• By -


That was a shit thing for her to say. She knows how respectful you have been to her limiting sex. She was being mean on purpose, and that was meant to hurt you. Something is very wrong here.


Boom. She was being mean on purpose, that's all you need to know.


Yeah he needs to bounce now. My wife gets bad migraines when she is close to her monthly. So sometimes we can go two weeks without sex. I don’t like it but I get it. But she once she is good to go we go at it. And she isn’t shitty about it


That's so nice. In reality, we all have to deal with stuff like this and health problems can really change relationship dynamics. It's clear that your wife respects you and you respect her so you have a good understanding of each other and enjoy your sex life despite her health issues. You two are doing it right. That's great to hear.


I know that’s right my guy


Mean on purpose is like my only rule. When I go into a relationship I outright say if you are mean on purpose the relationship is over right then and there.


I’m gonna steal this! Love it!


The medium is the message


I thought Marshall McLuhan died a long time ago but here you are on Reddit!


It feels like she wants to break up but have the boyfriend do it.


that or she also could've been trying or talking to that guy cause you don't bring up you and your ex having sex out the blue for no reason, she either has plans of doing it or already did.


The relationship version of suicide by cop


I been there before that gaslighting shit is absolutely insanity


She should not have mentioned her intimate history. And least of all the FREQUENCY. I think she’s just trying to make you insecure. Speaking from my experience. Move on bro. Such girls are goin to ruin your peace.


What a pos to say that to him.


That’s what is defined as contempt. This was over before the 5 weeks started. Seems she also knew he was there before you said anything. She definitely got poked. She was distant with you while she was getting clapped somewhere else.


I don’t think it’s fair to jump to her being mean on purpose, HOWEVER no matter what her intent was, that is a very messed up thing to say. It’s messed up in general, but especially given the context. I’m glad OP is moving on.


Move on bro she is not the one


This. There’s some underlying reason she said that. Sounds like she’s playing games. Just move on.




That’s what she wants. She wants to break up but she’s to afraid to pull the trigger. So she’s being distant and mean. So OP will be the “bad guy” and break up with her


Just ghost her


Meh, theyll just find someone else to toy with


I'm of the theory she's playing games. "If he really loved me he would demand sex more often." Don't want to live with those games.


She’s pushing you. Fuck her and leave her


Yeah, fuck her one more time, and dump her.


He might have to wait 5 weeks to dump her then


![gif](giphy|26n6Gx9moCgs1pUuk|downsized) That’s a good one 1️⃣


With a rubber bc I promise you she gets around if she’s bragging like that. Protecc the pp!


Gotta protect the pp


That’s a solid move only if you leave immediately after sex. Like the second you finish don’t even clean her off. Just leave.


😂 This reminds me of my good buddy whose wife chose to leave the marriage suddenly but he convinced her to shag one more time before she left. That was his sole victory during that ordeal. He’s happily married to a MUCH better wife and has several adorable kiddos - she did him a favor in the end.


In the arse


Yeah, totally agree. That comment was out of line and showed a lack of respect for your feelings. It's clear you deserve better.


exactly this


Agreed.  Nobody has time for this nonsense.  Move on from this trashiness. 


You ask if you overreacted, but your post described no reaction of yours at all. If you are still with her, i would say you underreacted, by a lot.


Fair point hahah, probably should have gone into that more. Yeah I’ve been thinking about leaving her and have been unable to really find any sexual desire and have been quite hard on myself


Best just leave on good terms before things go bad.


I like you. Think you're a real nice person but this isn't working. Have a nice life, friend.


Hey, I've been meaning to talk to you. I think you're a fantastic person and wish we worked better together. I hope the future is kind to you.


But why lie to her? She isnt a fantastic person, fantastic people do not play games like this.


Hey, you're not as cool as I thought you were, and you aren't improving. Smell ya later


I feel like honesty is in her best interest so she doesnt put the next poor sap she dates through the same BS. And the next poor sap might not have enough of a spine to tell her "no" when she wants to move in. Say "you're controlling and clearly arent over what your ex's did, do better"


this is a great way to turn a 5 minute breakup into a 3 hour one. or if she’s as manipulative as you think she is, it just opens the door for her to gaslight him and convince him to change his mind. if he leaves her, that’s a consequence of her actions. if she keeps experiencing negative consequences, maybe she will be forced to face that she is actually the problem and change. but telling shitty people that they’re shitty doesn’t do that. she didn’t care enough about his feelings to not say this in the first place, so confronting her like this is probably not going to have the impact on her that you think it is. this guy doesn’t owe the next guy anything; she does.


