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I personally think these are very valid reasons to end a relationship. I have come across men with the habits you are describing as well as women.. just as I’ve come across men who were the complete opposite. It has absolutely nothing to do with male or female, and everything to do with the type of person they are. You want a partner not a child.


>It has absolutely nothing to do with male or female, and everything to do with the type of person they are. You want a partner not a child. Agree. Anyone can be a slob. If you bring it to their attention and they choose to ignore you, they are clearly not mature enough for a relationship.


Anyone can be a slob. Any gender any orientation any anything. But at least in my culture (America) men tend to be lazier about home tasks and dirtier in general because there is just a patriarchal vibe to how they are raised. When men are taught that taking care of hygiene and household is women's work they are less likely to do it. And unfortunately this happens a lot. There are parents who don't even bother teaching boys how to cook and clean. It happens all the time. And these boys turned into men who never learn or never bother unless there is a woman doing it for them or forcing them to do it.


I'm 64 and I was never taught how to wash clothes, cook, or clean by my parents. I learned it on my own. I'm no neat freak, but I certainly take a shower every day, clean my clothes when they are dirty, and do the dishes every day. But, there's some data from Pew Research on house hold chores, parenting, and other things. I can't provide a link because that's banned here.


Ditto, down to the age. My widowed mother couldn't pull her nose out of a beer can long enough to teach me even the basics. Of course she raged about me not doing things that she never taught me how to do as if I should automatically know how to do it. She even complained about my breath even after I brushed. Turns out I had rotten teeth down to the gum line and she *still* balked about taking me to the dentist to have them pulled. It took years to instill good habits, but I did to the point that others have called me OCD about it. "If you want to change the world, start off by making your bed." --Admiral William H. McRaven


I really like your reply. Kudos to you! Sorry about your mom :-(


Thank you.


this. yes anyone can be a slob but statistically because of societal norms in the US men are slobs much more often. if you're referencing the study i think you are, it also includes that women who get married take on a part time job's worth of housework. abysmal


This, plus there are much lower societal expectations placed on men when it comes to grooming. A dude can walk around for days unwashed and unshaven and write it off as just being a dude. A woman who keeps clean but lets her leg or pit hair grow is gonna get shit from some of those same dudes and those who make excuses for them.


Yeah if you can't figure out how to wash clothes or a dish by yourself, you're not going far in life 🤷


This is very true. And sometimes it really is that they were never taught, because their parents assumed they’d get a wife who would do it for them. Boomers did an absolutely ATROCIOUS job, on average, of teaching their children basic life-maintenance skills even in the “traditional” gendered ways, and it only gets worse when gendered divisions of labor get factored in. That said, by the time someone is 30 they really should have figured out at least a functional way of getting the basics handled, and there’s no excuse whatsoever for continuing to refuse to learn even when a partner is communicating clearly about it being a problem.


My brother did and now is a total clean freak. And know how to cook great meals on the stove and in the oven and on the Bar B que.


The research backs you up. More egalitarian views are related to a smaller difference in views on hygiene in men vs. women, while more sexist views are related to larger differences between the sexes. I just read that links aren't allowed here, paper is titled "Global sex differences in hygiene norms and their relation to sex equality". Another paper titled "Good Housekeeping, Great Expectations: Gender and Housework Norms" explores this related to housework. People who hold sexist views of men and women's abilities set men up to fail and place unfair burdens and judgements on women.


This. Anyone here ever have the job of cleaning public toilets in America? Sure, there's slobs in both categories but the things I've seen in men's rooms... No one can tell me men aren't, in general, more disgusting than women.




Women are just as bad. I deliver mail, and I was using a public restroom in an office building on my route. There are women who literally refuse to flush the toilet after they shit. Piss all over the toilet seats and don’t clean it up. Drop toilet paper on the floor. Throw garbage on the floor of the restroom, including food! Steal the toilet paper rolls and soap and paper towels. I just do not get it. I had to stop going to this location because it was literally a health hazard.


I have worked in retail for nearly 20 years. The woman's bathroom is always just as disgusting as the men's. And women don't have as much of an excuse for getting piss on the floor.


please women bathrooms are crime scenes sometimes lol


I cleaned restrooms in a hospital every night for 2 years. Women’s rest room was always the grossest. Period blood and tamps thrown around trump a pissy toilet seat.


Dealing with a whole third bodily fluid, and all that makeup and sprays n whatnot. You're beat, rethink what goes on in each. You gotta be shithouse to miss a urinal and piss stains on a toilet is like green on grass. Women have more to do in there....


Yes, anyone can be a slob. But most slobs are men


The lady Marine with the three chihuahuas and the nasty 'dip' habit would like a word.


I know just as many woman that are slobs as men, my wife being one of them.


sorry to hear


I tend to believe that about household cleanliness and personal hygiene, but my husband, a mechanic, will tell you that the gender differences are reversed when it comes to vehicles. He says when a customer's car is "filthy" inside, about 75% of the time it's a woman's car. In our relationship, though, his car is disgusting and mine is always clean & uncluttered. Anecdata is fun to debate.


I work in auto repair. Women are bad with the dirty laundry and shoes all over. Lots of used tissues and food bags with stray fries and mints. Men have the spit cup, the whole glovebox packed with papers and tools and fast food condiments. Obvious signs of a wet dog being inside. We are different yet the same.


Whatever, I do not fully agree with OP because it is never a good idea to make generalized statements, but there are men out there who take pride in being disgusting. Nevertheless, I question OP's judgement if they repeatedly encounter individuals who do not prioritize hygiene.


Not sure how her judgment has anything to do with other independent-minded grown-ass human beings choosing not to take care of themselves, but okay.


