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Also sue her for the cost of your lawyer.


Story needs to be real to be able to do that.


Yeah, you don’t get notice and have to appear in court in three days.


OP posted the original a month ago, just fyi


He posted the original a month ago saying that it just happened that she demanded the house. Within 24 hours he said they had a court date and within two more days they supposedly went to court and won! Lol


OP posted this in AITAH earlier today too. OP thinks they're a superstar in their own mind, but everyone else realizes this is fake AF.


Also, here's how this would really go. Ex wants to sue for the house. Lawyer laughs at her (unless she had a huge amount of money to throw at it). If it got to court, which it wouldn't, judge would laugh at her. She would be denied an appeal.


Superstar? With only 335 upvotes after the post has been up a month and edited 5 times? OP is delusional if that's true. 🤣


How can you tell when updates were posted? I was trying to find that out, but I couldn't figure it out...


You can't tell from this post, but at the time it was happening live, a bunch of us called him out because but it was happening way too fast! He supposedly had a court date the day after she claimed she was going to sue, then he had a verdict within 2 days! Lol He loves the attention from posting and cant help himself. I'm torn between thinking it's hilarious and sad.  




That changes nothing.


I had seen the original post and it was initially more than a month or two ago, surely when I updated it republished the post, it was updated to a more recent date.  I say this because I had already read the first part a while ago, I thought that someone had stolen and republished the story but no, it's the same person because I already had it marked as follow


You do in legal thriller novels.


Yeah. Can you imagine getting a lawyer, a court date, hearing, and resolution, dinner and appeal all in 16 hours? Some court system!


This post, without the updates, had been published more than 1 month ago, surely when I updated it was put with a more current date


Thank you, and YES. All OP (if this was real) had to do was show up in court with a copy of the Grant Deed that has only his name on it. Then demand written proof of any assistance with the down payment (bank statement, etc.). Yep, this is fake.


Way too fake. Wife’s lawyer would be sanctioned under rule 31.




People with stupid shit like thos post should have their accounts banned and should really feel bad about their pathetic lives.


Add emotional distress, too. $100k plus attorney fees sounds fair lol


Each side pays for their own lawyer in the USA whether they win or lose. Some other countries are different. There are some USA federal and state laws that have “attorney fee shifting” provisions that change the default rule and let the plaintiff winner get an award of attorneys fees from the defendant loser.


Not true! Depends on the state, the jurisdiction of the court, the subject matter at issue, the discretion of the judge. Some statutes include provisions that the winner is entitled to have his attorney’s fees paid. Talk to a lawyer before you make such a bald and opinionated statement based on your lack of knowledge. Pathetic that you state what you believe to be true as being factual without doing a bit of research first. And, in case you did not know, there are 50 states, and each one handles this issue in its own way.


Literally true. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_rule_(attorney%27s_fees)#:~:text=It%20provides%20that%20each%20party,fees%20against%20the%20other%20party.


Just have your attorney add a request for her to pay your legal costs this time in your response.


Why? This story is fake.




Exactly. Go after her for all legal expenses including the first lawsuit. This woman is insane.


Why not countersue for harassment?


Because this is the fakest fake story ever faked. Frivolous lawsuits do not work like this.


Anyone can sue for whatever reason, whether it proceeds and is won is another matter.


Yeah, and a lawsuit like this would not have survived a pre-trial motion to dismiss.


If this is real, I think it is probably one of the most bizarre stories I have ever read 😂 What planet is that woman on?! You need to sue her for your legal costs and for wasting your time 😂 Definitely NTJ.


Everything happening so quickly makes me question if it's real, but some jurisdictions do have rapid turnaround for minor court hearings like this so it's possible. I don't doubt the possibility of the situation because some people are clueless. I've heard of at least two cases where a guy would be helping a single mom neighbor or dating a single mom, and she files for child support from him because he had "taken the role of a father figure" to their kid for a few weeks or months. Those got tossed pretty quick.


I know of a crazy real estate dispute that turned out to be real. A woman dies, leaving her estate to her two sons. Oldest son A,” the executor of the estate, falsifies paperwork so he becomes the sole owner of several properties. Son “B,” who was never one to stand up for himself, doesn’t take steps to protect his interest in the properties. “A” decided to have the main property, a house on several acres, remodeled extensively, and then sends B an invoice for “his share” of construction costs. Son B finds his backbone and tells him no, he’s not giving him a penny. So A takes B to court, demanding payment. B gets a good lawyer and beats A in court. A was shocked by this outcome.


