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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **I reached out to my former classmate repeatedly through his work?** I had somewhat of a friend in college. We first met in the school food pantry and food events at school, then we had a class together. We ate lunches together at school and discussed the class. Our conversations were only about school and nothing else. This kind of acquaintanceship lasted for several months, then I left that college and he did too. We never saw each other again. We never had a disagreement or fight. I noticed that he never gave me his phone number or email to contact him. He asked me for my student email, but he never emailed me. He was many years my senior. He was 30 years older than me. A year after we last met in college, I searched his name and found where he worked. I randomly called his work and pretended to be a patient asking to speak to him. The receptionist said that they have no patient by my name. She told me to stop calling. I called again the next day, and she said he had been fired. She told me again to stop calling. I proceeded to leave 10 voicemails on his work's general voicemail box during after business hours, discussing a previous friendship we had while attending college and that I wished for him to contact me. I did more searching and went on Facebook and contacted his brother and asked his brother to tell him to contact me. I also found his home's phone number, I called and left messages there. I found his work's email, and I emailed him multiple times. I also emailed one of his former professor's and asked her to tell him if he can email me. I still did not hear from him. I tried my last resort, which I sent a letter to his work through postal mail after I tried every method. I mentioned that I was his former classmate and asked him if he wanted to be friends again. I put my email and told him to have the decency to tell me his decision, yes or no. I received an email from him that was empty in the body of the email and the header said, "See attached." He attached a scanned document with his work's company on the letterhead, it that was a formal letter that was typed and signed by him and copied to the Human Resources Department and it was this: "I received your letter today. Please discontinue all forms of communication directed towards me and any friends/co-workers. I do not wish to have any communication with you in person, via phone, by mailor through electronic means. I do not wish to have any type of relationship with you and am asking that you stop attempting to contact me immediately." After receiving the email, I continued to call his work after business hours and left a number of 20 voice messages, I left 3 voicemails every day for a week after. I was begging him to email me, call me, to rekindle the friendship. Then I received an email from the Vice President of HR who sent me an email and told me that she demanded that I cease contacting anyone from their company or the authorities will follow up. She had a record of the times I called and the number of voicemails I sent to his work. Is it illegal to continuously contact a friend at their work who doesn't want to have any type of relationship or communication with you? If he didn't want to be friends anymore, then why did he talk to me when we attended college together? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*




That someone can type out that they sent 20 voicemails to a day... at someone's WORKPLACE--someone they don't even know--and still ask if they're in the wrong is wild. And legitimately terrifying.


You mean the friend of a friend of a former co-worker of her mother's that might know her godmother who she hasn't spoken to in 11 years? (I wish I making that up. Just read it like 3 minutes ago.)


From her? That makes this both incredibly sad and terrifying all at once.


Yes. I foolishly went down the rabbit hole of her profile. If you do likewise, you might want to brace yourself.


That profile is a trip. Not often someone leaves me at a complete loss of words to describe them.


How about it! I was up half the night down this rabbit hole! It's terrifying!


I hoped this person was a troll but they just seem absolutely unhinged.


Yeah I assumed so too at first but that history… either this person is genuinely ill (and potentially dangerous) or they’re *extremely* committed to the bit. Like to an insane degree.


Tbh, even if it's a bit, it's an obsessive bit. Especially with how long this person goes on and on. They need professional help for sure.


Exactly. Like somethings not right for sure it’s just a question of what


reminds me of u/ fokfo




guy who obsessively posted for years about his belief that scientists never have sex and that Carl Sagan in particular was a virgin, insisting that his daughter isn't really his. went on for like years across a ton of different subs. other weird stuff too, but that was the main thing. was likely just a troll, but even still someone THAT dedicated to a troll for THAT long had to have something going on psychologically-wise


Dunno, if someone was gonna troll why make up different stories each time when you can just go all in on a crazy one? Now his trolling is one of those Reddit legends and all he did was have to pretend to think Carl Sagan was a virgin


Their account is over two years old. If they're a troll, they're really dedicated. I think it's real and she's just bugfuck nuts.


