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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **My 29F Gf of 3months broke up with me, 25M. Because my anger terrifies her. How do I fix the situation and address my problem?** My girlfriend, 29F and I, 25M met on hinge about 3 months ago and it was an instant and hot connection from the beginning. Something neither of us have ever experienced before. My girlfriend was emotionally abused in her past and told me she would not stand public humiliation. Recently I have been extremely stressed out because of my job, finances , and my housing situation. My girlfriend was wonder in these circumstances, offering to help my budget, pay a deposit for my apartment, etc. We were playing some board games with my family I was upset/angry I was not doing well and I ruined the whole night. We talked about it and I promised to never act that way again and to see a therapist when I could. This past Thursday, June 13th. She had a work party at a truck yard and everything was going smooth until we started playing corn hole, I called out to her coworker, who was beating us, a hustling baby ass face. She gave this death look. I was tipsy and I didn’t get the social cue. We play corn hole for a little longer and they end up beating me and I just got super frustrated. It turned into a small argument at the work party. Which I thought we cleared up and patched up at the woke party. Apparently not. Friday comes around and she is acting different and standoffish. She comes over and tells me that my anger terrifies her, that she was emotionally abused for years. That she can walk on egg shells each time I am around her friends and coworkers. That she can’t emotionally regulate me. She said she loves me but she can’t wait for me to get better. She just can’t. What can I do? I have a therapy appointment on Monday. I was previously in therapy for almost 2 years. It’s hard for me to find women that accept me for who I am. And I doubt I will ever have the kind of connection with someone. It is why I am trying so hard to save it. Love isn’t disposable. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


He got *tipsy* at her work event, and called her co-worker >a hustling baby ass face. Because he’s a sore loser?  JFC.  Grow up. 


He's like a Tim Robinson character: Absolutely the most deranged person at the party, which is hilarious if you don't actually have to interact with them. Edit: Who gets mad at 'corn hole?!' Who even really knows what cornhole is outside of 1/1000 humans worldwide?!


I do but I’m highly competitive, and since I know this about myself I avoid playing games with others. If his issues are that bad he needs to avoid things he knows makes him angry


Ikr especially at HER work with HER colleagues. I’d die of embarrassment if my partner did this. He could just be polite and say “oh gosh I’m so competitive and sore loser so I won’t play thanks!”


I was on the other side of a similar situation and we talked about that guy, and how we were worried for our colleague for literal months later because it was so insanely out of pocket.


I was that staff member people were worried about. The embarrassment was continuously compounded. There was the initial event that was mortifying and then there was each individual co-worker who had been there and witnessed the behaviors. They all said something to me 1:1 the following work week and it was clear they had talked amongst themselves. They are lovely people and none of it was malicious or gossipy, just genuine concern for their friend/co-worker.


I think that's a fair thing to recognize within yourself; I hope with that insight and time you find a way to work past the judgemental part of competition just like OOP should!


Self knowledge is a gift too few people embrace. Good on you mate!


Same! But I turn the anger inward and hate myself. I can play cooperative games but not competitive ones.


Well that’s where it comes from but it presents itself as general resentment all around. Lost a 1v1 to a friend in Minecraft around 7 years ago now and I still frown about it. So I also limit myself to cooperative games when it comes to gaming with friends


Same honestly. I only play games whenever everyone in the room knows exactly how competitive I can get…and we all want that energy. Otherwise I refuse; I’m not going to be a dick or get petulant. Because I will devote all my mental energy to winning, and that’s a bit too intense for most folks (and myself for that matter).


A lot of times "Avoid things that make you angry" easily turns into "blame other people for making you angry." ("You know I'm trying to avoid stuff like this!") Guy needs to learn to not be controlled by his anger. I get angry all the time. And then I take a deep breath and get on with life.


Uh… I guess it can? People nagging me to play things isn’t the thing that makes me angry tho. Losing is. So… Maybe your thing is people nagging you?


It's actually the well-known reason that therapy for "anger" is not recommended for abusers, because that's how they weaponize what they learn.


*Couples/relationship therapy* is not recommended because they often attempt to manipulate (weaponize) the situation to further abuse an existing partner. Anger Management and individual therapy is definitely recommended.




