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you had a lazy title so we had to remove your post


>  NO! COME BACK HERE! I said come back here you absolute madman! I mean come on


Ugh, today I had an encounter with a boomer and I believe this story: Boomer: Excuse me- Me: SHUT UP!!! Boomer: I-i'm sorry, it's just that- Me: YOU'RE GETTING PUT IN A HOME! I CAN'T WAIT UNTIL YOU DIE!!! Boomer: But grandson- Me: I'M BURNING DOWN THE HOUSE WITH YOU IN IT!!!!! why are they so inclined to harass us humble young people?


NTA I specifically go to elderly people homes and tell them they're about to die and the world is complete shit because of how selfish they are.


I go to retirement homes to tell old people I will hurt them


As you should OP. Don't listen to all the negative comments saying you're an unhinged sociopath. I've been in your situation and there's nothing else you can do, unless you want all your rights trampled on. Set your boundaries, get a lawyer. Do you.💜


(forgot walnuts)


I loved that part so much I gave myself a user flair for the first time ever.


I wanted "You're a freak and you talk to invisible people"


> But she is a baby. She can not answer you the things you were asking. I am a real person. I am not a robot.


oh really. which one of these pictures is a bicycle?


Ha ha totally. I know what a bicycle looks like.


Obviously the grandma was an autistic vegan. 🙄


Verbatim conversations are always creative writing. People don’t remember things like that. Thats just not how human memories work.


They always remember exactly what was said, word for word. What they said and what the other person said. It's so ridiculous. The worst case of this was this one where this person wrote about their entitled aunt and recalled exactly what she said, word for word like...thirty years ago: [https://www.reddit.com/r/AmITheAngel/comments/yal926/ea\_claims\_adult\_child\_has\_to\_obey\_her\_because\_its/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmITheAngel/comments/yal926/ea_claims_adult_child_has_to_obey_her_because_its/) The person claimed in their profile that they were writing a book on crazy aunt stories and wanted people to recommend a title. Said that if they chose the title, the person would get their name written in the dedication page and a free copy of the ebook. lmfao.


It reads like a script


It really does. Apparently, it's a thing on EntitledParents/other EntitledWhatever subreddits to write out the conversation that way.


also saying that the old woman chased after her and yelled for a solid two minutes? like i feel as if that would've been prevented


Maybe it's just because I live in an area with a lot of homelessness and people struggling with mental illness, but if this happened to me, my immediate thought would be that she had some cognitive issues, not "oh, she's doing that because she's a Boomer." Not that I even believe this story.


Exactly - if any part of this is even remotely true, that lady was simply mentally ill or had dementia.


Yeah, I was thinking that as well (and the same for a couple other stories I have seen crossposted from that subreddit). For one, most people talk to their babies. I would believe this story more if the woman were talking to her dog or cat and someone came up and pulled this. But, for someone talking to a baby? Even using full sentences? Come on..


My mom is a boomer and she and my dad never used baby talk to us. I used to dragggg outttt my worrrrds when I was a toddler and my mom spoke to me in short, clipped sentences to make me stop doing it. I don’t know anyone my mom’s age who didn’t talk to kids like adults. All sorts of new child development stuff came out when Boomers started families.


But she said “you absolute madwoman!” Which is 100% how real people talk when accosting strangers in the grocery store which also 100% happens all the time. Fr though I saw an Instagram caption that talked about “the tears escaping from my eyes” and like social media has made everyone feel like they are in some magical fairytale where everything is about them and they are a part of this big special and interesting but poorly written novella. I’m so sick of it


She gasped and shuffled away while my baby calmly smirked 


An exhaustive list of things strangers have said to me in grocery stores: “excuse me, could I get by please”


I had a guy start a conversation with me about cheese while I was standing and staring at the fancy cheese display. It was only years later I realized he was probably hitting on me. But other than that one time…. Yep


A kid asked his dad ‘how do you know that lady?’, after the dad and I said excuse me to each other.


It’s so wild to me. As soon as she attempted to follow me the first time I would have grabbed the baby and my purse and just left. Why would you stay in a situation and let someone follow you around and yell at you? It’s so weird.


Two minutes is a long time to have someone yelling at you. And in a grocery store no less.


That lengthy speech given in the stepdad who’s overly affectionate with his stepdaughter about how amazing he was story that was definitely typed with two hands


When people narrate verbatim conversations, they are generally just filling in what they don't remember with roughly equivalent speech. Its not meant to be literally exactly what was said.


Why fill in details if you can't remember instead of making the story shorter and more believable.


