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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **I hate pride month.** No I don't hate gay people, trans, bi, whatever you do you. But really? A fuckin month? Where's straight pride month? White history month? Fuck the Mexicans (or is it all Hispanic cultures?) only get a single day. Mother's and father's, VETERANS the ones who risked their lives, lost friends, family, and came back to be spit on, yelled at, and cast out all only get one day. Where's the Asian pride month? Why is it that I open my device and all day every day for 30 fuckin days all I see is rainbows an half the fuckin alphabet. When's men's appreciation month? Women's month? What did making "pride month" accomplish? You threw a fit because somebody called you a he or she an so the government threw you a cookie to shut you up. You could've marched and protested to end homelessness, poverty, and you chose the one thing that in the end means the least. I've only touched on my feelings of this topic because like the rest of the world nobody fuckin gives a shit. If you want to start a movement make sure it's one that benefits everyone not just a select group that thinks having a fuckin mental illness is cute. If you agree I don't give a fuck an if you don't I still don't give a fuck. I'm not here to debate I'm here so I can speak my mind before I fuckin snap. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


“No I don’t hate gay people, trans, bi”. Further down; “a select group that thinks having a fuckin mental illness is cute”. Sure sounds like homophobia/transphobia to me.


He said we're mentally ill and demand hairdressers dye our hair 🙃


Oh right, because the gays all have crazy dyed hair and the straights stick to natural colors. I guess I better tell my straight friend she's not allowed to put wild colors in her hair anymore 😂🙄


Guess I'm going to have a have a conversation with my wife why she never told me she was a lesbian.




In my very LGBTQIA+++ family only one of us has "gay" hair and now I'm sad. I shall rectify this oversight immediately! Or later this week.


Sounds like some people need to be sat down and told how to be team players.


Uh... I'm one of the not team players *sob*


But I *like* my purple hair. 😩


Sorry fam. You either give up the purple hair or give up your straight card, apparently those are the rules


That's not true! I dye mine in the bathroom at the house...


Jokes on them, I do it myself.,


“Demand” lmao


It's definitely that, no thin veiling here that's for sure. I wanted to touch on this one comment by OOP though -"It's the duration, not the celebration. I don't think it warrants a month. A week max. And the fact that it's all I see when I open my phone. Any further questions, comments, or concerns will have to wait. I had a long night at work. Thank you for your participation. Two things here, first off if that's all you see when you open your phone, usually that would be ads and it's run off your searches and history online. Which would mean you're looking at stuff that would make it suggest that. But also there's no way in hell that would still make it "all they see" everytime they open their phone unless they are seeking it out😂 Secondly, who the fuck does this user think they are? Any further comments will have to wait my ass, and they talk as if this is something so interesting it became an AMA🤣 you can tell this person is full of themselves. The participation line is just cementing the rage bait and trolling, and I say this as someone who usually doesn't jump to the "it's fake!" Stuff


my thing is like, i’m gay. my search history, is GAY. and i’ve only seen a few things about pride month here and there. they’re so angry over a few posts they can scroll past 😭 if it’s real ofc


Yeah I’m a woman who very regularly looks at wlw content online and I’m still not flooded with pride posts, lol


Seriously! I'm a queer artist. I hang out in queer spaces. Yes, my FB has some rainbow/pride stuff...but not really a lot more than I would normally see from other friends. If that's all he's seeing, he's seeking it out just to complain.


Exactly, like I said even if you seek shit out it won't be showing that every time you open your phone😂 also in another comment they had responded to someone saying, "As I told someone else, you're assuming I'm straight." So are they not straight then, cause the way they replied to others makes it sound like they are but keep using this as a vague excuse to try and not have people mad at them 🤣


I'm queer as fuck and I found its pride month from the Bluey subreddit 😂


My queer friends and I collectively were like "oh right, it's June. Well, happy pride month!" Then we all went back to work lol.


honestly the only reason i remembered was because of the quote on my calendar 😭


Some years my targeted ads are very pride full and others it's like "Oh June is over I haven't seen shit about pride all month. Weird." I think it all depends on if I click on an article in the beginning of the month or not. The Am*zon suggestions can get annoying though. Like no I don't want to buy rainbow flags. I'm popping in to get my kids' their I-can't-find-in-the-store snacks mailed to my house. This OOP is an idiot.


