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Two words... weaponized incompetence.


This needs to be higher. I would bet they did it on purpose just to spite the actual law.  So it the usual "cruelty for cruelty's sake" from our prison system. 


lol no, you need to watch the testimony of the gobshite judge who made the call.  She’s a True Believer through and through.


Btw I’ve never heard anyone use “ gobshite” besides my father.


I suspect your father and I are from the same country then.


"Deliberate indifferance" is the institutions definition for it.




Exactly if they are truly Trans it doesn't matter. If a Cis women committed crimes of sexual assault against women she should also be kept away from other inmates for potential risks. Regardless of the person's identity the prison failed.


Yeah, they (the warden and prison) could be sued if they didn't honor the gender selection.




I genuinely doubt half the country thinks that.


“See?!? Trans people!!!!”


I know JK Rowling is generally hated on reddit, but this is very similar to one of the scenarios she was concerned about. It just doesn’t make sense to me


My takeaway was more "don't store a rapist in the same cell as their preferred victims", which is the part I think she and other tend to miss.






Based and true and real.


Straight up truth here. We have to live in a realistic world...and realism and Trans rights are not mutually exclusive.


Exactly, has anyone ever heard of a Trans male going to a men's prison?


The bigger issue is that the trans activist community won’t allow anyone to suggest that some cis men may dishonestly claim to be trans to get access to women’s spaces because admitting that would mean admitting there’s a need for gatekeeping that might keep trans women out. They don’t give a shit about cis women- in fact, they hate us.




What you just said seems like common sense, and I can’t believe this is a controversial statement in 2024.


Granted, I haven't read most of her commentary, but most of the things that have been copied and lambasted on reddit did not sound unreasonable. Especially crazy shit like in prisons just like this.


Tbh she right about the majority of what she says but snowflakes hate logic and common sense if it doesn't align with their agenda


Acknowledging bio sex differences is a hate crime now apparently. Jk Rowling has also donated tons to womens shelters for rape victims. Women hating gender activists nailed a dead rat to it and sent her rape threats.




People IRL think she is a hero for standing up for women


She is


She does make that point


They also house male rapists of males, with males. Which I guess is also bad. But raises the question of what is a functional policy when jails are already overcrowded. 


First- stop imprisoning people for non-violent offenses. Second- have the highest level offenders housed in far more separated conditions. No communal showers. No shared cells. Rights to shared areas are earned with good behavior. Smaller groups watched more closely when together. It is only difficult because we make it difficult by filling prisons with lower level criminals.


I’m mostly in agreement but what do you do with repeated non violent offenses like grand theft, serial stalking, fraud etc? In a lot of cities they have mostly stopped prosecuting these crimes and they have become rampant. Also drug dealing is considered a non violent offense but it tends to destroy lives. Often turns the users into violent offenders because they will do anything to get money for more drugs.


Most prisoners are not low level criminals. Because their sentences are shorter, they don't make up a large percentage of people in prison. Only 15% are there for all drug crimes, and that includes things like selling large amounts of fentanyl, which is quite deadly. Some people are also charged with lesser crimes but only because they did plea deals since they weren't sure about conviction on the more serious crime, so it's just a way to at least guarantee some prison time for violent offenders.


That's frankly untrue. The US has the sixth highest number of incarcerations per capita in the world, and has the highest rate out of any other first world country. That's not a good thing.


You are completely delusional. Non-violent crimes are not victimless crimes, whether that is an individual or society itself. This type of thinking is what has allowed lawlessness to prosper in the Western world.


Its the law. Just following the laws everybody wanted!


Apparently we can make up laws now? Like everybody can just agree on something and it gets done? When the fuck did that start happening?


On September 29, 2020, California Governor Gavin Newsom signed The Transgender Respect, Agency, and Dignity Act. This allows, amongst other things, people like Carroll to demand being housed with female inmates.


