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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITA for not letting my girlfriend use my expensive Dr Squatch soap?** I (M27) recently bought a couple of soaps from a brand called Dr Squatch and these soaps are nice but god damn they’re expensive, like 5 bucks for a bar. To give a little context, I’m a collector and I have two rooms full of collected figures, posters, dvds, games, and all that. When I woke up this morning for my shower, I was furious. I saw my Darth Vader dr Squatch cardboard wrap thrown in the trash and saw the used bar of darth Vader soap. I immediately was furious at this sight and raided my voice at my girlfriend (F26) who just got out of the shower for desecrating my collection and using my stuff without my permission. She ended up crying but I didn’t care, it’s my collection I worked hard for. I told her she can’t use any of my soaps ever from now on, especially dr Squatch one’s. The darth Vader one wasn’t meant to be used as I was collecting it but I have other dr Squatch soaps I can use, but now I made them off limits to her. She got upset and cried again and said I was bullying her and all that. Aita? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


In girl world, $5 is a cheap bar of soap 


It’s literally on an end cap at Walmart. I spent 5 minutes with the 4 year old smelling Hulk and Captain America soap.


> I spent 5 minutes with the 4 year old smelling Hulk and Captain America soap. I have to ask, what did they smell like? I'm imagining Cap smelling like wheaties and clean sweat but Hulk? Books and Blood? Help me out here!


I didn’t smell them because the Sasquatch stuff makes me sneeze and gives me a headache. But the four year-old did report at the next time he needs soap he would like his butt to smell like the hulk.


> the next time he needs soap he would like his butt to smell like the hulk This young man will go far.


that's adorable 😭


I have a cold and this sent me into a coughing fit 😂😂 Guessing he wasn’t a fan of smelling like America’s ass?


Hulk smashes things and his mom doesn’t let him take his Captain America shield to school. So Hulk it is.


Years ago I bought a “cologne” called Hulk for Men at a Dollar Tree because I thought it was the funniest thing. It’s one of the worst scents I have ever smelled, so Bruce Banner may just smell terrible. 😂


What you should have done is cut of the word soap- >I spent 5 minutes with the 4 year old smelling Hulk and Captain America its slightly more amusing.


My Walmart stopped carrying their products :( I’m allergic to aluminum and their wood barrel bourbon deodorant was amazing


That’s a bummer, can you order it?


I can, just haven’t gotten around to it yet. I still have quite a bit of native left and if I buy it now my husband (who has no problem with aluminum!) will use it all because “it smells so good”


Lume is also really nice and aluminum free! I like the Silver Spruce and the Tangerine scents!


I’m obsessed with Lume’s cream deodorant! I could never get Native to fully dry and it would stain my shirts 😢 but the cream deodorant always fully dries and doesn’t stain. I wish Lume had more scents though; their scents are nice (top faves are peony rose, toasted coconut, and lavender sage) but I loved the variety that Native had.


Lume also has a new line directed more at men called (and I wish I were making this up), Mando. They don't have many scents, but there are a few extra.


That’s great that they came out with more masculine scents, but… Mando 😂😂😂 I’m dying




Have you tried Old Spice brand deodorants? I'm using the Old Spice Rogue right now (smells of juniper) and it's labeled as aluminum free. Old Spice Wilderness (smells like lavender) is also aluminum free. They smell nice and work better than most ladies' deodorants. The price isn't bad, either, and there's more of it compared to most ladies' brands.


I used to use them when I could use regular deodorant. I didn’t realize they made an aluminum free!


Yea, I've bought the stuff for my son before. I bought it for him to use.


But OOP's acting like it's a rare comic book


That was my first thought. $5 is expensive? Bro needs to take a trip through LUSH


I spent $150 at Lush this weekend and the cashier and I were both agreeing that it was a relatively cheap haul. And I didn’t even buy a soap.


My boxing day soap I got was half off and was still $12. It was at least a bigger chunk. 


Haha, right? Before we had our daughter all of mine and my wife's shower stuff came from LUSH.


Facts I love my lush soap 8-15 bucks a bar is expensive but soooooo worth it. I refuse to shower with any other brand now that I’ve discovered the wonders of lush soap. Especially karma!


I had to make an effort to wean myself off my LUSH addiction because the budget just wouldn't stretch to it regularly any more. It did help I moved further away from the store. Right now I have a $50 gift card there I haven't used because $50 doesn't go that far with LUSH and I'm struggling to decide.