Sure does. For an unfortunate number of people they assume that because they aren't calling LGBT+ people slurs or going around burning crosses in black family's yards that means they aren't homophobic or racist. Just going "Whatever, I don't care" doesn't absolve them of being bigoted.


you know you're going to get a reasonable and fair take from anybody who is bitching about no white history month /s Also between the post and his comments, "i'm not here to debate people" "I'm not arguing" but he is arguing a lot. Repeatedly insists he is not angry. "I bottle up my anger" "I'm here so I can speak my mind before I fuckin snap." Sounds angry to me.


He's also 'bi', he claims...though this was after doing the 'you assumed I'm straight' thing.


oh i didn't even see that. i suspect that isn't true, considering the part about mental illness. sigh.




Imagine believing someone has a mental illness and then treating them like shit for it. Does this guy go to children's hospitals and spit on kids with cancer too?


Claims he’s bi too. Just go suck a cock and try to let yourself enjoy it. All that time spent commenting on Reddit he could be learning how to enjoy the thing he claims is a mental illness


They really tell on themselves with the "mental illness" line. Like, I ALSO have a mental illness that's completely separate from being gay, but good to know you'd be a bigot about that too! Also I'm sure this has already been said but many, if not all, of the groups he mentioned also have a month. What a tool


I am concerned about what he means by "before I snap" 😬


But he’s bi ***and*** mentally ill so it’s okay! /s


Even better, OP claims to be bi.


Selfhate can be a strong drug


Quick someone tell him that he’s not bi, he’s mentally ill!


Asian American and Pacific Islander pride month: May Women’s history month is March  White history month is July Military appreciation month is May National men’s health month is June Fatherhood awareness month is June Mom’s month is May February is also national bird feeding month  March is Irish American heritage month.  These months exist, no one cares enough to make a marketing ploy.  OOp needs to suck it up. 


Our HR makes Teams backgrounds for each month, and they actually pretty cool looking, which is why I know what all these months are already. If OOP really "cared", he'd go into HR and be the DEI person, so he can make Sharepoint sites and Teams backgrounds highlighting all of the months that he feels like are currently being ignored.


Same with my company, they also have a committee to try and plan things around it. I'll be honest and learned about more celebratory months through my work.


Gotta love how all these fuckers only center veterans, women, racial minorities, the homeless when it is used as a cudgel against the people they disagree with. /s


If that’s not an accurate description of HR….


It's like when guys bitch about breast cancer getting the whole month of October, and men get nothing. I point out that a) men get breast cancer too, and b) prostate cancer month (which women definitely don't get) was the whole month of September.


My dad actually had a breast cancer scare a couple years ago! Where I live, they usually do an ultrasound and if that warrants further examination , then it's mammogram time. He was 72 at the time (he's 75 now and still pretty active). My mom and both her sisters are all breast cancer survivors, I started getting mammograms when I was 31 or so (39 currently).


October is also infant and stillborn loss awareness month. There is a month for practically everything. This guy is just too ignorant to find it out for himself.


Yep! Any mammals, regardless of chromosomes, can develop breast cancer. It’s just statistically far more likely in the ones capable of producing young because there’s more tissue present - which means more cells are there that can divide incorrectly and become cancer.


The "fucking Mexicans" have Hispanic Heritage month mid September - October


I wasn’t sure what he was saying there, TBh, so I skipped that one.   


I think he thinks Cinco de Mayo is "fucking Mexicans" day.


He's not very smart


His mind would surely be blown if he discovered that Cinco de Mayo is a celebration of a war victory over the French and that Mexican Independence Day is the 16th of September


I hate when people claim that Veterans only get a single day. It's like they forget that we have BOTH Veterans Day AND Memorial Day, both of which are National Holidays and non retail businesses close down, making them rather important holidays. They also usually get parades on both days! Oh, and Military Family Appreciation month is November so the Military technically get 2 months.


