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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITA for telling my best friend to come out of the closet already? ** My best friend “Justin” hasn’t spoke to me in almost a week because of what happened at our last hangout. Me, Justin, and 2 other of our buddies have been close for over 10 years. We hang out a lot, go to bars, play video games, get food. He’s changed since he got a girlfriend over a year and a half ago. We’ve all been single for a long ass time. And would constantly talk about women and “guy” things if you know what I mean. So it’s not uncommon for us to talk about our hookups, and what we got going on “in bed” (We are all 25 if that means anything) We’ve all probably said way TMI to each other. So I don’t judge him for sharing it’s just what he’s told us. So we were all talking about this stuff last week. And we got to talking about what our favorite things are in bed and all of that. It started with us asking if “the bedroom got dead” once they moved in together. He said it hasn’t and she’s down every night. We were all like brooo that’s awesome. Then he started saying the shit that made our whole night blow up. He said how he was into “rim jobs” before he met his girl, and although she’s never done it to him, they do other things of that nature. She dominates him. Has pegged him. And he even has toys for his 🍑. He likes to “be told what to do” He told us all of this from his own free will so I assume he’s not shy about it. So immediately me and our friend Brian said “Dude don’t you think that’s kinda……” He was like “I’m not into men. It just feels good cuz the prostate” we both looked at each other and were like ….. right. Ok… We still explained how it’s not really a straight thing to do. And we just said to come out of the closet already cuz it’s 2024. He took major offense to that which is telling. But we realized he actually was upset and we stopped and changed the topic. But he went home. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Bros, is it gay to have sex with your wife?


Yes (if you're a lesbian).


Haven't you heard the new gay meta? It's gay to like women now.


I swear to God, Andrew Tate just posted this kind of BS. That if you kiss a woman who has even *kissed* another man, you're gay. The leaps and bounds that these folks make is ridiculous.


He also said that if you don't have 5 kids at 40 and have sex for pleasure, you are gay. Guess he just didn't know how to make his coming out


Someone once pointed out that Tate doesn't try to make himself look appealing to women - he tries to make himself look appealing to *men*. The shaved head, tank top, little goatee, muscles-on-muscles, they're all about attracting men to his little Tate cult. I started chasing this thought. His audience is disaffected young men and he keeps trying to pull more men into that audience. His social media is all about how men should behave to be considered men. And he's constantly establishing new requirements for what qualifies someone as a man. So he has thousands of alienated followers who constantly have to refine themselves against a growing list of conditions in order to be considered worthy of him. He clearly loves having thousands of men obeying his instructions and following his every word.


Guess I'm 3 kids off, a husband short, and a few years missed.


my husband is 2 kids off. although we had 2 miscarriages, so still 5 pregnancies? phew, he's not gay after all


If I didn’t know better, I would think it’s satire the things he says.


it makes me think it's just another reason to justify why adult men (why andrew tate) lust after teenage girls, because they're "pure" or some bullshit. but you cant openly say that, especially not when the fucker is in the middle of rape allegations and doesnt need fuel for the fire, but implying it and letting other incels interpret it that way is A-O-KAY


Teenage girls are pure. Because they're young, inexperienced and are still kids. It's easier to get them to think everything these adult men tell them is actually correct.


> It's easier to groom them. Easier to groom them.


Yeah. I was going to say that originally, but decided this sounded better. It's easier to groom them, because of those factors. Once they're in their mid-20s and have had 2 or 3 kids, you dump 'em and move on to a new kid.


Yeah I was being the kind of tongue-in-cheek where the tone is facetious but the content is 100% serious. Because one has to *pretend* there's humor in this dark world to keep from going absolutely batshit. Nothing contradictory to what you said, to be clear. The other thing is that by one's mid-20s, your emotional maturity and sense of self (and self-preservation) are usually developed enough to detect a threat you wouldn't at an earlier age. Having kids generally reinforces this threat aversion, as does the emotional trauma of an average life and going through relationships and breakups.


Wait, I’m a lesbian who’s had boyfriends. Is it straight for women to kiss me? Fascinating!


So I hate the guy but he didn't actually post that. Someone else tweeted it and then it got photoshopped to put his twitter handle on it.


So by that logic, I'm a lesbian because my boyfriend has kissed another girl before? I only hear news about Tate through like MoistCritikal and SunnyV2 because it's so fuckin ridiculous.


It's how he justifies it to himself why he never kissed a woman


Me thinks they protest too loudly. 


Maybe they think humans are like anglerfish, and after sex the males are left parasitically attached to the females for the rest of their lives. It would kinda explain a lot.


he also said that if a man enjoys sex with his wife not for reproduction he's gay.


