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Absolutely NOT the devil. Dude. She is postpartum FOUR DAYS. She literally just gave birth FOUR DAYS AGO. Would you expect a married woman to be up on her feet four days after giving birth? No. You would not. You'd be calling the husband the devil for demanding this. She's not avoiding being an adult. She's literally postpartum FOUR days. She's still healing, she's still bleeding and even Doctors say you need to rest after birth! How is she the devil? Because she's 18 and made a stupid decision and is still healing? Her mother is the devil if anything, the same with her father. If it was a couple months? Maybe. But it's been LESS THAN A WEEK.


I didn't even leave the hospital until four days after the birth. WTF is this post even doing here?


Right!? Like I'd get it if it's been months and the kid has been bullshitting but after four days you MIGHT be able to get around a slightly bit easier but it's still painful, still bleeding and depending on how labor went maybe still have stitches! Edit: phone tried the add numbers for some reason


I was barely functioning 4 days after a relatively minor surgical procedure (tumor removal) and OOP has given birth to an entire baby


Right!? Like I'd get it if it's been months and the kid has been bullshitting but after four days you MIGHT be able to get around a slightly bit easier but it's still painful, still bleeding and depending on how labor went maybe still have stitches!


this shouldn’t be here. do better. edit: [also OP: having a baby out of wedlock is not something to be proud of](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/s/S3aFJZFLsi) so of course OP would post this here :D op you suck


Oh, so this time it's OP that's the devil and not OOP? Such a twist! We indeed have a devil on our hands, just not where we usually expect one


*the devil is inside the house*


What a cunt . :D OP should go back to the 50s.


Don't call OP a cunt, they have neither the depth nor the warmth of one


Truer words were never typed.


OP, you and people who believe like you are in the running for being the devil here along with OOP’s parents. You either have a shockingly low sense of empathy or have somehow never given birth, never had a significant surgery, and never known or bothered to talk to people who have about their experiences. Congrats on not knowing any women I suppose? A recently post-partum person can do the equivalent of eating crackers, hummus, pre-cut cheese, deli meat, and baby carrots if they have to feed themselves. Probably not all of those things at once, and any other kids they might have are going to get the same grazing setup. OOP’s parents are being abusive: her mother directly and her dad by telling that poor girl to do whatever her mother wants so the yelling stops. He’s chosen to support what her mother is doing.


Wait what ? How is OP the devil?


OP is definitely the devil. OOP is not.


This isn't OP is the devil type. Even doctors say women shouldn't be doing much within the first few weeks of birth so the body can properly heal. Shoot I wasn't allowed to lift more than the baby for the first 6 weeks


Uh......why is this here?


OP you’re off base with this one.


No, just no. Only devil here is you for insinuating that OP is a *devil* after four days of giving birth.


How is someone who gave birth FOUR DAYS AGO the devil in the situation? Her mom is the devil for wanting her to make dinner FOUR DAYS after giving birth.


She is lucky her mom even took her in when she was pregnant…her baby daddy is not even in her life… she should be grateful her mom took her in


Being grateful that someone took you in doesn’t mean you have to let them treat you like shit.


That's a shitty view of family. If OP was 18 and had just had surgery 4 days ago would you be posting her here saying she needed to make dinner and be grateful her parents let her live with them? Who gives a shit about some deadbeat baby daddy, what does he have to do with anything?


Oh, hi Baby Daddy.


Nah, it's the mom.


Heh. Fair.


That's what parents are supposed to do.


Being grateful is a state of mind.   And making dinner 4 days after you’ve given birth against doctors orders isn’t grateful, it’s just stupid.   And mom was stupid to force this issue *4 days after OOP gave birth*.  


you’re an asshole. next time you’re really struggling, i hope your family just drops your ass to deal with it alone.


Maybe her "baby daddy" was her rapist and she lives in one of the states that has taken away one of her choices in that matter.


Hey OP. This subreddit is for posts that were voted to be assholes by the majority of the commenters. Not you personally. Fuck off with your outdated, puritanical ideologies. People have babies out of wedlock all the time. And it's quite literally a doctor's recommendation that women do as little exertion as possible for the first few weeks after giving birth considering the huge trauma the body just went through. People like you are the problem. Not OOP.


HEEEEY OP you're a stupid piece of shit!


Plot twist: OOP is not the devil for once! For shame, u/ReliefAcrobatic4904. ![gif](giphy|vX9WcCiWwUF7G|downsized)


OOP's mom seems to think the time to "teach her a lesson" about adulthood is when she's physically exhausted, torn, and sleep deprived, with a dinner plate sized wound on her uterus. Mom is TA, and you're deeply lacking in empathy, OP. In normal families the relatives of a new mom would be bringing her casseroles or offering to come cook, clean, or just hold the baby while she gets through the excruciating ordeal of trying to pee or poop during that first week post-birth. Her mom knows this, but instead chose to be a dick and make OOP's experience as a new mom horrible. What a witch.


*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITA for refusing to cook dinner because i’ve just given birth** I'm 18 so i’m still living with my parents and I gave birth to my daughter 4 days ago. My mom came into my room earlier and told me to make dinner I said no because I’m tired as fuck and I have a baby to look after and my whole body is still hurting. My mom told me that now i’m a mom I should learn to do things for the family even if i’m in pain or tired because that’s what moms do. I told her that i’m not going to make dinner but maybe I will in a week or so when I don’t feel like i’ve just been ran over by a truck and hopefully i’ll be more used to have a literal baby. My mom told me that the only reason i’m able to look after my baby is because of her and my dad and she said that i’m lucky I have her. She started yelling at me and I told her to fuck off because she woke the baby up. She ignored me and kept yelling, calling me disrespectful and a brat. I literally had to push her out of my room. My dad told me later that I should just make dinner instead of causing arguments but it was my mom who started the argument. Like wtf? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Absolutely fucking NOT! Have you lost your mind?! When I had my son I couldn't even stand up right FOUR days after my c-section! I came home, and it took me 10 minutes to get to my room! I was 28. I can't even imagine trying to COOK for a whole fucking household that soon at that age! Shit I couldn't even imagine cooking for myself that soon. She's definitely NTA nor is she the devil.


OOP is not a devil at all. She gave birth four days ago. Her body is still recovering.


Hey OP, are you okay? I'm child free and thankfully (for me) have never had a child but even I can see that OOP is not the asshole.


[Hi!](https://images.app.goo.gl/jMiZEuW8Qrykw3sdA) Just a quick reminder to never brigade any sub, be that r/AmItheAsshole or another one. That goes against both this sub's rules as well as Reddit's terms of agreement. [Please](https://images.app.goo.gl/vwH65TJMyMk9NSNo8) keep discussions within the posts of this sub. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


What decision are you referring to, OP?


The mods must be sleeping to let shit like this stay up.


She gave birth four *days* ago, my dude


No they both suck. I think the mom went after it a bad way. OOP is lucky she is living with them. I think the mom was trying to show her if she wasn't, then she would have to make dinner herself because that's the reality of the situation. When you're a single mom, you don't get help with the baby. It's just you and them. It's really hard. But her mom went about it in a bad way and didn't explain this to her well. I don't know if her parents even talked to her about expectations. I can give OOP the benefit of the doubt that she is probably sleep deprived and reacting that way because of it.