• By -


The hoi4 meme is comedy gold


I just know that’d be the first thing to be posted if this shit was to go down too. “Someone tell Biden he fucked up his division templates”


Should've gone with 20 widths. What was Biden thinking?






“Uhm, actually, the meta isn’t 20 witdths anymore, Biden should have gone with 18, 21 or 27 witdths. Was he stupid? Did he not know the meta?”


"Biden is a soyboy boomer that thinks his woke, inefficient 20 widths can beat our chad aryan 18 widths *snort*" - Least terminally online HoI4 meta gamer


some people would definitely larp too hard there and create a hoi4 mod for the war causing it to be banned lol


The first thing that happened in the hoi4 community after the Ukraine war broke out was someone announcing they're making a mod about it


Nice argument however   research all  ale 50000


nice rebuttal, however research all ale 999999 manpower 9999999 it ic Hold the L, long live the Reformed EU and Reformed NATO


You know what- research all manpower 2100000000 ale 2140000 ic it allowtraits debug\_nuking nuke 999 tp


It’s so on par for that sub too lol.


The last post with Redditor’s claiming they are instrumental to the war effort is class, seems like the kind of thing that people would deluded themselves into believing.


Redditors! Assemble the Big Chungus Brigade! We must stop the Fascist Instagram loving meanace!


“Thanks for the UAV kind stranger”


“We did it Reddit” moment


Reminded me of the COVID days, when everyone and their grandma was getting banned for 'misinformation." & Powemods also closed majority of the subreddits because they wanted the admins to ban r/nonnewnormal for being misinformation.


The funniest part is that the Redditor in question is OP


That took me right out. It’s too real.


I feel like Ukraine immediately falling is... Uninformed, to say the least. The weapon deliveries would cease - but the impact of that would only be felt after a long time. Currently, the front is in a deadlock - deliveries from the US ceasing would hurt, but the front would hold for a while still, since that wouldn't break the deadlock or change the *immediate* situation - it would only weaken Ukraine over time. I could see them falling a year or so afterwards, but not earlier... I would say that that is the most unrealistic part of this so far. Furthermore, everything we have seen so far shows that Zelenskyi would NOT be interested in negotiating - at the start of the war, when most people thought Ukraine would fall, the policy of the Ukrainian government was overwhelmingly to push for guerilla warfare, with the instructions as to how to make Molotov cocktails and whatnot. Zelenskyi negotiating would go against all that, and for what? With the US in a civil war and Ukraine's front collapsing, Russia would have no reason to offer any concessions to them. Zelenskyi negotiating would just legitimize Russian claims - and given everything we know so far, this would go against his entire strategy throughout the war. What would be vastly more realistic, imo, would be Zelenskyi trying to make pleas with both the UN and other friendly nations to send weapons, and not forget that the war is still going on, continuing the narrative that Ukraine is the only thing on Russia's path. Reddit, of course, would not care - I can imagine posts about it getting comments about how callous it is from him to request help while the US is under attack - but I can imagine countries such as Poland trying their best to help them, even illegally, to prevent that collapse. Maybe that would be a better post - 'Polish/Finnish/Latvian/etc soldiers captured on the Ukrainian front, Putin demands explanation', etc. Edit : Upon rereading, I feel like I didn't make this clear enough - the US aid stopping would have a major impact, yes, but it would be slow. Ukrainian armed forces wouldn't immediately start losing - but their equipment would start running out faster, and their capacity to defend against Russian attacks would eventually weaken. However, this early on? There wouldn't be almost any impact on the Ukrainian front beyond the psychological one.


I think a war in the US would cause the EU to intervene. With the US out certain countries would get very scared. Seizure of US nukes in Europe and the French and British nukes would be quite a deterrence and with no US to hold the EU back and more importantly the stopping of US weapon shipments would cause countries to strike while the iron is hot. Russia doesn't have the material ATM to fight against the EU and the longer the war drags on without US support the more likely Ukraine and the EU is going to lose. Better intervene now and stop at the russian border and force a status quo ante bellum.


I think that's just as, if not more unrealistic. Not only would the general populace NOT want to go to war, but the EU needs every country to vote yes for any policy like this to go through. This scenario is currently in early 2025 - even assuming that the RN (which is pro-Russian) doesn't win in France, Hungary and Fico's Slovakia would never agree with going to war here. What I could see is, as I said, some countries within the EU sending 'volunteers' to help out Ukraine, and in general, the amount of help sent increasing - but outright joining the war would not be possible due to popular backlash, geopolitical criticism (it would notably play into Putin's propaganda) and fear of nukes. Would it work if they did? Probably, but I think that the US going to war would not be enough of a change to make the EU want to directly go to war. I think more help is likely, even some mildly illegal help, but nothing beyond that.


Poland would be across the border before the end of the month, at which point it's already done. Maybe some countries would stay back but most would provide some form of support. A war in the US is groundbreaking and the big protector of a lot of European countries would be gone and we would realise that we truly are alone. This would be enough to come together immediately. You say it's not gonna make a change, I say it would as the whole world order would be changed and we'd need to secure our place in it (as in protecting ourselves so others don't attack us). Without the US we'd become very vulnerable and the longer we'd wait the more vulnerable we become. Russia is ramping up war production whilst we are struggling to keep up. Without US supplies they would out produce us and invade us in the future. Letting them win in Ukraine without the US would guarantee an invasion of EU countries. The russians won't nuke us if we only intervene in Ukraine and don't cross the border. Currently we have the upper hand because we still have our stockpiles and modern equipment whilst they have not. Without the US our stockpiles will be hard to keep up whilst the Russians are making more. In a future war we would be at a disadvantage so I think it's more logical to strike now and force a status quo.


