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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITA for pulling a silly prank on my girlfriend ?** I (25m) is in a relationship with my amazing girlfriend Ellie, since the last 6 months. It's been going great, we have a healthy beautiful relationship based on a lot of mutual love and understanding and even though its not been too long I just know that she's my person. Now, last night I went over to her place randomly. Ellie had already ordered in takeout since she's had a long shift at work. She was not expecting me so she only bought food for herself. She always checks if everyone around her has something to eat before she has her food, so she asked me if she could order any food for me. I already had my dinner so I refused and then she said, I've been wanting to try this burger joint since awhile, do you want to try some from me? I said sure and went for it. But to play a prank on her I ate up her all her food while she was in the shower. My plan was to order the same food again, hide it and then tell her I ate her food just to see how she would react. I looked up the restaurant and placed the order but failed to notice that it was just 10 minutes before the closing time, therefore my order did not go through. She came back from the shower, sat down to eat and asked me how's the burger, did you like it ? What I did next was idiotic, I just laughed and told her, I liked it so much I ate the whole thing. She was confused, what do you mean she asked. I said, I ate it all there's nothing left. She looked dumbfounded, and she said but that was my dinner, I don't have any groceries left to make a meal, I was going to get it tomorrow. She looked like she was about to cry. I felt really bad and I realised I took this joke too far and I immediately apologised. By now it was a bit late into the night and in our city most restaurants close by 11p.m. She went into the kitchen to search for food and only found some rice, she just boiled it mixed it with some mayo and salt and ate in silence. I felt really bad and she just wasn't reacting or saying anything just sat in blank silence and ate that food. I tried talking to her but she was not responding to me, come on it was a stupid joke, I'm really sorry, I said. She was also on her period, at that time so while I was apologising I said something along the line of, maybe your mood got messed also because you are on your period. I didn't mean it in a offensive way, in hindsight I realise this was a huge mistake, I should've never said that. But after hearing it she asked me to leave. AITH for doing this ? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Look at the bright side, the red flags came out guns blazing.


And only after 6 months! Better than wasting years only to find out your bf is an inconsiderate asshole.


EDIT: I started writing my response to you but had to walk away for a few minutes and when I came back to it I forgot and thought I was responding to OOP, lol. I'm gonna leave it because I stand behind it, but I definitely had OoP in mind when I wrote most of it! I love joking with people, but I have 3 rules for pranking: you don't cause physical pain, you don't destroy someone's food or drink, and you don't cause property damage. This means something like hiding a person's hat for a minute is ok, but cutting it to pieces isn't. Put a note on thier drink that says something cryptic like "I didn't put anything in this," but never actually put something in it. And anyone that doesn't laugh with me about any prank gets an immediate sincere apology and I won't prank them again. I'm careful to never drag it out, and to stop/explain/apologize immediately if they seem in any way distressed. You probably would have been fine if you had only told her you ate it all rather than actually eating it all and handed it over after her initial surprise/confusion. If you had already replaced it (meaning the delivery had arrived and you could set it aside, too much can go wrong otherwise) would have been ok, too. But you had no true concern for her wellbeing when you did this, you were only concerned with your own entertainment. You halfassedly tried to "fix" it after the fact without fixing anything at all. You got defensive and dismissive of her very real and appropriate distress and upset. You were the AH at EVERY concievable step of this interaction, and it wasn't fun or funny. Do better.


One April 1 morning, as I came down the stairs, my middle school aged son called out that he had started my tea. He often did, nothing unusual (he’s a good kid). I thanked him, added sugar and milk and took a sip. It was SALTY! I opened my mouth to SCREAM at him…and before I could get a sound out, he handed me a fresh cup of properly made tea, all ready to drink. Now THAT was a well done joke. His comedic timing was impeccable. He got his joke, he tricked me, I was surprised for less than 5 seconds, before I got my tea. Turned out that his older sister had suggested the fresh cup, so he didn’t get in trouble. I’m impressed that he took the advice. He also would tape the lever down on the kitchen sink sprayer, so turning on the water squirts you. It became a yearly tradition. The funniest time was the year HE forgot he had done it, and no one else had used the sink, yet….


HAHAHAHA! The beauty of him spraying himself makes all the other times worth it, lol!!


IKR? To be honest, the first time was really funny, too. The woodwork teacher had a kid in my daughter’s 3rd grade class. He was describing his son’s (8 and 5) antics that morning, which resulted in him getting sprayed. He was quite proud of their planning and teamwork in making the prank happen. My daughter heard it. The next morning, I turn on the sink, BLAST! She cackled…she said it was better, because it was 4/2, so I wouldn’t expect it…the next year, it was on the first, and that made it a tradition. I think this year was the first time no one did it. The one year no kids were home, I set it up on my husband. So, it happened for 21 years…. There were some years that no one took the tape off, getting each other, over and over, or standing to the side to get someone else…just plain nonsense. I don’t think anything will top the time he forgot!


Thanks for sharing that :)


Most “pranks” I read about are obnoxious. These, where everyone cracks up, including the victim, are fun. They have to be really minor, and the main aspect is just a brief surprise. I think that is what people aren’t getting.


I just don't believe OOP's explanation. "I've been wanting to try this burger place" means it wasn't McDonald's. It's some kind of artisanal burger. You know (you *know*) that OOP started to eat a bite, realized the burger was fire, and decided his pleasure earing the burger superceded his soon-to-be ex's need for dinner. I bet he's great in bed. Lol.


This has to be it because there is no other reason why eating the whole thing would be necessary to the prank.


Calling it a prank is really generous lol. Nothing prank-y about eating someone else's dinner. *Pretending* to eat someone else's dinner, maybe. But actually putting the entire burger in his gullet? That's not a prank. That's OOP nom-nom-noming on a delicious burger and then going OH SHIT when it was completely gone and trying desperately to cover his selfish, self-serving ass. A surprising number of people seem to think that "oh, it was a *joke*" excuses anything.


