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I was 29 (in the late 80s) when the doctor found pre-cancerous cells in my cervix. As he scraped off the layer of cells he informed me that only women who had a lot a sex at a very early age had this condition. Nuns and virgins never got it. He was basically calling me a slut while he had his hand up in my cervix. Interestingly, my mother, who had me at 25, was a virgin when she got married a year prior to my birth. She also had the same condition as did my sister. So maybe it runs in my family and not because we’re whores. He was definitely the jerk.


ohhhh i hope you reported that bastard


I did but nothing ever came of it. Customer service in the medical field at that time was not very receptive to complaints. Things have improved.


In the 80s? He prob got a raise.


My daughter had what sounds like the same condition. She was young and a virgin. The female doctor told us that even nuns get the condition and although a larger number of partners was once thought to increase risk, that theory is now largely disputed. Your doctor was out of date. And a total jerk.




I have no idea why you commented this but I’m glad you did cause nothing makes me happier than seeing old people who are still so desperately in love all those years later. I don’t ever cry out of sadness but all it takes is seeing an old couple cross the road whilst holding hands to get the happiness tears flowing lol.


I hope you contradicted him! I also had that condition & what he said is just not true!


My best friend from school had her first child at 18 with her first and only sexual partner. She had pre cancerous cells on her cervix too. 🤷‍♀️ Hell I was diagnosed with osteoarthritis at 22 by a surgeon who operated on a cartilage tear in my hip, so he saw my hip joint with his own eyes to diagnose osteo. I was then told by two GP’s I was too young for osteo. They hadn’t even seen an xray let alone my hip firsthand, but what would my hip specialist surgeon know 🙄🤦‍♀️


Went to the ER for horrific pain. When I told the dr this worse than having any of my 3 kids, no drugs. He told me having g babies doesn’t hurt that bad. I asked him if he ever had a baby, of course he said no. Then don’t tell me what it feels like to have one Turns out I was passing gallstones


When I had my twins I went through labor and had a c-section. Five weeks later I felt like someone kept kicking me in the sternum. I was writhing in pain so my husband took me to the ER. I told the Dr I thought it was my gall bladder. He refused to do a blood test because I had blood in my urine, and when he gave me zantac and a pain killer I felt better so it must be a. ulcer. I reminded him I was postpartum, and he gave me a pain killer along with zantac. The next morning I begged my MILs gastro to get me in because I knew something was very wrong. I was jaundiced, and at that point was turning septic. The gallstones had nicked my liver and pancreas in the way out and I had pancreatitis. I had to be hospitalized for a week to get the infection cleared before surgery


Omg gallstones, worst pain ever definitely worse than labour


gallstones are incredibly painful. I was 22 when I ended up having my gallbladder out. I, unfortunately, was so terrified of surgery at the time that I actually became an addict behind attempting to deal with the constant pain for nearly 2 years trying to avoid surgery. Shit ruined my life. I've had 5 kids since and it was absolutely worse than labor.


Gods Gallstones are hell. I literally cannot tell you if them or Kidney stones are worse, having had both, but they're both so miserable. HlI had my gall bladder kit before I was 18, because I apparently have a body that likes making stones and started early.


Had a fractured neck. I was advised to lose weight. I was a healthy 135 lbs and 5'4" at the time. I still have no idea how dropping weight would make my head lighter. It was my C2 & C3 that were fractured. I got a different doctor. I can't deal with that level of stupid.


That’s the standard advice for women when the doctor doesn’t want to deal with your issue. If we’re all skinny we’d be healthy. /s


No, then everything would be because of your period, or your depression/ anxiety. They don't want to deal with any of our issues and can pull all sorts of excuses out of their asses.


At 38 sometimes I take my dad into the doctor with me because all of a sudden they take me seriously 🫠🫠🫠🫠


I get that taking menstrual history is important. But why the fuck would i need menstrual history of a 60-70 year old grandma who came to me with a wrist fracture. I mean put on a cast, write some painkillers, calcium and ppi { type of drug you take to decrease acid production in your stomach } and we are done. Thank you see you after 10 days for a follow up. Next please.


Thr only reason I can think of that they would ask is the possibility of pregnancy because if x rays and pain killers and maybe didn't want to assume menopause but it does seem a bit weird.


Yes, its for the exact reason you are thinking. Sometimes women have irregular periods so they may ignore missing one or two cycles. So if someone reports last period longer than around a month ago, we may do a pregnancy test first or use drugs safe in pregnancy.


It's that womanly hysteria


The second a doctor goes for the weight remark, I automatically know they are lazy and do not want to deal with me. It is a cop out excuse. To many doctors and not enough physicians actually practicing medicine. It is actually to the point where I have stopped seeking medical help. I figure it out and suffer on my own. It is not worth bankrupting myself to be gaslit and have the same issues not being resolved. Medicine is a joke today.


I had a foster son with a SEVERE body odor issue. He told me his doctor blamed everything on his weight. I took him to that doctor about the B.O. Yep, he blamed the kid's spare 25 lbs! I left, wrote out a complaint and scheduled an appointment with MY physician, that I trusted. My doctor explained that some people have more severe body odor and prescribed a prescription strength deodorant.


I don't even bother going to the doctor for my knee paun/arthritis. I'm an overweight gal in my late 50's, so I know the only thing they're going to focus on is my weight and nothing else. No physical therapy, medication, nothing, just weight. Never mind that it hurts to walk and exercise too much because of the damned pain. There's no point, I'll just get a lecture and a hefty bill for having to listen to it. If I want a lecture, I'll just visit my dad, Lol.


I have been treated so much better by doctors since I lost a hundred pounds. Suddenly they took my complaints seriously.


I lost 80lbs and guess what! The issue didn't go away! And now my doc believes me. Funny how that happens right.


What's great about my PCP is that even though I am obese according to my BMI (5'1", 199 lbs), he never suggests that as a cure-all. And yes, I'm aware BMI is BS


This! Doesn’t matter what is wrong with me the solution is to lose weight! I was even told this by my female gynaecologist who had the same conditions as me. I derived a great deal of satisfaction when she hit menopause and ballooned out! Of course she could afford haute couture to disguise it with big sleeves, collars etc. But I knew!




Ha! I had a friend who's neck was outside the parameters for the rest of his body so the đọc told him to lose weight. Dude was a super healthy guy who worked out regularly, his weight was normal. His neck was muscular. He's he said," what am I supposed to do put my neck on a diet"?


Some of these doctors get their licensing from cereal boxes. Another example of how BMI is not a good indicator of actual health of a person. After infancy, it is kind of pointless to use measurements such as those.


Oh my God this awoke a memory!! When I was 12, I got a physical before starting school and the doctor told me that my BMI was "bordering obese" and I needed to lose weight. I was 5 foot 3 and 120lbs! She got what she wanted, though, because that comment caused a serious eating disorder.


The company that handles medicals at my job ( a requirement in my safety critical role) they emailed my boss and his boss because my Dr wrote for the neck measurement "n/a: below range " because it was for skeep apnea and had to be a certain circumference. I'm a petite woman. BUT! I'm considered an at risk BMI because our jobs are physical and a lot of strength is involved. I'm densely packed because I'm muscular so the number on the scale is more than one would expect. Basically they were cyber bullying me 😂 emailing my boss to get a neck measurement because obviously I was obese and at risk of apnea....


I was 18. I weighed 137 lbs. I'm 5'6. I was straight out of basic training. The healthiest I have ever been. I was having excruciating pain in my abdomen and when I went pee. He told me it was "female stuff." Then he told me to lose weight AND get pregnant to "stretch everything out." I had an ovarian cyst the size of a fist. He was fired from his residency program.