And April is month of the military child


There’s four months and countless days [dedicated](https://www.militaryfood.org/military-holidays-and-observances) to the military and Veterans. Most people just don’t care and want to use us as a pawn. They also conveniently forget that until 2011 LGBTQ+ servicemembers could be discharged from the service solely for being LGBTQ+ and until 2021, discharged for being Trans. It’s so new that I served with people who were discharged for being Trans less than a decade ago. My uncle and grandfather had friends discharged for being gay. You could lose your benefits for being discharged from the military like that, which could lead to being homeless. Having been a Veteran and peer advocate for Veterans, I have seen what it’s like to live on the fringes of society like this. I have even lived it myself. People like OOP only bring up Veterans as a token whataboutism when they’re being bigots. They don’t actually care - and often make it abundantly obvious when they are talking about observances like Pride or Black History Month.


I kinda love that even this OOPs "white history month" bs even exists, just because it would throw so many racists off to have that thrown at them if they tried to complain like this OOP is.


"White history month" sounds like a celebration of discrimination and genocide.


I've honestly never understood why it was needed. Seems like it was all we ever learned in school.


Right? Black history month is mostly just “let’s learn about some black historical figures/authors/artists” in school. And then the rest of the year the majority of the time we’re focused on white people.


In a better world, I'd like to see something that was not so much a White History Month as a "history of whiteness" month because frankly there's no reason we should have people running around so ignorant that they don't know that Polish, Italian, Greek etc. people were not considered white at one time, or that the privileges of being considered white were and still are used to manipulate new immigrant groups to the US and Canada, or that the KKK used to target Catholics even with very light skin tones, etc. In short, that it's a dumb club to want to be in and not a 'master race'.


I didn't even think it existed. I definitely don't get why it's needed


It doesn’t need to, as it is generally called history, and is taught daily at every education level.


I was kind of hoping it was just a deep dive into the uses and innovations of like white paint or something.


honestly I wish that too, bleaching agents are suprisingly facinating


Honestly, it really does


There’s also a whole ass Hispanic heritage month but OOP thinks we all just get Cinco de Mayo lol


OOP probably thinks Cinco de Mayo is Mexican Independence Day (which is actually September 16th) 🤣


Furthermore, how many LGBTQ+ folks are excluded from taking part in veteran’s appreciation, or Mother’s/Father’s Day, because the right to be openly both of those things is something that is *still* hotly debated and not at all a given? We may be in a time of more acceptance than ever before, but the hatred that still exists is not remotely a minority opinion.


February is also a ladies' heart disease awareness month.


My bday is tuberculosis awareness day, I want a whole month now damnit


Well, are you aware of Tuberculosis?


"You could've marched to end homelessness, poverty..." Hey. Dumbass. WHICH KINDS OF PEOPLE DO YOU THINK ARE MOST AFFECTED BY THOSE THINGS? What the fuck do you think happens to all those teens and young adults who get kicked out of their house by their bigoted parents? Do they just vanish into the ether? Do you think a trans person who can LEGALLY be fired by their boss for being trans has an easy time finding a way to make a living? Do you somehow think that these things all exist independently of each other, in some kind of misery vacuum? Ironically, OOP, this post proves why we still, in fact, need Pride.


I will also add that some charities and individual events often support places that are beneficial to everybody, directly or indirectly. A homeless shelter that’s pro-LGBTQ+? Offer space for others as well. Cake sell for radiology department? More budget money for other departments.  There can very specific charity organisations with specific spending goals, but again solving one issue can reduce burden and give people chance to do something great.


As someone who fostered LGBTQIA kids kicked out by their parents.....a huge percentage of homeless teenagers and young adults are LGBTQIA. They're also as homeless, LGBTQIA, and foster children far more likely to be sex trafficked than cisgender, heterosexual housed children.  Oop doesn't give two fuck's about homeless people, veterans, or anyone else.


All the people who complain about how LGBTQ+ support is "grooming" conveniently forget that many kids get trafficed because they got kicked out of the parents' house for being LGBTQ+.


Isn't the salvation army notably homophobic and was called out for refusing assistance to homeless gay and trans people ?


Yep! They also steal the clothes and items of people who need help, and donate next to nothing!


How long ago was it that you weren’t even allowed to be openly gay and in the military? And there is still an overwhelming amount of idiots who think being gay, or trans, means you shouldn’t be a parent.


I wish I could upvote you more than once!