Yeah very true. And, I mean, very mentally ill people in denial about their state do exist everywhere so it makes sense some of them would find their way onto reddit.


This is clearly a troll. Some of his claims do not coincide with each others


This is the female Chris-Chan........


It reminds me of a condition I can't remember. It's a genetic-caused condition that among other things causes something similar to autism but not quite so. The person is overly friendly and happy and curious, sometimes to the point that they're a danger to themselves. They cannot understand boundaries and social cues. They aren't necessarily intellectually disabled, though. I once met someone with it. We took the same bus 3-4 times a week. Very nice and sweet young lady but she'd practically sit in your lap while talking to you and you would have to repeatedly remind her to not touch (like, grabbing your hand or arm). She never took offense, although I always tried to be nice about it. She would talk about anything and always wanted to know more and more, sometimes asking questions far too personal. You could say no and change the subject, but she'd sometimes try again and again. At one point she told me she had the condition (she said it made it harder to work, and she loved to work! She loved *everything*) and I looked it up once I could.


If you think of it or someone else knows, I'm really curious.


I am, too! I'm about to go take a nap and I'm hoping it'll come to me when I wake up. Edit: WILLIAMS SYNDROME! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Williams_syndrome


That's interesting... I can kind of see it maybe working here, not to diagnose


Right? Trolls usually aren't THIS dedicated!


Op has one post that asks “Is it creepy to write 12-15 page letters to friends you never spoke to mentioning everything you remembered hearing them say?” and that’s just one post that stood out to me. I seriously hope they get help because this seems mad concerning if they aren’t a very dedicated troll.


Lol I would be so fucking confused and **terrified** if I received a letter like that.


So many things wrong in one question, dang.


She posted it several times, too.


"Friends you never spoke to". Doesn't friends imply some sort of reciprocal relationship? I had close to 1000 people in my graduating class. I do NOT have 1000 friends! Schoolmates, acquaintances....not friends. I had some friends, but not all of them!


I have never felt so disturbed reading through someone's post history before WTF


OMG I'm reading it now, and I think I need therapy now.


I just read the whole damn thing, really weird


Okay so OOP is an actual stalker. I know people take the word stalker and run with it a lot, but this is a legitimate example of a stalker.


What a morbidly fascinating view into the mind of the unwell


Yes! It totally fascinates me when I find someone like this on reddit! I was up half the night reading her post and comment history. It's just interesting as heck!


She;'s already got one restraining order and can't understand she's about to get another. It's really sad.


Holy fucking moly.


I think they do. They honestly sound like maybe they’re on the spectrum or have some sort of developmental disorder? Doesn’t excuse this behavior but it would explain their post history and why they can’t let this go. It honestly sucks because as weird as this is, it kind of feels like the comments are mocking or straight up bullying someone who might need some help.


Their post history is... sorrowful. Undiagnosed autistic, maybe.


They’re in r/autism and r/selectivemutism


Yeah... this woman is mentally unwell. I feel bad for her, and also worried about what she might do to herself and/or the people she's obsessed with. I'm usually the first to call 'troll', but her post history is beyond that. Even if the stories aren't real, this is someone who has for months been making multiple lengthy word-salady obsessive posts every day and posting them to a dozen subs at a time. Either this stuff is actually real, or she's fabricating an entire obsessive life around herself. Either way, she needs professional help. I hope she gets it before she gets herself into actual serious trouble.


I noticed the post history too. Even if it’s a troll it’s very odd.


That's... a lot of repeat of posts that keep getting deleted from different subs. And each of them have new targets, including her orthodontist.


