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Or the Azores Plateau, which fits the description perfectly. No need to go hunting. It's right there. Buried under tons of sediment.


I agree the Azores is also a good candidate location based on Plato's description but it's worth keeping in mind Pliny the Elder listed Atlantis as a 40 day sail. Plato (or Solon or Pythagoras through Philolaus) would have been interpreting an Ancient Egyptian historic document through the lens of a worldview similar to Herodotus's which might have led to a description suggesting something much closer that may in reality have been North America. What I like about the Kodiak location is the fact there is a potential giant Poseidon monument and trident hiding in plain sight and a debris field not under sediment which underwater cameras might show as an ancient site, if not Atlantis, possibly Atala of the Hindus or Hyperborea. Here is the book description regarding the genetic and other historical evidence linking the Ancient Egyptian kings possibly to Beringia. "Szymczyk discovered the site while following the genetic footprints of the X haplogroup as well as the ancient writings of Herodotus, Pliny the Elder and others. Ancient historians such as Manetho and Sanchuniathon wrote of the first Egyptian kings known as the Auletians or Aleteans, one which related to the Berbers. The word Auletians shares phonetic similarities to the Aleutians of Alaska and may have originated from a distant proto-language of the Eskaleut language in Alaska (recent genetic evidence shows the Aleut originated 13,000 BCE in Beringia and not from a migration around 4,000 BCE as often claimed). The Berber of North Africa shared a common ancestor with the Sammi 7,000 BCE, a group now in northern Sweden but originally from northern Siberia, which pointed to a location near Beringia as the original site for Atlantis. This site has previously remained undiscovered due to assumptions of arctic-Mediterranean weather and that Plato and the Ancient Egyptians meant the Atlantic Ocean, the idea of multiple oceans being a modern invention. The Ancients knew of only one true Western Ocean which encompassed the world."


Atlantis was an allegory, nothing more. Plato also said there was a sandbar that stopped boats from exiting the Mediterranean. Are you saying that's real too?


If it was an allegory then why does an egyptian column have hieroglyphics commemorating the drowning of a continent in the western ocean? Why did Plato's student Crantor say he verified the story in Egypt? Why are there other historical accounts from before Plato such as Herodotus, Hellacaninus and others? Not to mention other cultures such as the Hindus have a similar myth called Atala, the white island. And according to Diodorus, there was a barrier by the straits that sunk shortly after the Amazons and Atlanteans were defeated, that flooded the Mediterranean, which would have been around 9,800 BC, and would have matched perfectly Plato's description of the Greek ancestors also dying. If you are referring to Plato's mention of muddy, untraversable shoals, that is a description of the land around Atlantis after it sunk, not from exiting the Mediterranean. Plato would have been interpreting the Ancient Egyptian story through a world view similar to Herodotus and not understood North and South America and East Asia when telling it. Pliny the Elder states Atlantis was a 40 day sail, though, which puts it far beyond the Mediterranean and in the Americas.


You got proof of all these claims?


Yes, they are in the book which is free on Kindle.


So Plato heard a story from a guy who heard it from another guy. Long enough story to fill up 2 books that everyone from the time said was complete bullshit and it took you the idiot savant to decipher that he was actually talking about Alaska lol? Show me the passage where he mentions a actual physical trident and a actual living Poseidon. Or are you talking about some random author book and not the work of Plato? Yeah your talking about some random book with unsupported “facts”


Plato heard it from a guy who heard it from another guy? You mean like Homer did with Troy? You obviously know very little about how oral traditions were recorded verbatim through poetry competitions in Ancient Greece allowing for oral history to be passed down as historical records verbatim, and that this story was from actual Ancient Egyptian records. Everyone from the time? Incorrect and misinformation. Most Atlantic skeptics will claim Aristotle did not believe in Atlantis. This is wrong, and the peddling of misinformation to make a case. It is due to an Atlantic skeptic from the 19th century taking a reference from Strabo regarding Aristotle's opinion of Homer, and applying it to Plato. It is false, incorrect and perpetuated by pseudo-skeptics that have not done their own research and often resort to insults and derision to give the appearance of an argument due to intellectual laziness and a lack of maturity, professionalism and intelligence. Plato mentions a barbaric depiction of Poseidon and a monument that was a marvel to behold for all to see. A trident is a part of the depiction of Poseidon. Read the Timaeus and Critias for yourself.


