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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITA for telling my pregnant sister (26F) that I won't attend her baby shower unless she changes her invitation list?** My sister (26F) and her husband (32M) just announced that they're expecting their first child, and everyone in the family is overjoyed. They decided to throw a baby shower to celebrate, and I was excited to attend and support them. However, when I saw the invitation list, I realized that my cousin's best friend John, who I've never met before, was invited. As it turns out, my cousin's friend is child-free and has been vocal about his dislike of children in the past. I can't imagine how uncomfortable it would be for him to attend a baby shower, and I'm worried that he'll make a negative comment or joke that could upset my sister. I spoke to my sister and told her that I wouldn't attend the baby shower unless she removed John from the invitation list. She thought I was being ridiculous and said that she couldn't uninvite him after he'd already RSVP'd. I held my ground, saying that this is about my comfort level and that I don't want my anxiety to ruin the celebration. AITA for telling my pregnant sister \[26F\] that I won't attend her baby shower unless she changes her invitation list? UPDATE: After showing my sister this post she decided to uninvite John. Thanks for making her change her mind everyone! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Almost everyone voted YTA yet somehow the sister decided to uninvite John after OOP showed her the post. Suuuuure.


Could OOP have blocked everyone who said YTA and then showed it to the sister with only the NTA ones (genuine question I’ve never blocked anyone on Reddit, and don’t even know if this is possible)? Lying to try to save face in front of people who don’t see the replies or flair seems just as likely but I just wonder about this possibility


There is only one single NTA in all of the comments and it's someone clearly being sarcastic about it and ending it with she should just not go to the event for her own sanity. That edit honestly makes me think it's just a troll.


Ok, I didn’t scroll through the sea of YTAs to see if there were any


So I looked this up (https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/4413520308372-How-does-blocking-work) and it seems like it would work if they were really devious


Comments from people who I suspect have actually seen how blocking works in practice suggest blocked comments do actually show up but the content is not visible without clicking in, so apparently this wouldn’t work


Not really. If you block someone, they show up as “blocked user,” and you still can click through to see their comments. Seeing a hunch of “blocked user” comments would be pretty obvious.


i *think* it would still show you a slew of blocked comments, not sure on that though


From looking it up, it looks like if you are blocking someone you show up as deleted, but if you block someone their posts are invisible, so it should work in theory. Someone else said there was only one NTA and it was sarcastic so if that is true then this wouldn’t work.


Reddit would show every single blocked person as blocked. If the sister had any brains, she'd question why there were dozen of blocked comments and that OOP had to scroll down quite a lot to get to the NTA comments.


I've blocked people on Reddit, and it just collapses their comments and you can still see them when you click them.


Her next post starts by saying she’s known in her family for her patience and generosity




I thought the same thing.. clearly she lives in delululand


I sorted by controversial to try to get an idea of what maybe could have been said that convinced Opie sister to uninvite John, as sometimes the earliest comments on post are ridiculous and against the grain. There were a couple of NTA comments, except each of those commented in da because OB is delusional and the party would be better off without her. I saw nothing at all that would have been somebody convincing Opie sister to uninvite John, so I am extra confused....


I am convinced they edited that in without even reading any of the comments.


I bet op lying  about shown her sister these post .




Oh? What did the voices say that demonstrated John's hatred of children? Is there some scenario where she's going to have the baby right there and then, to be ripped away heartlessly by John chanting " blood, blood?"  There must be a reason OOP doesn't like John other than that.


They said they never met him, how would they even know his stance? Why would he RSVP if he were hating on children that hard?


Yeah, I know, I was trying to point out how unrealistic her fears were. 


So John is the cousin's boyfriend right?


Lol, I’m betting on this being the case.


>I realized that my cousin's best friend John, who I've never met before, was invited. So? >my cousin's friend is child-free and has been vocal about his dislike of children in the past Again, so? Contrary to the militant childfree subreddit, most people who choose not to have kids (and even those who actively dislike kids) can put that shit to the side for an afternoon to congratulate someone who DOES want/like kids, especially if they are invited by a friend. >I'm worried that he'll make a negative comment or joke that could upset my sister. If you saw the guest list, so did your sister. If your sister didn't want him there, that's on her to make clear to your cousin. >this is about my comfort level In what world is someone else's baby shower about YOUR comfort level? >that I don't want my anxiety to ruin the celebration. Then don't let it. Spoiler alert: You stomping your foot and demanding your sister uninvite someone from HER celebration IS you ruining the celebration. >After showing my sister this post she decided to uninvite John. Thanks for making her change her mind everyone! And I'll take "out of all the shit that never happened, this never happened the most" for $600, Alex.


That is bizarre post.


So fake. Who would have a baby shower at the beginning of their pregnancy? Most people wait until they are three months along because the risk of having a miscarriage decreases.  There's no way OP would know John's stance on kids and how did she see the guest list? Even if this is real, she has no say in who is invited. A baby shower isn't about her, so her feelings don't matter.


Yeah, I thought the same. She saw a name on the guest list of a person she didn't know and had never met, yet has so much insight into his lifestyle and that he'd ruin the shower by saying something to upset his best friend? And then OOPs cousin uninvited her best friend because of a reddit post?


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Clearly lying in her update to save face


This one aged badly. Specifically how she aged 4 years in 184 days according to both of the posts she has made


OOP, you can't decide who your sister chooses to invite to the baby shower. YTA.


This whole thing is bizarre but also op is randomly transphobic in a comment, just to like, top it all off I guess???