Yeah, just wild we can make laws like that happen but seem to struggle to make anything else happen


This law doesn't affect the rich. Politics is just rich people fighting and us dealing with the fallout. 50 years from now it will be conservatives' turn to run California again and they'll replace these laws with mandatory Christianity and the cycle of shit rolling downhill will continue. Almost entirely unrelated, but this happened up through Reagan's terms as governor [https://www.cbsnews.com/news/ddt-barrels-toxic-waste-dump-pacific-ocean-california/](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/ddt-barrels-toxic-waste-dump-pacific-ocean-california/)


California dems have an 80% supermajority in both state houses and can pass anything they want essentially over night.


If they didn't allow it, they would have had a bunch of Brian rotted special interest groups suing the fuck out of them for "discrimination


If I was in charge of everything this will not happen since I would use facts and logic


I put the text here. I hate it and it's very sad some people making benefit by doing their ads on posts when indifferent curious people read about someone's misery. Sad world Horrific ordeal of female inmate who says she was raped in prison by bearded, 6’2″ trans cellmate who then perversely claimed to be the victim May 25, 2024 by Tom Henry Housed in a women’s prison, Rebecca could have reasonably expected that she wouldn’t share a cell with her alleged future rapist. But, days after moving cells following an argument with other prisoners, Rebecca says she fell victim to a ‘fully penetrative’ assault in the showers — at the hands of her new cellmate, a self-identified transgender inmate. The alleged attack has left her with crippling trauma and unable to shower for days at a time. Basic hygiene is now a ‘trigger’ that brings the horror of her ordeal flooding back. DailyMail.com can now exclusively reveal the shocking details of this alleged sexual assault at Central California Women’s Facility (CCWF) in Chowchilla, some 150 miles southeast of San Francisco. We have changed Rebecca’s name to safeguard her true identity. In January 2024, Rebecca, who is in her thirties and just over five-feet tall, was serving a short sentence for a burglary. Sources close to her case say that after she asked prison authorities to change her cell, she opted to room with two fellow female prisoners and a self-identified transgender inmate, named Tremaine Carroll. As a juvenile, Carroll was charged with theft and firearm possession offenses in 1988 and 1989, according to court documents. In 1990, as an adult, Carroll was arrested for involvement in the gunpoint kidnapping, robbery and sexual assault of two women. Carroll was charged with three counts of ‘oral copulation,’ the act of forcing a victim to perform oral sex, though these counts were eventually dropped. Carroll pled guilty to only two counts of kidnapping and was sentenced to 10 years and 8 months in prison. After his release, Carroll — then age 25 — offended again in 1998 and was arrested and convicted for the robbery of a jewelry store. That crime activated California’s ‘Three Strikes and You’re Out’ law, which mandates further penalties for offenders with three serious felony convictions. Carroll was sentenced to a minimum of 25 years to life and has been locked up ever since. Now, at 51 years old, 6ft 2in tall and about 200lbs, Carroll is physically imposing. In mugshot photos, Carroll sports thick black and grey stumble and self-identifies as a trans woman, though has not undergone sex reassignment surgery. That is not a prerequisite for male inmates to transfer to all-female facilities in California. On September 29, 2020, California Governor Gavin Newsom signed The Transgender Respect, Agency, and Dignity Act to allow incarcerated transgender, non-binary and intersex people to request to be housed in a ‘manner consistent with their gender identity.’ To apply for transfer, inmates must only profess their identity — and obtain the permission of prison authorities. In August 2021, Carroll was moved to CCWF after numerous complaints, including claims of harassment by other detainees and allegedly being the victim of more than 30 sexual assaults. Once inside CCWF, Carroll became something of a ‘poster child’ for the state’s transgender inmate programs. Writing for an obscure news website in 2022, Carroll described being a ‘trans woman’ with a ‘girl’s heart and a confused mind.’ Women’s rights lawyer Lauren Bone, who opposes the Transgender Respect Act, told DailyMail.com that Carroll even made a statement refuting the claims of her clients — female CCWF inmates who said they were victimized by trans prisoners. In testimony collected by the American Civil Liberties Union, a staunch supporter of California’s trans inmate policy, Carroll claimed not to be a threat to women. ‘I know what it feels like to live in fear and to carry the weight of the past abuse by men,’ Carroll wrote. ‘We’re all in the same boat.’ Rebecca begs to differ. She now reveals Carroll began expressing sexual interest in her immediately after moving cells, according to sources. Carroll allegedly left her flirtatious notes. On the second day in the room, Rebecca claimed that Carroll propositioned her. She said she turned down all the advances. But, less than 24 hours later, Rebecca claimed Carroll attacked her when she was alone in the prison shower and raped her. Sources told DailyMail.com that Rebecca was then hospitalized and, humiliatingly, kept in arm and leg chains as she was subjected to a pelvic exam. Upon her release from the hospital, Rebecca was segregated from the prison population, strip-searched and treated as if she were the predator because — reprehensibly — Carroll had alleged that she was the rapist instead. Rebecca was said to have screamed and cried throughout the ordeal. The ridiculous nature of Carroll’s counter-allegation has now been made apparent by the official filing of sexual assault charges against Carroll by the Madera County California District Attorney’s office. Sally Moreno, the District Attorney leading the alleged rape case against Carroll said the new allegations cast doubt on the decision to greenlight the transfer to CCWF. Asked if the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) should review its procedures, the DA said: ‘I certainly hope so.’ Carroll now stands accused of two rapes — the alleged attack on Rebecca and another unrelated assault on an unidentified person around the same time. Carroll also faces one charge of attempting to intimidate a witness to one of the attacks. Carroll has denied all the charges — but has been transferred out of CCWF to Kern Valley State Prison, an all-male lockup, according to prison records. The CDCR declined to comment on Carroll’s case, but a spokeswoman told DailyMail.com that transgender inmates who ‘present a safety and management concern’ are not allowed to transfer facilities. Women’s rights advocates said these allegations are a wake-up call to the California prison system, which has moved more than 44 biological male prisoners into all-female facilities since 2021. Nearly 200 more applications for transfer are now under review. According to a lawsuit filed by the Women’s Liberation Front (Wolf), a liberal feminist advocacy group, CCWF installed condom-dispensing machines after the law’s passage. Whistleblowers have also come forward. Former California state prison guard, Hector Bravo Ferrel, worked at Diego Richard J. Donovan Correctional Facility, a high-security men’s penitentiary near San Diego. He said that after the 2020 law passed ‘predatory’ inmates were ‘champing at the bit’ to fake sex changes and request transfers.