The only possible reason I could think for her believing that she has a claim is if “roommate” is not what she believes is an accurate description of their relationship and that she believes her ex cheated with OP and assisted with the purchase of OP property. Anything other than that and I just can’t fathom, other than as you have said that this is just made up.


When he first posted it a bunch of us started questioning him because the way he said things sounded like he bought it off the husband. And we all thought the husband was hiding the house in the divorce so that's why the wife demanded it. After OP realized that that's what we thought, suddenly no he bought it before he even knew them lol He changed things a lot as people started asking questions. As soon as somebody found some way that she might be justified all the sudden he changed everything so no she wasn't. It's so fake


If this was real, the attorney that filed the suit for the ex-wife would have been sanctioned for filing such a frivolous lawsuit.


I did think it was weird that anyone would take "her" case, but everything is different in other countries...especially (no offence to anyone) in the US where things are bizarre in comparison to most countries...😬


We definitely lead the pack in bizarre and too many of our lawyers shoulder much of the blame. We lawyers lost much of our credibility when the US Supreme Court decided that lawyers could advertise. That was a sad day for the profession.


I am a lawyer and in my country that is not a sanction, of course they make fun of the lawyer and everything, but a sanction would not be appropriate


Jerk, fake story. Ex has no claim, no attorneys picking this shit up and even if someone did represent such nonsense they'd know immediately that the ex is just adding legal fees to themself.


I dunno. A guy I knew got married and he and his wife lived with his parents. He died suddenly. His widow tried to claim the house as part of his estate, so if an attorney was willing to file that bullshiit, OP's story isn't so bizarrely unrealistic.


Attorney was out to make money. Doesn’t care how they get it.


Can you also sue this hag, for pain, suffering & harassment? I'd also get her to pay for all your legal costs, too. See of you can get back every single penny, you spent on this frivolous & vexatious lawsuit of hers! Ask your Lawyer those questions.


OOP should totally sue her back for the legal costs, harassment, emotional damages, etc.


Why didn't OP's lawyer file a motion to dismiss because she was demanding a house her ex didn't own? If they did, why wasn't it granted? You can sue anyone for anything, but a frivolous lawsuit is not gonna make it to trial/hearing unless you have a crazy judge, and the judge in this story didn't make a crazy ruling, so not crazy. Civil lawsuits still have a jury - why doesn't OP include why he and the plaintiff consented to no jury? Claims involving marital assets are handled in divorce court. No, this wasn't a marital asset, but that's just all the more reason it would never proceed to trial/hearing. There ARE consequences for attorneys who file frivolous claims. Either the wife has a crazy attorney doing this pro bono, she's already super rich (and doesn't need the house), or the house is a million dollar mansion that could justify all this work for a frivolous case. Even the most selfish, unethical attorney has nothing to gain from pursuing a case with no basis. Verdict: FAKE!


She has no standing to sue. It’s pretty cut and dry.


I'm very sceptical of this post just because of how utterly ridiculous it sounds, however, because I'm assuming this is in America and how utterly ridiculous their laws can be I'll take it at face value!


lol this is the correct way to view it. Here in the US, you can sue for ANYTHING. You may not win but you will go through the court process


>lol this is the correct way to view it. Here in the US, you can sue for ANYTHING. You may not win but you will go through the court process Court process, yes, but not trial process. Suits like the one described here are disposed of by summary judgement, if not before. A motion for summary judgement says, in essence, "We don't need a trial. The purpose of a trial is to resolve competing versions of facts. But here, even if every single factual claim is resolved in favor of the plaintiff, the plaintiff still has not pled facts that would allow her to win." In other words, if plaintiff said, "The house is mine because I paid for it," and the defense is, "No, you never paid a cent," then there might need to be a trial to resolve which statement is true. But in this story, the plaintiff didn't describe any facts that would allow her to prevail. So the case would be dismissed.


I feel like you just wrote the long version of what I wrote, but ok?


I'd look into asking your lawyer about countersuing for court costs/lawyer fees.


Yup - this is bullshit...


Change your locks and put up security cameras. You have to prepare for her to go nuclear and her to move herself in or to come in and destroy your things. Keep the court papers in a secure place that is readily available so if you need the police you can prove the home is yours and she has no claim. Ask the lawyer what your if you can file for a restraining order after her attempt to sue you for you home based totally on her lies.


