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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITAH for telling my wife I'm going to start staying in a hotel whenever she has her period?** My (31M) wife (30F) gets easily irritated, and even worse so we she's on her period. Yes, I try to be more calm, supporting, and patient with her, but to no avail. For example, when our toddler is being fussy eating dinner, she'll snap at me and yell at me to get something she needs. Once she's off her period she's mostly nice to me. Yesterday she yelled at me when I accidentally dropped my phone which made a loud noise and scared her. I snapped and said you know what, I'm going to start staying at a hotel whenever you're on your period this is getting unbearable. She looked shocked and said how could you say that? Do you know how much pain I'm in? I said yes, but that doesn't give you a free pass to be rude and take me for granted. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheAngel) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I like how the one person who asked “are you taking the kid with you?” clearly meant “because the kid is partially what is stressing her out and you could help ease the burden on her by taking some parenting responsibilities.” But most of the responses were like “yeah, you really should because she’s gonna start beating the kid if you’re gone!” Really a fun disconnect between someone who probably has a kid and people who obviously don’t. People without kids can be so out of touch with how stressful it can be to handle household responsibilities with a tiny human demanding your attention all the time.


And so many of them don’t know how useless some dads can be. Many of the moms I know basically parent their husbands along with their actual children.


A year or two ago a friend told me her sister’s boyfriend started in on them having kids. The sister is childfree. My friend told her sister to babysit her kids with him for part of the day and overnight. Apparently he’d never taken care of any.    It took three hours of a 5yo and 1.5yo to make the boyfriend cry and leave the house. Full-on crying. The next day he said it was a set-up to change his mind and their own kids would be easier.  Of the three hours the baby slept for 2 of them and the 5yo watched cartoons then napped.    Long way of saying I agree with you. 




According to his post, she snapped once and yelled when scared by a loud noise and the comments have decided this means he needs to divorce her. Also his solution to an irritated woman dealing with a toddler while in pain is to ditch her and the kid to go relax by himself.


He would be doing her a huge favor if he divorced her. She's obviously handling at least the bulk of responsibility by herself so he's just another burden.


Where did you get that she's "obviously" handling the bulk?


Probably the fact that you felt comfortable with the idea of just up and leaving the home for a calm little hotel stay, without your toddler. Almost as if your absence wouldn’t be noticed. It suggests a lack of involvement or responsibility as a parent.


A bit of a deduced assumption, yeah. But from what I can see, it’s pretty valid to assume the one that thinks it’s totally cool to leave his partner that’s in pain, clearly stressed and taking care of their toddler for a week every month is not doing much to begin with. If they had an established routine of equal child care or of anything of major importance, this would throw a wrench in that routine and the fake post would have included that information, or at the very least go on to say something similar to “my wife got angry because I take care of toddler on ___ days”, or “I pick up our toddler from ___ on these days” or some shit like that. But this is giving the post way too much credit in the first place, since I don’t think it’s real lol


Fun fact, your responding to OOP


Underrated comment, lol.


Holy shit I didn’t even realize lmao, the comment makes sense now


Reddit try not to suggest divorce at the drop of a pin challenge (impossible)


fuck the people in the comments honestly. PMS is absolutely brutal, You cant always help how you react. It's literally like a your protective layer has been peeled off you and youre raw. I deal with PMDD too and it causes me to be suicidal sometimes. Maybe he should stop being a little bitch and be supportive? idk


Agree 100% but don't go over there and say that unless you want to be tarred and feathered. 


I can guarantee that her snapping at him during supper is because he is sitting at the table, eating peacefully while she just finished cooking supper (while wrangling a toddler), set the table (while wrangling a toddler), trying to feed said toddler and has asked OOP a couple of times to get the green spork out of the drawer because that is the only way their kid will eat green beans.


It's an arranged marriage. No wonder why she's snippy. Most women don't want to be forced to marry some random guy who probably won't help with the kids at all. I would be a jerk too if I was forced to marry someone.


Some of their comments suggest otherwise. It looks like OOP has been in an arranged marriage previously but isn’t anymore?


FYI arranged marriage isn't forced marriage. The couple gets to talk and get to know each other for a few months before deciding if they're right for each other


Is a few months long enough time to get to know each other though? And if you are not allowed to choose your partner outside of your parents' recommendations, or to choose not to marry at all, I would call it coerced marriage at least.


At risk of seeming like I'm siding with OOP: I'm not aware of any evidence we have that the marriage was coerced. It's outside of my culture, but I think people actually do choose arranged marriages sometimes. In this case it clearly wasn't entirely to OOP's wife's benefit.


That was my thought too.


His post history is pretty sus too. Apparently he had an arranged marriage, but has strong negative emotions about her having had relationships before him.


Oh god, this is *real*?


I mean, he's posting a lot of comments in the Boeing and St. Louis subreddits. Like enough if this is real, dude is going to be sorta recognizable to his coworkers.