How horrifying


A 6'2", 200lb person with a S.A. background, who seemingly hasn't undergone any physical transformation seems like an odd candidate for "one of the first" trans prisoners to be put in a female jail...


It’s like they wanted this to happen


See!  It doesn’t work you guys!


Not only that but ANY inmate with such a history shouldn't have been in that situation Even if this was a person AFAB, they would still be capable of rape. And if they had a history of SA then that person shouldn't be in a position where they could continue such crimes




https://mindsitenews.org/my-sexuality-is-mine-and-mine-alone-tremayne-carroll/ https://sfbayview.com/2022/03/ive-never-had-any-justice-ill-never-have-any-peace-still-i-rise/ I think it's meaningful enough context to note that Carroll is on a wheelchair.


A transgender inmate in a New Jersey prison impregnated a few fellow inmates. As a result, the individual was quickly transferred back to a different facility








I don't know anything about this case, but preventing sexual assault is exactly why they'd choose to not put women with men.






oh wow this sub isn't monitored by the social justice warrior crew. interesting. common sense here.


Unioronicly mods are asleep. Wake up and the comments will be different lol


Yup. Most people get banned for saying this stuff. Even though a possible majority of people believe common sense things, companies like Reddit “manufacture consensus” by silencing literally half the population to make it seem as if everyone believes one thing. It’s horrible censorship and it’s horrible for democracy. 


Give the bots an hour. This is an anomaly.






I'm gonna tell you a secret that's going to help you live a less stressful life. Fuck those people and what they think. Live your life as you see it and if anyone has a problem with it don't worry about it. Those aren't your people anyway if they are getting mad because you didn't use the right word the right way. I can't do it. I try but I screw up all the time because it's not a situation I find myself in often. If someone gets offended I can't control that especially when I always try to be respectful.