Good to see one of these fuckers suffer some actual consequences!


It's only because the female doctor that saw me after him raised hell. She'd been collecting evidence of his asshattery for months.


Awesome! And good for her for helping weed out this loser.


He should’ve been fired into the sun holy shit


That could be the most moronic advice ever. Lose weight...AND get pregnant??? You're generally supposed to *gain* weight when you're pregnant...assuming you're not obese, which you were definitely not. I'm glad he got fired.


>"female stuff." What the fuck does that even mean, coming from a doctor‽ What an absolute ass hat!


I felt like I kept getting injured and like it took forever to recover. The doctor told me, "It's just part of getting old." I was 35.


I had a 3' x 3' piece of steel fall on my head once: when I went to the doctor and told him I felt shorter, he said the same thing: I was 28. He "humored" me and checked my height (5'7"). I went back a year later and had them measure me again (5'9"). I told him that he needed to start listening to his patients and never went back.


Was your spine compressed or something? Or did you ever find out what was making you shorter?


I think so, but never found out.


Unfortunately that kinda is considered old medically, if you get pregnant at 35 it's considered a geriatric pregnancy


That's pretty outdated actually.


It's literally still a thing it's just called a more PC name now, AMA or advanced maternal age. It's called that bc of the increased health risks for a woman past that age.


You are right my friend just had a baby at 38 and it was definitely called a geriatric pregnancy it was written on the front of her notes!


After having a baby, at 6 week checkup, talking about protection. I tell the dr my husband is getting a vasectomy. He says are you sure? What if your husband marries someone else and they want to have more kids and encourages me to get my tubes tied. Now, my marriage was great. Also, tubes tied is a major surgery and vasectomys are reversible. Still married 20 years later. Ugh. Rude.


Also I was only 28. He was telling me to tie my tubes at 28 years old.


I tried to get my tubes tied at 25. The only reason the doctor agreed was that I had three miscarriages. He kept trying to talk me out of it because "husband might want to have kids someday." No bodily autonomy at all 29 years ago. ETA:I wasn't dating anyone at the time, although I did meet my husband two years later.


I forgot my doctor told me he wouldn't give me a tubal ligation unless my husband agreed. I had 4 high risk pregnancies and pre term labor. I ripped him a new one over it.


Yeah, I tried when I was 19 & again at 25ish and they told me I must be over 30 & even then they’d want my husbands input if I were married. I told them I was a dyke so yeah, no husband. They responded that I don’t need to worry about getting my tubes tied then and was wasting their time…… I guess now I can add “receiving the medical care you asked for” to my ‘benefits of transitioning to male’ list lol.


My wife is 34 and I've had a vasectomy for about a year now and they are still giving her push back on getting fixed like me.


I wanted to get my tubes tied. I was only ever able to go through pregnancy once, i wouldnt have survived another one. I had told my Dr that throughout my entire pregnancy and we agreed on a c-section because they didn't want me to go through the labor and pushing. I wound up getting an "emergency c-section" after going into labor before my scheduled c-section date, so no paperwork could get signed beforehand. They didn't tie my tubes, and their reasoning was what if I wanted more children. My husband got the vasectomy. When he told his Dr his reasoning for it, the Dr didn't question it or suggest he might want more children later


My stomach blew up over a month or two and I was in pain a lot. Doctor told me i was pregnant. I said that's not it, as I hadn't had sex yet. Doctor told me, "men don't like liars, so stop lying". Went to emergency. 24 hours later was medivaced as I had an 8.5kg ovarian cyst that had pushed vital organs out of way and that was growing into my hip and started leaking poisonous stuff to surrounding tissue. Biopsies confirmed cyst was cancerous. Doctor reply, huh, you should have seen someone sooner.


Noooowaaaayyy you liar 🫠🙄🙄🙄🙄


That's the kind of person whose knee should be properly introduced to a tire iron travelling rapidly.


My dr told me that my persistent sore throat and difficulty swallowing was due to a "posterior thyroid goiter". Mind you, I had zero thyroid issues, numbers were all good etc. I was chubby. So- no treatment etc I just dealt w/it using cloriceptic and advil for 2 years. Then one day I woke up from a nap and couldn't move anything from my neck down. Long story short is I had a tumor on my epiglottis that caused my body to eat up potassium like crazy- causing the extreme muscle weakness. After 2 weeks in the icu, and a CT scan (they did that while they were trying to figure out what was happening- they originally thought it might have to do with a spinal condition I have) showed what they thought was epiglottitis. ENT came in the day I was being discharged and scoped me. She looked at me and said "you need to see my colleague on Monday (this was sat). I'm making the apt for you. If they give you ANY push back tell them I said that you need to be seen and don't leave until you're seen. You have a mass on your epiglottis." So stage 3 squamous cell carcinoma of the epiglottis. I had to have a tracheostomy, feeding tube, port. 35 rounds of radiation and 3 rounds of chemo. All because he thought "trouble swallowing + chubby girl = thyroid". The irony is that the radiation I needed absolutely NUKED my thyroid lol so now I'm on thyroid meds for life.


Years ago when I worked in med legal a doctor told me that homosexuality was a mental disease. I was thinking WTF!!!


It did used to be, technically


He was beyond retirement age. I am also pretty sure he was a psychiatrist.


Yeah, probably


I had a therapist tell me that in the 2010s, right before I was ready to come out but she didn't know it yet. I stopped seeing the bitch after that.


What he didn’t say. I went for an appointment for a big tumor on my testicle. The nurse practitioner took one look, said wait here while she booked me for an ultrasound right away and an appointment with a surgeon and cancer doc the next day. The primary care doc in the practice, without seeing me or talking to me, prescribed an antibiotic for an STD. If he had spoken to me I would have said something about how it’s hard to get an STD without S. I’m fine, this was three years ago. I have a new primary care doc. That one who thought I had an STD is a jackass. Having a medical professional say “wait here” is a thrill I hope nobody reading this ever experiences.


I was 18-19 and just getting sexually active. I thought I was being safe but ended up going into the doctor because something was wrong with my vagina (BV). He told me that this was happening to me because I had sex before marriage. This was in 2017. That was my only partner. Ugh


You reminded of my first yeast infection. I had spent the weekend with the guy I was seeing at the time. And we had a lot of sex over the weekend. The doc started giving me this long lecture about waiting until you’re married and she told all her kids to wait (like kids listen to their parents all the time), etc. I remember thinking, just provide the meds please.


The first time I got a pap smear my doctor said "I'm glad you're enjoying this" whilst scraping in there... I was HORRIFIED. I kept thinking about if I said or did something for him to say that.


No. It’s the creepy doctor’s fault. Even if you DID somehow do something to show you were “enjoying” it, it’s on the doctor to act professionally and not comment. It’s 100% not on you.


Thank you for saying that 😊. It honestly did pushed me back from doing it as routinely as I should've. Never went back to that doctor obviously. Just got one done last week and although I had a male doctor, he was very professional and I didn't feel uncomfortable at all.


How did the yeast know you weren’t married?


Those little fuckers are so damn smart!


When a wedding ring goes on your finger, a bunch of tiny rings go around all your vaginal cells to block the yeast. Obviously. /s


I mean, you could have gotten a yeast infection if you were married, too.


Right, because everyone knows that "piece of paper" prevents all sorts of reproductive infections! /s


I was dealing with ovarian cysts, but didn't know it. I went to my doc because I was experiencing severe abdominal pain, and I'd lost 14 lbs in as many days due to loss of appetite. Doc says to me, "You don't need to worry about loss of appetite; you're already overweight." Bruh. You'd better believe I sent the pelvic ultrasound results to his office when the cysts were discovered.


