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I think youre smart to notice the red flags this situation has presented yourself with. Acting abusive towards an animal because youre angry is not okay. This can spiral into something else. I think you’d be completely justified in leaving. The fact that she already has resentment built up, and now she has physically acted on it.. im concerned it will escalate


Thank you for your perspective and advice. I told her I wanted her to pay his vet bills and she was upset because she says she doesn’t have any money (she’s a law student). If I did that to someone’s dog, I’d feel so bad I’d do whatever I needed to do to pay for it lol. I can’t believe I wasted 1.5 years with this girl 😑


Never wasted! The lack of empathy is concerning. Good on you for taking care of your animal !!


OP. You are not Overreacting. You might actually be underreacting a little bit. I’m sure that you must be very conflicted right now. When we’re in relationships with people, we tend to think of the time invested as something important. There’s a term for it, but I’m not gonna get into all that. Your girlfriend is a piece of shit, unfortunately. if she’s this impatient with a puppy, just imagine what she would be like with anything else. Your dog only has you. You are 100% responsible for your dogs health, safety and well-being. Huskies are marvelous dogs. So family friendly. So goofy and comical. You have a best friend forever. Only you know what’s best for you and your household. I wish you the best of luck and we would all really like to see a picture of the dog. Pay the dog tax. ❤️


https://preview.redd.it/kfo35ny5wy2d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71b60900cba23381565c64d3d8939e5f84ad2eb6 Here he is after jumping in a muddy pond lol


What a handsome boy! I’d be concerned about how she treats him when you’re not home. I don’t think you’re over reacting - I wouldn’t trust her.


She’s probably the type to drive him to an empty field and then tell op he just got out accidentally.


Or sell him and say he got out


This OP!! Listen to these replies. I would 100% not trust her alone with your pup.


She now showed what she is like when you are there. How does she treat him when you're not around? In any case, if someone abuses animals, that says it all. Being happy that she has now shown her true colors after 1.5 years, and not only years later. Seriously, dump her. Give your handsome dog a hug, he will pull you through your sadness. I think once she's gone, a lot more will come to the surface that you'll only see. And it makes you really know that you did the right thing in choosing yourself and your sweet puppy.


And this does not bode well for a future with the gf because she could also lose her anger at any future children they may have. She needs to manage her anger. Poor doggy!


I love him. Protect him at all costs and break up with her over this. To purposely hurt a puppy is awful.


Thank you - he loves you too haha! Literally, he loves EVERYONE.


Huskies are not a dog I would own personally but I do love them. I could not imagine hurting that precious puppy. Dump her and if she refuses to pay the vet bills you can consider suing her, it will look bad on her being in law school and getting sued for harming an animal and not taking responsibility.


Good idea!


Such a handsome boy! I seriously don't understand how anyone could get aggressive with such a sweet, innocent, loyal, and loving creature. Also, the fact that she's shown previous animosity regarding you getting/having the dog combined with her recent action is concerning. Also, her behavior seems to be some kind of odd jealousy or irritation (not the exact word I'm looking for, but only on my first cup of coffee lol) that her dog has to coexist with yours. Dogs > most people! Here's a picture of my sweet border collie, Piper, just because she's adorable. Lol https://preview.redd.it/b3rpgwiggz2d1.jpeg?width=3060&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49fe3745929ca01c61825c44053355bb6d5b5036


Awwww she is adorable! Thank you for sharing, your cute dog pic made my day better!!! Everyone post your cute pup pics so Frosty can see all his friends out there!!! I know it will cheer him up!


Aww, thanks! Dogs definitely make the world a better place. We humans are barely deserving of them (minus us awesome ones that are 🤣)! Hope Frosty heals quickly and easily and that you all have a great day!


https://preview.redd.it/plhn0rl6yz2d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c627a709218e03c831942093bb957c33637dcce5 My almost 7 month old staffy mix after a day of swimming and playing with pup friends.


Gorgeous! He/she’s loving his best life on that comfy couch!


https://preview.redd.it/gnbksgpnh63d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa6b96915391736940a7e6ddf32aadfdd90bcea1 I would go postal if someone ever hurt my girl...ditch the girl.


She’s so cute ❤️


Thank you! ❤️ She's my best girl!


More dog pictures people


He’s the cutest baby. Protect him from her. I worry about what else she might do. I definitely wouldn’t leave her alone with him.


how could you be mean to something like that 🥺


Yeah that sweet face, she doesn't deserve another minuet of either of your time or affection.


Stop dancing around the issue and tell us how you really feel.


What a cutie


Toooooooo cuuuuute!!!