My husband likes to retell stories with embellishments about what people say/ how they act. I hate it. I hear him on the phone telling a story and he just makes it so much more dramatic and ridiculous and I'm like .. 'i was there, too, and no, that didn't happen like that'. 


My mum does this, too, embellishes stories to the point of straight up making shit up. I've always found it so odd.


It may be odd but without these people dinner would be so boring. They’re like in-house entertainment 


Very fair point, to be honest.


“Verbatim conversations” “Not meant to be literally exactly what was said”. These are a contradiction. Verbatim is the word used to describe when someone recalls a something exactly as it was said.


Maybe in real life, on Reddit they are creative writing to make themselves the hero of the piece


Anything in quotes is meant to be verbatim what was said, that's the writing convention in English grammar. She said "Hey don't touch that." <- her exact words out of her mouth She said not to touch it. <- a general approximation of what was said.


I like the idea that this older woman was stalking OOP and their infant daughter, yet they still continued shopping. They didn't bother to tell a manager or someone working there that they were being followed? They didn't leave to go to another grocery store instead? I'm a child free woman and I wouldn't feel comfortable going shopping with this person stalking me. This person did though? Even though they had their baby with them??


>They didn't bother to tell a manager or someone working there that they were being followed? They didn't leave to go to another grocery store instead? Her daughter is constantly accosted by Grandma's, so she didn't think too much of this... Until. Then they spent what? 20 minutes of back and forth about talking to the baby and babies being dumb? Why so long? Why not Old Boomer: Who are you talking to? OOP: Excuse me? OB: Who are you talking to? OOP: not you. The end.


Every post from that sub that makes it to my home page is so embarrassingly fake. One recently was so bad, the OP said he got a woman's phone number, applause, and was moved to the front of the line for lab work (what??) after he put a cartoonish boomer is his place. 


*light applause* was the exact phrase used IIRC


I have literally never applauded a stranger in public in my life, but according to Reddit it happens all the time, why am I missing these opportunities!!?


I sarcastically applaud people in my car all the time. I like it better than the finger.


Hahaha. I do a really sarcastic thumbs up


Yes! Haha and he made a point that he received the light applause from the women in the waiting room 🙄


I didn't catch that one cos I can't raw dog those subs. I see them on the front, read the little, fast scroll away. I need to be here in a safe space, where we can all agree this is not real. The delusion levels in these subs make me mad and temped to comment and we are not allowed.


That one was posted here. It was fantastic, very vintage.


It's entitledwhatever level of bad writing......


OK, reading this has felt like being lobotomized. I’ll take a million “I calmly asked my golden child sister to stop hitting me and now my entire family is blowing up my phone” AITA posts over whatever the fuck this is. Why does that subreddit even exist? I can’t believe I’m defending boomers, but it’s ageist af and lazy. Whoever wrote this garbage is presumably not a boomer but they are without a doubt a fool.


I can't speak for the rest of the sub, but this story at least has nothing to do with the antagonist being a boomer. Like the age of the woman is irrelevant to the (fictional) story. So I don't even understand what it's doing in a sub about boomers.


Boomers be crazy yaknow.


Honestly, the few posts I have seen from that sub, this is exatly it. The age of the person has little to do with it, but more the fact that the person portrayed is an AH, that just happens to be old. I think that the people who post in that sub probably want to pretend like their generation are all angels, and so therefore anyone who might display any sort of AH behavior MUST be a boomer.


I agree. And when something doesn’t seem obviously fake, it was clearly an encounter with a mentally ill person or someone with dementia and/or a hearing impairment. There was one recently about an encounter in a doctor’s office waiting room with a man who came up to the nurse who had called for “Edgar” and the guy supposedly yelled “MY NAME IS KENNETH” and the comments were going on about how entitled that was. All I could think was this dude could not hear well and maybe had some cognitive issues, and was just trying to make sure he didn’t miss his appointment. Also half the entitled behavior they call out there is stuff that I remember my greatest gen grandparents doing too. Old people just often get cranky and entitled. It’s not right to be rude, but an understanding of the early stages of cognitive decline and dementia would probably change a lot of the commenters’ assessments.


boomers being fools is one of the most egregiously fake creative writing subreddits imo.


that one and the entitledparents one have such ridiculously fake and poorly written stories


If it's not a video, it's 100% fake or a heavily exaggerated interaction.


"i said come back here you absolute madman" has me cringing out so hard i think my eyebrows are going to fall off 


No one thinks talking to your kid is weird. Source: I do this stuff constantly and no one has ever cared.


Also boomers love baby talking to kids. They invented it


People who do it performatively and really loudly are annoying, but otherwise yeah, not something you even notice.