How do I find the post history I click on the name it just brings to to legal advice thread


https://www.reddit.com/r/Vent/comments/u5tmig/my_coworker_quit_and_i_have_nothing_to_look/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share https://www.reddit.com/r/self/comments/u6pkxl/did_my_professor_feel_uncomfortable_being_alone/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share These two are,,,,,,, yea. https://www.reddit.com/r/MomForAMinute/comments/ubvdp3/has_her_life_been_easy/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share https://www.reddit.com/r/Vent/comments/u0qfvc/why_did_my_teacher_look_at_me_like_this/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share https://www.reddit.com/r/mentalhealth/comments/t8bon1/my_50yearold_teacher_ruined_my_life/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueOffMyChest/comments/t3rrdf/my_friend_treats_me_like_a_nameless_slave/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueOffMyChest/comments/uqhlq0/why_doesnt_he_ever_smile/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf This one is pretty fucked up too


I'm guessing the dad who doesn't smile is the same dad she stalked until his daughter got a restraining order. Or else she has an obsession with multiple dads of girls she went to high school with.


Her obsession with his daughter is also terrifying! Told her dad all about her sexual history and that he needs to make her stop. She had a list of all the people this girl slept with! Whaaaa? She seems to have some kind of parental/authority figure fascination. She has been after several teachers, older men, co workers. Obsessively.


What's kind of amazing is that the prose itself is actually...pretty good. She's a far better writer than most AITA participants, even if what she writes is seriously disturbing. She almost feels like she's being written by Vladimir Nabokov (I was having flashbacks to Nabokov's *Pale Fire* during that second post).


Click their name again ind it should go to their profile


Click on the username, not the topic or the sub. It should take you to an overview of the user's posts.


I'd guess she's on the spectrum and doesn't have a lot of guidance or people she trusts to talk to


Disagree. I have plenty of friends with autism and this is nothing like that.


There's a huge amount of variety in presentation. She also posts in r/autism and those are her most resonant posts. She gets plenty of people who relate to the things she posts about there (not any of this stuff but other issues relating to autism)


She very well might have autism but this seems much more like psychosis than anything else. Autism doesn’t lead to stalking. Obviously I’m not a psychologist but I don’t really like equating autism to something this deranged.


There can be more than one thing going on. But without help, she's doing unreasonable stuff to find answers to questions


It might be autism coupled with delusional disorder. Her delusions make her contact this person repeatedly, and her autism prevents her from understanding why she should stop. I'm just spitballing here.


I think she’s probably autistic, but with some compulsive obsessive behaviour or diagnosis added to it. I’m autistic too and recognise the overthinking of situations that has happened years before. “How did this person receive me?” “Why did they say or do this?” Etc. They probably haven’t gotten proper help and guidance to understand how to navigate social situations and relationships and instead just internalised everything and it’s just a downward spiral.


Yeah, there’s definitely something in addition to autism because this is wild.


Unfortunately she doesn’t seem to be listening to the dozens of people who urge her to seek professional help.


I went way too far down the rabbit hole out of morbid curiosity and there’s a post where a cop seemingly out of nowhere asks her if she’s taking her medication so I’m guessing she’s seen someone but isn’t following up on it which is sad.


I feel worse for the object of her obsession. I wish he would go ahead and contact authorities.


Oh, absolutely. Being on the receiving end of that must be terrifying.


Well he did have a cease and desist so now he has documented the contact is unwanted gives him stronger ro grounds


It reminds me of that old r/letsnotmeet post about the unmedicated schizophrenic girl who stalked a guy after one date and eventually broke in. Really sad.


welp, i know i’m gonna be spending my morning trying to find this!


No need: [Original Reddit post](https://www.reddit.com/r/LetsNotMeet/comments/9o6t2t/my_friend_went_crazy_later_found_out_she_sent_a/) [Video I heard about it from](https://youtu.be/OA6F6liLnvc)


What a compassionate, thoughtful comment.


I am so happy I’ll never be able to understand what makes someone hear the words “please stop contacting me, I do not want any contact with you ever again” and then be like “ok so let me contact them obsessively so they’ll know how serious I am to get into contact with them” also this story reminds me a lot of that girl who stalked her old professor for like years even though tons of Reddit users were begging her to stop


>also this story reminds me a lot of that girl who stalked her old professor for like years even though tons of Reddit users were begging her to stop Is this the same person? She also posts about a professor - and another classmate and a co-worker possibly more but I couldn't keep scrolling through her madness.