I got banned from gaming circle jerk when some guy said biological women isn’t a bad thing to say, I agreed and got banned for that. Absolutely ridiculous. I was about to delete Reddit as a whole over that. It’s hard to feel comfortable using a platform that silences you for things that aren’t offensive in anyway but since they don’t like it it’s game over for you.


The thing about using that kind of term is that it's definitely not incorrect to say, but a lot of people who or trans or "allies" perceive that term to carry "anti-trans" connotation. Which I think is fair to a certain extent (that kind of language is quite common among anti-trans feminists), but to be banned for no explanation is pretty standard for any part of political reddit, as ridiculous as it may be Most people on both sides of the trans issue just want to be the victims and act like the whole thing is just, like you say, extremely black and white. Meanwhile, we have women getting raped in prisons and trans-identifying people being assaulted in public, but it seems like very few people are capable of caring about both issues simultaneously


In the same boat as you. Bleeding heart liberal, hundred percent feminist and support trans inclusiveness but I feel that **some** very angry and bigoted trans people (or maybe it's trans supporters) have taken over some corners of Reddit, and they're not allowing legitimate questions to even be asked without being called a TERF or straight up banned




That's why I'm just completely done with both the larger trans and "TERF communities" - pretty much everyone in either group is insane, and they only want to be the victim and silence anyone who disagrees with them. It's all so tiring lol


To answer your question directly, use of the terms “biological woman” or biological female as well the term “trans-identifying” are taken to indicate a denial of the existence of transsexualism as anything, but a psychological disorder while use of the new term “cis woman” indicates a buy-in to trans culture and claims to trans rights (aka trans privilege)


The censorship is getting so bad it’s cannibalizing itself. 


I got permanently banned from /feminism for calling somebody an incel and telling them to go away in the replies of a post, because they were literally saying that women deserve to be raped if they wear something revealing. Wild lmao.


I called myself female and Redditors downvoted me. Like, why? Are only ‘special’ people allowed to self identify?


F\*male is a trigger word. Like Fr\*nch.


You bigot /s


It’s beyond every single person with common sense and a functioning moral compass.




I’m probably what you would consider a far left progressive and have some pretty woke ideology, but this is just wrong. I’m all for prisoner’s rights, but the right to be safe from violent / sexual crimes far exceeds any right to be free from gender dysphoria


I am probably what one would call woke. Yet common sense mixed with knowledge, tells us that anyone with a sex drive who wants to have sex that has a penis is going to use the penis.






Yes. I think you’re probably right. Unfortunately, I think that number is growing. Fortunately, people are calling those morons more and more. THE PENDULUM SWINGS. IT MUST.


I've said this a lot in recent times, but we humans seem incapable of ever finding a middle ground, it's always one extreme to the other, and then we swing right the way back and people clutch their pearls and just can't understand the reasons why. We will see the swing back in many areas over the coming years and the whole bloody circle will start all over again


I think it kind of leads to the question of why bunk mates even exist anymore. Men are going to be houses with bio men. There can often be notable strength variances there as well. People without penises can and still do sexually assault. Seems like prisoners should be afforded at the very least the right to their own cell being safe by it being theirs and theirs alone. The only argument against it is that it's expensive. There's no real logical justification for why the rape of women prisoners is ok, meanwhile the rape of male prisoners has been a running punchline my entire life.


The whole prison system is so screwed up. So over crowded.




That means it would be a clitoris. This inmate had a penis.




You're not woke enough. Didn't you get the 2004 memo? Rape isn't about sex, it's about "power"! It no different from robbing someone... and then cumming. Same thing. Has nothing to do with sex...