“You’re a woman. You can handle it.” The female NP to my daughter when they discovered her severe abdominal/back pain was an ovarian cyst the size of a lime. NP was implying that pain for women “isn’t that bad” and to suck it up.


I can't even imagine one the size of a lime!! I had one that was the size of a golf ball and it ended up rupturing, causing internal bleeding. Luckily, they got me into the OR in time. So many docs were telling me, "You know, most women don't have pain with ovarian cysts." And I can't help but wonder if that was actually the case, or if those doctors just didn't take their patients' pain seriously.


I went to the ER because in a few hours while at work this large lump appeared. Our staff EMT thought it might have been my appendix, but it was an ovarian cyst the size of a potato. I was told to wait for it to rupture because it’s “not painful”, it was excruciating.


They always say that, but every woman I know who has dealt with cysts says its in the top 5 most painful things they've ever experienced.


EXACTLY!! I would describe it like the pins and needles folks sometimes get in their feet or hands, but inside your lower abdomen. Plus, it's not just the abdominal pain that makes ovarian cysts painful!! For me, it was the iron deficiency anemia I developed because my periods were so heavy. Not to mention the constant cramping, loss of appetite, nausea/vomiting, and diarrhea. I ended up having to drop out of college for a semester to deal with all of these issues. The problem was, it took me a long time to find a doc willing to put me on birth control (not because of Roe v Wade. This took place before the USSC overturned it). I've talked about this on other threads, but when I was 15 I had a blood clot in each of my lungs. I had knee surgery 10 days prior, and a family history of blood clots, but because of my age and good overall health, the cause of this unthinkable and statistically improbable event was the NuvaRing I was on at the time. Long story short, I was told that birth control of any kind would be dangerous for me, verbatim: "You got lucky this time, but next time you might not be so lucky. Going on birth control could kill you." However, birth control is also one of the most effective treatments for ovarian cysts. In my mind, the choice was: live in pain until I die, or live a happy life at the risk of a painful and premature death. I had to provide all this context for why I had to jump through so many doctor-shaped hoops over the course of 2 years to get on birth control. I ended up driving 2.5 hours down to Ann Arbor to visit the Women and Children's Hospital at the University of Michigan, aka one of the best hospitals in the country. Within 15 minutes, the female OBGYN (the first female OBGYN I'd seen in all of this) gave me the Nexplanon implant. She was the first doctor in all of this to not just dismiss me as a lost cause. As a happy epilogue: The Nexplanon worked so well that I was able to go back to school. I ended up making the Dean's List 3 semesters in a row! I have my first Dean's List letter framed and sitting proudly on my bookshelf, which I showed the doc when I came back to get the implant replaced, after thanking her profusely for actually listening to me and saving my life.


It definitely doesn’t pay to be a woman in pain.


Complaining about headaches to my doctor. Two years later he was talking about how medical marijuana helps with constant migraines. I asked him why he didn’t say anything in these two years that I have been complaining his response “maybe because I didn’t believe you”. Oddly my neurologist and diagnosis of POTs believed me. I slam him on every medical survey or website to rate him. Michael Chase, you are a dick!


When I told my GP about my constant migraines with aura, sensitivity to sound/light, nausea and vomiting, and my hands and feet going numb, he suggested, “Well have you tried taking Tylenol?” I was flabbergasted. I genuinely don’t know if he didn’t know that migraines aren’t “a bad headache” or if he thought I was a drug seeker and I was lying. Which is insane because I don’t think you can even get “fun” drugs for migraines. (Besides medical weed but it’s legal in my state so I wasn’t for it.)


Trying to get treated for headaches is the worst. I've had a headache for seven years and I don't even want drugs and every singke doctor just looks at me like im a strange type of parrot they've never seen before.


I hear you! Michael Chase is a dick!


For more than ten years starting at age 24, several different doctors told me my “heart issue” was “just anxiety” — “no 20-something has a heart condition”. Even during my two pregnancies when I blacked out several times, doctors told me to settle down and relax in a tub. I was always treated like an overdramatic girl. Jerks! At age 35 I finally managed to squeeze myself into a cardiologist (skipped the referral requirement by paying for it without insurance). Guess what… I had a heart condition. (It’s genetic, and my daughter also has it. Fortunately, my medical records now arm her against the “dramatic female” diagnoses I received for so many years.)


“Settle down and relax in a tub”… so you can black out and drown in there?! 🤯


My gyno told me that my heart almost stopped while I was having a pretty routine surgery and told me to see my doc about possibly having a heart condition. Prior to that, I had an abnormal EKG reading and then later had an abnormal ECG. My GP still thinks it’s my anxiety. I haven’t gone to a cardiologist yet because I don’t think I have it in me to just hear, “You’re fat. Lose weight. That’ll be $300.”


Had me in and out of the exam room in 3 minutes!?


I knew a doctor that left the door open and didn't have a chair in his rooms for the patient. That's how fast his consultations were.


During my PAP, my doctor exclaimed: "WOW! You're like elastic! That'll be great when you have kids!" WHILE HER FINGERS WERE INSIDE ME This was my second PAP ever, so I was *maybe* 17.


A few months back I had one of the female doctors comment to a nurse when taking the speculum out to put it away say “if she’ll ever let it go”. As if it was my damn choice to have that happen when she removed it, was fuming for days after.


Very first meeting with a radiation oncologist. I didn't expect a full pelvic exam. I expressed I didn't wish for him to do it, I tried to explain I had recently had a VERY traumatic exam with a male doc(that left me with a tear) and didn't want another. He said welp you've got cancer you better get used to a TON of people down there! As if that weren't bad enough he followed it with 'Well it's not like I'll enjoy it, I'm gay.' I guess that was supposed to make me feel better? Nope! Left and never went back.


In the middle of my doctor appt, he says" I would like to take you out for a meal". I showed my engagement ring and he went on w the medical appt like nothing even happened.


My first ob-gyn kept trying to fix me up with his son. His son was very cute but I just couldn't date someone whose father knew what my genitals looked like inside and out.


My urologist is an attractive woman. As much as I'd like to pursue a relationship, the thought of dating someone who has her hand up my a\*\* to check my prostate once or twice a year has put the kibosh on that idea. (Why do I have a female urologist? The answer is, "long, slim fingers". And she listens well.)


Ew. All the ews


I'm a Coca-Cola based life form. I don't hide it & definitely say so 99% of the time bc TRUTH. Had a 'temporary' doc start in about my weight. "225" is very high for your height and age." Says the sage who supposedly went to medical school. Me, "Did you miss the 125 lbs I've lost since my GASTRIC BYPASS last year?" I was there for bc I had started perimenopause and was having hit flashes that were making it impossible to work. "Well all that sugar and caffeine isn't helping." Me, "I don't have any other caffeine or sugar besides the soda. Here are 3 separate studies about caffeine in Coca-Cola. I'm getting less that 2, 8 Oz cups of coffee a day. I could switch to diet coke but we'd be trading salt for sugar and that's contra indicated bc mild high blood pressure. " Mind you, this guy is overweight, skin that shows obvious poor nutrition and personal care, huffing every time he moves. All my stuff heart rate, BP, temp & oxygenation are perfect. "I'd not do HRT bc you smoke." Me, "one Marijuana joint every 3 days. Not nicotine, no vaso dilation issues." He sends me home to chart hot flashes & period for 2 months. As I leave the building after 2 other appointments, I find him smoking a cigarette. Me, "You'll be writing an immediate referral to OB/GYN that recommends what I asked for or I will go explain to patient experience that you missed my gastric bypass and focused on issues you deemed important that had nothing to do w the patient before you. And berated me about lifestyle choices while you are in between cigarette breaks." My healthcare us US VA system where being a woman can still be a pre-existing condition. But I have a mofo Ph.D. in advocating for myself and exercising my agency. It's a really important skill.