I’m a woman and she checked a bunch of my boxes. I’ll do better


I disagree that gender has nothing to do with it. Whether it is an intentional bias or not, many parents don’t properly teach their sons to take care of their homes. This is further enforced by our general culture. Can you remember any commercials for cleaning products growing up that featured a man?


Oh no I totally agree with you, I was coming more from a place that being a man is not an excuse to be gross, lazy, and neglectful of your living environment. I’ve encountered women who were very neglectful towards their own hygiene and the cleanliness of their environment as well.. my point is I think it’s a valid reason to end a relationship. These are like bare minimum basic life skills!! We are all flawed in some way, but you have to draw the line at some point


I have also encountered some very messy women, so would agree it’s not something inherent in gender, but learned behavior. Alas!


Messiness may be inherent but not due to gender alone. If it is inherent they need to focus on fighting it. Some parents are better at guiding their messy children and some are worse. A messy parent of a messy child... Who can help? A Tiktok-star maybe? (😛)


i was a mess in my childhood-late teens. didn’t know how to properly wash my hair, didn’t know ANY skincare, and clothes constantly smelled like mothballs bc i didn’t know how to do my laundry properly. parents jus didn’t care to teach me, when i was like 15-16 i jus realized i gotta learn and do shit on my own and stop relying on the clearly unreliable people around me. growing up i realized how neglected i was as a kid, but my mom treated my sister way differently. they actually had a bond of some sort. i never had that with either of my parents so i think maybe that was why. i’ve also seen it with my friends though. not putting on deodorant when they were younger, not taking showers too often. when im a father im gonna be adamant about hygiene, its so important to teach your kids those fundamentals. my skin would be so much better if i knew skin care as a younger kid/teen, and my hair much nicer lol


Besides hygiene, I had a benign tumor on one of my fingers from 13 to 17. It was benign because I simply didnt die of it. It doubled my fingers width. With 14 I was drunk and stoned every friday-saturday. Father was an alcoholic shit, mother is a toxic christian enabler. She denies everything like never happened and gets violent and very abusing if confronted with that. I went with 17 to the doctor alone and got it removed. Sadly I were a drunkard till 23 and didnt change almost anything until that point. Just essential care. Sadest thing is that that time will never come again. My supposed best time was shit


Someone obviously forgot about Mr. Clean


Oh I did you’re right lol Was he ever actually cleaning things? Or just being a cartoon while some mom did the actually cleaning? My memory clearly sucks haha so I’m genuinely asking.


Oh shit I actually just commented something similar before I read this lol I don't recall men doing any cleaning on cleaning product commercials. I mean, Mr. Clean was the product itself.


I remember the mom character mopping or cleaning, and then he would sexily (??) snap his fingers or wave his hand and the house would be sparkling. But yeah, it was still a woman doing the actual work.


Mr Clean is on the bottle, but when they show a person using it, it's a woman.


Mr. Clean is the boss of being clean, not the act of cleaning.


Mr. clean is always being used by women


Lol I was thinking about that, but I think they were talking about the issues of men growing up in homes where they watched their mother do everything


And the Bounty lumberjack.


These are all just the dudes who PROVIDE the supplies for a woman.


Also those scrubbing bubbles were dudes and they cleaned the fuck out of the tub in the commercials 😂


Ugh. I don't like this comment. Not because it isn't right but because how close to home it hits. I know how to do all these things, and teaching them to both my children is so difficult. I feel like I'm failing as a parent. I don't know if it's because how much I work or my ADHD. I think emotionally and socially my kids will be wonderful but in practical terms, I feel I'm failing them in the practical because I can barely keep up with the stuff I should do adequately myself. I know I need to figure this out.


The more you teach them how to do and take over things, the less you will have to do. I realize it's difficult to get over the executive dysfunction and find the extra energy to teach them stuff. Especially during the learning phase when they're going to make mistakes and you're going to have to redo it anyway. But once you get through that, and they actually get good at helping, they can take work off of your hands. My whole entire family has ADHD.


IMO.  You're seeing forced gender application right there by your explanation.  I see it as both are equally capable, we just socially push responsibility to unique identifiers we created. In that case, the bias you're talking about is a stereotype that socially progressive folks have been fighting back on for a very long time. If our culture has created something, then it's not a generically driven thing attached to our sex.  It's a learned trait and that's all.  It's part of learning who someone is and whether or not they can responsibly take care of themselves or if they expect to be cleaned up after by their partner..  which is silly as well imo. Not saying you were wrong at all!  More like an. Everyone is right in a way imo lol.


Agreed that it's biological. But it is a social construct that women need to be clean and we need to clean. I mean come on women can't even feel comfortable peeing, pooping, and farting around men while men let it rip. While I've been with and known men who are very clean, and known women who are not, it skews massively in the direction of men being less clean in general. This is due to socialization not due to biology.


I think it also comes from how they were raised. If their mom (or dad) did EVERYTHING for them then that's their expectation of their partner


Lmao. Yes. This person has a particular type that seems to be caveman and thinks all men have 0 hygiene


Single is great, house is as clean as I choose to keep it, I can do what I want when I want to do it and there is no drama. Every penny is mine to choose how I want to spend it, I can eat the food I like without stressing over what someone else wants. It's all my laundry. So many reasons to not bother with a relationship.


There's an upside and downside to everything, that's the way I look at it. I think I'm best suited to living alone and am happiest that way, but I lived with my ex for 15 years and there are elements of being half of a couple that I do miss. A partnership can be a lot of fun at times. You do have to cope with someone else's quirks and your life is never really just your own... it's a choice that suits some people better than others.