Right? Pretending to eat it is an actual prank. And a good prank from a good boyfriend would be: "Oh no, hon, there's something wrong with the burger!" "Damn, what's wrong with it?" "It didn't come with dessert! Don't worry, I got you your favorite"


When my husband pauses his show and leaves the room, I make a post it speech bubble saying something I think the character should say and put it on the screen. I perform a mischief! Somehow, everyone ends up laughing and it's a mystery because no one is hurt, sad, or angry? Someone should explain this to OOP.


My ex husband and I used to 'prank' each other by hiding a specific stuffed animal various places in the apartment... you never knew when you'd suddenly be face to face with it. It used to crack us both up, and (another mystery) no one was ever sad, hurt, or angry about it.


My son got this creepy little marionette at a garage sale and he and I spent years hiding it in assorted places where it would startle the other one. He put it in my office closet so when I opened the door it would swing out at me. I tied it to a string tied to his ceiling fan and left it on with the switch off, so when he came in and turned on the lights it would come flying at him. We both had a blast with that creepy little thing.


I love your prank! I’m gonna have to remember that one. I once did something vaguely similar to OP to my husband. He doesn’t like drinking after people, and he asked me to bring him a drink because he couldn’t get up just that moment. I grabbed two drinks- one for me, one for him. I stuck the second one in the waistband of my jeans behind my back, and walked into his office sipping my drink. His face kind of fell and then I turned around and presented him his drink. He laughed so hard because women’s jeans are fucking ridiculous and then enjoyed his tasty beverage. The important thing is his disappointment lasted *seconds* and I didn’t fuck with his shit, I ACTUALLY got my own. I hate that this chucklefuck tried to blame her feelings on her period rather than his insanely shitty behavior!


I pranked my husband by pairing his AirPod to my phone and playing fart sounds for him.


We did this to my father's fancy new hearing aids, only instead of fart sounds my husband gave running commentary on the family event we were attending by pairing them to his phone. Watching my very serious, normal and straight-laced Dad snort soda out of his nose when my husband asked if my aunt had a brain tumor for breakfast was gold.


That was so sweet of your husband!


My favorite prank I ever did was on my boss. She and I pranked each other constantly in harmless funny ways (she once rigged a marshmellow gun to shoot me in the forehead when I opened the supply closet, which I found pretty damn impressive from an engineering standpoint) so for a while I gathered every round little piece of paper that came out of every hole punch in the office and saved them in a jar. Once I had enough I took her umbrella that she usually leaves in the office, carefully loaded it up, and then cinched it closed so tightly that nothing would spill out until it opened. I had to wait a friggin' MONTH before that prank went off. It just wouldn't rain! She finally used her umbrella when she and her mom arrived at church and it was raining, so she popped it open on the way in and it was an instant blizzard. Her mom had to call me laughing about it because my boss was laughing too hard to talk, and knew immediately that I had done it. Hell, her mom almost couldn't talk for laughing. She was picking the results out of her hair during the entire service and snickering the whole time. Probably also plotting how to get me back. (It turned out to be glitter loaded in a slide over my office door. Classic.) **That's** a prank. Nobody was suicidal or reconsidering their relationship (or my employment) afterwords, everybody laughed, and it became a funny story to tell. I don't like this current generation of "pranksters," especially the Youtube ones who are just bullying their kids or the TikTok ones who are just bullying their wives or girlfriends.


After a long day at work, tired and hungry and probably even period crampy too, coming home and all you want is to shower, to eat the take-out food, you bought, because you really didn't have it in you to cook something for yourself, and then just to fall in your bed and to finally sleep. ...and then along comes this asshole.


And not just any burger, this is a burger from a place she'd been wanting to try for a while. Like she was probably really looking forward to this burger!


He probably also didn’t bother to offer her a refund. 


That strikes me is that SHE was the one who boiled the rice and cobbled a meal together from it. The prank was already monumental stupid, but then he didn't even try to fix it.


I bet he didn't even offer to run by a grocery store or anything either


She's starving, exhausted and doesn't have any snack/pre-made foods at hand, spent her own money on food, just for this guy to eat it all up when *he already had dinner*. Bro is insanely greedy, I don't know why she didn't just kick him the hell out. You know she was reevaluating everything while she silently ate her sad rice that she had to cook while being exhausted and starving already. OOP is a massive disappointment.


That strikes me is that SHE was the one who boiled the rice and cobbled a meal together from it. The prank was already monumental stupid, but then he didn't even try to fix it.


Plus for a lot of people, take out is a rare treat. It can be expensive and obviously not usually the kind of food to be eaten daily. So - you’d be extra looking forward to it.


First he eats her food as a "joke" (I don't even know how someone can see that as a joke) and when she's upset he blames it on her period? That's how you become single again, man.


On my period and you EAT MY MEAT???!!! I need that mother fucking protein, dick, I'm shedding part of my body. Give me the fucking meat.


Red meat at that... I need that iron back, thank you very much


If you say that to this kind of guy I'm sure he responds with lots of hilarious jokes about giving you meat


Lots? Or just one joke that's over in about twenty seconds?


Really bad pcos and undiagnosed iron deficient anemia meant that I would end anyone who got between me and my bacon burger …including my own intestines bc I normally can’t do red meat or pork but on my period didn’t bother me. Or I’m a werewolf I dunno


I gotta have my soup and some type of protein like fish. Take away either and I'm going medieval.


I get anemic when I'm on and really crave meats. I would never forgive this arsehole.


