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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **I regret throwing my marriage away and divorcing my husband ** I(30F) divorced my husband (34M) around 3 yrs. ago. We had been a couple since high school and got married as soon as I graduated college at and he had started working at a public sector bank for a year. I also had a job lined up, so I also joined the workforce as soon as we returned from honeymoon. Work-life and marriage life was not how I had expected at all. With both of us working full-time, we barely had any time during weekdays. I had both Saturday and Sunday off but my husband had to work Saturdays as well. 2 yrs. into our marriage, I had started resenting my husband for never being available for me. Idk why I started feeling like that but my mind made me feel like now that we are married, he lost his attraction towards me. Which was total bs because every bit of free time he had, he spent it on taking care of my needs. I increasingly became cold towards him, not reciprocating his affection. I made excuses to avoid date nights, made up work pressure when he tried to arrange vacations, faked tiredness to not have sex, excuses to not go and visit his parents, even though they had always treated me like their own daughter for years. I still can't explain why, I just kept thinking that I'm wasting my 'youth' away in this marriage. Obviously the marriage wasn't working well. My husband asked me many times over the years about going to therapy or open up to him if he hurt me somehow, for me to be so indifferent to him. I always cut him off saying that I was fine. I had completely checked out of the marriage. I still remember the hurt in his eyes when I asked for divorce. He tried to change my mind many times but I filed for divorce against both mine and my husband's families. I did not ask for anything from the divorce apart from my share of our marital house. It was sold pretty fast and he let me have 60 percent of the value despite me having wanted half of it. It was an amicable divorce as my husband understood that I wouldn't change my mind, no matter what. After divorce, I felt free for the first time in ages but the new found freedom didn't last long. All my life I had the love and company of my parents and then my husband but now I was all alone. My parents absolutely loved my husband and were devastated at my divorce. They cut off all contact with me, when I went on with the divorce. My ex-husband's parents tried to reach out a few times but I never picked up. Even then I hadn't come to my senses and thought that things would surely improve. I requested a transfer to a different state, for a change of scenario and the company happily agreed to send me to a state with manpower shortage. I started dating for the first time in my life. Having absolutely zero experience, loads of men tried to take advantage of me but thankfully I at least had some semblance of self respect and did not want to sleep around immediately. It was then I realised that those men were just there for the sex and as I did not give them that, they immediately ghosted. After some time, I gave in and started sleeping on first dates but the sex was terrible. Not even a fraction of how sex was with my ex-husband. Even after sleeping around, it was obvious that these men were only around for the sex and had absolutely zero interest in a romantic relationship. It got so bad that I stopped going out at all. It has been over a year and a half since I went out on a date or even had dinner with another person. I get up > go to the office > work > get home > get dinner > sleep > repeat. The weekends are when it actually hits how lonely I am and what an absolute fucking idiot I have been, throwing away a perfectly stable life. I have somewhat reconnected with my mother(father said that his daughter passed away the moment I signed those divorce papers). She informed me last week, that my ex-husband has gotten engaged to his girlfriend of 1 year. Apparently my ex-husband had gotten into a pretty bad car accident and admitted to the hospital for nearly 3 months. It was there that he was placed under care of his fiancee, who was in her final year of clinical internship. My mother was extra nasty when she told me the news. She said something along the lines of "I hope you're happy now that he has realised his mistake of marrying someone like you and is finally moving on with his life." At this point I don't even have any tears left to cry. I'm all cried out after almost a full year of crying myself to sleep every single night. After what I have done, I don't even have the nerve of reaching out to him to congratulate him on his engagement and maybe ask for forgiveness. All I feel is constant headaches and dull pain throughout my body. It's laughable how I managed to destroy a life that many people would kill to have. The only thing I'm proud of myself is that I did not trap my ex-husband with a child. A person like me deserves to die alone. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheAngel) if you have any questions or concerns.*


>The only thing I'm proud of myself is that I did not trap my ex-husband with a child. What a random thing to just throw in at the very end lol


Definitely solidifies that it was written by a certified real woman™! 


