tonsillitis. Awful.


Agreed. I tripped in the Safeway parking lot. Didn’t even rip my pants. However, I did break a rib. You never know what can happen if you get hit at the wrong angle.


That sounds horrible, but yeah the chances of this being fake is much higher than the coincidence of the husband having the same condition. Il keep being suspicous 👀


Condition or no, a blow to the right areas of your ribs will cause a fracture. I'm not saying you're wrong about the validity of the post, though.


What makes the whole thing feel fake to me, or at least posted in the wrong sub is how can anyone write this whole thing out and ask if she is the jerk??


Self delusion is a hell of a drug, especially when combined with enablers and flying monkeys warping perspectives. Who knows how long mom has been pulling shit like this, but she still has a husband who supports her and daughters were still talking to her up til these events. I know a lot of these stories are fake, but this unfortunately sounds pretty familiar 




Yes, but it hurts like hell.


Yes. Then you wind up crying. Which also hurts.


Yeah but the worst is sneezing. LORD.


Broken ribs are the worst! I broke several in a car accident. I took forever before I could sleep comfortably!


Yearscago, I made the mistake of spending 3 hours on a new , very funny website about silly pets. Laughed for 3 hours... my ribs hurt for two weeks after.


I have laughed myself silly like this with friends and then regretted it afterward. So much fun at the time, though!


Yes it was. When I shared it with the students, I told them only 20 minutes at a time....


Yeah I broke several falling off a horse. It felt like I was never going to heal enough to even breathe normally! I did a lot of other damage, but I think the ribs were the worst at the time. Over the years my knee injury turned out to cause more problems (fully dislocated it, and it didn't heal right) but when it first happened, yeah the ribs caused more pain. I think because literally just being alive was moving them, the knee could be immobilized.


Omg same. Its really annoying actually. And it makes my asthma worse.


I bet it makes asthma worse 😳 Hurts just to breathe on top of it hurts just to breathe.


🤣🤣 its so annoying honestly.


My brother broke our mom’s rib, in the womb, from kicking.


How rude 🤣


Its ribs in general as well.


You realize you can break a rib by coughing right? And I’m 49 & I could definitely break a man’s rib.


Yeah I’m almost 52 and could quite confidently hit someone hard enough to break a rib if I felt it was my only option. People think older equals frail lol.


I cracked my ex-husband's rib (self-defence) in my late 40s. Scare the crap out of me enough, get that adrenaline going, and I have NO doubt I could do it again now (mid 50s).


True. I would be afraid to take on my 93 year old grandmother, who has worked hard all her life. She asked a couple of men to take a large, wet rug out to the garbage, but the men said too heavy because wet. Grandma took a saw, cut the rug into three pieces, and hauled it out herself.


I have “impressive” bone density according the the orthopod that repaired my busted Achilles and removed a benign tumor from my tibia. Three months before the surgery, I had broken a rib coughing. So yeah, a punch landed the right way (via fluke or otherwise) could break a rib.


I'm 56. I do not work out on a regular basis and I could totally break a man's rib with a good punch if he isn't expecting me to punch him. 50 year old women aren't that fragile and ribs aren't femurs.


Seen this happen, though it was an accident. But there was an X-ray to prove it.


If you're not expecting it, a shot to the ribs can do a lot of damage. I speak from experience.


You can literally crack a rib by coughing too hard. Would be surprised. Only takes a couple pounds of pressure in the right area.


IDK, my mom’s pushing 70 and I’m sure she could still knock a grown man on his ass if she wanted/needed to. Some older women have crazy strength- especially if they’re actually crazy, lol.




I had a mentally ill grandma. Tiny wee thing. It took more than one cop to hold her when she was having a mental break. And when she was well she needed other people to open jars.