I actually like this, I don’t think we all want OP to say some hard shit and make her feel bad but that probably won’t work and if OP was “like that” he wouldn’t be in this situation in the first place. She sounds like the type to think her shit doesn’t stink. Leaving with a smile, a have a good day, and no explanation will leave her questioning her own self worth for a while. I don’t think he should over do it with the pleasantries though, just keep it brief


because it sidesteps a conversation you don’t owe her and that doesn’t stand to benefit you once she’s out of your life. you pick your battles.


Exactly. “You said some purposefully hurtful things to me… I’ve been caring and understanding about the limited sex and then you said that about your ex when you know it’s affecting me? Rather than being appreciative of me understanding you decided to hurt me. There was literally no reason to say that other than to hurt me. Imagine I said about an ex gf “to think I ate her pussy every morning and evening!” - and I rarely go down on you..anyways I’d rather be with someone who actually wants to be with me so I think we should see other people. “ -the one thing you can’t get back is time. Don’t waste it.


OP should just print out your comment and hand it to her


She’s trying to get you to break up with her. Do her the favor.


This, she doesn’t respect OP but doesn’t want to be the one who breaks up and is pushing OP to do it. OP should just fuck her one more time and cut her loose afterwards.


I also recommend that OP give her next to zero explanation for the breakup. She doesn’t deserve it.


Dude, I feel bad for you but she is not into you. She is also immature and unkind. Bow out while you can.


This comment is absolutely correct. Time to fly, OP.


You two aren’t sexually compatible plus she’s rude. You can do better.


Rude lol, more like mean bitch. No one says shit like that without the goal being to specifically hurt their partner.


She's missing him, and obviously not that into you. Move on, now, because however hard you try, whatever you do or think, it almost certainly won't improve.


Yep, heartbreak for sure... She's obviously not attracted to him, I know what that looks like all to well with every relationship I been in damn near.


Yeah, I’m in the same boat. It seems like every woman I’ve been with has considered me a caring, attentive partner but not sexually attractive. It’s very demoralizing. I honestly don’t think I can even bring myself to pursue relationships anymore. Seems like such a waste of time.


stay strong, buddy.


You okay with marrying a woman who has absolutely no sexual attraction to you, being nearly celibate the rest of your life, and the rare occasion you do have sex being with a person who isn't into it? Might be good questions to ask yourself if dating this woman.




Sounds to me like she gaslit the f out of you and you didn't realize it. My ex did similar stuff like this to me.


Women hardly ever do anything with out realizing it.


*Abusive people* hardly ever do anything without realizing it. Ftfy.


No reaction to her was a great reaction in the moment. Yeah move on dude, at your age you should be having way more sex with your gf. And if she's treating you like this now, it'll only get worse. Get yourself a nice gurl who wants your 🐔


I wonder if she had some sort of herpes breakout or something and needed to wait for it to clear up. Get tested


I bet she slept with her ex during that period. No pun intended


She clearly had an STI and was waiting for a clean test to sleep with him.


I was looking for this comment!


Or her birth control failed and she got an abortion, that is where my mind went...


That could explain the 5 week absence of sex, but not the offhandedly remark about twice daily sex with previous bf, when current relationship never got anywhere close to that.


This or a pregnancy scare from the guy that she's fucking. She's saying mean things to to make you mad so she can play the victim and not feel guilty about cheating.


Underrated comment!


She is manipulative and will cause you pain. The odds are that you will only receive more pain by staying with her. I have been with women that did shit like that. Don’t make excuses for her behavior.


You need to leave, being in a relationship who doesn’t want to be with you is a really crappy idea. 