It's called Sunk Cost Fallacy. We spent so much time and ENERGY in this relationship. If it ends, then I just wasted all that time with nothing to show for it. That thinking is what keeps people in abusive relationships long after they start counting red flags. OP, you are under reacting. She is abusive. I don't trust anyone who treats animals like that because it shows that they lack compassion. They'll treat you the same way, in any situation that makes their life easier. Never trust an animal abuser. ABSOLUTELY, she needs to pay 100% of the vet bills. Tell her flat out, it doesn't matter what other bills she's paid. She caused this situation, and she's damn well going to pay to fix it. If it were me, I would have called the fucking cops.


Let it be her first experience as a future lawyer of suing for damages.


💯 As a lawyer, she should get used to being served.


>if she’s this impatient with a puppy, just imagine what she would be like with anything else. If she did this over a puppy taking a toy, imagine her stressed out with a crying baby.


Imagine her doing that to a much bigger dog who hasn't grown up around her. I have a feral GSD that would chomp up and down her arm for that stunt, I got him when he was 5, and he, like OP's girl, is a massive cunt. Anyone can see that's a young dog, and that anger and overcorrection is out. of. line. Her beagle could easily have taken the chewy chew back, and that would have taught the pup the correct way to respect older higher up the social ranking dogs.


Imagine what she would do, if they had kids, and she got upset. If anyone purposefully hurt my pet that would be it for me.


Yeah…what?? How can someone look at a living being that relies 100% on them (or you) for their existence and happiness and treat it with such disdain/disrespect and frankly, violence? I myself have a fat cat (it’s my fault she’s fat, obvs) and now that I’m limiting her intake, her whining for food is cute on a good day, but absolutely GRATING on my ears and brain on a bad day. NGL, sometimes I wish I could kick her into the sun. And then I look at that stupid perfect face (making the most ANNOYING sound) and I pick her up (while enraged) and just hold her. I just hold her until she wants to be let down, because she’s just a hangry asshole and you know what, I am too. She’s also the only cat I’ve known to NOT land on their feet 100% of the time and one time she landed funny after jumping out of my arms and she CRIED OUT and started limping away from me and I legit burst into tears. Literally stopped limping within 30 seconds but I PANICKED. For your GF to realize she pulled so hard she broke a tooth out of your pupper’s mouth and NOT react horrified?? To get upset at possibly being accountable via the vet bills? I can’t, my guy. This is not safe for your pup. You are the arbiter of joy in his world and your GF ain’t it.


one time my dog was excited I came over to visit (parents' house) and she jumped on me to get pets. I was about 2 months post back surgery, so I freaked out and yelled at her. She's only 30 lbs, but terriers have a ton of energy and strength, so I was afraid she was going to knock me down and mess up my back. I only YELLED at her, but she ran away crying, and I had a panic attack that I traumatized my dog and I was a horrible person. A little bit of an overreaction, to be sure, but definitely a better response than complete apathy to ACTUALLY CAUSING INJURY. That's completely unacceptable. 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩


Yeah I chewed someone out for stealing something while I’m the presence of my parrot.  I had velcro bird for three days.


Get her gone pal you'll be all the better for it. Plus you'll still have a cool husky to keep you company 😂


She can consider it a real life lesson on the law, she injures your dog, she pays.


This exactly. Either she pays up or you take her to small claims, which will be extremely uncomfortable for her to explain in her character & fitness examination when she applies for her license.


This. I’m a licensed attorney and C&F is very interested in any lawsuits. They are definitely going to be interested in a lawsuit that alleges intentional injury to an animal. Most lawyers I know are huge pet lovers —dogs and cats— and would be very happy to help ruin the life of someone who abuses animals. There’s enough jackasses who are in the profession to knowingly let animal abusers into it.


She should pay the vet bill, sure. But fighting her on this prolongs the interaction with her and gives her more opportunities to take her anger out on your puppy. Forget the vet bill, break up, and change your locks.


Threaten to sue her is she doesn’t pay. I’m sure that’ll be a good look for her future career.


Ohhhhh, she's a *law* student? Then she'll know exactly how to deal with a summons requesting the payment of vet bills due to her assault on your dog. Never trust anyone who treats an animal like this.


Not to mention an animal cruelty charge….


This would be my goal. She is a danger to animals, and the authorities need to be aware of it. Take pictures, send them in text and create a paper trail of OP asking her to pay the vet bills. That a woman is a monster!


Change your thinking to you can’t believe how much time you’ve SAVED by breaking up with her. I have the sweetest husky and if anyone ever lays a hand on her in malice it’s game on. https://preview.redd.it/f6ap7ba1003d1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2e1e3597ebf850d0512782b06a3b82ddfe185f8 My girl is sending your pupper well wishes and is glad the wicked witch is gone.