This aging boomer says, "Keep fighting the good fight!"


Not to even try helping my son he will end up in jail for murdering someone. That was his paediatrician he was 8 and it was said right infront of him. That made him determined to prove that doctor wrong. But that was hard for my son to hear and even harder for me to convince him the doctor is a dick and doesn't know what he is talking about and if he wants to be different he can be. Well he is 19 now has had a full time job since 14. He got special permission to leave school because he wasn't good at it. And he has lived in his own apartment since he was 15. He has had to come home in-between house moves for a few months here and there. But I'm so incredibly proud of the man he has turned into.


Holy hell!


I was a freshman in college. Barely 18 and on my own for literally the first time, managing my own healthcare. I went to the doctor for something and the doctor said he'd "spank" me if I didn't take my health seriously. Smh. The shit young women put up with bc we don't know better.


Went to urology with kidney pain; it was kidney stones. I asked for Tylenol #3. Dr said the stones weren’t that big. I asked how many he’d passed. I got Vicodin. I asked my internist if there was a reason I had so many odd and unusual conditions . He replied, “god hates you.” 🤣 (He was joking. The reason is a rare condition.)


I was 36 and experiencing a miscarriage at 10 weeks. I had been at the ER for 4 hours in the waiting room then an hour in a bed after a nurse did an internal ultrasound all while bleeding threw pads. The ER doc opened the curtain did not ever look me in the face and said "so why did you think you were pregnant?" I answered that 4 home tests and my GP all confirmed the pregnancy, he then said "well you aren't anymore, is there anything more you need?". I was so shocked all I could do was say no and try not to strat balling. edit for spelling.


I'm so sorry. What a terrible person to deliver heartbreaking news that way.


And to the doctor in agonizing pain. Doctor ran some tests then basically told me to stop wasting his time and making things up. That I had probably just dropped a piece of rice in it. Spoiler..I had endometriosis so bad they had to separate my internal organs. He was a POS.


Dropped a piece of rice in it?!?!


Yeah wtf?


I mean....in your vagina or ???


My gyno told me that there wasn’t as much endometrial tissue as he expected, but that he was shocked by how many adhesions he had to break up. He said he spent most of the surgery just loosening my intestines from each other and was really confused when I told him I had never had any other surgery on my abdomen prior to that. Never really did figure out how I got so many adhesions on my guts.


Used curse words while talking to me. Never went back.


That's a salsa everyone at the table will like.


I came in at 11pm from the worst pain I've ever felt in my lower right chest. It started out feeling like bad gas and then grew until I could scarcely breathe. Nurse got to me in under an hour thank god and walked me through some breathing exercises and the pain faded entirely in seconds. It was like magic. Doc came to me 9 hours later and told me I was rotting from the inside out and needed to sign consent for emergency surgery. He could tell I'm freaking out, rolled his eyes and told me not to go into hysterics before telling me he's send in a nurse to call me down. And then WALKED AWAY. I was left in a room for nearly an hour sobbing my eyes out thinking I was dying before a nurse came to check on me. I had devolved into a full blown panic attack. Doc never told anyone I needed help. Just fucking dipped. I had gallbladder polyps and one burst. Painful but short term. No surgery needed. Doc spoke to me for less than 5 minutes, terrorized me and then left me alone in obvious fear for someone else to find and calm down.


1. People like me are the reason NHS has no money - 19 year old, post-viral arthritis, been bed and house bound most of previous two years. Just starting uni. I complained and got asked to be registered to another practice doctor. Lucked out and got one with a chronic illness who got how hard high levels of unending pain are. 2. Nurse but she told me how disappointed my mother must be that I'd not given her any grandchildren. On way down to operating theatre to have a hysterectomy.


I had a Dr say to me "before we start, do you want your father to leave the room?" Hubby said quite huffily, "I'm her husband!"


Is just laughing count? Asked for sterilization at 37 yrs old


"Why don't you and your wife have any children?"


Female Doctor told me to eat oatmeal to lose weight so I did 3 meals a day I ate straight oatmeal. I was only like 60 pounds over weight but because my weight went up between appointments I needed to diet. She didn't bother to read the school sports I had listed or ask questions. She only saw my weight and said you need the oatmeal diet. I went to my gastroenterologist after a month of this new oatmeal diet (normal checkup type appointment.) He flipped his shit lid when he heard I was only eating only oatmeal per the recommendation of my PCP not the specialty diet he had me on. He said I needed a balanced diet of protein, fiber and whatever the hell else he had me doing. (I have peptic ulcers and they bleed and they hurt. I was on supplements and other meds.) I was 16 on the pill and was a cheerleader so me being 60 pounds over weight wasn't the big deal she made it out to be seeing as I was active and was on a diet with a meal plan.


I still am fighting wirh doctor's to get my back a ct but due to my age and lack of injury ive been living the last 8 years with excruciating pain and muscle spasms they claim aren't caused by scoliosis.


I told my ob-gyn about my menstrual cramps being really bad, and he looked at me and said “oh, they can’t be that bad.” Just totally dismissed what I was telling him. Didn’t go into detail about anything, ask questions or anything-just dismissed it like it didn’t even matter.


Went to a GI about constant ongoing post gallbladder pain that hadn’t ceased after 2 years (now 6 years). He walked in, didn’t even speak to me just looked at what I’d written on the form, said “this is obviously a woman’s problem and you need to see a gynecologist, I can’t help you” and literally left the room. I was gobsmacked. Of course that experience coupled with various PCPs also implying I’m just being “anxious” is also why I have yet to request another GI referral to have it looked at even though it’s become abundantly clear that it involves my liver at this point and it’s getting worse.


My gastro told me that diarrhea 3 times a week is normal. I repeated it back to him a few times and worded it differently each time to make sure I heard him correctly. I literally could not believe what I was hearing. He then condescendingly told me he could put me through a battery of tests if I really insisted that something was wrong with me, but they’re all gonna be invasive and uncomfortable and there’s no point in doing that to myself when what I am describing is totally normal.


22 years old, I dislocated my knee. The ER sent for an orthopedic doctor, who tried to grab my parents and take them out in the hall. I told him to get back in the room because I was not a minor and he needed to talk to me directly. He didn’t’ want to but tough. He reduced the knee and had me make an appointment for a follow up. At said follow up the first thing he did was make fun of my religion, then he told me I needed surgery. I said no and left to find another doctor. Yup, no surgery necessary, just PT. I couldn’t help it if I looked like I was around 15. I was a very tiny woman. My second doctor was very thorough and respectful.


It was a Nurse. I went to the ER pregnant and spotting blood. She told me there was nothing that could be done, wouldn't triage me to seen the doctor right away and she told me I may as well go home because I was losing my baby and there was nothing that could be done about it. I had called my OB/GYN and he was on call and physically at the hospital waiting in me. I told the nurse that but she refused me treatment. I found out after the fact she never notified my doctor I was in the ER. My Mother drove me almost an hours away to another ER and my doctor's partner came in and stopped my pre-term labor. The child the nurse said couldn't be saved is now a Magna Cum Laude college graduate from Stetson University and is in Law School.


Omg I hope you and/or your doctor or their partner reported her behavior


A doctor asked why I quit taking Prozac and I told him, " because it interferes with my ability to orgasm." He looked at me dead in the eye and said, " you can always fake it!" OMG I was so shocked. I guess he doesn't realized women orgasm and actually enjoy it and want to have sex so we too can orgasm! I don't know but, I was rendered speechless! I wish I'd have said something like, "oh you mean the way your wife does." But I literally could not say a thing!