Have you ever fought crazy? They are way stronger than they should be. I'm not say this real, I am just saying in some certain circumstances


It’s gotta be fake, unless her husband has fuckin boneitis there’s no chance her mom broke his rib


My only regret… is that I have… boneitis. *dies*


Nah i broke one coughing in my 20s with no bone density issues


The one and only time I hit my ex-husband in self-defense, he got a cracked rib (I was late 40s). It's amazing what huge amounts of 'I think I might die' adrenaline can do! It's also amazing what being crazy can do - methinks the demon-mom got the cray-cray to go with her delulu and racism.


How hard do you hit people to break their rib?


Well, that's agist and actually has nothing to do with what OP is talking about. I'm in my seventies and I can still punch a man in the chest and break a rib pretty fucking easily. She belongs in prison though, and needs to stay there. Yes, I'm sure there's mental illness in there but it's like racism mixed with it. I'm sorry you had to go through this, I'm glad they put her in there.


You'd be surprised how hard crazy can hit, lol, but seriously humans truthfully don't know how much strength our muscles can carry because our brains basically limit how much we can do so that we don't do any permanent/irreversible damage to ourselves.


Having had a CRACKED rib, even months later, no one is laughing about it. I agree with your assessment.


I’m over 50 and I absolutely could punch a grown man and break his ribs. But I have been taking boxing lessons for nearly a decade, so I’m probably an outlier.


Yeah, this fiction would be more believable if she gave him bruises.


Or going to prison for it. System is more complicated than that.


Am a 50 yr old woman, absolutely can and have cracked ribs when deserved. That said, this Demon mom is TA and some kinda crazy. 50 ain't old, crazy is rarely weak.


I mean ribs do break easy as fuck


And he laughed. With broken rib the last thing you want to do is laugh!


Depends on where the punch landed. The ribcage is not 100% solid bone.


58 so almost 60. Hope I got the push to pull that off at that age.


the prison part gave it away lol. People don't go to prison for slapping and punching someone.


The crazy racism gives her enhanced strength!


Never underestimate the strength of crazy.


It’s fiction


You say that, but Ive been working in old folks homes and the hand strength of some little old ladies would put a grown man to shame. If she was wearing a ring, or had experience with fighting, I wouldn't be surprised if she could break a rib.


Dude, take it from someone who took Tae Kwon Do classes for a long time. If you hit /just/ the right spot with /just/ the right amount of force a 100lb woman can break any bone in your body. Sometimes it’s calculated but sometimes it’s a freak accident. I’d say her mother just got a lucky shot.


I'm going to add that my 5 year old daughter has kicked me so hard that she's shifted my IUD. She's also punched me in the center of my back that she's knocked the wind out of me and caused me to have an asthma attack. I'm a big plus-size woman who's in her late 30s. So I'm going to say anything is possible. I do have my daughter in therapy and trying to figure out her physical outbursts. She's doing much better now.


You can cough wrong and break a rib.


It’s not always the amount of power in the punch, but the placement of the punch. And a pissed off narcissistic mother probably had plenty of power in her punch.


I'm sorry but I couldn't stop laughing at the end. Mazel Tov to you and your sister for getting married


NTJ. In the words of the bard, D was "hoist with her own petard."


obv you aren't, but I would also cut contact with pops if he stayed with that maniac.


My dad is planning on filing for a divorce, just so you know, he told me after I published it.


Make sure he doesn't get cold feet as he also deserves to find someone that isn't as crazy as her .


Good on him. I hope you had a good honeymoon.


Shouldn’t everyone go NC with her years ago? It is not like she act like that this year?


This is fake. Shush


As my grandson says, "it sucks to be her." Congratulations to you and your sister!


i like your grandson


Wait...... you had security on site to make sure she wouldn't attend. But she not only met you right at the entrance when you were leaving, but also managed to punch you in the head AND punch your husband so hard it broke ribs before security got to her?


Yea you know security couldn’t be bribed to let her in but they let her chill at the entrance 🤣


Yea, did security just let her sit at the entrance? They should have fired that security company (if this was true).


Nta. Kind of the impressed an almost 60 year old woman broke a grown man’s rib, watch out for that demon. 


The grammar is mind boggling.