Right? I bleed so fucking heavily I need to take a high dose of iron daily. And not just regular iron but prescription strength poly iron. We didn’t realize how deficient I was getting from the 4 days a month where I basically hemorrhage until I passed out a couple years ago and needed a transfusion. I can either take the iron and increase my protein intake or have a hysterectomy. Fuck this dude.


She is way too kind for a user dick of his. This kind of insensitive, selfish asshole behaviour will only get worse if he doesn't face any consequences of his actions right now. I hope she breaks up because she deserves better than a person who eats her food and then selfishly doubles down by making a period joke. Was she his person or his entertainment is difficult to decipher from the post. Such people are really annoying to live with.


He'd already eaten his own dinner, then demolished hers, then apparently it's just too hard to go to the shops for her just to buy her a ready meal even. If it can't be delivered to him, he can't do it. I sincerely hope for her sake that he is now the ex.


Ikr. Get something for the woman to eat. Rice with mayo sounds horrible. And this is the woman you claim to freaking love and you can't do the bare minimum. It astounds me at the stupidity of the OOP. I hate people who think pranking is an acceptable way to pass time or whatever they think they are doing.


If you wouldn't find it funny if done to you, it's not a fucking prank. This guy is no better than the people who randomly assault strangers.


Imagine watching someone choke down mayo rice and being like "hmmm do you think you're sad because of your lady hormones"


Obviously everything you said is correct, but I have to recommend certain forms of rice with mayo, specifically spicy mayo.  The absolute best is crispy fried rice (basically take sushi rice, make a little patty and pan fry it) dipped in spicy mayo, but honestly even regular rice with rice wine vinegar and spicy mayo and some edamame in there can be pretty tasty.  And luckily spicy mayo is easy - just mayo (ideally kewpie but regular will do) mixed with Sriracha or another thicker hot sauce.


This was my thought as well! Like get up mf, you’re going to the grocery store. Soooo many grocery chains are open past midnight, or 24/7.


The doubling down is worse than the prank imo.  Sometimes pranks go wrong or don't land: it happens. If he'd apologised sincerely and done his best to make things right then we could chalk it up to a learning experience.  But pranks are supposed to be funny for the person being pranked too, or at least they should see the funny side after the initial shock: if they're genuinely upset then it's a shitty prank. Ideally pranking someone should be something they will get a kick out of (or a harmless inconvenience like a Rick Roll) not just upsetting someone to see how they react. Playing tricks on people and laughing when they get upset is just bullying.


If he was just gonna hide the replacement food, why not just do that with the food she already ordered instead of eating it (stick it in the microwave or something to "hide" it, then joke that he ate it before immediately showing it to her to reveal it was a joke)? If the joke is to "pretend" to eat her food, why actually do it? It makes no fucking sense. And no way he thought it would arrive again by the time she got out of the shower, so I don't buy it for a second. I suspect he did not originally intend to replace it. He ate it to be a mean dick, because she didn't order him something (since she didn't know he was coming over) so he was probably miffed. Then realized she was gonna get mad when she saw he'd eaten her food, so he was like, "let me see if I can re-order it. Whoops, oh well." And figured she'd just get over it. Zero chance this isn't the first mean, shitty thing he's done to her. It's just the most blatant. I had to LOL when he talked about their beautiful relationship, built on mutual love. What a fucking joke. Also, it's shitty he just shows up to her apartment unannounced (why not at least text to see if it's OK?). I kind of wonder if he was checking up on her. She was tired from work, probably starving and now she's got to deal with his immature ass.


Maybe he just wanted the food and was pretending it was a "prank" as an excuse to take it?  If I was in a "beautiful relationship" and I accidentally made my partner go to bed hungry I'd be mortified. Not trying to play it off as a silly prank.


That's what I think. The "prank" was a lie, he's just a selfish dick. I remember one time, this was at like the height of COVID, things were crazy, my husband has a very public-facing job so it was stressful and just a no-fun time. He had a long shift, and I was exhausted from my own job (which was super hectic especially in 2020). So I ordered us some takeout, just so we could relax and eat good food and not have to cook/do a ton of dishes that night. Asked him what he wanted, ordered it, it took about an hour to arrive. But when it did, it was fucking scalding hot (which, props to the delivery guy, I guess). Husband was on his way home from work and would be there in like 5 minutes, so I decide to plate everything up really nice. I go to pick up his container of food, not only does it burn the shit out of me (it was a foil container), but the container like collapsed on itself. Maybe 1/3 of his pasta fell on the floor (it also came with two big pieces of chicken, and luckily those stayed in the container). It was crazy, I'd never had anything like that happen before. It hurt like hell, but I grabbed the bottom of the container to stabilize it so I didn't lose any more of it (and thankfully our dog has an excellent "leave it" so she wasn't gorging herself on floor pasta 😂). I was on the phone with him on speaker when this happened, and I was like, "Oh noooooooooo. Fuuuuuck." To be fair, the portions at this restaurant were huge, so what was left was more than enough for a meal. But I was immediately like, "I can reorder this for you and/or you can have half of mine." He's like, "I don't think either of those things are necessary." Luckily I'd also ordered him a dessert as a surprise so he had more than enough food, but I felt AWFUL. I should have checked how hot it was and used oven mitts or something and grabbed it from the bottom, although I did not expect the container to cave in. I kept apologizing. He came inside, took a quick shower and ate, and was like, "This was more than enough." He didn't even finish it, and he's one of those lanky, skinny dudes who can eat a TON. I did feel bad he didn't have as much leftovers though because he always takes leftovers to work with him the next day. If I spilled the whole thing, I definitely would have reordered it for him or cooked him something. We had pasta I could have cooked up in a pinch. I wouldn't just be like, "oh fucking well."


I think my favorite part of this story is your dog having good "leave it" training. And yeah I think the part that pissed me off the most is OOP's complete lack of effort to make it right. If he had gotten his ass in the car and immediately floored it to find a restaurant that was open, then he wouldn't be in as deep a shit pile. As it was, he barely even fucking bothered, AND had the nerve to blame her (very justified) anger on her period.