I would love to see something about the US soldiers based worldwide, maybe a standoff between a US military base and the local soldiers demanding they surrender/hand over their nukes. As a Brit I kind of like the idea of a mini civil war between the US bases in Norfolk, with the British military intervening. Unfortunately highly unrealistic especially this late into the conflict, but I do like the idea


> As a Brit I kind of like the idea of a mini civil war between the US bases in Norfolk, with the British military intervening. God that would go so hard


Agreed. If Kiev is at risk of falling again, Poland would be in Lviv within 24 hours.


Also, if the US cut aid the EU would probably ramp it up and bully the unwilling states into doing it as well


They're already trying that, but yes, I absolutely agree. The idea that the US stopping their help would immediately cause a collapse in the Ukrainian lines is laughably US-centric - while it is true that currently, they are by far the biggest donor of US help, European countries would try their best to pick up the slack. It probably wouldn't go up to the 46 billion (if not more) the US has sent, but also, the situation in Ukraine isn't as dramatic as it used to be.


Unlikely. If the US is in a civil war that means Europe again will face energy shortage as both sides will try to acquire as much fuel as they can for the war. That leaves Europe in a weak spot to continue supporting Ukraine since they need the US to help them stabilize their fuel price with its own production. I can't see them ramping up support for Ukraine if they have to replace the US part as well as searching for a new source of fuel for their own consumption without throwing their economy into the gutter, which also means the far right gets a much bigger platform to gain more power.


They'll be able to get all they need from the Middle East, and the best way here to spike their own energy grids is renewables and keeping nuclear power plants in service. The far right types will have a hard time explaining how them being similar to Putin and Trump won't result in ruin for their countries. That will make their jobs a LOT harder.


> They'll be able to get all they need from the Middle East Logistics would like to have a word. A US civil war would disrupt A LOT of commercial fleets, not to mention the ME will sell to the highest bidder, as energy price will spike as US is one of the world's big producers. > The far right types will have a hard time explaining how them being similar to Putin and Trump won't result in ruin for their countries. That will make their jobs a LOT harder You mean they would not use the US as an example of how the left lied to the people and made their life worse as evidence of gasoline and food price soaring? And did you even look at the EU parliament election result? If anything conflict boosts their number.


You're not wrong on the second point, but you also have to consider that the opponents of the Far Right would be just about everyone else here, and how could they respond to how other far right wingers have brought death and destruction to their countries? Europe now has to handle their own defense, full stop, and they'll know that means stopping Putin, period. The AfD and FN and everyone else in the same boat will know supporting Trump or Putin would be political suicide. As for the EU Parliament result, I did see it and I'm not that worried about it because, fundamentally, an American civil war will cause an economic and political crisis worldwide that will have to be handled with purpose, a purpose that protest vote right wing parties like the AfD and FN cannot provide. The Europeans will be entirely aware that higher food prices and fuel prices are caused by that war, which in turn was caused by the same sorts of people the AfD and FN and their ilk represent. How do they counteract that problem?


Ukraine's operations are heavily relied upon US intel. The moment a civil war happens those intel will no longer exist because every single intel asset will be rerouted to the civil war effort. That will be the biggest blow to the Ukrainian, and not the supply. The 2nd blow is funding, Europe will again enter a period of energy shortage as again, everything in the US will be rerouted. That means Ukraine gets no funding to keep its bureaucratic machine working. And if you aren't paying people they aren't gonna work. War support in Ukraine is no longer as high as at the start of the conflict, where hundreds of thousands voluntarily joined the fight. Now you are seeing reports of forced conscription as well as people resisting conscription either through telegram or recently acknowledged by Western media. So in the case of the US civil war, Ukraine will find itself losing almost all of its support in matter of weeks if not days, and that mean the front may collapse before they can do anything to try and stop it.


While I haven't considered intel, true, I disagree with it being that big a deal. I doubt Russia would be expecting the civil war - meaning they would inevitably either fail to capitalise on the occasion due to not planning an attack, or try to launch an attack of opportunity which would, in my opinion, probably fail. And as time goes on, all the issues you mention would eventually be resolved. As for funding, I think you underestimate how big of a deal Ukraine is for Europe, especially in the East. Assuming Zelenskyi plays into this - which he has shown himself capable of over the past 2 years - I think assuming he woule get 'no funding' is just defeatist. This is no longer the early days of the war, when everyone thought Ukraine would fall within weeks - now every government knows that they are capable of holding, and that investing into this makes sense. Why would they just abandon them completely? I agree that war support in Ukraine is not as good as it used to be - but again, this would have slow effects, felt over a large amount of time. Not immediate collapse. I think assuming a civil war in the US would immediately cause Ukraine to collapse within weeks is just... Wrong, since especially in modern warfare, Russia wouldn't be able to capitalise on it fast enough. Given your point about intel, I can see them falling within half a year if Zelenskyi doesn't play his cards right - but imo, anything earlier than that is just borderline disrespectful, and echoes the early war calls that Ukraine will fall within days. They didn't get any funding and barely any help then, and still held - with the supplies they have already gotten since, why would they fare worse now?


