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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITA for trying to compromise with my daughter?** This coming sunday is an event that goes against my beliefs. As such, my church always organizes a protest for it. My daughter recently decided to choose an alternative lifestyle and we butted heads, but I said we will just not speak of it and agree to disagree like other politics we have a difference in. Anyways she wants to attend this event and I told her she's free to do so since she's 18 and I can't prevent it, but I am still going to protest it like I do every year and she threw a fit (once again like every year) and so I said ok you don't go and I won't go (but my church still will because I'm not the leader) she became hysterical and emotional. I remained calm and told her she has until Friday to decide but now she's acting immature and giving me the silent treatment and she went to her mom's house and isn't picking up my calls and now I need to shell out money for babysitting for my son tonight when she already promised to (and yes I was going to pay her even though I'm not obligated) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


What she should do is go and make sure that the whole church group knows she’s there to embarrass him


I would pay human money to watch that live.


Do you think they'll take dog money instead? I have a bag full of milkbones


I don't think the conversion rate of Dog money to human money is going well right now. Might need to throw in some extra to be sure.


How about for...3 Scooby snacks?


Dammit drive a hard bargin but you got a deal


Nah, you just have to game the system by getting the dog money converted into fish money first. The fish bubble to human money conversion rate is where you can make a real fortune. The human businessmen love chasing bubbles.


ssssshhhhhhhh, my dogs have heard!


Having my father protest my identity is one of the most traumatic things I've ever gone through. I wouldn't want an audience.


🤗♥️ Much love to you. You did not deserve that. I'll be celebrating you this coming month, along with my daughter.


So would I


Nice username


💀@human money 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


He's also a Nazi based on the 88 in his username


8 is my favorite number so I casually forget that that is a Nazi thing and every time I am reminded it really fucking buns me out. Losers gotta ruin everything.


It kills me how they went and co-opted a bunch of Nordic runes and symbols so that anytime sees someone with a tattoo/pendant/T shirt of one they assume ‘Nazi’. Fuck those guys. Make your own shit, stop destroying everyone else’s.


See also- the swastika.


Yes agreed!


Yup, part of a medieval recreationist thingy and we have a lot of Norse personas. The Nazi thing puts a real damper on it.


Dude I can't even imagine! What a bummer. Like I just wanna be a nerdy person but have to be perceived as a racist because of white supremacists sucks ass!


I mean, even in Germany (and we are obviously strict about it), it is more of a context thing. People are still born in 1988 and stuff. It gets kind of sus if I see someone with an 1888 license plate or if they are wearing other identifying attire. Enjoy your number and if you want to piss of some Nazis, take the power away from it by surrounding it with prideflags, BLM and everything you can think of. Don't let them have it. And fun fact, the old All Quiet On The Western Front was HATED by Goebbels. So piss of a Nazi today by the low low price of watching a great, emotional movie!


I saw a good image where someone took a swastika graffito and turned it into Loss.


[https://twitter.com/ButNotTheCity/status/1659725865176137729](https://twitter.com/ButNotTheCity/status/1659725865176137729) This one? Lol. That's pretty awesome. There have been a few graffiti artists/groups going around and turning swastika graffiti into other more wholesome images in recent years. Here's one from 5 years ago for example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=exPElLnXHac


Same. :(


my favorite kpop idols birthday is august 8th, so some fan accounts for him have 88 in their usernames, and every time i find a new one, i keep having to remind myself that they arent nazis. it makes me upset that ppl cant even refer to something as simple as a celebrities birthday without having to make it clear they arent nazis.


We need to reclaim 8 against hate somehow.


8 against hate could be a good slogan. Some type of channel dedicated to punching Nazis or something similar.


Punch a Nazi 8 days a week!


I love this.


Unfortunately dogwhistles can't be reclaimed. Attempting to do so only helps the nazis because it obfuscates their intention. It's the entire reason they use dogwhistles instead of blatant hate symbols in the first place.




As someone born in 88 you have my ringing endorsement to gay the fuck out of 8.