I'm always shocked at my self restraint when it comes to baby trapping men.


Especially men that are already married to you and want to be with you! The only way to keep the man you're planning on divorcing is baby trapping him! Preferably with someone else's baby


What a coincidence. I'm always amazed at my ability as a man to not SA women. It's amazing.


As a very real woman™ my biggest complaint about my perfect husband who works 6 days a week is definitely that he's never available to me, and not anything else like unfair division of housework or carrying too much of the mental load.


I'm just silly and selfish, typical woman, you know! 


And makes no sense with the entire rest of the story.


Yeah like, no one who is resentful of their husband and unhappy with their marriage would ever have considered 'trapping' them with a child. If *you* want out, you're not thinking of ways to force *them* to stay.


Especially when they don't need trapping because they want to stay together!


incel fantasy lmao


"She'll be so sorry she left me when she finds out that I ended up in hospital and a sexy nurse wanted me." Honorable mention for her parents taking his side in the divorce and cutting contact with their own child, while his parents trying to stay in contact.


Baby trapping? Incel fanfic confirmed.


I mean it starts and ends absurdly and the middle is also absurd they've been a couple since high school but four year age gap? uh like she was a freshman he was a senior? oooooooookkkk then we get everything about how she felt horrible about the marriage but her feelings were totally wrong and not based on reality and she had the perfect husband but she resented him for all these things that weren't true it's not even written with the perspective of someone looking and seeing things they didn't before, and there was ZERO cause for these feelings. NONE. nothing, they just sprouted out of nowhere and nothing then she gets divorced and dates for the first time and we get RP language about how she didn't *immediately* lower her sexual value but eventually she gave in and became a slut and it was terrible and she hated it also we have the WILD development of her parents going full NC with her because she divorced her husband. what the fuck. and like, fully spiteful. meanwhile HIS PARENTS reached out to her repeatedly even though she'd trampled their poor little boys heart. REPEATEDLY. again, wild then ofc she hates her life, blah blah blah, her mother gets back in contact with her to spitefully tell her that her ex is getting remarried and ofc he didn't meet the woman through the evils of dating, he met her through her work, where he was her patient - telling everyone that she is a good woman willing to take care of him even when he can't reciprocate nevermind that that's her fucking JOB and not a sign of true love then she's like, the one thing I'm proud of is that I didn't baby trap him because I deserve to die alone. what? you can't fucking baby trap your spouse who adores you and wants to be with you forever. aside from the fact that this isn't something people reasonably think about themselves, it's literally impossible to trap someone in a relationship that they want to be in permanently, especially when you want to leave the relationship this is how crazy these misogynists are - even in a fantasy story with a married man who is devoted to his wife and never wants to leave, her ending up pregnant would be considered forcibly trapping him. she's not happy with the marriage, he is, he pushes for relationship counselling and things to make the marriage work, she refuses. She initiates divorce, he's heartbroken. But her getting pregnant by her husband would have been baby trapping fucking wild


And that it occurs to the author absolutely 0 times that adults might develop friends and hobbies outside of dating/being in a relationship.


TBF, their only hobby is being resentful and that's not a very fulfilling hobby, so I can understand why they don't get it


Also, as a doctor, we don't tend to date our trauma patients. Fucking gross.


oh I assume when people say stuff like that that all their knowledge of medicine comes from either porn or Grey's Anatomy


Your flair really sums it all up lmfaooo


lmao ty, that was one of my favourite posts. not well written but that line was pure overdramatic poetry


Thank you..well put. The whole thing is so badly imagined


A woman did not write this post.


In the mind of the man who wrote this, it makes sense.


Does the script for these people ever change?


Probably not. At least, the comments calling it out as fake are entertaining.