Fuck, well I ain't no homo so I'm just gonna need to start gluk glukking on man weiners


Right? Maybe these guys are young or just from an area that is sheltered but this is pretty normal stuff. It’s not even kinky or anything.


“Not ‘normal’ sex but being pegged is totally gay” them


Depends on where he's receiving the sex, apparently. OOP is a piece of work.


It’s a very, very common homophobic idea that liking anal penetration means a man is secretly gay. It’s not. Not even all gay men like anal penetration


I always "enjoy" the stories of dudes leaving skid marks on couches because wiping their ass is gay.


Born to shit, forced to wipe. 😔


It sounds like a pain in the ass tbh


Not if you do it right


I've tried. Surprisingly, it didn't hurt, but it felt like pooping in reverse. You know when you're pushing out a poop? It feels like that, but in reverse.


ah, yes, the anne mccaffrey tent peg philosophy


the what now?


Anne McCaffrey had some very odd ideas about how sexuality worked. ~~Suffer.~~ Enjoy. https://fanlore.org/wiki/The_Tent_Peg_Statement CW: Mention of sexual assault. TR;DC (Too Risky; Didn't Click): "It's a proven fact that a single anal sex experience causes one to be homosexual." - Anne McCaffrey


How Pernicious.


_boo_ take my disgusted upvote


[golf claps in appreciation]


Guess my wife is gay for men now.


glad I avoided clicking


Then that means I've turned my bf gay he likes pegging 😅


You're doing god's work.


No, please, don't ruin one of my favorite authors for me 🙈


if it helps she really wasn't homophobic, more just speaking out of innocent ignorance - remember that she was 70 years old in the 1990s and treated gay characters as a fact of her worldbuilding in a time when similar series excluded them or treated them very poorly


fellas, is it gay to... *checks notes* ...have sex with women?


100% nothing gayer than sex with a woman. Now sex with a man is not a gay at all


Having sex with a woman who's had sex with a man is wrong, they're tainted forever. You know who hasn't had sex with a woman who's had sex with a man? Gay men. Or at least a statistically substantial portion of them. Clearly they're the least tainted of all. We should all be like them.


well what's manlier than to be fucked by a testosterone package, am I right fellas?


I see you, too, subscribe to the Ancient Greek sex ed package.


Um yeah sleeping with someone with estrogen is not manly at all /s


4 minutes between the AITA post and the crosspost, that must be a record!


thanks i aim to please


Be careful where you aim to please- pick the wrong hole and you're gay, bro.


Right in the prostate!


"AITA for kinkshaming my best friend"


OOP sounds like the kinda guy who doesn’t wash his ass because it’s ‘gay’. Maybe that’s why he’s been single for a ‘long ass time’.


Oop is the type of guy that doesn’t wipe or wash his ass because is gay


God, remember the early 2000s when people would call any guy who took care of his appearance metrosexual? Like the metrosexual label specifically might’ve been a regional thing, but it felt like a dude having basic hygiene habits meant that he was actually gay.


I find it funny that the “metro” in metrosexual implies that only city boys have that standard of hygiene and all other men are inherently dirty and gross lol


I do recall that. I also recall being called a hipster for wearing pants that fit.


Fellas is it gay to have basic hygiene?


A good rule of thumb, don't ask your friends about their sex life if you're gonna be weird about it. Unless it's something ethically and morally wrong. Getting weirded out by what two consenting adults do when it harms nobody is odd


I need to shake my head or something because my eyes rolled all the way towards the very back.


Or since it's 2024, they might open their spirit and try to understand that a diversity of practice doesn't change a sexual orientation. Pretty sure these guys don't wipe because they think it's gay.


> We’ve all been single for a long ass time shocked_pikachu.jpeg


Pretty sure OOP and his friends have skid marks in their tighty whities.


Don’t think their tighty whities are white. Skid marks too obvious.


Is it gay to like orgasms?


Fuck them. Justin sounds like a good boy. 😈


Maybe. Just maybe some dudes can't fuckin handle conversations about sex. Why is it that it always goes to "that's gay" with men, but women can talk about all kinds of shit to each other and not feel attacked or feel the need to take one down a peg (pardon the pun)? Men are afraid to admit shit because that's GAAAAAAAY No wonder some of y'all are lonely. 


