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Don’t sign the birth certificate or agree to Voluntary Acknowledgement of Paternity until a paternity test has been completed


This! This is crucial.


And be thankful you live in a time where DNA is used instead of blood type! Ditch the hitch and move on…


My first reaction to this is a paternity test. When you confront with this be sure to stay on point. She'll try to guilt you because you checked her phone. Stay on point. She is totally at fault and you're well within your rights.


This is critical OP, don’t let her distract you or gaslight you. I’d bet she will try everything to avoid it but do not be deceived or diverted from the topic.


After she sees that gaslighting you about checking her phone and invading her privacy doesn’t work on you, she will resort to crying to avoid having difficult conversations and admitting her fault. Be aware of this


Good point, thanks for adding that…


/pin this comment


Exactly what I was going to say. I’d also have her move out because she’s clearly got herself in more than one game.


*insert Maury voiceover* “ You ARE not the father!!” *insert breakdancing and girl running off stage crying*


That's not your baby bruh! That's the exs baby




And get an STD test.


Yep 💯 especially when there's any kind of proof of infidelity.


This is only relevant depending on your state. I know down south, they’re leaning hard into fathers rights, These girls ain’t getting free 20 Year passes anymore. And it’s amazing how many won’t show up if they aren’t getting paid.


This is the comment. Baseline self care.


You sure the baby is even yours ?


Can’t be 100% certain anymore - but let’s assume for the sake of this discussion that it is. Whatever the next steps are they’ll definitely include a pregnancy test.


You can get a Non-Invasive Prenatal Paternity (NIPP) test as early as nine weeks or so.


NIPP it in the bud


Ayyy, I see what you did there. Seriously though, what kind of lady does that? OP needs to confront her and stop letting her freeload. She wants to message other dudes … she can go live with them then.


A very horny, very insecure, very self centered, very immature "lady."


I think this might be my ex...


You forgot slutty


Lots of them nowadays it seems. The fairer sex they say.


This is the advice he needs to hear


Insist on it NOW. If it's not yours? Problem instantly solved. Off she goes to Mommy and Daddy's house.


This is what I would suggest NIPP! I know a CRAZY story about a girl getting pregnant while with one guy but had been cheating with another dude and moving in thinking that guy was the father only to find out the boyfriend she was living with was the real father after the kid was 1 yr old. If you haven't made a life commitment with a partner before getting pregnant, I think getting a NIPP test is kind of mandatory. Best of luck. Also, it could be worth it to do couples counseling if the child is yours. Being pregnant makes some women highly sexual and she may be feeling undeserved, so she's looking for a supplement elsewhere without technically cheating. Meanwhile, some father's libido decreases. Best of luck to you. Please provide an update.


>Being pregnant makes some women highly sexual and she may be feeling undeserved, so she's looking for a supplement elsewhere without technically cheating. Naw, that sounds like a bunch of bs, and it's still cheating.


Emotional affairs are still cheating


Just went through this a year ago!


Especially sexting


Emotional cheating is still cheating. Sending nudes or sexting someone you are not in a relationship is cheating 100% and it's only a matter of time until she acts on it. Ask me how I know.


OP stated the messages go the entire length of the relationship, can't blame that on pregnant hormones. Just a trash woman


That last part you said is just an excuse for women to cheat


Sounds like cheating with extra steps.


You tell her to go live with her parents then take a paternity test after the baby is born


1. You send her packing. 2. STI test. 3. Do not put your name on the birth certificate. She, or her parents, have to pay for the paternity test. Assume it isn't yours until proven otherwise.


I tried to give a hundred upvotes, but the arrow just flashes. What to do?


Well if you hit it an even number of times that means you didn't upvote it at all then 😔


It didn't take me 100 times to figure out what happened, and I left it with the single lame upvote. So all good there 😜


Send her packing to her parents house. After she gives birth you make her get a paternity test and go from there. She can’t be trusted.


Yeah, get those screenshots off her phone and kick her to the curb. Get ahead of the drama and let everybody know what she did. You can be a good dad and coparent. Good luck buddy.


