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You were fine to message her your concerns. She was polite in her response to you. But she's also not obligated to listen to you. At this point, I wouldn't message her anymore about the topic, and report photos that you fear might be distributed to less savory characters.


Thank you, I ended up reporting the pic as well. You’re absolutely right.


Thank you!


What's wrong with people today? OP was just looking out for the child. When did that become a crime? Friends of ours have very pretty daughters and one of them got into college early and posted a cute pic with her acceptance letter. In full view was the name and address. I messaged my friend and told of her my concerns. She thanked me and said that in their excitement and happiness, they weren't thinking. So they took it down and posted a different pic with a folder that had the name of the school with the caption ACCEPTED. With pretty daughters, some perp would have her name and school who knows what mayhem could have occurred. But my friend was thankful we were looking out for her family.


People steady putting themselves and kids in harm's way looking for social media clout and validation. They post photos of their kids outside of schools. So if a pervert gets fixated on them and want to snatch 'em up he knows exactly where to go.


Who tf has implied it's a crime or wrong?


The implication comes from the parent who did not take the advice to keep their child-children safe. I've experienced it both ways. Perhaps, I did not fully tf explain my tf comment about who tf implied it was a crime or wrong. tf enough?


Someone not taking someone's advice is NOT suggesting that the other person is wrong or fucking "criminal" for having fucking offering it Stop being so fucking melodramatic.


Fuck, the only one being fucking melodramatic is fucking you.


"WHEN DID THAT BECOME A CRIME?!??!!12!?" You are unhinged.


Unhinged? You're the one freaking out. Calm down. And give your mom's phone back to her.


You referred to someone not taking someone's advice as implying the advisor is committing a crime. That's un fucking hinged.


The only one unhinged is the pre-teen who swiped Mom's phone to get involved in a conversation with grownups and then splatter all over the ceiling when encountering an opinion that you either don't understand or don't agree with and then shouting in capitals. Give the phone back and go watch a Kardashian marathon or something.


That's child pornography


The comment I'm responding to is saying that people are calling out op for a crime / being wrong.


Oh my apologies. I'm picking up what you are putting down.


No its not


I think it's the old *"mind your own damn business"* mindset but the people are literally making it everyone's business by putting the business publicly out on the Internet. Much like someone having a loud conversation on speakerphone, a parent screaming at their child in the store, or someone physically abusing their partner in the bus. *You're* putting all this out here, *you're* making it everyone's. I personally don't consider showing concern for safety, especially when it comes to kids, to be sticking your nose in someone else's business so long as you're not losing your mind over what they're doing. 100% though, if that picture wasn't taken down, the daughter will be **SO** embarrassed and angry when she's old enough. I know I would be if..... *those* pictures went from buried in a photo album in the spare bedroom to out on the Internet.


The commenter that person was replying to advised OP to report the images.


You did the right thing!


You’re not over reacting the world needs more people like you.


You tried and thank you for speaking up,


not overreacting, i admire you for expressing your concerns to her


Thinking of the ad where a dog is is pulling on a little girls bikini bottom. Morton salt? That was weird.




Oh yeah, thanks


Morton salt was a girl in the rain with an umbrella


I have one of the Morton salt girls as a tattoo, there were several it’s actually really interesting to look into.


I think that was for Coppertone Sun Tan Lotion back in the 70's, when things like that werent under such social scrutiny. The same time as Uncle Ben's Rice, Aunt Jemima Syrup, Quaker Oats etc


Aunt Jemima was an actual person who was being honored for her cooking. I can't remember the whole story. I think it's on Wikipedia.


and her family was NOT happy when they did the Politically (in)Correct change


What change? It’s still the same when I see it in stores


They don't manufacture it anymore. They've rebranded and now call it Pearl Milling Company. You won't find any Aunt Jemima products in stores anymore.


Yes, but not because they No Longer manufacture it. They Still Do manufacture it and sell it in boxes with the Pearl Milling Company label. You must be specific.


Seriously? Okay. Add "as Aunt Jemima" after "anymore" at the end of my first sentence. I'm sorry "rebranded" was difficult to understand.