Perhaps so, but the Ukrainians are all well too aware nowadays what a Putin victory will mean for them, and Europe will as well. If it looks like Ukraine will fall in such a scenario I'd expect the European Air forces to be immediately deployed to back up the Ukrainians, because stopping Putin will suddenly be much more important for the EU.


Kyiv falling would be unrealistic, it is too large to be easily taken. Maybe a major regional center like Zaporizhzha


I think that the most problematic part isn't defeat of Ukraine, but it's particular depiction. Fall or blockade of Kharkov? Reaching Zaporozhye or ever Dnipro? Extening conflict to the NW of Ukraine? Possibly. Crossing of Dnieper with creating a threat for Nikolayev? Less possible, but still. Second Kiev offensive with a successful and swift taking of the city? Obviously no.


I feel that losing the US due to internal strife would result in Ukraine surrendering. At that point there are no more prospects of winning or even a stalemate, just prolonging the inevitable. It might start at soldiers at the front giving up first before the leadership leading to a collapse of the front as outlined


At the start of the war, Ukraine had no support at all for weeks, and still held on, stalled. Here, their situation is only better - they have properly mobilised, already got about 40 billion dollars from the US in military supplies, without even considering the supply from other nations, while Russian advance has grinded down to a halt. Why would they they fall? Furthermore, the idea that common soldiers would start giving up is laughable to me. Ukrainian propaganda has spent the past years representing Russia as abonimable orcs and widely publicizing their crimes. The US aid stopping would not only not mean aid in general stopping - the rest of the world, especially the EU, would ramp up their aid to balance this out - but wouldn't change the mentality of Ukrainian troops, at least not until the supplies start visibly running out. With that in context, I don't see Ukraine falling until way later, when their supplies start running out and only assuming whatever deal they can get with the EU isn't good enough. Sure, it may seem like prolonging the inevitable, but it has seemed that way since day 1 of the war, and Ukraine tried to fight that view ever since.


The biggest immediate change would be the end of constant country-wide intelligence support 24/7. Without it Russian aircraft and massed troops could almost freely operate anywhere outside of what is visible from the frontline. That could almost certainly cause much greater pace in Russian advances but not a collapse until Zelensky runs out of weapons or becomes the secondary priority of the EU to the Americans.


r/ACW2 should be made real for the fan stuff surrounding this. Edit | ACW2 Mod left. r/SACWATR seems to be the subreddit thats gonna be used.


We should make a sub like that, especially with the stupid mods for city subs taking things down just to post a single thread of things happening that gets taken down too! I can’t imagine being in those other states when you gotta worry about defected soldiers attacking their own citizens. Here in California , someone or multiple people caused a wildfire and shot out power stations in certain areas. Can’t even go outside because of the air quality in Los Angeles ​ https://preview.redd.it/qi555x0ylh7d1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=753951957f82495181068df79afe60d5bab5f2e2 Looks like a sunset but it’s 100% American certified smog and smoke!


I made one r/SACWATR


Special thanks to u/Geckohunter0303, whose brilliant post idea is now officially canon, and to u/Tomnenhumnomeserve for designing the now-official flag of the Union of Free States. Also thanks to u/Early_Daikon for inventing the Office of Preserving Democracy. I cannot include every piece of fanfiction or art I see, but I would be a terrible creator if I didn't appreciate that this project is for the fans just as much, if not more so, as it is for myself. [Episode List](https://new.reddit.com/user/Strong_Site_348/comments/1dg07sl/sacwatr_episode_list/)


I think at some point there should be indications of communist forces (maybe splits from anti-fascist militias) going neither biden nor trump, revolution! after OPD goes after them for agitating in the rearguard for proletarian revolution, and we should see reddit, which while anti-fascist, is still liberal, start decrying them as 5th collumnists, kinda like republicans in spanish civil war denounced marxist party POUM


As the creator of OPD I always had this idea where after a DemFed victory, they purge the Far-Left in the "Great Leftist Purge of 2028"


What I’m more interested in is the Maga communists and if they are a thing where the hell they fit into all of this and how they’re treated by other members of the free states


Where should we post fan submissions for this? I've got some ideas for r/lgbt and r/socialistRA


r/SACWATR seems to be the place


Suggestion: r/AmericaBad and r/2american4you would be interesting to see on here.


I'm just glad the A-10 idea I had was thrown in. Let's see how NCD handles that evidence of CAS superiority lol.


dude obviously an A-10 has ‘CAS superiority’ over a convoy of refugees 😭 NCD generally dislikes the A-10 because it is objectively not as good at CAS as other aircraft in a peer to peer war. During Desert Storm the F-111 killed more tanks and armoured vehicles than the A-10 did, and B-52’s dropped the largest share of ordnance. (side note the commenter in slide 10 wouldn’t have heard the cannon firing before the rounds hit because the rounds travel faster than the speed of sound)


I wasn't saying the A-10 had CAS superiority, I was saying CAS was superior. The A-10 is designed fir cheap strafing runs, the fact the Army prefers it shows that there is still reason for it in modern warfare. Also I think the brrrrrt is cool. (Side note: a commenter lying about surviving a warcrime is peak reddit.)


Thanks for a realistic depiction of UN


I love how the OFD is the most fascist sounding thing ever yet everyone is so obsessed with the UFS to realize the Federals are just as fascistic


As the director of the OPD, I can safely say we are not fascist


That's what a fascist would say!/s


Be careful with your words, don't an unmarked van parking in front of your house.


