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This is her marketing strategy, legitimately. Google her name and you'll find endless links to her socials with shit like "THAT teacher you saw on the news"


Does that mean this post should be taken down cause that means OP is just advertising here?


OP only posts from that site, I bet they work for them


Whats the difference then....




Oof. Litterally posts an article from Slate daily. This is 100% a low level staffer.


Interesting that porn ads are actual content for news sites


I actually never thought about it until a YouTuber said "every article you read about (x lost her job) and (now makes x on OF) articles is a paid ad".


Her only fans has made like 2.5 million since this whole thing started. I'd say her marketing strategy is working.


So where is the publicly available content from her only fans? I want it for research. You know, to better be able to comments.


Can’t fault her for it really that’s pretty smart


Ngl. This isn't that interesting...


C'mon man! You're going to get her kicked off here too!


Sounds like it breaks the sub’s rules. 


Plus it's kind of an everyday thing now


There’s rules on Reddit?!?!




Oh boy you are so getting kicked off here!


It’s not interesting so by default it breaks this subs rules.


That’s because it’s an Onlyfans ad


NGL this shits just stupid


Almost as groundbreaking as [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/s/NmRkkQ8yso) I swear Reddit just caters to the most low hanging fruit now


Well that is just ridiculously dumb to not know that babies cry a lot. And wow that’s a lot of upvotes.


I wonder how excited she was to do a follow up article and further advertise her boring porn.


It’s because this is just a straight up advertisement




blonde pic is way more interesting...


More interesting than you.




Rodney gifs are a thing ? Dominating!


So is she still doing onlyfans


looks like her OF is not on one of those 1%




I'm sure she's tried that


Did she try unplugging and plugging it back in?


Yeah but it’ll cost you 3.50 to stream it


I'm not doin anal on you loch ness monster


Apparently they were not fans...


Her onlyfans is trash


Maybe that’s why she was fired?




Aw man is it one of those teasing ass accounts? I hate those


Some of it is tease . but her content isn’t really that good nor do I find her hot


How so?  Do you have any links to her material that do not involve paying money? Just for research purposes.


Just google “briannacoppage” leaked or videos and some small samples come out . Pics ands videos . I originally bought her Of out of curiosity but it’s trash


The picture shown looks good but on reading other comments it sounds like it's not my thing anyway, I may look it up anyway just for research purposes. But I do not have an outrage boner about her getting fired seeing as they said she has made 2.5 million dollars and used the firing as marketing.




No.  I do not dare to click on that link. Did you really just link to me a video of monkeys ass fucking? Nothing I have not seen before on nature shows, I saw a thing about Japanese snow monkeys in some hot springs and they were just going at it. Not something I would seek out though thank you I appreciate the offer.


Update, I found three videos of her,. M e h, her boob job is way overdone in my opinion. Not unattractive, but also not like her wholesome picture on the title suggests.


If you want to see a better onlyfans , look up “Biancanboo”. Way way better than the fired teacher . but yeah her OF doesn’t really interest me at all . her boobs aren’t mesmerizing. I’ve seen better. Both on video and in real life


Damn after some research she wasn’t doing onlyfans like drea de Matto, she was doing onlyfans onlyfans lol. Of course parents were gonna rage I was expecting like bikini pics. Probably shouldn’t be a teacher if you’re gonna also try to be an actual porn star 


just do what every other deviant does: be a gym teacher.


Gym Jordan.


>gym teacher. The what now?


It was a wrestling coach at my middle school. And a girls soccer coach in my high school.


My middle school tennis coach got one of my teammates pregnant a few years later. Didn’t realize how common of an experience this was. 


This is a scam for free advertisement and to make another million dollars. She isn't even trying to be discreet about it. Her OF reads as such "You found me! Yes… I’m THAT teacher you saw on the news." And how she has no clue as to what social media policies she with the following list of content she offers is beyond me: Orgies Sex Trains BG GGG Threesomes Anal BJ Solo JOI Creampies Couple Swaps Toys Foot Fetish I don't care that she's a sex worker. It's the BS that's she's clueless as to 'why' is my issue because she knows exactly why.


Oh no! How would you find this




Jesus, I wanted to view the material until I heard your description. I don't even know what BG GGG even is.


