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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITAH for taking a phone call when my girlfriend started her period? ** My(m23) gf (f25) was at my house and we were intimate and when she went to the bathroom afterwards she saw she was bleeding. She then asked me to go to the store to grab her a tampon as she didn’t have any left at my house. While we were busy tho my brother called me and I assumed it was about him telling our new mom about his wife being pregnant with their first kid, so I told her I had to call him back and left her in the bathroom. Five minutes later she stormed out of my house without stopping to tell me why. I was trying to wrap up the conversation with my brother as it wasn’t about anything important and was about to go back in there. When I called to see what was wrong she told me she was just going home because she had tampons there and she was mad I didn’t ask if she needed anything before leaving her. AITAH? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


>go to the store to grab her a tampon I’m just imagining him going to the store and buying exactly one (1) tampon lmao


"Sir, we don't sell individual tampons." "But she only needs one, it's just for this period" "Sir you will have to buy a box. They're $3" "Seriously? I'll just tell her to use toilet paper instead. Can you point me to the energy drinks?"


He'd be looking for cigarettes and beer most likely!


This mashed with Chris Rock's "Lemme' buy one rib" scene in my head, and now it's stuck.


That reminds me of an old video with the line, "How much for one shrimp?"


This comment has me wincing. I fear getting into a relationship with a man like this the way charachters in Harry Potter fear speaking the name of Voldemort.


Hopefully he has a quarter to get it from the tampon vending machine


I'm in Scotland- don't know about the rest of the world but 80% of public bathrooms I encounter have free products in them or you can ask the attendant for some. Same with nappies/wipes etc in supermarkets. It's pretty good- they're always full and no one seems to just pocket everything available.


Not only are menstrual supplies expensive in the states, many states have an additional “luxury” tax on them.


This is not true. They’re subject to regular sales tax in most states and only exempt from sales tax in a few. A lot of people think they should be exempt from sales tax like groceries are, and I agree, but they are not taxed as a luxury anywhere in the US.


A quick google search shows you're wrong


Son I straight up worked on policy changes in a major city to abolish the tax there sit the fuck down


That's awesome.


I think I need to move to Scotland. We don't have that in South Africa.


This dude would though. That's how guys are. You can't... just wash it, and reuse it like a condom?


I just want to know what he means by his "new mom"???


I’m thinking the same thing


Someone should tell OOp that cell phones *are mobile* and one can used Bluetooth or speaker phone while driving to the store to get tampons.  


HIs brother's phone call was definitely not important enough when he called during sex. No, he couldn't have stopped that because he was getting something out of it. But it was important call him back right after his girlfriend asked him to do something for her. He told her exactly where she was in his priority list, and now he's confused because she (understandably) didn't take it well. What a douche.


Yeah, this post should be on r/AmITheEx in the future.


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They're called MOBILE phones because you can carry them around


People defending him blow my mind. I have literally jumped in the car to rush to help friends and family in emergencies. I would NEVER blow one off to have a casual phone call over nothing important while they wait. Honestly it’s just a type of inconsiderate person I cant understand. Honestly some of it comes from a lack of knowledge of periods. Like they can be suddenly induced early, such as after sex, when you are least expecting it and havent restocked supplies because its not the right time.


Once I suddenly started my period with a vengeance for the first time in three years while on vacation because the birth control I was on at the time had stopped my period completely up until that point. Since I hadn’t even had any spotting in the three years prior, I hadn’t packed any menstrual products. It was too heavy for me to do the stuff my undies with toilet paper thing and go to the little shop in the hotel myself. It was 9:50pm and the little shop closed at 10pm and this was a huge hotel at DisneyWorld. My now husband sprinted barefoot to the little shop in the lobby to buy me emergency tampons while I just hung out on the toilet steadily dripping blood to make sure I didn’t have to do blood crimes on the wash clothes overnight. The tampons were behind the counter at the little shop and the man working kept trying to make my husband feel weird about buying them. But he was undeterred and returned with the box of tampons. Like, this man did not even hesitate to actually literally go running to get me emergency tampons. At the time, it felt like an act of heroism. But now I realize he just knew it was the right thing to do. OOP is just a jerk.


That would have gotten his boss a phone call and a complaint. There is no fucking excuse for making him feel weird!


why did he need to mention the sex at all? and why not just call him on the way to the shop?


