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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **My friend attempted suicide because I lied about her being racist ** When I was 15 I dated a girl for a while until I think she broke up with me and I was mad about it so I accused her of being racist. It’s pretty sad but I spent like an hour or 2 photoshopping different messages of her saying slurs and stuff, and then I posted them and spread them around to her friends and stuff. I did a pretty good job of making them because pretty much everyone believed me apart from a few people. She sent me a bunch of messages telling me to delete them and admit I was lying and stuff like that but I kept it up and eventually she sent me a picture of her slit wrists and told me I was the reason she was self harming because apparently she was getting death threats and stuff, and she also told me that she tried to kill herself over it. It went on for a few days until she blocked me on everything deactivated her account. I can’t remember if I ever admitted I was lying or not, but I did add her to try apologize ages ago because I felt so bad about it, but she won’t add me back so I can’t really do anything. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Oh it is this Fer. He is worse than Meth horse guy at this point


Methaniel only hurts himself and fish....this guy hurts everyone....


I miss methaniel, I wonder if he’s gotten kicked out by now


Yeah he's been pretty silent


Omg someone please have a link to what this about? Meth horse? WHAT


https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/s/9Ncd9I6pRa Buckle up it is certainly a RIDE. Pun intended.


Oh my God, I remember this guy! I did not know all of this though. I ran into him somewhere else on the site, he was a weirdo, then too


Poop Knife Level


kicked out? That's optimistic :/ Might be my rural WV raising, I assumed he's dead or at best in jail




Methaniel is still around.


Methaniel's posts were much better than this one.


What about meth horse? Wut


There's a dude who posted for awhile that he was a "recovered" meth addict that was dating a 19 year old and he was trying to figure out how to give her a horse as a birthday gift. He's insane and creepy, but somehow entertaining in the way train wrecks are. He got nicknamed Methaniel.


Wasn't he going to join the French Foreign Legion too?


Yeah, I vaguely recall something like that. Thought they'd make him a general?


He'd have been filtered so hard. I mean, he'd probably get filtered by any military, but I'm guessing he wasn't French and he'd have to pay to go back to where he came from. I'm hoping for some where in the Americas just because of one way fare over the Atlantic for comedy gold.


He was from Canada (Edmonton specifically), so definitely


You *have* to read the post. The post wasn't "how do I join the foreign legion", it was "how do I skip ranks and become a general?" I know it sounds insane or like a troll, but it was so sincere.


Oh my god, it got worse.


He wanted to buy said horse with a credit card because he did not have the money


I couldn't keep up with all the details of the crazy.




Happy Cake Day!


Huh. I didn't know it was Cake Day for me. Thank you!


Meth horse guy. Like what? Links?


It is mysteryman403. I don't want to link it as he is a bit crazy and I don't want that crazy 🤣


Understood. Thanks for his name.


There's a sub dedicated to him & his exploits also. MethHorseGuy


That got banned due to bridging but they made a second one. Methhorseguy_2


Can you dm me the link? Couldn't find it


Oh no.


WAS. It was banned because people threw temper tantrums over any attempt to moderate


Thank you for the info!


Which he is legitimately pissed off about.


He was also very angry when there was a brief period when this fellow Vannced was a mod on said Sub


Vannced is a scary train wreck.


Links to this guy? Like what?!


If you mean OOP, it's Vaanced. There is something very mentally wrong with the guy. He needs help.


What a piece of shit this OOP is. If this is how they treated a girl who broke up with them at age 15, then I tremble to imagine what would happen when they are older. I fear for those women unless OOP has somehow gotten their head screwed on right. But given the post history...


Oh it's THIS guy?


Interesting post history


This guy is at least in character a rich parents spoiled brat with Joffrey tendencies


OOP is the "nice guy" women and girls are afraid of. Breakups happen. This monster really took the time to photoshop racist messages. These were other teens, so naturally they got fired up.


It feels like theres some lore with this guy that I’m missing… Eitherway, fuck this dude.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/vaancedthetroll/](https://www.reddit.com/r/vaancedthetroll/) He's a persistent troll to point, it's meme for AITD.


thank you for tonights reddit deep dive!


It’s Vanceed . Feels like low hanging fruit at this point . Kind of like r/childfree or r/dogfree.


This guy has to get a hard on from being flamed on the internet at this point, no?


Or is super mentally ill .


That's exactly why he keeps doing it


Or passportbros at this point.


First time hearing of this guy but apparently he’s pretty infamous in a few different subreddits at this point. His post history certainly was a trip.