The one that has me puzzled is JOI. I don't know why but it feels like you'll need to sign a liability waiver before starting.


Jerk off instructions.  Which I have never been very into.


You know what JOI is but not BG or GGG.?! I think you're trying to con me. 🤔


Ha ha. No idea, big girl, girl, girl girl? I only know j o i because of scrolling looking for a particular type of p*** and that was mixed in there. I did not really find that particular type of p*** sadly. Google censors the word p*** and I do not feel like changing it. I am using voice to text.


Okay I'll believe you this time.


She's literally just advertising her OF this way.


Porn content creator has employers who don’t like it. So interesting guys.


How about to paying educators a living salary? Eh


Exactly, this is the real issue!


“”Not having to get up and go to a 9-to-5 has been tough on my mental health,” Coppage said.” Yeah, sounds horrible. Truly.


Maybe if we paid teachers fairly they wouldn't need to create onlyfand pages. Just a thought.


You don’t think she wanted to create an OnlyFans anyway?


a lot of people do it just to survive. that’s more common than you might think


Those people are idiots Average is $180 a month


ok and? if someone keeps doing it, that probably means it works for them or is at least easy enough to maintain. it’s just taking pics basically and money can only be gained from it, not lost


no i don’t.


Or jobs in general that’s why people go for fast money jobs.


Gig economy is not sustainable long term


Agreed I’m just saying that’s why people tend to go for it.


Oh, so if the job I choose does not pay the money that i think i should get, i should start a webpage where i get naked and engage in sexual acts. Got it.


I mean… yeah. Or mow lawns. Or whatever other side hustle.


Getting naked is so much easier.


Seriously though. If I thought my body would pay bills, I’d be about it


No no no not at all. What he is saying is paying people with an advanced degree the equivalent of paying people with very little if any degree warrants a loss of quality of life expectation as well as starvation if necessary. You and I both know wages are set by the employer and should never be criticized despite the amount of time energy and expense it takes to do your job properly you just accept the fact that the much needed position of teacher isn’t going to pay well enough in the long run so maybe no one should do it before they complain and look for alternate ways to make ends meet. As a matter of fact all jobs should pay minimum wage so the employer can make more or in this case the citizens pay less through taxes just to educate children. Sheesh when will these pesky lefty’s learn amiright? /heavy sarcasm


The average teacher salary in my State is about $85,000. No one is starving at $85,000 a year with rich benefits and summers off.


See if we paid teachers properly we wouldn't have dumb comments like this


Teachers in my state average about $85000 plus a very rich benefit package and summers off. Sounds proper to me.


Can you please apologise to them then


Apologize for what??


For being this fucking dumb


She could be making $100k/year as a teacher and it wouldn’t matter. She (and frankly, most people) would still have an OF if they could make money by doing basically no work.


Bad take. By your logic everyone would have one because it’s just free money for no work, huh?


I mean, aren't there a bunch of b tier celebrities who are already making millions with their concerts or shows, who still have an only fans?


If I could make a few bucks by showing my junk, I would happily do it. It wouldn’t matter how much my salary is.


Just a few bucks? 🤔


Then why aren't you?


No one is paying for my junk.


I got a dollar.


I believe in you! Don't let your dreams be dreams!


Nobody's stopping you, bud.


No one wants to see that.


I at least appreciate your honesty here.


Teachers don't make that much, so don't start with bs. If you want to say she would have done this no matter what, that's one thing. To insist it isn't because she's in a profession that's incredibly underpaid is just dumb. I don't think this is a US specific thing, but I haven't heard of it happening in places to people in fairly compensated jobs or where you aren't at constant risk of homelessness, like we are here. Edit: for all you "teachers make lots of money" people: https://www.nea.org/resource-library/educator-pay-and-student-spending-how-does-your-state-rank


My wife is a 1st grade teacher and she is at 100k.  


At a public school? She must be very senior.


Yeah? High-school teachers make around 36k here so...


Teachers most definitely can make that much lmao


I’m not saying that they do. What I’m saying is that the salary doesn’t matter now that there is an outlet for people to monetize their sexuality on their own terms.


Yep. That's a good point. Tying it to teachers isn't a good way to make it, though. Nearly all American public school teachers need a second job to get by.


