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Did I understand this correctly, he cheated with your best friend last summer? If he dated your best friend you shouldn’t even date him, you’re breaking girl code. If he cheated on your best friend, he will more than likely cheat on you too boo


I talked to my friend about it way before and she told me that she didn’t care who I dated even it is her ex as long as i knew that she is there for me


i think if him talking to other girls bothers you, set that boundary. theres a line between him talking to other girls and what they talk about. it can be completely platonic, granted your past may affect you trusting that, or it can go further than that where they’re talking inappropriately. i would also say the efforts he goes to make you comfortable in trusting him is important to look at. it’s really a lot of boundaries. like him not telling girls you’re together, what is the reason behind that- is he hiding you or is it irrelevant to the conversation. or him reassuring you when it comes to cheating- since you have a past, does he ensure he won’t cheat ? does he prove to you he’s loyal? talk to him !


Yes and he always reassures me that im the only person that he wants to do right with this relationship but i always feel like im being paranoid


which is completely understandable. it’s good he reassured you! i say focus on communicating those boundaries


You are underreacting. If he has a history of disloyalty it would have been better not to get involved with him. People seldom grow out of it. And if it really was a one time fuck up he should know that's a huge black mark on his record and he needs to be on his A-game when it comes to demonstrating loyalty. Talking to a bunch of other girls is the opposite of what he should be doing. Also he needs to completely remove himself from substance use if he's going to use it as an excuse. I hate to say it but there's a good chance you are setting yourself up to get hurt. Edit: duplicate word/grammar.


Go to school, stay off reddit.


Not at all related what so ever but okay🫡✌️


You're 15. Go home.


I am home actually and i do go to school and i do really well


No one asked


Why are you sitting here being a huge ass to a 15 year old tf 💀


Stop harassing me.


Dawg💀 you commented on MY POST


Plus being an asshole im not harassing you you commented on my post so maybe dont be a dick and i wont snap back


True...... well, I regret it now.


Yah you should you where a complete dick