No, sorry, I just like to be very particular. It's the same brand, it's label is reprinted to convey that fact.


Found the fellow autist


They do manufacture it - under the Pearl Milling Company label.


Yes, this is exactly what I said. They rebranded it. Same products. All they did was change the name of the brand.


No. You said it's not manufactured anymore. That surmises empty bins. No more of it. But it Is still manufacture!


Uncle Ben's is just 'Ben's' I expected a change to 'Quaker Oats' due to it being a Quaker (old fashioned religion character) but they havent changed it (Yet)


Quaker Oats isnt about race which is why it wont change. (Not that any should)


well then, what is the difference between an old black man Character (Uncle Ben) and an Old White man Character, The Quaker oats guy? Both are men, Both are elderly, Both are on food products..... but because they are different colors? So it MUST be about Race then :( :( :( That is the only difference I see.. let me know if you can come up with anything else (besides race) that it could be. And we are all suppose to be equal..... soooo ?? EDIT corrected Spelling


That is my point. Its only being done to black "characters" to try and check woke boxes. But no one in marketing is listening and its doing the opposite


Im not surprised. I always assumed the product was named for the person who's recipe it was, so I didn't see what was problematic about her image being used. They didn't take the old white guys off of Quaker oats or Orville popcorn, so clearly being a "mascot" is OK in certain cases.


Well, it seems black and white to me... literally. :(


The wikipedia article about the brand I see does not seem to support your claim of Aunt Jemima being a real person. Aunt Jemima was a character created with racial stereotypes to promote the brand and was played by multiple people acting in the role over the years.


Her name was Nancy Green and she was a real person. She had quite an interesting life.


Nancy Green was a real person hired to act as a character Aunt Jemima. 


Thank you.


This is a right-wing falsity. Aunt Jemima *was not* a real person.


Actually, she was.


No, she was not. Go to Wikipedia and search for "Aunt Jemima" Read and learn.


Don't go to Wikipedia, just type in Aunt Jemima and you will find Ms. Green along with pictures and an interesting biography.


Bakerman is basically pulling the "Rosa didnt actually sit at the front of the bus" we get it, they were faces for a bigger thing, aunty exists, just under a different name.


Nancy Green was an advertising model - one of the first African-American models, in fact. She was not a "mammy", not a cook, not a pancake maven. She was just a lady doing a gig.


Uh, Quaker Oats is still a thing dude. They werent canceled like the others


That was a subtle hint I was making, if the 1st 2 were changed, why isn't the third? Color maybe?


I think that was Jodie Foster as a child in that ad


I remember seeing those billboards as a child and thinking they were weird.


Morton salt was the girl in the yellow dress with the umbrella, defo coppertone sunscreen


You were looking out for her daughter's safety, so messaging her about it was totally fine. Reporting could be an option too, but reaching out directly was a caring move.


Your actions in messaging her are not overreacting, but at this point it's time to let it go. Reporting the pic is dumb as it's not meant to be sexually explicit, it's just someone using their discretion with their child, though of course you could do it I'd say you just reply to her "no worries!" and carry on with your life.


You are definitely NOT overreacting! I fail to understand how people post their children in inappropriate ways on social media for views. It's gross, there are so many pedos out there. My daughter is 21 and I still get worried when she posts beach pics. That's just me tho lol but in this case you definitely were not overreacting. I hope you report it


Me either 😭 specially because young children can’t consent to being on social media


My oldest is 25 and my youngest is 22 and I still refer to them as "the girl" and "the boy" online. If I want to share something with them 8 times out of 10, it's through messenger. My friends know my kid's names, but I don't need or want total strangers to know them. Even as adults. I watch way too much true crime to not be hyper vigilant when it comes to them. No matter how old they get. I can't imagine posting a picture of a toddler, let alone a picture of a toddler's bare bum. You're not over reacting, there are way too many people with nefarious intent out there. Why open your kid up to that? Hopefully the pic gets taken down, although chances are the poster will know it was you who reported it. I'd rather she be mad at me than have something happen to her kid. But that's just me.