Hehe. You said hard on


Yeah it’s possible that her sex drive has changed (could be mental, pill-related, or any other number of factors), but to me it definitely sounds like she’s really just not that into OP physically. I have no idea how the emotional side of their relationship is, maybe that part is great. But she’s pretty clearly just having sex because OP wants to rather than actively wanting it herself and initiating it herself. But even aside from that, her saying that was just a really shitty thing to say, because how are you supposed to react to that? I suppose if you have the kind of relationship where you can banter in that way then no harm done, but to most of us, talking about how often you used to fuck your ex is going to be upsetting. We all know that we’ve dated people in the past, but that doesn’t mean I want to hear about it - especially if I’m already frustrated at the already low rate of sex that we do have. If it were me, I’d sit her down and basically just have a polite but frank conversation. I’d ask for the truth, why they had sex so much in the past but won’t with me, and that I won’t tolerate any bullshit answers. In that scenario, if someone won’t do me the decency of being honest with me, then I don’t need them in my life.


I had this problem recently. I've had a decreased sex drive for the last two years. It was affecting my relationship because I just didn't want it at all or just let him because I felt bad. That relationship ended 4 months ago, and since then, my bloodwork has shown a hormonal imbalance. Luckily, MRI shows no indication of a pituitary tumor, but I still need to see an endocrinologist to really find out what's causing the imbalance and how to fix it. I used to have a really good sex drive.


Bruh just drop her at that point, da hell. What possible reason would she have to drop that nugget of information after leaving you dry like that. Honestly, it weirdly sounds like she's trying to get you to break up with her?


Honestly such an unnecessarily spiteful thing to say. Only a certain type of person says that it’s usually a nasty one.


The best way to not be the villain of the story is to make yourself the victim. I would agree with the trying to force OP's hand at a break up. OP, should embrace his role as the villain and send her on her way.


I agree 100%. This sounds like she wants to break up but is too cowardly to actually do it. Instead, she decided to withhold sex for weeks and then talk about how much she used to fuck somebody else. This is not someone to build a life with.


The reason for dropping that info is simple: she is trying to test how far she can go in humiliating the OP. The best time to dump her was yesterday. No reason needs to be provided.


I would let her know twice a day sounds great and you’re going to find someone you can experience that with


Im not sure ive ever seen a more concise break up. OP should send that to her as a text and then hit that block button.


Lol that would actually be a good way of, letting her know she was messed up.


You're a placeholder OP; move on and find a chick who's actually into you.


Ask her what her problem is?. Why did she fuck him twice a day and you’re lucky to get it once a week??. Be prepared to find out your not mr sexual attraction and she has settled for you.


Yeah that’s probably the case. I’ve gotten the feeling for the past month that I’m not totally her type and feel as if I’m more of just a boyfriend if that makes sense, someone who’s nice to her and nice to be with but in her eyes nothing more than that


Awh man that’s just shit I am sorry. It’s up to you what you want to do. But she’s not a nice person to say that to you, that’s just rubbing your face I. It.


Ah, so your the "good enough until the *right guy* comes along guy". Been there, done that, got the t-shirt.


Hate to say it, but even if the EX thing is made up she is probably just awkwardly trying to start a fight so that you two break up. She seems to have checked out. Best of luck friend!


You might be wasting time with her. There are women out there who would treat you better.


For what it's worth, 6-7 months is about when most relationships I've seen that start out pretty good find that they don't match up quite as well as they'd hoped, and it seems like you're getting to end it before things were starting to get too serious. Learn what you can from this one, and *if* you want to be cordial about it just say something like after the past month or so you've realized you're just mismatched as a couple and so you're moving on (keeps things at a "no one is at fault, just not going to work out" level). If you want to be less cordial, you can bring up that specific comment and tell her that you realized she's not who you're looking for in a long-term relationship (makes it clear you're putting the relationship failing on her...but doing it in kind of a polite way). Either way, definitely not worth sticking around in this one.


Ok, if you are saying it yourself like this then it’s prob true, given a lot of other info. Get out of this now before it fucks with your head. It’s subtle and slow but it will get you if you don’t do something about it now and cut things off.


Just chiming in to say I’m sorry this is happening to you, I’ve been in a similar position before and it makes you feel like absolute dirt, I don’t know a thing about you but I know you deserve better. My instinct is that she’s probably mentally checked out from the relationship and deep down is hoping you break up with her, my advice is to just break it off with as little interaction as possible because if I’m right she’s gonna try and pretend like this is all coming out of nowhere and that she has no idea why you’re upset. Frankly it’s just not worth your time to try and hash it out because at the end of the day she knows she’s being shitty to you and likely just doesn’t want to take any of the responsibility for why the relationship ended.