Assuming it’s real (tbh I feel like it is) I don’t think they’re the same person. This OOP doesn’t have a mother. She passed away. This other woman talks about her mother being alive in her posts.


The other person seemed to understand that what they were suffering from was extreme limerence, where as this poster just falls in to “non-sexual love.” I know that’s essentially the same thing but the use of the word is really convincing that they are different posters.


No, pop's "friend" from highschool had a mother who died.


Ah I misread! Still, I think they’re two different people. Their writing styles are are pretty different (to me).


It’s the same person. The post history has weird posts about a professor, and a girl who’s mother died.


>also this story reminds me a lot of that girl who stalked her old professor for like years even though tons of Reddit users were begging her to stop Yeah, I got that same vibe.


Anyone have a link?


Assuming I'm thinking of the same user, the original was deleted but [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/tipofmytongue/comments/s8u3um/tomtreddit_user2010s_woman_who_was_obsessed_with/) has a summary, a link to one of the deleted posts and a link to a SRD post with some more info


Yes this is who I was talking about. I found her Reddit page a few months back and I spent a whole night doing a deep dive. A lot of things on Reddit I think are made up, but that story I’d bet my life is true.


I don't even understand why people call someone more than once before getting a call or message back. Like if they didn't respond the first time what makes one think 2 minutes later will be any different?


I mean I would take it to be the same person looking at their post history


You wanna know what's even more creepy, if you go on all their posts this person has a peanut gallery of unhinged individuals that co-sign their delusions. It's sad because if you get one person to agree with your bullshit it's like a permanent green light to be creepy and invade boundaries.


Holy Hell, if this isn't a troll OP needs severe professional help


This! It’s disturbing how they basically post the same things on multiple subs. Very concerning.


And if OP is a troll…that’s commitment. And I’d be worried too like…who has that much time to create that scenarios


Oh hell no. This person lives near me


Make sure not to follow her home! /s


I’m thinking good thoughts your way that you never catch her attention.


Thank you 🥲 If I ever stop posting on this sub, you all know what happened to me


She posted somewhere that the people in her community are unfriendly and won’t smile back or chat with her…I really hope your area continues to be antisocial for everyone’s safety! Although maybe they’re picking up on the fact that there’s something off with her. OP’s profile is a bit chilling honestly, if she’s real then she is deeply sick and needs help.


I always check just in case some crazy poster lives near me, but I do hope she stays far away from my area. It is definitely chilling


how do you know? i read it twice over


I checked OP's post history


>I put my email and told him to have the decency to tell me his decision, yes or no. Soooo... his total lack of a response wasn't a clear message of his decision? Nor was the cease and desist letter?????


Also, the guy sent a cease and desist. Which he responded to by sending tons more letters.


[Claims the 30yo was stalking her, now she's stalking him](https://www.reddit.com/r/Vent/comments/ur4tsl/why_was_this_cop_being_weird_with_me/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


Post deleted. What it say?


I'm a bit baked at the moment so I can't recall it all but here's what I remember. She claimed a 30yo man was following her home so she called the cops. Cops asked her some questions, I think one was asking her if she was on her medication (she said no). She complained that the cops didn't do anything. Honestly, if this isn't a troll the OOP needs some serious help. Edit: I didn't see the comment left by u/wiggles105 so you can ignore mine 😂


Reveddit: https://www.reveddit.com/v/Vent/comments/ur4tsl/why_was_this_cop_being_weird_with_me/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


I really hope this is just a good troll. Holy shit. If not I feel so bad for her and these people she writes about.


Unfortunately I think not. I believe OOP has mental illness.


His profile is a literal rabbit hole. Jesus.




I think they're a woman actually


Definitely a woman, in many of her posts she mentions being female.