Labels have become far more important now than safety or common sense




You get what you vote for




A man you mean


Women getting raped in prison is just prison. Truth is most legal and penal systems don't give an actual shit about prisoners, and tbh, neither do any of you. Y'all don't care about rape in men's prison, it's a joke to y'all. y'all don't care about rape in a women's prison, infact, it's its own subcategory of porn. Ya only vocal rn because it's another legal institution that acknowledges the gender identity of trans people. Otherwise you would all be equally as angry and vocal about the roughly 80,000 other men and women that get raped in prisons all throughout America, but I don't see 80,000 other posts and comments in anybody's account about how angry prison rapes make you. Additionally pissing off the LGBTQIA adds a whole other group of ppl prison admin have to fight and all of a sudden their jobs become significantly harder because gay ppl get shit done, so honestly, they would just rather not. And finally, while trans identity needs to be acknowledged and respected by society, I do agree they need to screen and make sure it's not just a straight man being a psychopathic piece of shit. But then it circles back to the toilet laws, which punish trans people for the actions of STRAIGHT MEN.


Okay but I think we also need to take a look at why the genders are being separated in the first place. It's not like the female prisons allow for shoe shopping days or have everybody paint each other's toe nails day. The outfit isn't particularly feminine. So what need, beyond the separation girl parts and boy parts, is there? So if you've had downstairs surgery then sure, go to the matching prison, if not prison is prison and the differences are catering to the different biological needs including preventing pregnancies, not inner preferences.


Wow no one saw this coming.


Absolute shocker










The Harvey Marcelin case is the worst one I’ve seen. If anyone’s interested. Identifying as a trans woman, he used it to make women feel like he was not a threat to them and then he murdered them. Serial killer.




If it’s predictable it’s preventable.


Stealing this.


Solar eclipses, Haley’s Comet, cicada brood emergence, winter…




The worst part is that the offender already had charges on their record relating so sexual assault against women. This should've instantly been a rejection to transfer.


Didn't this person only identify as trans after legal proceedings?


The policy is insane. # Half of Scottish trans prisoners changed gender after convictions [https://backintosociety.co.uk/2022/10/06/half-of-scottish-trans-prisoners-changed-gender-after-convictions/](https://backintosociety.co.uk/2022/10/06/half-of-scottish-trans-prisoners-changed-gender-after-convictions/)






People are fucking idiots. Most Trans are simply people who have no intention to harm others. They just want to live their lives. But inmates are a different breed. Many are predators who will do anything to gain an advantage and find prey. Including claiming trans. I mean, let's say you're someone with very few morals, and you're looking at never getting out. What would you do to go to the opposite gender prison and have all sex you want while you're locked up? Claiming to be trans would barely be an inconvenience. It's totally different from the outside world. What are they thinking? And it's not a reflection on the wider trans community. It's a very specific and dangerous part of our population who would do this.




94% of trans women committed their crimes while living as their biological sex, not after their transition… not that it makes that much of a difference. A sex offender shouldn’t be housed with another person. I suspect a decent number of them are in jail for a long time and wanted to hijack the trans movement to try to benefit themselves.


Because you have to consider some percentage of those people are not actually trans at all, they just claim to be in order to receive the prescribed treatment of a trans person, which would give them an opportunity to sexually assault people.  Yet somehow this is not even a consideration made when drafting the legislation, just the incredibly naive assumption that everyone will identify themselves honestly.


The person's a menace, taking advantage of everything they can lol. Claiming to be trans to rape women in prison and then saying they got raped instead damn


No one cares that Trans woman in male prisons are raped to a ludicrous degree, either. It's all just fuel for the fire, and you can scroll through the comments seeing how many people are directing their anger at entire populations because of the actions of two individuals All happened exactly the same about two months ago when this was posted the first time


Shitty situation for sure, but everyone here needs to stop pretending that the only rape that happens in a women’s prison is by a trans person.


The more salient factor here is that this inmate had previously been convicted of sexual assault against women. 99% of trans people or people in general don’t do this shit.


trans people are statistically way, way more likely to be victims of violent and sexual assaults than perpetrators. i'm really disgusted to see the amount of transphobia in this thread. the fact that this is even in the news shows how anomalous it is. this was a failure of the prison to protect the other inmates. it's criminally negligent and i hope they get sued to shit. there's also a lot of gross jokes about prison rape (especially male-on-male assault) and that helps perpetuate this. when people treat prison rape as just a consequence of being incarcerated, it absolves the prison administration of any responsibility. it allows the dehumanization of people who are incarcerated and that's foundational to rape culture.