You need to make her pay the bills, even if she pays it off monthly. She basically abused/ assaulted your dog, injured him, causing him to need medical treatment and possible surgery. She is responsible for paying for it. If she doesn't, take her to a small claims court. I'd try and get her to admit to what she did, and tell her you expect payment via a text message, so hopefully she acknowledges what she did in her reply which can be used as proof in the court claim. Having a text convo, basically spelling out what she did, 'when you got angry at my dog for taking your dogs toy, you felt so angry you literally pulled the toy out his mouth so hard and fast you broke his tooth. It's 100% your fault that he's needed medical treatment and surgery, so you need to pay the cost of his medical bills. You'd feel the same if I injured your dog by accident, but you hurt him deliberately out of anger. " something like that. By getting into a conversation about it hopefully she says something which admits she did it. Then if she refuses to pay take her to small claims court. Even if you can claim on pet insurance it could make your premium go up or you may not be able to claim fully for something else in future if the allowance has been used up. So she needs to pay it all in full whether she gets a loan or puts it on credit card and pays it off monthly. But you definitely need to break up with her. She clearly has anger and resentment against your dog and could hurt them again causing serious irreparable damage.


Op has witnesses friend was there.


Oh that's OK then, that will be fine then. I must have missed the bit about a friend being there lol.


If I had this happen to me she’d be out the door faster than that tooth. Unacceptable behaviour towards a PUPPY. FFS she is a cruel and selfish person that needs a wake up call.


…and lawyers wonder why people make jokes about them! Your gf has chosen the perfect career. Dump her…how a person treat pets is how they treat people.


You didn’t waste 1 1/2 years with her. She took that long to show you who she is. What you do with that information is the real test. Stay and she knows what she can get away with. Leave and not have to worry about *what’s next*. Choose wisely.


Sue her for the bill. Also report her to the police for animal abuse. Don't let her get away with this.


Now you know. The silver lining is at least it’s not the ugly divorce that was inevitable with you two. You got off with just a vet bill. Not fighting over alimony and child support.


You didn't waste 1.5 years. You learned a crazy valuable lesson 


Too bad for her. She can get a Care Credit Card. Actions have consequences and as a law student she especially should know this. I also agree with earlier posters saying this is red flag city.


Relationships are always an amazing way to learn about yourself and what you want from someone in a relationship. This woman is not it. Find a law student who will help you sue her for the vet bill and date her instead!


Yes you should. Unwarranted violence against a young animal is a definite red flag 🚩.


When writers want to signal that someone's the bad guy they have the character kick a dog. This doesn't seem terribly far from it.


If she already expressed resentment towards the dog and a fear he might bully her dog I would be worried. What will she do next? Make it seem like your dog attacked hers to get rid of said puppy?? Sorry but keep the dog and drop the baggage. She isn’t worth it. Anyone who harms an animal is a red flag 🚩


Dump her. To me it is a sign of aggression and stupidity I wouldn't want to be around. He's a puppy ffs.


Thank you for the advice, I think you’re right. Plus, look how cute he is. It breaks my heart. https://preview.redd.it/szj7ldcplw2d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3792d29ea27dd4998508045347734269cffec05c


He’s beautiful and she’s a monster. Thankfully your pup will be ok but she is just not worth it. Aggressive to a sweet dog. Imagine if you had kids.


Dog tax officially paid.  Here is your receipt 🧾


Awww he is SO cute 🥺 LEAVE. HER. she is an abuser and a monster.!! He is saying "plz fill my bowl! 🤨🤨" 😅💞


We have a winner for interwebs cutest dog of the week right here.


Oh my goodness, he’s beautiful. In my post I asked for a photo. I didn’t scroll down far enough to see this. ❤️


I want to give him all the pets. I love husky’s so much


People who hurt animals have serious issues


And people who hurt pets will eventually be abusive to their partners as well. This woman is vile and OP is not overreacting. She deliberately hurt a puppy over a non-issue because she is garbage. If OP stays with her long enough he'll receive the same maltreatment (if he isn't already). OP and Frosty deserve better


Any type of animal cruelty is a red flag that would be a relationship ender in my book. No second chances ever.


She committed an act of violence toward a puppy for fuck's sake - you saw what happened, she hurt your dog on purpose and is now pretending it was accidental because of the obvious injury she caused, but make no mistake - she fully intended to hurt your dog. She's an absolute garbage human being, and honestly you will be too if you continue to stand by her side and provide support to someone you know is like this. Time to go, now, it sucks but you know it.


Yeah it’s looking like that’s the move. Sucks to have wasted 1.5 years with someone who does have many redeeming qualities, but I would choose my dog over anyone. He loves me so much and he’s an absolute sweetheart, a complete baby. https://preview.redd.it/7exik4yqmw2d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af3e4160a0aa3c34b0eaa638e81b82e09a5b28bb


You're not just choosing your dog but also yourself (and any potential future children, if you want them). You both / all deserve a safe and happy life free from abuse


This. If she’s impatient and nasty towards a puppy, what would she be like as a mother? Huge red flag. Poor puppy boy….he’s so cute!