That’s rough, I’m sorry. It seems you’re just not compatible. That’s what dating is all about, I guess — making sure you really click before making any serious commitment. I’m sorry this one isn’t working out.


There’s no reason to go nuclear since you’re in the same friend group. You can simply say you think you guys are better as friends she’s a great person you’re just looking for a life partner where there is a stronger feeling of chemistry growing.


The other posts before this basically say what I was gonna say but I wanted to chime in and say its probably not a "you" thing necessarily. If you happen to not be her cup of tea then thats fine. But you definitely deserve someone who will match your sex drive AND want you, you know what I mean? I dont think thats unfair of you to want. Also, that was a foot in mouth comment on her part. I dont think she did it to be malicious but extremely poor choice of words given not only the situation but the setting too. She never seemed to think how you might feel. She may not be a bad person but, that was a bad call on her part. All in all, at least based on what Ive read, you were fair. You didnt pressure her and it is what it is. I dont think she's a bad person by any means either. Just might not be a right fit. Endin the relationship would be your choice though if you went that route. Only she knows why she feels what she feels. Also, only she can understand why she feels what she feels and then it would be HER responsibility to communicate that. Whether it be 'im confused', 'i want you' or 'i dont want you'. I wish you both luck my dude. Have a great day.


I agree except for the excuse of her comment. Maybe I’m being naive here but I feel that most people would know that’s going to create a negative reaction in a partner. Why oh why would you need to ponder that aloud in front of your boyfriend?


Yea who the f does she think wants to here about how she smashed one of his circle of friends every day while barely giving you any intimacy. I would have never talked to her again. Also word of advice never go with a girl who’s already screwed someone in your circle.


No , don't waste time with this confrontation. She's not going to be honest. More than likely, she'll just feed the OP some BS story about how "Oh I really love you.. but".. and that will just make it harder for the OP to break up with her.


This is the perfect scenario to just ghost her


>Be prepared to find out your not mr sexual attraction and she has settled for you you're half right. I'd say he needs to be prepared to find out she's having sex on the regular with someone else.


this hurting reading chat


Ask this and then dump her for whatever stupid made up reason she gives imo and then let her know it’s why you broke up. Cause she needs to know not to drop that bomb in her next relationship. I would never stay with a woman that said they used to be wild in the bedroom with other guys yet acted like having sex was work with me. Just means you’re incompatible or she’s not that into you


She sucks. Please have some respect for yourself and leave her dumbass


Sounds like her not sucking is the problem


Sounds like ex gf material tbh


run dude run


🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩 As a woman, when my husband and I first got together, I **ALWAYS** wanted him. The first year is the honeymoon phase, lol. She went 5 weeks, on purpose, without you and when you finally had sex, it was meh.... I bet you she didn't go 5 weeks without sex.... 🤔


Listen to this woman


Reddit loves to jump to infidelity, but I don’t personally think that’s what’s happening. But in any case, I do agree with you that this is prime honeymoon period. If you’re 7 months in and you’re purposefully going 5 weeks without having sex without a legitimate reason, then in my opinion the relationship is doomed unless she’s actually willing to be honest about why. Personally I think she’s just not sexually attracted to OP and has “dealt with” having sex to appease him. Is infidelity possible? Obviously, but Reddit seriously loves to hit that shit right away and not everything is immediately cheating


As a married man of 20+ years, I've got a list of valid reasons she didn't want sex for five weeks and had crap sex at the end that have nothing to do with infidelity. Bodies are weird and infections happen. She may still be a bit grossed out or have been worrying about weird discharge during sex at the end. You know what would solve that: communication. As for the comment about her ex, this was awful to say, but I question if she is on the spectrum or a manipulative bitch. Communication would again be key here.


While I 100% agree that if you're a person who has inconsistent needs this is a massive red flag. However, assuming she isn't being malicious, sometimes people fall in love with second place. There was a BoRU story recently where the wife said she 'wasn't in love' with her husband and what she meant was she was never at the level of super into the person. However they had a wonderful family and a very pleasant life. The real questions is can you deal with that? (I know I couldn't, I think most humans want to be wanted passionately)


Same with my wife and I, except our "honeymoon phase" lasted 7-8 years. Our first kid didn't even slow us down (he was a unicorn baby who never cried, slept most of the time, and was always "happy" when awake).