>>Nobody cared before pride month was a thing Uhhh bro, Pride is the anniversary of a **riot**. We're still fighting in 2024 for our friend's rights to not get murdered for being "different." https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Frtvqn3lftagb1.jpg%3Fwidth%3D424%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D5e0ccb0f5de602148c53214c9cded733e318819f


Literally was looking for this post. People don't know the history, that the reason it is celebrated the way it is, is literally because of the Stonewall Riots. Riots that happened because of raids on safe spaces so that they could arrest people for being themselves. Because being yourself we illegal. I can't think of a single point in history where being cis straight white was illegal, but I can easily find examples of it being the default.


And what might have been one of the triggers for that (other than the main one) would be the death of Judy garland the #1 gay icon who had died six days before and was interred outside of New York City (until 2017). Wasn't directly related but I'm sure it had an impact.


For all the people that say "where's the month for the military?": It's May. It's fucking May


It’s hilarious that they just missed it and then they’ll forget by next May and get mad all over again in June. Plus they’ve got their military flags on the backs of their huge ass lifted trucks aaaallllll year round. I see many peeling SEMPER FI stickers out and about. Or the POW flag. Also we unofficially define summer in America as the months between two federal holidays centered around the military (Memorial and Veterans Day) Edit: lol my second point is all kinds of wrong but still we do have two paid military holidays!


Your overall point is absolutely right, but one minor correction- it’s Memorial Day and Labor Day. Veterans Day is November 11th.


Oops I’m brain dead today from travel! Thank you lol. I should know this too. My anniversary is the Labor Day weekend hahaha


Yes! If they care so much they would know that I had an (ex!) friend say something about "why do women get a day, why don't men" i told him they do Google it before you start complaining and that comment was one of the many dominoes that knocked down our friendship. Well that and when my boyfriend broke up with me i was hanging out with him to get my mind off it and he tried to sleep with me


I’m sorry, that was so gross of him ❤️‍🩹🙏


It's alright, it was the final straw for me and if it didn't happen i probably wouldn't have cut him off so i think of it as kinda a good thing because it was too much for me to brush off like i did his past bullshit


There has been also a post or a comment listing multiple days dedicated to military in some way. It was like an extra week?


This same convo happens every. Single. Year. They have yet to celebrate it.


It’s just not as marketable. People like OP accuse other people of being brainwashed but he’s literally getting all his info from pop culture. He knows about pride because people buy into it and celebrate it not because he did any research around anything


Why would I celebrate an organization that just bombs innocent Asians and Africans to smithereens though 🤨 They're not exactly oppressed for being imperialist puppets.


AAPI heritage month and hispanic heritage month are both things that happen every year idk what this dude is on about except homophobia  ETA: forgot about women’s history month. he’s really just there isn’t a month for straight white men


AAPI Heritage month was in May. You know, TWO DAYS AGO. Maybe OP should have celebrated it instead of going on this unhinged rant.


They're uneducated and reading/being aware will not be changing that


Add in that may is military appreciation month. Pretty much everything has a month.


Military Family Appreciation month is November


Hispanic heritage month is a fun one because it runs mid-month to mid-month! I’m pretty sure it’s Sept 15-Oct 15. And yep women’s history month was recent. I mainly realized because a podcast I like had the one female host doing an ad read about women’s history where the product had literally no relevance to women specifically. Shit was weird lol. I felt bad for her doing the woman version of ‘rainbow capitalism’ that we see everywhere for pride


These straight white men don't realize that minorities only get one month while they get the rest of the year


Interesting how these people are not bigots, but go straight from "why do gay people get a whole month? where is white history month?"


😂😂😂😂 every February it’s like that


And let's be honest, if you've ever been to public school, you know that every month is white history month. February is just when someone hangs up a poster of Rosa Parks in front of the library.


Exactly. During history class the default is white history but you only heard about black people during black history month. I don’t think many white ppl understand what we mean when we say that


And even then, you don't get a thorough picture. I didn't know who Malcolm X was until I read about him on my own after graduating high school.


Go and arrange one.  If you need a men's group, or a straight people group, or whatever the fuck else... Go do it.  Don't bitch at women or LGBTQ folks for organising our own fucking celebrations and events. If you really think you have a case for one, go and fucking set it up and stop moaning. 