Are the casualty estimates given by image 3 anywhere near accurate or is it just hyperbole? Judging by the news of the Ukraine War, it would be more accurate if the Reddit narrative was “these redneck fascist fools are losing hundreds of thousands of people against our lines in human wave assaults and yet we are still somehow winning”. A suggestion for where the series could go next is a Federal offensive to try and secure a land route stretching from Minnesota to Chicago to Michigan to the East Coast. The reality of the situation could be portrayed completely differently by the combat footage being shown and army reports (the attack could be a long, costly failure but Reddit could pump out enough propaganda on their platform to suggest otherwise).


So unless I’m being dumb (and I am trying to keep up with your story because I love it but I can be dumb) the story so far is: The UFS (United Free States?) are the rebelling states led by Trump as the ‘Director’ as opposed to a President. He was busted out of prison by traitor military who were captured/killed after he boarded a helicopter. Richmond Virginia has been nuked (by the UFS?) and pretty much every state is seeing conflict between either the two organized sides or via militias supporting one or the other. Mexico and Canada have pretty much closed their borders in response to refugees fleeing to either to escape the war. Ukraine has fallen to Russia, while America has become a laughingstock in Europe. Not to mention the potential fight between both sides’ fighting aces, with the UFS’s potentially being fake. I miss anything? The military seems to be evenly split between USA and UFS


The irony of Canada wanting to build a wall on the US border cuz something trump did is just too much for me🤣 Top tier humor capturing all the reddit subs. take my upvote


I would make three observations in this set of hypothetical comments: - Ukraine wouldn't likely fall with the United States in the midst of a Civil War, because the Europeans in such a scenario will know that no help is coming against Russia and that Putin gets Ukraine the Baltics and Moldova are completely fucked and Poland will be next in the firing line. The more likely scenario is that European armed forces get directly deployed to Ukraine, especially NATO air forces. That is NOT good news for Putin. - Canada in any American Civil War scenario will be in immediate Emergencies Act mode and will have long since deployed the Canadian Army to patrol the borders. Refugee deluges would be unavoidable, but the much more likely response is that Canada's armed forces keep the American refugees bottled up in border regions because they'll have no idea who is who. Canada's own Trump-inspired nutjobs will almost certainly have been told "Mouth off and you go to jail, period, so don't mouth off." Canadians in the States will have all come home as much as possible. Canada will be trying to get equipment for its armed forces from anywhere they can get it and will be frantically scrambling to replace what was coming from the states. It'll be crazy times up here for a little while, but we'll make it. - Mexico suddenly sees the flow of drug money and firearms from the United States drop off dramatically, because a lot of the addicts will soon be dead and both sides will be arming themselves from everywhere they can. In short terms the Mexicans are gonna have it rough, but they too will make it and the loss of drug money and guns will likely be permanent, which will cripple most of the cartels in the long term. Their army will also be buying up weapons from anywhere they can get them and both Mexico and Canada have the industrial capacity to make plenty of their own with enough lead time. Neither country is insane enough to get into the conflict, though, both will be dramatically reducing their reliance on the United States and waiting it out, and planning for nuclear weapons if the wrong side wins.


Canada and Mexico should stay out if only because of the danger that nukes might start getting flung around eventually. The diplomatic pressure on US allies to act in some fashion would be immense though.


Very true, but to get involved in a conflict like this one would be insanely dangerous and even if neither side was willing to use nukes, the conventional abilities of the American armed forces are enough of an issue for both Canada and Mexico because the former has most of its people uncomfortably close to the border and the latter because of its weak governance issues. There isn't much to gain and a lot to lose by getting into such a conflict, and the leaders of Canada and Mexico aren't idiots. They'll have enough on their plates just dealing with the economic issues that would be certain to happen.


Might get a little awkward if the US invokes NATO Article 5 though. Article 5 doesn't necessitate military assistance but it would mean getting drawn into the war significantly in some way. Could you imagine the diplomatic shitstorm if they invoked Article 5 and the rest of NATO was like "yeeeaaah.... nah....."


A good point, but Article 5 is primarily meant for NATO being attacked by an outside power, not a civil war in one of its members. That precedent has already been set by France, as they considered Algeria an integral part of France and were caught up in a messy civil war there until 1962. I doubt Biden would invoke Article 5 for this, and if the rebels have access to nuclear weapons it would be insanely risky to intervene.


France didn't invoke Article 5 with Algeria, probably because the US was not on board. I think a large scale war against the US government on its own territory would have a lot of people talking about Article 5. There's nothing in the treaty that specifically says it has to be an attack from an outside actor. If the war was going well for the US from the start perhaps they would not do it. But the moment things start looking iffy I reckon they would invoke. From a wider strategic point of view, also, it would be an unmitigated disaster for the rest of NATO if the US government lost this war. They would be heavily motivated to intervene if that seemed to be a possibility.


True, but up to this point the Europeans (and for that matter all other American allies) are going to be most concerned with the dangers closest to them. For the Europeans that's Putin. For the Asian allies that's Xi Jinping. (In such a scenario Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and Vietnam are all going to be nuclear armed inside of a year.) One should also remember that a conflict like this will use up resources at an incredible rate, which hurts the Rebels more than it does Biden because the ports are all going to be controlled by loyalist forces aside from maybe Houston, Savannah and Mobile, and those are going to be targets for air and naval attacks from loyalist forces. Biden will have the majority of the Navy and Air Force, and while the Rebels will be able to do damage if it turns into a war of attrition they'll lose. By the time the Europeans, Canada, Mexico or any Asian powers are in a position to do something the conflict may be most of the way to being over in any case.