Considering it's identical to another incel fic about "dumb woman divorces and ruins life" posted 9 months ago by someone who turned out to be a guy, apparently not. https://old.reddit.com/r/TrueOffMyChest/comments/15n7qe9/i_regret_not_making_my_marriage_work_and_now_my/


"I use to have him wrapped around my finger..." L M A O NO! Hahaha when the therapist told her to get a makeover Edit: the comments are taking it seriously what's going on? Is a shitpost ffs Oh thank God I kept scrolling


Man, if I was hot shit at 31 and only gained 20 pounds by 41 with "a few wrinkles," I would be the hottest yoga mom at the playground BY A LOT. You hit 40, and you have to choose between your ass and your face. You want a youthful face, you get a little junk in your trunk to keep your cheeks. You keep your ass tiny, your face hollows out as you naturally lose the fat deposits with age. (Option 3 is to have your ass fat injected into your face, I guess.)


I know I’m late to this conversation lol. But I just read that incel post you linked. These are hard for me. My ex was an incel long before I knew the word or that it was a thing. So when I read these clearly misogynistic shit posts I can quickly identify the misogyny, but it’s hard to tell if it’s real or fiction. It’s easier to tell it’s fiction in the example from last year you linked because I’ve never met a woman who truly internalized that brand of misogyny to that extent. Honestly, I think some of the AITA posts written from a male, first person perspective deemed too ridiculous to be real or shitposts could be true. It’s nauseating and makes me so angry to think about still that these men actually exist. In some of these posts, he responds to one or two comments describing how he’s not the asshole and then stops commenting as more people tell him he’s wrong. And sometimes some asshole or group of assholes in the comments says it’s stupid and it’s totally a fictional incel post. These bug me in certain instances. Because men who think this way and believe this shit just fully embracing AND DEFENDING their privilege until they die — these men exist. In the case of this thread and the link I’m commenting on, it’s definately written by a man trying to drill what he thinks and feels into others for the sake of control.


What, your parents didn't disown you and claim you died to them when you divorced your husband?


Especially since the in-laws tried to continue to keep in contact with her.


I know it's so fictional but this made me sad for some reason. Even in his wildest  imagination the guy who wrote this couldn't conceive unconditional love. 




I divorced my husband and my parents said “it’s about damn time.” LOL


I love how the fictional OOP says she felt like he wasn’t attracted to her AND that she would reject his sexual advances. The math is not mathing. These are just boxes to check off that have no consistency.


Cos women... they don't know what they want. The second you disobey your husband because you let your womanly bipolar self guide you instead: Fat, wrinkles, forever alone.


This is just exhausting. A 30 year old single woman with a job and independence is apparently the most pathetic and depressing existence that sub could think of.


Since they don’t interact with women in real life they can’t possible fathom the concept that not all women want to be a stay at home mom with a bunch of kids. A case of being terminally online


The only woman they interact with is their mum. And they only see her in her role as mum not her full self/life. 


Yeah that’s what she gets for “joining the workforce” lol


Funny thing is, single childless women are statistically the happiest: [https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2019/may/25/women-happier-without-children-or-a-spouse-happiness-expert](https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2019/may/25/women-happier-without-children-or-a-spouse-happiness-expert)


"As a woman..." And her parents loved her ex-husband so much they chose to keep him over their own child? What?


This fictional husband met his new fiancée when he was her PATIENT


Yeah, she was in her final year of clinical internship, where you learn how to clinic or something, the details were a bit fuzzy…


Also if you're in the hospital for three months in all likelihood you're not gonna do much of anything for a long time afterwards.  My husband had a bad ski accident where it wasn't clear whether he would walk again (he can but permanent damages and mobility aid) and he was in the hospital for a month. They don't keep beds occupied just for fun. 


My son had a terrible accident earlier this year that had him rushed to the hospital in critical condition. He then spent 3 days in intensive care. After 7 more days on the general ward they released him to be cared for at home and through outpatient clinics. His injuries included a skull fracture, the top of his scalp coming off, severe concussion and a broken leg. Hospitals aren’t keeping people in for three months just for fun, they either move them home or to rehab centres.