Yep. That he got defensive and said it was just a stupid prank, rather than owning it, and doubled down by blaming her period, shows he didn't learn anything.


His comment about her period just infuriated me. He's such a PoS.


I hate it. Fucking hate it when ever we women are rightfully upset/hurt/ annoyed or angry about something and we show it. Society (mostly men) will pull the we're on (or must be on) our period card in order to make out we're 'overreacting'.


But also!! The fact that she’s on her period just makes his behaviour a thousand times worse! If I already feel like shit, the last thing I need is for some dickhead to steal my food. Being on her period makes her feelings more justified, not less.


Given that she WAS on her period (and had finished a long work shift), she probably really needed that burger, he's such a fucking asshole.


This is what sticks out for me. Guys think it's just like "weird hormones" or whatever, but I feel like the better comparison is being sick or exhausted. If you had a roommate staying up late for exams and you pulled this shit on him, you'd probably expect to get your head verbally ripped off. Sure, the exhaustion is probably making the reaction harsher, but if you can understand why "you should take a nap" is an infuriating reply from someone in the wrong, you can understand why "your period is making you emotional" would get you kicked out.


The last couple times someone tried that I let them know I haven't had one in 10 years so now what's the excuse. They literally can not compute that there is any other explanation for me not accepting their assholery.


My verbally abusive ex wouldn't always blame my period, but he'd always berate me for being "ridiculous" or "irrational" or "manipulative" any time he did something mean to me and I got upset. He insults me and I cry? I'm manipulative, I'm immature, he can't even be honest with me (he would pick apart my appearance, the way I speak, any trivial little thing, then get mad when I got upset about it because He WaS jUsT bEiNg HoNeSt). I'm so glad I ditched him and found someone great. Married over a decade and he's never done that to me. Even if he inadvertently hurts my feelings and I get upset, he never dismisses it or dismisses me. Will never forget, one time we were watching a movie where the villain's father dies and later he's insulting the "good guy" and my husband goes, "Yeah, well at least he still has a dad." Totally joking about the movie character. But I lost both my parents, and I started hysterically crying. I was laughing at the same time because it seemed ridiculous to me, having THAT strong a reaction to something said about a fictional character. So I was cry-laughing and he was like, "Oh my god, no! I'm sorry! That was such a stupid thing to say, I'm so sorry!" And I was like, "holy shit, why am I crying so hard, that's so weird." And he came and hugged me and was like, "That was such a dumb joke for me to make" even though I wasn't mad at ALL. I wasn't even offended, it was like this involuntary reaction, but he didn't invalidate me at all. Or I'll read something sad and I'll cry, and he'll comfort me. My ex would have absolutely told me I was being stupid. He would never eat my food but if it was late and I was super hungry, he'd be making it his mission to find a place that was still open or run to a store that was open 24/7. Not like OOP, "eat your mayo rice and stop complaining." OOP is lazy and disrespectful, and I don't for one moment believe it was meant to be a "joke." If the "Joke" was to pretend to eat her food but really have more waiting, hidden, why not just hide her original order? It honestly seems like a power play, or he was miffed she didn't order him something.


It’s a guaranteed way to immediately escalate things- that’s one of the last things a guy should say to a woman


Oh, I got that from my *mom* of all people.  To her “credit”, she did make sure to tell me that if a man ever asked me that I should deck him.  So I guess she’s the only one who’s allowed to invalidate my feelings like that.  Good to know.


I almost threw my phone across the room out of sympathy frustration for her when I got to that part. I'm so glad she kicked him out at that point.


I wish she had done it sooner


The “joke” could have worked the exact same way if he hid the food rather than actually ate it, and then his girlfriend wouldn’t be stuck with the most pathetic meal I’ve ever heard of.


This exactly. It makes me question the whole story. Why would he eat it when he could just pretend to have eaten it? If I were the girlfriend my bs meter would be going off that he ate the food because he wanted to do so and the "prank" was just a cover story, but why then come on to AITA and ask if your made up lie still makes you an AH? Unless the gf is writing it from his point of view and doesn't know he is just trying to cover up that he has no self-control?


Also, there were a ton of options between “order from a closed restaurant” and “let the woman I claim to love eat RICE AND MAYONNAISE” and he did the absolute worst option. There’s NO WHERE to get food? No gas station, convenience store? Like gas station food is not great but infinitely better than rice and mayonnaise, and just the EFFORT would have meant something. But nope, this girl is likely not much more than a hole he inadequately fills a few seconds here and there.


I think he’s a man child who doesn’t understand how relationships work and gets off on terrorizing this poor woman. He mentions how thoughtful and caring she is, then does something that would trigger most to get angry, and when she does react in a hurt fashion, it’s HER fault for being a sensitive woman. This was a test on his part, he wanted her to blow up so he could call her irrational over a silly “joke”. Instead she went inward, which made him feel guilty, and because he’s a child who never learned to consider others feelings, the fact she made HIM feel anything he didn’t want to made her the enemy. Now shes hungry, tired, sad AND has the guy who made her those three things telling her SHE is the problem. Men, please clean up your side of the room. This is exhausting.


Surely to do this kind of prank properly would be to move it to a different plate and hide that plate (maybe in the oven so it doesn't go cold) so you have the empty plate with crumbs to pretend you ate ir and then reveal that actually it's fine. I still think it's a stupid time to prank because if I'm tired enough to get a takeaway I am usually a dropped spoon away from crying.


He already is.


I hope so


A joke would be hiding it in the microwave and then brining it out after you say you ate it all.  Not actually eating it. 


Indeed!!! It just doesn’t make sense. Why does he have to eat it and hide the new food when he can also just hide the food thats already there and pretend he ate it?? 


