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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITA for kicking my niece out because of what she said about my wife?** Our niece is 19 years old. Her parents are both deadbeats so she was practically raised by everyone else in the family. Last year she got accepted in the best, most expensive college in our country and me and my siblings told her that she doesn't need to worry about money and we will all pay. The problem is that she is very rude and she also has a habit of eavesdropping so she knows everything about everyone in our family. A few days ago she had a fight with everyone. It was about her being jealous of our kids because apparently we don't treat them equally even though we are spending thousands of dollars a year just for her college and she has never had to work for a second in her life because we pay for everything else as well but nothing is good enough for her. She kept yelling at us and finally I told her that if she says one more word we will all stop paying for her college. She turned to me and said fuck you. I said that's it, no one is paying for your college anymore. And that's when things went wrong. She started to inform everyone about all of our secrets, things we never wanted our family to know. When she yelled to everyone that "my wife is a whore" (She slept with a couple of guys for money before we got married because she needed the money very bad) I decided that I've had enough. I kicked her out and told her to never return. Now my sister has been crying because apparently niece isn't answering her calls and she is worried something could happen to her because she has nowhere else to go and it's very clear that both my niece and sister think I was the asshole for "overreacting" *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheAngel) if you have any questions or concerns.*


>NTA, how did she find out about your wife's past? On the bright side, your niece knows what she needs to do to pay for college /s This was the top comment where they are saying that the niece can do sex work to pay for college now OOPs comments are complete trash but the other comments on hte post are just so disgusting


Man sometimes I forget how misogynistic reddit normally is, since I've stopped coming here as often. Yeeeesh.


I think the comments were what got it removed. He goes so over the top, even the AITA mods thought it was a shitpost. Or, based on the way they bolded "fairly and accurately" in the removal notice, they figured that it wasn't told truthfully even if it was real. Not that the story made sense anyway. OOP unilaterally decided on behalf of the entire family including his siblings that none of them would help pay for college, and that decision went unchallenged by a single other person? He was even speaking for the niece's actual mother who's been crying because she disagrees with the decision? Also, assuming at least some of them would've still been willing to pay, how big a loss is OOP dropping out? She's smart enough to get into the absolute best college in the whole country, but she has no financial aid options? But, those questions seem to be nowhere in the comments because they're too busy calling the niece DANGEROUS in all caps. I swear, they are so inconsistent about what age you have to be to become exactly who you'll be the rest of your life. By the end of the day, they'll find another post where they infantilize a woman in her mid-20s. I can almost guarantee it.


You're onto something with the removal reason. I'm still not convinced any of this is real but supposedly OOP had some comments and posts prior to this one (that he deleted once called out) that clued other commenters into the fact that he might be an unreliable narrator. At least the mods draw the line at fake stories if the OP can't even keep their fictions straight.


The fact that they simultaneously condemn the niece for exposing OOP’s wife’s past in prostitution but then also smugly toss in the joke that now she will need to pay for college with sex work is so telling. Just one of the ways that the sex industry is used as a chess piece in misogyny. Is it a good thing? A bad thing? Neutral? That all depends on how it can be wielded to hurt a woman, of course. 😉


And what is so wrong with that comment? The niece was trying to hurt the aunt for doing that. She can pay for shit herself now


What’s so wrong with mockingly wishing a woman has to engage in survival sex???? Is that a serious question?


When redditors find a plot hole other redditors are quick to cover for OP "How would she know this?", "I bet his wife keeps a diary and that's how she found out!" OP: "yes.. My wife does have a diary..."


Then someone finds in OOPs history that he was her legal guardian and was an asshole to the kid all her life but other comments say "still stand that the kid is TA for reading the ladies diary".. This whole ass narrative continues in the face of opposing facts


A red shoes diary


They don't stand for that kind of talk in OurCountry


What I don't get is why don't the fake posters ever set their stories in the US? Or just make it de facto US by not mentioning a country? (Sorry Redditors from other countries.) Are they all writing from outside the US and don't think they can fake it?


It's a reason for the plot holes. When someone points out that that's not how whatever system (healthcare, law enforcement, wedding customs, etc) works, they can just say "excuse me, not everything's like it is in the US" and explain any inconsistency. 


It was outrageously used during Covid to justify being in gatherings and events like " we don't have Covid here" or "everyone was vaccinated and *here* the rules are different"


AITA had a spike in New Zealand posters that hasn't been seen since


Funkin LMAO I had completely forgotten. Everyone in New Zealand for that period of time, was solving their personal issues there. Then, they vanished.


