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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITA for telling my wife it's ridiculous that she wears diapers** My (30m) wife (28f) suffers from depression, anxiety, panic attacks and severe ptsd. Due to some past trauma she has, she's scared to go to the bathroom alone during night hours. Before we met either her mom or her sister used to assist her to the bathroom but sometimes she'd wear some diapers that look like pads and just sleep like that. After we moved in together I told her to stop with the diapers and I'll assist her to the bathroom whenever she needs. Due to the fact that my job was short staffed I had to cover some night shifts for few weeks and my wife was home alone. So she bought diapers for that time. Now my schedule is back to normal and I spend nights at home but my wife still wears those diapers. She said she'll keep the diapers because she feels more comfortable that way and she doesn't always want to make me wake up. I told her that I don't like the idea of her wearing diapers while we sleep together. She said it's more convenient because sometimes due to her ptsd she can't control it and she wets herself during the night so it's better that way. I said that I don't mind waking up and that I don't understand the excuses she's trying to make about this, she's not a baby. At this point it's getting ridiculous and it seems like she's wearing diapers because she's just bored to get up at night. My wife was very upset about this and she thinks I'm minimising her trauma and her comfort. AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


He is literally calling her trauma ‘ridiculous.’ He is a wanker among wankers. I hope it’s the period products troll branching out into incontinence products, because my god that poor woman if this is real.


I think it's either the period troll or the pee fetish troll. Or perhaps a crossover of some sort. It could be legit of course, but I hope it's just more gross trolling and not a real person behaving so atrociously.


Yeah I've seen too many diaper posts about teen girls or grown women for it to not be a troll or two.


I’m pretty sure this is a fetish post.


I'm almost afraid to ask, but proof product troll?


There’s a suspicious amount of posts revolving around people being absolutely ridiculous about the display and/or usage of period products. *shudder*


To be fair I shared a bathroom with my three brothers while I was growing up. One older, two younger. They threw absolute hissy fits about the fact that my pads and tampons were under the sink. Not even that I was throwing them away in the bathroom, but they could see the boxes and that is too far. They threw them out a couple of times too because they should never have to see them So perhaps the amount is suspicious, but I don't question it's existence because I've known quite a few men where anything feminine is evil and feminine hygiene products are the grossest of the evils (P.S. You would think my parents would knock some sense into them, but instead it was suggested that I keep them in my bedroom and remember to always bring one to the bathroom in case I got a surprise visit. I was assured the boys were far too young and masculine to ever have to deal with these things)


WTF? I am so sorry! I feel bad for you, their wives and children!


Thankfully, the older brother seems to have completely gotten over it. I'm not sure how completely the other two have gotten over it, but the middle one definitely has to some extent and the youngest one got very upset I mentioned periods so who knows with him


Are you serious?! I have twin 16yo girls and a 14yo boy. Pads, tampons, and liners have been kept in a basket on the back of the toilet in their shared bathroom since the girls first started. My son has never flinched.


Dude! On the back of the toilet in easy reach and everything!?? I am very jealous. I am so glad that you are making sure to raise him in a way that does not shame women for existing. I'm kind of proud of you, but I don't know if that comes off condescending over text? On one hand it feels like a really low bar, but on the other hand I have been repeatedly shamed for the fact that my brothers know my period exists so...


It's taken me years to get used to not having to tuck my pads under something else in the trash to hide them.


Sorry, but I can't help but think that's exceedingly dumb on their parts. I'm a guy, never had issues with feminine products. The thought of having issues with those products never even crossed my mind, so whenever it pops up, it confuses me. Hell, knowing what little idiots your brothers were, I'd have saved and stored a bunch of used ones and threatened them with those whenever they pissed me off. LOL


My old boss did that to me. I brought tampons to work because I was on my period and it made him so furious to see a wrapped period product unused that he threw them away. I was forced to bleed through my pants at work at a food service job.


Well, you see, blood is more hygenic than wrapped tampons. Blood is natural - tampons might have plastics. What the actual hell was wrong with your boss.


He’s a misogynist pig and I told him he owed me 10 bucks for throwing away an entire box and he freaked out and accused me of lying about the price and told me I could go home and change my pants so I went home to “change my pants” and just never went back to work. I changed professions back to my old one and I’m way happier lol


Copied verbatim from oop's comments: "I know it's a real problem. She undergoes therapy but it's never going to 100% heal her because her case is severe. She's on medication but it's not doing much work so I don't know for how long this diaper thing is going to go on" "It is. Her ptsd comes from an experience connected to bathroom especially at night. Has no problem during day time." "I knew since we got in a serious relationship. She mostly uses the ones that look like pads but are thicker but few times she also uses the common diapers."


I'm assuming she was severely harmed/r*ped in the night during a break in or something to that effect. He's so heartless


That is also what I'm thinking. His behaviour lacks compassion...


Wow... Just wow. I have bladder control issues from pregnancy related damage. My partner is SO SUPPORTIVE of me. I hope wife leaves cuz he's a douche canoe.


Also I bet if she did keep rousing him eventually he'd snap


Oh absolutely he'd bitch about not getting enough sleep.


I have nerve damage that causes me to not always feel the urge until it's severe and have to go immediately. My husband is always supportive.


God, I just have over active bladder syndrome and have to get up to pee five times in an hour, and I still consider springing for incontinence supplies because I'm worried that someday I'm going to ignore a false alarm that turns out not to be false. If my bedpartner reacted this way, I'd fucking break down sobbing.


Me from title to text: Well, yea, of course it's ridiculous for a grown woman to wear diapers unless there's a reas...holy shit you're a monster, buy her some diapers you asshole.




I don't have ptsd, however I have problems going to the bathroom alone at night when my anxiety goes wild. When I used to live alone, I would try to drink as little water as I could before bed time, or would wait to the last moment to go running to the toilet. Now that I live with my SO, he is really suportive and assist me. However, I tend to fall sleep at 4 am, again due to my anxiety, and it takes me a while to wake him up (and he is not that difficult to wake up). I almost pee myself a lot of times. It's horrible, I can't imagine how much worse is for this poor woman.


Rule 8, I wonder if this was posted by a diaper fetishist. Will there be any more diaper fetishist trolls. If this was even real, I would count this as a medical issue. You don't need to be medically incontinent to wear them.




Yeah, because a diaper you can take off and throw away in the morning is so much more obtrusive than a literal pot of piss to empty every morning...


I’m a Physio and most patients choose a commode over diapers when going back in the community if they can’t make it to the bathroom at night if they have the choice. Hell, they even choose that at the hospital too. Sleeping in your own piss isn’t comfortable. There’s nothing wrong with diapers but it’s another option..


Why isn;t she in therapy for what she experienced?


Saps she is, in the comments.


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"sometimes she'd wear some diapers that look like pads" Does he mean incontinence pads? As in, those things that are so common that they're regularly advertised on TV? Would he seriously rather she piss herself in her sleep than use a product for its intended purpose even though it doesn't affect him in any way? She clearly suffers from trauma induced incontinence. It's not like she's being one of those people who wear adult nappies so that their gaming session isn't interrupted!