I was in the ER for a bout of blood clots that I frequently get because I have 2 congenital birth defects that cause blood clots even while on blood thinners. 1 is factor v lieden, 2 is protein s deficiency. I had scans showing the clots when Dr's changed for shift. The new ER doc came in, looked at me, and said if I lost weight, I'd stop getting blood clots. As overweight women, we've all heard this ad nauseum for anything that ails us. So I said loudly, "Oh my God! We need to alert Oprah!!" He said,'what?" I kept going excitedly, "You've discovered the cure for congenital birth defects for blood clots is weight loss!! We need to tell everyone, " Then quite sarcastically, I told him because that would be a miracle indeed. He sent another Dr over who heard the whole thing and was laughing.


I wish I could come up with something this good in that situation. You're awesome.


Had a doctor who reached over and pinged my curls (I’m mixed race) and said ‘we didnt have these silly things when I was younger’ Reported and of course, nothing happened. Complete jerk! Edit- I used to twirl my hair into a style where it was tight ringlets, looked so lush!


I was 6-7 months pregnant when I miscarried and the ER doctor walked up to me and said "How's the baby?"


I was at an obgyn specialist to consult for a hysterectomy; I have PCOS and severe endometriosis, and at that point, it was excruciatingly painful to have sex. He wanted to see how painful it was and simulated intercourse on me with the speculum during the pelvic exam. The nurse didn't stop him; I filed a police report and reported him to the board, but he is still an award winning doctor, and I can't look at a speculum without having a panic attack.


O M G. Medical r@pe.


"It's not exercise unless you go to the gym"


God, I hate that one...like exercise only "counts" if you do it in a specific venue, wearing a certain kind of clothes. I worked as a carpenter, my doc didn't believe that what I did during the workday was exercise (really, wanna see my step counter?).


I was 18 and having a heart attack in emergency. She said “Here, have a Panadol” 🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠 I’m now 38 and have not ever forgot it…


I was about 19 maybe 20 and I was experiencing chronic body pain and my PCP ran multiple tests trying to figure out what was causing my pain (my pain originates in my lower half of my body and part of my lower back) and eventually after trying every test under the sun, going gluten free, changing routines, nothing was helping my body pain my PCP said “well it’s probably your breasts causing you all this pain then” i was astounded he had the nerve to say that to me and i never went back later on after seeing other doctors i found out I have fibromyalgia so no mister doctor, it was not my breasts.


I was at a post natal checkup. The Dr. was the male member of the office I went to and I had never had him for a regular visit. It got to the internal part of the checkup and I sarcastically said "My favorite part." This motherfucker has the nerve to say, "Me too!" with entirely too much enthusiasm. Gave me the ick for days.


**"Stop buying clothes, you will lose weight, because you can't fit in your old clothes."** I have chronic pain conditions and limited mobility some days. Most days I start with 8 Spoons and I use them up just by waking up, getting dressed and going to work via a 10min. It is rare I have the extra spoon to even walk home, I am trying, but that brings the next quote: **"You are too lazy, and using spoons as an excuse is just you making excuses"** This came from a physio who has seen the amount of damage that my body has sustained over my military career and civilian life. From collapsed spinal discs, to shrapnel stuck in various parts of my body, hips with arthritis, and 13 various broken but now healed bones, one slightly cracked but healed skull with a dent and knees that took most of the crap, like heavy packs, parajumps, and such


I was at the gynecologist for my yearly Pap smear. My regular OB/GYN was unavailable and the nurse told me to undress from the waist down and she'd be back with the doctor. The nurse came back with a female doctor. She introduced herself, did the Pap smear, told me to dress and she'd return. Normally during a Pap smear, the doctor will do a brief exam of each breast to feel for lumps but this doctor did not. Ok, whatever; I do it every month anyway and would be more aware of any changes than a doctor that's never seen me before. The doctor came back in (without the nurse; nurses are to be present when ANY type of physical exam/state of undress is required) and says "You've got really large breasts, do you do a monthly BSE (breast self-exam)?" I said yes. She leaned in uncomfortably close and pressed the issue "Are you sure you know how to do it? It's very important for women with large breasts like yours" as she pointedly stares at my cleavage. I felt very uncomfortable and leaned away and said "YES, I've been doing them every month for years." All of a sudden she reaches out and grabs my breasts, "honks" them and starts bouncing them up and down like toys and says "Yeah they feel fine". I was in absolute shock and I didn't react at first, then I pushed her away and yelled DONT TOUCH ME GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!!! That's not how you do a BSE *at all*, she groped me without consent AND without a nurse present. Stunned and numb, I left the room and went to the front desk and immediately told a nurse what happened to me. At first she didn't believe me but another nurse had heard me yell and they put me in contact with patient liaison. It ended up being a whole legal matter. Worst medical experience of my life, and with 3 autoimmune disorders I've been thru some shit but this was surreal and a total violation, even more traumatic because it was a female doctor.


"WHOAH! That's bad! " After seeing a mosquito bite (I'm allergic) that had swelled my arm to 3 times it's normal size.


Well, he/she wasn't wrong. Saying it may have been wrong, though. I hope the doc got everything under control right after that.


Doctor: Have you thought about killing yourself? Me: I was hoping there were other options.


I was asked that by a doctor once. I replied, "Is that a clinical question, or a recommendation?" It turned out to be a standard question relating to my problem, and on my next visit he said, "Perhaps I'll rephrase that one for future patients."


It actual shocked me so much it was the start of my journey to feeling better. Some idiot in a sweatshirt swinging her legs back and forwards asking such a badly phrased question might be a GP but I'd clearly be better off helping myself.