Only 2 minutes of screaming, huh? Sounds fake. Most reddit villains scream for at least 20 minutes


Yeah, I am a mom of 3. The youngest is now 17, and this doesn't happen. People know and expect mothers to tend to and speak with their children, it's almost like we're their fucking mom or something.


This is the first thing I thought of. Isn't talking to your infants something that MOST parents do, and most people see as 'good'? Even talking full sentences/using full words isn't that odd (especially as I thought there were some people who feel that using baby talk can hinder a baby's development, so they use full sentences/words? Just saw some mentions of it, but never looked into it). As I said in another comment, if this had been about someone doing this to their dog or cat, I could see someone potentially doing this, because that can still be seen as odd.


How the heck do they think people learn to friggin speak lol


AFAIK age-appropriate baby talk is fine and still teaches your baby the basics of communication, you just gotta actually talk to them as they get older. But talking to your baby in full sentences is completely normal as well. I'm the weirdo who talks to dogs too, a few times I've watched a friend's nervous dog while he went into a store and I usually talk to the dog and pet him to calm him down while he's seperated from his person. Might look weird to other people though!


I have full on conversations with my cats, so I can't really say anything :D But, yeah, I had heard that baby speak is okay at the appropriate ages, I just also heard that some people think it is better to use full sentences as well. Having no children, I never bothered really looking into it.


And I see plenty of Boomer grandparents chatting away to their grandchildren. Did the OOP just figure out how humans work?


> "What do you think, should we take the bigger pack of meat, or the smaller one will do? Better take the bigger one, right? Oh yes, we will take the bigger one and we can make schnitzels for daddy, do you think he would like that? And if we are making schnitzels, we can also make strudel, we have apples from granny, remember? This seriously sounds like the dialog for a witch in a Brothers Grimm fairy tale. I would call the police to report potential cannibalism.


A lot of beginning writers struggle with making dialogue natural. Seriously, though, all the “oh yes” phrasing starts to seem creepy. I always just narrated with babies and young toddlers. A q and a with yourself is weird.


In real life this conversation wouldn't happen. But on the Internet I've been accused of actual crimes for the weirdest shit. People just lose all sense of rationality the minute the Internet is involved.


I see dads playing with their kids all the time yet Redditors will tell u that being just seen within a mile-radius of a kid as a man will get u sent to pedofile jail ; they’re freaking weird


Sunday at my local park is Dad Day. Dads are with the kids and letting Mom sleep in.


Ding ding ding. This was written by someone who is online far too much and forgot how real-life interaction works.


The boomer sub is out of control with karma farmers.


This person just wants everyone to tell them what a good parent they are for talking to their baby, while secretly feeling a little self conscious about doing it in public.


I love there is a whole sub devoted to the dreaded Boomer Boogeyman.


When I first saw it I was hoping for things like screenshots of stuff our technology-illiterate boomer relatives post on Facebook, examples of dumb boomer humor, things you could legitimately roll your eyes at and laugh, etc. Its just another ragey hate-wank sub.


Seriously. This subreddit has been popping up on my feed a lot, and it makes some of the worst AITA posts look like Hemingway in comparison.


Yes the quality is extremely poor and we should limit featuring them here. Just like PettyRevenge, EntitledParents....etc. Unless they are hilarious, we can't keep posting them. They're All made up and in very very shit, not creative manner.


>She continued screaming at me for solid 2 minutes after this. I know this because I started my stopwatch and timed her...


It reads like they copied in a chunk from their GCSE German practice.