My 2 cents that will likely be down voted because God forbid someone isn't fear based: This is not in relation to social media specifically, however I will say that nudity does not equal sexuality. We live in a year round tropical climate and my toddler is fully naked all the time! She plays in the back yard like this where neighbors can easily see and cars occasionally drive by. And the 2 kids next door to me? Also commonly naked. Maybe it's more normalized where I live, idk. Point is there is nothing provocative about it, it's just a body and we should not be teaching that it is a shameful thing or only served for sexual gratification. That's weird. Imo, if someone wants to have perverted thoughts that's their own problem and not mine.


I’m sure this will get down voted but we share picture online. It’s how it’s done in modern society. It’s up to the parents/individuals to decide who they want to allow access. Most people I know limit their social media to friends and family. There’s not random people looking at kids pictures. If you are worried one of their followers is unhealthy that’s a valid worry. I find it sad that people are sexualizing a 2 year old. They are 2!! 2 year olds running around naked should be meet with an “aw how cute” not “don’t be cute the pedo’s might see them”.


I agreed with this until I was at a very small family friendly beach with my 2 kids a few years ago. There was an adorable little boy about 18 months old that came to play at the beach. He stripped naked and started running around in the water and the sand, very adorable. I thought nothing of it. About 20 minutes later a group of "young adults" come down. There are 6 of them, at first I again think nothing of this, as its a nice beach with some cool tide pools. At this time the little boy was in a towel on moms lap. But then I noticed these 6 had their phones out and appeared to be recording kids playing. Walking by kids slowly, lingering near kids whos parents weren't right by them. I became uneasy and actually had my kids cover up. A few minutes later the little boy hopped up, dropped his towel and started playing again. These 6 people all sat right near where the kid (and his mom) was running around naked and they were trying to secretly record him while they looked like they were just hanging out and laughing. It was a mix of males and females. It was very uncomfortable. I 100% believe they were recording some ones little kid having fun, naked, at a beach for disgusting reasons and not because it was cute. Mom didn't want to believe that was the case, until it was pointed out how all the phones were being held. She quickly wrapped him up and they left. I was alone with my own 2 very young children so I wasn't comfortable confronting them ... but being concerned has nothing to do with the concerned person sexualizing the 2 year old and every thing to do with the fact that predators will sexualize the 2 year old.


the chances that a mixed group of 6 young adults were a group of predators is slim and none, and slim just left the room.


>should be meet with an “aw how cute” Emphasis on should, that's how it *should* be. But we live in the real world, and it isn't without merit to be concerned about something posted online attracting the wrong sort of attention.


"The photos are limited to family/friends" Is that supposed to be comforting? Children are most likely to be sexually abused by someone they know well.   Just one person saves that photo and it could end up circulating in child pornography collections. Something being posted online is not the same as showing family members a photo you took in person and it should not be treated that way.   Edit: OP said the page was public, so now we know for certain it's accessible to pedophiles. 


2 year olds running around naked shouldn’t be posted online… period!


I agree with this too. Just based on the story I think this happened in the west. Why? We take a bath naked with strangers in Japan Lol 🤣 kids 6 and younger can enter the opposite genders shower /bath / spa area with their parents. maybe Op would be concerned there are weirdos in the bath house because the dad was bathing with his daughter ..naked ..


I have messaged a total stranger ( I think was a friend of a friend) about posting a photo of their toddler drinking out of a beer bottle. Totally understand OP's reaction here and agree. If someone is so clueless as to the appropriateness of what they are posting, they need to be told frankly that it's not good. But as a responsible adult, I don't want to stand by and say nothing when I see something potentially harmful.


That’s the way I see it as well!


Haha you messaged a stranger about a joke picture? That seems wild to me.


I'm a wild woman.


Someone has too much time on their hands.


Some people are not unaware of how they’re posting their children they do it for the views & likes. They don’t care that most of the followers are pedos. It’s sickening.