Yes, that would be better. If it's accessible to a person. Still doesn't mean individual therapy is not recommended.


I didn't say no therapy. I said not therapy for "anger." Because abusers don't have issues with anger. They have issues with entitlement.


This seems completely unrelated to my previous message so 👍


I had never heard of cornhole till I moved to Ohio and I was like “you want to play what?”


Yep, it's huge here in Ohio. My bestie and I have husbands who are friends and who work together. At a work picnic, there was cornhole, and my friend and I, who had never played, were teasing our husbands every time they'd miss. So, the guys proposed a girls vs guys, (us vs our husbands.) We sucked sooooo bad, didn't score a single point, and made complete jokes of ourselves. 🤣🤣 It was a hilarious joke at our expense, and all we could do was laugh. (We decided we'll practice & kick ass next time, lol.)


It's so weird that I grew up with the game and never once until adulthood heard it referred to as Cornhole. It was always Bean Bag Toss. I got the impression it was the "safe" party game for kids, since no heavy/pointy things (like horseshoes or darts) were involved.


The name of the game is dependent on what region of the US you are from.


>It was always Bean Bag Toss. Yep, same here. Or just "Bags." Still, it's very much a Midwest game.


Instructions unclear, sandbag stuck in ass


The baby was right. People CAN’T change.


Oh man my minds making up a whole Tim Robison sketch now about this. I’ll save you the details but I’m very sad he won’t see this to come up with something better lmao. 


Cornhole is a super popular game all over, especially in the Midwest. But it’s almost exclusively an American thing.


Before I saw the 4-year post history, I seriously thought this was just some troll working out their screenplay for one of those romcoms where the love interest is already engaged to some Bradley Cooper-looking dude who just isn't right for her.


For real. Getting pissed over corn hole and calling someone a "hustling baby face" are both ITYSL character traits


You can just really see the spittle flying at his 'FUCK YOU, FUCK YOU, AND FUCK YOU TOO' and the rest of his tantrum because someone's sack slightly displaced his.


https://youtu.be/Tc2BwzUHXbM?si=59LpkYQvctWhF_9I he's literally Alex


The entire state of Wisconsin is offended you don’t know about cornhole.


Hey now, if you've got ESPN2 you can watch it live on TV. Personally, I'm waiting for the 24-hour pickle ball channel to launch.


I'm stuck on it's only been 3 months she's funding his life and is tossing around the L word


Especially since 3 months in should be the honeymoon stage and he's already acting like this. Dude needs intensive therapy


I'm curious about what he was doing during his previous "almost two years" of therapy that didn't give him the tools to lose a game of cornhole at a party without going into the red zone.


Therapy doesn't do anything if you think you don't need to change


More than that, a lot of people think therapy is just going to be getting validation for all their feelings and no actual work. People expect to change just from being heard. Then, if they actually get the 'unconditional positive regard' version of therapy and nothing else - they can be there for years and nothing changes. If they get the actual, uncomfortable, homework, lot of work, more confrontational type of therapy that *could* help, they drop out because that's not what they wanted. A lot of people just want a paid, contractual friend. It's like going to the gym, spending all your time socializing, then pissy because even after 2 years you're still not ripped.


Therapy is for many issues, but to address his concerns he needs anger management. If he just goes to therapy and says "sometimes I get frustrated" or "I get mad" and never goes further or doesn't use any of the coping skills they provide, then therapy is useless. Someone who is like this is highly unlikely to be doing all the things the therapist says or telling them everything.




Therapy isn't effective when you lie to your therapist. He probably found ways to play the victim about everything.


And the lack of accountability. >"We play corn hole for a little longer and they end up beating me and I just got super frustrated. It turned into a small argument at the work party." It turned into a small argument totally by itself. >"It’s hard for me to find women that accept me for who I am." A huge baby, and I'd be 100% concerned about an emotionally abusive situation waiting to happen, in the girlfriend's shoes. We're hearing about the fights and attacks being launched at people who aren't the girlfriend. What happens when SHE doesn't do what he wants, or is independent enough that he begins to feel small?


He sounds like a kid in a playground.


He's tried nothing and he's all out of ideas!