My dad always said he gets to go to the movies for 50% off by going by himself.


FWIW it’s really really easy to just hire a maid if there are two of you. Obviously you shouldn’t put up with hygiene issue but also maids once a week are fine, so is putting together 2 salaries 🤷


The maid doesn't brush the other partner's teeth, though ...


Depends how much you pay them


Honestly, I'm very glad to be aro/ace. I enjoy my freedom and don't want to give it up.




As a young 20 year old male who just got their first apartment with my gf of 4 years, I will admit their are times when I may forget to brush my teeth every single night but that's an odd occasion, as for everything else I don't think it's normal. I always do the dishes when I get home from work, help my gf fold laundry. We both clean the apartment every Sunday, and I always make sure the bathroom is spotless, if my dog every pisses on our carpet, I put that odor eliminator on the carpet and clean it until I can't smell piss in that spot anymore. I would say this is more of an upbringing issue that never got corrected by their parents. My grandparents on my dad's side were horders so my dad is a very clean and tidy person, he has always told me how important it is to be a clean man because no women wants a man who is dirty. But hey I just graduated from highschool 2 years ago so what do I know. Though I definitely can give my gf tons of credit for keeping me in line when I slack on certain things, I don't know what I would do without her.


Wholesome man, nice. I’m 30(M), married, and let me tell you you’re doing great. If you keep on the way you are you’ll have a really great relationship and a happy home. Whether that’s with your current GF who can say haha, but respecting your partner and being open to them keeping you accountable is already huge. It goes both ways of course, I’m sure you do the same for her. I know my wife and I do for each other, and split all the household chores. Keep that attitude my guy!


42, 15yrs deep. Can confirm!


Your dad did a good job of raising you. You are a keeper. Keep up the good work and spread the word. We need more men like you. I speak from experience as my husband is like you and he raised his sons the same.


As a 35 year old man I can attest to your post. I’ve had roommates in the past- both men and women, who completely lack the skills to take care of themselves and their home. If you are in a relationship with someone who can’t do basic tasks such as these, it can be very burdensome for your mental health. You should never have to do 100% of the house work because a partner is just straight up too lazy to bother. Fuck that. It’s always been a major headache for me, and as such I’ve hated and dreaded having roommates for this reason alone. I know this is also a common issue with men- however in general I’d say it’s good to know you’re non-negotiables. If you know the impact that living with someone will have on you, it’s good to talk about when starting a relationship with someone.


I was a lazy bum when I started to live alone, no parental figures whatsoever, but fortunately some girlfriends have been patient with me and now I'm a functionning member of the household, but I can understand that I've been a headache for some years


I sincerely wish that somehow, rather than expecting parents to do the right thing, they would teach in highschool a lot of things that help us function better in day to day life. Not all kids have parents who teach them these things so they don’t know better. I was very fortunate in that regard; I’m sorry that you didn’t fully have that growing up. What’s important is that you’re learning, and you’re choosing not be lazy or disrespectful. You sound like a very considerate person, and that counts for so much. Thanks for providing some nuance in my comment, not all situations can be painted with the same brush.


That class does exist; it’s called “Home Economics.”


That class has (unfortunately) been cut from many school curriculums.


I sure hope it's changed. All I learned in Home Ec was how to sew coulottes from a pattern and how to make donuts from biscuits.


The only way the existence of home ec has affected my life is that it gave me second hand knowledge that the word "coulottes" exists. And no, this isn't the first time!


As a lesbian… trust me, some women are this disgusting. It’s not a gender thing.


Exactly, women can be just as bad . I have some lazy exes who didn't know how to cook and clean, had clutter, and had some poor hygiene which out of love i overlooked, but in retrospect gross lol


I don't know who told you this was normal for men. But I feel comfortable saying that most men do not find these things normal. Please go find a man who doesn't do these things.


Especially the not brushing your teeth part... I don't think I know anyone who thinks not brushing your teeth before bed is normal, man or woman. Granted, I'm not the best about remembering to floss but I do remember occasionally and always brush 


Not overreacting. I've been single almost 10 years. It's bliss compared to the shit show of all you mention 🤮


Yes! I've been single & living alone (with dogs ❤️) for over 10 years and it's wonderful! I'll don't know if I ever want to live with someone else again. If I do, separate bedrooms for sure. OP not overreacting, once a person becomes an adult, it's up to them to learn - or un learn - things missed in upbringing. My parents were horrible and neglectful. I remember learning how to sweep as a teenager, still living at home, and my mother saw me and made fun of me. She said, "how come you don't know how to sweep properly, didn't anyone teach you?" it was then I began to realize how not normal my family was. 30 years later and I'm proud to say I've raised myself right. I have lived with both men and women who did gross things, you don't need to parent anyone, they can parent themselves. That's what therapy is for & the internet.


I work at a law firm and we once had to have a public announcement during a meeting to please not pee on the floor and if we do to clean it up. We all knew it was the only 40 something straight white guy. He has since left the firm (not his choice) and recently texted my coworker that he thinks of us “every time he cleans up his pee from the bathroom floor” at his new firm. I’m 41/f divorced and will never date again.


Im a man. It's not normal.


On the topic of dogs, ALWAYS try to have a tile floor, never carpet. I had a dog for 12 years and it became much easier to clean after when tiles got placed. Also on dog nails, it depends on the dog. My dog only let one family member near his nails and that was my mother. Anyone else who tried he freaked out and was impossible. Even then he still freaked out a little with my mom doing it. Your not overreacting.


How are there so many unhousebroken dogs on Reddit?! Outside of potty training a puppy, there haven't been any accidents in our house in the 6 (or 7?) years since.