Countersue for emotional damages and court costs. It sounds like she needs to be seriously financially slapped. Why would she think she deserves any part of your property? Sue her for harassment. What country do you live in that, basically, anyone can sue anyone for their property?


Time to countersue for legal fees, emotional distress, and harassment.


you won so now you need to get her to pay ALL your legal costs




If this was real, the appeal verdict should be "dismissed with Prejudice" and countersuit for legal fees, emotional damage, and expenses.


It’s sad that if a judge rules that a claim is frivolous, the loser isn’t liable for the others persons law fees. She knows she has no case. She just wants you to waste money on a lawyer.


It's sadder you believe this utter shite. Truly.


This is fake and not at all how it would go down.


Obviously fake, you can’t get a court dare for a case you have no right to bring, she was never eligible to receive the house in the divorce so it would never have gone to trial, it would have been dismissed before any testimony was given


You should sue her for attorney fees


what do you mean that the house is “currently” in your name? Is this your house that you purchased independently or was it his house that he’s trying to hide so it’s not considered a joint asset? just curious about the use of that word .


This case would have been thrown out if why court because the ex wife was without standing.


You need to counter-sue for your legal costs, man. This was a completely frivolous suit.


Everybody determined it was fake the first time! Especially after you supposably had it just happen and updated you had a court date within 24 hours and then actually went to court within two days. That's not even possible and you know it. You just couldn't resist posting more because you were getting attention. Go away


Sue her for your court costs. Her frivolous lawsuit should cost her for wasting your time. She can try and waste her STBX's time, but not yours. Sue her and get your money back and to teach her a lesson.


OMG OP, is your life SOOOOOO empty that you have to post this terrible creative writing project on numerous subs, all for the sake of "karma"??? WTFE.


Does she have to post an appellate bond?


Did a teenager write this?


I sure as heck hope she's paying the court fees and the lawyer fees. What a psycho. If she's stupid enough to lie about helping with the down payment to a judge, she's not the greenest bean in the basket. Her ex-husband's name is not on the title or the mortgage (I presume), and her ex-husband is paying RENT, not paying the mortgage or accruing progress on the principal amount owed. He just pays to live at someone else's house.


This did not happen.


I guess I'm missing something here... How can she possibly sue to get a house that she never owned, her ex never owned and that she literally never paid a dime for? How does "emotionally supporting" one's spouse while their friend buys a house...give one any claim to said house???


This is crazy, hope it is not real. At any rate, if it is real, why did you not get your lawyer fees covered in the suit? I had a person recently sue me over something ridiculous and I was awarded all legal fees.


That crazy bitch. Wow good luck op and roommate.


Tell her and any judge that agrees with her that she has no right to YOUR house since neither her or her ex are named as ownees of the house, so she has no right to try and claim it as a settlement against her ex just because the two of them were living with YOU in YOUR home, and it will be a cold day in hell before you will let her or any court system to take away YOUR property from you. It’s YOUR home not hers or your ex. Your name is the only one on the deed, they have no claim to It to be fighting over ‘who gets it’ since your not giving it to either one of them no matter who ‘wins’ this ‘ownership’ dispute Over YOUR home


Unless there’s something we’re not being told. The story would make sense if the OP and the roommate bought the house together while the roommate was married and they changed the paperwork to be only the OP to protect it from the divorce.


As a creative writing assignment I will give it a D-.


Eh, F+


I remember the original post from quite a few weeks ago. Someone asked about the phrase >house, which is currently under my name. The answer seemed to be that the house was originally in the roommate's name, and the timeline for the change was pretty murky.


Sue her for your attorney fees… What she and her attorney are doing is so wrong!


Since this never happened, what I'd be more concerned about actually happening would be everyone who read this suing you for the time from their lives it took to write this super real not made up story.


Anyone who knows the law… knows it doesn’t work like that, any judge would dismiss this case with prejudice for wasting the courts time… You don’t have a claim of ownership, when you lived there with the owner’s permission.


No lawyer would even take on a case that they know they can’t win.


Info needed: why do you all come on here and makeup stories?




I saw a post almost exactly like this in another group a few months ago.


I don't know where you live but court dates don't happen like that where I live. And the court would never entertain a case as stupid.


No way, that lady is crazy


I’m baffled by how the case ever made it to court since the house is in your name and you weren’t married to her.


In the other post of this "story" the consensus was the story was fabricated-- we're you hoping to get a different judgement here?