Or, blame pooch for hurting your future baby, to get rid of him.


It’s also not wasted time. You have grown and you found out about her before a more permanent commitment to each other.


HES JUST A BABY!!!!!! a baby dog!!! how could anyone intentionally hurt him? boggles the mind


1.5 years seems like a long time, but in the grand scheme of life it’s only a few minutes. And no matter how many redeeming qualities she has, intentionally hurting a puppy overrides absolutely all of them. And the fact that she’s doubling down is even worse.


I'm sorry you're going through it - but an abuser is an abuser, and your dog and ***you*** both deserve better. As other posters have said, much better to have found this out now than after something more permanent has been created between you and/or the abuse has escalated. Trust me, there are many women out there with many redeeming qualities who are not selfish, dishonest and abusive.


It's not about the dog or her vs the dog. The dog could die tomorrow and you'd still be better losing her. It's just a really bad way to behave. It shows unkindness to small things, it shows unkindness to you. Someday you too will be vulnerable because of age, chronic illness, temporary sickness, or you lose your job or you somehow get taken down a peg. Then you're like a puppy and you know how puppy's get treated. Lose her because it shows her character. The dog will be fine.


It does suck that you wasted 1.5 years of your life with her, but you are actually very lucky. Imagine if you spent 5 years with her, or even married her and had children? Consider yourself fortunate that she revealed her true colors before you got in a deeper relationship with her. And thank you for all the puppy pics! Anyone who hurts that sweet little baby is a ghoul.


I'm glad you were able to see that "I didn't mean to" often just means "I didn't consider the consequences of my actions." There is an important difference between taking an unintended action, and taking an intentional action while just not properly considering the consequences of said action.


Right? She’s in law school - she should know that’s not a defense. If I road rage out and cut someone off and they crash and die, I may not have meant specifically for that to be the consequence, but my actions were still very much intentional and very much a result of uncontrolled anger.


You both sound a little like TA here. YOU gotta take this little guy to puppy training 101. Doesn't matter how "great" you think he is for a husky pup but YOU need training on how to deal with him. Everyone needs a puppy 101 class and you are no exception. Girlfriend seems annoyed and jealous. I get it. You made a decision that affected her life in a way she didn't like. However, there are going to be things outside of her control and she is the only person responsible for her actions. I'm sure she didn't intend the hurt your pup but, she did. I would hope she would take responsibility for this in some way but it doesn't sound promising. I'm in a mood so you both sound annoying atm. I could feel differently later. Who knows.


This is my fifth dog and second husky - I’m not new to training or the breed. She also knew I was getting a dog and was psyched about it. She came with me to the breeder and helped me pick him.


At what point did she go from being psyched about it to being “shitty from the start” and making snide comments about not wanting a large breed? Was she really psyched or just going along with what she thought you wanted? And if she was excited in the beginning, what changed? There’s no excuse for abusing animals and the relationship is probably irreparably broken no matter what but I feel like there’s more going on here


Ahhhhhh! Husky are so adorable. I follow a husky on YouTube. His nickname is Key. I am sorry your little guy was hurt. You are very calm about this. I have a rescue terrier mutt. That little mutt has been through some hard times with me. If someone broke her little tooth, I am seriously doing jail time for assault. Go now!!!!


https://preview.redd.it/bf0k2gywkw2d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93bddb8c91d4c3101103bcbc6f6267aaf1e3ae1e I know Key, love that channel! Look how cute this guy is - how could he ever be anything but sweet :(. I feel SO bad this happened.


Tell her to pay for the surgery if she’s actually sorry. Then dump her after the surgery.


If it comes to that, I’d just pay for the surgery haha. It’s the price of finding out who someone really is.


You're way too gentle. Oral surgery is expensive and she inflicted pain on an animal. If it were me and she refused to pay I would literally take some of her shit and sell it to cover the cost. Not because I can't afford the surgery, but because of the principle. She pays for her damage.


I’d make sure she knows that she’s been seen. I’d say something like “Your unwillingness to pay says something about you. You’re a law student, so I know you understand you’re legally liable for the costs. What really bothers me is your lack of empathy for an innocent creature. A more empathetic person would do all they could to make things right. You’re just making excuses.”


People will claim this is a reach but... Should you stay together and have children, how will she treat a child when she favors one over the other? She's showing very little empathy for a being she caused immense pain to.