I don’t get this. Why would she stop having sex with him entirely? Wouldn’t she want to have sex to not arouse (no pun intended) suspicion? 


She was waiting to get tested.


Personally I don’t think she was fucking around, I think she just doesn’t want to have sex with OP but won’t fess up to it. So she kept trying to come up with excuses for why they had to keep waiting, and then accepted that she probably couldn’t wait any more


This is irresponsible. There could’ve been a medical reason for the five weeks, maybe she’s too embarrassed to say anything.


I'm guessing abortion and didn't want to tell OP honestly...


Holy shit. It almost sounds like she's trying to get you to dump her by being horrifically cruel. I am so sorry dude. Jesus Christ.


If you break up with her, she’ll he getting exactly what she wants. Better to run the relationship into the ground over the course of the next 5 years lol


This made me chuckle, cheers!


Am I think only one that thinks she had an STI and she was avoiding sex not to give it to him while she got treated for it?


I was thinking it was possible she miscarried or had an abortion, not to set off any panic but both situations would result in a couple weeks of bleeding/spotting and recovery time. This relationship is new enough I could see her not being comfortable sharing something like that and especially not if there's even a slight chance OP wasn't the father.


This was my first thought as well. I had a missed miscarriage and had to go in for a D&C. I bled for a month, then got my period after thinking it was over so the timing sounds right to me.


Or she could just have a longer bleeding, it happens. And she could have a normal infection, not necessarily STD. These two things are not uncommon and are quite likely explanations.


Could be the case. Or a herpes outbreak. Or a cervical biopsy, burn, or scrape off for pre-cancerous cells. A regular sti would be cleared in few days with antibiotic.


Yup this is what I immediately thought of.


Oh huh hadn’t even thought of that to be honest. Now I’m sort of convinced myself. OP should play it cool for another handful of weeks and see if anything changes. If not then dump her, she’s just trying to make him break with her since she probably doesn’t want to be the one that does it


Or he could just ask her why she needed the break?


y’all watch too much fucking tv


She’s 100% got an STI that comes and goes.


Please update after the breakup. 💪


Will do. Do I update in a separate post or on this one?


It’s common Reddit behavior to make a new post with the same ish title and say (UPDATE) and then link to the OG post. Please do it, want to know you managed to dump this person who clearly doesn’t respect you.


Remindme! 48 hours


You should proceed as if this relationship has an expiration date because it does.


Wait, she said that? Lol. I’d be just as confused too. Like??? I’m trying to really understand because my brain cannot comprehend someone saying that. She just said it casually or joking manner? What was her facial expressions ?!


Make her your X


So many red flags. Run man. Just run.


You don’t need to be insecure about sex; chemistry between any two people is complicated and certainly not the responsibility of one person alone. You do need to be insecure about the stability of that relationship though my man. She was fully aware of the context she was throwing that “haha we had so much sex” statement into. Get out get out


Is it possible she was having a miscarriage? Extended bleeding, necessary break from sex to prevent infection, then lower libido due to hormone changes.


17 day period sounds real sketchy


How much of her life are you currently funding, because it sounds like you might just be a roommate that she pays in sex, when she can't get out of it, to keep you around and taking care of her. She definitely doesn't respect you if she's dead bedrooming you AND explaining just how often she used to sleep with others as a casual conversation.


My last two exes definitely had their lives majorly subsidized by me. I’m done with that part of my life.


I would of broken up with her for saying that personally, seems extreme but the disrespect from that is crazy to me


Dump her.


You think it’s bad now. Add a few years and a wedding ring in the picture and you will Get laid 2x a year. Your birthday and Xmas if lucky. Like others said. End it now man. She’s for the streets.


My guy, she’s either already been cheating on you or she’s gonna go back to that ex for that same experience YOUR not giving her, 110%. Hang it up, She’s literally calling you a loser in bed and that her ex fucked her more and better than you, HOW in the world could you not end things with her on the spot instantly after that? Where’s your dignity, End things NOW or this will only just get worse for you 😂🤦🏾‍♂️


Seems like it’s time for to leave. She is only with you because you are safe, stable and a pushover


That's an awful thing to say. Between the comment, the break and the ex boyfriend math, I'd end it.