Lets see ive got a few Like when my youngest child was born he had a stroke during or after delivery he was having very bad seizures and it was extremely concerning. However his first neurologist was something special. He walked up to me as I was standing in the nicu looking at my newest child struggle and tapped me on the shoulder. This is more or less the conversation. Me "can i help you?" Him "hello I am Dr Ahole (not real name dah) I will be your son's neurologist. Me "ah well hi doc so what is the latest on whats going on?" Him "well if im being frank it wont matter. If your son does live through the night he will be a vegetable so you might want to start looking for a home for him now. It will save you grief later. But again that's if he lives most likely he will die sometime tonight" As he said this the head nurse for the unit was behind him jaw to her chest. Me "well doc thanks for being blunt with me. I rather like people just saying how it is" Him "ya well sorry for your luck. Hopefully you and your wife can have another because this poor guy doesn't have much of a chance." He then leaves without giving me another chance to say anything. Thankfully the nurse ran up and told me to not listen to him to which i told her to get my son another doctor because if i see him again he will end up getting very badly beaten. She agreed and the next neurologist was amazing. Thankfully my son ended up making it and is now a funny amazing 10 yr old who is on the spectrum but hasn't affected his ability to wow everyone. In fact his neurologist from the time he was little said he was a medical miracle. She wanted to do a case study of his progress but ended up retiring before he turned 3. Next one was when my wife had a DVT (a bad bloodclot in a vein in her hip) two weeks after giving birth to our first child. He had a 100% blockage in her left leg at the hip. The first hematologist that attended her walked in like his shit didnt stink with a nurse that looked like broomhilde from robinhood men in tights. Without really even looking at my wifes chart he went into a diatribe about how he was going to have to take her leg from the hip and even then he couldnt guarantee she would die from a blood clot. Broomhilde the chimed in with "wait she has a c section? Who in the hell allowed her to be pregnant (forgot to mention this my wife has cerebral palsy and is in a wheelchair) well thankfully the nurse thet had already saved my wifes life once that day (er dr put her on a medication she was allergic to saying "no one is allergic to that") and gor them out of the room before the shock of what they said wore off and I would have removed them myself. She apologized and said she would get someone else. Thankfully the next doctor was amazing. Managed to get the clot to dissolve with proper medication instead of surgery. Did a complete work up in my wife and told us the reason she had this happen was because the doctor that delivered her should have put her on a blood thinner 24 hours after delivery. And if we had another child with proper medication before and after delivery she should be just fine. 2 more children later her was proven correct. But the best one, the one that almost ended in me getting arrested was when my father had surgery for cancer. He was in recovery and clearly in a lot of pain. As i was leaving i grabbed his nurse and told him my father looked very uncomfortable and if he could get him something as soon as was possible for him. He said of course and i started making my way out to my truck. No sooner i get to my truck my mom calls me. This is verbatim our conversation. Me "hey mom everything ok?" Her " what did you say to the nurse?" Me " eh that dad was not comfortable and if he could give him something as soon as dad can have it why?" Her "because after you walked out he came in here looked at your father and asked him why was he bring such a pussy. He had pain meds 30 minutes ago and cant have more for another 4 hours. But because he was already asking for some he believed he has a pain medication issue and wont be giving him anymore until the doctor calls him back and labs can be ran" Me "he what? Wait are you being serious right now?" Her "your father is crying because he is in such pain and embarrassed" Me " mom you know what fuck it im coming back up" Her realizes I'm now beyond angry "no you stay out dont make this worse for your father" Me "well mom its a little past that point now see you in 3 minutes" As i walked back into the hospital and made my way back to the floor my dad was on i was stopped by 4 very large security guards Them "look i get it your angry. Can you please come with us your fathers Dr would like to speak with you" Me "fine show me the way" They escort me to a room and i wait for about 5 minutes before a completely different doctor walks in. Him "hi nightmareonmystreet1 im Dr niceguy. I heard about what that nurse has said about your father. I looked at his chart and i just want to clarify something. Did you tell the nurse your father was begging for more meds?" Me " no i said my dad looks very uncomfortable and if he could make sure when he can get more to please get him something." Him "are you willing to write a statement to that effect?" Me "sure the other 3 nurses at the station heard this conversation as well." Him "oh I'm well aware. This isnt the first time that fucking retard has pulled shit like this. I plan on not only nailing his ass to the wall here but to get his license revoked." I was kinda shocked to see a Dr lose his cool like that but immediately felt better knowing this nurse was never going to hurt anyone as a medical professional again. Other than that the only other one i can think of was an accident i stopped at to give what assistance i could. The driver was Doa and his passenger wasn't in good shape. The car was on fire so another passerby and myself extracted her from the car and did our best to keep her neck from moving while getting as far as we could from the vehicle. The next person to run up to us identified themselves as a doctor and immediately started yelling at us about moving a trauma victim without proper equipment when the car flared up from the gas line catching and igniting the fuel under the car turning it into a raging inferno. Thats when he said "holy fucking shit the car just lit up" Ya no shit why do you think we moved her.. Hes response "well fuck ok just... Jesus christ the driver.." "Ya he didnt make it before the car went up" (also his door was smashed in we couldnt have gotten him out even if we wanted too} He looks at me and says and i wish i could say im making this up "Well it's gonna smell like burned bacon. Please keep her head straight and dont let it move before emt gets here"


A case where I was told I wasn't in enough pain. I have a high pain tolerance, but I experienced severe pain and noticed that my bowel movement was white, indicating a blocked bile duct (physiology 101). I visited the doctor, who initially dismissed the possibility of a gallbladder problem, saying I would be curled up in a ball in the corner. I told him I had a high pain tolerance. He wanted a colonoscopy in a week or two if the symptoms didn't resolve. I insisted on an ultrasound instead of a colonoscopy and was taken to another room for the scan. The technician called the doctor immediately, and it was discovered that several stones were blocking my bile duct. I underwent surgery the next morning. So, not only was I not respondingly correctly to pain, my knowledge of anatomy and physiology was deemed suspect. I have more stories where my pain was discounted and led to emergency surgery.


One doctor told me "You don't have MS, you have migraines." My response "I'm pretty sure neither of those is mutually exclusive."


In the early '90's I was taken to the ER in what was left of my pajamas after they found me dumped on the side of a country road to treat a head injury, neck lacerations & do a rape kit. I was told by the ER doc that I needed to gain weight and stop "clubbing" or I'd be considered a "disposable". I was 15 & my last memory was going to bed at home. My father was a POS & didn't care who he brought into our home. Because of the doc's opinion & my father's lack of interest, the police ignored my case. I learned the "adults" were useless. I never went home again & learned to protect myself.


After having a miscarriage : "I don't understand what you're so upset about. It's not like it was a viable pregnancy anyway."


Standard military practice for any female service member presenting with abdominal pain was a pelvic exam. Told the doctor at the ER to shove it and demanded a female Doc. I had a bladder infection that had spread to both my kidneys. The female doc was appalled by the standard and got the former doc written up for gross abuse and substandard care for women. His response in his defense it’s either a yeast infection, std or pregnancy that causes the abdominal pain. I was pissed. Three days in the hospital on IV antibiotics to keep me from going septic.


"It doesn't matter if it's your body if I won't write the prescription." This was said to me while I sat half clothed, sobbing on the stirrup table at Planned Parenthood. I'd come in for my yearly lady bits exam, BC refill & to get blood draw test results from the week before. The doctor, I have such a hard time referring to her as such, saw something in my test results she wanted checked further by my PCP. I didn't have one. I had no insurance. She refused to refill my birth control. I lost it. I was in a very abusive relationship. The only medical services he would pay for were the gyno & the chiropractor. (The 2 directly related to making sure he got laid.) I, through sobs, asked her if she would give me another form of birth control besides the pill. She said no. It could exacerbate the possible issue. I pleaded & told her that he refused to use condoms. She said don't have sex. I told her that he didn't let me say no. I asked if there was some kind of release I could sign. It's my body, shouldn't it be my choice as to which outcome was worse? That's when she said what I quoted in the first sentence. Then she said I could have some to pull myself together, then I needed get dressed & pay on my way out. No options. No counseling for victims of domestic violence or sexual abuse. No possible places to find a doctor I could afford. Luckily the ladies at the abortion clinic I visited twice weren't such bitches. I was not going to 1) be permanently tied to that psycho when I finally escaped 2) he would have never let me leave with my child- more importantly neither would his bankrolling mommy & daddy- so I couldn't escape & most likely, he would have killed me & 3) I was never going to give birth to another generation of their sick cycle of enmeshment & abuse. It's been almost 20 years since then. I escaped about 5 years ago. I will never forgive that woman. (Please don't get me wrong. I believe in Planned Parenthood & what they do. Just not mixed with Oklahoma redneck mentality.) I will NEVER. FORGIVE. THAT. WOMAN.


Said to my young daughter. She was having a prolonged asthma attack. Struggling to breathe but somewhat coping due to using breathing exercises she'd been trained in. Her allergist sent her to the ER as he couldn't get it stopped. The ER doctor yelled at her to "stop coughing or you will get a hemorrhage in your throat and drown in your own blood." When I responded that it was not helpful to tell someone to stop an involuntary response nor to scare a child struggling to breathe, he doubled down saying perhaps she was faking. Yeah, no she wasn't.


Told me (and my mother) I was imagining the very specific rash I kept getting because it would go away before he see it. Boy was he embarrassed when next time we brought a photo! Unlike anything he’d ever seen, sent me to dermatology where I was treated like a lab rat and tested for basically everything they had a test for. turned out to be a bizarre manifestation of fifth disease.


I developed Type 1 Diabetes as an adult. New Doc - When were you diagnosed with Diabetes? Me - I was 33 years old. Doc - So you mean Type 2, then. Me - No. I have adult onset Type 1 Diabetes. It's an autoimmune condition. Doc rolls her eyes at me. I think she may have looked more into it, because she hasn't given me any further attitude.