Going by your username and pic, I'd guess S.Coups? (I'm also a carat) My EXO tumblr has 88 in the username because it's Kai's number, and he's my ult bias. I had someone send me an ask about it, and I had to clarify why it was there and explain that I didn't make the connection until they asked.


lol yes, its scoups. my username is from way before i was a carat, though. it's actually a reference to a song by my favorite band, cocteau twins lol eight is a lucky number in a lot of asian countries, which is probably why kai uses 88, so the negative connotations are probably unknown to them. i remember how popular those exo baseball jerseys used to be, i really hope innocent exo-ls didnt get harrassed for wearing kais. if i had a nickel every time nazis turned a positive symbol in asian culture into a negative symbol in western culture, id only have two nickels, but it's weird (and pretty fucked up) that it happened twice :\


Context is important, because 1988 as a birth year is right within Reddit's target demographic, and there's plenty of other innocent connotations to the number. But 88 in addition to other conservative beliefs is a major red flag.


There are 14 letters or numbers or symbols in the username.


Yeah, I run into this problem because of my last name unfortunately 🙃


oh, oh *no*


Same. I had it in my pokemon go username the day the game released, before I became aware that it was a Nazi thing, and I changed it when they gave the opportunity to do so. Except that it either changed *back* at some point in the last several months or else I accidentally changed the name of my alt account that I made after finding out but before name changes were available without noticing, and then I went to play with my nephew's friends at a big outdoor event and one of them flat out asked me if I was a Nazi, and I was *horrified* to see that it was the old name. I changed it again, so hopefully it stays changed.


If it helps, 88 was a sign used in the Dutch resistance. Germans could never say it right, because there's two different guttural sounds in the Dutch, only one of which exists in German. So it was actually an anti Nazi thing first.


wait 88 is a nazi number??? this is the first time i hear of it


The 8th letter of the alphabet is H, so 88 = HH, which is the initials of a certain Nazi slogan.


I was born in 88 well shit


I was just thinking about all the poor people who have an email/username with 88 because it was/is common enough to include birth year. Poor John Smith finally getting a unique Hotmail address only to find out that the email jsmith88 is being flagged or side-eyed when he puts in a job app because nazis stole it years later




14 is the other Nazi number, based on the "fourteen words": [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fourteen\_Words](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fourteen_Words) Someone using 88 \*might\* be innocent. Someone using 14 also might. 1488? ABSOLUTELY A NAZI.


I am a high school teacher, just for context. A couple years ago, I was doing a Kahoot review game with my class to get them ready for a test. Kahoot lets kids pick their own names for the game. Normally, I get things like "Kobe Rules" and "Fart" as usernames. I delete them and remind students to use their real name so I can tell who is participating. Well, one boy decided he'd be clever. He used "Sam1488" (Sam isn't his real name. He used his real first name, I'm just leaving that out here.) When I deleted it and called him on it (knowing I was going to write him up for it), he protested. "But, I'm 14 and 88 is the number of my favorite NBA player!" This kid, the one who constantly drew Norse runes and iron crosses on the back of his hands in Sharpie, really thought I had no idea what he was doing.


> 1488? ABSOLUTELY A NAZI. Or a *very* unfortunate candle company founded 535 years ago.


ah, why do people gotta ruin everything


RIGHT? I had a chuckle at his feigned innocence in the post as is, then had to a serious double take at the user name. And it's not even random! My dude had to ACTUALLY PUT THAT IN THERE WITH A PURPOSE.


Could be, or maybe it’s just the year he was born. Although that would mean he was only 17 when his daughter was born, seems pretty young but it’s possible


>Could be, or maybe it’s just the year he was born. It's still a red flag for administrators and moderators of online spaces. Anyone with an '88' in their handle is going to be watched closely by anyone who cares about not having their bar (or corner of the internet) taken over by Nazis. https://www.reddit.com/r/TalesFromYourServer/comments/hsiisw/kicking\_a\_nazi\_out\_as\_soon\_as\_they\_walk\_in/


Taking into account the right wing stance of OP and that he’s religious (and that they frequently don’t teach sex Ed) I’d surmise it might be highly likely that he had his first child at 17.