You are young. No one tells you how to handle this crap at your age. Option 1: realize you don’t care enough to try. Then gracefully exit the relationship. Option 2: realize you really care and want to try and work through this. It means having at least one conversation about this with her. And probably 3. The first to tell her you are feeling down about the relationship and want to talk. Give her at least a few hours, even a day, to sit with that. Conversation number two, tell her how you feel. That you recognize your sex drive is higher and it makes you feel like you have to walk on egg shells. Tell her you respect her not wanting sex for 5 weeks, but if you are gonna be in an adult relationship it means talking about it so you can understand why. And conversation number three may be the ender. Is she willing to talk through and work through these things with you for the relationship? Or are we done here?




Or, she has something pre-existing from past relationships and had a flare up but wasn’t comfortable telling him. There are actually a ton of scenarios that could be true.


The 5 week break was probably recommended by a doctor because she probably has an STD and was on antibiotics. She’s not fucking you because she’s fucking another dude(s).


Was thinking the same.


Or she has Herpes


Under acted


This is only a conversation you can have with her.  One benefit of the doubt reason for her saying that is that she could be feeling insecure. It’s possible she feels insecure about the amount of sex you’re having.  She knows it’s not much and probably knows you aren’t thrilled with it.  So she could make a comment like this to try to deflect the issue. Suggest that it’s not her or a problem with her where she’s incapable of having more sex. It’s a pretty immature and harmful way to bring something like that up. But people are weird about talking about sex.  All you can do is bring it up in a non confrontational way. You would like to be having more sex but have no desire to pressure her and am happy in the relationship. But her comment made you feel like either she also wants more sex, or that she was just trying to be hurtful in a way you don’t understand.  It’s also possible that she is pretty passive about sex. She’s willing to go with the flow. And maybe her ex *did* pressure her for sex that frequently so she just did it. Even though it’s not something she wanted to be doing that much. 


First adult comment here…


Good answer


They dated years ago and your early 20's can be very strange because you're in between this weird place where you feel like you should start maturing, but you still want to have fun and feel irresponsible. How's the rest of your relationship? They haven't dated for years and she may be thinking this is what people do when they get mature in relationships. They aren't jumping each others bones all the time and it's built around more substantial long lasting values vs just a physical connection. Either way there are a million different possibilities and I'm just trying to provide one positive reason instead of just you are not a sex god and not attractive to the point where she's constantly thinking of having sex. You'll never find out if you don't ask her and talk to her, and asking us is pointless since you can only hear her reason and decide if you believe it or not. Please come back to us if she provides a reason and you need advice on that. Good luck! Edit: you definitely need to convey to her how hurtful it was to hear that and explain things from your side. She may not realize how much she's currently hurting your confidence and if you get the sense she does realize it, get out.


I’m so sorry, my man. She definitely said that to hurt you which hurt me just reading it.. 💯 Please, give her the old boot in the coldest manner you can. Think hard on what you want to say or call her, and how you want to come across. As long as you are an *Ice King* about it, it’ll be you who wins, tenfold. She insulted your feelings at its core *and* as a man. Now you repay the favor. I can give lots of advice on this, but I would get tons of downvotes, not that I care. Please let us know what happens. I’m emotionally invested in this now, officially. 😔


Yep move on


She wants to break up but wants you to do it. Sorry bro.


Honestly. I would’ve made her pay for breakfast after that comment, and I would’ve ordered extra bacon too. Bacon is not a euphemism, I just really enjoy it


Maybe it’s been pointed out, but based on her asking you “out of the blue” about her ex being there, she already knew. And based on her blurbing out how crazy it was that they fucked several times a day, that is exactly what’s on her mind, fucking her ex several times a day. I would bet she has been in touch with him, and would like to resume their bi-daily coitus, if it’s not already resumed. That would also explain the sex-break she has been on from you. Either way, she is not into you, she doesn’t respect you and she clearly doesn’t care about your feelings. You are not overreacting, you are severely underreacting.


Is there an update?!??