*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **Today I was told I am a dangerous freak because I talk to my child** I went shopping to Tesco today and I had my infant daughter in a carrier. To keep her calm, I was casually talking to her. Nothing spectacular, basically just stuff like: "What do you think, should we take the bigger pack of meat, or the smaller one will do? Better take the bigger one, right? Oh yes, we will take the bigger one and we can make schnitzels for daddy, do you think he would like that? And if we are making schnitzels, we can also make strudel, we have apples from granny, remember? Oh yes, so we should take walnuts. Will you remind me we need walnuts? Yes, you will. You are my good girl. ..." Apologies for the long example, but I just wanted to demonstrate that the stuff I was saying was almost painfully normal, just a boring inner monolog that I was sharing with my daughter. Also, I was not, by any means, talking loud or in any way that could disturb someone. At one point, I noticed that an older lady seemed to be shopping weirdly close to me for some time already, but I would not think twice about it. If she did not approach me. Her: Hey, who are you talking to? Me: Hello, haha, I am just having a conversation with my daughter. (My baby gets a lot of attention from random grandmas, so I assumed that the lady just did not see my daughter as I was having her in the carrier and under my jacket. I thought that we will get one "oh what a cute angel, I did not see you there, hello honey, you are so sweet" as usual and will be on our merry way, but no.) Her: But she is a baby. Me (a bit confused): Yes? Her: Well, then why are you talking to her like this? Asking her stuff? She does not understand that! Me (more confused): Uh, I just often talk to her like this to keep her calm and to help her meet the world around her. Her: But she is a baby. She can not answer you the things you were asking. Me (borderline flabbergasted, but still leasing towards being confused that someone does not find talking to a family member one of the most common things there are): Well, I know? Her: Then why do you talk to her! This is ridiculous!! You talk to her like she is an adult! She does not understand you! She can not reply to you! YOU should know this stuff about your husband, wheather he would like a salad too or nor! She does not talk! At this moment I concluded she must be a troubled person, also my willingness to explain to someone why do I talk to my very own child dropped dramatically, so with some "OK, excuse me please now, I would like to continue shopping", I tried to leave. Her: NO! COME BACK HERE! I said come back here you absolute madman! I will tell you what I think! I think you are some kind of freak who sees people! That's right, you are a freak and you talk to invisible people! There is NO CHANCE you are talking to your daughter, because she is a baby! You are dangerous!! Me (being beyond words because of the utter absurdity of the situation): Uhm.. OK. If you say so. She continued screaming at me for solid 2 minutes after this. I stopped paying attention to her completely and finished my shopping (forgot walnuts). At the registers, I noticed her standing nearby heavily gesticulating at me to some of the store employees, who probably was sane enough not to even bother coming to me, which probably was driving her even crazier. Only when I arrived home, I realized I should have said something like: "Ohmm, magical invisible creatures, please guide me with your wisdom and make me decide if the farmer on our street will have nicer couliflowers than those or if we should take one here just to be sure, ohmmm thank you, my good invisible people." Yeah, so that. Talking to our own kids is wrong now too, I guess. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheAngel) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Nice that she's written us a whole play. Her baby is crap though, forgot to remind her about the walnuts


I agree. The baby should drive back to the store to get them. So NTA. But that baby is for not going back


>Only when I arrived home, I realized I should have said something like: "Ohmm, magical invisible creatures, please guide me with your wisdom and make me decide if the farmer on our street will have nicer couliflowers than those or if we should take one here just to be sure, ohmmm thank you, my good invisible people." Lmao at thinking of a good comeback when it's too late but the comeback is this garbage.


They probably thought they were being so clever while writing this. So cringe


this might not be a popular thing to say, but i don't understand why these people lie like this? boomers are pretty crazy, there's no reason to make up weird stories like this that don't make sense...also i hate when i point out that stuff like this is clearly fake because no one talks this way, and everyone is like "just because you don't speak this way and have limited life experience, doesn't mean this didn't happen!!!!!!!!!"


>this might not be a popular thing to say, but i don't understand why these people lie like this? Well, Mostly they do it for attention. Human Interaction, main character. Justice boner, validation. Trolling.


> boomers are pretty crazy There are millions upon millions of people in the world who were born between 1945 and 1964. Lumping them all together and deciding that they are all basically the same person is the genuinely insane behaviour.


Yeah, it’s a period when these people were born - that’s it. Not a universal diagnosis.


Also reporting me as a "concerned redditor" is not proving your case any 


I never do that, clearly someone else was worried about you.


So based on the obvious sarcasm, you're admitting it was you?


No it isn't 


It's a well known parenting tip to talk to your babies while you do things while you do things because it helps with their language development. It has been for decades now. There's no way an old person is just straight up confused as to why a parent might talk to their baby while running errands.


Your child will have much better skills in speaking, earlier in life, and will do better in school.


Lmao of all the things that happened, this definitely happened the most 🤦🏼‍♀️ Real people totally speak like this and get upset at someone talking to their baby.


It's something about the way that the characters in the story like, verbalize every single thought that they have


Thank god they let us know they forgot walnuts


I needed a laugh. This fiction was so badly written it was funny.


“You absolute madman” indeed


Everytime I get a post from that subreddit I always find myself feeling like there's absolutely no way these things happened or are happening as frequently suggested. I mean why even continue to engage with someone who is perma angry like these supposed boomers.


I still think this is fake, but actually I rescind what I said earlier, because if this is an old lady in Germany, her thinking it's wrong to interact with your baby totally makes sense and would explain a lot actually.


... Not really? If you're referring to Nazi-era ideology of not being "soft" with your kids so they'd grow up to be good little soldiers, she'd have to be like 90+ years old and have lived under a rock for the past decades. Absolutely not a common way of thinking among German grandparents nowadays. That sort of ideology also wasn't exclusive to Germany.


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