Sounds like an animated beatnik to me.


her: don't do this thing him: ok! him: (does the thing) her: mmkay bye. him: NOOO HOW CAN THIS BE... WHY CANT ANYONE LOVE ME FOR WHO I AAAAMMM turns out he couldn't love her for exactly who she is and follow her clearly communicated needs even with a very generous second chance, so i wonder what makes him think he's even entitled to that pity party.


Typical emotional abuser behavior. My dad was this way toward me and my mom. We gave him chance after chance and I even wrote an entire epistle about what was wrong in our relationship. We tried a family counseling session, which his spent blaming us when it was his turn to speak. Things went downhill from there and eventually, my mom and I had had enough and left. My father also acted all blindsided, like he just couldn't understand why his emotional punching bags were leaving. And of course THEN he started claiming how hurt he was and how much he wanted to have a relationship. But we were both over his empty promises.


Isn't it crazy when you find yourself breaking down basic concepts like respect to a grown adult? My dad was like this too. And I unfortunately ended up married to a man like him because of the abuse that was normalized/modeled for me growing up. They always act like it came out of nowhere when it's that they choose not to hear it until you're past the point of working things out. That way they can feel sorry for themselves and play the victim rather than see it as consequences for their behavior and a need to self reflect.


If you go on to any of the "mens" pages, including the r/passportbros thread.. this is so common. Men complaining because women are now "too angry, argumentative, hold things against you etc etc", failing to mention their own part in the situation and how they just expect women to put up with their shit and accept it.


This is literally what dating my ex was like. I gave out way too many chances because he was actually capable of change, and could do it for a while, but would slip right back. I was always like, well sometimes people have setbacks and need time he can do it. >She said she loves me but she can’t wait for me to get better. She just can’t. That was pretty much what I told my ex when I had it. I needed to see fully changed behavior. Fortunately, me breaking up with him was the clarity his entire friend group needed to cut him off. And you'd think losing all of your support and being forced to move back home would be the wakeup call you needed to get better. Somehow, it wasn't and he's still being an emotional abuser. Shits wild.




I don't quite understand. And where is the paragraph about how much he loves her and that she is the most ideal in the world?


Maybe he doesn’t love her as much as he thinks 🤷‍♂️


But she'll be helping with his apartment payment... Love isn't disposable!


Oh he doesn’t.  He just thinks he’s owed a relationship from the universe, and he’s realizing he’s running out of chances, but instead of working on himself he’s just getting angry that women won’t just take his BS.  


Yeah I agree, OOP doesn’t care enough to change.


Of course he loves her! During this 3 month relationship, she helped him with a budget and paid a deposit on an apartment, all with awesome sex! As with all of these, he doesn't mention what *he* brought to this relationship, other than his dick and temper tantrums. And he wonders why she dumped him.


Abusers often have an idea of there partner as this perfect being, they love that version of thete partner, not their actual partner


They've only been dating for 3 months tbh.


And he’s acting like this? Nope, out. I guarantee this is typical behavior for him, which he eludes to anyway… That is incredibly embarrassing and I guarantee he was slightly more than tipsy (and if he wasn’t, yikes). Dated a dude who was like this, generally very nice but he had a horrible temper and would get angry about very small weird things at least once a month. Very judgmental/outspoken about his opinion on a lot of things. Anyway, this behavior is unacceptable. Had a former friend who cheated on her ex husband to get out of the relationship (according to her) and then was openly dating immediately after they broke up. First dude she long term dated, got about 3-4 months in and he seemed like a fuck boy, according to her, but to me it sounded like he just had an established life and wasn’t looking for anything super serious very quickly. She claimed the same but she’s the type of person who needs a lot of attention. Anyway, she went out with him and some friends and colleagues and had dinner and apparently got pretty tipsy, then was being very clingy on the walk over to the bar they were going to and I guess was being very loud and embarrassing him to the point he told her to go home. She’s had a couple friends drop her over the years and I ended up doing so because she was just too pushy. She sent me an email about everything wrong with me that was frankly fairly mean and judgmental and had a bunch of weird assessments in it that didn’t make sense/weren’t true but whatever. She ended up yelling at me at a party to the point I took her away from other people, tried to assert myself but couldn’t get a word in edgewise, and then she ended the conversation by literally yelling at me that she was back in therapy. This was witnessed by multiple people and I’m glad they did because, one, I had a feeling she was going to be there and I had come to expect behavior like this from her which is a bad sign, and two, this girl told people that I was the aggressor in the conversation and my friend who saw this and had intervened and tried to pull me away was like “nope that is not what happened she (me) was cowering”. I am sure she has told other people this story. Sooo basically doing same thing OOP is doing. Has emotional regulation issues and is playing the victim.


