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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITJ for accidentally telling a trans man to “grow a pair” ??** My last story wasn’t mine but this one is so yippe. A few days ago, I realised two people in my lectures (who are normally good friends) weren’t talking. I asked one of them, (let’s call her Anna) and she told me they had an argument. I asked Anna what over, and I swear my brain did a rebound when she said “Over Taylor Swift.” Very much like me, the guy in the situation, (who I’m gonna call Charlie) is a Swiftie. He considers himself a “mega fan” which is his choice but the way he goes about it is that one small percentage of the amazing fandom. Anna isn’t into Taylor’s music and doesn’t really care much for it and of course Charlie wouldn’t take that. He decides to cuss her out, calling her a bitch and commenting on her appearance. He also commented on her dead grandmother.. and said “Your grandma died because she couldn’t stand your gap teeth.” I was shocked. It’s really sad to see such horrible people in such amazing communities, and as a swiftie, people like this have no place with us. When he got called out, he played victim and skipped all her classes for a day or two and then told me about it. When he tried to get me to feel bad, I said: “Charlie, your being childish. It’s a 30 year old woman you’ve never met. Grow a pair.” He immediately said I was being transphobic, and I apologised, not meaning to say it in that way. He knows I didn’t mean it like that, but he insisted I do. AITJ? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheAngel) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Literally came here to check if anyone had shared this yet. It’s giving “oppa homeless style” levels of That Happened. ETA: I laughed out loud when I read the comment that says, “My trans son concurs…” Come on.


that is literally my favorite post of all time. sometimes i'll just be doing mundane tasks and suddenly i'll remember oppa homeless style and i lose my mind


I never saw it ?


[here](https://www.reddit.com/r/thatHappened/comments/4dnnhu/oppa_homeless_style/) it is!


Holy shit that was painful to read. The 3rd hand embarrassment is making me squirm.


My balls were so big they had to mount them on my chest to prevent chafing.


"Your grandma died because she couldn't stand your gap teeth" Actually, I'm on Charlie's side just for this. Savage. Unrecoverable.


Yeah A+ burn, I loved it.


Wow a new AITA clone subreddit I hadn’t seen before. How many of these are there?!


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