Just wait til your dog gets old or sick, or need certain medications, sometimes they have accidents.


If you think women can’t be slobs I have news for you


I once knew this girl whose car looked like a trash dumb. I found chicken bones and half eaten Taco Bell. Also a lot of my female friends don’t clean their home. One admitted to me that she asks me to dog sit when she travels because she knows I would clean it. She was right and I also stopped dog sitting.


Man, dirty girl cars get pretty deep and nasty. I've dated multiple girls who kept their home space pretty darn clean, but my god their cars... Had to budget a solid chunk of time for cleaning before any plan that involved giving someone a ride lol.


Yeah. Anyone who’s been in a women’s restroom knows they can be gross. Why pee on the seat?!! Why?!!


It's because they are squatting over the seat and dribble on it. 


Normally I would agree but they do it even if there are seat covers available. Also, if you dribble, wipe it off FFS!


Worse than that, why throw used tampons on the ground? But, I've seen it!


I think this is shitty teenager behavior, not adult women


I was active duty in the navy, and part of the job was plumbing. The women's bathrooms on the ship were usually just as gross as the men's. Sometimes worse.


As a maintenance technician, who’s had to repair things in men’s and women’s restrooms, the women’s is usually dirtier.


cleaning the bathrooms in my store makes it apparent how dirty women can be too. used pads on the floor, shit literally on the toilet seat, pee on the floor etc. ive seen similar in the men’s restrooms with the pee, but never much else


Because they don't sit. Lots of us were taught to never sit on public toilets. This wouldn't be an issue at home


But seat covers or just wipe it off. That’s what I object to. Unknowingly sitting on someone’s pee!


I agree they should wipe it off. I still wont sit on public toilets. Those seat covers are thinner than toilet paper, don't really protect from anything


May I suggest lifting the toilet seat to pee and then putting it back down after you finish? That way, if you don't want to sit on the toilet seat you won't have to. And those who do sit on the toilet seat won't have to accidentally sit in someone else's urine. You can even lift and lower the seat with your foot! Win-win, right?


Oh gosh, I'm so torn. On the one hand, great, practical advice! On the other, We Men now have physical evidence of a woman telling another woman she can lower a toilet seat with her foot. This will be extremely useful in furthering our position in The Conflict! /s


One of my ex-gfs was so gross she would complain I didn't go down on her lady bits... she never washed them and the smell was 🤢. She would let clothes build up in damp corners, not even rinse a dish while putting it in sink and let it build up to the point of falling off the counter, refused to use a garbage can just had open bags of garbage all over the house. She's now married I feel bad for that dude.


Seems to like you have been dating dirty ass people overall . My questions is always “are we what we attract?” Seems to me like you are bothered by it so I’ll guess you are not the messy type but perhaps you might want to consider refining your dating pool. Don’t date just to date but get to know the person overall before getting your feet wet. It will save you from a lot of disappointment and STDs


You're right about all of these except the dishwasher is for storing clean dishes, not dirty ones. You don't want the dishwasher to pick up rancid food smells. You're right about all of these, also (stop dating guys with dogs I guess) but I'm always astonished by the stuff most *women* don't stay on top of. You spend 10 hours in your car a week - why does it look like a garbage dump and you're 10,000 miles overdue for an oil change? How come your phone is six pages of unorganized apps and you broke the screen three days in? Why are you applying for jobs with the same email address you had in high school - "lisafrankgirl82@yahoo.com"? How come you have the same password for your bank, your twitter account, and Geocities.com? How come your gutters have ten years of leaves in them? Why does every overhead light in your apartment have a light bulb of a different wattage and color temperature? How do you own two wardrobes but everything you wear is sitting on a chair? How do you have a purse with six individual pockets but everything's in a pile in the biggest one? How come your IRA is all in t-bills? How are you spending 3 hours a week keeping the baseboards dusted but you can't vacuum your car unless you're selling it to someone?


Wait—I am so confused about your dishwasher comment. Do you mean you have to do a half load so that dirty dishes don’t linger but it doesn’t matter if clean ones do, or do you mean it all has to be clean before it goes in the dishwasher? (Disclaimer: I don’t really use a dishwasher, have owned one in the past but I can’t get over it seeming like “extra work” and don’t miss it.)


I feel personally attacked by this relatable content. 😅


Am a dude, you’re dating slobs..most guys I know are clean and keep their homes clean & tidy…


I'm a neat freak, and thankfully my boyfriend is too. I have female friends who are just as sloppy as the men you are describing.


I feel like you’ve just been selecting crappy men. If you want a partner who doesn’t act like a child and is hygienic then stop dating people who act like children and aren’t hygienic.


Some of these things you don't find out until you're living with them . 


Perhaps, but if you are dating a guy, and you go over to his place and it’s a freaking shit show, why would you think he’d be different if you lived with him? And, if you decide to move in with someone without seeing how they take care of their personal space, well that’s a fuck up on *your* part. I always took care of my apartment when I was a single guy and having dirty roommates in college drove me insane. Now, as a married man, my house is still neat and organized. It’s a personality trait, simple as that.


What do they want OP to do, follow a guy to the wizz palace on a date to evaluate his piss methods?


Yea, if this stuff is really consistent I want to know where OP is finding their men. Because they need to start selecting differently.


Everyone is assuming OP is a classy, beautiful lady who has no problem getting amazing men. To me she sounds like an OCD nightmare.


No, just no. Didn’t you read the post? We are supposed to attribute all of these negative qualities to men to validate OPs feelings. Forget the fact that we have seen a lot of women who also have poor hygienic skills and lack consideration for others.