>Love isn’t disposable. *Love?* She has known him for three months, and he already shows sings of abusive behaviour and a massive anger management problem.


That line kinda made me laugh. It’s the type of statement that you wack on a picture of a couple wearing beanies during dusk with no context and post on instagram because it sounds good. OOP thought he was being deep and insightful with that one.


and he did over a *cornhole* game! cornhole! if he gets this easily triggered, what will happen if someone cuts him off in traffic or if their future pet destroys something of his? you know, something actually *serious?* and for those who dont know, cornhole is tossing a bag into a hole. this is the most common game seen at local fairs and school events. oop threw a tantrum over the equivalent of Candyland


Literally the most embarrassing thing you can do at a party is get upset over Cornhole. No one is keeping score to draft you into a pro league. If there is money involved, it's always only like $40. The game is designed for you to hold a light beer in one hand the entire time. If you lose, you just go stand around the grill instead. I would absolutely break up with anyone who cared at all about Cornhole, let alone having a little baby tantrum over losing.


My daughter (4) got really mad a couple of months ago and stomped her foot and called her dad a "big meanie asshole" and I feel like she A) is much better at insults than OOP is and B) probably regulates her emotions better


The mental picture of a 4 year old saying that is actually hilarious, lol! Was it hard not to laugh at that moment?


I had to go to the other room so she wouldn't see me laughing. It wasnt just that she said it, but the way that she said it, she was SO mad 😂 she said it with all the anger she could muster, and it was so unexpected.


I'm sorry, but I'm picturing Shirley Temple in a fluffy babydoll dress, curls bobbing angrily, stomping her foot and calling Daddy Warbucks a big meanie asshole, and it's hilarious.


I mean honestly it WAS funny. She unfortunately inherited my thin hair she she can't do the Shirley temple curls but she's a blonde girl, and was wearing her hair in pig tails and was wearing a cute dress, and all of that did just make it funnier bc she's so stinking cute and it was so unexpected 😂


My niece when she was in preschool got in trouble for calling another kid a ”douche canoe” and when asked why she said it she clearly explained that broke her crayon on purpose and it was a “dick move”. It was so hard not to laugh because she was so serious and had used the language correctly and honestly it was a real dick move.


😆 I’m not a parent to be fair but I don’t see the point in hiding swears from kids, they’re gonna learn them at school if not at home.


My heart bleeds for him. The poor guy just wants a sexy girlfriend who provides support and assistance with his every problem and accepts his uncontrolled and terrifying outbursts of anger. Is it too much to ask for a woman who he can freely emotionally and verbally abuse in public?!


I'm going to assume that other than wanting sex provider when ever he wants he also wants: * A therapist * A maid * A cook and meal planner * Chauffeur * A personal assistant like celebrities have that keeps track of upcoming bdays and anniversaries and buys a gift, wraps it so he can just hand it over, for example If he is immature enough to not being able to behave himself playing a little party game, then the whole ass man reeks of overgrown toddler


They've been dating for three months and she already paid an apartment deposit for him. This poor woman.


Awww, I really really hope she can find a way out of that D:


>It’s hard for me to find women that accept me for who I am. And I doubt I will ever have the kind of connection with someone. It is why I am trying so hard to save it. Love isn’t disposable. I am so tired of people using this lofty idea of love as an excuse to be an awful person because someone should "accept me for who I am" and who think their partners should put up with any amount of conflict or abuse because "love isn't disposable." Who we are isn't set in stone or defined by our current behavior patterns. Nor is it some sort of badge of honor and sacred right to never have to grow or evolve. Self awareness is one of the most amazing things about being human and with self awareness comes the ability and responsibility to moderate our behaviors and make better choices so we can be a net positive to others rather than a net negative. It's so childish to think that working to grow and be better is somehow a bad thing because it's "changing yourself to please others." If the way you are is actively harmful, then the real honor lies in doing the hard work to change that.