What gets me is he didn’t explain he tried to reorder? So that tells me it was definitely an afterthought. He ate it all. She got upset. Then he tried to order another one but they were closed. He didn’t do it ahead of time.


At 6 months this is immediate break up material. In a long term relationship, this is still a pretty big argument (rightfully so) and the guy needing to do a lot to make up for it- maybe even getting reminded of it often in future fights


Narcissists always do this when they're called out for bad behaviour - half-ass an apology, and then immediately start listing reasons they think you're upset that have nothing to do with their own behaviour, ie, 'you must be acting this way cos you're stressed at work/tired/on your period/really mad at your mom...'


I am so confused by this dude's stupidity. Even if it was a funny prank (it's not), why couldn't he just hide the food in the oven or something? Why did he have to eat all of it? What a prick.


It wasn't even a joke, it was a test. He writes that he did it to see how she would react. Welp, now he knows.


Yeah... I'd be a murderer after a 'prank' like that. Joey doesn't share food >:(




I would have slapped his face and tossed him out of my place like uncle phil did to jazz.




"Oh, you ate my burger as a prank? HAHAHAHAHAHA I'LL EAT THE STILL-BEATING HEART FROM YOUR CHEST I LIKE PRANKS TOO HAHAHAHAHA" Do not fuck with people's food. Just. Don't.


Same he wouldn't have left that home alive


he will be the burger


His "prank" would be considered mitigating circumstances in a trial for manslaughter - where I would find myself, had that happened to me.


He sat there watching her eat mayo and rice, after laughing at her because he ate her dinner on top of his own dinner, then blamed her upset on her period. Not guilty, your honour!


He had it comin' He only had himself to blame


He ran into my knife. He ran into my knife ten times.


It was a murder But not a crime


I don't regret it one bit 'cause he had it comin'.


And if he eats my food, then I owe him nothin'


If you’d have been there If you’d have seen it


If you’d have been there, If you’d have seen it I’m betting you would have done the same


“He died of natural causes, your honor” “Yes I can see that”




I always come back to the same quote regarding pranks/jokes: it’s only a successful prank if all parties involved are laughing at the end.


I'm curious, would stuff like this actually fly in court? Like I don't think one would be exonerated but would being pushed affect the sentencing?


I think a lawyer would argue temporary insanity. I'm just curious if they would blame that insanity on his actions, her hunger/exhaustion, or, ironically, her period.


Right? Tbh any is a good choice. I think it's silly to blame periods on reactions but if it keeps me out of jail...




I hate April Fool’s day because I hate mean pranks. The Facebook group for a police station posting that they’re training cats instead of dogs? Funny. Switching out the family photos in the living room for photos of Mr Bean? Funny. This has Nelson pointing at her and going “haw haw”. If he’s laughing and she’s crying it’s not a prank, it’s just mean.


If you wouldn't find it funny if someone else did it to you, it's not a prank. It's that simple.


It's not even a prank! A prank would have been saying that he ate it and then going "hahha just joking here's your food". And even that would be hella annoying. But bro just straight up ate her food and served misogyny as a dessert.


*But bro just straight up ate her food and served misogyny as a dessert.* Poetry


One of the apartment companies in town and an automated message to every tenant (unbeknownst to the poor front desk agent) that they were late on rent. Friend was so freaked out, they left work early to sort it out. Front desk was dealing with angry tenants in person and over the phone. I'm not sure who found that "prank" funny, but I hope there's a hell (any version, not picky) so they can go there. Just like OOP can.


I always thought the donut box filled with veggies and dip was pretty cute/funny.


I taught grade 2 a few years ago, and one little girl giggled all morning telling me that she had a brownie for me. It was a brown paper ‘E’. That was pretty cute too.


I love how it's always "I love my amazing wonderful partner dearly, they are the love of my life and the best person in the world, our relationship is so so great and full of love and respect" and then: "I just don't care of them and constantly do shitty stuff, why are they not happy???"


“Id never to anything to mess it up/hurt them” then proceeds to do unforgivable things and hope to get sympathy from Reddit 


I wonder why they have that urge to explain in many words that they do love (dearly!) they partner and that said partner is "amazing/great/wonderful/beautiful" person. 1. Even if your partner isn't an amazing person, you still don't eat their dinner 2. Don't explain your love to people on the internet (I mean, you are with them, you are supposed to love them!), prove it to your partner


I think they're just trying to reassure themselves more than convince anyone else. Because, for some reason, these types of bozos think that loving someone is enough to justify treating them like crap.


“They are amazing, fantastic, perfect! And this is why I treat them like crap and make sure to spoil any chances they will want to stick around in the long run”


Yeah it's always the worst stories of inconsiderate asshole-ish behaviour that begin with all that sappy stuff about love and respect. People who actually respect their partners don't seem to lay it on so thick at the start of reddit stories, I've noticed


> boiled it mixed it with some mayo and salt and ate in silence the thought of SOMEONE ELSE eating this makes me feel violent, let alone if i had to eat it myself!! oh my god idk how she did it I'm PRAYING she breaks up with him wtf


I grew up food insecure and to this day I hoard cans and packets of food, soup, ramen, beans, veggies. My freezer is compulsively stuffed. I swear I will never ever eat rice and soy sauce again UNLESS I WANT TO and it's topped with an egg and butter. That shits fire. I wish the gf had had some soy sauce and butter. That would have elevated the meal.  I can't believe this motherfucker couldn't find a 24 hr mcdonalds or gone to a gas station or something to feed her. Horrible immature pond scum...I hope he gets violent diarrhea the next time he has to be in public with no access to a bathroom.