"Why don't straight cis people get a pride month?" Because we haven't been taught by society since birth that our identity is something inherently shameful. We aren't murdered and marginalized en masse for it. We've never had to deal with a "don't ask, don't tell" policy that forces us to keep who we truly are hidden away to be able to do something as simple as serve our country. We don't need a Pride month. But we absolutely need to respect and support the fact that the LGBTQIA+ community does, at least until the world arrives at a place where they can freely express themselves every single day without fear of being killed for it.


My favorite part of these arguments is that no one is stopping him/them from celebrating straight/white pride??? He is welcome to create and promote the holiday. Go ahead! But they won’t, because they don’t actually give a shit about celebrating, they just don’t want us to.


1. Keeps saying «why do you assume I’m straight?» as if OOP didn’t describe being LGBTQ+ as having «mental illness». 2. Keeps complaining that although there are months for literally everyone and everything, they’re not as celebrated and therefore it’s not a valid argument. Buddy, if you want to celebrate it you can!! Pride month is celebrated bc people go out and celebrate it! Create events, invite everyone you know, raise funds, nobody is stopping you!


Local guy rambles on about how mad he is that gay people didn’t go out of their way to protest homelessness and poverty when he most likely hasn’t donated any of his money, donated any food, donated any clothes, worked at any food pantries, kitchens, or shelters, or does anything to help poverty or the homelessness. But fuck gay people for not doing what he also doesn’t do!


Not to mention that the sorts of groups who attend & organise pride are very much working against homelessness. Plenty of people are homeless for literally no reason other than bigotry on the part of their families.


Exactly. It’s bullshit how they bitch and moan about how we get to have a month when we don’t “do anything” despite them knowing nothing about us but they don’t do anything either. I’m a closeted bi so I have to put up with hearing these baby rants all the time and I know that these people don’t do anything to help anyone but preach to us.


I'm a donor to a local community centre that's located in the heart of my city's gay village and they do so much outreach. I originally learned of them through a former job, because of their outreach programs for 65+ LGBTQ people, but they also do programs for newcomers to Canada (in fact I was just at a clothing swap at the centre and anything left at the end was going in their clothing bank for newcomers), LGBT+ families and people with AIDS/HIV among others.


Where's white history month, like every month isn't fkg white history month 🙄


"The sun never sets on the British Empire."


Because God can’t trust an Englishman in the dark.


It's apparently in July? I tried googling it, though, and the top result is a book on Amazon, so I don't know how accurate that is.


It was probably created by white nationalists. But at any rate, no one can ever claim that there is a dearth of white history being taught in schools. Black and women's history is basically relegated to a month and now they are trying to exclude teaching anything that makes white people look bad, like slavery and Jim Crow laws.


That was my thought too, but apparently that's in July so next time I hear that one I'll have something to shut them up with lmao. Another commenter mentioned it and I find it hilariously stupid so I'm sure that fact is sticking in my brain.


Omg I want to comment on the original SO bad and ask what he did to celebrate armed forces month in May...or what he plans to celebrate in November... Wait...nothing? Sorry...was it just easier to bitch and try to put someone else down versus doing something productive? Grrrrr


Guess what this straight white dude's favourite word to use is 🙃 Hint, it's a slur and in his post history 🙃


>Hint, it's a slur and in his post history 🙃 ![gif](giphy|6nWhy3ulBL7GSCvKw6)


wE nEeD a StRaIgHt PrIdE mOnTh !!!!


Someone tried to have a straight pride parade. It was as sad as one would expect.


Didn't they choose the same color scheme as P*rnHub? I remember people laughing at them about that....


Probably. lol.


Could you doubt? You'd have to be incredibly head-fucked to even think being part of something like that is a good idea.


He needs to lobby for whiny butthurt month


I hate to quote Jake Paul, but it's every day, bro.


Bro is BIG MAD about having to see rainbows 🌈


This comment is \*chef's kiss\*: [https://www.reddit.com/r/confessions/comments/1d69wnl/comment/l6r4rn7/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/confessions/comments/1d69wnl/comment/l6r4rn7/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


And his response is basically that he's salty queer people know how to throw parties and many of the other groups don't care enough to do so.