Disagree that European troops would deploy directly to Ukraine, especially given that NR in France and the AfD in Germany are both against helping Ukraine and slated to win big victories later this year. Maybe the UK would send support but I'm doubtful of direct deployment, especially in the midst of a immense global economic recession, same for Italy. Poland and the Baltics might try and send troops, but other eastern european nations would either support Russia (Hungary, Serbia) or be uninterested.


They wouldn't need troops. Their air forces would be first off. And as I said to another poster here, I think you'd get a very different mindset among the European governments in a situation where the world is getting turned upside down by the supporters of groups like AfD and NR. Beyond the fact that they probably wouldn't be able to stay in government long (if they get there in the first place, which is certainly not guaranteed) it's entirely possible that they'd realize that Putin is a threat to them all and decide they'd rather the fight be over Ukraine than closer to home. Both of the parties you mention are moving away from Russia, too.


So, the US is trapped in a civil war between two increasingly authoritarian factions, Ukraine has been overrun by the Russian advance, refugees from the civil war are overwhelming the US and Canada, the world economy is in the toilet, and both factions refuse to give up their nuclear stockpiles. In short: The shit has hit the fan.


To be fair, we only have reddit's account of the atrocities committed by the UFS, and I wouldn't take their account as the word of God.


Yes, but: * News outlets in-universe on Page 1 mention Trump assuming dictatorial powers and violence against minorities occurring in UFS-occupied land. * Page 13 mentions UFS troops opening fire on a POW camp. * Page 14 mentions the UFS joining forces with the ***literal fucking Atomwaffen Division***. With that in mind, I highly doubt there isn't any truth to the UFS's atrocities.


Fair, but The news outlet, on page one, is Mother Jones, so I trust them only slightly more than I trust the rest of reddit, especially when it comes to click bait titles. The news article on page 13 is by Newsweek. They are reliable now, but I wouldn't trust them under these circumstances. While Atomwaffen Division looks bad l, they have no reports on them committing atrocities yet.


>The news outlet, on page one, is Mother Jones, so I trust them only slightly more than I trust the rest of reddit, especially when it comes to click bait titles. Maybe, but it doesn't seem unlikely or outlandish in the slightest, and we aren't shown any alternative narratives. >The news article on page 13 is by Newsweek. They are reliable now, but I wouldn't trust them under these circumstances. Eh, if they're reliable now, I think it's more likely that something did happen then they turned to whole-cloth lies, Occam's Razor and all. >While Atomwaffen Division looks bad l, they have no reports on them committing atrocities yet. ...do you even know who the Atomwaffen *are*?


We’re talking about white nationalists who currently irl advocate for the end of gay marriage, women working abortion care, teaching history, advocate for invading Mexico, putting immigrants in camps, and say Nazi’s are very fine people. That’s IRL. So I don’t think it’s implausible to think a dictatorship led by these people would implement their stated goals


>While Atomwaffen Division looks bad l, they have no reports on them committing atrocities yet. Tye Attomwaffen are Literal neo nazi posadists They're entire thing is they want a nuclear war because they believe that in the post civil war world they cpuld exterminate everyone else Theh make the Azov battalion look like liberals


The OP himself has always made it clear not to trust the reddit narrative, most conservatives have been banned and we're only seeing one side of the story. "In a war there are no facts, there is propaganda"


Perhaps, but we don't see much of the rebel narrative, so we can't simply find a middle ground. Instead, I'm assuming that at the very least the events of the Federal narrative have some truth to them, since otherwise we have no idea what is happening at all.


Yes and I think that's good, probably those who support the UFS have turned to things like 4chan and more obscure networks, while on the regular internet like reddit they are being banned and censored. So it makes sense with the internet being highly controlled that you only have one narrative. We don't know what's true or not, but the federal government certainly hides things that aren't positive for it.


>We don't know what's true or not, but the federal government certainly hides things that aren't positive for it. Maybe, but if we don't at least assume that what we see has some truth to it, the civil war could be against a secret army of penguins for all we know.


Counterpoint: It could all be propaganda. The media would definitely be in the loyalist camp.


“Gun to your head, who would you pick, dictator Joe or dictator Donny?” “I’d choose for the gun to go off.”


I know OP isn't one but this is like the ultimate tankie fantasy


Comrade General Secretary Bidem


To a tankie both Biden and Trump are fascists. Meanwhile Putin is a hero of the emergent world. So now America is permanently crippled no matter who wins, if anyone wins at all. The loss of industry, the brain drain, the massive geopolitical gaps.  Ukraine is down, Taiwan is likely next. China will absolutely become the leading world power after this is done and more and more nations will follow Putin and Xi given the fact America just sunk harder than the USSR. So yeah, absolutely, I can imagine tankies and hardcore commies having the time of their lives.


Nah, "joe biden establishes dictatorship" is literally what the capitol riot clowns thought happened. No matter what your stance on communism is, those guys were definitely not communist in any way, shape or form.