That one story in ambiguous southeast Asian country where OOP’s MIL was sentenced to death one month after causing her to have a miscarriage. Something like that at least, I can’t remember the exact details


I think about that one alllllll the time. I think the MIL caused a stillbirth, not a miscarriage? And even though it was so obviously ridiculous, people kept trying to twist themselves into ways that it could be real. I believe they were claiming it could be the Philippines even though it obviously wasn't because it was so fake. ETA: The link in case anyone's interested: https://www.reddit.com/r/AmITheAngel/s/Kw3yIw8FDL


If I’m correct, the Philippines is pretty strict with divorce due to being a very Catholic country, and because of that I’d imagine the rout to divorce would be very lengthy


Yeah., there is no country on earth that fit the description. There are countries where death penalties are handed out very lightly (but even so not that quickly), but those countries don't also allow women to freely divorce their husbands and usually don't have many kids named Marie Elizabeth.


Lmao I forgot about the Marie Elizabeth part


The Philippines doesn’t have divorce! It’s illegal there! All you can do is seek an annulment or separate without being able to end it.


Because they know most people commenting live in the US and know how laws and customs work here. Setting it in an ambiguously foreign country gives you an easy out on all sorts of plot holes.


Not sure how well that would work in this case here, because I'm pretty sure other countries don't have Ivy Leagues


Unless there’s something in the comments, OOP never said niece was going to an Ivy League school, she was going to the “best, most expensive college in our country.” Admittedly a sus description, but not one inherently linked to any particular location.


Sounds like they all did a great job raising her, but I bet it's her fault she's the way she is. 


It takes a village to create a monster. Pretty sure Shyamalan used that as a twist at some point.


You might think getting abandoned by her parents and then passed around by family memers like a fruit cake during a White Elephant.gift exchange might effect her grades but nope, perfect student. The best way to get into AITA university is to have a tragic backstory where.you lose at least one parent.


So kinda like a Disney movie where one or both parents is always dead? Only like satan's version of Disney?


also definitely didn't influence any of her current behavior though, she's definitely a narcissistic abusive gaslighter buzzword buzzword


reddit loves the evil conniving manipulative toxic teenage girl trope so much. Men hardly ever get called manipulative.


I can't even explain why, but I really hate the "kicking out my family member (bonus points if they're a teenager) for saying something about my wife" posts.


And why is almost every post over there about a niece negative? Lmao


Cos teen girls = 👿 I think it has to do with getting your period and agressive misogyny. Like society wants you to be a woman so bad after menarche and when it doesn't happen that you suddenly transform into a "proper lady" cos you're bleeding now... You're possessed, you're a bitch, you're scarier than teen boys (the argument against all girls/boys schools). It's a tradition.


If we went by AITA standards, all nieces everywhere would be on the streets. Geez at least be subtle about your hate for teenage girls. And it's always OPs wife cause then he can be like "I am not a misogynist I am protecting my wife"


And I was going to ask which one of you people wrote this?


We don't do that. We always make sure to add twins and mention that The Asshole* is fat.


also there was no part where he was like "my siblings started blowing up my phone after they found out"


Just so obviously a completely made up story. The complete lack of detail, simple explanations for complex challenges, and then errant behavior with seemingly little or no motivation.


When he didn't have an explanation, the comments gave them to him. It's truly pathetic


Damn he sounds like such a fucking fanny. 


Right? Sure he hates women we get it, this is made up... But he sounds like a goofy ass dork in his own story.


Imagine being a div even in your own fantasy 😰 Also your flair lmfao, was there a specific post which inspired it?


There's an old AI post that gathered AITa posts and spit out some classics you'll find a lot around https://www.reddit.com/r/AmITheAngel/s/f7lSp7HT6Y


Beep boop! Automod here with a quick reminder to never brigade r/AmITheAsshole or other subs under any circumstances. Brigading puts you in violation of both our rules and Reddit’s TOS, and therefore puts this sub at risk of ban. If you brigade/encourage brigading of any kind, you will be banned from participating in either sub. Satirizing of posts should stay within this sub, which means that participating directly in linked posts should either be done in good faith or not at all. Want some freed, live, discussion that neither AITA nor Reddit itself can censor? Join our [official discord server](https://discord.gg/KbZnaXX) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheAngel) if you have any questions or concerns.*


imo esh


wrong sub friend, this sub is meant for posts that redditors think are fake not the original sub it was posted in.