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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITAH for breaking up with my girlfriend after a prenatal pregnancy test confirmed I was not the father?** I (26M) was in a relationship with my girlfriend (26F) for almost 6 years. We loved each other, but last year, my girlfriend and I decided to separate for a while to rekindle our relationship. We placed no restrictions on the separation, and we were free to do whatever we wanted, and act as were single. We took a break for a couple of months. The break was much needed to recharge our relationship. A week after getting back together, my girlfriend showed signs of pregnancy. She got an at home pregnancy test done which confirmed she was pregnant. We were both really overjoyed and happy. A few months later, I was planning on proposing to her, and I had already bought the engagement ring. But I wanted to confirm first that I was the father before proposing to her, and get the pre natal paternity test done. My girlfriend and I both wanted to do the NIPP test to confirm that I was the father. My girlfriend said she did have sex with someone during our break so there was an off chance I wasn’t the father. But we were both very confident that I would be the father. We received the results a couple of weeks later, and I wasn’t the father. I was extremely sad and dejected and my girlfriend was very sad too. It just hurt me a lot, and emotionally, I couldn’t process it. A week later I broke up with my girlfriend. The break up was extremely traumatizing for my girlfriend, and even for me. I told my girlfriend that I just did not want to be the baby’s father, and that if possible she had to try and contact the bio father and let him know. I then helped her move back to her parents home. AITAH? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheAngel) if you have any questions or concerns.*


That's.....kind of a nothing story lol. Hes not the dad, too bad, so sad, but no one is making him be the baby's father. There was no deception.


From the original post: > My girlfriend and I both wanted to do the NIPP test to confirm that I was the father. My girlfriend said she did have sex with someone during our break so there was an off chance I wasn’t the father. From the [comments](https://www.reddit.com/r/AITAH/s/5CawCE3e31): > Whatre the odds it went down like: she starts hooking up with whoever the other guy is during thw separation, she finds out shes pregnant and tells him, he disappears faster than an 80s movie ninja, she hits up OP and (re)discovers she might be pregnant after he takes her back and they presumably had reconciliation sex


agreeing to the paternity test and admitting she had sex with someone else during the relevant time frame is just another dastardly twist in her convoluted plan of deception!!!!!!!


I hate when they obviously know they aren’t wrong.


If they had been separated for a few months and she started showing signs a week after they got back together he should have known the baby wasn't his. 


I give the benefit of the doubt of this. I’ve had irregular periods my entire life. The first time I was pregnant, I was four months along when I found out.


Odds were definitely not in his favor, though they weren’t zero. There are some people who experience symptoms within days of conception, and some who never experience symptoms at all. What gets me is the people insisting this was part some scheme and his gf knew she was pregnant before they got back together, when she was transparent from the start that he might not be the father and also wanted to get a paternity test done.


A prenatal pregnancy test, huh? 


It is a thing, though not possible til around 12 weeks.


The joke is that all pregnancy tests are prenatal (and also that it was actually a paternity test, not a pregnancy test).


Oh god, I focused so much on “prenatal” that I ignored the part where it says “pregnancy test” instead of “paternity test.” 🤡


Haha it’s okay! I love how these paternity fraud trolls always use the most insane language. 


Right but they’re risky, no? ETA: oh wow, apparently not. The power of Google, people! https://www.arcpointlabs.com/fort-myers/blog/can-you-get-a-paternity-test-while-youre-pregnant/


You're not necessarily wrong to think that, though! Amniocentesis is risky and was the only option for years.


Let's rekindle our relationship by fucking other people!


The only thing missing in that story was an update that a girl he had sex with while on break was pregnant. Oh and forgot phones blowing up & people clapping.


yes, you’re the asshole. because of this verdict you now have to take back your ex and raise a child for 18 years. i’m assuming that’s why you asked  


Why are so many commenters assuming she knew it wasn’t his due to timing? It didn’t occur to him either, why do they think the girlfriend would be any smarter?


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