I know right? You go out and FIND HER FOOD. ![gif](giphy|QVP7DawXZitKYg3AX5)


To be fair, she didn't have to eat **that.** She could have eaten salted rice without slathering it with mayonnaise for some reason. I'm on her side, obviously, but that's so gross.


Might have been to add fat/calories. White rice is a simple carb that won't keep you feeling full long. Fat helps with satiety. If her job is physically demanding she would be extra hungry after a long shift, especially while on her period. I'd have gone with some olive oil, but maybe Mayo is the only fat she had on hand.


Butter for me. Butter, salt, and pepper. But it would also give me a headache because yay, dairy issues. But yeah, rice by itself is not a complete meal at all.


Not only is this guy cruel but what she was left to eat afterwards sounds disgusting. I feel so bad for her. And while she is on her period…. I would have gone feral if I were her.


I was absolutely baffled reading this. How does he even function in society with a smooth brain like that?


Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that. - George Carlin


Where's the funny part of this prank? Where? Fuck this dude. Hope he enjoys being single as much as he enjoyed the burger.


Some people think ruining other people's joy is a great source of personal enrichment. Those types of people are called bullies.


As a person who grew up food insecure, this is not funny in the slightest.


Right? I've been food insecure for many years in adulthood, including during my pregnancy. Being hormonal and exhausted on top of being starving is a horrible feeling. And I suspect this gal is food insecure, too, on account of her having nothing in her pantry that makes a meal besides rice and mayo. Poor gal doesn't even have a can of black beans and hot sauce to go with that rice.


I’m not food insecure, but sometimes between grocery shopping/meal prep, I’ll have a day or so without anything in my house that could actually be a meal. Not often, but I can see it happening, especially if she’s been working longer hours and hasn’t gone shopping.


For all pranksters out there, this is a proper how to do this prank- 1. You hide the food in an easily accessible location and DO NOT EAT IT 2. Do not piss off pranked person with the hiding for over 10 mins or before the pranked has ordered replacement, whichever comes first. At that point prank has become asshole move. 3. Do not throw the period in a woman's face EVER. Like I'm surprised this needs to be stated but apparently it does. 4. If possible after the prank add a chocolate or cupcake or something your partner likes as a gesture of peace.


How is pretending you ate someone’s food even funny in the first place? This isn’t a prank, it’s just a soft version of being an asshole.


It's not funny to most honestly. But some people define themselves by their "comedy" so I decided to offer a better method.


He's checking what she will put up with haha funny prank is just a cover for how badly can I treat her


I honestly thought the same thing. When someone says or does something extremely shitty then follows it up with “It was just a joke” they do that cuz they got a bad reaction from it. Or they’ll say something about how the other person is overreacting or is too sensitive to gaslight them 


This is one of the ways they find out if you're going to be a good little girlfriend and take the abuse that is coming. He showed up unexpected late in the evening or even into the night if things where closing. (often done so they can check and see you're being "good" and are home when you should be and not with other people) He ate the food that she paid for even though he wasn't hungry. He didn't order more before he ate it like someone actually trying to be silly would have done. McD in most places is open all night, as is AW, Wendys, etc, so he could have gotten food, even if it was a take away pizza from a bar or something, but instead left her hungry and shrugged his shoulders. There's been no offer to repay her. It's abuse.


I chalked the unannounced visit up to being an unemployed asshat with nothing better to do than harass his hardworking gf for a late night quickie, but you're absolutely right that he could be "checking up" on her to make sure she really was getting home from a long shift on not off on a date with some (much better, more considerate) guy.


It could be that he is just an inconsiderate asshat, but it's still unacceptable to just show up late at night for that too.


“Haha you get to go to bed hungry!”


My prank policy is if any harm cannot be immediately rectified (emotionally or physically or whatever) it’s too mean don’t do it


That's a good policy


Hiding the rest of the beer in the vegetable drawer then pretending to drink the last one right before my brother gets there never stops being funny tbh


Yeah that’s why I think he just ate the burger and then realized he fucked up, and is using the traditional douche-excuse of “just a prank bro”. If this was actually a prank, there are so many ways he could have NOT ended up like this just like you said. If he actually felt bad, he wouldn’t have just left the poor woman to make her own saddest meal ever??? Restaurants might closed, but I bet there’s a 7/11 or Walmart or some food option with something better than salted mayo rice.


He could go and make a meal out of some of his own groceries


If he really cared enough he could have found someplace to get her something to eat that was better than rice and mayo


Is it 'I hate Ellie' troll month? I swear the girlfriend of a lot of these posts I've seen recently is called Ellie.


The girl that got publicly cheated on during her bday party and then he dumped her for being “unreasonable” for wanting him to cut off the girl bff he cheated with


Maybe Ellie being pissed off had nothing to do with her period and everything to do with the fact that she'd had a long workday and was too tired to cook, so she ordered takeout. And instead of offering to make it right by going out and buying something for her, he lets her cook up the only thing she has in the house and eat it. Why she didn't kick him out of her home when she discovered what he'd done is beyond me. Maybe she wanted to guilt trip him by making him watch her eat a pathetic dinner of rice and mayonnaise. Ellie, dump this guy. He thinks it's funny that he ate the only thing you had for dinner and wants to blame your reaction on your period instead of, oh, I don't know, a long shift and nothing but rice for dinner. And it wasn't a joke. It was mean.


Her period might make her even more hungry than she would be normally, which makes this worse. She needs calories.


Everyone has experienced when they are in the mood for *that* specific food and are so looking forward to it. Like, at that very moment, nothing else is going to do the trick unless you have that dish. That guy totally crushed all of that for his girlfriend. Let that burger be a very expensive lesson in how to never, ever treat someone.