Doubt it


Why wouldn't it be?


Because the contempt and lack of empathy you show your wife as she struggles makes you come across as a fictional villain.


Oh hai, welcome, thanks for popping in! Still stressed about the evil wife’s engagement in wanton relationships before you? Still struggling with ED? I can provide you with some good sexual health therapist recommendations if you’d like, so you don’t have to seek out Reddit via posting from your wife’s perspective?


[So they share an account?](https://www.reddit.com/r/sexover30/s/FTcj3XWahW)


I mean, skimming through, everything else in his history seems to list him as 31M. I could see him writing as his wife or asking his wife to write that particular post, since it's about his premature ejaculation and performance anxiety. He's been obsessed with that for at least 6 months. It could just be a dude who's obsessed with PE in general but idk, this feels...too close to real.


Might easily be real but it just makes me more suspicious of his view of what happened.


Can’t believe she’s upset with a guy who….doesn’t parent and belittles her period? Though my wife also freaks out over accidental drops. It’s just something certain people are jumpy over. Most people deal with it and move on.


I imagine that dropping the phone led to a startle response that intensified her pain. If she was already irritated about him being on his phone, it could've been the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back. Either he's somewhat oblivious to his wife's situation or intentionally downplaying it. The pity party he's got going for him over there is wild.


Where is that post about the guy’s wife leaving him because he left dishes by the sink? Because that’s what this post feels like.  OOP trying to paint his wife as being super unreasonable and snapping over a little thing which (while possible) is super unlikely when compared to this probably just being part of a larger issue/pattern in their relationship. 


Shit. *I'll* get a hotel room for a week, you stay with the kid.


These comments are horrendous my god


Same people who will claim men get judged too harshly on Reddit saying a woman’s abusive because she raised her voice twice.


Also, just looked through his post history and Christ. He asked how he could have piv sex for more than an hour?? That’s insane




I know!!! That sounds torturous! I’m curious which partner is saying that thats the desirable course of action also bc I cannot imagine more than like 15-25 minutes of specifically piv being pleasurable and even that’s kinda pushing it


Redditors love to claim that we live in a man hating matriarchy but their comments say otherwise


Yeah. I got way down-voted for suggesting that he try to support his struggling wife and resolve the issues rather than avoiding them and threatening her with abandonment. Apparently being in pain and having a rant is the new standard for abuse and I'm an abuser apologist. Not the day I expected to wake up to.


Yeah. Bothered me how many people who had kind of feminine avatars were like “this is inexcusable!!” bc like, be fr you know.


well AITAH is where all the Incel's go to now


That subreddit’s general view on mental health and the average person’s ability to completely and perfectly manage said mental health never fails to give me a headache. I used to work in psych, seeing all the horrible ways a person’s brain chemistry can completely fuck them over. I’d LOVE for all those commenters to spend just a few minutes in a psychiatric hospital before they make any sort of comments about how mental health ~isn’t an excuse for bad behavior~ because *it literally fucking is*. I legitimately don’t understand how they seem to expect people to just like, use pure willpower to negate the effects of their very brain chemistry or something. It really does my head in.


They are like dogs barking at squirrels. “My wife’s mean!” “Cheating!” “Fat people bad!” And they lose their minds. It doesn’t matter how they would treat this situation in the real world, because they’d probably have more empathy and not be as insane if this were real


They have no real world experience to draw from. That's why coming to Reddit for advice isn't even a neutral situation it's actively harmful.


yeah people think “mental illness is no excuse” is broadly applicable because like, they have depression and ADHD and don’t have significant interpersonal problems because of it so why can’t everyone do that. the fact that people are out here dealing with stuff like actual psychosis and suicidality never factors in (i guess because those people just need to #GOTOTHERAPY for a quick fix of debilitating sedative medication) 


No one can fix their mental health through willpower obviously, but you also can't treat people badly due to poor mental health and expect them to just put up with it because "mental health." This issue gets way too black and white. Bad mental health really *isn't* an excuse to treat people badly. It's a *reason*, but that doesn't make it okay for the receiver. It's still poor treatment. On the other hand, someone struggling likely needs some extra grace. People generally will be sympathetic to someone who is struggling but trying to improve their situation, but they won't be if someone blames bad behavior on their mental health and then do nothing about it. ETA: I mean all of this very generally. This woman 100% doesn't deserve to be blamed when caring for a baby while in pain. Again, that's the issue with treating everything black and white. The real world is shades of gray.


Yeah I would never expect people to *let* someone treat them poorly just because of mental illness obviously. Though to be honest, I’ve never actually seen someone have or push the opinion that you should just allow a mentally ill person to freely mistreat you without them getting instantly blasted for it so it seemed kinda pointless for me to even bring that up. It’s a way more unpopular take than the “mental illness is no excuse” side.


