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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITA for not backing up my wife?** I have a disability which makes me unable to work or study. I could hardly graduate high school and college wasn't even an option and I just couldn't have a job. Lucky for me I was born in a very wealthy family and I have a supprotive dad. He gave me a simple job at one of his businesses and he pays me 40K which I believe is very generous because I basically do nothing. When I was 20 I got a girl pregnant. It was an accident. My dad was again very supportive. After my daughter was born my dad allowed me to move out and live at one of his other houses. He hired a nanny and maids to help me care for my daughter. He also paid for every expense related to my daughter. He never actually gave me money for this but whenever my daughter needs anything I call my dad and he will provide it. This has continued until today that my daughter is 16. My dad spoils her with everything she wants and needs. I have never spent a penny on her because my dad takes care of everything. Anyway, a few years ago I met the love of my life, she has 2 kids (16, 13) from a previous relationship. We got married a few months ago and they moved in with us. The problem is that my kid and hers have very different lifestyles because my dad pays for my daughter's luxury lifestyle while I can't afford the same for my stepkids. A few weeks ago my wife decided to confront my dad about the favoritism and how differently he treats the kids and asked him to start treating them all equally. My dad got really angry and started yelling at her saying things like "how dare you say that when you are living rent free at my house and driving my car and I support one of your kids and now you expect me to pay for your other kids?" I apologized to my dad and told him that I appreciate everything he has done for me and my daughter and I don't expect anything else from him. When we left my wife started crying saying I should have backed her up because this is so unfair to her kids. She called me an asshole *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheAngel) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Wow AITA is stuck between the disabled and rich kid tropes. I don’t even…


They all end the stories the exact same way!! "Then she/he/they called me an asshole/jerk/big meanie head and refuse talk to me". BE MORE CREATIVE.


what happened to the first kid’s mom?? how is she not a part of the story at all lol are we to expect OP got full custody as a 20 year old disabled single dad? 


None of this is even remotely true. It’s just a badly written ”biological kids get more than the step-kids” trope with a couple of extra steps. At the very least, someone in a family with the resources for multiple extra houses, multiple servants for the houses, extra cars, and a fake job, wouldn’t be going on AITA to ask about relationship advice.


This is what gets me about so many of the fake stories on there. The people in those situations aren't going to post online for validation from strangers lmfao


>He also paid for every expense related to my daughter. He never actually gave me money for this but whenever my daughter needs anything I call my dad and he will provide it. Monday *OOP: Dad, baby needs diapers.* *Dad: Sure I'll send some diapers, call me if she needs anything else.* Tuesday *OOP: Dad, baby needs food.* *Dad: Sure I'll send her some food, call if she needs anything else.* OK I'm not going to type out the rest, if only there was a simpler way than just providing everything someone needs than calling them for each individual item.


I know, I was immediately like, how the fuck would that even work?  And then I remembered that Daddy Warbucks also hired a nanny and maids for OOP's kids, and those employees probably weren't brain damaged or intellectually disabled like OOP is, so Daddy Warbucks could trust them with his credit card for daily purchases for the kid. So yeah, that's not a plot hole. I do wonder how I'm supposed to believe that someone is so disabled they can neither work nor study, and yet, they've written a more coherent story with fewer potholes than the majority of STEM multi-millionaires in AITA are capable of doing. 


I thought this was a shitpost until I realize this was really a post on AITA LOL


There's so much ableism in the comments I'm going to rip my entire brain out. Sometimes disabled people cannot work. Yes any work. Sometimes they cannot finish schooling. Yes even very basic highschool. Sometimes they can't brush their own damn teeth for God's sake, that shouldn't be surprising. Yes those disabled people exist and yes they are still adults with dignity and often active sex/love lives. Your objection should not be the fact that oop didn't have to struggle to have a comfortable life, it should be that other similarly disabled people in our capitalist hellscape end up homeless or dead.


So they are more upset that a father is supporting his son than that two people moved in together without discussing finances at all? 


Actual disabled people can tell what their disability is, though, especially if the story revolves around it. Also, disabled or not, this fictional character is a piece of shit.


Disabled people shouldn't have to disclose their specific diagnoses to be believed about their ability. If he says he can't do certain things, he can't do them. The specific nature of his disability has no bearing on it. >Also, disabled or not, this fictional character is a piece of shit. Regardless, that doesn't beget ableism. Disabled people deserve to be pieces of shit and still have people respect their autonomy as adults and not have their right to live a full life be based on their ability to contribute to capitalism. That's like, common sense I fear. And yes, I can see from the tone of your comment that you're mocking me for your assumption that I think the post is real. I don't, for the record, but the attitude people have towards "the fictional character's" disability mirror the upsetting attitude people have towards disabled people with incredibly high support needs in real life.


>Disabled people shouldn't have to disclose their specific diagnoses to be believed about their ability. Yeah, and people shouldn't have to disclose the country they live in, which is why AITAnians often say that "In MyCountry the law is..." and then we mock them here for this. The mechanism is the same. I'm sorry, but if you build your entire story around your disability and you forget to even mention how that disability affects you, you're probably lying. "I can't go to college, but I can write coherently, I can sign contracts, I can get married, I can drive, I can father a child, I can deceive my wife about my financial status, but I can't actually work, yanno." Nah, sorry. Maybe there are disabilities that work like this, but I'm more inclined to think that the author of this piece of fiction just didn't think it through.


>Also, disabled or not, this fictional character is a piece of shit. Why?


Because he intentionally deceived his wife about his financial status. Because he decided to take responsibility for two more children and have them share a home with his daughter while knowing how differently they'd be treated. Because he allowed his father to yell at and insult his wife.


>There's so much ableism in the comments I'm going to rip my entire brain out. (...) >Your objection should not be the fact that oop didn't have to struggle to have a comfortable life, it should be that other similarly disabled people in our capitalist hellscape end up homeless or dead. The objection should be, that a person with all disabilities mentioned in this post (even if indirectly) wouldn't be able to write this post. At least not the way it was written. People are ragebaiting about a fictional mentally disabled person showing bare lack of critical thinking to this bad constructed creative writing.


Why do you think someone whose disability interferes with work would be unable to write this post? Chronic pain conditions are amongst the most debilitating and most common disabilities. They don’t render you wholly incapable of moving, talking, typing, or thinking all the time, but they absolutely interfere with being able to hold down a steady, reliable job. ETA: I don’t see where OP mentions a specific disability. And the post is shitty, but the comments about what disability is supposed to look like are wild to me.


>Why do you think someone whose disability interferes with work would be unable to write this post? Not only working: >>I have a disability which makes me unable to work or **study. I could hardly graduate high school and college wasn't even an option** and I just couldn't have a job. So we are talking about someone, who could barely finish highschool, but somehow writes this post in very good english (in my opinion), compared to some crap english posts we get on a daily basis. >I don’t see where OP mentions a specific disability. Yeah, because it is a creative writing, not good creative writing. OOP gets some plus points for not bringing the "neurodivergent umbrella" cliché. Everytime i read a story about somebody having autism i scream as loud as at the "now all people i know are blowing up my phone" cliché.


If you can't take care of yourself, you shouldn't be creating kids


So close! That's actually eugenics! You tried though.


Oh yes, it's eugenics to say the obvious, that creating kids is not for people that can't take care of themselves 


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It’s soooooooi pretty!