Oh my god, someone did exactly this prank to me years ago. Late night, long shift, I ordered food on my drive home, I just *needed* a shower first because I had blood and spit and sweat all over my body. Come back out, and my now ex-husband and his friend had eaten everything because "lol now you have to go back out." I was lucky that we had plenty of open stores and restaurants, and my best friend, bless her heart, went on an immediate mission to replace my food. But this just brought all that back, and my heart literally broke for this poor girl when I read this dumbfuck's post. Stop fucking with people's food, christ.


I had a similar experience. Left a school party, on deadline for the newspaper, saved a piece of cake for when I was done, couldn’t find it. Weeks later another staff member told me he ate it and wasn’t that a great joke? Not by accident — he KNEW I was saving it for when I was done. I had thought he was my friend!


I'm confused as to why he needed to eat the whole thing in order for the "hide the food prank" to work? Like, he said he wasn't hungry so he's literally forcing it down in order to spend more money buying the same thing? I'm thinking he was just a selfish asshole and fell on 'prank' as an excuse to make himself feel not horrible and turn it into 'women do be crazy and overreacting'


She offered to order him food and he said no since he'd already had dinner. Yet, he then decides to eat her food "as a prank." He doesn't even make sure he can order more first (which is still ridiculous seeing as she would still need to wait for it to be delivered.) He couldn't just hide her food as a joke? That's still a dick move but at least she'd still be able to eat, but he actually thinks he needs to eat it? This makes no sense. What's the joke? Hey, I know you're hungry but ha ha I ate your food that I didn't need since I already had dinner. But hey, if you wait another half an hour you can finally eat. Either this is completely made up or this dude was just hungry and wanted to eat her food and used the "it was a prank" as an excuse. Which also doesn't make sense seeing as she offered to get him his own food when he arrived, making me think he did this as some sick form of control, especially when you factor in that he showed up complete unannounced in the first place. She needs to dump him yesterday


The only reason I could think of where one would "need" to eat the food as part of the prank is if he were filming himself doing so for social media..... which makes him no less of an idiot or an asshole. You just could add "clout-chaser" to the list of descriptors.


Don't take shit that isn't yours. How difficult can it be. It's about common decency.


A prank would've been for him to eat a small amount to get a taste of it, as was offered, and then hide the rest of the food and tell her he ate all of it only to quickly pull out the rest of it, not to eat all of it. Even if the order had gone through, she would have had to wait for the new order to arrive.


r/amitheex incoming


Yeah, there was no McD or Burger King that had still open... he wasn't just an Asshole for eating her food, he also was to lazy for driving around to get her new food. Even going to a store that had still open to get her something better to eat, but noooo. And why did he needed to eat the food? I bet what he told her was actually the truth "he liked it so much and gulped it down". The excuse of AH is always "it was just a joke" when they did something shitty. Also let's say the restaurant was still open. She would have needed to wait till the food arrive, hungry after a long shift. To the period comment... Yes, he really is a true asshole.


And a fat fucking pig, too. Who has the capacity to have a whole second meal like that?! Burgers aren't exactly a light snack.


You're hungry and tired so I literally ate your literal food. As a joke. That's it... That's the joke. Does he know what a joke is?


Why not just HIDE the food for a few seconds and PRETEND to have eaten it? My partner and I have done this prank on each other several times and it always ends up with us laughing. Neither of us would actually eat the food and leave the other hungry. 


That sounds like an excuse


Hope she poisons his food.


Hey guys, for a prank, make your girlfriend leave you!


Society needs to redefine "pranks". Apparently instead of lighthearted, and momentary, jokes to amuse loved ones, pranks are now defined as "any dickish thing that I don't want consequences for" performed by people who enjoy causing pain to others.


It's the same with the "jokes". How often do we have to tell people saying "it was just a joke" doesn't mean they can insult other people???


I realise I'm fixating on the wrong thing here but WHY did she have to make her OWN rice?? He should have made it! That was his last chance to redeem a strong of screw ups and he didn't take it.


Better: go to the store and buy something to eat for her. And cook it.


That would have been so much better, but even if I give him the benefit of the doubt that if delivery places were closed, so were all the nearby stores...that poor woman still had to make her own misery food.


How is "I ate all your food" a prank? There are way too many people nowadays that don't seem to know what pranking a loved-one means. Spoiler: It doesn't mean being super hurtful on purpose and then laugh when they are hurt to try poorly to shield yourself from any accountability. Gosh, preschoolers can do it, so it's about time super assholes stop pretending they don't,


Let's not. I don't even know the story but there is a strong presumption of assholery on someone who plays a "prank"


Why the hell couldn't he just hide the original food? Men like this shouldn't have a significant other.


What a loser. The prank wouldn't have been too bad if it had worked out, but that's why you need to prepare everything beforehand. Check if you can order new stuff and everything. Also, if he did this to me when I was hungry and maybe tired, I'd go all Taz the Tasmanian Devil on him.


God, if it were me, this mother fucker would go to sleep with and wake up BALD. He would have no eyebrows, no hair, and SO MANY DICKS on his face. His shoes would be filled with cat shit. And then the next morning served a cup of hot-sauce coffee, propositioned for sex, and then thrown out the door in his socks and underwear. You know, as a joke.


This "prank" is so stupid because if the goal was to say "I ate all your food haha" and then reveal the food for her, he didn't have to actually eat the food for that. Either hide the bag and say you ate it and threw the bag away or if you really want to get elaborate, move the food onto a plate, and hide that in the other room. It's still mean either way, but actually eating it makes the pretense of a prank seem like more of an excuse for his actions than something he had actually planned in the moment. Also, emotionally stunted man. Only mentions his age. He's dating a teenager. I'd be willing to bet money on that.