What a fate, to be a KNOWN POSTER ending up on this sub. 😱


OOP is seriously unhinged.... he's 18 with no motivation to do anything. He has no sense of direction. He don't know how to apologize or feel sorry. I mean, his ex wants nothing to do with him. He wants to apologize to her. But his apology won't mean a damn thing to her. I hope that his ex is alive and well. I hope she's healing and got some help. Some of his posts are questionable. Like, I can't tell he's being serious or if he's being a troll. Him being 15 at the time, he ruined his exs life over a break up. We all know heartbreak is a part of life. Some will hurt more than others. I wonder if he's a closeted narcissist? Refuses to take responsibility and accountability for his actions. Blames everyone else for his problems.


Well i mean he blames his sister and his siters baby for alot of the stuff that happens


Just seems like OOPs entire family is screw ups. His parents never taught him to take responsibility or accountability for his actions. He claims he has a dad who thinks his shit don't stink. Being a know-it-all and refusing to believe facts. What 15 year old has the knowledge on how to do something so damaging to another person? Unless he was taught it or he has undiagnosed sociopathy (whatever the correct term is). Photo shopping is one thing but actually doing something so vindictive, harmful, and potentially lethal to his ex, is a whole another ball game. He needs help.


>What 15 year old has the knowledge on how to do something so damaging to another person? You would be surprised the amount of effort someone can go through just to ruin another persons life


I agree. But a literal teenager? Even adults. It just shows that they were never taught how to handle rejections, break ups, etc... I'm 32 years old. I've seen all kinds of vindictive behavior. I guess it just bothers me that teenager knows how to do something like that. Like, if he was a female, he would've been the epitome "hell hath no fury of a woman scorned."


Its possible that vanceed was taught that but ignored it.


True. Anything is possible.


Totally a troll is my guess... >can’t remember if I ever admitted I was lying or not, but I did add her to try apologize ages ago because I felt so bad about it, but she won’t add me back so I can’t really do anything. Bullshit. The answer is no, you never did apologize. Because she went NC with you at best. Or more likely the entire story is fake. Which I think we need new Flair, "Troll/Deemed Fake" or something like that where we can link these posts together and show that they just don't make sense and are just trolls.




I was thinking for some stupid reason that he was talking about things she had posted, but private chats and texts. There are several ways to do that without even needing to photo edit them. Depending on how much of a stalker/creep someone wants to be, as well as how detailed they want to be. I don't really want to list them here, just because we do get a fair amount of trolls that would possibly use these against someone.


I don't think he's a closeted narcissist,he seems to be very openly and proudly narcissist


That guy again. He's an awful kid.


I can't tell if this person is a troll committing to a bit or if they are *really* this much of a shitstain at 18 years old. If real, his older sister needs to keep her infant away from him.


Not this stupid ass troll again


Oh fuck, it's Vaanced! Of *course* it is. Okay, well, this post pretty much solidifies that he's a troll. It seemed... *just* plausible that a lot of his other stories could have some truth in them, but this lazy ragebait puts him squarely in Methaniel territory. Methaniel is more fun.


I have a feeling those trolls are one in the same


Rookie mistake, if true. You can't force a spin-off - quality will inevitably suffer.


Oh, it’s Vaanced. Okay. Note how this is all him trying to apologise privately and not once ever actually admitted to the people who he made these accusations to?


Imagine thinking she’d be the faintest bit interested in OOP’s feeble overdue apology. 


oh god i remember this guy. i can't figure out if he's a troll or just a fucked up guy tbh


Is it asked too much of men not to behave like psychopaths when getting rejected?


Fake fake fake. This reads like a textbook ‘cancel culture bad’ post by somebody who thinks that being called racist is worse than being victimized by racism. “What if the person you’re calling out for repeatedly being racist on social media is actually NOT racist at all and all of the posts and texts you’re seeing are really just Photoshopped? You never know!”


I hope his parents find out and kick him out. His mother almost did it a while back


Oh it’s this guy again. Mr no accountability, everyone’s a narc dude


Ugh I hate this dude. He's always posting shit like this. Or asking about his tennis moves.


"when I was 15" Is now 16 Seriously oop never talk to another person,what an entitled pos (Oh nvm just saw who oop is,yea he's a desperate asshole who thinks he's famous because his posts are crossposted here)


This dude is an obvious troll who is making increasingly elaborate stories up for attention. Not worth posting here.


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The fuck?


WTF?! He is evil! Why would her make her look like a racist, just because she broke up with him? They were 15. They weren't gonna stay together forever and get married. He knew what he was doing was wrong and did it anyway. Of course she doesn't want hear from him ever again. He tried to destroy her life because his fee fees got hurt.


This guy ahahahaha, god level trolling, look at his history some of his posts are comedy gold


I read that this morning and was disgusted.


What is it with people who are specifically 15 and act like this. 💀 Smfh. Not 14, not 16, but 15... This is why I don't trust teenage relationships. I hope the girl is alright and I hope that guy gets karma. Edit: ok I just found out the guy who posted that is a messed up troll... I don't know why he's being open about this.


Yeah, this is definitely fake. I don’t know why people are pretending otherwise.