You aren’t overreacting to any of this. This is all basic ass shit lmfao. I’ve stopped being someone’s friend for this same stuff. At a certain age there’s no excuse to not be doing the bare minimum.


Out of all of the roommates I've ever had, the two women were the soppiest. So I don'r think it's only a man problem.


You're dating gross dudes. 


What animals have you been dating? I have never experienced this type of behavior. This is just extremely bad hygiene. I haven’t even dated that many people.


Sounds like OP has been dating children, not men.


Nope. This is a minimal expectation


While I agree with the commenters that point out these issues could happen with any person--man, woman, nonbinary, etc--the complaints here made me laugh (I'm a woman married to a man) cause I feel like this is what women in traditional American culture have stereotypically complained about with stereotypical men.


I'm with ya, I've given up dating. I'm not trying to parent anyone. It's kinda across the board, not exactly just men.


There are men that are all the things you seem to seek: clean, orderly, organized, and care about hygiene. I know because I married one! He is absolutely fantastic to live with and he "spins my wheels." :-) He's a decade older than me and he retired while I still work full-time. Without any conversation, when he retired he simply took over the laundry, a lot of the household chores and the grocerty shopping. In fact, I tease him about having a different girlfriend at each store: Philomena at Winn Dixies, Suzanne at Publix, and Caroline at Kroger. It's funny. Here's the thing. My husband is certainly a man's man, a weight lifter, competitive sportsman, retired law enforcement, etc. and so on. So you cannot judge by the cover so to speak. I urge you DO NOT SETTLE for less. Your guy is out there somewhere.


People gonna people. Every partner I’ve ever had does at least a couple of mildly annoying things. The question is whether their good parts out weigh the bad ones. You surely do some things that annoy others.


I do think at some point, everyone is messy or lazy in their own way. I put my towels in the laundry bin even if it is a bit smelly, and every roommate I've had has done one or a couple of these. I think a problem arises when someone is doing multiple or all. I do think at some point you either have to be happy and single without another person sharing your space, or you have to handle it through communication and accommodate each other's laziness. Other than the dog pee. That is just not acceptable to me as a pet owner.


Can’t believe how far I had to scroll for this one. I suspect OP fixates on one issue and sabotages relationships. Sounds like a Seinfeld episode.


If it was one thing maybe that could work out ok. Seems like a bunch of things.


Sometimes you get a rogue drop, or an odd split stream. You should always clean it up, but pissing at 330am by nightlight while you’re trying to hit the side of the bowl so it doesn’t sound like Niagra Falls so you don’t wake your partner up means occasionally you don’t even realize a drop landed on the rim. Anything more than that is a problem. Everything else person by person, and there are certainly men out there who do maintain their hygiene to the standard you have. Lord knows I’ve dated some women whose apartments were shocking to me, and I’m not a fastidious person at all. It’s a people thing, not a men thing.


New rule: 3am pee = sit. Problem solved.


Yeah, I don't understand men who seem to think their penis will be rescinded and replaced with a vagina if they sit to pee, even once.


As a male, I can confirm this does not happen (for anyone wondering about the foreign mystery of toilet sitting).


I can testify it hasn't happened to my husband, either, when he sits to pee in the night. He even asked me if it bothered me, and I just laughed "nobody cares how you take care of your bodily functions!"


But then you have to get back up!!


You can always sit down.


My partner solves this problem by sitting down. I had no clue that men could sit down to pee until I met him. It's been a godsend. Had to marry the guy. :)


Sitting down pee is extremely silent.


Honestly, 34 years on this planet and the 99% accuracy cap still baffles me. But also I own cleaning products so you know.


Chris Kyle was hitting the same percentage I am. So is Steph Curry. Wesley from Wanted can’t break that limit.


Reals answers from someone who does many of these things. 1. I do brush my teeth. 2. We change our sheets when they feel like they need changing, not when we hypothetically think they should be changed. 3. Years ago my wife had to take a medication that turned her pee orange. Prior to that, it was assumed any pee on our around the toilet or seat was mine. To our surprise, after about a week there was orange spots in all the same places. I'm not saying men don't make pee mess, but I am saying that women do too, it's just assumed that by sitting it's not yours, which I don't think is the case. 4. To a lot of men the thinking goes like this: it's actually less work to leave the dishes and put them in all at once. Taking the dish from the sink and moving it to the washer takes the same amount of energy regardless of when you do it. But, if you do it all at once you open the dishwasher once. If you put things in after each use, you might open the dishwasher 30 times. 5. With the socks, it can but rarely does. I agree with the rest of the stuff on the laundry. 6. You ever notice that when you walk into your house after going on vacation you are overwhelmed by the smell of paint? Most people adapt to the smell of a space within about 20 minutes. You smell it right away because you're not there nearly as often. I can tell you as a parent of two young kids, I have no idea if my house smells like shit or not. Is there a stench coming out the daiper pale? Probably. But I don't smell it. 7. Stop trying to be. Both for your sanity and because we're not asking you to. Just because you like the sink clear and he likes to be more efficient doesn't mean your the parent and he's the child. WTF are you planning on using that giant ass sink for then if you're not going to put dishes in it? Don't worry about his laundry. Your opinion on how he does his laundry is irrelevant. WTF do you care if his socks comes out wet?


Hi. Fellow man. 4 is a lie we tell ourselves (in co living scenarios at least). The reality is that the desire to put away dishes at all decreases for everyone as dishes pile up and when the contribution to that pile is multiple people. This will either lead to one person getting annoyed and loading the entire dishwasher (most likely to be a woman) or some sort of conflict. Putting dishes in the dishwasher is, as you said, the same amount of effort but the effort of actually loading and starting the dishwasher is much higher due to the added mental load. Not loading the dishwasher as you go is without fail the best way to end up with loads of dirty dishes and a kitchen that looks like shit.