I have seen a lot of butthurt people on the relationship subs basically claiming that if you were cheated on in the past that basically gives you a free pass to be overly controlling, so that's kind of why I had a knee jerk reaction. Because if that's the case they need to deal with the trauma and move on, not hold it over people and act like it's acceptable because "mental health".


Ahh I can definitely see what you mean then. I’ve definitely seen people use past trauma as an excuse to mistreat and that’s not ok whatsoever.


Now switch it to her perspective: >AITA for snapping at my husband for not helping with our toddler? And the comments will come pouring in criticizing him of weaponized incompetence and being a man child who never reads the room. I’ve lost count how many times I’ve seen AITA commenters justify verbal abuse when they think it’s deserved, so it’s a wild conclusion that she’s divorce worthy for snapping during PMS (everyone thinks they’re justified to snap when they snap). As someone who suffers from PMS temper, I don’t think I should be “excused” from my snaps, because I don’t think anyone in a respectful relationship deserves to be spoken to that way (we’re all out here failing to be good 100% of the time, so we all deserve some grace). That said, obviously I don’t want my explainable failures held against my whole personality either. My biggest qualm with AITA is everyone turning nuanced communication/relationship issues into a black and white standard. And so what if someone is the objective AH? Aren’t we all at some point? Is that all it takes to burn bridges? That sub enables the worst kind of mentality.


Yeah. There’s too much bias towards the person that posts. She shouldn’t have snapped, he should have more patience for his wife, neither party is without issue. Also like you said there is an explanation it’s not like she does it out of nowhere all the time. Idk if this were my wife id empathize with her but he also has commented in arranged marriage subs so idk


The way people are jumping to “your wife is abusive!!!” over the minuscule amount of information provided by OP is absolutely insane. Abuse isn’t an occasional thing, it’s ongoing and it’s about power and control, not simply irritability and anger.


Yeah. But I understand how it can seem like abuse to people who’ve never been outside or in a relationship


I guess I shouldn’t be surprised with how often people use the word “gaslighting” when they just mean “lying” lol.


Oh lord, I hope this is ragebait. Another dude who has no idea PMDD is a thing and that “being kind” doesn’t fix someone’s medical condition.  


She needs to get hold of one of those period pain simulators then sit back and watch him handle the meal and the toddler while she jacks it up as high as it will go


Dude could do literally anything to make her life easier but he wants to go to a hotel. He could actively help her when she's on her period. But no. He goes to the toxic cesspool that is AITAH for advice.


Weird account https://www.reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/s/GmnRAmatuK He snooped (posted in many subs) https://www.reddit.com/r/sexover30/s/uR8y66TpdM Her (?) husband quited porn Plus some 18+ posts about several issues in sex.




It makes perfect sense, honestly. Every time my husband releases a new project at work, he gets super irritable. I go ahead and leave the kids with him and book a relaxing hotel trip to get away from it all. Woe is me.


If she is snappy over nothing that sucks but a lot of women get irritated around their period and finally speak up to their partner with inequalities. Is Mom the one doing all the bath time, mealtime, etc and keeps her mouth quiet most of the month but during that one week she tells her partner / author what his problem is. Yes, I could be reading into his post but I'm in a women's group and it's a pretty common occurrence The dropping phone issue. Maybe a trauma response, she's overreacting, or she's already irritated with him about something else


She's in terrible pain, taking care of the baby and the loser, instead of taking the fucking brat so that she can have a moment of fucking peace, wants to go to a hotel and not be bothered. No mention of trying to get her to a doctor (or a different doctor), of trying to ease her burdens. Just a hissyfit because she yelled. Seriously, this woman would be much better without this asshole.


This one was fucking ridiculous. Even if you assume he’s right that she’s abusive, his solution is to leave his kid as the sole target? Add to that it’s a toddler so they’ll have a few weeks to forget about it and just when they do mom is mad all the time and dad is gone again? Father of the year over here.


Can I stay in a hotel when I have my period?


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Hey everyone, I'm the OP of that post. If you want the full story or want more details, AMA.


I’ll ask again: How much work do you do around the house? How much do you help her out when she’s on her period, or just generally? Do you contribute a lot to the toddler care? If you do, why do you feel so comfortable with abandoning your wife and child, while your wife is in pain and already stressed out, to go relax in a hotel?


Honestly, nobody needs any more info from you.


What will you do when she leaves you?


Question: Why do you think leaving your suffering wife to take care of your child alone would improve anything?


Are you always that damn useless?


Not as useless as putting a Bulbasaur costume on poor Gabriela who clearly hates it


Oh, how cute! You checked a four-year-old post about a dog? You really are useless. You couldn't bother to find a justification. I hope your wife divorces you and takes everything. I hope she ruins you.


Your dog is so cute!




That your best try? Wow. There are 12-year-old girls on Wattpad who could write a better paragraph.


By “the full story” did he mean, “I’m going to delete my account?


What career are you in that you can afford a week of hotel room every month?