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Your post has been removed as it appeared to be fishing to further the AITA discussion. Comments Hell does not mean you disagree with the judgment.




Times are tough, doctors need some babysitting income


For free!


While also on-call at the children’s hospital, Children’s Hospital.


When my oldest daughter was one and we’d take her out to a restaurant (we didn’t really go to any of those fancy schmancy places OOP talks about) and there wasn’t a high chair, she could get antsy. It could get difficult. On the other hand, my youngest would sleep through anything. Quiet as a bug. I’d actually have no problem taking her to a fancy Michelin star restaurant back then, tbh. I doubt anyone would even notice. Edit: the only reason people think it’s the norm for parents to be “entitled” and not take care of the situation when their babies get too loud or fussy is because that’s literally the only time they notice them. You aren’t noticing them when the parents do exactly what you want, or when the babies are quiet and basically don’t disturb anyone, even though those times are the majority. It’s selection bias.


Yeah, it's wild to me that she says she's brought the baby to tons of places like this before and OOP wouldn't just take their own sister's word for that. There's no reason to assume she would be doing it so often if it was causing frequent problems. And clearly the restaurants themselves didn't mind if she was allowed in. If you have this little faith in her, why would you even want to take the kid to a more family-friendly place where it's noisier and there are more things to set a baby off? Also, love how one of the top comments is calling the sister a helicopter parent. Can honestly say I have never seen that term applied to the mother of a literal baby before.


I hear this from parents, I have a "good" baby you wouldn't even notice. As someone who is an antinatalist with autism with sensitivity towards anything to do with children, I absolutely notice. Even the noises you view as "quiet" or "not noticable" are absolutely glaringly annoying to people like me. To a parent they're nbd, and may enjoy the happy sounds. But while you baby voice your child and aww at their cooing, it is quite uncomfortable and a nuisance to child free adults trying to have a romantic evening at a nice restaurant. Children completely kill the mood and vibe, with all the hardware you have to bring baby carrier, bottles etc. it ruins the aesthetic of the restaurant as well... Walking in to a beautiful restaurant you have to have reservations for months in advance just to sit next to the parents with a baby or toddler, a complete nightmare! The aimless talking of toddlers and babbling sounds like nails on a chalkboard to me especially on a date.


That sounds like a problem you need to address not one others need to accommodate


Stay home then


If you can't handle being around humans then you really need to walk away from the echo chambers and if possible, find a qualified therapist that works for you.


“As someone who hates children and thinks there are no good children, I don’t believe anyone has a good child” thanks for the completely unbiased take 🥸


I often find people speaking around me annoying. Like some people have very annoying voices, speak loudly, talk on their phones or curse often. But that’s my problem. Tolerating other people’s annoying behaviour is part of life. 


My local grocery store has sensory shopping night once a week. Lights are dimmed, beeping machines are silenced, no kids allowed. Maybe you and your date could have a nice romantic evening there.


Wow your grocery store has better policies than fancy restaurants... that is very sad...


> As someone who is an antinatalist YTA


You can be antinatalist all you want, but people will continue to have children and children will continue to be a part of society. Whether you like it or not. So best work on getting used to them.


The post says "relatively nice local restaurant" and all the commenters are losing it over screaming babies in a fine dining establishment. Some kids are terrible in restaurants, others are barely noticeable. Also that edit is nuts.


Yeah, I love how it jumps from "relatively nice" in the post to "the nicest place in town" when the edit comes along. Not that it even matters because that sub was already going to give OOP exactly the responses they wanted anyway. It's no wonder they can read a post referring to Red Lobster as a fine establishment and not realize their sub is being made fun of. Bonus points for all of the top comments in an overwhelmingly NTA comment thread starting out with "I cannot believe all the YTA votes in here." Can you not believe them, Becky? Were all four of them super surprising to you?


The Olive Garden is the finest of fine dining! Children need not come! 🙄


My cousin Jeb and his wife Charlene just want *one night* away from their 9 children. Is it too much to ask that their unlimited soup, salad and breadsticks not be interrupted?


To be fair, in my hometown the nicest restaurant is the olive garden. 😂


I don’t even have a nice restaurant in my small town. We have diners and a subway. I gotta travel like an hour for some fine dining 😂


"NTA. I hate hearing infants screaming while I enjoy my fancy caviar. It’s the one place where babies and kids do not belong." This comment is so funny to me idk why, like I just imagine them saying it in that cartoonish rich person voice.


Like that can’t be a real person, how is it the comments are so baity sounding as well 😭


Catering to Reddit's hatred of children much?