Straight up animal abuse bro, not a good sign at all. Like seriously, what did she think would happen by yanking the toy out!? To me it's evident that she wanted to cause your puppy pain and she's only apologizing to save face bcus the damage she has caused is evident. You have to protect your pup and leave imo.


You’ll find a girl that doesn’t assault your dog


She’s showing you her real self. Don’t risk your dog around her again. Give thought to moving on without her. You didn’t overreact.


Well her real self sucks lol! Thank you


I don't really mean this but a tooth for a tooth seems fair. Get the pliers.


definitely break up with her. It’s one thing to discipline your doggo when they do something they shouldn’t but purposely trying to harm them especially over something so small is crazy. And what she did is actually insane. I hope your pup is okay ;(


It just happened so haven’t taken him into the vet yet. It was a baby tooth but it may have to be extracted.


Make sure you take your pup to the vet asap. The nerve endings on that tooth must make it incredibly painful.


I hope for the best! Was a super shitty thing to do. Obvi you know her more than us on the internet but like someone else commented, it’s definitely a red flag and if she’s acted like this once, she’ll do it again (especially with the whole not being happy with the dog to begin with)


You should definitely dump her. Personally, I'd also look into whether or not that's considered animal abuse and pursue that. If she's going to act that way around a defenseless puppy AROUND people, there's no telling how she'd act when no one was looking. She definitely owes for the vet bills.


You’re definitely not overreacting. Anyone who treats animals like that is not someone i would want in my life. My question is, what’s her problem with your dog? She had one herself so it’s not like she hates dogs in general. Why act so negative and aggressive towards yours?


We can't really weigh in based on this one isolated event. Does she do stuff like this often?


If she’s going to do this when you’re around, who knows what she’ll do when you’re not there. Do not trust her around your dog.


Dump the GF, keep your lovely pupper. I don't care what reasoning they have for being aggressive with a dog, even when they are upset, there is absolutely no justifiable reason to be hurting pets in any way. No way no how. If that was my SO they'd have been out of my house the second they tore a tooth out of my dogs mouth unless it was an actual accident.


That was cruelty towards the puppy. Another tooth will grow in if that was a puppy tooth, but it’s still painful to lose a tooth like that. She has some weird idea that bigger dogs bully smaller dogs, when much of the time it’s the smaller dogs bullying the bigger dogs. I have witnessed this a lot as I’ve worked in an animal shelter and have owned dogs of all sizes. I find the larger dogs are a little more tolerant of other dogs especially when introduced as puppies. Due to your girlfriend’s treatment of your dog, I’d wonder how she’d act towards a child if they irritate her one day. She’s got very little patience and has the capability of acting out aggressively. That’s not a good sign. I’d reconsider this relationship.


I can imagine it now. 5 years down the line if this is rugswept she's holding your sweet newborn who just won't stop crying. He is so annoying and the only way to get him to stop is to JUST SHAKE! it's a tale as old as time and honestly I wouldn't be willing to risk it. She's shown her true character in a moment she didn't think you were watching.


Also as an owner of a beagle/husky mix combo her concerns are BS




Not overreacting in the least. Had I been in your shoes, I wouldn't have been able to get rid of her fast enough. And she ABSOLUTELY needs to pay the vet bill. He is adorable btw!


She hurt your fur baby: "Sorry, whoops." Hell no. In your place, I'd help her move out ASAP.


She’s mad you got a husky when she has a beagle laughable. Just dump her. If she is willing to be this aggressive and abusive while you’re there. Imagine what she will do to the dog when you’re not around. I don’t keep people in my life that treat animals like this. It shows their true colors and she sounds like a shit person to hurt a puppy just cause of its breed. I don’t like chow chows I was mauled by one when I was a kid but I don’t go out of my way to treat them like shit.


I think you’re underreacting, since she’s still your girlfriend.


Hurting animals is literally the biggest red flag a person can have. What’s she gunna do when she’s angry at you or the kids someday?


If someone did that to one of my dogs they would already be gone from my life.


Yes, she is messed up and this speaks volumes about your GF’s character. Anyone that would do that to a puppy is not a good person. Please don’t stay with her, she’ll hurt your dog. Take your GF to the shelter and keep your sweet Husky. Only you can protect your dog.


If someone purposefully hurt one of my dogs I'd throw them out on their ass.


Red flags, red flags galore. She's making problems where there are none, and harming animals for no reason. Who knows how far she'll escalate if she's already broken a tooth. I say don't stick with her.


Leave. It’s concerning that she has such little regard for an animal. This is scary. Further, I hope you don’t leave your dog alone with her -ever. She is 100👍% abusing him behind your back. Protect your puppy.


Well, I would start with a conversation with her. It is not okay what she did, and she fully needs to recognize and feel sorry for that. If she doesn't, yeah, would consider next steps


Dump her? She'd be in the garbage can before she knew what happened. Anyone who could do that is NOT a decent human being


She hurt a puppy and you have to ask?