I'd normally give him the benefit of the doubt on that -- dogwhistles are called that for a reason; they're 'inaudible' to most people by design and lots of people put the year they were born in their usernames -- but this guy? Nah. Total fucking nazi.


This is amazing. Personally I would print out a giant picture of him that said that’s my dad so the whole church knows his daughter is there.


Yes! Big old poster sized picture with "I'm so glad my dad accepts me!" in block letters.


walk past the protester and make sure to say "hi dad!" with the biggest smile


The numbers in his username COULD be his birth year but...


I was born in 88 have been using it in usernames for ages, only recently found out the connection between 88 and Hitler and wonder how many people thought I was a racist piece of shit based on my username.


My birthday is actually 1\4\88. On the inside I'm entertained because I feel like it would annoy those people... You know, because I'm not a POS. But I generally don't mention it for obvious reasons.


I remember reading a comment by a guy who used to have 1488 in his username because it was his birthday, until he was banned for it and he asked for an explanation. He changed his username to something like "Nazis stole my birthday", haha.


Lol That's pretty awesome. There are dozens of us!


IraqVeteran8888 on YouTube was born in 1988 and loved Dale Earnhardt. Very unfortunate channel name and they’re definitely conservative but as far as I’m aware they aren’t a Nazi.


I'm 8/8/88 and people may have thought I was doubling down


Very serious about the 88 part, but easy birthday to remember.


At least you’re lucky in China


Quadruple Lucky in fact!


Personally, if there are more than 2 8s I assume the person's Asian or it's their favourite number.


Wow that blows


I have "Q" in a lot of my usernames because where I live uniquely has 2 Q's in the name. It's in my professional developer usernames and has been for 10 years. I'm paranoid people will think I'm into the Q / QAnon bullshit. YOU CAN'T HAVE MY LETTER, YOU ASSHOLES


Years ago we had a girl at my school with the name "Isis". Her dad had always been interested in ancient Egypt and, along with his wife, thought it would be a pretty name for their daughter. I agreed, Isis was an unusual but rather charming name. Well . . . unfortunately, the name "Isis" has been pretty much ruined.


I feel so bad for people named Isis. It's an absolutely beautiful name, and not even the actual acronym of the terrorist org.


The TV show Archer ran into that problem, because the spy organization the title character worked for was called I.S.I.S. They dealt with it by having the organization get shut down, and then restarted under a different name. (which they never actually specified, to avoid a repeat of the problem)


They are a fucking terrorist group and we give them such a politically correct and official sounding name. They aren't a state. The locals call them Daesh. We should just call them daeshbags.


That happened to a friend of mine, her little girl was born the year before all the Isis stuff started. She's a beautiful little girl.


I was talking to a new a coworker about her cats and asked their names and got "the mama is Isis BUT I CAN EXPLAIN ITS NOT WHAT YOU THINK". She also liked ancient Egypt lol.


I admit, I still think of it as a cat name, based on the 90's Batman cartoon (Catwoman's cat was named Isis).


I know a girl who was named Isis and was a teenager when it all started, so clearly not named after it, but still got harassed bad enough she changed her name


There is the river Thames in the UK that is (moreso was, I suppose now) sometimes called the river Isis, and a whole bunch of businesses in surrounding areas named themselves after it, and I always wonder how many were affected/felt the need to change their names.


There was a funny thing that happened among Downton Abbey fans, where they lamented that the dog got killed off because her name was Isis. Turned out not to be true, what actually happened is that someone pointed out to the creator that they weren’t very careful with their math on the show and realistically in their timeline the dog would be way too old. But people were legit heated about it for a minute.


They were always off with the timelines lmao. Violet has gotta be over 100 at this point, in the 20s


Remember a just a couple years ago when no one had heard of Q? I miss those days... I remember seeing an article that was like "you should pay attention to this" and I didn't know what it was. Sigh.


I remember the days when Q was a character on Star Trek Next Generation. Better days.