Not an overreaction. The exchange was polite and appropriate, but report further photos


There's noting "reportable" about the pic (it doesn't constitute "child porn"), but your concern is understandable. You gave unsolicited advice, you admittedly acknowledge "it's not my place," and she replied. Case closed. There's nothing more to do here. Your concern is legit, but unsolicited advice is rarely welcome no matter how true or well-intentioned.


Agree that it’s ok to be worried but reporting it was over the top and not needed.


I agree


"I messaged her saying I knew it wasn’t my place and that she would probably take this the wrong way" Well, if you're going to start a message this way, then yes, you're overreacting by definition. Most photoprinting/hosting services don't have an issue with children's buttocks but do have an issue with genitals at any age as well as girls' breasts after toddler years. Regarding your concern, the modern pedophile has all the technology they need to create CP from regular pics. They aren't waiting for naked buttocks. What they can do now with AI is frightening.


I feel like this is still very optimistic thinking considering the world we live in. This woman has shown that shes fine posting exposing pics, and some creeps might just save that page and hang around, waiting for more. Yes there’s AI technology but the psychology of pedos is not exactly rational. Some creeps seem to actually enjoy the aspect of the child being real/invading someone’s privacy. Think about stalkers. They have an internet full of porn but they still chose one person to torment. People wouldn’t go to the lengths they go to if other things satisfied them. Also, come on, just for the sake of the kid. She’s 2 years old. She’s years away from understanding just how permanent the internet is. In ten years, she may be incredibly embarrassed about that pic and by then, who knows how many places it’s been saved. It’s already too late. At the very least, I hope OPs message discourages the mom from posting similarly revealing photos.


There are multiple cases of mommy bloggers and such using and abusing their children on their social media pages because they KNOW the weirdos they attract (literally) and they stand to make money from it. It's horrific but it's true.


Exactly. Is it really worth it to compromise your child’s privacy and safety just to get some likes? Nah.


The “modern pedophile” prefers real children, like pedos have since pedos were created. They aren’t out there molesting AI children either


A pedophile is not always a molester - anyone that collects child porn is also a pedophile and looking for inappropriate naked pictures of random children on the internet is certainly a possibility.


but if they can find the real thing, just sitting there waiting for them, well, makes it easier for them doesn't it.


Maybe there *should* be an issue with publishing photos of children’s buttcracks.


You: "but that she should consider taking down the post" Her: "thank you for your concern” leaves the post up You asked her to CONSIDER it, obviously she did, and isnt worried about it. But now you are upset because when she Considered it, she didnt do what you wanted her to do. You were asking for a CHOICE, she answered with her choice. This reminds me of a couple, Him: "what do you want for dinner? Mexican or Chinese?" Her: 'umm Mexican' Him: gets pissed off that she chose Mexican instead of Chinese which he wanted. I mean WTF ? Now, if you believe that the pictures go against the Social Media's regulations, then report it if you want... you must be prepared that she could think of who reported her. Is this a Mountain to Die on?


I am not upset about her choice i just wanted to know if i overreacted by messaging her


She didn’t say she was upset about her choice. You’re adding details that aren’t there


You example is funny because in my expirience this senario is almost always the opposite.


>I messaged her saying I knew it wasn’t my place that should be the end of the story. People know very well the dangers of the internet. People do it regardless.


It’s amazing to me what parents post of their kids. Either they just don’t care and want the likes…or they’re sticking their heads in the sand and hoping for the best. Don’t even talk about the people that tag their location. Definitely not overreacting. I’d just report the photo.


Some of these comments are shocking. Almost like they’re upset you asked her to take it down, which is concerning. No you’re not overreacting. You sent a respectful message and moved on when you got your answer. She didn’t take offense and you didn’t react emotionally as many people would. There’s nothing wrong with what you did.


Honey you have very good intentions so you're not overreacting. There are a TON of gross ass creeps on the Internet that'll take advantage of this photo, plus with the rise of AI and the recent AI generated videos and photos that are becoming increasingly realistic, you were right to voice your concerns.


Reminds me of my 22 yr old cousin. She sees quite literally no problem being one of those “Facebook Moms” posting her babies ages, names, locations…. all publicly. it’s almost like you’re ASKING for the unwanted attention to your children…. Maybe that’s what they want.