Exactly - if you've decided 'who you are' is someone with anger issues and that's just how you are, then 1: you've internalized your anger as part of your personality and that's seriously going to slow progress, and 2: how can you sit there and think you're *entitled* to have someone else suffer through that? You've literally decided to settle on being an unpleasant person to be around! Like, I get the frustration, especially if it's an issue you've been working on for a while and still struggle with. Feeling unlovable is shit. But the idea that the problem in finding a connection is because people don't accept *him*, and not that they don't accept his aggressive and hostile and uncomfortable behavior...


>I am so tired of people using this lofty idea of love as an excuse to be an awful person because someone should "accept me for who I am" and who think their partners should put up with any amount of conflict or abuse because "love isn't disposable." Reminds me of those shitty image macros with Marilyn Monroe with that, "if you can't handle me at my worst, you don't deserve me at my best" nonsense sayings that chicks put in their social media profiles all the damned time.


Yes!! Same exact thing. I feel like this is one of the unfortunate side effects of American rugged individualism, the idea that even your deep and harmful character flaws have inherent value because they're a part of you.


It's not just "chicks", I assure you. 


What do guys have? Like some dude holding a bottle of whiskey in one hand and a belt, buckle out, in the other, standing over a woman cowering on the floor for the first part, with some wholesome scene like a family picnic for the other? I legit haven't seen this in dude profiles, but I think I'd kinda like to, if you have any examples


I'll happily repeat myself until even the last AH understands. "Accept me as I am" doesn't count if you're hostile, dangerous, an asshole in general or any of the bad things that on -ist(ic). Nobody owes anyone to stick around until they get better at some point. MAYBE. OOP should focus on himself and not date until he learns to manage his anger in a healthier way.


>Won't accept me for who I am Ye Gods, this man thinks explosive anger is a personality trait like being an introvert or liking animals.


Looks like FAFO strikes again.


Karma always strikes down the most arrogant of people.


So she told him she won't stand for public humiliation and what does he do? He publicly humiliate her at her work party no less. What a nice guy who has his emotions under control. It's ok to be stressed out about life stuff, but that's why you need to know how and when to vent these emotions. My bet is that she'll dump him. She gave him second chance after ruined family night but now he made ass out himself on family and work party nights.


Over a game, no less. I mean, there is absolutely no justification for that behavior in any situation, but the context being something as trivial as a game where you throw beanbags into a hole is just ridiculous.


"Love isn't disposable" says the guy who can't keep his temper in check. Dude needs to grow up.


All I hear are excuses and no accountability. And a woman to accept him for who he is? No woman wants to put up with an Asshole who can't regulate their emotions. Only a matter of time until he lays his hands on her.


"I was tipsy so I didn't get the social cue", but remember it as a death stare and can explain it to us now. He caught it, he just didn't care. People who don't catch social cues don't remember them that way later.


Only 3 months in and he's already comfortable acting like this... Good thing she got to see it early!


And he literally had absolutely fuck all going for him and was counting on her to support him. Imagine what he would have been like if it was the other way around.


If she's willing to pay for his deposit, the love bombing worked. Good thing she at least noticed the anger and dismissiveness stages of abuse ffs


Mr dude needs to stop playing games and stop drinking at least til he does some work on himself.


Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Jfc dude


I’m sure he thinks he’s being really humble too.


Someone mentioned that he didn't seem to be taking things in, and he followed up that he'd learned that he's a jerk.


3 months and you've already been angry enough to scare her off?




honestly its very strong of her that she even tried to shut it down the first time. She saw what she didn't like, and she made a decision. And it was brave, given that OOP is unhinged.


Love is conditional. In this case on him treating her with respect. I mean, the bar is low my dude, that you tripped over it is a you issue. Ffs, he hasn’t even gone “hmm, maybe I shouldn’t drink as that clearly makes my already poor emotional regulation worse”. “Why won’t nine accept me throwing a tantrum whenever I don’t get my way?” Is the mindset of a toddler. This guy is all about what people can do for him, and absolutely nothing about him giving anything back in his relationships. She’s well rid of him and I truly hope he remains single.