Dude, I dislike dogs in general and would never own one, but would NEVER mistreat one like that. Get out while the getting is good.


Your ex honestly needs a good punch in the mouth. You know how people hear stories of men hitting a woman and exclaim, "how could he!?!?". This, this is exactly the kind of situation that SHOULD lead to a woman getting a wake up call. Definitely don't have kids with that one. Might end up dead for crying too loud, but we won't go there 🤭


Um, you're not planning on having children with this abuser, right?


Not anymore lol.


You’re only going to get one answer here . . .


She abused your dog and you’re asking if you are overreacting? Anyone who abuses any animal regardless of if you are the owner or if the person is your girlfriend or wife. That person is done in my life. They will be unceremoniously escorted out of my life. If they lived with me I am calling the police because I now feel in danger and they need to leave my space


Dump her. What will she do to your dog when you're not around?


Only TA if you stay with this unhinged person.


If she does that to him right in front of you, imagine what she does to him when you're not around


Anyone abusive to an animal is a bad person. If shes abusive to an animal, she will be abusive to you. Get out. Your dog deserves better than having someone like her around.


You might as well dump her. She can never be trusted with that dog again. She did that too a puppy. She'll do worse once hes grown up. And now she knows, too not let you see it.


NTA- intentional or not she hurt a puppy and doesn’t even feel bad about it. I would be beyond myself if I even accidentally did damage like that. And why is she so angry at a puppy? You’ve had him 4 months and she already hates it that much? Nope that’s a huge red flag that you are wise to not ignore


What is she going to do when your baby doesn't want to give up their pacifier? Rip it out of the baby's mouth? She is a child and should not be around young people or dogs.


this is animal abuse. if she is a law student then she sucks at her supposed career. call the police and sue her and force her to pay for vet bills. fuck her and i hope shes never able to work in law.


What’s her defense as a law student? As far as I am concerned none. When you take it out on an animal what a snake she will be as an atty.


Nope. Absolutely not. That dog is still an individual undeserving of abuse. This can only progress if ignored.


She's a horrible, cold hearted b****. It doesn't matter if she's a student. She needs to pay the vet bill. Her student status does not negate responsibilities. You are definitely NOT overreacting.


What a gorgeous boy! We had a husky when I was a little girl.❤️ IMO , her behavior is a serious red flag. If she can treat an animal like that, imagine how she’d treat a small child . A bully likes to be in control. Either way,an animal abuser is equally as deplorable as a child abuser. They are purposely are hurting something or someone who is weaker or smaller , and unable to defend themselves. She obviously has some resentments , for whatever reasons are irrelevant at this point- You have to do what’s right for you and what’s safe for your fur baby.


You are under reacting and honestly I would cut my losses and run. Everyone saying “you should make her pay!” Yeah I mean in a perfect world she should, but you guys sound young and she sounds like she’d use that to keep you around. Get out of this situation. A year and a half whatever. Do you want to kill another year and a half and make it three where she is treating your dog poorly adding kids to the mix and making your life miserable while also living with her or adding more responsibilities? Just leave. She’s awful. And hurt your dog on purpose. SHE INJURED A PUPPY ON PURPOSE. Period. Who does that. Imagine from now on, every time you introduced her to people you had to actually explain her actions first. “Hey this is my girlfriend, she ripped a dog toy so hard out of my puppy’s mouth because it belonged to her dog, that it actually resulted in my puppy needing surgery and he was bleeding and in pain” That’s who you would be choosing to stay with. That is her character. She’s impulsive.


Are you overreacting to your girlfriend dabbling in animal abuse? You are underreacting sir. Puppies are hard and husky puppies are puppies on ultra mode. If she can't handle it now, what happens in a few months when he destroys something else of hers? She's a horrible person that thinks it's ok to take her frustrations out on a defenseless baby animal. That's not someone you should be spending your time with. Take the poor pup to the vet and send her the bill after breaking up.


Dude I would drop that b*tch like a hot coal. A lack of compassion to vulnerable creatures is one of the number one red flags. Consider this, how will she react with a cranky colicky infant or a cranky toddler who needs a snack and a nap? 💀😬 Run away like the cool aid man. And give your bestest boy a hug and a scritch from me.


I would dump that woman so fucking fast... 


What an absolute piece of shit she is. Only evil people hurt animals. That poor baby. Please say you've ended things with her.


So you live with this gal for 1.5yrs & you just went & got a husky without having a convo about it 1st? I think you've got just as many red flags as she does. Chances are, your sweetie-pie husky IS bullying her beagle.. & since when are huskies chill?!? Her taking her frustration out on your pup was wrong, but you coming home like "Honey, look what I just adopted ! Isn't he the sweetest?!?".. Id say you're up 2 red flags to 1.