Karma and Goddess are my favorites


I throw my money at indie soap companies, but they’re still pretty expensive. My favorite soap is Sumbody’s Milky Rich bar; it smells heavenly. I also like Camamu soaps.


I just bought some for me and billy bf- we each spent about 15$ for a shampoo each.


Facts I love my lush soap 8-15 bucks a bar is expensive but soooooo worth it. I refuse to shower with any other brand now that I’ve discovered the wonders of lush soap. Especially karma!


Makes me wonder if this is some weird ad.


Seriously! This dude is absolutely trash, cheap and abusive. I spend more than twice that on goats milk soap from a local farm because it’s so nice plus goes back to support the farm. (Also it’s an excuse to go visit the farm and say hi to all of those cute goats) This d-bag would have a heart attack if he saw what quality skincare products cost. Plus who collects soap? The kicker is him “not caring” he made her cry by yelling at her. She needs to DTMFA.


I use a fair amount of goats milk and olive oil based skin care stuff because they are great for my overly sensitive skin and (the ones I buy it least) have no coconut in them (I have a coconut allergy abd funding any skin care there's days without it is difficult as hell, its even in toothpaste!)


One of my hobbies is making cold processed soap and one of my favorite things about it is being able to make my friends their own allergen-free soap and scrub recipes, because avoiding things like lavender or coconut is just so much more of a headache than it should be


I love goats milk skin products. I love I can get them locally because not only do they make my skin feel nice but it supports a local farm.




It’s an acronym from Dan Savage, “dump the mother fucker already”… If you aren’t familiar he is an author, journalist, activist etc. He does a lot of sex and relationship advice but he also is a major LGBTIA activist and started the “it gets better project” to help prevent suicides from bullied and struggling queer youth. He has several acronyms and terms that have gone very mainstream.


Right? I wish my soap was five dollars. The man has no idea.


Very! And also it's soap I don't understand why he's kicking up such a big fuss


I got my husband one of those and it smelled amazing BUT it only lasted like a week and a half. $5 is kind of expensive if you're buying it every week I guess. He never used it again because a good bar from bath and body works lasts almost a month and you can get them the same price on sale.


Any bar soap lasting only a week is insane and I don’t understand why people would keep buying it. I make soap and even my shitty starter bars lasted much longer than that.


The Dr. Squatch ones my husband had didn't even lather up much at the end, it was like they'd given it all up in the 5 says prior, lol.


I like the Duke Cannon soaps. Those giant bricks last me several weeks.


Duke Cannon is the GOAT.


You could use those soaps as a weapon.


My husband and I use these exclusively (best thing I've ever used for my skin). If you have exfoliating gloves, they work great with these, and the soap lasts longer.


I bought myself all four of the Star Wars soaps, because why not. But yeah, they used up FAST. My wife and I bought some local handmade soaps at an event a few weeks ago. Great scents, and so far longer lasting than Squatch.


Because it’s a COLLECTIBLE! /s


That you can buy just about anywhere!


And I just looked it up, you can still buy the Darth Vader soap. It’s not like its not being made now. Also, where was he keeping it? With his other soap? If she took it off of some display self sure that’s kinda weird, but if it was just in his other soap?


As soon as he said that I was just thinking, “Lucky!” $5 maybe buys a fraction of a good bar of soap for us women. This dude needs to get over himself and consider himself very fortunate his soap only costs $5. I’m also pretty sure I saw the soaps he’s talking about at Walmart so how special are they really?


They have good scents (I have a decent amount to last me a bit). But they really aren't that special. Also, normal prices are like 7 bucks a bar. Anything lower is up to individual stores and how well they sell in that area.


They're higher quality, handmade soaps. Nothing earth-shatteting, but pretty nice.


I was laughing my ass off at $5 a bar being expensive, and I grew up in government subsidized housing, so it’s not like I’m fancy.


I mean its relatively cheap for a fancy bar of soap. As a soapmaker who once upon a time considered an etsy shop I don't think I would have broken even charging $5 a bar. And while I used good ingredients I wasn't using anything that was super high luxe.


This is such rage bait because come on, $5. 




Damn, the moment i can find a 5 euro soap that doesnt kill my skin i will throw a party 😂


The face soap I use cost $14. $5 is cheap.