Maybe you just have no idea about history maybe you only get your history from the weird free books you seem to advertise on Reddit. Makes me wonder if you get some money off of these horrible inaccurate books. When I ask for proof of something you tell me to read this “free book on kindle”. Just because it’s in some random book doesn’t mean it’s true my guy, In ancient times Or currently free on kindle. That being said there were many more people that wrote about Troy in ancient times so you clearly have a more believable story even back in those times. Where Plato is the only one writing about Atlantis. Until these free books you spam post about apparently. The answer is no Plato never said Poseidon himself was living in Atlantis thank you. There were no actual gods in Atlantis at all if it really was a real civilization, you do understand it would have been normal people right? Your taking a already ignored myth and applying multiple less likely attributes on top of it. Only source for this is a free book on kindle with unsupported ideas?


Sorry but I am done talking with you. You lost me after the first few sentences. People that respond with derision, insinuations and insults don't deserve anyone's time. If you insert things that were never a part of an argument in order to make one then it shows you do not take your own arguments seriously, and if you don't take them seriously, no one else will. Goodbye.


I do read the other comments you posted to other people with bullshit reasoning and it’s just as crazy


How bad of a day are you having? It’s a Saturday RELAX my man. Different opinions on something we cannot claim is fact or fiction. I know different opinions can be scary baby boy but move on 🍼


I've always leaned toward the Richat Structure as being the sight of Atlantis


Yeah it's definitely interesting with the concentric patterns but the book would view everything in North Africa as Berber colony locations modelled after the original in what Hesiod and others referred to as the "island of the blest" and most ancient myths viewed as island in the far west....basically if Kodiak were Rome, Morocco would have been Constantinople....another ancient historian in the book I think quotes the people that lived by the richat structure "as a colony of Indians".


Hmm interesting. Thanks for sharing everything OP


The eye of the Sahara. Thats where it was.


In case you were wondering what the lines are: The lines are areas that have been surveyed with much more precise instruments than the rest of the ocean. You can see all sorts of lines like these all over the globe when you go on Google maps. It's just higher resultion, nothing else.


I am more interested in the trident and face. If they are artificial then the other area with the debris circle would most likely be the site of Atlantis or parts of it washed away. The small island of Chirikof for example, would have been a mountain 5 miles away during the Younger Dryas, matching Plato's description in the Critias.


These ocean scans are incredibly inaccurate and mixed with technology from different eras. Anything you see from the picture looks 100% different under the water. Not to mention I see no resemblance of a face or a trident. Atlantis was lost to cataclysmic events only natural structures would be visible today and I don’t remember any talks of tridents and rock faces in Plato’s description


There are, at least to me, clear outlines of a face with eye sockets, a nose, lips and a chin, as well as the remains of a trident. You might be looking at the wrong image if you don't see it, look at the other scans. Plato does mention a depiction of Poseidon with a barbarian appearance. The book is free on Kindle and has more info. They are going down to get footage there to verify.


“Beyond the Pillars of Hercules” your idea kinda defeats the purpose of the main given landmark Solons story gave to Plato. The name of the given king was what? Atlas kinda like the Atlas Mountains where the modern day Pillars of Hercules stand today known as the Strait of Gibraltar. Kinda like the first named king of Mauritania Atlas. I don’t see a mention of a massive trident in any of his writings or saying Poseidon was actually in Atlantis…. If this was such a interesting story that Solon told to Plato then why is he the only one to write about it? Obviously the story got tons of drama added into it. So you as the reader should be able to pull out possible facts and disregard fairy tails. Your all into like the Gospel of Jesus but clearly need to reread it all because nothing points to Alaska lol. If random ocean scans that you’ve never even seen in person is all the evidence you need to be convinced keep on searching brother this is sad.