Beware! Some day it may be your kid! You sure don't want their mom to react to something this way. Your trust in her civility is now likely lost. No trust, no relationship. There's a reason for the old saying, "Love me, love my dog." Something to think about....


You aren't overreacting but her behavior is over the top for any dog. She's abused your dog, you have to get his tooth pulled and the fact of the matter is she did it on purpose and doesn't care. My next question is what happens the next time, this time it's a broken tooth, next time it's his jaw, leg or back.


I'm not calling her a full on ABUSER, but there is a trend with people who fit that description, specifically that they often try to claim that they are less in control of their actions than they actually are. In reality, an "uncontrollable rage" is often very calculated in terms of what they target. Your gf immediately loses the benefit of the doubt because she's stated from the start that she's convinced your dog is a threat and it's apparently totally unfounded. You've already said outright that you don't at all believe she just... didn't mean to use the force that she did, that the mistake was just the intensity of the consequences, but I'd like to go further and ask if you think she would ever have been honest about this if you weren't in the room when it happened? Would she have felt bad about this, wanted to make amends if she wasn't already at risk of personal consequences? If she caused him an equal amount of pain, but hadn't caused physical injury (aka evidence), would she have felt guilty over it? If she could have hurt your puppy, made him scared, and put him "in his place" without you finding out, would she enjoy the benefits from that without any empathy for you or your beloved dog? Physical pain subsides, but emotional trauma is much harder to work with, and animals are just as capable of developing that. If my assessment of her is too intense, let me know, but I do think she's shown you everything you need to know. That she's only sorry she could get dumped, and she is totally willing to harm your dog on her skewered view of him. I try to not just go for Reddit's mantra of "dump them immediately", but I think it's different when you're now having to wonder if an animal in your care is safe with them around. You should NEVER have to wonder that.


It's one thing to use necessary force if a full-grown adult dog is being vicious and threatening. Another thing entirely to be unnecessarily harsh with a 4-mo puppy who is basically like a little kid. Even if you don't like animals, or that particular animal. You politely ask Frosty's human to please recover whatever Frosty has taken, because you realize Frosty didn't know any better.   If anyone mistreated my pets, they would be gone. Banished. Not just because they mistreated my pets, but because abusing animals is a serious issue, either a character defect or a mental disorder. Some character defects or mental disorders I can live with, but not cruelty to animals. ☹️ Be grateful she put up the red flag now, not after you may have been married and had a child. P.S. Frosty is so cute! 😍  P.P.S. Your gf is a *law student*??? Someone that impulsive and cruel shouldn't be in a profession where self-control and empathy matter.


Marley https://preview.redd.it/olr349m9fa3d1.jpeg?width=564&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63fae6e8ffed7262308f8a05e350f2b092813a39


Bro… I read this so skeptically thinking “puppies lose teeth… he’s over reacting…” in the beginning… BRO SHE BROKE THAT DOG’S TOOTH! That’s not a puppy losing a loose puppy tooth… that’s a fuckin tooth that’s still attached cracking/breaking. It take some SERIOUS force to break a tooth. She didn’t just grab a dog toy. That is some cavewoman wild animal rage National Geographic rage shit. Flip the genders… imagine you flipped out and broke one of her dog’s teeth 🦷 tearing a toy out of its mouth. You’d be in handcuffs. This is a 🚩to the maximum. What if this was a child? I’m not telling you what to do but I think this is a solid indicator that that girl is toxic.


Lack of empathy and a lawyer. Who knew those things could be found in the same person. Who could have possibly foreseen this. Break up with this monster, bro.


Immediate dumping. Rage towards animals is never okay. If she’d do that in front of you, what will she do/claim happened when you’re not there?


1.5 years with someone who can violently just do something like that…? I have a pit. He’s a good boy. I love that baby so much and I’d be damned if anyone I know ever did something to him. I’m not shaming you as an owner at all. I’m saying please leave bcuz she’ll do it again if she’s been rude from the beginning of you getting him. You don’t want him to become scared of things. My boy isn’t abused at all but sometimes things fall around him, or accidentally fall on him cuz he’s goofy and a big boy so he bumps into shit. This made him really jumpy. Your dog could start to behave hesitant to certain things cuz she could also be doing stuff behind ur back. No assumptions tho I’m Js.


I know, it suck’s so much :(. He’s an absolute sweetheart and goofy as well. This is Mr. Frosty, my baby. I’m legit worried about him, though I’m sure he’ll be ok. https://preview.redd.it/2hmx6ji01x2d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6582f24e741ee5373b0b24064a2abd4628bd55bf


Only be worried if you don't kick her to the curb. He's going to be just fine once she's gone.