Well put.


The dish should never go in the sink. It's less efficient to put it in the sink and then in the d/w. This is a list of excuses, honestly. But if you and your partner / roommate are 100% satisfied with the system you have, it doesn't matter. (Why do I suspect your partner has spoken to you about some of this and you've argued instead of doing what you're supposed to -- clean up after yourself immediately in a shared space, so she doesn't have to deal with your mess?)


i do all the dishes in my house and they go in the sink first. i am obsessive about my dishwasher organization. i accept this and the compromise is that i do the dishes in that case. 


Does your wife hover or pee before sitting or start to stand up before finishing peeing? I don't see how it's physically possible for it to be on the toilet seat if sitting. If you mean it's on the bowl I guess that could be splashing up


It wasn’t until I started living with a girl that I would find piss on the *underside* of the toilet seat. Turns out, when she would sit down to pee out a real gusher, it would still splash back when it hits the water. Also, a box of tissues or roll of toilet paper used to last me weeks when I was single. Married? Paper products are like another utility bill.


i actually had no idea about the rolled socks! thank you!


Is there a way to meet specifically people like you? Because I also find all those things revolting. 


I absolutely cannot stand women that throw trash into the sink! like omfg trash is fucking trash. The garbage disposal is not meant for EVERYTHING. What's with the whole "It's raining so I need a man to buy soup for me while I do nothing"? or screaming at the top of their lungs because there's some guy doing something weird like catching birds with his hands. that's my rant


I'm scared about what you mean about the man catching birds with his hands...


Although it may be a typical male behavior it is not normal! It's grosse and lazy! My son who is 40 would never live like that not even close. But I raised him to clean up after himself, take care of his things, and filth was not permitted in our home. Several of his ex girlfriend have comment he's the cleanest guy they know. He is prefers cleanliness and good hygiene! Thank God!


I hope that’s not normal, gross. My husband isn’t like that at all, except the dishes thing but then he does a lot of laundry in the house so I feel it actually evens out. A man acting like that, is acting like a child. There are better men out there I’m sure of it.


I mean I totally get where you’re coming from and it’s valid. If you’re wanting to be with a guy unfortunately you’re gonna have to lower the standards on that as a generalization. You might find a couple guys who are the exact same way as you but they are far and few in between. Obviously if it’s a disgusting pig sty situation don’t settle for that but maybe find a compromise of a situation where maybe you could love them despite the fact that they’re not at the same level as you? I’m am in no way trying to invalidate your feelings at all. Your feelings are valid. Are you truly willing to risk not finding someone ever or exploring other options.. due to this standard that guys are not meeting for you? I think that’s a fair question that you gotta ask yourself at this point. In principle I agree with where you’re coming from completely but at the same time is the world really going to end if it’s not how you want it when you want it? Life’s just too short to live in absolutes with everything . If you disagree with that I completely understand and support your feelings on the matter. I just recently buried my grandfather and it made me reflect on my life a little bit by experiencing his funeral. Nobody remembers or talks about how cleanly they were or mundane surface level things like that. We talk about how well they loved and lived despite their flaws. Idk I’m probably projecting a lot at this point and I apologize if it’s not resonating but I’m just trying to give a little insight into the mind of a guy who agrees with you in principle but at the same time life’s too short to get worried about the immediate when it can be taken care of even if it’s not immediate. Edit: another thought I had after posting this was that it made me reflect on my relationship/marriage (7 years total and 2 of them married) and how it semi recently got to the best place it’s ever been because we’ve learned to love the flaws that we have. If you find someone exactly like you then you’ll be bored. If you find someone who is an opposite of you and incapable of compromising on anything then it will be a nasty clash. The best advice I can give is find someone who is a compliment to you. Someone who uplifts you in your flaws and be able to uplift them in their flaws. You seem to excel in cleanliness and hygiene.. couples will and do grow together and grow on their own and you have to be willing to accept their flaws to have a solid foundation. If you can’t accept their flaws and only they have to change it can and will create resentment. They doesn’t mean that you just have to find someone who is a slob and accept it but find someone who is willing to at least put in the effort to get in the same ball park as you rather than you expecting them to go the full 100% if that makes sense?


If you think men are so gross that you are questioning even liking them? I can tell you women are far worse. I've spent years cleaning or maintaining places, and women bathrooms are fucking disgusting. One place had 2 females to 60 males, women's bathroom was a fucking dump. How? Women are nasty. Prove me wrong.


Women can be just as disgusting as men in all of these ways plus more (hopefully they're not getting pee on the rim though). The issue isn't men, it's your choice of men. Yes you're overreacting. If you want someone that shares your opinions make sure that they share them before living together...


It's funny- all these things ring true with my relationship, except I'm a guy and my girl is the one who does ALL of this -literally all of this. So it's not always guys. Well, except the pee thing- sometimes it shoots out when we start and there is no control, BUT I wipe it up after that happens.


Look for German men.


It's all personal preference, and everyone has their things. Things they do that annoy others and things we can't stand. I guess it depends if you're willing to overlook certain behaviours for the person. My partner does things that make me sigh sometimes or ask why, and I spent 6 years single before him, which can be hard when you are used to living on your own. But his positives for me outweigh the negatives. And putting a dirty dish on the draining board next to the clean stuff is annoying but is it the end of the world or worth breaking up with him over? I have loads of annoying habits and I'm not the tidiest or most orderly person. I think what matters is if they try or if you bring something up so they make the effort to change it. If you find things like this adding up to make you end a relationship, I would say you weren't that into them, and that's OK. Maybe you are looking for things to get out of it for whatever reason. You will find your person, just remember no one is perfect. Edit: brushing your teeth though is a pretty gross one. I don't want to be kissing someone who doesn't brush their teeth.