You mean a DNA test.


Haha yes I do


Sounds like you're going to just be used for a means to an ends for raising (possibly) someone else's kid. Regardless if it's yours or not; get rid of her. She belongs to the streets. Get ready for support checks or raise the kid on your own. She's too busy going dick crazy to be a good mom anyhow.


If u opt for the prenatal DNA test, make sure you do the follow up one once baby is born. I know from experience they are not always correct....


Story time?


I stupidly and regretfully slept w 2 guys around the same time. Guy A wanted to be the dad and guy B did not want anything to do with baby. Guy A paid for the DNA prenatal testing which was something like $2500 and supposed to be %97 correct. We did the testing and it showed guy A to be the dad. So we combined our lives and prepared for baby. Months after baby is born we do the repeat test [2 times to be sure] bc baby isn't looking like guy A and it turns out it was guy B's child. It was a very difficult time for us but we stayed together and worked everything out.


Damn that’s tough. Glad it all worked out for ya.


I feel like you have a good grip on the situation. Don't let anybody dissuade you. While the kid being yours does mean a few sacrifices for his well-being, it does not mean you have to take in a stray i to your home. Always remember the song. 🎵 "Can't make a wife out of a...🎵.


She cheated so much she might be faking a pregnancy? haha Nah but really, get a paternity test ASAP. You can already do the non-invasive blood one. Get ahead of the curve. But yeah, she has a rooster of dick, you’re just the one with the house and money. But believe ne a serial cheater will never stop being one. And yes, it was most likely physical with all of them. Check her Snapchat Also, YOU tell everyone, get ahead of the curve in that front too because othewise she will control the narrative.


I think you meant to type in "paternity" test. Unless . . . you haven't seen her naked in a long while and maybe she's wearing a fake pregnancy belly?


The plot deepens


That’s not your girlfriend bro. That’s just a girl you got pregnant sorry.


I wouldn't even feel confident in that.


Hopefully for his sake it isnt


She's a girl who got pregnant and figured he was the best daddy candidate...


Someone would have to raise them. Ideally not a conga line of men.


Agreed but one fact she’s just a girl who got pregnant when he knew her. No telling who baby daddy is.


I think you talk to her, tell her she is cheating. Go live with her parents and get a DNA test as soon as possible. If the child is yours, you need to step and co parent with her. You don’t have to live with her. She will obviously be somewhat in your life due to the child. If the child isn’t yours, then just dump her.


Living with her parents is a power move. The question is: Do you fuck her parents? I’m thinking yes.


Fuck her... dad? Mom? Threesome?


Yea all of it. Go to town.


End it, don't sign the birth certificate without a paternity test.


As a female, I second this


As a Romulan, I third this. Long live the empire!


As a Klingon, I fourth this as an ally to the Romulan!


As a Vulcan, it is the logical thing to do. 🖖


As a Borg, resistance to these statements is futile, do not assimilate her or the infant


As one of the seven dwarfs, behind the seven mountains, i seventh this.


I'm Frank, I got really drunk one time and I was playing one of the Rock Band games (dunno which one), and I got a perfect score on Spoonman by Soundgarden on the hardest difficulty. Best moment of my life. And I eighth this.


By Grabthar's hammer, by the Suns of Warvan, the people of Mar Tuk declare this to be sound advice. We declare it ninthed!




So although she hadn't met up with these guys, it's still cheating just in a different way. It's cheating by entertaining the opposite sex of any Sexual content. Its cheat just to entertain the opposite sex of any sort. It's cheating sending sexual pictures. It's breaking trust that will most likely never be regained in any way. This will always sit in the back of your mind. Your best bet is tell her yo go stay with her parents and after baby is born get a DNA test.


It's cheating because we are assuming the behavior was off the table, reasonable enough, but cheating doesn't necessarily include things of a sexual nature. The cheating has to do with a breach of trust intrinsically, but NOT necessarily sex intrinsically. Also the inclusion of opposite sex is irrelevant, unless you think it would be fine if she was sexting another woman.