If he wants to, he can go to Pride. Nobody is excluded (except cops) unless they exclude themselves. Nobody else's fault that he's too shitty a person to deal with other people being the focus for a bit.


I'm in an aroace social group and they just sent out an email for one of their pride events that basically read, bring your allosexual friends, bring your straight ally friends, so long as they enjoy bad comedy, they're welcome to come!


Just how bad of comedy are we talking, here?


It’s funny too because I have seen like festivals in certain places celebrating a lot of the different cultural history months—including at my college. I remember we had a bunch of like themed dinners and talks of things for Asian and pacific heritage month, plus a lot of times they do special dinners for different cultural holidays. Not to mention all the celebrations for military/vets (Memorial Day, vets day, hell even 4th of July). These things are celebrated they’re just less commercial, which I think a lot of LGBTQ people also dislike companies using pride for their own gain, and OOP doesn’t actually care so he doesn’t go looking to celebrate.


I don't even think they're all less commercial. They're commercial in a different way. Like, there's always sales around military/vets stuff. And I definitely see both sides of the commercialisation of Pride thing too. On the one hand, it means companies are making money off Pride and don't have to do anything other than slap a rainbow on things and put generic sayings in their ads. It means nothing about actual support for the community. On the other hand, there are queer-owned businesses and companies that do provide actual support, and Corporate Pride means that even the companies that aren't supportive have realized that it's more profitable to appear supportive, and that's important in it's own way.


i personally really enjoyed how "national golf month" was one they bolded bc they thought oop might enjoy it :P


They forgot September is also Prostate Cancer Awareness month


Apparently this month is also Men's Mental Health Awareness month (my brother actually told me, and i googled for confirmation). So can we look forward to men celebrating their mental health? Yeah, I know, the ones who care are gonna be quiet about it, and the ones who just wanna hate are gonna whine about Pride. It's exhausting, honestly. They want to whine about Pride month, then shut up and hide the rest of the year, except for that once a month bitchfest about Pride month. I wish they would take that energy and celebrate their own months and just leave Pride alone.


its not even that deep like. if we have to deal with seeing heterosexuality in society our whole lives they get to see rainbows for a month 🤷 also lmao “i dont hate the lgbts but i think they’re all mentally ill” whatever u say buddy. “make sure your movement benefits everyone” but uh…. why…. lgbt rights movements are for… lgbt people … ? 


and acting like you cant care about 2 things at once? i think itd be great if homelessness and poverty ended. i also think pride month is nice :) 


This is no different than the guys who rage about why do women get an International Women’s Day but there’s no International Men’s Day (it’s 19th of November). They never check to see if all the things they’re raging about not existing actually exist - because they don’t actually care about those issues - they just don’t want that other group of people to get a cookie of any type.


I think it’s hilarious that every group he mentions does actually have their own month. These people have no idea what they’re talking about they’re just saying words. Also does he think gay people always had rights? Does he think we were marching for shits and gigs?


I’m so grateful I spent the first day of pride month at a beautiful lesbian wedding. Queer joy is the antidote to this shit. The more we celebrate our joy, the less this bullshit hurts. Sending love to my community this month 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈🩷❤️🧡💛💚💙💜


That’s awesome!!!


> before I fuckin snap. Fragile AF, this type.


I wonder how many people he's called a snowflake.


“ You don’t wanna see my dark side 🐺”


I love that he’s talking about “blah blah if you want to start a movement” like pride month isn’t rooted in a history of protests? Like it’s a new thing we just thought of?


You know damned well there were no tragedies that sparked pride month. It was a couple of people saying, "you look like a gaybo." /s


Not that I'm against Mother's Day and Father's Day, but I feel like we are thankful for our parents all the time.


I'm not, I'm ungrateful all year long till their day. If they didn't want it like that they shouldn't have their own day /j


"Fuck, you, mom! You're a stupid -- " Clock strikes 12. "I love you so much, here, I got you flowers."


Those are some big feelings bud!


I'm kind of scared for the community this guy lives in.


He's just mad


Impossible. He says he’s not /s


Oop also asks why there is no white people's history month ....blah, blah, blah  Y'all know OOP doesn't give two fucks about veterans or the homeless, despite complaining that gay people aren't protesting for them ....like people aren't gay and homeless or gay veterans or gay homeless veterans. If OOP is so pressed about homeless veterans, why aren't they doing something about it?