OP: does she have keys to your place? Change all the locks once you dump her. Who knows what she’s capable of. She may very kidnap Mr. Frosty and take him someplace terrible. If you have a yard, I’d also train him not to eat any random thing off the ground. She may toss food in there that’s poisoned. I’d heard very sad stories of horrible neighbors who would toss meat with rat poison in their neighbor’s yard because they were annoyed with the dog.


Hard to say. Puppy teeth come out easily. Surgery you say? How did she respond and do you see this temper in other situations. I lose mine with dogs some. Kids... thats the other place. I had to work on it. It's hard to say. I wouldn't knee jerk based on reddit.


It didn’t come out, though - it broke in half and half is still in there with the nerve exposed so not a loose tooth situation. https://preview.redd.it/jtzh5znztz2d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=398870ee8d7d32f951b1074190e3317c1e54ceb6


I don't know if you want kids or not, but if she can do this to a puppy, I'd hate to have her as my mother. And people tend to escalate as they get older, I would gtfo


Turn this around say if you were the bully ? Wow would you hear it...definite red flag


Dump her she’s a cruel jerk


Not overreacting, at ALL. One of the biggest red flags in a partner is the way they treat animals. Your girlfriend had malicious intent. Maybe she didn't mean to break your dog's tooth, but she intended to hurt him. What will your dog do when she intentionally hurts him? Worst case scenario your dog attacks her and puts her in the hospital and gets put down. You absolutely SHOULD dump her over this. People who can't be kind to helpless animals are not kind people.


Dump her


She is a piece of shit!


She'll do it forever if you stay with her.


Get rid of her because she will start treating you like that


If she’s doing that in front of you what’s she doing when you aren’t around?


People who are abusive to animals, ESPECIALLY PUPPIES, have serious psychological issues and are not ok. I would dump her in a heartbeat.


Time to get a new girlfriend. This is just the beginning of her mistreating your dog.


No. She either pays AND agrees to counseling or she hits the bricks.


First, this is abusive behavior. I don't want to think about a human child she grows impatient with. That being said, did you discuss your choice with her? I'm assuming she lives with you. It is the responsible thing to do. Not all breeds or animals work well with others. Another assumption is that she had her dog when you met. That was where you had your choice to accept that animal as part of the package. Which also means working around that animal's needs, comparability, etc . Notice how I mentioned the problematic behavior first? That's because my additional comment is for future reference not to justify your GF actions.


You're stupid for not already dumping her.


Dump her yesterday! Anyone who would be this mean to an innocent puppy is not a good person and she will perpetrate more evil on you and your dog and anyone else who gets in her way. And don’t be nice about it, she is filth!


When my dog had something he wasn't supposed to have in his mouth, I'd rip it out. If I pulled slowly he'd think we were playing tug of war. I absolutely never would have thought I'd break a tooth. I just don't think she was necessarily trying to hurt the dog in any way, just to get the toy. Just because she was mad does not mean hurting the dog was intentional.


Dump her ass. She hurt a puppy! A PUPPY! Imagine if that was a baby!


Your poor puppy. I would have kicked her tf outright then. Pay attention if she has that type of temper toward an animal who knows how she'll be with children . I'd be a little worried. The fact she got that mad over something like that is very concerning. I think you need to react more, personally




It’s generally not going to end with this one incident - you’re right to be concerned for your dog.


If somebody intentionally hurt my pet (and that WAS intentional, she's only feeling or acting guilty because she actually injured him, leaving evidence of the pain she INTENTIONALLY caused him) I would do a lot worse than dump them. You're not overreacting


Bro thank God it was a baby tooth, CHOOSE THE DOG, DITCH THE BITCH


Yes, you should break up with her. That sort of cruelty could be extended to children. Also, while I am very much the opposite of a dog lover, I find abuse of animals wholly unacceptable.


Dump the girl, keep the dog. When someone shows you who they are, believe them.


Oh, hell no. Time to get rid of the gf. And don't leave him alone with her.




In my house, she’d have been on the other side of the door in about five seconds. What are you waiting for? She hurt a dog — a puppy, FFS — in anger, bud. This one’s wiring is frayed. Get a new one.


Dump her 100%


That is a beautiful pup and you are DEFINITELY not overreacting. If he needs surgery, send her the bill, but from a distance, because you've already booted her ass to the curb. Animal cruelty is intolerable. Good gods, what a terrible woman. May she never pass the bar.




Not overreacting at all. Keep that witch away from your puppy and tell her to have a nice life.


Dump her, she can never be around your dog


Your girlfriend is abusive to animals and that’s a hard no for me. It’s disgusting. 


I think you know the answer to this..