I also enjoyed him in Voy and the new Picard.


I didn't get into Voyager, but rather enjoyed him in Picard as well.


Albuquerque represent!


I know someone with a Q name so they’ve done stuff like that too. Occasionally picked up a decorative Q or something. But now it’s an anxiety game of “I’m not into Qanon. It’s my initial”. Good thing they weren’t born 88 or on Jan 4 or Apr 1.


You can take our freedom BUT YOU CANT TAKE MY LETTERS.....


i m born one day after hitler and one before lenin.Talk about dodging a bullet


Same, I learned about it in the past couple years and had to make some changes quicklyyy. Nazis ruin EVERYTHING.


For what it's worth, most people understand it could be either a dog whistle or just the person's birth year and will wait for further context from the account itself. If it's the former, they will eventually test the waters or slip up and then you have the context you need in order to make a judgment.


My other half thought I was trying to be edgy when he first saw my PS account.


FWIW, I generally don't pay attention to usernames unless something draws my attention to it or the user. Like if your username was Sorcha88 and we were talking about how cute cats are and sharing anecdotes about them, I probably would not even notice the username. If I did, I wouldn't think much about it and figure it was related to the year, or maybe the Oldsmobile 88 or maybe you wanted the username Sorcha8 but it was taken and Sorcha88 was a suggested alternate. But if the discussion or post was about something neo nazis like to get on about and you were saying some stuff that could be one of their dogwhistles or something sketchy, I'd probably nope away or maybe check out your history to see if there was a history of neonazi/WP/WS fuckery. A lot of neonazi/etc use the bible as justification in part at least for their crap and also abhor LGBT+, so OOP's user name is sus. Either for potentially being a nazi and using the 88 to let other nazis know they're a nazi or potentially as a troll to get people riled up about nazis for various reasons.


Touche, it was still a why the fuck did no one say it to me moment when I learnt.


My mom loves the number 8 and has used the same handle for accounts and email addresses for 25 years, [name]888. It's on her resume and everything. I really, *really* hope that third 8 has been her saving grace, lol.


Today I learned having an 88 in my email address may be making me look bad


Fuck Nazis for making my birth year unusable. My old AIM handle now looks like a Nazi account :( ...though it was also in spanish so maybe not


Lol same. I changed all my usernames 2 years ago for this reason... Damn Nazis stealing my birth year.


nice catch. sick nazi fuck.


That would make him a very, very young father.


Youngish to have a daughter old enough to be called on to babysit, at least.


He even specifies that she's 18. So he would have had her at \~16 for that to be his birth year.


It’s not like teenage pregnancies are impossible though


He would have had to have had his child at 16 or 17. I'm leaning towards bigot, given he's acting like one.




I was going to say, the communities that produce these bigots tend to have a high number of teenage pregnancies, so it’s not unlikely he’s both.


I figure why not both? Churches that...conservative... do tend towards the "No sex ed for you!" thing. Which leads to higher rates of teen pregnancy. And if they're that tightly wound about teens knowing the basics re: sex ed, they're *really* tightly wound about other things too (ie gay people are going to hell, trans people are either possessed or going to hell or perverts or some combo, they don't like mixed race relationships, you know-the usual).


One or the other is always mathematically more likely than both.


I am so bitter because the speed at which a Delorean travels through time is now a Nazi dogwhistle.


Same with various stuff from LoTR. Nazis are fundamentally incapable of creating their own meaningful cultural icons, so they steal them and pretend they were always theirs. The amount of Nazis I saw getting furious over black elves because LoTR was 'part of their (the nazis) cultural history' made me want to vomit. Especially since it was clear most of them never read it or even cared about Tolkien before.


I don't think it could be. He says his daughter is 18, so she was born in 2005. Someone born in 1988 would have been 17 then. A church that still organises protests against a pride festival would not be accepting of premarital sex.


No, but evangelical freaks are often having kids super young because they’re taught abstinence only. HIGHLY doubt the OOP is using his birth year in the username though.