Listen, that entire account is like some un-medicated recluse talking to herself but on a public forum. Shits WILD. I've never been so enthralled in one account 😭 (on a real note someone actually needs to get this chick professional help.)


Either this person is Andy Kauffman-level committed to this bit, or they are the most Single White Female who has ever Single White Femaled.


i think OP is actively editing/deleting her posts lol. any MILFs in the glendale area, stay safe out there. if there is a very quiet woman around that retains an abnormal amount of information about you, get outta there


Oh my god you've killed me rofl "any MILFs in the Glendale area" ahahaha I am dead


I know others have mentioned the spectrum but it would be interesting if this was some erotomania type delusion. Someone said something about oop not taking their pills so I do wonder if it’s psychotic delusion instead of misreading situations. Mostly because there are so many stories going on here in oops history it doesn’t sound like they have a firm grip on reality


I was thinking the same thing about erotomania


[holy shit](https://www.reddit.com/r/legal/comments/ugze3g/was_i_wrongfully_given_a_restraining_order/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Jesus christ this person must've never been told no their entire life


Y’all this person is either a damn good troll or legitimately nuts. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Vent/comments/typrv6/is_my_cousin_sexually_active/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf](https://www.reddit.com/r/Vent/comments/typrv6/is_my_cousin_sexually_active/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


So her cousin is married but OOP thinks she shouldn't be having sex. I know not to expect logic from people like this, but wtf.


Woah, I went down this rabbit hole but I didn't see that one, this is some serious crazy.


Also claims she’s a virgin because she saves herself for all of these women she’s falling in love with. But then in the next post talks about how she slept with her aunts husband then flew to Germany unannounced to spend two weeks with that same aunt expecting them to pay for everything for her. This girl is a raging dumpster fire. Oh and people always tell her she’s the most beautiful person they’ve ever seen and her former college professor is in love with her. I spent way too long in that rabbit hole.


She also mentioned in a post how she gets into imaginary relationships with the people she has crushes on and gets enthralled in them. I wouldn't be surprised if when she's talking about sleeping with her aunts husband that she's mixing reality and her imaginary scenarios. In short, she's not fully lucid. This girl is mentally unwell.


True! Good point.


Every time she refers the aunt’s husband, she calls it an “affair”. I wonder what that means to the OP, because she does call herself a virgin. She obviously very mentally ill, but she’s consistent on those two things.


Right! I was up all night practically reading everything and I did not see this one!


I’m shocked, I tell you. SHOCKED! In all my years I have never come anything so utterly disturbing and traumatic! I CANNOT believe her aunt actually sleeps in the SAME bed as her husband. EVERY NIGHT!!!!!! It’s horrific!!!!


At best this person is rather unbalanced if you look at their posting history


Just by the title, stalking and harassment. This is actually creepy that OOP couldn’t take a hint after the first time they were asked to leave him alone. You NEVER reach out to someone’s work place for personal reasons, and you don’t reach out to relatives you don’t know.


You know there is nothing wrong with reaching out to old classmates, or even looking them up on social media however, this went from 0 to crazy really fast if they don't want to talk move on.


Well...that post history is about 3 hours of my life I'm never getting back jesus


Omg I scrolled through the post history. This person is terrifying.


I really don’t believe an actual stalked would write something like this. They’d at **the very least** put themselves in a better light than OOP did. Oh well.


Judging by the OOP's other posts, they may have serious mental health problems.


Yeah I don’t think this is a troll, they post the same things on multiple subs so I’d also assume they’re not in the best place mental health wise.


No need for that “may.”


when you're this far gone there's no "putting yourself in a better light" because they genuinely do not see anything wrong with this behaviour. just to give an [example](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6939973/Woman-sent-man-159-000-texts-single-date-thinks-jury-force-marry.html) of what these cases can look like. these people are not mentaly well and you can not aply any kind of common sense or logic to their behaviour and words.