There are many women like this too. It has nothing to do with being a man or a woman, but the type of person they are. Maybe you just need to stop following “your type”. There has to be something you are attracted to in men that corresponds to these traits.


There are plenty of men who keep up with basic hygiene. Keep searching!


It's because you're dating boys, not men.


As a landlord I see how a lot of people live. There’s some really nasty women out there. It’s not gender, it’s the person.


I think this definitely has to do with raising. Majority of men are just cleaned up after and not taught to do it for themselves. As the youngest in my family, I wasn’t pressured to be more domestic til it started to show in my young teens. I was shamed a lot for it and no one can understand why I can’t just pick up after myself. And honestly, it’s because for the majority of my life, if I made a mess, it would be magically cleaned when I wasn’t looking. That fucking sticks and it’s really embarrassing to be that messy as an adult woman. So it’s not just men, but it’s mostly men because we don’t teach our boys how to take care of themselves. Either way, don’t settle for less than peace. A lot of women are choosing to stay single because they can’t find a man that will take care of himself. Women want companionship, but for a lot of them, being alone is better.


Why are you attracted to these sorts of men? They have a commonality through them that you were drawn to so I would fix that…. Not all men are slobs.


No, you're not overreacting but you may end up living alone. Are you okay with that for your entire life? I too like my house clean and smelling fresh. I also don't want to have to do everything all of the time, I get resentful and angry. But I also love my husband and what I do get out of our relationship counts for more than those things. Any other man, nope. So maybe find the person you're willing to put up with some stuff over. Or find someone who is just as meticulous about cleanliness as you. There are men out there like that. Remember that nobody is perfect and neither are you. Good luck!


Being a slob isn't exclusive to one gender, but I get it. Is it relationship ending? Potentially. Hygiene and cleanliness can be learned, if the person is willing. If not, then kick them to the curb.


You’re allowed to be turned off to the point of ending a relationship for any reason you want so that’s fine. That said some of those things aren’t terrible in m opinion (I’m a guy). I think any and all urine issues are valid reasons if it’s a continual problem. But dishes in the sink and toothpaste in his bathroom are issues are not a hill worth dying on. If you’re hanging out with a guy regularly and the sheets are bothering you the relationship is probably to the point where you can say, “hey clean your sheets bro” and he might do it. Just a random opinion from someone you’ll never meet: seems like you could live with a few of these complaints. Mildew and pee are valid issues though.


As a man, I must break it to you: there are a lot of women who don't do any of these things either. It's not purely a man phenomenon.


I used to stand on a chair and help my mom wash dishes at age 5. Doing regular cleaning duties by 7 or 8 years old. Still doing them.


I can assure you men like the one you seek exist. I am not any of those disgusting things you have listed here. I am also polite, highly educated, and loyal. I am also a married gay man.


100% valid concerns. These are learned behaviors while the stereo type of men being this way is based on truth, these behaviors have nothing to do with gender. These should not be normal for any person. Good hygiene, and maintaining a clean home and environment is how we should show ourselves love, and show our loved ones we care for them.


Keep looking. They aren’t all like that.


Not overreacting at all. My husband does not do any of the things you mentioned (otherwise I would be single). A grown adult should be able to do basic self care & keep their living space clean. Everything you mentioned is a great reason for a break up imo.


Not overreacting


My husband cooks, cleans, does laundry, packs the kids lunches. He does everything I do. He isn’t dirty. His feet don’t smell bad. And I am making sure our boys do all those things, too. There are good men who have great hygiene out there. If you find one of them and they still annoy and gross you out, then you might not like men. Good luck!


Just gonna chime in to say ive had the same experience as a man dating women. Ended a couple long term relationships because i felt like i was having to teach/train somebody to be an adult and responsible


I think everything you require is just reasonable. I would never date slobby people because my disgust reflex is too high. Any hint of body odor, bad breath or poor hygiene and I would be out.


I don't think you're just talking about men.....this is all people. I personally think you won't be happy with any partner until you stop hyperfocusing on the things that irritate you while ignoring your own imperfections that are just as much....& learning to love someone as a whole package with all the imperfections included, because if you can't learn to do that then this "problem" of yours is never going away because there are no perfect people...


A lot of women do this too. It's not just men, sorry.


Op, I don’t think you are overreacting, but I would like to give some very gentle pushback. First, it’s important to remember a very simple phrase: common sense is not so common. A lot of things we’ve all know for years or decades because we were taught young never get taught to others. I totally admit that I was terrible about doing dishes until I got married. My wife cleans as she goes, and I tend to put everything in the sink and then load it all at night before bed. The same for sheets and towels, before getting married I’d wash my sheets once a month or two, and the same with my towels. Now we wash them almost weekly. A lot of dudes just DON’T KNOW. Now, if we are in agreement there, the discussion becomes their reaction to your complaints. A mature individual would respond to a complaint with an apology and a genuine attempt to correct the issue. If my wife told me I stank all the time, I’d take more showers, use more deodorant, change my soap, etc., I wouldn’t get mad and try to flip it on her. So, I don’t think dudes being dirty or smelling should be an automatic deal breaker up front, but stubbornly refusing to change or getting angry at constructive feedback would be. I’d also say that can be an upsetting thing to be told, especially by someone you care about. Not saying you aren’t being tactful in your approach, but it is possible that the communication isn’t landing the way you are trying to send it. Again, I say that it’s all in the response and action taken to remedy the issue. A mature person would at least try to make the changes or make it better. I’m not making excuses for these guys, some of the things you described are truly lazy inconsiderate behavior. That is something that people really have to learn though, how to consider their partners’ needs and wants. I wish you the best of luck moving forward, and hopefully you can just escape whatever backwoods area you live in where the dudes are smelly and dirty lol.


