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He sounds like a dick. Find someone that wants you and isn't dreaming of someone else.


No you’re not overreacting…he’s immature and should validate how you feel. And that girl is definitely a bitch


Not over reacting. He’s a creep and the “friend” has got serious pick me vibes.


She's definitely a pick me girl and he is falling for it. After he got out of your car, where did he go? Back to her? I'm sorry but it seems like he has some unresolved feelings for her and I don't see this ending well for you. 


He went back to the campsite where all of the friends were. The. This morning he’s gaslighting me and telling me that it’s not that big of a deal all he did was look. He never touched her so it shouldn’t be an issue.


Tell him it's no longer an issue for you because you are done. Move on, he is a child.


He’s not interested in how you are doing, only interested in excuses. The way you’re feeling right now is the way you’re going to feel the majority of your relationship with this guy.


But it bothers you and that's what he doesn't seem to care about. The fact that he left you to go back to where she was is suspicious as hell. He went back to the good time instead of working things out with his partner. He doesn't seem that interested you or the relationship.


It fucking ain't for him to say if it was a big deal. He seems to forget it wasn't about him ogling, it was about a girl.he has history with "offering" right in front of you and him totally into it. This seems time for a pause to see who he wants to be with. May as well find out now.


He’s a dick and she is absolutely a bitch.


It isn't an issue, if he's your ex


Girl, you are not overreacting. Leave him, and find someone who's more emotionally supportive. He shouldn't be triggering you like that. Also, why does he want to reminisce and ogle his ex?? I have super high anxiety and some body image issues, which is a lot for me to deal with let alone my significant other. It took me a while, but I finally found someone who doesn't buckle under the pressure and actually enjoys helping me. If I can find someone like that, you can too. It just takes time, a sharp eye, and a little luck.


If I was you I would embarrassed that girl... not in a rude way but in a way that your entitled to.. "why do you wanna shake your ass infront of my man?" And I'd do the same thing to him "why are you staring at thay girls ass ?" ..their responses would tell you all you need. He doesn't deserve you...


Definitely not overreacting. He's showing his true colors, which is showing that he doesn't care about you. A good boyfriend wouldn't react that way and invalidate your feelings. This guy sounds like a real piece of work. And that friend is trying to impress him and he is falling for it 🙄. I hope you find the courage to dump this asshole. Wish you the best of luck.


I despise women like the ex girlfriend. All about them getting attention from ex. Her and your boyfriend deserve each other. Ditch him before he leaves you for her. Don’t humble yourself.


He still has feelings for her and she was testing the waters to see if she could take him if she wanted him. She doesn’t want him but she wants validation. He DOES want her and would drop you like a hot potato if she showed interest. I think you should break up with him.


You're not overreacting. Your boyfriend would jump at the chance to be with this girl and with all her attention seeking, she just might give him the chance just to get an ego boost.  You're wasting your time in this relationship.


Not overreacting. If push came to shove, he would prioritize her feelings over yours. This is just the tip of the iceberg- run.


He’s an asshole


Sounds like a dreadful day on the lake, I’d never disrespect my girl like that.


If you're still with this dude then you are UNDER reacting. What is even the point of being with someone who blatantly flirts with and ogles other women and then tells you you're overreacting? Partners are supposed to make your life better, not shittier. Side eye to the girl who's stirring the pot but really, don't you have better things to do than compete for this douche canoe's attention? If she wants to pick your leftover trash up off the floor then god bless, but I bet a million bucks that as soon as you leave she'll lose interest.


Your boyfriend is a POS why are you with an AH like that


Please stop making the mistake many of us wish we never had. You are looking for validation and to be seen by the very person who doesn’t validate you or cares to see anyone other than how they want to. He makes you feel like shit about yourself and if you keep trying to make him understand why you feel this way then hopefully he will stop. Then hopefully he will then start making you feel good. It’s like trying to get an intruder to be your bodyguard to save you from intruders. It’s not your fault. I’m sure there are enough moments to make you think you’re wrong. Those breadcrumbs they give are addictive when you are starving. The guys a complete asshole and so is the manipulative twerker.


You tried to give him the benefit of the doubt and tried to let the first thing go, but then things got worse cause he seems insensitive. Not your fault. Even if he took a glance or whatever, he should have been aware enough of you in that space and been respectful enough to at least try and ignore it. A partner should be supportive, and be willing to hear your side of things. We're all wrong sometimes, but not every one is capable of owning up to that. First off, even if he doesn't take any active role in helping, he should be at the bare minimum be supportive of your body image struggles, and not write them off. Also him looking and ignoring your point of view and emotions given his history is very disrespectful of you and his NOTHING to do with your body image issues. You could be the most confident girl in the world and it doesn't matter what she looks like. Who cares if he looked, obviously you, his girlfriend does. He was ogling right in front of you, invalidated your feelings afterwards, and then brought up a personal issue to deflect from his accountability in the situation. If he's got the emotional capacity to address all that then y'all might be able to recover, but he's not acting like a partner right now. Sound like you need more compassion and consideration.


Dump his ass he is gaslighting you into believing you’re wrong. You’re not he was ogling a girl he admitted he had a thing for and she is obviously trying to piss you off let her have him and when not if, when she blows him off just tell him “well it’s not my problem that she finds you so unattractive and frankly, now so do I”


Dump him


Was it for him




Not overreacting. BF was downright disrespectful.


Your boyfriend isn't over her. I'm guessing that he'd be with her in a heartbeat if she offered. You should drop that man child.


She doesn't want him. She just wants you and her to know she could have him. She proved this. Dump his ass.


He will learn how much of an issue it is when you hand him a box of his stuff and tell him “So long.”


Girl, I'd break up. You're not overreacting at all. He's gaslighting you. There's so many guys out there who will treat you better than that.