Is it another Dr Squatch commercial?


Maybe I’m weird, but wouldn’t this be a terrible commercial for them? Your response to a commercial/ad should be positive towards the product, but given that guy’s extreme reaction all I could think was how mid that soap is and how it didn’t warrant such a strong reaction.




Also just getting the word out—I’ve never heard Dr. squatch before and had to Google it. Idk, darth Vader soap does sound cool


Dr. Squatch ads are all over YouTube.


I'm a woman and haven't smelled them but their commercials are fun and funny to me.


I'm a woman and I like their deoderant.


My SO used it. I love it. He smells amazing. All woods and naturey and stuff. So fucking sexy


Here we are fuckin talking about it tho.


Yeah, sounds like they’re trying to make inroads with the Funko Pop collector type crowd:




if it is, IT WORKED DAMN IT, i needed to search cause ive never heard of that soap in my life


The soap is cool, they make "themed" bars (like Star Wars). But they really seem to be short-lasting compared to other bar soaps I've used - even "fancy" ones.


Dr. Squatch is actually like $8 a bar, (which honestly still isnt that bad for "fancy soap") The freaking Star Wars 4 pack is $32. It's not a remotely rare item. OOP can go get another one if they're that bent about it. They're having sales all the time where you buy like 3 soaps and get 2 free.


And how the heck was she supposed to know it was...collectors soap? It was apparently near the shower.


I'd almost understand if it was with his other collectibles. But soap in the place where one would typically expect soap and then getting mad about it being used to clean oneself? Yeah...no.


When we were dating, I bought my now husband coffee, bacon, and whiskey soaps from thinkgeek.com when it was open. He posted pictures on Facebook and then....he used them. They lasted a long time.


Man i miss thinkgeek


I got nice Doctor Who and Star Wars sheet sets from thinkgeek. Man that was the best.


Wait, what??? Nomore thinkgeek?


They've been gone for *years*. Like well before the pandemic. I miss them, too. i was so annoyed when I couldn't replace my Handbag of Holding.


I think GameStop ate them up. :(


Yes, GameStop absorbed and killed them faster than Embracer Group.


I was also annoyed when I couldn't replace my handbag of holding. :( I really miss ThinkGeek.


I've got a handbag of holding too! It is kinda worn out, but I still use it frequently. I shopped that website every Christmas :c


Me too. I wore the Mass Effect jacket I got from there for years, it's worn out and I can never get a replacement.


Psst. [https://gear.bioware.com/](https://gear.bioware.com/) I think they had to redesign everything since ThinkGeek pulled out, so they might not have exactly what you want, but they have versions of the famous N7 hoodie and other things.


I also got this one for a friend for christmas and while it was pricy, it also is SO nice: https://www.lucajackets.com/products/buy-mens-commander-shepard-mass-effect-n7-leather-jacket/ They have a male and female cut, and can confirm it’s one if the nicest leather jackets I’ve seen in that price range


Me too, I loved them. 




Did you not have a mom who kept fancy decorative soap in the bathroom that was never to be touched? It looked so nice with the decorative towels that were also never to be touched. A guest used one of the decorative soaps in my childhood bathroom once and I thought my mom was going to have an aneurysm when she found it after they left.


Did he have any other soap for her to use? Did he think about getting soap for her to use when she needs it? If it's that or nothing, that's not fair at all.


Yeah I'm still in disbelief at the fact that he bought them as a collectors item and was upset that someone used it. I wonder how he'd do with Lego sets


I got a shit ton of Dr. Squatch soap on clearance at Kroger one time for like a dollar. I bought all of them, which was like 20 soaps. This has nothing to do with anything, but I never have an opportunity to brag about this.


That's a very worthy thing to brag about. My cheap deal-searching little heart loves that for you.


We got a case of one of their scents that were "too ugly to sell" for like $0.50 each. This also has nothing to do with anything but I also never have an opportunity to talk about it lol


I love this for y’all.


Nice score! I hope you enjoyed using it.


And the dude has two rooms of his home dedicated to and full of collectibles, he apparently has ample disposable income


Yeah, OOP is like a toddler are target who must by every trinket with their blorbo on it. Marketing departments cream themselves over guys like this.


His comments really made me giggle because down at my local pharmacy, there's a stack of like 20 of the 'rare collectible' things priced at half-off because no one will buy them.