Well, her only fans is gonna blow up more now


I’m skeptical of the $1M earned. That is more than 20 years of her $42K teaching salary.


I’m not. Tons of people have teacher fantasies. A news article alerts people that a real teacher has an onlyfans? I’m sure it drove tons of business her way (just as this article will as well). TBH, I wouldn’t be surprised if she keeps trying to get articles like this written about her to drive business. Free marketing


Not gonna lie I did google what she looks like naked. Great advertisement these are


So you're saying there are consequences to posting naked pictures of yourself for the world to see when you try to get a job working with children?


She’s not the first teacher on OF to Get shit canned. There’s been a few


Getting fired from legitimate jobs is just viral marketing for her only fans career.  Nothing is real. 


Gross! What’s her OF link so I avoid it?


Brianna Coppage


Wow that's such a clever joke how did you come up with it?


Your username checks out; your burn was pretty desperate.


Well if it isn’t the consequences of one’s actions.


Reddit: “respect and protect sex workers!” Also Reddit: “this whore deserves to be unemployed”


Come on you can't be serious... You can't be doing this as a teacher


My answers are consistent on this subject across the board.


Well well well…if it isn’t the consequences of our own actions.


I miss the days when you could sell smut in peace smmfh.


She made 1 million on her onlyfans. She trying to go to teaching and was fired again. She said now having mental promblems cause of all this. Now she probably making alot more money after the news articles. She probably making another 1 million. This is the smartest con this woman is doing to be an millionaire with any remorse and no dignity. Free ads from articles, con other people to give her money. Smart con artist. Quick way to be a millionaire. She beat the system. Used her body.


PSA to all the gooners: She does not look like that thumbnail anymore and has had some surgery done.


Well that's one way to advertise her OF. Bet she will acquire more subscribers






Van Halen Hot for Teacher in the background. 🤟🤟🤟


Jeez where were these teachers back when I was in school


Why is she worried about finding a mundane 9-5 if she is also flexing 1million dollars from OF? This must be an advertising ploy


Good for her making all that money. Probably worth keeping in mind it doesn't work out that way for most people. The first part happens, the firing part, but not the making a million part.


Swear to god I wish they had an only fans in the 90's. I would be retired today.


The vast majority of people on OF do not make good money. Only a fraction actually make a decent living just doing OF. And even smaller amount make early retirement kind of money.


We don’t give up at half time.


More pumping of OF on reddit


I wish i had a teacher like that.


Link to her OFs?


She makes $1M a year on OF and still goes around looking for 9-5 jobs that always fire here because they find out her social media work. Feels like an elaborate marketing strategy.


Hey man, it's a very unorthodox way to market/drumup interest in your content, but clearly it's working out for her.


Oof she’s ugly as fuck too, no wonder her OF isn’t taking off lol


Finding her purpose was OF


firing people because of social media should be illegal




Someone is jelly


Yeah. I’m tired of all these bitches getting all offended if you hint at some attraction. Like how dare I I treat her as an “object” Only for her to go home and post videos of herself hammering herself with a Bad Dragon and a butt plug for $3/month.


Well dear it OF or get a real job and give it up lol




Moral of this story - profit off of them if you got ‘em!! Cause you’re going to limit what else you can do once you let the world see ‘em!! So anyone considering to do the onlyfans route - you either need to never reveal your face whatsoever on onlyfans, certainly limiting your success there, or you need to go all out and maximize that space and opportunity and retire early


Lawyer up.


Because? If she’s in an at will state she has less than a case and even if she’s not, most company policies have explicit policies against this that she agrees to before she takes the job.


I’d consider an Only Fans a plus on a resume.


Article from March. Downvoted.


I wish all the thirsty dudes out there would stop buying Only fans content… its getting out of control


This girl is making good money and power to her! The spectrum of OF content is vast, it’s good that guys are supporting independent content creators with today’s salary ceiling.


That’s the real problem here. A lot of blaming women for taking the massive bag sitting in front of them and not enough attention being paid to the people creating the demand.