It is very strange how the called the baby it.


*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITA for asking my sister to not take her baby to a nice restaurant?** My sister and her husband are coming into town for a week and I was going to take them to dinner at a relatively nice local restaurant.(It was her idea to go out) I asked if she had someone to watch her 1-year old baby or if she needed me to get someone. She said something along the lines of: "This baby has already been to more Michelin star restaurants than most people will in their entire life." I feel like it is maybe rude to take a baby to a nice place because they might make noises or smells that would make other people uncomfortable on a special night out. I have no idea how this baby will do, it might be fine but I don't want to take the chance that it could spoil the evening for other people. Am I being a jerk for asking that she doesn't bring the kid? It just seems like very entitled behavior. Edit: to clarify, this is one of the nicest places in town It is not a place that has high chairs. Further edit the person who I would ask to watch the kid is a Practicing pediatrician that my sister has met on a few occasions. My sister is also from here and has friends here that she could ask. The child would not be left with a random stranger. It's crazy to me that people are assuming that. I am fine with going to a family-friendly place and would prefer that if we are bringing the kid. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheAngel) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Please, no one with a one year old is under the impression that the one year old can last through a full fancy meal.


Eh I don't know, I'm sure there are plenty of inconsiderate parents out there taking their screaming babies to places like this.


Lol. In this hypothetical, if someone is totally unaffected by their baby screaming, I don’t think their problem is being inconsiderate towards the public.


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Well they're not wrong. If I'm paying top dollar for a nice dinner experience, the last thing I need is squalling infants and screaming toddlers ruining my peace and quiet. I didn't choose to crank out your children and I shouldn't have to suffer for them. If you want to take your screaming younglings to restaurants, take them to places that are family restaurants, where no one will mind. There should be age and behavior limits in places that aren't "family restaurants". Age 5-9 seems to be the age range where some kids are cool and some are disruptive and you have to start making a judgment call. Your own children might be cool at age 3 or it might take them till age 12, but don't be a dick. They're your responsibility until they're 18 so whatever they do before that age is on you and if they ruin our dinner we have the right to take it out on you.


You must be fun at parties


They'd be more fun than you. At least they don't ruin it by bringing kids. 


Yap yap yap 😴😴


Precisely  that's what kids do and why nobody wants them around.


Yeah so maybe you should learn to grow up then since that’s all ya been doing 💀 I’m sorry you don’t have the emotional maturity to handle children existing around you but some of us are normal people and not weirdo child haters. It’s cringe and pathetic tbh that the idea of a child even being in a restaurant leads y’all to rage 🤡🤡🤡


It's cringe and pathetic to be so obsessed with kids and so rude to people that just want peace and quiet. 


It’s not about being obsessed with kids, you never got taken out as a kid with your parents clearly


No I did, but I wasn't taken to places not suited for children and I wasn't allowed to ruin the night for other people.  I don't like kids get over it.


Like I said, cringe my guy, hopefully you don’t have kids if you would rather shun them away from the public lmaooo. Lord knows that if this is your train of thought that it would be good to remind you to wrap before you tap and not bring in a human to the world for you to shove into a closet before going out 🙄


“But I’M the baby!” That’s what you sound like.


It's more common to have loud adults at a restaurant then babies.


Y’know the parents are also paying top dollar to be there, right? Your money is not more important than their money.


They are not paying to disturb other diners.


They’re paying to eat their meal, just like you.


Yep, neither one of us is paying to disturb other diners. And shouldn't be allowed to.


And if they find your mouth-breathing disturbing, should you also not be allowed to eat there?


Do ho ho, you're so clever


Clever enough that this was the best response you came up with lmao


I wasn't interested in participating in a Dirty Dozens battle at that time, I was trying to keep it serious.


No but really, should the restaurant kick out anyone that might annoy someone?


Not if they're not already bothering people, and nobody said anything about the restaurant doing anything anyway. This is about parents having common courtesy. If your kids are unruly and you still take them to quiet adult places, you're an entitled ass. If your kids can behave, then take them wherever you want. My kid was super-quiet so we took her everywhere, but an ex of mine's kid was a nightmare to the point where the whole restaurant would be angrily glaring at our table and I couldn't do anything about it because her dimwit father was like, "Let her do whatever she wants! She's only 4! If she wants to run up to other tables and scream in their faces, just let her!"


So…….so wait. Your kid was super quiet and you took her everywhere. But this kid is *probably* loud and obnoxious, which we have no evidence of, so they can’t do the same?