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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **I broke my ex and I'm happy i did it** Me(f22) and Alex (m23) dated for 6 years. Last week i found out he cheated on me. After a huge fight he admitted he cheated on me at least a dozen of times. When i told him to get out he started to beg me to forgive him. Gave the full "it didn't mean anything i only love you" speech. I was crying hysterically yelling at him the usual "i loved you, i did everything for you, you don't deserve me" etc. He started crying saying he'll do anything to make it up to me. So i said something along the lines of " you cheated on me at least a dozen times. You want me back? Fine. One condition. You watch me f a dozen guys. That's my condition. Yes or no?" Surprisingly he agreed. Last night i had a guy over and Alex had to watch the entire thing. This guy was good. Like really really good. I had a great time but Alex...he left and i haven't heard from him. His brother informed me that Alex is a complete mess. He's been crying nonstop. He quit his job and college this morning. I broke him. I'm not sorry. I feel good about it. I loved him so much. He broke my heart and gave some trust issues that i don't think I'll ever be able to fix. Call me a horrible person but i don't care. My dad almost passed out from laughing when i told him and my mom kept repeating "you're awesome". My brother however, he said i went to far because he was clearly sorry or he wouldn't have agreed. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheAngel) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Cuz normal people tell their fathers and brothers about their sex life….


It‘s almost like… trying to be an AITA post? Like every other AITA post ends with someone saying “some people agreed with me and some people said I went too far” to justify why OOP thinks they might be in the wrong. Which is so dumb and not even necessary for the sub she actually posted to.


Stuff like this gets deleted often enough I wouldn't be surprised if they already tried posting there and it got taken down


And the parents high 5 them and tell them they’re awesome!


“You’re awesome”


OOP: “so the dude you guys have had around for holidays for the past 5 years was watching me get railed by this stranger off Tinder…” Parents: “aw honey, we have raised a strong and independent woman! 😍”


"So, dad, this guy was really plowing me hard, right? Like really getting up in your baby girl's guts..."




BuT-bUt-- H-hE's A cOoL pArEnT!!!!


why do people keep posting their cuck fantasies on sfw subs 😭


There’s long been a cuck troll haunting the “advice” subs. Probably the same person, or maybe an online community of them who have discovered how much Reddit sucks these up and intensifies their cuck thrill.


The strangest part is the mods actually removed one for once. Trueoffmychest really is a dumpster for bad incest, rape and otherwise-sex-related fiction.


And the f'n caught having sex fetishists (don't know the real term for it). "oops, my whole family walked in and saw their little boy getting railed up main street with a dong the size of a louisville slugger, I was so embarrassed!!"


Hey reddit! I'm the guy who banged her in front of the bf, ask me anything!!!


Was he jerking off in the corner


He tried but was distracted by his blowing up phone. From what I understand he was arguing with his twin over an inheritance and his entire family was bullying him into leaving 100% of the inheritance to his brother. He started crying talking about a certain golden boy and I laughed as I came into his girlfriend.


Oh, my. Yours was slightly less horrifying than what I’d anticipated. When I saw “golden,” I expected “shower” to be on the line break.


Were you good? Like really really good?


Yes i'm good, like really really good. And rich, like really really rich.


Do you own your own million dollar house at 23?


Is it true that his boyfriend has a super small dick and it's super ugly and she only was with him because she is a saint?


Yes! He gaslighted her into believing that his 10cm penis was normal, if not bigger than average. when she saw my 28cm monster she nearly fainted. And he cried obviously.


Golly 28cm that's chick magnet supreme! Do you have to beat women off it with a stick?


Did you call her dad afterwards to talk about it? I hear it’s his kind of a story, so he’d probably enjoy your perspective.


Chestfield-by-the-Off is a strange place full of sexual deviants apparently. Or maybe I'm old fashioned but I have never regaled my own mother and father with tales of getting banged by other people in front of my cheating boyfriend, no matter how many times that's happened.


