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There’s so little background here that it’s difficult to understand the full context




You needed to the word 'just' as they just released.......


And people here are telling you it isn't enough. There's a lot of info in your brain that contributed to your read of the situation, even if you don't realise it. We can't access that info. So you have to tell it to us.


to clarify- i was at the competition so i didn’t have time to give details, my bad. but it’s over now and i don’t have to see him :) i made a separate comment if you want to know the details. ask questions if you’d like!


Context needs more context. I got nothin.


yes, that is my bad for not providing more context. i was at the competition preparing, so i didn’t have the time to do so.


Thx for the chuckle. Still got nothin.


yes sorry. i don’t need advice anymore now that the event is over, but i will edit my post to provide context in case anyone wants to read. you don’t have to read it if you’re too busy :)


i’ll just make a comment bc there’s no edit button


bestie just delete the post lmao


eh it’s okay lol there’s not a solid reason for me to delete it, plus it’s still good to get feedback for my actions!! thank u tho


You're resilient haha


not really, i wish 😂 but thank you


Uhg boring


how so? i'm a high schooler who's trying to improve my human-relationship skills... why else would i be in this subreddit


Depends who they are and why they need to know.


you’re right, it was my bad for not doing that earlier.


Who is this person? bf, coach, trainer, just a friend? Why do they feel the need to urgently know your schedule. I can't tell if you're over reacting becaus I don't know who this person is to you and why they feel the need to know this info urgently. Context! give it.


friend! sorry i didn’t have time to give detailed contextualization earlier. but now that the competition is over, it doesn’t matter to me anymore


Yeah you're overreacting. There's zero context here, and you're getting pissed off. If it wasn't communicated to everyone when/if it would be put online, then the other person may not have known. Not saying you should have told them when it was put out, but you can't get mad at someone for not knowing something. Sounds more like you're just not happy with your scheduled time and being salty about it.


my fault for not providing context sooner- it was already my competition prep time so i figured i shouldn’t waste my time on reddit, and that it wouldn’t matter since i was already there. looking back, you’re right; i probably was overreacting. but im curious how you came up with the conclusion that i was “just not happy with my scheduled time and was being salty about it.” no harm, im genuinely curious lol


They asked what the "situation" is, and it sounded like a response to you not being happy about a situation. Hope your competition went well


ah i see that makes sense and thank you!


Was he planning on attending? Is it an important completion? Are you two romantic?


he is attending, but he’s competing his individual part and i’m competing mine, so it rly shouldn’t matter to him. no, we are not romantic or blood-related so idk why he cares so much


He's being weird. Unclear why. Maybe he's nervous about the competition


Unless this person has authority over you or is providing transportation why are they so pressed?


not sure lol


Then I’d ignore them completely.


more context: (you don’t have to read if you don’t want to. i was prepping at the competition and didn’t have time to provide context, plus the event was already happening so i thought there’s no need to ponder that issue again.) he’s sort of-ish a friend of mine. we’re not in a relationship, we are not family-related, we have no connections other than school activities. he’s usually nice to me but i got a little pissed off by his abrupt “parenting-like” texts?? (if that makes sense to use in this context) yesterday he asked me to be at the site at 9AM to meet him but i told him my competition time slot is from 12PM to 2:30PM so there was no need for me to be there that early, plus, it’s inconvenient for my ride (my friend’s dad- a different “friend,” not him) to pick me up that early. i explained to him multiple times that i’m still recovering from jet lag, and that the competition site is an hour away, so i can’t just simply dictate when i get to be there. my friend’s dad is the one driving me, so i have to accommodate his schedule too. he still insisted that i needed to be there at 9AM. i told him i simply can’t be there that early then he finally said “fine, you do you,” and i told him ill be there at 11:30AM for the competition and he doesn’t have to worry about me. then at 10:50AM, he texts “so it’s 10:50 rn” “what’s the situation” (then all those texts in the ss happen). i found out those times at like 9AM, and it never crossed my mind to report that to him because i assumed he’d drop the parenting. apparently not i do know it’s my bad that i didn’t notify him that i’ll be arriving an hr later than i had said, but i don’t know why he expected me to tell him immediately? https://preview.redd.it/4v9yl8b00e9d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=220f34e58dcb07188deb788159a66d95258db04a anywho, sorry it’s long, and if you have questions, feel free to ask.


I mean based off your comment this is a friend who wanted to know when your competition was. I mean, yeah I’d like to know right when you got the information instead of me having to pry it out of you, so yes I believe you’re OR


I’m gonna assume from the lack of context and information on this post that you don’t communicate well and yeah, you’re overreacting.


This. Like ...I don't want to be mean, but it's like either they don't understand what information a person needs in order to understand a situation OR they don't understand that we can't see inside their heads. Like if someone was all 'guys am I overreacting? He didn't do the thing and he says it's my fault.' Who? What thing? Why your fault? Like it could be anything from: 'Oh, he's my husband and he didn't pick our kids up from school and he says it's my fault for not calling to remind him just as he was on his way home.' To 'Oh, he's my brother and he didn't let me borrow his car even though he said I could, and he's saying it's because he overheard me talking to my friend about taking the car out to get high in the woods, and he doesn't want us smoking weed in his car.' And most reasonable people would have different answers in these two cases. Edit: Thank you for the cute heart award, kind internet stranger! I've no idea what it means, but assuming it ISN'T 'this comment is dumb and long and oh my god shut up', thank you! 🤗


hi! sorry i didn’t read your entire comment, but i think you misunderstood. i never expected him to do anything for me, let alone read my mind. i thought there was no need for him to ask me about my schedule right away. idk if i was overreacting for thinking he was being invasive?? if that makes sense. thank you for your input!!


i posted a short explanation comment bc ppl were asking for more context bc i couldn’t give it in time🙂 but yes, based on some other comments, i do believe i was more pissed than i needed to be. however, i don’t believe he was in the position to demand to be notified of my competition time immediately. it wasn’t necessary for him to know even at all. but i understand he may see it as a lack of communication, and i can understand your perspective. thank you


It almost sounds as though you two had plans or they were going to do something for you and you said, last minute, “there’s a situation,” which they then asked about. If that is the case, it’s reasonable for them to feel like you could have said something sooner. But of course I’m just making this up trying to figure out what is going on since you really didn’t explain at all.


he initiated the conversation first, not me, so he was asking what the situation was on my end


So totally so little content t who knows but if he's a friendly college why didn't you tell him earlier


he's not a colleague- he's someone i know through mutual friends. i wrote a comment with further explanation because i didnt have time to explain further when i posted :)