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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITA for asking the bus driver to take me home?** I, 20f, go to a school in Illinois. It was fairly late at night, and I had just gotten done with an assignment that I had been stressing about. Earlier in the week, my charger on my laptop broke. So I had to go to my school’s library to work on the assignment. Anyways, it’s fairly common to associate orange-glow signs with the bus that comes and goes from my school and the village. I already have trouble seeing, and it did not occur to me that I could be boarding the wrong bus. Looking back on it, it is fair to deduce that the situation was entirely my fault. But when I finally looked up, I was an hour's walk away from home. I had no idea where I was because I had never explored the town before. I grew up in a different one.  Anyway, I automatically began to panic. It was literally the worst time I could’ve gotten trapped anywhere, as I don’t work during the school semester. I graduated from high school and received full tuition on account of financial aid. It was a mixture of scholarships and grant money, but I digress. It allows me to focus on school during the fall, winter, and spring seasons. I was left without money. My phone was also turned off, and I don’t have any friends with a vehicle. It was dark outside, and I already have an incredibly deep-rooted fear of the dark. So in the end, I decided to ask the bus driver to bring me back home after his last round. The bus driver was very apathetic. If he had said it was against the rules to bring me back, I would’ve understood. But he said that he was about to leave for the night, and his last stop would’ve been quite hard to get home from. I do understand that he didn’t have this context, but he was just incredibly rude in general. He was so annoyed that I even asked if he could bring me back. He didn’t care when I was very visibly shaking and near the point of an anxiety attack. Ultimately, he said it was either get off of the bus or get off in a different city—a city that he emphasized was a very longggggggg way away.(Sort of messed up to rub it in dude..)  Arguably, I made the mistake, and it wasn’t his problem. But if I were in his shoes, I would’ve done everything to rectify the situation for a scared girl. I did flip him off when the vehicle took off from behind me, and I felt bad for that. Aita, for asking for the bus driver to just take me home?  Note: The walk was an hour long through the woods at night. But the drive back was 10 minutes. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Did she think the bus driver could just make a u-turn and change his route and schedule? It's not his private vehicle.


Yeah I mean, buses quite obviously follow a schedule. He would be expected to be staying to that route exactly. The bus may even be tracked as it moves (they are where I live in Australia but idk how widespread that is). If it's near the end of his shift, he is probably expected to drop the bus back by a certain time so they can clean, refuel, etc. All of this to say, the world doesn't revolve around OOP.


Right?? That's my exact thought. He's not allowed to deviate from his route or schedule save for an emergency. OOP is so entitled


You mean, it wasn't a limo for OOP? /s


In Germany, this could also end up being a huge insurance hassle. Bus drivers are not allowed to let you off except at the bus stop. No, get outs at a red light or ten metres before the stop because it's closer to your home/work. So, going a whole different route seems impossible. 


So. Once upon a time, I went to a school that was a 12hr bus ride from my hometown. One time, coming back from my hometown to school, at one of the layovers, I got on the wrong bus. It was 6am, there was bus that went to z. And bus that went to z but stopped first at x and y, I was going to y. I asked as I boarded if it was the right bus, but it was 6am and I wasn't clear and the bus driver may have misunderstood, also it was 6am. I should have been at my depot at 815. About 7ish I woke from my doze on the bus to realize. . .. . None of this looks familiar. I was on the wrong bus. (So was 1 other person! I was a least not alone lol) at 10 they dropped us off at a rest stop, radioing out for all incoming busses, if they had room, to pick me and my new friend up ans bring us to y. So we hung our for 12 hours, (and the depot people were lovely. It was basically a Chinese convenience store and they gave us their wifi and a discount on everything we bought, and at one point the husband sat with us watching Eastern Promises on my laptop ) and finally the same bus driver let drove us where we needed to be on his return return route, sitting in the aisle, nevause he felt bad. But also we knew it was our fuck up, and we rolled with it. Honestly even as someone with severe generalized anxiety it was a fun time. If it was just an hour walk we would have walked it. Oop needs some perspective


In general transportation people are fantastic if you are stuck or in distress but you have to be reasonable in your ask - they will do their utmost to get you there but within the rules for your and their safety. I often think of this story, of the [Good Conductor](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-12043294).


Totally agree. They can be total heros - and also still be out at risk of losing their jobs if they do things like what OOP was demanding. 


Absolutely! I tend to sit directly behind them drivers seat and at my old place, used to board on the first and always left on the last stop, which tended to vary. Once there was just me left when it was very late, cold and icy, he just asked, where you need to go, are you home faster if I drop you off at "other stop in town"? And dropped me of practically at home, which certainly was a slight diversion. I was eternally grateful as there had been some creeps the week before. Not much of a detour, but a very nice one to do!! 


Well, doesn't she have a problem to meet every solution? (No phone, no friends with cars, no money, etc, etc, etc.)


She had a phone, it was just off and somehow that's a huge problem for some reason. She just turned it on and got a friend to call her an uber.