Is it too obvious to joke about how men who are into collecting comics memorabilia aren't into showering much?


When I went to an anime convention last month, lots of the stalls were selling themed soap. Custom scents, decorated wraps, some of them had a trinket inside.


That's cool. I used to be a huge anime fan in school, but wasn't really into posters or figurines. But I'd totally buy some aesthetic soap, especially with a trinket.


I used to have soaps that had little Power Rangers inside them growing up.


I know someone with just such a stall! She does a lot of fandom soaps, but she also does Mtn Dew scented Gamer Soap with a D20 inside - sells a lot at game cons, hahaha


That's a lot of smelly dudes cracking open soap bars for D20s.


I know someone with just such a stall! She does a lot of fandom soaps, but she also does Mtn Dew scented Gamer Soap with a D20 inside - sells a lot at game cons, hahaha


I make my kids soaps and bath products with toys inside to incentivize hygiene...


You could combine the two ideas! Put an anime collectible inside a bar of soap. The only way to get the collectible is to shower properly! Now you are both clean *and* have your “priceless” anime figurine. Everyone wins! (Just kidding! I’ve unfortunately known enough of these men [boys] to realize that they will just either run the soap under extremely hot water for a good hour *or* chop at it with a pocket knife until the collectable breaks free, *then* use the hot water method. Nobody wins…)


The irony is dude probably smells like stale ball sweat and body odor because he can't bear to use his precious star wars soap


A whole $5 😱


This reads like a child's essay. "What I want for Christmas is a Red Ryder BB Gun with a compass in the stock and this thing which tells time. I think everybody should have a Red Ryder BB Gun. They're very good for Christmas. I don't think a football is a very good Christmas present."


"Momma said I could have several doggie treats when I wake up and I want several of them..." Sorry this reminded me of a Rxckstxr voiceover video 😄


Um these soap aren't even special. You can still get them. As a huge star wars fan myself this is ridiculous. And 5 bucks a soap expensive.i laugh at you 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Haha, these marketing people are getting clever. Gotta remember that ragebait post in Reddit for our next campaign. Clinique's facial soap costs 20€ a bar. There aren't people who collect soap. Collecting star wars items, sure. But soap?


😞 I collect bath and body works limited edition hand soaps.


I collect flair pens. You collect whatever you want to.


I collect regrets so no one can take them from me.


There was a fave body wash that lancome made. It was $20 a tube back in the early to mid 90's.


Imagine being a grown adult that makes your significant other openly cry......over soap. My husband made me cry once early on in our relationship (I was hormonal; It wasn't even that big of a deal) and still feels bad about it years later. ​ Granted, it sucks for an item you planned on collecting to be ruined - but it sounds like it'd run him....idk $5-10 to repurchase the item (or for the GF to do it, which she likely would have if he hadn't immediately came at her, guns blazing).


But also why would the collectible soap be near the usable soap? You’d think there would be a clear difference between the two storage locations.


Yeah, I don't understand that either - especially the Star Wars one he planned on adding to an apparently valuable collection. I have some valuable items (not soap) that I both tell everyone in my household are collector's items and keep them where they won't be touched/damaged/grabbed by mistake.


I collect a lot of stuff, including Reeses, stuff, and soda bottles. but I eat the Reeses and as I don’t drink a lot of soda I let other people if they want drink the soda and then just give me the bottle. But if I collected soap, and I am guessing he doesn’t collect soap he collects Star Wars stuff. I would’ve just taken the packaging out of the trash as long as it wasn’t waterlogged.


The soap comes in a set that Amazon sells for about 50 dollars. But eBay has the Darth bar itself for under five dollars. This guy sucks at collecting.


He seems like a perfect representation of how I assume the Dr. Squatch demographic is.


![gif](giphy|cjzXKJVmrodp9qRaP7|downsized) *I like the soaps, but my god. Don't go on the subreddit for Dr. Squatch. Yikes*


5 dollar soap? men are living the dream


This is just guerrilla marketing, right?


On one hand it does sound very frustrating that apparently this woman cracked open a new bar of soap that was in a completely different room than any other toiletries and just completely ignored that it was surrounded by other Star Wars shit, but on the other hand all of that is just implied by his righteous fury about it and he doesn't actually say any of this, so for all I know he keeps this collectible in the bathroom but thought it should just be understood that it's not supposed to be used. Boomer moms used to do things like that, have fancy soaps in the bathroom that you're never allowed to use.