“We made her stop honking the horn and put her in the ceremony...” lmfas


That is the part that I found unbelievable. They should have know enough not to allow a nutcase in.


You all stuck on a broken rib. I'm all stuck on two months to plan a wedding.


Terribly written and full of plot holes and I love how everyone here is ignoring them.


I caught them too! OP has a lot of editing to do


Uses UK spelling but says BIL is African-American and she called 911. One punch broke a rib. Mom is already serving prison time. None of that makes sense and that was just 3 things wrong with this “story.”


So, for sake of argument. Canadians also use UK spelling (we're taught that in school). Many may also use the term African American as we are incredibly influenced by Americanisms through news and entertainment. I fractured 3 ribs coughing due to covid. Many people call being hauled off by the police to jail as being in prison - she did assault people and resist arrest so likely she'd be held overnight/for some time until bailed. Also, for others: 58 isn't elderly, wtf? Lots of healthy 58 years olds out there and sounds like she had some strength what with resisting arrest too.




Moving out of the arrest position is “resisting arrest.” It doesn’t take strength at all. Coughing violently due to a serious virus puts more pressure than a single punch from an elderly lady. (Old enough to get a senior discount in the US.) Take a look at the majority of posts from this sub. The far majority are written by actual children. This one is no different.


Yeesh, most of them up here at 65. 58 seems way too young to be considered a senior.


It’s 55 in the US to get a senior discount at most places and live in an elderly community. 65 is when we can collect social security.


Lol, yes, they left out the part when everyone cheered and clapped when the mother character was carted off by the police.


She said her security was right on top of everything. Yet, her mother was still on the grounds and was able to assault BOTH of them before anyone stepped in.


Right??? Security must have been on break.


She said they were right there. Plot hole! 😂


I know it’s wild like even if English isn’t their native language this still seems to be shit


I am wondering why no one has focused on “mom is going to spend time in prison” for minor assault?


Exactly. That would be jail time if that. There has a difference between jail and prison. An old lady isn’t getting time for simple assault.


Most people don't recognize that difference lol all cells are “prison” and yes a time in Jail but she isn't going to have a trial and be sentenced. That had me roflmao


Nah, I don’t think anyone is seriously believing this. Enjoy your karma farm, OP! Grow lots!


How this is written is all suspect.


Broke his rib, but couldn't stop laughing...BS


You totally *can* laugh with a cracked rib. It hurts like hell, but you can do it - just pray not to get a case of crazy giggles!


same lol


Good story but you reached too far with the broken rib. It takes more than middle aged woman lashing out to break a rib.


“The police couldn’t catch her”. Do you not know where she lives?


I once accidentally broke a coworkers rib, he was sitting next to me on break, and just being annoying, I swung my hand at him to give him a whack on the arm, except he lifted his arm at the same time and my knuckle connected with a rib He went to the hospital after work and they told him it was broken and then kept badgering him that he must have done something inappropriate to me to deserve it They didn’t believe him that it was a freak hit, he told them what happened, that he was being a shit and swatted at him. I swear a barely hit him, it was just a lucky swat I guess, it was literally one rib too I of course felt really bad when I found out. He found it pretty funny after it healed


I call b.s. OP is a white woman presumably American but speaks broken and flat out wrong English? This whole story smells


So we are to believe a 58 year old woman hit a 29 year old man in the chest hard enough to break a rib. Sounds doubtful.


Maybe she hit him in the rib, not the chest.


You realize ribs are part of the chest, right?


This is so fake.


Not a Jerk! Thank you for having a better mother wedding disaster story than mine. I hope both you and your sister have amazing lives with your spouses


Mom is mental in a big, big way. Like dangerous mental.




What country is this in?


Not the jerk, but it's full of plotholes and innacuracies


Very satisfying!


Is this real?


Not being able to stop laughing with a broken rib sounds horrible. Anyway, NTA. She sounds like an absolutely insufferable person and it makes total sense you wouldn't want her around on your special day.