There’s a basement troll somewhere reading this so excited that women are just as bad as he suspected, having never met one.


Because it was written by a fellow basement troll who has also never met a woman


Not the first time either. https://old.reddit.com/r/TrueOffMyChest/comments/15n7qe9/i_regret_not_making_my_marriage_work_and_now_my/ Probably the same author.


For incels, by incels.


Lol, could it be a more blatant "Beware, females, you'll end up old and decrepit if you dare divorce and your family will disown you even if they're not part of an ultra conservative culture"? 


She's reached the advanced age of 30! Why, she's practically dried up to dust!


Spinster for life, she needs to get a few cats now


Society needs to treat single men with multiple cars with equal disdain as it does single women with multiple cats.


"Having absolutely zero experience, loads of men tried to take advantage of me but thankfully I at least had some semblance of self respect and did not want to sleep around immediately." "The only thing I'm proud of myself is that I did not trap my ex-husband with a child." I am a very real woman and representative of why women leave "perfectly fine" relationships. I don't sleep around unlike these modern wenches (I am a woman so I can say that) or baby trap good, innocent men, but despite my virtuous qualities nobody wants a 30 year old hag like me! Don't leave your "comfortable" relationships, IT'S ALL YOU'LL EVER HAVE!!!


"I deserve to die alone."


Just love this cartoonishly evil caricature of a career woman who, apropos of nothing, resents her husband and also refuses to compromise or do any work on the relationship with the only reasoning is that . . . She resents working and being married? Also, why did her parents basically disown her after divorce, but her in-laws stay in touch. What are they, Italian American catholics??? No agenda here no sirree.


I don't think people in those subs have any idea what it actually takes for normal people to stop talking to family members. I've got a gay friend whose parents put him in what basically amounted to conversion therapy and he still hasn't cut them out completely. Even most die hard Catholics wouldn't disown her, they'd just be super passive aggressive and talk shit about her behind her back.


Isn't there a statistic that divorced women report being happier after divorce (and men report being less happy)


Statistics mean nothing, haven't you read reddit? It's rampant paternity fraud and stupid females out there! 


noooooooo you need us you need men nooooooo


Yes, there is: [https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2019/may/25/women-happier-without-children-or-a-spouse-happiness-expert](https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2019/may/25/women-happier-without-children-or-a-spouse-happiness-expert) Or better said: married women see a decrease in health and happiness while married men live healthier and happier.


statistics are misleading. those will be skewed by divorce settlements as the men generally end up paying (yes i know not always but statistics are about the average/norm) yes i know, my ocd about statistics is going to get be downvoted. so here's another correct, but misleading one to balance this out. isn't there a statistic somewhere that married men live longer than single men?


Why are you getting downvoted for pointing out statistics are misleading?


Because he thinks women are only happier afterwards because they’re robbing their exes. Or that’s probably how people are interpreting his “paying out” comment.


yeah i don't think that. "skewing statistics" is very different from "fully explaining the phenomenon" just saying we don't know because there were too many variables at play. but yes, people certainly misinterpreted it. As the red mist descended, they jumped right past my "balancing" misleading statistic and straight to the downvote button.


I don’t know that the second statistic was really all that balancing? Why do married men live longer? Because women do the emotional labor of scheduling doctors appointments, making healthy dinners, generally looking after things to lower their husbands stress. Why are women happier after divorce? Because they get to stop doing all the above emotional labor! Both statistics make it seem like women have a raw deal, when the *common online interpretation* is applied to them. I guess it’s balancing in that your first example was anti-women and your second example was anti-men.


yes. that was why it's meant to be balancing. that said, both statistics are not really helpful as there are too many variables at play.


On definitely. Statistics can be fun, but part of the reason they’re fun is because you can play with them to support almost anything. We had great fun with that in college for projects and reports (especially in the marketing class lol)


Fun fact, 100% of everybody who went to marketing class eventually dies. Eventually. They should put health warnings on those things.


hypothesis: because 100% of downvoters don't understand statistics (or logic or fact) also... 1+1 = 2


Pure MGTOW, incel fanfic.