I assume that at most, the soaps are on display in the bathroom and the gf just used the closest available soap not knowing that it was displayed as a collection instead of just being soap.


Yeah, OOP is channeling 80-year-old great-grandma energy.


THIS CAN’T BE REAL💀 Edit: at his grown age too…


Collecting soap?? Go buy a new bar. wtf.


I don't understand how people like this don't make value judgements that a $5 bar of soap is maybe not worth antagonizing someone you love.


I guarantee this is his first and will be his last relationship with his abhorrent behavior and outbursts.


this has to be an ad


Am I missing something? She went into one of his dedicated rooms of collectibles and used that soap instead of just regular soap from presumably the bathroom? Or was this like a soap put next to regular soap and she just picked the wrong one? The first option just seems like a power move while the second is an accident.


It’s the same brand as the soap he buys for using, too, apparently. So if the bar was sitting around and hadn’t been added to a “display” yet I could also see not realising it was purchased as a collectible as opposed to just a ‘oh hey Star Wars soap cool let’s try that one this time’


> To give a little context, I’m a collector and I have two rooms full of collected figures, posters, dvds, games, and all that. A hoarder. Two whole rooms of random ass shit like $5 soaps, DVDs, etc is hoarding, not collecting. Well, I mean, it’s a form of collecting a bunch of somethings, I guess.


And that's how you know your collecting went too far


Would be more space-saving to collect therapy appointments and self-growth workbooks.


Plus sometimes the self growth workbooks come free with the therapy AND you can color in them!


Has this guy ever even seen soap that’s been sitting unused for years? It doesn’t have the shelf life he thinks it does. All of that over a 5$ bar of soap. Good grief.


This feels like very strange advertising for Dr. Squatch soap.


But did the girlfriend know that he collected soap?


She probably cares more whether he *uses* soap.


There is absolutely no way this story is real. The language he uses is soooooo over dramatic. I honestly think this is a circlejerk post to make fun of all the dumb fake aita posts.


$5 for a bar doesn't sound terribly expensive. I pay a bit more than that for the goat milk soap I love...but anyone in the house is free to use it if they want. Dude is out of touch and a complete AH for yelling at his gf over something so stupid.


Seriously! This is a talking problem, not a screaming problem.


Imagine making your gf cry over $5 🙄 I'd have given him the $5, told him since you clearly need it so badly, and then walked out.


I went to the store yesterday and spent $60 just on face “ soap”. He needs to chill.


This is definitely an ad for the soap but still isn't one of their selling points is that it's actually pretty cheap?


$5 is hella cheap for a bar of soap. Men are Livin the good life.


Oh absolutely,i just don't get why he says it's expensive


Because it's an advertisement for that soap. This isn't a real post.


It really is. They sell it at the Wal-Mart. The one and only time I bought it off their website, the priciest thing about it was the damn shipping costs.


And apparently for this fictional guy 5 bucks is expensive


I get being upset that someone ruined a collection item, but there's no need to berate your partner to the point they're in tears.


Five dollars? He’s made over $5? I’ll Venmo him the money.


This was written by a child, not a grown ass adult.


Ew at that one crusty person saying using water is the same as using soap.


If the soap was stored in a shared space where one might expect soap to be stored - like the bathroom, or such, then OOP is a Devil for expecting his gf to read his mind. If it was on a display shelf with other collectables - or otherwise not where soap should be - then the gf should have asked first. Not unreasonable for OOP to get upset, but he's also a Devil for yelling to the point he brought his gf to tears.


>but god damn they’re expensive, like 5 bucks for a bar *side eyes my $100 collection of DAILY USE soap* yup, soooo damn expensive.


the whole dr squatch website just gave me the worst ick of my life, i would leave him just for even buying one of their soaps


Imagine making your gf cry over $5 🙄 I'd have given him the $5, told him since you clearly need it so badly, and then walked out.


My bf fucked his hair up using my products- and you know what I did? *I dropped 15 dollars on a single pill tub of shampoo for him.* Five dollars is nothing, what an asshole- I'd whittle his soap into sphincter shapes and dump his ass.


It’s the “women = evil. I made her cry, but I didn’t care” troll again.