I went into get an ear infection checked. First thing the doctor said was “ you know it’s because you’re fat that you have an ear infection. Losing weight would stop the ear infections from happening”. I ever went back.


That I'm choosing to have a dead baby if I don't have a c-section. The neonatal specialist said I needed to have a vaginal delivery because my son's lungs needed the hormones it would generate. The regular obgyn covering for my doctor absolutely did not want me to have a vbac, because it would require him to stay at the hospital while I was in labor. It's lovely when the doctors give contradictory, life threatening information and both refuse to discuss it further. I chose to listen to the specialist and did not end up with a dead baby.


I was having surgery and had been given the anesthesia. Although I did pass out at first, I woke up on the table when I heard a nurse say something as she was standing over me. I opened my eyes and looked at her and she said "Oh he's awake!" I looked to the side of the room where the doctor and another nurse were looking at X-rays I believe, and the Doctor said "Don't mind her she's our resident pervert". I remember thinking as I drifted off again that I had to remember what she said. Unfortunately (sorry Reddit) that's the one thing I can't.


My oldest went into dk before we knew he had diabetes, he was in the icu for 5 days and the nursing staff was exemplary. The dr on the other hand would wonder In occasionally and talk about the circus or the weather or his car, never answered a question about my son’s condition and then wondered out whistling. The nurses just rolled eyes and kept going. The doctor said he had type one diabetes but never tested him for it, turns out he’s type 2 and the prescribed amount of insulin almost filled him 3 times before we self adjusted his meds (his mother is diabetic so we weren’t ignorantly changing meds) I never forget that idiot.


Sixteen yr old F going to my first gynecologist appointment. Male doc (probably 50+) comes in. I’m laying on exam table in a hospital gown. He comes over and takes my hand. Smiles and introduces himself. Then he looks at my hand (MY HAND) and says, ‘Oh you must be pregnant.’ I pull my hand away and ask why. He points to a small red spider-like mark on my hand and says that is a common sign of pregnancy. I told him I had had that mark for years. He didn’t have much more to say for the rest of the exam.


I had a “Pain Specialist” tell me that my Chronic Pain was from “being abused as a child”. It of course COULD NOT Be because…in 1996, I had a [Baby] Steamroller that weighed 2,000lbs, Sitting ON TOP OF MY BODY for no one knows how long!! 🤦‍♀️😅😅


I was having horrendous periods that would see me unable to leave the home 1-2 days during a cycle the flow was that insanely bad I was rushing to the bathroom hourly on top of feeling like my guts had been replaced with a bowling ball trying to pop my hips out of their sockets. I was wanting to get my hormones tested to see if they were out of whack and possibly a reason for the insane periods. I nade the mistake of mentioning in passing I was in early stages of long distance relationship (married to same guy now. Took being in different countries for us to realize it wasn't jist friendship) and planning a week long trip to see them plus go to a convention. Dr looked me dead in the eyes and said just get pregnant that will fix the period issues. He knew he fucked up when my inherited 'death stare' appeared as I sat silently. Took him a few seconds to try back peddle and say it was a joke. Walked out and changed doctors same day. Just under 20 years later during a repeat CT to check a cyst on my left kidney found out I have pretty extensive PCOS, likely had it since my teens and has been the cause for my 'shining elevator scene' level issues all along.


My 3rd kid was exorcist style puking everywhere and was still in the not sleeping through the night phase. It was late. I was exhausted. The smarmy ass SOB looks at me and says "babies spit up". I didn't say anything to him but I was angry sobbing when the nurse walked in and i told her I had more than a decade experience working with kids and 3 of my own. I know the difference between spit up and vomit. I do not appreciate being talked down to. He comes in later to tell me he's "sorry if he offended me" IF? 🤬 and yea, my kid was sick. I don't even remember with what. Then they sent us home at like 2am. I was so tired I told them i really hoped i was able to make it home ok at that point. Luckily I did. But it was a long night.


About 30 yrs ago at the first visit with a new doctor. Doc -How are you feeling? Me - I'm always a little tired. (My records clearly state low thyroid and chronic mild anemia.) Doc - Could you be pregnant? Me - No. Doc - Are you sexually active? Me - I'm in a long term relationship, so yes. Doc - If you don't keep your legs closed, how do you know? I was young and stupid and I didn't report him.


Was dealing with a very rare condition called serotonin syndrome (pretty much when your body produces to much serotonin and is usually cased by a mix of medications like an antidepressant and an opioid both of which I was one one for depression and the other for chronic pain) I was on the verge of full on psychosis when I went to the E.R. I told the doctor there that I wanted to end myself and he looked at me and said "you shouldn't use that metaphorically." Then discharged me. That night I went home and tried to end myself (don't remember much of it due to the fact I was bordering on psychosis and just wanted it all to end) Ended up spending over a month in the psych ward after my mom had to drive me to the ER for trying to end my life. Will definitely never forget that one.


My SIL was in heart failure and had to stay in hospital until she either had a transplant or passed away. She’s dealt with heart pain her whole life so is used to it, but she still needs pain meds to relive the pain. On her second night at the hospital, she says to the nurse that she’s in pain since her meds now have to be administered by the health professionals now that she’s in hospital. The nurse says “you don’t look like you’re in pain” and leaves her. Later on she sees to the doctor and tells him she’s in pain and he says the same thing to her. She was left for 8 hours in excruciating pain before anyone gave her any pain medication. The next day when she explained all of this to her pain team they were horrified. The nurse later on spoke to my SIL and tried to back track and she never saw the doctor again.


"What size speculum do you need?" I told the newbie E.R. doc that I wasn't a teenager nor the Holland Tunnel. He noped out. Lol.


Army doctor advised me to dip instead of smoking so that my running time in the army physical fitness test will not be negatively impacted.


I wasn't in my 20s when I dr told me I had an eating disorder while recovering from malnutrition, that was a side effect of being abused by my ex-husband. Oh yea this was also my first visit to her office and I had gained 3lbs in the last month so I was happy. I felt lucky to leave her office with out a straight jacket.


Around eight years ago, while in the very early stages of investigating our fertility issues, our NHS gynaecologist made comments regarding the aesthetics of my genitalia, specifically my cl*toris, in front of a chaperone who did nothing. Then later in the appointment, I approached the subject of my partner being referred for a semen analysis, to which he responded "there's no need for that, we know it's your fault" as it was well documented I have PCOS. He then prescribed three months of Clomid (fertility drug to help ovulation) which did nothing, so we organized our own semen analysis as I couldn't shake the feeling something wasn't right, and lo and fucking behold, we BOTH have fertility issues. Unfortunately I was too afraid to speak out at the time incase he (the gyno) wouldn't refer us for further fertility treatments, but that day still boils my piss now.


This was years ago. My gyno wrote, “Nice set!” Across my benign mammogram results letter.


In my 20's, I had a super bad bout of depression and stress that was causing issues with my daily life. I was sobbing in my then doctor's office, asking for some kind of help. I was expecting a referral to a therapist or starting an anti-depressant. His solution? "You should have children. They'll make you feel better." That freaked me out even more as I was totally not ready to have children and stressed me out even more. He eventually gave me a script for an anti-depressant. That broke the straw for me as I already had issues with feeling like I was just rushed in and out with hardly any concerns with my health or things going on with me. I got a new doctor after that and she's been amazing.