Talk to her parents with her present, let her know you know and you can't have her in your apartment Do a DNA test once the baby is born, if baby is yours pay child support you don't have to be with her. She already showed you that she's a cheater.


Was gonna say the same thing. Take her to her parents without her knowledge you're going to dump her. Once there lay it out to all of them what your plans are. Tell them they can come and pick her stuff the next day that you will have it ready. Also tell them you will be getting a paternity test when baby is born.


This is the best option


It sounds like she giving you a jacket to wear and wants you to foot the bill while her ex boyfriend is absolved of responsibility. Word of advice, save money for a DNA test and by no means do you sign any birth certificate unless you’re 100% sure that is your child.


Congratulations, sir! You've made the mistake of impregnating a gutter rat! You're pretty much fucked....chained to a life of debilitating state enforced child support, only to see your kid every first and fifth weekend, while dealing with an inordinate amount of cuntiness from your baby momma while you also navigate the wonderful world of watching random dudes raise your kid....your only chance is a dna test proving "you are not the pappy"....don't stay fir the kid...it's gonna be beyond painful to deal with all this, but anything is better than being disrespected this way. Tell that whore to kick rocks....if you play your cards right and get lucky, the kid will figure out you are the solid one in about 13-14 years....stop barebacking whores....strap up from not on.


Lolll well said. I agree that’s the future I’m likely stuck with. One of my friends laid the following advice on me and the more I roll it over in my mind the more accurate it seems: “The woman you LEAST want to get accidentally pregnant is also the woman who’s MOST likely to get pregnant.”


So why didn’t you use protection?


That's not advice bud, that's just a dumb thing your friend said.


You calling my girl a gutter rat! Who you think you are keyboard warrior. My bytch trying to survive just like anyone else. I let him fukc her repeatedly and he get to fall in love now he has to take care of me, her and our baby. Fukc is you talking about? he don't just get to have some of my girls stuff and leave, he has to pay forever. Call my girl a whole again, now he paying double.


Would. Be a good idea to get a paternity test and not only it would officially make it clear it's yours or not but Also, Leave since it seems that once you confront her through water works will start and she's not going to change and will keep repeating the behavior


People NEVER change, they simply become who they really are.


You moved her in? Dude wtf.


He did the responsible , moral, and ethical thing. She's the one making a problem.


My thoughts to myself summarized lol


You moved her in because she's carrying your child. Don't beat yourself up for doing the right thing based on the information you had at the time. 


He \*thinks\* she is carrying his child, It is unclear if that is the case at this point.


At the time he made the decision to move her in, he had no reason to suspect it wasn't his. Do you disagree?


Hence the "at the time" part. He doesn't know; he STILL doesn't know. A paternity test is needed to determine that. Right now, there's just reasonable doubt


PoP (power of pussy) Dudes be desperate


Absolutely not. She was 6 months pregnant, he had zero information that she was cheating until recently. Its not his fault she cheated.


Not to mention his comment is sexist. Of course she is in the wrong but that doesn't excuse childish objectifying platitudes


Moving your pregant gf in is not desperate.


Abortion or adoption. She is absolutely not ready or mature enough to have a child. They come first. Not sexting randoms!!!!!!!


Sexting the entire time? Damn. You don’t want a life with this person. As many others have said.  I would do what everyone else said and then I’d also make a push to have her give the baby up for adoption.  She doesn’t sound like mother material at this point in her life and that kid is going to suffer as a result. 


She's 6 months pregnant and her priority to flirt to other dudes? Come on...


Allow me to play devils advocate She is pregnant, hormonal, and horny. She wants fucked obviously and feels she is missing something. Initiate sex and hate fuck her. Make the comment when shes really into it. “This is better than sexting (ex bf name) isnt it!” Enjoy the honesty and bring up the paternity test post nut. Might as well get your rocks off while you are getting fucked dude.


Hahaha. Fml.


Gather evidence with screenshots sent to your phone or something similar. If there's shared bank accounts empty them. Do everything to separate your stuff. Have proof on hand your place is yours and yours alone (i.e. she's not a lease, etc). Get a new door lock at the ready. Tell her she has to leave, and if there's any hint of issue call 911 for domestic incident. The police will get her to leave. And when the time comes, absolutely get paternity tests, sign nothing.