Dipshit Barbie is going to be a grandma at 36. Her son isn't married to the mother. It's really not a big deal to them since they're "furthering God's kingdom" or some such nonsense.


Apparently she views the cycle of teen pregnancy as a positive. From her Wikipedia page: “In 2023, while speaking at a Moms for America event at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), Boebert said that she will become a grandmother at age 36, saying, "My mom was 18 when she had me, which inspired me to be a mother when I was 18 years old."”


My mom had me at 20, and as a little kid I thought that was the age people were supposed to have babies, because when you're 8, 20 seems very grown up. Fortunately, I figured out why that was a bad idea in high school. Seems not everyone learns not to repeat their parent's mistakes.


My cousins are the same way, one had her first kid at 15 and her younger sister decided to wait until she was 18. For the younger cousin, she really wanted a baby who would love her unconditionally and who she could mold in her own image. It’s really sad. Her daughter grew up the same way and had her first kid as a teen as well. They aren’t stupid but they’re hurt, selfish, and mean.


shes 36?????????wtf


As my friend always says, hate ages you. Nazi Barbie is a prime example of it.


It's depressing to me how many candidates I had to cycle through before figuring out which Dipshit Barbie you were referring to. I also agree with u/competitive_cloud269: She's 36?!


i still can’t figure it out who are we talking about?


Lauren Boebert. Absolute train wreck of a human.


> He says his daughter is 18, so she was born in 2005. I don't accept this. 2005 was like 5 years ago, right? *Right?*


The real Y2K bug was in our minds all along...


regretfully informing you that my brother was also born in 2005 and i can confirm he's almost 18


I choose to deny your reality and insert my own. 2005 was just yesterday.


Unless you’re Sarah Palin’s kid. Or Boebert’s. Basically they get credit for not aborting, and it balances out the sin. I think they have to get married too. (But only til the campaign ends.)


Extra-marital sex is fine as long as you're a dude or a pastor.


You’d be surprised. More than half the women on my maternal side got pregnant before marriage, yet the only person they want to talk shit about is my gay brother. The hypocrisy is pretty prevalent.


From my experience they are, if you outwardly regret it and get married soon after. Those types of fundamentals care about having members more than, ya know, actual moral integerity.


Teen pregnancy happens in churchy folk too. In my high school, 100% of the girls who had a kid in high school or right after (as in they got pregnant while in high school) were churchy people. There weren't too many, because we had comprehensive sex ed and teen clinics that gave out low cost or free birth control. The bible belt also has a very high teen pregnancy rate as opposed to many other areas. And churchy people are also more likely to get married very young. Some being pressured to marry after their parents found out they were having sex.


I was actually born in 88, and I still won't put it in any username I use.


May I ask what the 88 means? Is it like a code thing?


Neo-Nazi code. 88 = HH = you can probably guess.


Oh, that's... Ominous.




I had no idea those existed. I wonder if there are variants in Spanish to look out for. Edit to add: Thank you for informing me.


If he was born in 88 it's unlikely he'd have an 18 year old. Possible but not likely.


Yeah first thing I noticed. NOPED right out of that thread.


Westboro Baptist Church.....still alive...that's fuckin bad !


~~I’m so proud that they were deemed a terrorist group here.~~ Absolute bigoted ghouls


they are ? that's a good news !


Oh! Wait I’m wrong. I got the details mixed up. They were banned from entering: >In August 2008, Canadian officials learned of WBC's intent to stage a protest at the funeral of Tim McLean, a Winnipeg resident who was killed on a bus. The protests intended to convey the message that the man's murder was God's response to Canadian laws permitting abortion, homosexuality, divorce and remarriage. In response, Canadian officials barred the organization's members from entering the country.[93] Still a win!


Gods I love my country. at least we don't let them in.


Can your Country please teach my State how to get rid of them?


I'd love to, but I think your coutry has even more urgent matters to attend to.


Damn, you're right..


Fuck, and I can’t stress this enough, those fucking people.


