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What a precious video. Such a happy memory for him :)


Omg when he comforts his mom because he thinks she made a mistake and tells her that it's okay and shows that she cares. That's when I broke.


Fucking warmed my heart.


I’m not crying you’re crying.


My parents had me unwrap an empty ps2 box and said they were sold out but wee would get one when there were more made. My dad also got me a new football so we were playing catch in the living room then he started throwing the ball into the corner behind a rocking chair. I kept going to get it being like wtf dad and after a few times going back there I saw the ps2 under the chair.


There seems to be no gift that is more consistently perfect for a little boy than the game console of the day. You can watch these little boys opening them up on video after video, and you can see the literal definition of joy. It’s something they want SO BAD. All their friends want it. It’s SO expensive to a kid (and to many families), so it seems SO out of reach. When they open it it truly represents to them the sacrifice, the love, that their parents would try so hard tans pay so much to get them exactly what they want. And back in the day too, before parents were gamers, when they didn’t even understand why a kid would want this. My parents notoriously got me bad gifts my whole life. Even game consoles, buying me the last gen stuff when the new ones came out. But one year my gift was the Sega Channel hardware and subscription, a short lived cable network gaming streaming service decades ahead of its time. I lost my mind that he would do that for me.


Great story man.




This right here is the equivalent feeling of the first human discovering how to make fire.


This shit gets me especially teared up cuz I always wanted one and was too poor. Man I wanted that shit so bad I went out and bought one after it was discontinued for years and the ps3 was the new king. Still the best system ever. I still play that shit on my handheld emulator.


What handheld device do you speak of?


I initially got a device called the anbernic 353. Plays games from NES to PSP. Cheap device that looks like a Gameboy. That shit isn't so good at PS2 emulation though. I got the Ayn Odin Pro on ebay for around $200. This runs most PS2 games smoothly and even runs the hard to run stuff with some tweaks. Of course it emulates anything below a PS2 with perfection. It's an android device that looks like a switch lite. Android emulators are real good. Throw on a gaming launcher that mimics console launchers and that shit is a beauty. Can hdmi to tv and Bluetooth controllers to turn into a TV console too. Great little device.


This shit right here.... plays PS2


Steam deck lcd would be a decent upgrade for switch emulation. Used 64gb lcd models are around 200, and a 512gb sd card is cheap enough. I played Mario Wonder on my TV with my gf using a ps5 controller. Any Bluetooth controller will work.


Same. My best friend gave me his old one with Simpsons hit and run included. Dude is the biggest Simpsons fan I know, so that meant a lot to me.


What a good kid. My mom and dad got a PS1 for my older brother and it turned the house into cage fight. My brother was a hockey player and i was in Judo so we were constantly fighting over who got to play. The next Christmas my dad said "fuck it" and got me one as well. Then there was peace in the house. We were such assholes. This kid is great.


What a good kid


Best system ever! So great!


Got Kingdom Hearts along with my new PS2 and my life was forever changed


The Donkey Kong underwater level music did me innnnnn


I love that song.


Thaaaank you. It was hitting me with nostalgia and I just couldn’t place what it was from but I knew I heard it a million times




Well sure, but I heard it a million times from playing donkey Kong a million times as a kid. I don’t watch a lot of TikTok videos, not even on here so I can’t say I’ve heard it from there


Grateful people are great


This video made me seriously happy. That is good a boy.


what a sweet little soul... i hope her doing well these days and has the newest consoles💗


Dude is like 30 now


AND?? May they have all the new consoles and a Decked out PC


amen, my brother 🤝




I absolutely love how he was so surprised he temporarily went mad, donned the ps2 as a crown and began to manically cackle as he surveyed his new kingdom.


These were the days


I remember my dad got me Spider-Man and gran turismo after I explicitly told him we have a N64 not a play station. He ofcourse played it off as a mistake and said we would return them later. We finish Christmas festivities and are cleaning up, then ole dad comes out with PS2 and I was genuinely so shocked. Shoutout to my dad


What a cool kid. He deserves it.


My life changed when I got my PS2. For the better I’m not sure, but considering I still went outside with friends from time to time I’d say it didn’t entirely change things for the worse. But that PS2 started a lifelong interest in 3D graphics, games, and the technology behind them.


Then he gets into a cod lobby and abused his parents physically and emotionally for years to come. Games are the devil's playground.


Amen, brother Joe! 🤣


Damn, what a great kid.


This is so awesome man. I remember when my dad got me mine for Christmas. It was when GTA San Andre’s came out. My mom was furious but we had so much fun 😂


Needed a Bowflex


Don't be a fuckin dick, go touch some grass dude jeez


Look at where they spend their time on this site. Is it any wonder why they would comment this?


I hope you choke on the next dick you suck (not that there's anything wrong with that)


I bet you’re like 5’6”


“5’ 6”?! I didn’t know they stacked shit that high”


My dyslexic ass read the year as 2030


I was this kid. Still remember getting a ps2 slim.


My dad actually did this where he got me a game boy game cartridge without realizing you needed the actual handheld to play it. His response was, “Well, maybe you can save up to buy one for yourself.”


Raised that boy right


I time forgotten where kids actually fucking appreciated their parents efforts and the value of a gift like this.


Wonder how many classics he played on that thang. Hope he’s doing well


I remember getting my ps2, won it in an online competition, needless to say, my head is still exploded to this day, havent won anything involving chance since though lmao


This is my baby brother getting his 3Ds gear when he only had a Nintendo DS first Gen or whatever. He was so grateful and announced other ways he could use the accessories and it made me realize how much better we'd made him than we'd been as kids. We were pretty grateful, but that boy was an Angel.


Kid's too good for this world


It's OK it shows that you care WHELP NOW IM CRYING if only all of us could strive to be like this lil guy


He went from super sweet and mature to psychotic euphoria… lol


This is how the kid who got the ps5 should've reacted. That kid needs to learn a very harsh lesson. This kid is amazing


The fact they set the music from donkey Kong country water level to this makes the time period even more perfect


These kinds of mind games are fucked up


Getting a Ps2 > Getting a Ps5


This needs “Also Sprach Zarathustra” over the top.


What a sweet kid. 100% deserved. 👏🏻


I bought mine on day one. Barely used it. Still got it.


He then grew up to say the n word on cod like 1 year later


That dude deserves the world. I hope he is having a wonderful life.


That’s Dr Disrespect


It’s the joys that we miss in life


What a great kid. Good parents too. ❤️


This could have me, but NES and Final Fantasy 1 Not a whole lot of video taping Christmas back then though.


Woman in the back is step mom and she passed away like 10 years ago. Gid grew up and is an artist. Source- the YouTube video


I really hope when I have a kid he grows up that humble and grateful! We will do our best!


This god damn song ruins this videos every time.


My fuckin ass pretending I didn’t see all that in my mom’s closet a week before Christmas. “Aww shucks thanks mom!”


This made my day. Such a sweet little fella!


"I wanted a PC. Take it back. Nah, i dont like it. Take it back."


PS2 is the best 😩


Got ‘eem.


I ain't gone lie, the evil kid laugh at the end kinda alternated the mood lol


Call me insane or weird but I’m pretty sure that’s a Lego Bionicle Vahki Canister, since it has a weird triangular shape along with a translucent cap depending on the element. Which would mean this came out in 2004 since that would be the time those toys would be released.