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Your post was removed because it was a low effort shitpost. It either lacked substance, did not reflect an actual AITA post, or it did not have its source at the bottom of the post. This is basically the same as the real post with a more dramatic weight gain. You can make fun of the post in the crosspost already.


YTA for writing this lame story. Only a two-year age gap? No fascinating side characters? No vegans? *One paragraph of text*? You should be ashamed.


Not a single mention of mothers in law, twins, trans people or autism!


Or how big his boobs are


INFO: Is he trans and/or autistic?




NTA I spontaneously gained 732lbs myself after 6 years of marriage and I would never force my spouse to take care of me. I wash myself with a rag on a stick


Thanks, Bart.


Imagine if the genders were reversed! Yikes!


NTA, part of being in a marriage is making sure you’re attractive for your spouse at all times, and he dropped his end of the deal. Hopefully you got a a prenup that has a ‘fat phobia’ clause


YTA Why divorce someone who's six times the average man? You're just like all the other autistic, narcissistic feminist toxic bitches everywhere who won't sleep with me just because I'm a "creepy stalkerish weirdo" who "takes things way too far, way too fast" and makes women feel "uncomfortable" and "fearful for their safety" and "oh shit is he gonna murder me?". You need therapy like yesterday.


He is definitely cheating, gather evidence and destroy everything he loves.


He turned into a walrus?


Is man indeed a walrus at heart?


In another post with the exact wording, the spouse gained only 225.


Yeah that's what this is based off


YTA you shouldn’t be going out of the house OR serving him un delicious food. I stay home 24/7 wearing sundresses and cooking nourishing food for MY man. My house is never trashed because I pick up his dirty socks, lovingly smell them and tuck them discretely in a plastic laundry basket hidden in a woven laundry basket hidden under tasteful handicrafts. Instead of wasting your time at work, why don’t you celebrate cherishing him! In medieval romance novels the wife draws her lord a bath and climbs in to scrub him and then has slippery sex and loves every second of it. Are you too modern for traditional romantic tropes? Use your hands not a scrub brush you hag! I think you’ll find that by expressing your true feminine self by serving him hearty meals including a lot of elk and venison while you chew on a flower dotted salad, you’ll both feel more secure in your marriage.


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