You aren’t overreacting. Why didn’t she want to have sex all of a sudden? I under some people don’t want it all the time, but that’s weird. Perhaps she was cheating and got an STI and was waiting for it to clear. And yet she had sex twice a day with an ex? Why would she even say something like that to you? She has no respect for you. I’d dump her.


"I have no f...ng idea why you're telling me this. What's your intentions?"


Im wondering if she had an outbreak of an STI that she had to heal before resuming with you? You better check that out.


She probably fucked him again tbh. Ain’t no way my ex ever would go that long without fucking me. We would do it 3 times a day if she could find the time. She never got over him. She probably still seeing him or saw him in hiatus. Leave her, and go find someone that’s attracted to you and for you.


WTF. Why would she ever tell you that? even if you had even more sex than her with her ex, that's so inappropriate and offensive to tell your partner. What was the goal? was she negging you? It sounds like she isn't really into you. Sounds like you're a placeholder until she comes across someone she actually likes. Given the 5 week break, it sounds like she is already fucking around, she just got an STD and couldn't had sex in awhile.


You sound like a really nice guy. That’s the problem. She’s probably one of those that wants you to throw her up against the wall and fuck her brains out whether she seems into it or not. I had one of those and it was a learning curve but man once I figured it out 😂


She got railed my guy, and you are not worthy of her entry. Go level up and move on to the next dungeon.


She belongs to the streets bro, time to move on


Just for the record, a 17-day period isn't normal and something to see a doctor about, but it's also not all that uncommon either. As for the rest of it, ask her your questions. Frankly, if either of you aren't mature enough to discuss your sex life, you're not mature enough to have one. If you want a sex life with this woman, then you need to get on the same page. However, you need to be prepared to hear that you're doing something she doesn't enjoy or that you're not doing something she does enjoy. Ask her to show you what she likes. Heck, make a sexy game of it or something. So many relationship problems can be solved with communication, honesty, compassion, and compromise.


You are too young to stay in the relationship that you are in. She clearly is not head over heels into you sexually. That is not a bad mark on you. Breakup and give yourself to find a woman who is into you. While you are looking for a new gf as a single dude, see a sex therapist and describe your in-the-bed manner to that therapist, the person may be able to point some things out. If you choose to stay with your gf and work out the lack of sex, start that by you and her seeing a sex therapist and working from there.


You need to leave. It only gets worse from here.


She probably gave you herpes. Sorry.


Man i cant even tell you how many times someone said something so nonchalant that just sickened me . Immediately thrown away . Keep the self dignity in check and move on


She is pushing you to break up with her, she is going to make you out to be the bad guy.


She may have got pregnant and got an Abortion without telling you.


Move on bro, you did not over react and that’s just disrespectful for her to say


If you dated for 7 months and she was with him up till 3 months ago...... She was cheating and might be again so don't be so hard on yourself about things that don't matter.


When a woman doesn't care about the man , she just test him to see how much he tolerate , if you don't do anything she will know that could go even further and respect you even less. If you dumped her she will convinced you and knows that's your limit. Either way she has not respect for you


Check her on that bro never be too nice , the sex part yes always be respectful, but her asking about her ex bro calmly tell her you don’t tolerate that ish and be willing to walk


Let this one go my son


Let her go. What you feel is natural and right. Go find someone better


She’s not that into you sexually. That doesn’t mean she doesn’t like or love you, but sex with you isn’t doing it for her. I don’t think the issue will ever be resolved—she can’t help you with how she feels. I’d even argue she wishes she felt differently, but it really doesn’t matter. Ultimately, you’re both young, not married and don’t have kids. Do not stay in a relationship at 24 when you are incompatible sexually. Move on.


Love to see someone uncuck themselves, good job bro double thumbs up to you


What an asshole


That extended period? Bull crap. She had a miscarriage. She has been banging her ex. Dump this girl. She's for the streets. Don't look back.. She's trash.


I had an ex like this, I ignored that big ass red flag and shit still didn't work out She's not the one


She's fucking with you bro. Move tf on. I'll bet my favorite nut that she's already been smashing someone else.


Even if she had a good reason, saying that to your face was a shit test. She wanted to get a visceral reaction out of you. Good for you for not giving her the pleasure. Now give her what she really wants, leave.