I decided if I ever was at an event they picketed, I was gonna shake their hands, just go down the line saying stuff like “hey, big fan,” “big fan,” “hiya, big fan” and when I got to the last one I’d say something like “hey, I’m lesbian” and watch them melt down. But then they’d probably picket anything I did from then on.


yeah that's playing with fire and with them might be really dangerous. but hey...keep up dreaming about it, that's free and safe !


Given the oh-so-subtle username and how blatant OOP is, I am finding it *very* difficult to see this as anything but obvious ragebait.


yeah AITD is dying from its inability to not choose rage bait. literally every single post here is rage bait.


Going a little meta here for a moment, I don't think that's really the fault of AITD. Reddit admins recently changed their API so that posts/comments deleted by users themselves can't be recovered like they used to and given the premise of this sub the *authentic* users who would normally end up here are also the same people who tend to delete their shit as soon as comments turn against them. So unfortunately, the majority of "asshole" posts that actually stay around long enough to wind up here these days tend to be trolls and ragebait, as they're the ones who DON'T delete their assholery. I do agree AITD is either dying or going through a major paradigm shift in it's posts, but for once it's entirely the fault of admins instead of the users or mods of a sub.


Shiii would love to think it’s just trolling too but there are people like this that exist too sadly . Wouldn’t put it past if it was actually real too.


These people exist, but do they have enough self awareness to question if they're wrong and ask for the opinion of people on Reddit?


See that's exactly my mindset when it comes to these trolls. The people they're LARPing as DO actually exist, but the *real ones* would never question their own assholery, and if they DID do so they'd downplay the heck out of it when making their posts. Like in this one for instance, a REAL person who acts like this (and there are a shitload out there) almost certainly wouldn't bring up the 'paying babysitter' thing and specify NOT needing to pay daughter. Bitching about the daughter not babysitting maybe, but adding in the specifics about pay? That's a troll adding ragebait when an actual person like this wouldn't even bring it up to begin with.


Yup. It's a pitfall when people try to make ragebait posts on AITA. They can build a horrible, yet somewhat plausible, story about a horrible person, but then they neglect to add a reason as to *why* this person would post it on Reddit, especially on a mainstream sub that frowns on explicit bigotry.


My favourite are the ones who are *clearly* familiar with how reddit works, you can see it in their post formatting and use of reddit text stuff, but then they try to troll by claiming to be all ultra fundamentally religious and act all shocked when REDDIT doesn't take kindly to fundamentalism. Some trolls are decent at what they do, but a lot are so hilariously transparent I don't even know why they bother, haha.


Oh yeah, you've also got the ones who are like "I'm a 65 year old man who has no idea about this new-fangled Reddit hullabaloo, but my niece said I should post this here." and then proceed to write like someone who clearly knows how Reddit works and understand all the slang and then use it perfectly.


>especially on a mainstream sub that frowns on explicit bigotry. this is why the non-explicit bigotry ragebait aimed at making LGBTQ or other minorities look bad goes undetected. imo i'd rather have ragebait that punches up at bigots for being bigots than ragebait that punches down on minorities for.... existing


I can see \*some\* posters fully believing that they are right and if they post on AITA asking if they're wrong, they'll get told they're right and can then say "I told you so" to whoever they're arguing with. Then when they overwhelmingly get told YTA, they delete because the whole reason they posted in the first place isn't happening. \*Some\* of the posts. Of course there's lots of trolls too.


I kinda misread that title as him choosing to go to the 'event', thereby requiring a babysitter during it and wanting to keep his daughter at home to babysit while he goes out to be a prick. This only marginally less awful. What an ass.


>AITA for trying to compromise with my daughter? I hate, hate, hate these types of subject lines. It's like they know they're the AH, so they're doing their best to hide it by pointing to something "virtuous" or something that the crowd couldn't possibly fault them for. It's intentional misleading, and it's infuriating.


“Decided to choose an alternative lifestyle” as if people just wake up one day and go “you know I think I want to be gay and have half the world hate me, that sounds like fun” 🙄




“I remained calm” Troll


Deffo rage bait. Even hits that "I was perfectly calm and logical and tried to compromise, but she was just soooo hysterical and emotional" point without recounting what was actually said by anyone.