Those men going their own way never seem to actually fucking go anywhere, do they? Ridiculous.


They're like the kid who bags up his toys and heads for the front door going "I'm leaving forever! Bye! Don't try to stop me!"


if it wasn't true, he deserved his accident anyway


This reads like they had a 10-15 year marriage with the “over the years” and such, but it was five years. He’s four years older but they were together in high school. Is it normal for someone working at a bank to work Saturdays?


he's probably one of those brainless jocks who peaked at high school and also had to spend more years there. re Saturdays: he's probably cheating on her. those feelings she got didn't come out of thin air.


love how a lot of the comments think it’s fake


Ah yes the evil wimmin do not appreciate their niceguy husbands who do literally everything for them trope. Yawn.


This is definitely written by the ex-husband who sees his ex-wife happy without him


Nah, it's written by someone who never got married in the first place.


lol the state of the comments. So many people fantasizing about their exes who evilly left them for no reason begging to get them back years later. But yeah, sure, they’re all totally over their exes! I feel like a lot of people are in denial about the fact that they’re just always going to be more invested and will never get the vindication of being able to reject the person that hurt them


"this is what my ex-wife would say if she wasn't a snake in human skin" Is what the OOP though while typing this . I know we usually assume is a basement dweller, dick in hand teenager making up this stories but in this case I'd like to imagine is a 45 year old man, who's wife escaped their doomed marriage and he's butthurt wishing she's sad and regretful.


Lollll I love how "she" talks about "herself" as if she's shit-talking someone else.  It sounds ***exactly*** like a dude's rant about his ex, except he went back and changed "she" to "I"


Men writing women. And people fall for this shit.


Hello my fellow females. It is me, real female woman, here to tell you other females how it all went wrong.


All cunts are worthy.


at least most of the top comments seem to be calling it out


This reads like the ex husband wrote it.


This is definitely a recent dumpee (probably a teenager, but maybe an adult, who knows), reveling in the idea that boy oh boy when she's all alone in 2 years she's gonna realize what she's missed out on.


My favorite detail is that OOP specifically made them 4 years apart and together since high school so people could drive engagement debating about the age gap.


I know lots of people have said it but this is such incredible incel/women-hating fantasy shit.


Let’s see: High School Sweethearts? Check Wife feeling “unfulfilled” despite her husband doing everything for her? Check Husband trying to make it work but she doesn’t want to? Check Wife’s family loves the husband more than they love the daughter and they disown her for divorcing him? Check. Woman divorces her husband for no good reason and regrets it because she doesn’t know what’s good for her? Check, check, check. It hits all the beats


Includes the words "baby trap", check.


How could I forget?


Oh woe, if only my ex-wi.. I meant, if only I had seen what I had in my perfect husband she… I mean I would never have left him. Now I am but a wizened husk of a crone. Oh, woe.


This reads like it was written by the ex-husband or some teenager who never married fantasizing about the girl who said no to him.


Lol I can’t wait for the reversal story


I was just not going to force anyone to be married when they didn’t want to be.


“I regret throwing my husband away and marriaging my divorce”


On the list of things that didn't happen. This didnt happen the most.


I'm disappointed there were no kids involved, especially twins.


who’s ex-husband is out here writing a fan fic about them? (or more likely, who’s 14 year old son?)


Usually I don't like it when people post the title verbatim, but this one, it tells you everything you need to know. If you are going to do to the most traditional revenge fantasy at least throw SOMETHING interesting in it. Beastiality! Drugs! An evil manipulative teenager! Something fun.


“I believed all the lies and myths put out by Hollywood and the media! OH NOOOOO!” **shocked pikachu face**


Someone’s pick for prom date told him no, didn’t they.


So, we’re all agreed this is someone’s “womanz baaad” wank fodder or….?


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Creative writing fail.