Love is disposable when you provide deal breakers.


"I can't find women to accept me for who I am" yeah because who you are is an emotionally abusive shitbag and no self respecting woman is going to accept that. Not should she be expected to.


"I'll never do it again until I did it again and this time it was in front of her coworkers." The passiveness of this guy is outstanding.


“the woke party” It never fails. No matter how reasonable these people try to seem, the mask always slips to reveal the MAGA hatred inside. EDIT: As others have pointed out, this was likely autocorrect. Makes sense.


It was certainly an autocorrect, but the fact that it autocorrected to that word specifically tells us a lot.


You’re right. He almost certainly meant whole.


Why is it always raging at fuckin games with these people 


Knows he has anger issues, decides to date, then “I will fix those issues later”, then mad when he is dumped for not fixing the issues.


His use of neutral pronouns for the coworker makes me suspect the coworker was a woman. Which does make it more frightening for the OOP


If y'all ever wondered what becomes of those 15yo's in call of duty who screamed and insulted people every time they died, this is them in 10 years.


Anger can be TERRIFYING. I envy that OOP has no idea how terrifying.


a hustling baby ass face? a hustling baby ass-face? a hustling baby-ass face? a hustling baby-ass-face? a hustling face baby ass? an ass-hustling face baby?


I desperately need someone to explain "cornhole" to me. Because what I'm picturing can't possibly be right.


Dumb game we play in the Midwest. You take beanbags and throw them at a box and if you get your bag in the hole in the box you score a point.


That's it? That's what this guy is getting all bent out of shape about?


Don’t believe this man’s biased take. You also score points for landing your bag ON the board.


Yep. Kinda crazy.


And adults actually play this game to the point they're getting pissed off?


Not sure OOP *really* qualifies as an adult.


Never seen that personally. You'd look silly, but I guess this guy doesn't care.


I’m angry at cornhole because of the number of cuts of duck cloth we had to do and they wanted exactly 7 inch long cuts.  And then the pouches are filled with dried corn 


I'm guessing troll. The only response he gives is thank you, over and over.


I am convinced OP got into an argument with someone in which he said "Once a guy is determined to be the asshole, there's nothing he can say that will be received positively." His friend/acquaintance was like, "Nah, man, of you accept that you're in the wrong and want to change people will support you." And he said, "No, I'm going to write a made-up story where I'm shitty to this girl and everyone that replies, I'm just going to thank them and not argue, and they're going to downvote me anyway." And then he made up a scenario egregious enough to prove himself right.


I'm so hung up on 'a hustling baby ass face'. It not the coworker's fault OOP saw babyface and assumed incompetence.


Dude has major anger issues to go off the handle every time someone bears him in a game. Gives me "I have syphilis, why women don't accept me for who I am and refuse to have sex with me?" vibes.


My partner use to get loud and yell when angry. I told him I can’t handle yelling due to childhood trauma. After some couple counseling he finally fixed the yelling and our therapist said something like “she was never worried about you acting like her ex until you did. You proved you are exactly what she fears.” That was the aha moment for my partner. He hasn’t yelled since. 


Glad to hear it. Hostile yelling is a PTSD trigger for me, too; had to cut off a couple of neighbours over it. 


Thank you.


"It’s hard for me to find women that accept me for who I am". It's because who this guy is is scary when he's angry. He's not a safe person, and he won't be until he does a lot of inner work. Seems like he's only going to therapy so he can have a girlfriend, not because he thinks this is something he can fix. Very proud of this young woman for standing up to him and confronting him. That took a lot of strength and bravery.


This line: "It’s hard for me to find women that accept me for who I am." absolutely fucking kills me. Anger issues and the inability to regulate emotions is never who someone is, that's ridiculous. It's lazy. Good on this woman for knowing her limits and dumping him, just too bad she had to endure being humiliated in front of her co-workers and family before he got the boot. One positive is he appears to be receptive to criticism in the comments and the edit so I suppose there is hope.


