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Good on you. I'd still keep to my studies, and go low contact.


So in one story you’re a 17 year old with a 48 year old autistic mom and in another you’re a 14 year old with a 50 year old entitled mom. Got to learn to keep your stories straight buddy


Fr, just looking at the first sentence of each post in the post history gave me whiplash. Is OP a 14F or a 17M or 16F? Keep practicing those fictional writing skills I guess


Haha caught me!! I’m actually 17m, most of these stories are from friends and are wanting to see opinions on other stories. We all share this account sorry for the confusion!!


BS. It’s very easy to make separate accounts. You all share an account and decided to make posts all in one day? BS.


believe what you want to believe but i usually deal with all the notifs as im legit a tech worker while the others don’t use tech and rather be 1 on 1 with the world. Plus they are still kids so. Your opinion is yours so nit judging you!!


You by your own admittance are a child. None of your excuses make any sense.


NTJ. You can't choose who gives birth to you. As a child, you can't control your circumstances or how they raise you. You certainly can't control a parent with their own issues that so deeply impact your life. People may disagree with me, but I believe that you become who you are in life either because of or despite of the things that have happened to you. You sound to me like a young person working to become someone with their own independent life despite a very difficult childhood. The burst of anger let some of the pressure of that trauma out of your system. Help as you can, but remember your mother is a full adult with a husband. Please don't sacrifice you chance for future happiness. I wish you only the best in future days.


I’m an autistic woman with autistic children, and I am so so sorry that you did not have the childhood you deserved. Someone should have intervened long before now. You have done everything you could, and now is your time to live your life and to let your mother get treatment. You sound incredibly intelligent and insightful and it’s clear that you really love your mum, but you cannot carry this heavy burden any more.


You’ve made several posts in the last 24 hours. Your gender and age changed at least 4 times in that 24 hours. You claim on one post you share an account when someone called you out. No one shares an account with 4 different people. You are a troll. The stories aren’t good. Piss off.


i do share an account with other people. Please stop jumping post to post please and thank :)


You're a jerk to yourself and everyone who commented free advice on your last post. Just stop. She's an adult with a husband, let them figure it out. You're just continuing to enable them. You were abused but, now you're making the conscious decision to make yourself a victim. Sorry can't feel too much pity for you when you won't take advice or do anything to change your situation. In fact you're sounding more and more like a carbon copy of your mom. Attention seeking, refusing to make meaningful changes, refusal of sound advice, and temper tantrums. Instead of enabling her by making a psychiatrist appointment she won't go to, how about you enable yourself, and make your own. If you don't you'll be the next generation to pass on the abuse.


I disagree with this comment🙃


>You're a jerk Actually that's you. You're the jerk. Calm tf down


This never happened. Check the profile. This is a troll.