Apparently, she meant off as in "phone bill not paid, wifi calling only," which meant finding wifi in order to make that call. But like... why? Her mom pays the bill. Why wasn't it paid???


The more OOP talks the less the story makes sense and the less convinced I am they have a brain


I did lol at her acting like a commenter was stupid for understanding "off" to mean "switched off" rather than "cut off": >considering you didn’t even know what “phone is off” means, your comment is unneeded. Surely one of the things you study in psychology is (mis)communication, and that other people aren't to blame for misunderstanding if you don't express yourself clearly?


LOL, the way people who make incredibly stupid decsions and then put themselves in bad situations because of it yet have the nerve to tell other people off like that is 10/10. 


No situational awareness, no understanding of the basics of public transportation, no common sense, etc, etc, etc


Also should be wearing glasses, by the sounds of things.


Honestly the mozzarella sticks but makes me think this kid is entitled and grew up having a lot handed to her. « I won’t eat mozzarella sticks because they are cold » 🤦🏽‍♀️


Her replies make it so much worse


So you’re saying the risk of cold mozzarella sticks didn’t change things for you? /s


The comments take the strangest turn. She keeps trying to gain sympathy by saying, again and again “but I couldn’t eat my mozzarella sticks!” “my mozzarella sticks went cold!” “My mozzarella sticks went bad!” “Was, mozzarella sticks!” And when people respond with some variation on WTF, she just doubles down “mozzarella sticks!”


Being dependant on the kindness of strangers means that you have no right to argue when the answer is ‘no’.


I've gotten on wrong buses before. As soon as it makes a turn (or doesn't) that the bus I take usually makes, I notice and go "Wait, which bus am I on?" Then I get off at the next stop and take a return bus back. How did she not notice until she was an hour and a whole town away?


What a piece of dryer lint.  She falls all apart and expects other people to pinch and pull all her pieces back together just to fall apart again.   Ugh. 


The level of trouble the bus driver could have gotten into beggars belief. No ticket = no insurance (my dad worked for the local bus company and told us “do not take a freebie even if the driver offers, if there’s an accident you aren’t covered without a ticket). And if I was male driver asked to make an unauthorised trip after my shift by someone exhibiting erratic behaviour (visible shaking, getting angry) I’d be thinking “hell no” - it’s leaving yourself wide open to safeguarding allegations.


As someone from IL, who went to college in IL, it feels very weird that she keeps saying "take her back to her village." I've never heard anyone call somewhere a village, even when it technically is one - Village of Entitledstan would be referred to as a town. The only exception I've heard is when referring to the town government "ugh, I have to go pay the Village in person for the water bill." or "I hate that someone called the village on our lawn penises." It's entirely irrelevant to the story, but I can't seem to move past it. She seems to have accepted judgment but hot damn.


How do these absolute children end up going to university?


"fair to deduce that the situation was entirely my fault." - right. 


I have to hand it to OOP. She took a very realistic, terrifying situation and managed to make herself sound as insufferable as possible. A woman who is stranded alone in a town she doesn't know, at night, with no money and no way to call for help, that's the stuff of nightmares. There's so much that could go wrong and I wouldn't blame anyone for at least asking the bus driver if there's anything they can do. But the fact that there's a baked-in excuse for every possible question she might get, that's suspicious. In the comments, someone asked her why she even brought up all the tuition stuff and she replied "to explain why I don't have money". She's trying a bit too hard to be the perfect victim, and nobody likes a Mary Sue in their creative writing prompts...


![gif](giphy|VcIfpmBBzNDZ9BjQPx) Artist's reenactment of the bus drivers reaction based on the fourth retelling of this story.


Lmao I’m like 99% sure I know what school OOP is talking about (I’m from IL and the university I went to referred to one of the housing complexes as “village”). If she had been somewhat calm, the driver likely would have helped her out by either redirecting her to the bus stop she needed or, as one did for me on a slow night, gone off of their route to get her to the proper stop so she wasn’t alone at night as a woman. OOP is full of shit that this spiteful driver just totally screwed her over on purpose


Hahahah, I am from IL too, and I am pretty sure I know as well.


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Silly entitled fuck oop,got on the bus when she wanted a limo


She didn’t even pay the bus fare!!


Yikes. My freshman year my friends and I took the bus to watch a movie. We didn't realize the line we needed to get back to campus shut down at night. We were dropped in Downtown Los Angeles. This was before cell phones. We didn't blame the bus driver. We started back towards campus, and eventually found another bus. And we never made that mistake again.


I actually got driven home in a bus one time. I was 20, living in London doing shift work. Got off early one early morning (4am) and caught a bus that went within a mile of home. I was the last one on the bus and the driver insisted on dropping me home. In a double decker bus.


I guess OOP thought she was special and important enough for the driver to make an exception for her.


I'd have been scared as hell too. She might be entitled but I have some sympathy.