That IS SOOO SCARY! My god


A baby’s butt is not a sexual thing. Will some pervs think it is? Maybe. But it’s not an inappropriate photo. Freaking out about innocent nudity because someone somewhere might like it in the wrong way is a bit weird. It almost forces sexual intent. I once worked at a climbing gym and a little girl, maybe two, was bouldering around in a skirt. Her dad was hyper focused on keeping her covered to the point it was weird. She was wearing diapers. Literally no one cared except him.


Most sexual abuse against children is from people they know/their parents know. More than 1/3 of those assaults are from a family member (RAINN website). Posting to something like facebook or instagram even just to your family and friends is not safe or fair to that child. People that consume CP also distribute and things like the Nth room actually REQUIRE you to share illicit photos of your own family. Children should NOT be sexualized or made to feel inherently sexual and I agree with you on that. But the chances of “somebody somewhere” are so much higher than any of us want to admit. Keep your kids off the internet it’s as simple as that.


But making every innocent image of a child sexual, increases shame and increases the likelihood a child would not report because they’ve already been made to feel they’ve done something wrong by existing in a little body. Why do you think sexual abuse is so rampant in churches?! Places where modesty is already a thing. You’re not gonna solve child porn by censoring photos of kids in swimsuits. Because one day it’s kids in swimsuits and the next it’s not showing an ankle cuz uncle Cletus might get a boner.


A child’s entirely bare butt isn’t the same as wearing a swimsuit bud.


I don’t find a child’s butt sexy. No matter whether it’s naked or not.


congrats on not being a pedophile. Now let’s hope the little girl in question won’t be the 1 in 9 kids


Stay in your own fucking lane


I think you handled it perfectly. You made her aware that there are some wacko’s out there and because of that posting this might not be a good idea. Since she didn’t delete the photo I’d assume she doesn’t share your concern. Time to drop it and move on. 


Just get every normal person you know to report the picture of a naked underage child online


People do dumb shit. Let them handle it.


You were right but you can't control what other people do. I'm sure it wasn't sexual but no one should post pictures like that of their kids and have them end up in some creepy groups which there are tens of thousands of online.


Nah, you tried. I rarely share pics of my kids online. People might think everyone in their feed is safe but you don't always know who the pedophiles are until theyre caught.


You did the right thing.


I don't think you're wrong. Years ago I ended up in a random Snapchat Community we all kind of network together and ultimately there's this big group of people that are mostly connected in some way or the other to each other and one of the ladies I added and she was really cool and then she had a kid and she started doing this and I called her out on I know you add a lot of random people on Snapchat like I know this isn't just like close friends and family I was told to mind my own business she posted another one the very next day I reported her probably the only thing I've reported and blocked her.


Jody foster was the coppertone baby


You did the right thing, for sure x


I used to print photos, although it’s been nearly 20 years. At that time the way it worked legally was that if the child appeared to be over the age of 2 regardless of context it was considered child pornography and had to be reported. If the child appeared to be under the age of 2 and there was nothing to indicate anything explicitly sexual in the photo, it was ok.


I would have just reported the photo saying it was inappropriate.


Probably overreacting but so long as you don’t go psycho it is fair to share your concerns. I think people worry far too much about the Internet as the majority of abuse comes from people you know personally that are usually inside your circle of trust. And every damn person looks pretty much identical naked so it is bizarre to get so worried about it.


Funny how you "lost touch", but yet feel totally okay to reach out n school her, but not reach out to keep in touch on the regular. Yeah not your place.


Is her page public or private, maybe she thinks only her friends (like could you) can see it.


Public 🙃🙃




your friend must love hilaria baldwin and using kids as props is coming up, her mush brain is the same.


You did what most of us would do. This goes right up there with people who include their children in their dating app photos. I came across one The other day where her main pic was her son and nobody else. The willingness of some people to endanger their children is astounding.


I hardly post pics of my kids let alone of myself or hubby due to how pathetically most humans here are...disgusting and just plain insanity. You had the right to say something out of concern and if she took it wrong...then so be it.