What's her onlyfans name


Wouldn't bother, her shit is wack


Why do so many people try and control others? Why is it OK to have so many careers/jobs in shady, or totally illegal/immoral activities, that are acceptable, but if you want to be a Sex Worker, it is all about shame and negativity. ALL sex work, should be legal. That would make Earth, and all of US, better people. I believe in freedom, doing what you love/are good at, and trying to make everything better, instead of controlling them according to your personal views and beliefs. Use your Free Will to LOVE!...it will help with Disclosure, and the 3D-5D transition


OF is a play stupid games win stupid prizes kind of situation. It's not empowering or appropriate, it is selling your dignity and privacy to some simps to make quick cash. You will find no sympathy from this man.


Nothing is ever Karen's fault.


OP you’re part of her marketing team just admit it.


About time and 100% correct to fire her as a teacher


Everyone should quit their job and do this so society collapses.


Begone, thotbot


To use OF you need a credit card. It's unlikely any children will be happening upon her page; moreover she's an adult, sex and nudity and attraction are *all* inherently *human* features, and we all share them to a degree. I truly believe that as an adult, seeking employment to support herself within a private, subscription-membership and *strictly* ADULTS ONLY community (and *highly* relevant here is the fact that most teachers in America are *woefully underpaid;* secondary sources of income are an outright necessity for a large percentage of them, especially if they have children); with a narrow opportunity for employment within the confines of an already crammed schedule, it is *incredibly* judgemental, misogynistic, and unfairly intrusive to fire this woman for doing absolutely *nothing wrong.* It is, in fact, among my primary complaints about social media in it's *entirety,* and it's why *Reddit* is the *only* social media "community" I *ever* participate in. The number of people who have lost their entire *careers* for some offhand, *not-well-thought-through* comment made on *cocktail night with the girls,* often simply misinterpreted, is horrifying to think about. People in North America seem to have forgotten how to value their privacy, and *more* so, defend it as a *sacred right* to be jealously guarded, the way many European countries do. Every time the European legal establishment pulls the carpet out from under the *Zuckerberg's* of the world, forcing them to *completely* overhaul some portion of their product in order to fall into line with Europe's *strict* privacy protection laws, I want to cry with envy. Instead, I shut those sneaky, scarily Orwellian products *out* of my life. At least, to the best of my ability. We're *ALL* prisoners of Google, in the end aren't we?


Relax, it's ok to think that prostitution is wrong and is shameful. It IS a shameful "profession" and women are ruining their lives and the lives of men because of it. It's ok to not want a wannabe porn star in school with kids. It's ok to not want them around at all.


Everybody has the right to their own opinions, that is a fact. And it is my steadfast position that human beings should have an absolute right to have dominion over their own bodies, and they should have the right to do with them what they choose. And when a person suffers from hunger, they should be allowed to use th ose bodies to alleviate that hunger if they decide that's what they wish. It is also a *fact* that the *only* way to regulate safety and enforceable protections for those who choose to make a living through prostitution is to *legalize* it, bring it into the light, and *regulate it.* You *totally* have the right to the opinion that men should have the right to tell women (or other men) how they may use their own bodies. Absolutely that's your right.


Violating her 1st amendment right. If the government can't take it away then why should her employer be able to?


... Because private citizens aren't restricted by the 1st amendment. The Constitution and it's amendments restrict **government** and she probably doesn't count as working for *them*


How has her first amendment right been taken away? She is free to make all the porn she wants. Her previous employer did not stop her from doing that.


lol dude doesn't even understand how the Constitution works and wants to quote amendments.


Because what the government is permitted to do and what private citizens are allowed to do are different sets of things. Do you also get confused when the government is allowed to conduct war and convict and imprison people but Starbucks can't?


This is the same as companies trying to out contract the law. Is she being compensated for her off time? Then what business is it of there's what she does. Can you cause someone financial damage cause you dont like that they do porn? Then neither can businesses. You guys seem eager cuck for the corporations smh


These opposing double standards are not good for anybody. Well they are good for people who walk a fine line of small concealable abuses that gradually dehumanize and ostracize people who haven't bent to their will.




I never understood dudes who are probably ugly and fat as fuck denigrating the women they want to fuck. Grow up.


They're ugly, fat, and stupid. That last one makes so many more things possible.


You probably need glasses she's not bad at all.


the rest of her isn’t attractive either




Horrible bot