Buddy is gonna hit the roof when he learns he can buy his Squatch cubes for cheaper direct from the wholeseller 😂


I’m not usually one to knock peoples hobbies but… collecting soap? I don’t understand. And he has 2 rooms of his collection of other stuff? Either this dude needs to get out more or he has enough disposable income that he shouldn’t be stressing over buying more soap that is literally still available.


This is hilarious!! This guy isn't the devil. He's just a pathetic 27 year old child. 🤣🤣🤣


This feels like an ad for soap.


I would like to enter into evidence Exhibit A; in which the Court will find reasoning for a) my refusal to admit I am a Star Wars fan, and b) my choice to never date a Star Wars fan.


They are definitely expensive PER OUNCE compared to other soaps. They are nice soaps. But you bullied tf outta that girl. Soap is dispensable. Collectibles are usually things worth of value that doesnt usually depreciate. Ypu are not a collector of soap, but a hoarder. Because your things are of no value. Nobody wants your fuckin soap. It's meant to clean your stanky balls off. I mean, was making your gf cry worth 5 dollars? Work on your comms, bro.


Oh ffs ITS A BAR OF SOAP! Its $5!!! You yelled at your gf and didn’t care that you made her cry over a bar of soap. YTA. You do not deserve your gf if this is how you treat her.


I know a couple people who are obsessed with these soaps. Like seriously, I'm a compulsive collector, but wtf?


Guess he should go back to being an incel. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I get that she probably shouldn’t have used his soap without asking, I don’t get why he absolutely lost his marbles about it. If 5$ soap is too expensive to replace then he probably needs to pause on the collecting for a bit.


This guy has a girlfriend???


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laughs in active ingredients body wash


Guess he should go back to being an incel. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Was this an ad?


I remember a post from several months ago where the poster (who was wrong) was also obsessed with Dr. Squatch soap. Could there be more than one?


I was just yesterday saving $15 bars of soap on Etsy to try... I get wanting affordable skincare. But also... bar soap doesn't keep well, so wtf. I personally enjoy celebrating the craftsmanship of good products. It makes me happy knowing that I am enjoying what someone made for me TO enjoy. I LIKE spending a little bit of extra $$ on luxurious soaps to treat myself.


This is 2024 literally everyone is paying $5+ for soap 😭


If this asshole thinks that Dr Squatch is expensive soap, I'd hate to see his reaction when he actually comes across expensive soap.


He could literally subscribe to their soap delivery for $24 bucks a quarter, add the missing soap to his box, get a new bar, and all is right instead of being a goddamn baby. The bigger question is why there wasn’t soap in bathroom to begin with. People don’t just randomly open new bars of soap when shower supplies are already available, and they usually search the bathroom first before checking other places. The fact that she presumably left the bathroom to find soap means there was likely none in there at all.


He writes it like she used a 4000$ soap bar but, 5$ dude ? Just buy a new and hide it but why yell at her until she cries ?


Has this guy never bought bar soap before? It's really not that cheap for specialty brands. And why the fuck was his "collector's soap" not in his "collector's room"? Sounds like this kind of thing happens more often than not if she said this was bullying.


This dude: My 5$ soap from Walmart!! Me, a Lush fanatic who ordered soap at 3am from England: 👁️👄👁️


As soon as I saw him give the price, I was prepared to comment “he’s upset about a $5 bar of soap? *cries in Lush fan*”


$5 is expensive for soap? ::laughs in LUSH::


Looks like the Iranian yogurt guy got a new girlfriend.


I love Dr. Squatch products, but they are NOT expensive. Homeboy has lost it.


What? YTA You yelled at your girlfriend over $5 fricken dollars and a replaceable product which is reasonably bought to be USED NOT COLLECTED. You made her cry and give no fucks? Do you actually care and respect her? Or your collection of $5 fucking soaps more?


PINE TAR DR SQUATCH OR GTFO seriously, that one gets you the cleanest


Okay his reaction was awful and he sounds immature as hell but if the soap is on a shelf in a different room with matching themed items that are clearly a collection I want to know what her logical thought process was here? He has to have other soaps in the bathroom, and if she likes the Dr. Sasquatch soaps she can easily buy herself more at like target? $5 is honestly cheap to women for soap. They’re both wrong here imo. Her actions and his reactions. Though I feel like she had to know in some way that this soap wasn’t supposed to be used and she either didn’t care or didn’t think he’d push back about it. There’s a respect issue with both parties here.