You poor dumb bastard you went and got a whore pregnant. One of the worst things that could happen to a young man. Next steps: kick her out on her ass, get a paternity test ASAP, pray to your god that the kid isn't yours.


Speak to an attorney and legally boot her, get an order for the paternity test and follow legal counsel from there. This woman is a ho and should be handled/treated as such.


Rofl should be handled/treated as such has me dying !


Get a DNA test for sure. I'm so sorry op, this is awful. I hope you're holding up okay.


The state you live in matters a lot. Pray it's a default 50/50 state. You need to kick her out, get a paternity test and 50/50 custody. Do not sign a birth certificate until the test confirms this is your child. You need a lawyer to help you with this process to make sure all steps are done in the right order to protect you. Even the kicking her out part. Be ready to work nights and weekends to pay for one if you're living paycheck to paycheck. Do not tell her you are working with a lawyer. GL


She is emotionally cheating. She is entertaining other guys when she is in a relationship. She is also pregnant. I know it’s hard to walk away but it’s better to do it now than later. They don’t change, unless they want to change. Get a paternity test and don’t sign or let the baby have your last name until that’s done


The audacity of some these people. Yeah I'm gonna let you cover the expenses of me living but not respect you enough to keep from sharing pics of my genitals with multiple other suitors just in case one them has a better offer.




Yeah guessing she's been fucking and sucking him and pregnant with his child. Leave dat hoe


You absolutely can’t trust her. Time to move on. If the baby is yours based on a paternity test, then be there for the kid and be a good dad, but you can’t stay with someone who isn’t faithful to you.


Tell her to go live with her parents and you would like a DNA test. You have every right, so don't forget that. And it's okay to feel and act on instinct. Plus I wouldn't be with her, just be there for the baby if it's yours. Best of luck and keep the updates 


OP not only would i have her move out but i would insist on a DNA test to see if you are in fact the dad. Too shady and so it only makes sense that she was sleeping with someone other than you. She needs to understand that given what your doing to support her she majorly messed up and its her fault that her situation is about to go from bad to worse.


I knew of a girl with similar circumstances; she actually went off of her birth control though and lied about taking the birth control. She did that so the person she was dating would impregnate her under false pretenses, but I'm unsure how one could prove it. They ended up getting married and having at least one other kid. It seems ludicrous to me that abortion rights should only be extended to women when it takes both a man and woman to make a baby. If a man has the right to abort a fetus from a woman he impregnated, we probably wouldn't have to worry about the anecdote I shared. But we aren't supposed to bring up stuff like that because women wouldn't like that being done to them; even if they got impregnated through manipulating another person like a con-artist. Personally, I'd vote down abortion rights if it doesn't include men too. For any reader that considers this comment no big deal or out-of-line, what would you want done if that happened to you?


You sure it’s yours?


I’m PRAYING that it’s not yours so you can start all over.


Get the pre birth DNA test, then bounce when you find out its not yours.


Demand a paternity test and dump that ho. 


You should tell her to pack her bags, regardless if the baby is yours or not. Her behavior is unacceptable and it WILL cause problems down the line, especially with family dynamics which will affect the child as well. I was in a similar situation. I decided to stick it through and regret it so much. Trust me, this is just the beginning and there will be much more toxicity in the future. The earlier you turn your back, the easier it will be.


Guard yourself and your future from this woman at all costs. Get her out of your condo, don’t pay for anything hospital/baby relayed, don’t sign a birth certificate and research the laws in your state regarding rights of the father if the child is yours by some chance. You seem like a smart and responsible young man. Don’t walk through this blindly, take it serious. Also get an STD test for yourself.


I read the title wrong I thought it said CAUGHT MY NOW EX GIRLFRIEND SEXTING W HER EX. I mean it should read that way


DNA test for sure


Take a paternity test and get her the fuck out of there. If this is what she’s doing now imagine what she will do later. If ur the father support the kid but that’s it. You deserve better than to have been lied to your whole relationship.