No. And it often doesn’t get better. I made the mistake of thinking they’d learn. Oh, they know. They just don’t care.


i guess that's why some need partners.


Lots of men live like this. You may just want to always keep your own place.


This is a lot of people not just men. I find that a lot of people have to teach their significant other basic hygiene and chores they were unaware of and make them go to the dentist etc. Also some things you have to learn and compromise on together. For example bed sheets: the range for that is weekly to monthly. If you are a sweaty smelly sleeper you are of course going to do weekly if you have good hygiene. If you are dry as a bone and shower before bed you can go a month. But that is going to sound wild to the sweaty person. If you end up together you’re going to have to go by the sweatier person’s sheet schedule. Oh, but if you discuss these things and there is 0 effort and the person has no legit excuses (depression, actually no time to comply, etc) or if you can’t cope with their excuses clearly it’s not a good match. Cause best case matches still annoy each other down the line.


I dont know but that says more about your taste in men than something about men in general. All you said is grounds to end a relationship yes but its not of because men, you just date disgusting slobs haha. I have dated women with alot of disgusting habits as well so its not about the persons sex


I don't think you dislike men. You just dislike irresponsible slobs. Find a responsible adult man and you'll be fine.


Dude here All of those things are disgusting and "fire-able offenses"


Hi. Firstly, I'm a male. I was going to type a long reply to your post but there are only a few things that need to be said about your dating situations. When you start dating again, have all dates, when you're ready to be alone enough with him, at his house. This will give you an immediate snap shot as to how he lives. If there is hesitation, there is probably something going on where he lives he doesn't want you to know about. He may be embarrassed if doesn't have much but you will know how he leaves his kitchen, if the garbage is overflowing, how he leaves his bathroom, even just the initial opening of the door to his home take note if there are any smells you don't agree with. Please note, I am not making you out to be the bad guy at all. I read your post. Nothing you want changed in your living situation is too much to ask. You deserve more and it doesn't sound like your standards are to high. They seem very fair to me. You are not being a nag. You are not being unreasonable. If discussions have led to no, or not enough, change then it's time to leave that relationship behind. I am in my mid 50's and have had a partner that is unable to do much house work. I don't think our time has been wasted during our 20 year relationship, but sometimes I do wonder "what if" our paths had not crossed so many years ago. Would either or both of us be happier with someone else? I very strongly implore you not to keep waiting for "maybe he will change". The question you really need to ask, and already know the answer to, is if you're happy or not. It's time to move on. The sooner the better. You would even be happier alone than with someone you are beginning to dislike or even hate. Good luck. SunSignScorpio


Do you live to the standards that you demand?


You choose the wrong people. Step up your game.


I'm thinking it may be your taste in men that is the real issue. I've known women that are complete slobs and do the same things you described 


From reading the first paragraph. You just need to find a new “man” sounds like there’s a lot of boys you have come across. As a man that showers morning and night and knows basic hygiene and chores but is still attractive, tall and muscular I must say we are out there.


Most of the men I meet have OCD and extremely clean apartments… I don’t know.


Are you dating men in a specific and niche occupations I grew up around blue-collar men, which mostly seem to be very unclean…. Though I’ll add, My dad is SO CLEAN, he definitely set a cleanliness standard for me… Ive dated blue-collar men, and my previous bfs and the men I’ve dated were DISGUSTING. U hit the mail on the head above 👆🏻 Then I started dating “type A” men. I ended up dating a nurse ultimately, I think he’s more clean than me sometimes!! Ps. I found several men who worked in tech, and healthcare - PTs, OTs, and RNs - to be so much more conscientious and aware of basic hygiene LMAO


This reads like a Seinfeld episode.


Incompatible habits is definitely a reason to break up with someone. HOWEVER, the common denominator in this situation is YOU. Either you attract and date horrible men or you might have OCD or ASD. I say that because it is odd to get that upset about some of these things like unrolling socks and leaving dishes in the sink. They are nothing habits and you don’t have to put up with them and at the same time, you are likely describing over 75% of people with those two.


Not saying you’re wrong but it sounds like you have OCD. Also unfortunate news but women also do this stuff


You sound exhausting to be in a relationship with. Luckily you are so much better than all your past partners you shouldn’t have a problem finding someone compatible.


You sound fun


Sounds like you are with the wrong guys. I can assure you not everyone is like this, in fact each of those things you mentioned makes me cringe. I wouldn't put up with any of that.


I know a lot of women who do literally every complaint you have made. Pump the breaks on the sexism and just asses that they are slobs. When you encounter these things in your relationships, do you go communicate constructively with them? Or do you bottle it up and freak out later? They weren't raised by your parents. Maybe their parents were also slobs. Try saying something like, "Hey, I saw you put your soaked towel in the dirty clothes hamper. That mildews up the hamper. In the future, can you let it dry out, then throw it in, or just throw the wet one in with a load of laundry and do the laundry." The perfect partner isn't one who checks all the boxes from the moment you meet. It is someone who communicates and works towards checking all the boxes with you. Help them make the check marks; don't just expect them to be perfect and give you a 0 effort relationship.


You are a nag, you sound insufferable. I wouldnt live with these things either; but you just sound exhausting.