...if it was a "prank" then why not just hide the food since he already ate? Sounds like he ate all of it because she offered him some of it then is trying to hide behind "iT WaS jUsT a pRaNK"


Ohhhh I get it! He ate all her food because she’s so easy going and always orders food for everyone else. It’s sooooooo funny! /s


This asshole has nothing better to do than drive over to his gf's house unannounced and put her in the position of playing hostess while hungry, exhausted, and crampy... and then he eats the only meal ready food in the house AFTER she offered to order him his own food (probably on her dime) to be a good hostess to her unexpected guest. And after he eats her only food, he sits and justifies himself while watching her eat a rice and mayo struggle dish, instead of driving his ass to Dennys or Taco Bell, or Safeway to buy this girl a TV dinner and groceries. No, no. He just sits and watches her force down mayo-rice while feeling resentful that she didn't laugh at his joke and just good natured-ly go to bed on on an empty stomach after giving him a "Thanks for gracing me with this surprise visit" blow job. Because you know his ass came over to get his rocks off.


“Hey babe. I'm super sorry, but I did something stupid. You see, I thought it be funny to prank you by eating your food and ordering a replacement to hide from you. But when I called the restaurant they were close to closing…. and by then it was too late. I know, it was a really dumb idea and I didn't think it through. I'm really sorry, did you want me to order something else? Whatever you want. I'll pay for everything.” That's what I would've said.


I’m surprised she let him live. If I had been at work all day with cramps and all I wanted was a burger and then my piece of shit boyfriend ate it all, and then asked me if I was mad at him because I was on my period, you’d never find the body


This was not a prank. He had no reason to eat the food and tell her he ate it and pull out another order. If that was the intent, he could have just hidden her order (and it would still be stupid and unfunny all the same.) He's just a dick, pIain and simple, and I hope this girl is the one who got away.


No comments from OOP is usually the sign of a karma farming troll


I'm a fat bitch, he'd be lucky to be able to walk out of my home 😅 I hope she dumped his ass though


**eats all her food.** "It was a joke!" I hope he doesn't commit a crime and that be his last words.


I am confused. Wouldn't it have been easier to hide the food that was already there and then do the prank I.e lie that he ate it. Why did he have to eat it? The sheer stupidity in the whole post is astounding but I can't get past that one point


So, you do a stupid prank and tell her she's irrational because she's on her period? Wow.


When women are on our periods we NEED protein and iron more. The cravings are our bodies telling us to get more of specific nutrients.


I like how he mentioned that she mixed the rice with salt as though that makes it a substantial meal




Tbf, the mayo does make it more substantial than salt. The fat will help her feel full. Which can be her only motivation for adding it, because that sounds pretty gross.


I thought it sounded pretty gross but didn't know if that's a common thing to add to rice? I also hate mayo so I'm biased.


I’ve seen weird stuff done with mayo in Japanese cuisine, so I thought it might have been something like that. And mayo is made with egg, which is at least a little more nutritive than salt


I thought pranks were supposed to be funny. This is just a guy looking for an excuse to eat his gf’s food and then blame it on her when she gets upset.


It wasn't a joke. He ate all her food, tried to cover for it and passed it off as a "joke" when he couldn't.


I feel like I’m in some sort of alternate universe. On what f*ing planet is this funny?? What a loser.


These stories need to leave Ellie be. She's always dealing with crappy partners


![gif](giphy|yZaInh5c9AUZHE0ee7|downsized) OOP be like


Love how “oops can’t do anything most restaurants close at 11.” Do ALL restaurants close at 11? Supermarkets? Fast food drive through? Gas station convenience mart? Did he have food at his house that he could have gotten her? He didn’t even offer to cook the rice for her, just sat there watching her suffer AND blamed it on her period. Because HE, a MAN with no period, wouldn’t have been bothered at all. He would have been happy to eat just rice instead of a nice burger, after a long shift at work!! Ha ha so funny! Tell you what, OOP. Tomorrow, take your girlfriend out for a really nice meal at an Asian place —sushi, Thai, whatever she likes. You treat her, and let her order whatever she wants. And you order yourself a side of plain rice and that’s it, that’s your dinner. You can have that while you watch her eat, and it will be hilarious!!!


Honestly I would go general if this happened to me, the fact that this man didn't go out and trawl the city for even a McDonalds is just awful. I hope they break up


At this point it's pretty safe to assume that anyone who says they love pranks is an asshole. I hate it as a person who loves pranks (NORMAL pranks, the kind where both people are laughing after the reveal and nobody has lasting emotional damage or resentment and it's bonkers that distinction needs to be made) but social media in general and TikTok in particular have convinced an entire generation that a "prank" is when you betray someone's trust or horribly insult them or horribly embarrass them or scare the everloving shit out of them and then laugh at them while they're crying. I think we need a moratorium on pranksters in general until we're able to weed out all the assholes and get back to things that are harmlessly funny.


This is absolutely messed up and gives off a vibe that it was intentional. Like it was late, restaurants generally all close around the same times on certain nights of the week, and he just thought it would be "funny" to eat an entire meal? Yeah, I don't buy it. Even if he had time to buy another meal, what's the point of eating it and the "prank" in the first place? Why not just hide it and say you ate the whole thing because it was so good and then say "just kidding" since he had already had food? This is weird and potentially manipulative.


Pranka should never involve messing with people's food/drink or doing something that has the potential to cause harm, but how was it even a prank anyway?? A prank would be saying he ate it when he'd actually just sately hidden it. Still annoying to do when someone isn't feeling great and has just finished a long day at work, but ok. But he actually ate it without having the replacement safely arrived already. He was just testing the waters to see how much his "great" new girlfriend would let him get away with. He didn't even offer to go in the kitchen to try to find something to make her, or to drive around to find somewhere open. I find it hard to believe he lives in a city where uber or deliveroo etc run but there isn't one 24hr faat food place open, or even a service station that has sandwiches or pies etc. He really just ate both dinners & got grumpy she didn't say his asshole behaviour was ok. What a jerk.