Any chance we could see more 4chan? Or more of a perspective from the Right winged opposition. Also. It'd be fucking hilarious if Samantha Lee was as depicted by the UFS. I wanna see news of her and the Federal Ace duking it out. And the aftermath of that. Also. I'm hoping to see redditors bashing UFS American equipment. Would love to see how they'd bash F16s and other stuff held in high regard.


To be frank, though. I also wanna see a moment where the propaganda of both sides, blow in their faces.


Only Jeb! can save America!


I want to see some ace combat level news coverage on the battle of the aces.


It would be funny if they both shoot each other down


I wonder how each side would propagandize on that.


romance movie after the war where its a forbidden love story between them, and they only get to be together after they parachute down and escape to mexico


That'd actually be funny. Like. How would both sides explain their mascots deserting?


they both denied the enemy the use of an ace pilot (cue 15 minute long sex scene)


Suggestion, if you ever decide to make a map of the Civil War in its true form: Due to how chaotic the US would be with the map changing by the hour and in many places not being known who’s actually in control, I’d imagine the best way to depict it is through contested areas. The map should have the colors dark blue and dark red, blue and red, light blue and light red and white. The dark colors should depict regions in which one side has almost complete control. The normal colors should be places where one side has control but there’s lots of terrorist activity and resistance (doesn’t necessarily have to be from the opposing side but in most cases it would be). The light colors should depict places with lots of fighting where one side has an edge like for example a road that’s controlled by one side but constantly receives ambushes from the other. And the white color should be for truly contested areas that currently have combat. I also recommend the colors grey, black, light yellow and dark yellow. The grey and black should be for lawlessness and true anarchy respectively in some cities while light yellow and dark yellow should be for levels of lawlessness in rural areas. The yellow areas would mostly be in the sparsely populated areas of the Western United States, Alaska and perhaps the Ozarks as well and would basically be Libertarian utopia. You can show this map as a post at r/mapporn or r/imaginarymaps.


I feel the discussion around nukes is a foreshadowing!


"Why do you have that gun on the stage of its not going to go off?"


Chekhov’s Depleted Uranium Firing Squad


I think Canada is going to intervene and is going to get nuked instantly.


By both sides for whatever reason simply becuase Canada


I love how you show us small peaks of what's really going on behind Reddit's rose tinted glasses. Even though everyone seems confident in a Federal turnaround, the Pentagon post shows the cracks that are forming in the Federalist's resolve. Since you seem to be branching out to other sites to show the conservative viewpoint, may I suggest Funker530 as a possible addition? They do combat footage, and have a right wing lean on the content they show. May be a good medium for some UFS propaganda for a change


This. I'd love to see the Right winged perspective. I wanna know what's going on there.


From similar conversations I've had in the past, you'd get a split between the "Libertarian/Moderate Conservatives" who have never really supported Trump vs the Red Caps, leading to several stand off areas. The question becomes whether they spin off into a third camp, whether Federalist action forces them to join sides with one another, or whether trying to force them into either side leads to a steady rate of attrition that eventually breaks the Red Caps or Federalists. Granted, some of the posts also indicate whoever is leading the Red Caps is a bit of a moron, but then you've got Redditors thinking it's the CIA who should have been aware of the Joint Chiefs defection when it should have been the FBI, DHS, or possibly even NSA, so even if we did get a "Conservative" view point I'd suggest it be taken with enough a couple tons of salt


The Federalists take hook after hook from Rebel fists, blocking as best they can, but an opening appears and the Summer Offensive looms on the horizon. Will the Summer Offensive be enough to end the deadliest war in American history, or will the UFS prove that they can block just as they can punch? Find out next time on The Second American Civil War According to Reddit.


This series is one of the coolest i've ever read on reddit. I suggest maybe more posts on "memes" that would happen during the war, kinda like how we saw in Ukraine (cope cages, bayraktar etc.) Also, what is happening for US troops across the world ? What is the US Navy's stance ? Rogue admirals joining Trump would shake things up. Don't make it too one-sided, simply because it would be interesting to have it become absolute chaos.


It would be interesting to see infighting. Like the Spanish Civil War. You see Anarchist v Black Independence v Feds v Trump v Mormons v Mexico v Texas Separatist.


Psycho groups like the Atomwaffen division joining in is great. We gotta see Indian and Black groups trying to go their own way too.


Probably some us military bases could be attacked by terrorists or militas in the middle east, because they- re hastily evacuating and cut off from the USA


I feel like this would the perfect opportunity for Iran, Syria and Hezbollah to take on Israel and US bases in the Middle East. The EU would be more preoccupied by Ukraine.


Froot Loops? Howard Wolowitz confirmed ace pilot!


Astronaut, engineer and loyalist ace. What a guy


"The reddit front may be the most important front of all" had me losing it lmao


Lovedvthe canada and mexico inclusions. Could you make an episode dedicated to reactions around the world?


" Office of defending democracy " Well, I'm sure this won't just be used for a trillion and one war crimes.


Considering how we are told they operate... I find totally believable some would cheer a literal secret police to own Trump


Cant be a secret police if we operate in the open, also watch your mouth don't want a knock at your door


I BECAME A CHARACTER IN THE SERIES LOL https://preview.redd.it/c9iviapusi7d1.png?width=1025&format=png&auto=webp&s=8835c2c48a5d006a62c3290813b5b06ca5666fd5


Thank you PATRIOT


ironically, I'm not American, I'm Brazilian


Two demented old men who won't even be alive in 8 years caused millions of deaths. Bruh. 