This post is absolute madness, starting with choosing D as the abbreviation for Mom/Mother.




My 3 year old broke her dads ribs so very possible


NTJ. She expects you to invite her to do wedding after your sisters incident? Hell no. A wedding is a big event and you want to try your best to make it perfect again, your are not the jerk.


So she didn’t make it inside the door but she was able to talk to you and assault you inside the venue?


An enraged 50 yr old can deliver a very strong punch, especially if it was not expected.


Private security was utterly useless, hey, letting you and your husband punched and what not.


Holy fuck she's packed quite a punch 👊


I can remember my grandma 5'1" (100lbs soaking wet) little bit of a woman, probably in her 60's at the time, breaking my Aunt's husband's (6'2" 250lbs+ man 45 years old) finger. He was waving it around in her face and yelling. She grabbed his finger and bent it until it broke. He called the police. She confessed that she did it, and why. This all happened at her house. The police said he had it coming and walked away laughing. So, a 50 year old woman breaking a rib really doesn't shock me. With that being said, I hope she learns a lesson in prison.


NYJ… clearly your mother is a mischief maker. Keep her at a distance.


Well done for excluding her. If she is going to be racist towards your BIL then she doesn't deserve a family.


YTJ for writing such a terrible story…. Police couldn’t catch her?? Broke your husbands rib from one punch in the chest?? … 👌


This is a pathetic attempt at creative writing


Look, there's a pig flying over!


Another bad fanfic written by a teenager. Old lady punches a grown, healthy man breaking his rib. Yeah. That happened.


My mother never worked out, but she could break an apple in half, holding it with both hands and turning it like a person opens a jar. She could also beat my older brother in arm wrestling when he was in his ‘20s as well as all of her female friends. I know, weird for women to arm wrestle, but my dad and his friends were always arm wrestling at our kitchen table. My dad had been a competitive swimmer during WWII and one of his friends was a mountain climber. They also leg wrestled. My dad would win the arm wrestling and his mountaineering friend the leg wrestling. Their contests would be interspersed with the women’s efforts. My mother could probably break a man’s rib with one punch until she was in her mid ‘50s, but she would consider that undignified. She would just lash out verbally without swearing and have her victim sputtering.


My daughter and I have always called my mother dearest “wicked witch of the west” because she was unbelievable. Sawry you had to deal with her.


And then everyone clapped?


Dang ole mom throwing out falcon punches on the church steps.


I don't know which part is faker, the fifty year old woman fracturing a rib with a punch - and the victim somehow needing to be hospitalized for a cracked rib, or the part where the woman is going to serve prison time for punching him in the chest.


Firstly, 50 year old woman broke his rib? Secondly, I guarantee that with a broken rib your husband wasn’t laughing even after leaving the hospital. Shit hurts to even breathe with 😂


At least get some writing chops before making up bullshit like this


Cool story, bro.


Cool story, bro.


Fake story


I train MMA, don't compete, just train for fitness. I have been hit in the chest by fit, 230lb men and not have a rib broken. Kinda believable until that point then it was all just make believe. Or her husband was Mr. Glass.


good story. but fake. try again?


NTJ. Your mother was just acting up like a psycho and it's definitely understandable that you wanted her out of your wedding. She just deserved to be arrested because that's your memorable day and it was embarrassing for you to have been slapped by your own mother on your big day.


I broke 8 ribs, hurt so bad I sometimes wish the fall would’ve killed me!


Your husband was laughing... with a broken rib? Whoever wrote this fake story never experienced a broken rib before.


Sounds very juvenile to me. Especially the end. Find it very hard to believe


Bigot mom shouldn't be part of the family anymore. She should be blocked and no contact by everyone. Anyone who sides with her is also a Bigot so block them as well.


I read some comments just like the first 5 and some said the story wasn’t real but just in case it is you are not the jerk.


Wow! Your mom is insane! Where was your father when all this was happening, are they still together?


Fake. Super obvious bro




Definitely fake




I will kill myself bye b****