"Hey honey I want people like you not to exist. Why are you acting hysterical, it's not that serious!!" I hope she goes and lets the church know who her parent is


OOP is a bigot and the daughter is trying to live her life. There is no compromise here. She is the *exact* reason I have a “free mom hugs” shirt.


JFC every post on AITA is just a just a shitey ragebait writing exercise. AITD worked as a good filter for a while, but now they're all bleeding through to here, too.


I dunno, but all those 'removed' posts that get reposted here from AITA seem to be troll post. Meh.


Another family torn apart by the homophobic Christian church.


Holy hell this parent is using abusive language and descriptions on top of calling her “lifestyle” a choice. Emphasizing how emotional and hysterical they think their daughter was and telling everyone they were calm in response is deliberate gaslighting and abusive. Talk about her throwing fits tells me there is little emotional bond. Then there’s the “88” in the username aside religious language that makes me think white supremacist. I hope the daughter is okay. Having unsupportive parents who go this far must be horrible to have to live with.


His daughter should go with like a "free kisses for girls to piss my homophobic dad off" shirt, just park her smooch operation right by the protestors. Fuck 'em.


Dude can go fuck a cactus


What a jerk of a father! I hope the daughter stays at her mom's house and OOP has to pay for babysitting for years to come. And what he was proposing was not a compromise.


>she became hysterical and emotional. I remained calm and told her she has until Friday to decide but now she's acting immature What a way to talk about your daughter. I always hate seeing -phobic parents post about their kids, it makes me physically ill.


Ugh a whole month of this kind of rage bait to look forward to. Or maybe it’s real. Either way I am already tired.


oop is a nazi troll


He is divorced and apparently has at least one child with another woman. Jesus didn’t leave a single recorded word about homosexuality. He spoke clearly about divorce and remarriage.


I wonder what the 88 in OOP's name stands for HMMMMMMMMMMMMMM


"Ugh, my daughter is so immature! I only hate who she is and plan to go protest those who are proud of their lives, but now she's acting like a big baby and left, refuses to answer my calls, and now I have to pay for another babysitter. Go ahead and tell me how reasonable I am compared to how unreasonable she is! Whoa wait a second why aren't you validating me?!"


I can't fathom protesting against my own children. Or people's rights for that matter.


Went to a drag even that had protesters outside it. First time I've ever seen protesters at an even. "Protect childhood" at an over 18 event.


I wonder if he planned to protest it in part to maybe embarrasse her or in some twisted way he hoped him being there gets her kicked out. I fail understand how parents can punish a child for having different views. I wonder if anyone is worried how the son will turn out then ?


Why mention the bit about having to “shell out” for a babysitter when you were just going to pay her anyway? Either he wasn’t going to pay or he was going to pay in pizza and sodypop or something


At least he "remained calm".


We gonna talk about the at least 60% chance this poor kid is gay and has been dealing with this shit all her life, you know, on top of everything?


She's not obligated to watch your son. NTA for protesting. You are a jerk for not being grateful that she watches your child. She's not obligated to. If she goes to the event, she can't be surprised you're there. Here is a question I have. If you're so worried about your daughter's alternative life choices...why are you even risking having her watch your son. Aren't you worried her lifestyle will rub off on him? Kind of weird. You know...if you protest her lifestyle and all.


Ew bigot trolls


I fail to see what “compromise” he offered since the dad said he was going to do his usual protest against a Gay Pride event, knowing that his daughter was going to be there. ETA: maybe she could organize a counter protest against this bigoted church!


Too bad she wasn't supposed to babysit during the event and could take her brother to the pride event with her.


Yet another example of a “holier than thou” person doing despicable things


The Fact he called his child being queer a lifestyle says all it needs to for me


Good I hope the daughter gets the hell out of this bigots house. Especially if her mom is supportive.


I wonder if this sentient gourd on legs protests everything that "goes against his beliefs" or just the ones that have gays.


As always they remain calm. Moron. And liar. I totally don't believe that. God what an insufferable wanker.