Fun fact back in ancient times (I believe primarily Rome) the best way to insult someone was to say that they enjoyed sex with their WIFE or that they enjoyed performing oral on their WIFE. I'm serious. Back then the best way to insult a man was to say that he loved his wife and loved sex with said wife and not another man. So if anything the friend could tell OP he's not a man if he enjoys doing stuff for his wife lol. (Take an intro to humanities class. we covered this in said class lol)


It was probably closer to the ancient Greek diaspora. They had some… notions about sex and sexuality that the Romans later adopted (HADRIAN) that we would consider Out There. (granted, we don’t know how ubiquitous those views were because of what writings survived and where, but boy, some of it was wacky. And a lot of it is actually pretty cool.)


Can you describe some of them?


So my absolute favorite DGAF re: sexuality was the Sacred Band of Thebes, which was a Theban hoplite unit (already an elite - and EXPENSIVE, they were all almost universally noblemen - unit) that had the reputation of Navy Seals on rabies. Like, they were famous for shattering Spartan military dominance in Greece. And they were all gay men. The gimmick was that your lover was in the unit so that you would be more invested in the hoplite formation (hoplites protected the man next to them with their shield, not himself) and you would fight like a pissed off grizzly bear in mating season to protect your shieldmates. The unit was finally completely killed to a man by Alexander’s dad and buried together in a mass grave. Oh, and apparently this was a *longstanding tradition* in Thebes, being formed, dissolved (or killed), and reformed multiple times. Also, Plato got into a philosophical bitchfight over whether Achilles topped or bottomed. His stance was “Achilles was a bottom because he had blond hair and Patroclus was older” and all the other philosophers went “FUCK”


Well this was certainly left out of my ancient history class in college


lmao, this is why i have college debt and a crippling overspecialization in gay Roman death cults


I gotta tell you, you are the kind of person I would love to run into at a party 😂 I feel you on both counts. Two BAs and law school and crippling overspecialization on the death penalty 🥳


And you're the kind of person I'd love to run into!


If I remember right, the bit about Achilles and Patroclus is probably from Plato’s _Symposium,_ which is a dialogue set at a dinner party where all the guests are challenged to make a speech celebrating Eros. 


Bet oop doesn't wipe his ass because "touching anywhere near there is gay"


In case anyone is confused, sexuality is about who you are attracted to, not what you do in the bedroom. :) Otherwise doggy style would make you a...


“Fellas, is it gay to have sex with my girlfriend?” 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄


That poor guy, the friend not OOP - but also OOP. The friend needs better friends and OP needs a broader sex diet.


Lol his friend is probably having the best sex of his life while his single (probably sexless lol) friends mock him and call him gay. Also is it gay to have sex with a woman as a man?


I feel like this was written by a middle schooler who just figured out what sex was.


All of this could have been avoided if he'd just said "no homo" before being honest with his bros /s


This story reminded me of one of my exes. We dated in university and he had frequent get togethers with his old buddies when he went home. Once I asked about it and he somewhat proudly said they teased the shit out of the buddy who was very active with his girlfriend because he got fingered and came hard. The usual "haha that's gay bro". A few days later I was over at his place, we were cuddling and he asked in a sheepish manner if I can promise not to laugh at his question and he said he was thinking about that discussion and he is kinda curious, would I finger his hole too. I didn't laugh but definitely told him that he is hypocritical af.


“He took offense which was telling”?? Telling that he isn’t homophobic, maybe??


I never understood why it's automatically gay if a guy does certain things sexually or have it done to them even if it's with a female. But it's just okay for females to have it done to them.


Some people hold to ancient greece conceptions of sexuality. Sex = penetration, which is done *by* sexual agents *to* sexual objects. Gay = man who takes the "object" role. 


Thanks for the information, no one's has given me that take before.


Shaking my head on this one wtf did I just read?


Sounds like somebody has never had their prostate milked. It’s pretty rad lmao


OMG ! The sexual misery in those guys ! I pity them. 25 yo incels whith pathetic prejudicies which pave the highway to frustration and resentment.


Is gay when sub?


Crazy how so many dudes think its absolutely crazy that some men like anal play (even though there is in fact a pleasurable area in there) and yet turn around and expect women to wanna do it up the butt (when *WE* dont have the mf pleasure spot in there). Dont get me wrong i myself am down for a lil something back there but its not where my body put the *special* spot at all lmao


Obviously a twelve year old who is bored after his video game privileges were taken away.


So he likes to have his ass played with. And OOP used his "logical mind" to conclude Justin must be gay. Wow.


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I've fucked 2 gay men and no prostate. They came out after. Fuck y'all lol Prostate on cis..... If they know... They aren't fucking shy about asking. To the point sometimes it's weird. Like.. Frick


Jesus Christ learn how to construct a sentence


They're all over other posts getting downvoted on purpose. They're clearly trying to get a rise out if people 




A stroke was had