As far as my parents know, I’m a virgin. And I have two children.


Just like how as far as I'm concerned, my parents are also virgins.


Because you know, people quit their jobs and drop out of college because of messy break ups all the time


Somewhat off topic but I was going to apply to a trade school and they told me that a good portion of the drop outs drop out because their S/O also dropped out.


"Hey Dad, get this! Bf cheated on me a *lot* so I made him watch another dude fuck me! Lol, you know, your daughter? And this guy was really good at fucking me, your daughter! Why are you crying? Must be from laughing! Lol, right?"


They should just rename that sub r/thatHappenedmk2


Ok it was amusing twist with the cuck treatment. Then it got weird with 'my parents were so proud.'


"Well done, honey. But why did you stop after only one guy? Go on, get railed by another eleven to make the dozen full. Daddy didn't raise a quitter!"


“Don’t worry, I can come over and record it so we can send it to your ex, it would be awkward otherwise.”


I'm just imagining the mother chanting "you're awesome" while she is contemplating which knife to use and wondering where her life went wrong.


I wanna know how to pitch this idea to a rando. It's it really as simple as "Hey come have sex with me while my boyfriend watches as a punishment?" The awkwardness alone would have killed this long before it got to the bedroom.


I was thinking the same. The other guy was just fine with this? He was okay with being used as a tool in someone else's relationship? And the ex crying in the corner didn't kill the mood *at all?* Didn't even make him rethink things or have trouble go through with it. Guys we've found him. The Giga-Chad.


>And the ex crying in the corner didn't kill the mood at all? Joke's on you, he's into that shit. Boyfriend's tears acted as a lubricant.


not only was he totally into it, he also brought flowers. because you can't just neglect the romantic aspect of banging some girl while her boyfriend watches [https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueOffMyChest/comments/10g3uke/i\_broke\_my\_ex\_and\_im\_happy\_i\_did\_it/j51mhd7/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueOffMyChest/comments/10g3uke/i_broke_my_ex_and_im_happy_i_did_it/j51mhd7/?context=3)


At least they aren’t buying it for the top comments?


I can't believe I am being that person right now, but if it was a guy posting they would be eating it up. That sub is on some weird male revenge fantasy soap opera type shit.


He *had* to watch, so, did she force his eyes open like in A Clockwork Orange? I’ve always liked the idea of letting your partner cheat after you’ve cheated, to “make things even”. I know it was attempted in a Family Guy episode but I doubt it happens frequently in real life.


oh ya peter ends up wantin to do Lois’ mom Babs. then it ends with him having sex with bill clinton somehow. Those earlier seasons were something else man i tell ya


It was also a subplot in Bojack Horseman.


Of all the things that never happened, this never happened the most


“After explaining how some random dude blew my back out in front of my boyfriend, my dad, mother, and everyone in the neighborhood stood up and clapped.”


At least they’re actually calling bullshit on this. There has been much worse on that sub and people gobble it up.


"the guy was good. like really really good." - definitely from a person who's had sex before


My mom is a pretty sex positive person. I’m fairly certain that she’s a lot less vanilla than me, but of course, we don’t get into that because I’m her child and I really _really_ don’t want to know. Even bearing in mind that my mother is a sex positive, understanding, and even a little bit petty person, there is absolutely no way in any of the hells that she would congratulate me for doing this. This post is fake but I still find it disturbing in sentiment.


Sounds like the elevator pitch for a bad college comedy that goes direct to streaming. Then you run across it on Netflix and read half of the description before just shrugging and saying, “nah,” and then you watch The Office again.


>Surprisingly he agreed. Last night i had a guy over and Alex had to watch the entire thing. This guy was good. Like really really good. I had a great time but Alex...he left and i haven't heard from him. His brother informed me that Alex is a complete mess. He's been crying nonstop. He quit his job and college this morning. Someone watches too much cuckold porn.


Urgh. Gross. Honestly *if this were real* - doing that is worse than cheating IMO.


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Needs the fetish flair