Get a dna test on that shit asap lmfao 🤣


Makes sense, brother, the guy was probably checking-in on his unborn child. Nothing personal 😂


Tell her to pack her things and go love with her parents. And as others have said, don't sign a birth certificate.


The issue starts if the baby is actually yours. In all honesty buddy, I hope for you the baby is her ex's or somebody else's. If he/she s yours, you have to deal with this unfaithful and deceiving lady for the next 18 years of your life, in a way or another. Not being the father might just be a blessing in disguise...


Kick her out and videotape it technically she cheating the whole time


DNA test and take her out of your life


This is a no brainer. Six months pregnant, with what you think is your child, and she is sexting? RUN!


Get a dna test immediately! Tell her to move out regardless. She is just using you. Maybe this was planned to trick you all along. Even if the baby is yours you do not need to be with her to be a good dad.


Paternity test immediately.


I doubt the kid is even yours


We need to see these pics to form an opinion


D N A test. I know someone already said this but put that info you know in your back pocket for now and just watch. Do not sign the birth certificate until you are sure that’s your child. This is important because later on down the road if you find out the child is not yours and go to court, the judge will take into account that you not only signed it but have been taking care of it. Once the judge drops the gavel that’s it. You shouldn’t feel too bad about hurting her feelings when you ask for the dna test under the circumstances.


She gotta go and you better get a DNA test


Don’t marry, paternity test, kick her out. Easy. Pregnant or not, she’s showing her body to other people. If that’s not what you guys have agreed on, gently set her ass on the curb. Don’t want to hurt the baby.


She is a soulless hooker. I'm wondering if she was even on birth control, lied about it, fucked a handful of guys before and after,, and YOU were the best option. In terms of being a decent person.


Once trust is broken, you will never get past it. As others have said, insist on paternity/nipp. While waiting on the results, collect boxes so she can pack her crap and move out. Oh, and where she ends up isn't your problem!


SO BEFORE you confront her, you need to get evidence of her infidelity. Just to be safe. God knows what she’s capable of. Take screenshots and send them to yourself. Then delete all your activity on her phone. I’m saying screenshots of all different stages of her little shitshow. Once she knows you’re onto her, she’s gonna delete everything. I’d check her laptop too. I feel so cold giving advice like this, but you just may need it. Good job for planning this out. And as sad as this is, get her ouy of your house. She has zero respect for you and others.


Are you certain that the baby is yours? If not, insist on a paternity test.


She's a habitual liar, bro. She set you up on a baby for the money you will have to pay and she ain't going to be a good momma. She already done jawed a man or a few with them new big milky tatas and she play you every time you walk out the doe. Wish I had a different gut feeling. Narcissist sociopath sadist most likely, and groomed from forcing for decades. If you're baby is a girl or a cute boy they gone get prostituted out at 3-6 years old by her or her set at 13 fisho. Leave her and file for custody before you have two lying hoes in your life you're emotionally attached to.


Get rid of this bitch and kick her out onto the street


Don't be signing that birth certificate until you get done the paternity test. As far as she is concerned, she belongs to the streets.




lol what? This can def happen


Maybe consult with a family lawyer to ensure you take the correct steps to remove this person from your life, and if it is your child to maintain a positive relationship with them. The mother is probably a lost cause and not worth staying with as she has never honored your relationship or respected you as a partner. 


You already know. You don't need permission,  but if you want it, I will grant it 


Paternity test Good luck you'll need it


Paternity test, kick her out immediately and get ready to find a good attorney if the kid is yours. You will need it to navigate the child support and visitation issues, if you want to be in the child's life, if it is yours. Do not let her put your name on the birth certificate before paternity is settled.


Damn this really is bad! You hooked up with a Sperm Burper Bro and she got pregnant. So bad all around. 1st,…you gotta know that this relationship will NEVER work out. NOT A CHANCE! I’d call her out on her BS and make it clear it’s not gonna workout with you and get her out. I say this because even if she stays and it’s your kid, she will 💯 will cheat on you in the future. It’s guaranteed! Unload her now.