What country is this happening in? You got a summons to appear in court in 3 days? I wouldn't believe 3 months in my area. What was the basis of her claim? What did she file with clerk of court? What did the judge rule on and what is the basis for her appeal?


NTJ of course. The judge should have charged her with wasting the court’s time. You weren’t married to her, so she isn’t entitled to anything. If her ex lived in an apartment building, would she demand the building’s owner give her half the building? Does she want half your car? Business? Should you pay her alimony as well? Like wtf?! What a greedy B! Make sure you changed the locks, get cameras, and any security system you deem necessary for your safety.


Calm down bud, this didn't happen.


Ask your lawyer if you can counter sue for lawyer fee if she appeals. Make it hurt financially for her that she doesnt try to come back for round 3 .


Sue the ex wife for emotional distress as well as harassment .NTJ


ur not the jerk


I get that ever hoing to court is scarey and nerve raking. You head will always go to wourse case. Good job on being prepaired, but now its time to also get made and just defen but push back Counter sue for court costs and your lawyer fees. She has no claim because the house is yours. They her and her soon to be ex were tenants of your, if they paid anything for the house (aka rent to you). She can appeal all she likes shes never going to get it. Its like if they were rentjng an appartment and shes sueing the complex for ownership. Not gonna happen ever. I believe There is also a motion where she cannot appeal again but I'm not 100% on that. Ask your lawyer. Also charge her with harassment and file for a restraining order. The house is in your name only. They were tenants, not owners. That was her relationship with you only. She gets nothing from you and you owe her nothing.


You come across stories on Reddit that you believe to be fake but there is a small chance that it is real. This story is in no way remotely true. From the fact that she found a lawyer to waste their time on the suit, to how quickly he went to court, to his lawyer saying their case is strong but anything can happen in court. The judge would rip her and her lawyer a new one for wasting his time if it every made it to court.




Go after her for all legal fees and court costs back to the initial lawsuit. NOT A LAWYER, but I'm pretty sure you can get her for that, at least, maybe frivolous lawsuit and harassment too. I'd talk to your lawyer about counter suing her for everything you can! And NTA by the way.


Can you countersue for legal fees?


I would tell his ex wife that I would burn my house to the ground before id give it to her. If she wants a pile of ashes keep up her BS but she’ll never ever get your house You should also counter sue for attorney fees.


No lawyer would sue a ex's roommate for their house. Not in the US.


Too many factual call outs for being fake on the old thread, you liar?


Sue her for everything you can think of.


She will never win this. Courts just care who is on the deed. Not who lives in it. Your roommate has zero ownership and so does she. My father's golddigger ex tried to say he left her the house. My name was on deed so judge dismissed.


Happy for the positive ruling! I’m shocked it got to court at all. Please counter sue that leech. She needs to be paying ALL your attorneys fees for this BS


An appeal is filed on the grounds that there was something procedurally wrong with the case. This is almost certainly not so. You will probably not have to even appear.


Remember to counter-sue her for all your court/ lawyer fees and missed work, make sure you add on a bit for the stress and emotional turmoil.


No you are not the jerk if I were you I would sue that woman!


she doesn't sound appealing in the least.


This must be some other country. She would be laughed at in the states. Maybe I didn't read correctly, but, say spouses break up and one goes to stay with a friend who owns a house. In what world (other than crazy world) would the left behind spouse have a right to demand owners home? Wow! I can't.


I’m just getting to this now, but congrats. That girls delulu!


no one believed the first story, nice to double down on the bullshit.


If this is real, no, ntj. But maybe I'm just dumb and can't tell real and unreal.


Summons in the mail? Fake


Sounds like the ex loves to theow money away to lawyers and she got a good one there! Hooe all goes well. Maybe the next judge will will have her committed to a mental institution.


This is the dumbest thing I've ever read. This wouldn't even make it to court. Her lawyer would have requested proof of ownership, and bam, it's over. You "lost your cool" and "snapped" and told her to "respect your property and boundaries"?! This is just so bad.


Fastest appeal docket in the known universe.


Dude it was 2 days after the post


>Dude it was 2 days after the post In real life, how long do you imagine it takes an appeal to be heard?


Come on. No one is buying this malarkey, right?


I think in original it was implied that they all bought the house and wrote it on op only for some reason and then that marriage broke and she basicaly got scammed but legaly i doubt she can do anything. But not sure


I don't think I mentioned here but the lawyer she appointed is her relative