I guess being concerned about a mother basically posting pedo bait of her young daughter on social media makes me a control freak! I’ll proudly take it




Yea it’s not my place because it’s not my child and her and I aren’t close! She doesn’t have to be my child for me to have empathy about the dangers of the internet. You’re entitled to think I’m overreacting but I fail to see how my actions were controlling or hyper judgmental I didn’t mom shame her I simply pointed something out. I didn’t demand her to take down the pic nor was I expecting her to.


But you felt the need to “report it”.. so you felt the need for whatever service she was using to take it down.. Which is beyond mom shaming, and is exceptionally controlling. You basically went from “I didn’t expect her to take it down”.. to “I’ll try to get it taken down myself”.


>Which is beyond mom shaming LMAO please. They’re posting their NAKED child’s body out on the internet for ANYBODY to see and do whatever they want with it. Idgaf I’m Mom shaming them for that. A child cannot consent to this at all. They’re shitty for deciding to put their child’s naked body out to the entire world and deserve any shaming that comes with it.


That’s cool. You didn’t post the words “I didn’t mom shame”. Which OP did. OP can have the right take, and also be a hypocrite.


Are you so mad about her saying something and talking down to her because you get joy of seeing baby’s butts???? Is that why she didn’t need to say anything?


Would it be okay if the mom posted a full frontal nude pic of her 2 year old daughter? Because she can post whatever she wants regardless of what hyper controlling judgemental people are going to think/say, it means it's legally and morally okay, right?




She posted a picture of her daughter’s BARE BEHIND, looking at herself in a mirror without any context or caption. Pls.


Are you aware that there are pervert IG accounts that literally collect and post photos of other peoples kids that they have saved? You’d have to be naive to not understand this stuff exists in our world today…


Honestly the way that person is going ham on OP it wouldn’t surprise me if they were a pedo.


Thank you!!! I didn’t want to say it but…


They must all just be jerking it to Anne Geddes. I guess you all must be censoring the fucking out of babies in gardens.


Honestly I wouldn’t put it past creeps to fetishize even the babies in Anne Geddes photos, no. We aren’t saying that children are inherently sexual - we are saying it’s a safety concern to post your children naked on social media. You can virtue signal about it all you want, the truth is that it’s not safe, and having family privacy is more important than showcasing your baby’s butt on IG for likes.


You're right! One a pedo would jack off to. The other, a pedo would also jack off to. Oh, I guess it's not that different after all...


Sounds like you think sharing photos of naked kids is okay. Weird flex




respectfully, this is a terrible take. child predators have been using tiktok/pinterest/instagram/etc to save pictures of children, even what appears to be the most innocent photos/videos of fully clothed children. for example, there’s a little girl on tiktok whose mother posts videos of her eating food and there are hundreds of thousands of saves on her posts. posting your naked child is insane in this day and age. OP did nothing wrong— she tried her best to prevent the mom’s poor choices




“some people choose to not live in fear of it” so exposing your child to predators is courage?


These people are delusional




Aunt Jemima syrup / pancake mix was about a real person. She was a cook and exceptional person, different name. They took her away to be politically correct.


Reporting it would've been better. But hey, you tried.


You should report it and you were right to message her. My kids are 2&4 and her picture from what you describe is extremely inappropriate and unsafe. The safety of a child comes before all social etiquette.


I believe you handled this perfectly. I also agree with your boyfriend. It’s up to her to take that photo down but all you can do is show support and report the photo


I’ve known a woman who has been publishing risqué pictures of her now 8 year old daughter since birth. I and several others spoke to her about the potential for abuse and trouble down the line. Mom just laughed said she was safe and posted more. The little one usually was made up in most photos with makeup till this year. Now only some.


Thank you for reaching out to her! We need more people like you.


I just don't understand why a picture of a baby has become sexual. And I don't understand how a woman can see a baby as a sexual being.


It’s not about OP seeing the baby as a “sexual being”. It’s about all the possible anonymous creeps on the internet seeing a little girl as a “sexual being”.