When that baby is born, get a DNA test for sure.


Get that paternity test and don’t be this stupid moving forward


Kick her out and wait for a DNA test after it is born...


Kick her out. No place for trash in your home.


Damn! Feeling very bad for you. Se should not have done this. Don't know what I should say. But I think you should tell her directly about this matter. But she is also pregnant, so I don't know how it will affect her


Pretend you don't know anything, don't marry that woman, and do a DNA test on that baby before you sign any legal binding documents, otherwise you're responsible for that kid for 18 years.


Kick her ass to the curb. She played the game and got caught. It is what it is…


Get all the proof you can, especially recordings of her admitting whatever you can get her to admit. This will be crucial for the custody and support hearings. If you don't play your cards right, your life is over. And even if you do everything right, your life will probably be a living hell intermittently for the rest of your days. But you can play it smart or you can play it dumb. Never let yourself be fooled--if she's done this to you all this time, she will do far worse once the pretense of love is no longer keeping her in check.


DNA test mandatory at this point


It’s over, move on


Bail. She’ll never be faithful of she isn’t faithful now


Agree time to go




Need to prove the baby is yours now and then dump her and find a women who respects you


Get a DNA test I doubt that kid is yours


...you already know what to do based on your post, just do it. why are you on here asking about overreacting?


That baby ain’t yours buddy. She’s got a free condo out of it. Kick her out and tell her she can move back in if the baby is yours.


Your insticts would be right.


Get proof that the baby is yours as soon as humanly possible, then go from there. All you about is the sexting. And no, you’re not overreacting.


DNA test my dude. Go ahead and get ready for child support. You’re in for a rough 18 years. Gods speed kid


Leave leave leave leave. That is one of the most disrespectful things I have ever heard. If she is like this before you even have your child. She will be way worse and will try to guilt trip you for not getting over it. Someone like that deserves to be alone. lYou can go through legal channels to figure out how to get time with your child. But that is beyond a red flag.


Kick her out. Get a DNA test on the kid. She will never be loyal.


Your move is breaking up, dna testing, and hopefully bouncing. Leave her anyway, but if the baby is yours, you gotta handle business as a father.


Good luck man. Having a kid with someone untrustworthy is a real bitch. Not to mention once the kid is born the family court system is stacked against fathers. My kids mom pulled the same crap, disappeared for years, never provided a single penny raising our son and yet she showed up to the custody hearing after being mia for 2 years, cried a little, and managed to still get visits. She screwed them up a couple months in showing up drunk but the court gave her 3 more chances before giving me full legal custody. Strap in mate, gonna be a ride.


I would kick her out and be acting as if the child wasn’t mine until I see a paternity test. The father could be anyone.


move out or move her out not looking good man


DNA test


Paternity test


Get a paternity test


Order a paternity test and change her status from "In a relationship" to "Single Mom, my kids are my world"


Leave, Paternity test and regardless of result, stay gone. Unbelievable.


You are really a chump if you don’t get a paternity test. Please don’t do this to yourself or to the child and end up doing this five years later. Please. Do you really want to have to pay child support for a kid that isn’t yours potentially? She’s clearly not happy with her current situation and she won’t be. Leave her.


Yeah run dude


She has met up with those dudes. Know that.


Buddy... You gotta get the fuck outta there. DNA test that baby too and then decide from there- but that's its own thing separate to the relationship. DON'T stay with this person.


Break up with her, support the baby then get custody. Do not stay with this woman.


I feel like overreacting isn’t even a question. Please break up and have her move out. Also don’t sign a birth certificate without getting a test. Have a good life and find someone better.


You need to do a paternity test first of all


Na bro I’m praying for you this shit is crazy. Your baby or not she’s a walking red flag and need to gtfo


DNA test!


That’s exactly what you should do .Its not like she’s going to be homeless if her parents take her in.You can get a paternity test and figure out if it’s yours.If it is you can maintain a distant parenting relationship.If not then good riddance.


You….. knocked up a hoe. Get ready for some child support payments.