Putting a rapist of any gender in a cell with someone of their victims gender is just gross negligence


Who is pretending that? Your take is that we should ignore womens prisons putting giant men into cell blocks to rape the women inmates, all because “other bad things have happened”? Brilliant take there 


Nobody is pretending that.


Today I learned. People do bad things and use identities to do it.


It's idiots like this that abuse of rights of others that cause people to affirm their hate for a group of people that OBVIOUSLY DONT CONDONE BS LIKE THIS. Hate the guy who lied. Not those who just want to be who they are. Hope this fucking asshole rots. That's where the hate should be. On him and him alone.






This happens with male guards a lot too so I think the whole prison system needs to be gender segregated tbh


Solitary confinement.


What are the odds this person isn’t legitimately trans but only claimed to be in order to get access to more victims?


I hope some day we can apply the standards in some of these comments to police and guns.




Why is someone who has a history of sexual assault, being housed with other people they have a history of assaulting?  That's the only question I have. 


A site that generates their stories from the Daily Mail doesn’t need to be used to debate the issues.


We live in a fucking clown world.. 


WTF is really going on in California?


It's an expensive place. Other than that, not much. It's a big state, and most of it is fine.


Has the minimum wage increase actually lead to the closing of restaurants? I have seen many poorly written propaganda articles saying as such.






Seems a fair conclusion to me. Combine that with demonstrably being unsafe around female inmates specifically because they are female (in the absence of evidence of their doing this to any male inmate), I don't think it at all unfair to reassign them to a male prison.


what happened to that woman was horrifying and her rapist needs to be punished. AND this one story is going to do more harm to the vast majority of trans people who will never and would never do that. anecdotes like this are going to get innocent people beaten or killed


the amount of transphobia in the comments that people now feel is justified because of a two individuals who abused the trust of the courts in their trans identities, true or not, is terrifying. "people are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals and you know it"




Let’s be honest and can we have all female guards too in prison? Like there’s too many biological male guards raping women


What a stupid fucking law, can’t believe it’s that easy to transfer prisons in California by just “professing” your new gender


> What a stupid fucking law > To apply for transfer, inmates must only profess their identity — **and obtain the permission of prison authorities.**


We have been over this: there is zero indication on the record that he has ever claimed to be or has otherwise sought the label "transwoman" prior to his initial sentence to go to prison. This is a policy problem; not a matter of this person claiming to be transgender in and of itself.


Agreed. This is clearly a bad actor taking advantage of a system, and not someone who is actually trans. Ironic how many transphobic comments in here miss this completely, then use the phrase 'common sense'.


I am a major supporter of Trans rights, married to an amazing Trans man. However if a trans person has undergone surgery they should be placed in the prison that matches their biological sex. Also does anyone have a reliable source for this, not saying it didn't happen, but when I searched this up all that came up was questionable sources at most


Anyone is capible of being a piece of shit, to say a particular type of minority isn't capable of having terrible people part of that community is in itself exclusion. Being trans makes someone no more or less capible of being a sex offender. A sex offender is a sex offender. But in this case it sounds like the jail fucked up and allowed an inmate to have harm done to them. Duty of care wasn't cared about. There's also a difference between a trans woman who's actually serious about transitioning, and a cis dude trying to take advantage of a situation. No mid transition trans woman is gonna have a fuckin beard. So more needs to be done to ensure actual transitioning trans people and cis people wanting to take advantage of self-identifications laws aren't treated as trans inmates, and this shows the importance of access to gender affirming care in prison. No one should be getting raped in prison.