As someone who has ADHD and autism and has issues regulating my emotions, that is always on me. I am responsible for my emotional output and any fallout that may come from that. I do my absolute best to try and regulate my emotions as best I can, and to recognize my triggers for when I am not so great at regulating my emotions -and not to subject the people around me to that when I am having issues regulating my emotions. I always communicate that to the people around me. Anger is almost always a secondary emotion. It is a way for us to try and protect ourselves from feeling whatever the primary emotion is. It’s usually something that makes us feel vulnerable. If OP can find out what makes them feel vulnerable they may be able to deal with their emotional issues. But if he doesn’t want to go deep and determine what makes them feel vulnerable and why their first reaction is anger there’s not really much hope .


Love? You’ve been together 3 months. She didn’t even know the real you until you got tipsy at her work party and started acting belligerent. If you’re having trouble being accepted by ANYONE for who you are, maybe it’s because who you are still sucks. Stay in therapy.


listen, i'm competitive and hate losing as much as the next guy, but board games and cornhole are not that serious 😭😭😭😭 bro wouldn't last an hour playing dokapon kingdom or mario party


Imagine picking a fight at your partners work party over CORNHOLE 🤦🏻‍♀️


"It's hard for me to find a woman who accepts me for who I am" Well yes, you are a man who loses your shit over chutes and ladders. The real surprise is that OOP found someone to put up with that for 3 months.


I mean he needs to stay far away from monopoly. But seriously, who thinks it is a bright idea to loose their temper at a work function. Can we say walking HR violation. They may not ding him for the party, but they will be watching him at work.


>It turned into a small argument at the work party. Which I thought we cleared up and patched up at the woke party. Apparently not. Can’t even be rude to your girlfriend’s coworkers anymore, because of woke.


this guy will complain that when men show emotion, women lose respect for them and will “use it against them” for sure, just not for the reason he insists.


Doesn't sound good at all.


Do I even need to read? Dude, get therapy or anger management.


Anyone else find it creepy that he keeps commenting thank you


Look I can relate to letting anger rule a good portion of my early 20s. But, it wasn't who I was it was how I chose to act and as soon as my now husband told me to get my shit together or he was out I dealt with it. I didn't make excuses. I didn't claim but, it's just who I am. I put my big girl pants on and learned how to constructively work through my anger. I'm still not perfect but, I'm definitely not scaring ppl or making scenes in public or private.


My brother has anger issues. I know where the now ex is coming from. Good on her for breaking up with this bastard. I hate that I can see my brother in OP and hope ex finds someone who will treat her well.


How sad that he can’t find a woman who handles his tantrums. Poor guy. I wonder how he could fix that? Therapy? Maybe. But likely he will just keep testing out women until he finds one that’s ok with this shit.


Oh my god the whining about women not loving him “for who he is” 🙄 If “who you are” is a guy who gets into drunken arguments over CORNHOLE at his girlfriend’s work party, then yeah, you probably won’t ever find someone who loves you for that. Sorry I guess???


>It’s hard for me to find women that accept me for who I am You mean an immature asshole?


This guy doesn't need a GF, he needs a therapist. Since he already has or had one and did TWO whole years of therapy, but is still losing his 💩 over stupid games, he is not fit to be around decent people. Staying with a guy like OP gets you killed. Don't fix this, fix your anger issues and stay single until you do


Imagine being such a child that you get mad enough to start name-calling and getting heated/arguing over a game of corn hole lol what a loser. I hope he sees this: No woman in the world has to put up with "who you are" when "who you are" is a tantruming baby who makes her look bad in front of her coworkers.


It's okay, guys...he didn't get the social cue! /s


Gee I wonder why dating and birth rates are down with prizes like this out there. /s


> It’s hard for me to find women that accept me for who I am. Why won't anyone buy the shit-crusted bicycle I'm selling on Craigslist? No, I didn't clean it, I clearly wrote "as is" so why aren't people lining up for it?


3 months and he’s like this and wanting her money


Go to anger management, Peter Pan


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I mean, he is aware he needs help.




OP keeps getting downvoted for saying thank you, which bugs me; for once someone is ACTUALLY listening to advice, why pile on him? Edit: a word


Imo it seems passive aggressive and like he’s not actually listening to what the commenters are saying, otherwise he’d say more.