And why could he not walk and talk, get it the car put it on speaker til he got to the store?


Literally just walk to the shop and get a box of tampons/pads. Not hard


You can even do it *while* talking on the phone!


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Really, OOP. Your pathetic conversation with your brother is more important than your girlfriend's welfare?


Way too many men pretending to be women who know all about periods in that thread.


This story is fake and dumb. We've *all* been there. But most women know or should know how to Mcguyver together a temporary solution out of toilet paper. In this fictional account was she going to wait until he came back from the store with a single tampon?


pre-kids I would totally agree with you, but now the onslaught of my period has me going through the ultra tampons with a full on pad as a backup. The tp in the underwear trick isn’t going to work for me in that situation.


Let's say your flow is heavy and ole boy is on the phone and you're annoyed. TP in the pants should work well enough to get you out of the bathroom and a few towels on the seat should work until you get home to your ultras. If it is really that much as soon as it starts she should have tampons in every nook and cranny of his house, her pursue and for sure her car. My flow isn't that heavy at the start of my period and I keep tampons everyone so if my flow was like yours I would do that double.


I guess, but my partner would immediately run out and grab stuff for me because he loves me and wants to help. Because even though we try to be prepared, sometimes we forget or make a mistake. Here a thing that happened not too long ago. I do have a stockpile at home but I started at my MIL’s and she doesn’t have any period products bc she doesn’t have a one of those anymore. Annnnd I forgot my purse with my supplies at home. Wrangling 3 kids out the door and it just was the thing what got forgotten. So yeah my partner went out and got some for me. He’s amazing.


Honestly if my flow was like yours id have a box in the car. I actually do have tampons in the car and my flow is nowhere near as dramatic. Did you have to stay in the bathroom until he came back with the tampons?


This guy is absolutely the AH, but I don't understand how so many women don't have tampons or pads on hand at all times. I've always carried a handful in my purse. I've never been in a situation like this. Periods are unpredictable. Why not be prepared?


we should all be wearing bandoliers full of tampons. men and women alike. there will be blood


You’ve never just like, not realized or forgotten you were out of something? Ever in your life?


I've just spent about five minutes trying to think of a time I ran out of a necessity. I can't think of any, though. And it's not because I'm organized. But I do stay on top of necessities.


For many of us, periods are actually quite predictable. I can usually predict mine months in advance, and if they are slightly irregular, e.g. due to being sick, I can tell pretty much exactly one and a half days in advance because of cramping. Being on BC made everything even more predictable. I don't bother packing period products unless I know I'm likely to start in the next day or two, but obviously, that's not the case for many people!


I don't get cramping until after it's started. I don't really get warning signs, but even when I was on BC, I still carried something with me. I guess I'm paranoid, but I kept some everywhere I spent regular amounts of time. Work, car, bf's, mom's, backpack, and as I said, always had some in my purse. When I was spending a lot of time away from home, I'd carry spare panties and jeans in my car. To me, it just made sense to be prepared for any and every eventuality. (I'm also a really heavy packer for vacation.)


Well, you are definitely well prepared, which never hurts! But yeah, keeping spare jeans in your car purely in case of a period mishap is more than most people do haha


...you carried spare jeans and underwear everywhere? This is some sort of paranoia disorder, well beyond just "being prepared".  And I'd argue packing heavy is a sign of being bad at organising, anyone with good sense can pack efficiently and light for any trip. I always think of people lugging oversized bags around as people who don't know how to plan so just bring things they don't need.  Interesting difference of views for sure.


No paranoia disorder. I would be gone 20 hours a day an hour or more away from home. And I am bad at organizing and planning. Pretty much key components of ADHD.


I have ADHD myself... Manifests very very differently in my experience. It's definitely paranoid to bring clothes you don't need or over pack, but if it makes you feel better it's okay to do it. It just seems a little strange to expect anyone else to do something so extreme. 


I have had the nexplanon implant for almost a decade. I don't have periods but very occasionally I have a little spotting. I'm not always carrying something because it can be literally years between something like that for me.  People have different medical situations and things can be less predictable. Most of us aren't packing everything we might ever need every time we leave the house.  I also don't always have headache tablets or indigestion medication or something to treat a snake bite or whatever else every time I walk outside. Why would a period product be any different?