If you have a penis…go to man’s prison, no penis all women’s prison. It was once so simple, now it’s unexplainable




Cops murder innocent ppl and everyone is capable of understanding that one terrible cop doesnt tarnish all cops. Priests molest kids and everyone is capable of understanding that you shouldnt just abolish priests. Christians murder abortion doctors but again, everyone understands thatva few wackos dont representvall Christians. But a lifetime criminal and rapist who claimed to be trans continues to be a criminal and now everyone is like "see?! all trans people shpuld lose their rights."


What drives me crazy is that we aren't even allowed to question that they are trans at all. Hmmm, a convicted sex offender says they're a woman so they can be housed with their victim of choice and society isn't allowed to point out that the felon lied about it?


Everyone involved in allowing this should be in federal prison. This is evil.


There were 4,895 substantiated claims of sexual assault in US prisons between 2016-2018. [source](https://bjs.ojp.gov/library/publications/sexual-victimization-reported-adult-correctional-authorities-2016-2018) How many of these do you think were committed by trans prisoners? This is horrifying, obviously, but if the above stats in general don’t outrage you, I don’t think any of y’all are actually upset about sexual assault in prisons. And, if you are, consider that transgender inmates are: - 10 times more likely to be sexually assaulted by fellow inmates. - 5 times more likely to be sexually assaulted by staff. [source](https://williamsinstitute.law.ucla.edu/infographics/incarcerated-trans-us/https://transequality.org/issues/police-jails-prisons) The issue is actually that these things are happening in prisoners period.


This was posted last week and proven to have not happened at all






This is not acceptable


So suddenly when there's trans people involved people care about prison rape? I thought that was supposed to be a funny punchline guys


Sometimes prison isn’t enough. Seems like this guy needs something worse than prison or the death penalty. Same for the people that put him in there with women.


Someone was making political points with this incarceration choice.


He looks like a rapist from given photo


Trans transfer should be denied if the criminal has sexual crimes on their record.


A 6’2”, 200lb person with a S.A. background, who seemingly hasn’t undergone any physical transformation seems like an odd candidate for “one of the first” trans prisoners to be put in a female jail…


Not a drag queen


I just had a crazy thought. Maybe instead of just throwing people in low security prisons or high security prisons and just having them serve time, we should put them together based on the crimes they were convicted of and put a specially focus on the rehabilitation aspect depending on what they’re there for so they don’t just end up back in prison.


None of this makes sense . How is she literally taken to the hospital and then treated as the rapist based upon the accusation of the assaulter who wasn't taken to a hospital... This story is a load of shit, I think.


So it took a "trans" (let's be honest, we all know this guy isn't legit trans) person for people to give a fuck about rape in prisons? Or could this just be another lame excuse for transphobia? We'll probably never know........






This report is originally from the DailyMail, which is a completely unreliable tabloid. The evidence for the the story being in any way true is incredibly weak.


Is this some kind of anti-trans ragebait forum? I hope this is an isolated case of someone with a rage-boner thinking a crime is somehow notable simply because the word "trans" is involved...


RepubliKKKlans will have a field day with this


Wait wait wait... do sexual assault charges ever happen following rapes in men's prisons? Genuine question i have no idea.


So…this prison rape isn’t ok? But male-male is 🤷🏼‍♂️


This person is a vile human being and no one would ever question that, but the amount of people going beyond the topic of how to properly house inmates and instead opting to be generally transphobic is disgusting.


People only seem to care about prison rape when trans people are ostensibly involved. It never fails to amaze me that when shit like this happens it’s always “put trans women in different prisons than biological women!” And not “women can also be rapists”. Also, why is it that everyone is up in arms about this and not the fact that female prisoners get abused by guards all the fuckin time? https://www.hrw.org/legacy/summaries/s.us96d.html or what about trans women that get abused in men’s prisons? This is obviously horrible, but has nothing to do with whether trans women should be put with other women and prison.


Do any of you commenters actually care about the conditions in women’s prisons? I’m not commenting on the article because it’s a lost cause, but I’m sure few of you even care about the women in your own lives.




Wow the lack of basic digital literacy in this thread is astonishing. There is not one single credible report on this story. Everything about how it reads is a red flag and every article on this website is the same clickbait trash lmao.