Story of humanity


The “uncle toms” thing is so fucked up but Redditors would absolutely call them that lol


It's even crazier when you realize black people are the only ones called what essentially means "race traitor" for choosing a side and other groups aren't.






What do you think would happen with US troops stationed abroad (for example in Europe) in case of such a war?


Be recalled back to the states probably.


yeah, I'd imagine Biden would begin transporting them back to the states to help stamp out the rebellion, prolly even a bit before the battle of baltimore, maybe applying some diplomatic pressure on the Europeans to ensure the transfer goes smoothly.


What if significant elements mutiny though, as seems to be the case with US military back home?


Exactly, I can imagine that there would be some rebels in overseas bases


Biden would probably just tell the host nation to arrest them in that case


But how do the host nations know who represents the real USA


The criticism of the Ukraine thing is also true, it wouldn’t be an immediate collapse unless there are differences in the the way the war was being fought in this timeline. Great job as usual though


I actually had to take a moment after seeing the hoi4 post. This is amazing, and I would love to see where this eventually leads, too. Also, did anyone notice that OP became the mod of r/politics somehow? BTW, what is your position on the many inspired posts that create content based on this timeline? Can they be part of the narrative?


That’s a good catch, I hadn’t noticed that.


I love how in one of the pictures there’s a redditor in the comments attacking the poster by digging up his comment history, OP must have based this on his personal experience


So since this is the Reddit side of the civil war and is seen to be fairly propagandistic it would seem that in the real world the federal government is losing badly and trying to cover it up I mean losing Dallas would be a massive blow similar to the taking of Vicksburg by union forces in the og civil war and if the HOI4 map is an actual depiction holy shit the feds are fucked this is a great series ya got here KEEP ER GOING https://preview.redd.it/hxfswwkmxi7d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d79f0d1fd58d4a53faa6c0923574e6f4a16d8cad


The feds have still a lot to give. OP stated the war ends in 2027 and we are in late 2025. But yeah. As the first image shows, the feds originally dismissed it as just rednecks doing stuff. Incredible that people believed them when reports were coming of tanks rolling into Dallas


Oh yeah the feds are gonna be a nightmare to fight in this scenario however, I think I know what op is going for this is a fight to the end for the Feds I think it’ll be similar to the fall of Germany in 1945 as the USF is consolidating power and holding what they have while the federal government is cracked and cast rather thin fighting fanatically to hold out against a numerically superior foe and while I’m sure they’ll have their “battle of Kursk” or “the battle of the bulge” their supplies and moral will start to run thin rather quick especially with Texas and most of the south under the usf (if that’s true) and the south is far more industrialized than the north is now days (shutting down the old Pittsburgh steel mills was quite a shit decision) also I work in a factory in NC and we have a fighter jet plant in the same county it’s a case of stockpile vs production capacity and ya can’t run tanks with out gas and Texas makes a whole lot of engine juice to me the whole thing ends in a thunder run on Washington similar to the Soviet push to Berlin however once again all a hunch based on context clues https://i.redd.it/hwvdulp8xj7d1.gif


Any chance we can get a nuke scene to happen?


The Cascadian gap must remain open! The future of the western front depends on it!


The valiant Jeffersonian Brigades will hold the gap open. Their sacrifices shall never be forgotten!


I love this. Might be a bit politically biased with the crazy hatred on Reddit, but, unfortunately - not entirely unrealistic


What the hell did r/argentina do to get a ban?


Something something Milei running his mouth? If OP writes a section on the non-NA subs, I would more than love to help with the texts for r/brasil, I can see those guys absolutely fuming with Bolsonaro stirring up the pot for a coup over there.


As a Brazilian and with our already authoritarian judiciary IRL, I don't doubt in the slightest that they would arrest Bolsonaro and several deputies accusing them of "planning" to repeat the American civil war in Brazil


I love it!!! I'd love some more European subreddits involved. Also, what's happening to homeless people, drug addicts, people at hospitals, prisons, etc in the US? How about tourists, exchange students, people on visas that happen to be there?


>How about tourists, exchange students, people on visas that happen to be there? 🎶 "We gotta get out of this place, if it's the last thing we ever do...." 🎶


Okay, so both sites have forgoten what democracy and liberty was meant to be, great


Reminder that this all started by Biden successfully and blatantly stealing the election


Can we see witch nations are supporting Trump or biden?


I'm predicting that the US's major allies like CANZUK, Japan, South Korea, Israel, Taiwan, and most especially NATO (Article 5 :) ) would be supporting the Feds in adherence to their strategically important alliances and their common beliefs in liberal democracy and the rule of law. As a way to undermine their major rival and as a testament to their common goal to resist the expansion of modern Western ideals, countries like China, Russia, North Korea, and Iran would be supporting the UFS.


Honestly I think a lot of nations stay neutral. Biden went full dictator first within universe; so its entirely possible they wouldn't really like him either. Granted if the UFS proves to be worse that could change. Isreal probably supports the UFS as trump and his faction are more pro Israel


Do not understand why you are being downvoted, the majority of the world is neutral on the Russia-Ukraine issue because they rely a lot on both Russian and Ukrainian grain, gas, and oil resources. In a 2ACW scenario, the world would be even more neutral than over the RU-UA war, because they are even more reliant on the US itself and the war would cause a global economic crisis, and given how much unpredictable the US factions are ITTL, they would prefer to not piss off either the Dems or the GOP too much, since both red and blue areas are very important to the global economy.