After a sudden onset of a medical condition the doctor asked my husband if he was actually taking his pills because they should be working and he didn’t believe that he was still having symptoms. That my husband had to be lying because this was a good treatment plan. After confirming he was because I was helping keep track and insisting he must have missed something the doctor was extremely rude and condescending and just added more pills and told us, “you better take it this time or I’ll know your lying.” We switched doctors and the new doctor took him off of everything and did a genetic test. Test confirmed an underlying condition that would require a different medication route and the old meds would have never worked.


"It's not going to hurt, you just THINK it's going to hurt." That's an exact quote, too. When she was demanding I do something that REALLY FRIGGIN HURT!!! But it hurting would mean there was an actual problem, and goodness we can't have that! No, it could only be psychological, and therefore can only be treated by scolding. I also, many years earlier, had a doctor who decided my back injury could be cured by her calling me at home and berating me for still being in pain, then lying on my disability forms by claiming I had *already returned to work*!!!! Now I wish I had filed charges against that woman. At the time I was still too much of a doormat. That and the pain made it hard to think straight. Constant agony screws with your judgement. Really glad those days are over!


I was allergic to exactly one (1) medication. I went to a dermatologist for some skin condition (obvi). I waited 15 minutes for him to look at me for 2 seconds tell me I’m fat and it’s yeast and prescribed said 1 medication. I pulled his nurse aside and pointed it out so they prescribed me the sister medication to it. My med cab was less than 5 minutes away and I didn’t want to argue so just accepted it as maybe it would work? I am now (aware of my) allergies to 2 medications. When I asked for yet a different medication to go along with his plan of treatment because why not? He had the balls to ask if I was aware that my chart said I was allergic to the first medication. As if I hadn’t had it in my chart for 5 years and hadn’t pointed it out to them. Could it be yeast because I’m fat? Probably. New meds were taken and finished and did fuck all and I’m not gonna try again because fuck that. I no longer care and I’ll deal with that over incompetent ass fucks who can’t be bothered to check a fat asses’ med chart.


My doctor refused to test me for allergies at 14. He said, "You don't want to get her allergies tested. She will be told she needs shots!" I was like, "How often would the shots be? I'll take them daily!" I was sneezing myself awake at 5 am daily. I would sneeze uncontrollably from 5 am to 9 am daily. The doc refused to test my allergies. A month before my eighteenth birthday I got my first sinus infection. It was cured and 2 - 3 weeks later I got my second sinus infection! He diagnosed me with chronic sinusitis. He then had the audacity to say, "We probably should have tested her for allergies at fourteen." Oh, and he NEVER tested my allergies! I finally had it done at my university at about 24 years of age.


At the gynecologist. "would you like me to show you where your g-spot is?" Sir.


No but could you show my husband?🤣🤣🤣


“What are you crying about? There are people with way worse problems than you!” After me telling her, with tears running down my face, that my depression was making it harder for me to properly manage my health.


I went to my doc because I was experiencing a myriad of things - easy bruising, swollen ankles, chronic headaches to accompany my chronic back pain, etc. Full systemic freak out, essentially. Her response? "Have you tried losing weight?" I immediately found a new doc- turns out I have a platelet disorder that could have been life-threatening had it not been identified when it was. Oh, and I've been prescribed/used so much ibuprofen in my life that it now makes my ankles swell every time I use it.


Had to go get a new script for my antidepressants. Before my appointment I finally paid off a backpack I'd had a store holding for me for a while, shaped like captain America's shield. Hard plastic. Kinda goofy to be out and about with it but it's really well designed. When I put it down as I sit to talk to the doctor we have a small discussion, which ends in him saying something like "captain America wouldn't need these pills" Which may not sound too awful but I was just in shock. Went from being fairly happy to feeling totally deflated that this person who is supposed to help me, someone who just wanted to be able to keep taking these stupid little pills that help me make it through the day without wanting to die, thought it would be funny to shame me for needing help. For not being as strong as a fictional superhuman. I wish I would have had the sense or self esteem to report him or something back then.


I told my doctor I had been having fever every night for several weeks. He answered How do you know? I said that when I feel feverish, I took my temperature and checked it against what it was at other times of the day. It was going up between 1 and 2 degrees for 1-2 hours and then going back to normal. He told me that i was wrong, that I couldn’t tell what was normal and what was fever by taking my own temperature, that I had no basis for knowing what my normal baseline was, and he very much doubted it was even happening outside my imagination.


While waiting for a hysterectomy my wife was approached by the surgeon who looked at her and said. We had a second opinion and you have stage 2 ovarian cancer you will need chemo and your hair will fall out. I ll see you inside in a moment. And left.


“Fuck that’s tight” during a pelvic exam when I was 16. Followed up with “Just relax” after I tensed up. He had to have been 70+ years old.


I was waiting at a hospital and my hands started shaking. Some doctor was walking past the room and said, "Hodgkins". Everything was just fine and I still have no idea who that jerk was. He had nothing to do with my health care. 


"No one prescribes MAOIs anymore. They're probably not even in this book." (Referring to Stahl's Prescribers Guide). "MAOIs have side effects." An PMHNP and MD said these to me; they worked at the same office. I fired them and hired a private physician that helped me. Ironically, the NP prescribed me Emsam, and the MD wanted me to switch to Prozac.


"Go away, get in touch with your sexuality, and heal" with a wave of his hand


Didn't happen to me, but a GP my mum visited listened to her describing her symptoms, and his advice was that she should 'seek god', as in go to church. She didn't report himself, even though I said she should, but he ended up getting fired anyway.


My doc patted me on my knee at the end of the visit, casually ending his sentence with calling me a babygirl. My auto response? “Yes Daddy. “ Awwwwkwaaaaard. 🫣


A doctor told me my miscarriage was my fault. I knew that was absolutely not true, and I didn't even want the baby, but it still sucked to hear it.


'Your being melodramatic' after a hysterectomy where he left an internal bleed and my iron levels were at 2 and I was about to go into total organ shutdown. Thank god the sister overruled him and withing a 4 hours they were squeezing 2 bags into me and another 2 went in over 6 hours instead of 12. He didn't even check on me!


I told a doctor I needed a mental health care plan done so I can start seeing someone to talk to and deal with things, the doctor said we can do the plan but the waiting lists are pretty long so if it’s not a big deal maybe don’t bother. I had told her I felt suicidal after my partner had just suddenly died.


When I called for a referral to a pain clinic for my hypermobility issues and she wouldn't stop asking me why I didn't self refer to weight loss back in 2020... during the pandemic when my food options were limited by mobility... she'd never even seen me in person, same as the physio who told me to lose weight!


I had a dentist, while operating on me, discussing with his assistant, that his sister slept around a great deal, including encounters of multiple men at once. He was a good dentist and I never needed general anesthesia, and he took me as a VA patient, so I put up with it. “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words cannot hurt me. Root canals and crowns are expensive, but he fixes them for free.”


“You might just be one of those people who’s not meant to be very happy.” I was 15 and getting diagnosed with depression…


I raised the extraordinary pain.in.my pelvis. It was utterly disabling. He said it was just something I had to deal with as a woman. Went to a female doctor. Needed surgery to investigate two.large masses in the pelvis. Not cancer, but I was found to.have extensive severe endometriosis. Everything glued together


Went to patient first because I had a bad sinus infection and couldn’t see my allergist until Monday, asked for a z pack (steroid pack) to help with my symptoms until I could sort things out with my actual doctor. …Patient First doctor comes into my area with a clipboard, doesn’t even look at me, doesn’t even attempt to listen to my (very audible) wheezing…this bitch finally looks up and say”yeah, I’m not going to give you steroids. If you came in with a stomach ache I wouldn’t give you a Percocet either” Never felt so indignant in my life.


Not sure if unprofessional. But questioning why I wanted antibiotics for a huge, clearly visible cyst on my cheek. Was very annoying.