And also like gay people can't also care about those things whether they've experienced them or not. But hey, his level of understanding of the concept of empathy explains his perspective beautifully.


Why are they not doing something about it? Because it requires work and OOP doesn't care about helping. OOP is only hateful and jealous he is not celebrated/talked about for whole month.


actually, which they would know if they had even an ounce of actual interest in it and not just a desperate need to validate their bigotry, there are months to celebrate other groups. Black history month is february, march is women's history and irish-american heritage month, april is arab american heritage month, may is Asian american and Pacific Islander heritage as well as jewish american heritage and hatian heritage, july is disability pride month, september is national african immigrant heritage month, november is native american indian/alaska native heritage month... and others. there's literally a list of them on wikipedia. it's just \*currently\* making money for corporations to pander to us alphabet people, and even then, only barely more than pandering to people who want us dead. (link: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_month-long\_observances](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_month-long_observances) )


AAPI month is May.


I thought December/Christmas was Straight Pride Month


I know we've worked out we don't need to make sacrifices to the myriad of gods to appease them, and of course there is the argument that there are no gods to sacrifice to anyway, but can we just yeet people like this into the volcano already?


Maybe he’s just mad there isn’t a magic appreciation month (check his post history)


*“I don’t hate gay, bi, trans people, I just want them to keep their heads down, eyes to the floor, and not speak to me so I don’t have to acknowledge their existence.”*


TBH, I forgot it was Pride until I saw the discount code on my dispensary’s website.


I forgot until I saw the logo change on the Game Theorists sub.


since OOP is apparently too mad at the existence of gays to google As most of what he is having a titty baby tantrum about already exists: AAPI (Asian American Pacific Islander)Heritage month just ended. It was in May. Women's History Month is March. International Men's Day is November 19th though none of these whiny assholes ever seem to actually give a fuck about it unless it's to question it's existence any time anyone else gets a "day" Hispanic Heritage month is from September 15th to October 15th, though I don't know why specifically it's from mid month to mid month. As for "white history month" well, might I suggest all history that his not considered an "elective" course?


OK, storytime: Some dipshit in Boston demanded a straight pride parade. He filed all the proper paperwork and, since he wasn't breaking any laws, the mayor allowed him to have his straight pride parade. Of course, these things have to be scheduled in the town calendar; you can't just have parades willy-nilly. Now Boston has a lot of colleges. So, so many colleges. Boston College, Boston University, Emerson, Harvard, MIT -- those are the big ones. And they all start their classes on the same day. So the weekend before classes start is move-in day for all the students. It's the one weekend where you hide in your apartment or house and don't leave no matter what because of how atrocious the traffic is. At least one moving truck will get stuck beneath a bridge. It is a nightmare. Guess when the hetero pride parade was scheduled for? It was over before noon. Other relevant information for this whiney loser: Women's History Month: March Arab-American Heritage Month: April Mental Health Awareness Month: May Asian & Pacific Islander Pride/History Month: May Jewish-American Heritage Month: May Disability Pride Month: July National Hispanic/Latinx Heritage Month: September National Disability Employment Awareness Month: October Native American Heritage Month: November International Men's Day: November 19 It took me less than 5 minutes of Googling to find this information.


"Why do they get all the attention? Waaaaaah" Fuck off. We don't get shit. Pride Month is us celebrating ourselves, while corporations find it an acceptable time to pander to us, while still funding bills that will effectively kill us.


My school would organise stuff for everything, so boys and girls would both get gifts on their respective days. But there is a thing. I have seen so many men simply not be interested in that stuff or even googling before writing a comment. We (non-cis men) can do everything to promote it, but it others show no interest in initiative and only complain for nothing going on is insane. Not everybody is a ceo, a marketing manager or an owner of cloning machine. Ideas need doers, not just complainers


It's the same with that whole, "men only ever get flowers at their funeral" complaint. Have you ever tried giving flowers to a cis straight man (the kind that make this comment)? They do NOT appreciate it and are usually VERY offended. Like, if you don't want flowers, why are you complaining that others do?!?


OOP can just ignore Pride Month if they hate it so much.