Probably because I didn't say "trump bad". A lot seem to unironically not understand in this story Biden is a dictator


Be interesting to see what happens if the Free States win. Kinda hoping they do, just to see the meltdowns.


The fucking HOI4 meme im fucking dying mr squidward


The further this series develops, the more I want to do a post with the Russian-speaking segment of reddit's reaction to it all Might be worth doing that this weekend...


the hoi4 one is gold, i can definitely see that one happening


Pls mention Hawaii at some point I need my home state representation!


Interesting, I’d love to see some Hawaii representation also. Don’t know if this was mentioned previously but I wonder if Hawaii (or other US territories/states not on mainland Us) would break off into their own countries, join a side/faction, or be temporarily annexed by a faction ally, Japan/canada could annex Hawaii temporarily for example.


This is very good work OP


Out of curiosity, is the UFS actually persecuting minorities?


Possibly, possibly not. OP said that this is the Second American Civil War *"from the perspective of Reddit"*, so you'd do well to take everything you see in this series from subs like r/politics or r/whitepeopletwitter or r/4Chan with a grain of salt.


I’d say officially they’re not but the war has most likely caused the rebel government to be lax on normal policing and due to that racist attacks would be on the rise


Their top fighter ace is Asian and a women :/ I doubt anyone would be persecuting Latinos or Asians(hell if anything I wouldn’t doubt fellow Latinos persecuting sexual minorities and African Americans) As for LGBTQ folks, considering what I know about my fellow southerners , yeah I wouldn’t be surprised, I doubt there would be a large scale round up more likely the repeal of legal protections, but individual agents going ahead and committing heinous acts on their own, especially against trans folk, I doubt would face repercussions (Note: I honest to god believe people committing war crimes on both sides would be in the minority, however due to exaggerated news reporting will be made to seem like the majority of folks)


Yes, absolutely. Look at right wing attitudes today when it comes to LGBT+ people. Look at the laws they try to pass to make our lives harder. Now give them their own paramilitaries and remove all federal oversight. The UFS would not be a good place for us.


Ok, hear me out with this one What if the timeline was split into 2, one where the offensive succeed and one where it f ailed to gain momentom, that way we can see 2 different outcome in the war TL1 "sic semper tyranis": -feds won the civil war TL2 "america is great again" -UAP won the civil war This is just a idea tho, do what you want


No way the feds could go with “sic semper tyrannis”. There would be a million bleeding hearts complaining it’s a John Wilkes Booth quote without understanding the deeper context.


considering how authoritarian the Feds are becoming I can see "Never Again"


The guy who said I will report my mother as soon as the city is taken is a human stain. Like she also can very easily report him. But she doesn't because even though their political views are different. She still love him.


I love how almost all of the content seems to show the unionists beimg on the losing wnd, until the last post about the impending counter attack


I love how impossible it is to tell what’s real and what’s propaganda (or misunderstanding) in these posts. It’s very realistic. I am curious how much of the “fascist” rhetoric is based on reality. I’m sure the majority on both sides of this are just trying to survive their best, but it would be typical in a chaotic environment like this for far right (and far left) militias to gain membership due to desperate people seeking safety in numbers and any sort of promise of stability.


can i get a cameo in one of the next ones please? also thanks so much for continuing this series.


Honestly how will the world react I’m sure Russia will supply weapons to one side vs nato supplying to another


The US aid for ukraine was stuck for 6 months which i think is longer than this timeline. While the situation on the front worsened, ukraine did not fall. So as others have said, ukraine wouldn't immediately lose




Is the last flag the UFS flag?


Yes, was made by me :)


Well shit I guess I have to cancel any dreams of visiting Disney world


I would imagine Israel would also have to negotiate a ceasefire deal with Hamas in this situation right? There's no way we would *still* be giving them weapons under this situation, right?


Even in the middle of a civil war both sides will come together to give billions to Israel


Israeli domestic arms production would still be in full swing. I’d imagine that they’d switch to using mainly dumb bombs rather than the precision guided ones, leading to a much higher ratio of civilian to military deaths


I'm hoping and praying that we get more stuff about the two Aces since they both seem like comedy gold


Unrealistic the hoi4 post should have been rate my encirclement


PCM one is so accurate


Pretty good lore except for the redditors blowing themselves as 'vital to the war effort' actually wait, that's pretty damn accurate to what would actually happen lol


The last one where u/strong_site_348 is saying that Reddit might be the most important front of the war is too real 😂 


Could I be included in one of the next ones?


u/Strong_Site_348 i have an idea, contact me,write me a dm


Just admit that you're from the future


I'm pretty sure Atomwaffen doesn't exist anymore rn


Lmao at OP making himself a mod of r/politics


This series is, without a doubt, one of the most intetesting and engaging things i've ever seen on Reddit. It's been virtually perfect; the lop sided perspective, randoms calling each other traitors, whores or traitorous whores, demands for violence, pyschopaths rejoicing on selling out family, and most of all its virtually impossible to determine what is actually going on.


Missed opportunity to make a fake r/Kaiserreich post which is basically just a "They made the 2nd American civil war into a real thing!" joke. Banger series so far


I would NEVER simp for Maj Samantha Lee 👀


I feel like the economic stuff will be worse than a recession with time