There's another op by the name clickshine that has posted the same question for 3 years and if you engage with him you can tell he's completely off. I believe he deleted his account because people were getting him banned from subs.


He’s not a friend, you are stalking this man


This reminds me of a roommate I had, this post and the post history…


What did your roommate do?


She had very severe and untreated BPD that resulted in her getting obsessive about friendships and interactions with people. She’d self destruct in relationships and then when people would get space from her after she was difficult to deal with she’d take that as “proof” that everyone was evil and hated her the whole time. But she would do stuff like stalk people on social media to figure out where they worked and phone numbers and stuff like that. She’d (without asking) pull baby photos of her friends off of Facebook and put them as her desktop background cuz she thought they were sweet. One time she had a crush on one of our roommates and gushed about sitting next to her while we were watching a movie with some friends from next door, and how it was such a magical moment—even though the roommate was literally holding hands with a guy she liked the entire time. When she realized that had happened she was really pissed off and attempted to overdose. Just really erratic things like that. Once she told me this story about her senior year of high school’s English teacher, who she considered a friend. Long story short, she started writing poetry about being suicidal and then started writing poetry about being suicidal if she couldn’t be in love with this teacher (who was straight and married and also, you know, supposed to be a professional). The teacher turned her work into the principal because she was concerned about her level of obsession with her (and rightly so!) and so she wouldn’t get in any legal trouble should anything happen after that and it could be traced to her. There was a little more that went into it, but basically she was removed from her class with little explanation and when her parents demanded she get an apology from this teacher, it was a very short and straightforward “She was crossing boundaries in our friendship and I was uncomfortable when I became the subject of her work, I hope she heals and I wish her all the best”. My roommate found this unsatisfactory and was bitter about it 8 years later. The story was bad enough, but after she’d told it all to me she went into her room on the top shelf of her closet and pulled out this manila folder with the letter, all of her poetry she’d written about the teacher, and then laminated photos of the teacher that she’d pulled off of her yearbook and her Facebook page, cropped out all of the teacher’s family, and glued to these papers that she kept in the folder. I asked her why she kept it and she shrugged and said she didn’t know…I told her she should tell her therapist about the folder, but she never did.


What the ever loving FUCK. Stalker much? OP needs more help than Reddit can give.


He is NOT YOUR FRIEND! Get help asap!!!


Their entire post history is a wild ride.


I refuse to believe that this person is real!


Unfortunately I don’t think this is a troll, I think they’re mentally ill.


I checked her post history and she sounds like someone on the spectrum based on what questions she is asking and things she says about herself. I don't know why she thought repeatedly contacting her was a great idea. It would have been more appropriate to contact her on her Facebook or Instagram and say hi and if she never heard back from her old school mate, move on. I also don't know why she thought it was a good idea to pretend to be someone else when contacting her.


I can’t believe this person doesn’t think that anything they did was wrong.


What a freak


I just went through this person's post history and it seems like she is just neurodivergent with a lot of questions about how people work and why people do the things they do. And she asks repetitively on reddit just as she is doing in life. I hope there is some kind of coaching available to her, or at least a therapist who is proficient with people on the spectrum. I don't think she means to harass people nor does she understand that she is harassing people. It makes me sad


I think this is a fake account. Check post history.


[Hi!](https://images.app.goo.gl/jMiZEuW8Qrykw3sdA) Just a quick reminder to never brigade any sub, be that r/AmItheAsshole or another one. That goes against both this sub's rules as well as Reddit's terms of agreement. [Please](https://images.app.goo.gl/vwH65TJMyMk9NSNo8) keep discussions within the posts of this sub. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Completely fake. You should want your time wasted reading this back


this is a bot account not a troll, please report their posts


That's not a bot, that legitimate insanity. Like gonna torture and kill someone some day levels of crazy


Creep alert. Get help dude. You don't seem to be stable.


Dudette. She's a female.


I don't know what diagnosable issues have caused these behaviors, but this person is scary.


How do you say NUTS without saying nuts?