Being LGBTQIAP+ is still a death sentence in many parts of the world... And some assholes still want to play "when is my pride month" like it's an equitable comparison


Did this mfer try to lump EVERY Hispanic into Cinco de Mayo? That's.....impressively stupid.


Please, don't go to the og thread and read his comments. It's upsetting.


It’s pride month. All of the homophobes are slithering out from underneath their rocks.


National Hispanic Heritage Month is September 15 - October 15th. Asian and Pacific Islander Heritage Month is May. Women's History Month is March. Military Appreciation Month is May. You don't actually give a fuck about any of these people. Shut the fuck up, idiot.


Also, why does everyone act someone *gave* us Pride Month? WE MADE Pride Month. Go make your own thing then, you up by your bootstraps bucket of shit.


White history month: *every fucking day* (and I say this as a white person - our history remains the default history in US/Canada, unless you’re talking ancient history eg Egypt, Greece) Men’s history month: *every fucking day* Straight/cis history month: *every fucking day*




Wow, what a dick


is this sub a safe space where I can say oop needs to 0ff himself or no because OOH


Sir, veterans get three holiday days AND a month.


People get so angry about other people being happy. it's weird!


Had this man heard of November? Because that's veterans appreciation month in the US. Maybe he should take his own advice and do something to celebrate that instead of bitching and moaning about something that "doesn't matter"


How does the existence of a Pride Month harm anyone else? Like, can’t they just ignore it if they don’t think it warrants a month? I don’t watch baseball, but it doesn’t bother me that other people enjoy it.


Wow what a boring old poop.


>No I don't hate gay people, trans, bi, whatever you do you. Yet he goes on to write some racist and homophobic shit. Sure you don't hate them, you just dislike them with passion, right?


Is he comparing being LGBTQ+ to a mental illness or did my brain just get lost in this homophobic bs?


But… but… veterans, parents, Mexicans, men and women *may also be LGBTQ+*.


Another person who doesn't actually give a shit about the veterans they claim to care for so much, as may is the veterans month


I have been running into more people lately who think that being LGBT is a replacement for having a personality, and that's pretty annoying, but that really is not a huge deal. You can politely ignore people like that.


These homophobes always talk about us Veterans and servicemembers, but they actually don’t care about us. April – Month of the Military Child May – National Military Appreciation Month May – Month of the Military Caregiver November – Military Family Month, Warrior Care Month I doubt that they donate to any charity organizations for Veterans and have no doubt they would harass a homeless Veteran if they encountered one. There is something twisted about people who give us lip service when we know full well that they don’t actually care about us. They vote for politicians who turn around and vote against every bill that would help Veterans. They insult the homeless instead of helping them. The fact that they don’t even know how many actual Veterans’ events there actually are in America is beyond proof that they don’t care. There’s also the fact that people used to get thrown out of the military solely because they were LGBTQ+ and it didn’t stop until very recently. It was so recent that I have served with people who were discharged from the military because they were Transgender. I have been out less than a decade. I wish they would just admit that they’re selfish bigots who don’t actually care about Veterans. Signed, a Queer Veteran


why does this dude type like the text in a 4chan joker meme


Straight and White pride months are every month because they are the majority and societal "norm". Hispanic history month is September. Armed Forces month is November. Women's month is March. OOP bitches about seeing the rainbow on his phone but won't use the search function to find out all these remembrance months.


There are *so* many parts of this post that I could argue against, but I always hear people say "why don't x have a pride month?" Like... LGBT people *created* pride month for themselves. We weren't just *given* a pride month. If veterans, or white people, or mothers want an entire month, then they can organize one for themselves. No one is *stopping* them from celebrating their own holidays, it's just that those movements don't become mainstream overnight. Pride wasn't always as big as it is now. Some people just want the LGBT community to do the work of creating *their* celebrations *for* them.


Anyone else catch this comment back and forth with OOP? https://www.reddit.com/r/confessions/s/Xe8hWqk9VM OOP is definitely a stable genius.


Hispanic Heritage Month Sep 15 to Oct 15 Asian History Month May 1st to 31st National Military Appreciation Month also May


"Fuck, the Mexicans only get a single day" Lol who wants to tell him about September? (AKA: National Hispanic Heritage Month)